Simulation of rate dependent plasticity for polymers with asymmetric effects

Simulation of rate dependent plasticity for polymers with asymmetric effects
Simulation of rate dependent plasticity for polymers with asymmetric effects

Simulation of rate dependent plasticity for polymers

with asymmetric e?ects

A.Shaban a ,R.Mahnken

a,*,L.Wilke b ,H.Potente b ,H.Ridder c a University of Paderborn,Chair of Engineering Mechanics,Warburger Str.100,D-33098Paderborn,Germany

b University of Paderborn,Institute of Plastics,Warburger Str.100,D-33098Paderborn,Germany

c 3Pi Consulting &Management GmbH,Technologiepark 20,D-33100Paderborn,Germany

Received 26October 2006;received in revised form 29December 2006

Available online 14February 2007


Polycarbonate is an amorphous polymer which exhibits a pronounced strength-di?erential e?ect between compression and tension.Also strain rate and temperature in?uence the mechanical response of the polycarbonate.The concept of stress mode dependent weighting functions is used in the proposed model to simulate the asymmetric e?ects for di?erent loading speeds.In this concept,an additive decomposition of the ?ow rule is assumed into a sum of weighted stress mode related quantities.The characterization of the stress modes is obtained in the octahedral plane of the deviatoric stress space in terms of the mode angle,such that stress mode dependent scalar weighting functions can be constructed.The resulting evolution equations are updated using a backward Euler scheme and the algorithmic tangent operator is derived for the ?nite element equilibrium iteration.The numerical implementation of the resulting set of constitutive equations is used in a ?nite element program for parameter identi?cation.The proposed model is veri?ed by showing a good agreement with the experimental data.After that the model is used to simulate the laser transmission welding process.

ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.

Keywords:Rate dependent plasticity;Asymmetric e?ects;Polymers;Numerical integration;Finite elements


Glassy polymers are the main components in many industrial and commercial products such as eye glasses,automotive lighting and bus windows.Many of these products are done by warm mechanical processes such as laser transmission welding,blow moulding,extrusion,drawing and calendering.Over the past few years,laser transmission welding of thermoplastics has become established as a new joining technique in plastics technology.In order to simulate such process,a three dimensional constitutive model should be constructed taking into account the e?ect of strain rates and temperatures.

0020-7683/$-see front matter ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2007.02.017

*Corresponding author.Tel.:+495251602283;fax:+495251603483.

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International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(2007)


A.Shaban et al./International Journal of Solids and Structures44(2007)6148–61626149

The model development is very often based on one type of experiment such as the tension test in which the related normal stress versus normal strain relation is assumed to be identical in magnitude as in the compression test.Furthermore,the same tension test is used to derive a shear stress versus shear strain curve.

However,extended experimental tests for various materials exhibit di?erent behaviours for di?erent load-ing types such as tension,compression and shear.An example is given Spitzig et al.(1975)for a mar-tensitic steel.For polycarbonate the yield stress in compression is greater than that in tension as observed e.g in Spitzig and Richmond(1979),see also Section2of this paper.This observation is labelled strength-di?er-ence e?ect(SD-e?ect).Further examples,which show the di?erent response in tension and compression and the independent response of a shear test are presented in Altenbach et al.(1995)for di?erent metallic,polymer and glass?bre-reinforced composite and geomaterials.

Subsequently the above phenomena will be denoted as asymmetric e?ects.They are characterized by the observation,that a certain type of experiment,such as a tension test,is not su?cient in order to characterize the material for di?erent loading scenarios.Instead,additional independent types of experiments,such as com-pression,shear and hydrostatic tests,are necessary in order to get a more comprehensive(though in general still not complete)characterization of the material.It should be emphasized,that the asymmetric e?ects exam-ined in this paper are restricted to isotropic materials,and therefore carefully have to be distinguished from the e?ects of initial(material)anisotropy and induced anisotropy(such as a Bauschinger e?ect or damaged induced anisotropy).

Several publications can be found in the literature for simulation of inelastic material behaviour with asym-metric e?ects.Most of these approaches are based on a stress potential dependent on the stress tensor and further state variables,which describe e.g.the state of hardening,softening or damage,respectively.Typically, dependent on the symmetry of the considered material(e.g.isotropy,cubic,transversal symmetry)polynomial invariants of the stress tensor are incorporated into the potential.Along this line constitutive equations within the?eld of plasticity have been formulated Spitzig et al.(1975),Altenbach et al.(1995),Mahnken (2001),Zolochevskii(1989)amongst others.Approaches for asymmetric e?ects in creep are suggested in Altenbach et al.(1995),Betten et al.(1998),Voyiadjis and Zolochevsky(1998),Voyiadjis and Zolochevsky (2000),Zolochevsky(1991)amongst others.

In this work the concept of stress mode dependent weighting functions introduced in Mahnken(2003)for creep simulation is incorporated into the framework of elasto-viscoplasticity.To this end a scalar variable, which is expressed in terms of the ratio of the second and third basic invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor, is used as an indicator for detection of di?erences in the loading mode.This quantity,the Lode angle or stress mode angle,has been applied Zolochevskii(1990),Ehlers(1995),Mahnken(2001)and Mahnken(2003). Furthermore,as a key idea an additive decomposition of the inelastic strain rate is assumed,where each of the related quantities incorporates weighting functions dependent on the stress mode angle.The advantage of this approach is,that certain(though not all)material parameters,such as the Norton-type constants,can be obtained individually from speci?c loading modes such as tension,compression and shear,investigated exper-imentally in the laboratory.

A speci?c prototype model of the constitutive equations is shown,and we brie?y address the numerical implementation of the constitutive equations into the UMAT subroutine of the commercial?nite element pro-gram(ABAQUS-Version6.5,2004).

The structure of the paper is as follows:Section2presents the experimental work done on a polycar-bonate specimens.Section3summarizes the general framework for stress mode dependent elasto-visco-plasticity,and a speci?c prototype model is proposed in Section4.Aspects of the numerical implementation into?nite element programs are brie?y described in Section5.In Section6the unknown parameters of the model are identi?ed.After that a simulation of the laser transmission welding is done in Section7.


Square brackets[?]are used throughout the paper to denote‘function of’in order to distinguish from math-ematical groupings with parenthesis(?).

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2.Experimental work

Experiments were performed on tensile bars produced from General Electric polycarbonate Lexan104R. Uniaxial tensile experiments were performed on a Zwick Roell servo-hydraulic tensile tester,equipped with an extensometer.For uniaxial compression test,samples(6·6·10mm3)were machined from plates (85·30·10mm3).The compression tests were performed using the same servo-hydraulic system.The spec-imens were compressed between two parallel,?at steel plates.Both tensile and compression tests are done under true strain control,at di?erent strain rates and temperatures.Each experiment used a new sample.

Fig.1presents the results of both,the uniaxial tensile and compression true stress–true strain curves of polycarbonate at two di?erent strain rates(8.3·10à3and8.3·10à2sà1)and at three di?erent temperatures (23,70and120°C).The results are shown for strains less than8%.Concerning the stress–strain behaviour,the mechanical response at the low strain rates is:?rst an initial elastic response followed by yielding after which a plastic instability occurs,see e.g.Haward and Young(1997).

There are some observations which could be noticed in Fig.1.The?rst observation is that the yield stress increases with increasing the strain rate.A similar increase of the yield stress is observed at lower tempera-tures.The second observation is that the yield stress in compression is higher than that in tension for the same strain rate and temperature.Increasing the strain rate,decreasing the temperature or applying a compression to the specimen gives the molecular chains less room in which to move which reduces the mobility of the poly-mer chains by making the chains sti?er,see e.g.Richeton et al.(2006).That means,the material needs extra energy to yield so the yield stress will be increased.

3.Framework for stress mode dependent elasto-viscoplasticity


The constitutive equations in this work are formulated within a geometrically linear theory for small strains.Thus the standard additive decomposition of the second order total strain tensor e is assumed,i.e.

e?e elte ine1Twhere e el and e in are the elastic and inelastic second order strain tensor,respectively.

3.2.Dissipation inequality

Thermodynamic formulations for isothermal processes are based on the principle of positive dissipation D per unit reference volume

D ?P à_W P 0e2T

which ensures,that the stress power P is not less than the rate of the stored energy _W

.The stress-power P is given as a dual-pairing P ?r :_e in terms of the stress tensor r and the rate of the strain tensor _e .Let us assume the functional relationship W =W [e el ,q ]for the Helmholtz free energy,where e el is the elastic

strain tensor of Eq.(1),and q assembles the strain-like internal variables.Upon using the additive decompo-sition Eq.(1)the inequality (2)results into

D ?r ào W o e el :_e to W o e el :_e in ào W o q H _q P 0:e3T

Here the symbol (w )denotes the appropriate inner product of conjugate inner variables.On de?ning relations for the stress tensor r and the stress like internal variable Q as

1:r ?o W o e el 2:Q ?o W p

o q e4T

and employing the standard argument (see Trusdell and Noll,1960),that the above relation holds for all pro-cesses e ,the dissipation inequality (3)reduces to

D red ?r :_e

in àQ H _q P 0:e5T3.3.Flow rule for asymmetric elasto-viscoplasticity

Many publications have been devoted to the issue of formulating appropriate evolution equations.An extensive overview on di?erent concepts,such as the creep potential theory and the tensor function theory,has been published by Betten (2001).In the following exposition a stress mode related approach according to the following structure is proposed

1:Flow rule _e in ?X

S i ?1w i _F

i d i 2:Flow factor associated to each mode _F

i ?_F i ?r ;q ;T ...;j ;i ?1;...;S 3:Flow direction d i ?d i ?r ;q ;...;j ;i ?1;...;S

4:Evolution of internal variables _q

?_q ?r ;q ;T ...;j 5:Weighting functions w i ?w i ?r ;i ?1;...;S :

e6TEq.(6.1)represents the additive decomposition of the inelastic strain rate tensor into S stress mode related quantities.Each of them incorporates a scalar ?ow factor _F

i and a tensorial ?ow direction d i ,both are depen-dent on the stress tensor r ,a set of structural (internal)variables q and also a vector of material parameters j .Both _F

i and _q are dependent on the temperature T .Furthermore,in the above skeleton structure (6.5)a weighting function w i is associated to each mode i ,which is dependent on the stress tensor r .For the whole set of S weighting functions it is stipulated that

A.Shaban et al./International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(2007)6148–61626151




w i?r ?1

2:w i?r j ?d ij:


Here the stress tensors r i,i=1,2,...,S refer to independent characteristic stress modes,which can be inves-tigated experimentally for example in tension,compression and shear,respectively.Furthermore we remark, that Eqs.(7.1)and(7.2)constitute a completeness condition and a normalization condition,respectively.For the two cases of

1.tension,compression and torsion(S=3)

2.tension and compression(S=2)

speci?c mathematical structures for weighting functions have been introduced in Mahnken(2003)which are also recalled in Appendix A of this work.

The above Eqs.(6)are regarded as very general,thus including also anisotropic material behaviour.In par-ticular these can be viewed as an extension of the framework based on elastic projection operators,see e.g. Mahnken(2002)and references therein.However,in the sequel of this work we restrict ourselves to isotropic materials.

4.Modelling of stress mode dependent elasto-viscoplasticity

4.1.Prototype model

Upon applying the framework for stress mode dependent elasto-viscoplasticity the purpose of this section is the formulation of speci?c constitutive equations capable to simulate asymmetric e?ects in elasto-viscoplastic-ity with isotropic hardening within a geometrically linear theory,and,furthermore,to satisfy thermodynamic restrictions.

The complete set of equations is summarized in Table1:Eq.(III)speci?es the free energy function W.The decoupled form for the elastic part W el is based on the additive split of the elastic strain tensor e el,where B and G denote the bulk and shear modulus,respectively taking into account that G=G(E,m),where E is Young’s modulus and m is Poisson’s ratio.The quantity e v is a strain-like internal variable.Eqs.(4.1)and(4.2)render the stress tensor r and a vector of stress like internal variables Q=R as summarized in Eq.(IV).For simplic-ity one isotropic scalar variable R is introduced,which is related to all stress modes.Here,also the fourth order projection tensor I dev?Iàe1=3T1 1is de?ned,where I and1are fourth order and second order unit tensors,respectively.

A yield function U is chosen according to Eq.(V),where r v and Y0are von Mises stress and the yield stress respectively.The scalar variable R introduced in Eq.(IV)represents a mixed nonlinear and linear isotropic hardening.The von Mises stress r v is de?ned in Eq.(VII.2),where J2is the second basic invariant of the devi-atoric stress tensor r dev introduced in the appendix(Eq.(A.1.3)).

The evolution of the inelastic strain tensor_e in is given in Eq.(VI),where the?ow direction d is assumed to be identical for all stress modes as presented in Eq.(VII.1).This is done in order to reduce the resulting number of the material parameters.Therefore the generality of Eqs.(6)is not fully exploited.

The?ow factor_F t is assumed in Eq.(VI.2)to be dependent on the di?erent stress modes,where the?ow factor associated to each mode_F i is given in Eq.(VIII.1).The constants A i and m i are material parameters associated to the i th mode,thus yielding a Norton–Bailey structure for each?ow parameter_F i.This relation is motivated by a linear‘‘log(r)vs.loge_eT’’relation in the secondary creep phase,see e.g.Poirier(1985).

The e?ect of the temperature is introduced in the exponential termeexpeàD U

g TTin Eq.(VIII.1),where T is

the temperature,D U is the activation energy and R g is the universal gas constant.

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Following Eqs.(6.1)and (6.4)the evolution of a strain like internal variable q =e v is obtained in Eq.(IX).Furthermore we note that the evolution of the equivalent inelastic strain _e v is equal to that of the ?ow factor _F

t .All material constants of the prototype model characterizing the inelastic behaviour of the model are sum-marized in Eq.(X).These material constants have to be calibrated on the basis of experimental data and they are restricted to lower and upper bounds a k ,b k ,respectively.These constraints then de?ne the feasible domain K ,such that

j 2K &IR n p ;K :?j :a k 6j k 6b k ;k ?1;...;n p èée8Twhere n p =dim[j ]denotes the number of material parameters for our speci?c model.We also remark,that the constant r 0in Eq.(VIII)has the interpretation of a normalization variable,and thus is not regarded as an independent parameter.

4.2.Thermodynamic consistency

According to the second law of thermodynamics the dissipation inequality (5)must be satis?ed for the evo-lution equations.Upon using the evolution equations (VI.1)and (IX)in Table 1,the completeness condition (7.2)and the de?nition (VII.2)we obtain

Table 1

Constitutive relations for stress mode dependent elasto-viscoplasticity.The weighting functions w i are speci?ed in the appendix (Eq.(A.5)and (A.6))

I.Kinematic decomposition

e =e el +e in

II.Strain like internal variable

q =e v

III.Free Energy function

1.W =W el [e el ]+W p [e v ],where 2:W el ?W vol ?e el tW iso ?e el ?12B tr e el àáàá2tG tr e el àá2 3:W p ?q e v t1b exp àbe v eTàáàq b t12He 2v

IV.Stress tensor and stress like internal variable

1:r ?d W el d e el

?2G e el dev tB tr ee el T1?C :e el ;where C ?2G I dev tB 1 12:R ?d W p

d e v ?q 1àexp àbe v eTeTtHe v V.Yield function

U =r v àY 0àR

VI.Inelastic strain evolution 1:_e in ?_F t d ;where 2:_F t ?P S i ?1w i _F i

VII.Flow direction

1:d ?32r v r dev ;

where 2:r 2v ?32r dev

:r dev ?3J 2VIII.Flow factor associated to each mode 1:_F i ?A i exp àD U R g T h U i r 0 m i ;where 2:h U i ?U ;if U >00;if U 60

&IX.Equivalent inelastic strain _e v 2?23_e in :_e in ?_F 2t

X.Material parameters

j =[B ,G ,A i ,m i ,{i =1,...,S },Y 0,q ,b ,H ,D U ]T

A.Shaban et al./International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(2007)6148–61626153

D?r:_e inàQ H_q ?r:_e inàR_e v ?r:_F t dàR_e v ?_e v r:dàR


?_e v r:


2r v

r devàR



i?1w i A i expà


R g T

h r


àY0àR i


m i

r vàR


5.Numerical implementation

This section is concerned with numerical integration of the rate-equation for e in in Table1.Following stan-dard integration procedures in?nite element techniques a strain-driven algorithm is considered,where the total strain tensor n+1e and initial values n e in at each time step n+1t are given.Then it is the object to?nd the cor-responding quantities n+1e in at time n+1t consistent with the constitutive equations of the previous sections.In order to alleviate the notation,the index n+1,referring to the actual time step,will be omitted subsequently.

5.1.Integration scheme

For numerical integration of the rate-equation for e in summarized in Table1an Euler backward rule,which is unconditionally stable,renders the following update scheme

e in?n e intD e in:e9THere the increments o

f inelastic strain are obtained from

1:D e in?D F t d

2:D F t?



D F i w i

3:D F i?D tA i expàD U R g T

h U i


m i

3:w i?w i?n esee Eqs:eA:7TandeA:8TT


v ?



r dev:r dev?3J2



2r v

r dev

6:R?q1àexpàbe v


eTtHe v

7:e v?n e vtD e v

8:D e v?D F t


and where D t=n+1tàn t denotes the time increment.Upon combining Eqs.(9),(10.1)and(10.6)with Eqs.(I) and(IV.1)of Table1the deviatoric part of the stress tensor is obtained from the relations

1:r dev?r tr

dev à

3G D F t

r v

r dev;where

2:r tr

dev ?2Gee devàn e inT


and where r tr

dev is typically referred to as the trial stress tensor,see e.g.Simo and Hughes(1998)and references

therein.The above representation(11.1)shows,that r dev and r tr

dev are coaxial,and this induces the relation

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r dev r v ?r tr dev r tr v )r dev ?r v r tr v

r tr dev e12a ;b Twhere analogously to Eq.(10.5)er tr v T2?e3=2Tr tr dev :r tr dev has been de?ned.

Upon inserting the relation (12.b)into Eq.(A.1.2),the stress mode factor n can be expressed explicitly in terms of the trial stress tensor as 1:n ??????27p 2J tr 3eJ tr 2T3=2;where 2:J tr i ?1i

1:er tr dev Ti ;i ?2;3:e13TThus it remains to determine D e v iteratively as described in the following subsection.

5.2.Local iteration and algorithmic tangent modulus

The unknown D e v appearing in Eqs.(10)is obtained from a nonlinear equation as follows:Upon combining Eqs.(11.1)and (12.b)the following nonlinear problem is formulated

r ?X

S i ?1D F i w i àD e v ?0:e14T

This problem can be solved iteratively with a Newton method

D e ek t1Tv ?D e ek Tv àJ ek Tàáà1r ek T;where J ek T?o r o D e v j D e ek Tv ;k ?0;1;2;...e15a ;b T

where r is the residual,k is the iteration number.The expressions for the elements of the Jacobian J are ob-tained as partial derivative from the residual similar to the approach in Mahnken (2003)and therefore we will not elaborate on more details at this stage.Having solved the above local problem (14),the relations (9),(10.8)are used for update of the history variables,and ?nally the deviatoric stresses are obtained from Eq.(12.b).

The algorithmic tangent modulus necessary for applying a Newton method for iterative solution of the glo-bal equilibrium problem requires the derivative of the stress tensor r with respect to the total strain tensor e ,i.e.C T ?d r =d e ,see e.g.Simo and Hughes (1998)and references therein.Straightforward di?erentiation ren-ders the following result

C T ?B 1 1t2G 1à3G

D e v r tr v I dev te3G T2er tr v

TD e v r tr dev r tr dev à3G r tr v r tr dev d D e v d e :e16TThe quantity d D e v /d e is obtained as follows:we consider the local problem (14)as an implicit function and conclude

r ?e ;D e v ?e ?0!d r d e ?o r o e to r o D e v d D e v d e ?0!d D e v d e ?àJ à1

o r o e e17a ;b ;c T

where J is the Jacobian de?ned in Eq.(15b).The expressions for o r /o e are obtained as partial derivative from the residual similar to the approach in Mahnken (2003)and are not elaborated in more details at this stage.

We close this section with the remark,that the local iteration procedure and the algorithmic tangent mod-ulus can easily be implemented into the UMAT subroutine of the ?nite element program ABAQUS.

6.Parameter identi?cation

For parameter identi?cation based on experimental testing a least-squares functional is considered as an identi?cation criterion in order to minimize the distance of the simulated data to the experimental data.A gen-eral framework and technical details for the minimization of the least-squares functional is presented else-where,see e.g.Mahnken et al.(1998)and Mahnken (2004)for more details which shall not be considered here.A.Shaban et al./International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(2007)6148–61626155

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Material parameters for polycarbonate corresponding to tension and compression modes

E(MPa)m(–)Y0(MPa)r0(MPa)b(–)q(MPa)H(MPa) 1831.9260.38 5.71810.0236.29721.68943.636

A1(–)m1(–)A2(–)m2(–)R g(J/mol K)D U(J/mol)


This section intends to simulate the experimental results presented in Section2for a polycarbonate to iden-tify the optimized parameters of the proposed model.The simulation is performed with the constitutive equa-tions of Table1,where S=2has been chosen for the number of modes,thus referring to the two types of experiments in tension and compression,respectively.

The comparison between the experimental and numerical results shown in Fig.2illustrates the capability of the proposed model to simulate the di?erent characteristic behaviours for both stress modes with a very sat-isfying agreement.

The?nal results of the optimization process for all material parameters of Table1are summarized in Table 2.It becomes apparent,that both stress modes require an individual set of Norton parameters(A i,m i),i=1,2 thus re?ecting also here the asymmetric nature of the material.

7.Simulation of laser transmission welding

7.1.Principle of laser transmission welding

The laser transmission welding(LTW)of thermoplastics is a new joining technique in plastics technology, which selectively exploits certain advantages over conventional methods.In the LTW,a laser-transparent and a laser-absorbent semi-?nished product are joined together,thus ensuring that the adherends come into con-tact with each other(see Fig.3).

The laser beam passes through the transparent part virtually unimpeded and is converted into heat as it is absorbed by the absorbent semi-?nished product.The adherend that is transparent to the laser beam heats up through thermal conduction,therefore the adherends weld together.A characteristic feature of the LTW is that the heating and joining phases take place simultaneously.There are many types of the LTW process.Mention should be made here for contour welding,simultaneous welding,quasi-simultaneous welding and mask welding.In contour welding,the laser beam is moved along the weld with relatively slow speeds (v =0.1–500mm/s).The weld is only heated up on a partial basis,i.e.only part of the weld is melted,and there is no melting displacement.The reader is referred to Potente and Fiegler (2004)for a detailed description of the LTW process.

The physical properties of the amorphous polymers vary with temperature and strain rate as mentioned before but there is a very abrupt change in behaviour at a critical temperature known as the glass transition temperature T g (see Kinloch and Young,1983).For example,when a polymer is cooled from the melt through the T g there is an abrupt change in Young’s modulus E [T ].The polymer changes from being a rubbery liquid to a rigid glass.Young’s modulus will be assumed to be a function of the temperature as given in the following equation

E ?T ?1831:926MPa

if T 6140 C à183:56?T t27536:0if 140 C 150 C :

8><>:e18THere the transition region is assumed to be between 140°C and 150°C for the polycarbonate.The value of E at a temperature lower or equal to 140°C is taken from the results of the parameter identi?cation while the value of E at a temperature greater than 150°C is assumed to have a value of 2.0MPa.The E distribution within the transition region is assumed to be linear as given in Eq.(18).The viscoplastic behaviour of the poly-mer above the glass transition temperature will be an aspect of the future work.

7.2.Modelling of laser transmission welding

A simulation of the contour LTW is performed with the ?nite element program ABAQUS.The reduced two dimensional ?nite element model of the LTW,shown in Fig.4,was chosen for symmertric reasons to reduce the calculation time as well as the storage capacity.

The transparent part is shown in the left of Fig.4while the absorbant part is shown in the right.The joining surface coincides with the vertical centerline.The total length of the two parts is 12mm while the width

is Fig.3.Principle of the laser transmission welding.

A.Shaban et al./International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(2007)6148–61626157

1.35mm.A coupled thermo-mechanical analysis is done,therefore the coupled temperature-displacement strain element (ABAQUS type CPE8RT)is chosen.This means that the shown mesh of the LTW consists of 8-node biquadratic displacemnt,bilinear temperature,reduced integration with linear pressure elements.The mesh has 105·17elements which means that the number of elements is 1785and the number of nodes is 5600.The constitutive equations of Table 1have been implemented into UMAT subroutine with the opti-mized parameters of Table 2for the polycarbonate material.ABAQUS provides the opportunity to de?ne the material properties in dependence of the temperature.Therefore,the thermodynamic parameters of state such as the density,the speci?c heat capacity as well as the heat conductivity was implemented as temperature dependent properties for the expected temperature range.

The lower surface is chosen as a symmetry boundary about the x -axis while the left and the right surfaces are constrained in the x -direction.The thermal e?ects of the convection and radiation in the upper surface are taken into account.The laser power is treated as a body heat ?ux with a Gaussian distribution for its intensity.The scanning velocity of the laser beam is 30mm/s.

7.3.Results and discussion

Fig.5shows the temperature pro?le within 2.0s at three di?erent positions on the horizontal centerline.It could be seen that the temperature increases continuously until it reaches its maximum value then it


Fig.5.Temperature distribution versus time at three di?erent positions on the horizontal centerline.x


transparent part absorbent part

12mm 6158

A.Shaban et al./International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(2007)6148–6162

with time.In other words,the heating phase lasts about 0.3s after which the cooling phase starts and contin-ues.It is observed that the maximum temperature is found at a distance of 0.15mm from the vertical center-line which means that the maximum temperature is not located in the joining area but in the absorbing adherend behind (see Potente and Fiegler,2004).

Fig.6shows the stress distribution in x -direction within 2.0s at a position of x =0.15mm in two di?erent locations,at the horizontal centerline and at the upper surface.At the horizontal centerline,the stress increases as a compression up to 0.2s at which the temperature reaches its glass transition value T g .At that time the stress changes abruptly and reaches a zero value.The stress continues to be zero within the period in which the temperature is higher than the T g .At a time of 1.0s at which the temperature is lower than its T g ,the stress starts to increase again as a compression then it relaxes with time.It is observed in Fig.6that there are some di?erences between the stress distribution at the upper surface and at the horizontal centerline.Firstly,the stress is tension at the upper surface and secondly the stress starts to relax at about 1.0s.The sim-ulated results of the LTW shall be veri?ed with respect to experiments whenever it is possible.

8.Summary and conclusions

In this contribution a constitutive framework has been presented,which enables to simulate the elasto-viscoplastic deformation of polymers at di?erent temperatures with characteristic behaviour dependent on the loading state.The key idea here is an additive decomposition of the inelastic strain rate where each of the quantities is weighted with a scalar valued function,which is dependent on the so-called stress mode angle (or Lode angle).A main advantage of the concept is,that the stress modes can directly be associated to certain characteristic loading scenarios,such as tension,compression and shear,which are experimentally investigated in the laboratory.

For a speci?c prototype model thermodynamic consistency is veri?ed,and the resulting integration algo-rithms and the algorithmic tangent operator have been implemented into the UMAT subroutine of the com-mercial ?nite element program ABAQUS.The proposed model is used to simulate the laser transmission welding process.The capability of the proposed approach is assessed by specifying the position of the maxi-mum temperature and by detecting the di?erent stress modes at di?erent locations.

Future work should take into account the viscoplastic behaviour of the polymer above the glass transition temperature based on experiments for di?erent stress states such as shear tests.Furthermore the aspects of induced anisotropy and large strains will constitute an area of future research


Fig.6.Stress distribution versus time at x =0.15mm in two di?erent locations.

A.Shaban et al./International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(2007)6148–61626159


This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)under Grant Ma 1979/4-1.All experiments on polycarbonate specimens have been performed at Institute of Plastics in University of Paderborn.

Appendix A.Formulation of stress mode related weighting functions

The weighting functions w i for the ?ow rule Eq.(6.1)are ?rstly introduced in Eq.(7)to be dependent on the stress tensor r .In the following we will concentrate on the three independent stress modes of tension,com-pression and shear with applications to isotropic materials.In order to have a quantity which serves as an indi-cator for the related stress mode,we de?ne the Lode angle


h ?1arccos ?n ;where 2:

n ??????27p 2J 3eJ 2T3=23:J i ?1i 1:er dev Ti ;i ?2;3:eA :1TThe quantity h is referred to as the stress mode angle which is dependent on the stress mode factor n .A graph-ical interpretation of h is given at the top of Fig.7.In particular it becomes apparent,that the independent stress modes of tension,compression and shear are characterised by the angles


tension :h 1?2p n ;n ?0;1;2;...2:

compression :h 2?2p 3n tp 3;n ?0;1;2;...3:shear :h 3?p 3n tp 6;n ?0;1;2;...

eA :2Tand for each of them the following periodicity angles


tension :~h 1?2p 32:

compression :~h 2?2p 33:shear :

~h 3?p 3eA :3Tare obtained.Based on these observations,in addition to the relations (7)the following is required for the weighting functions


X S i ?1w i ?h ?12:

w i ?h j ?d ij 3:w i ?h ?w i ?h t~h i :eA :4TFor the stress modes related to the loading scenarios of tension,compression and shear,we set S =3.Then,the requirements (A.4)are satis?ed by the following weighting functions

6160 A.Shaban et al./International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(2007)6148–6162

1:tension :w 1?h ?12t12cos 3h ;if àp 6tn ~h 16h 6p 6tn ~h 10;else (

2:compression :w 2?h ?0;if àp

6tn ~h 16h 6p 6tn ~h 11t1cos 3h ;else (3:shear :w 3?h ?12t12cos e3h àp TeA :5Tand where n =0,1,2,...are integer values.A graphical representation of the weighting functions (A.5)is gi-ven in the middle graph of Fig.7.For the case,that experimental data are available only for the loading of tension and compression,with S =2the following weighting functions can be used

1:tension :w 1?h ?12t12

cos 3h 2:compression :w 2?h ?1t1cos e3h àp TeA :6T

which satisfy also the requirements (A.4),and which are illustrated at the bottom of Fig.7.

A.Shaban et al./International Journal of Solids and Structures 44(2007)6148–61626161

Upon using the de?nition(A.1.1),alternatively the functional relationships(A.5)and(A.6)can be rewritten in terms of the stress mode factor n as

1:tension:w1?n ?

n2if n P0 0;else


2:compression:w2?n ?

0;if n P0 n2;else


3:shear:w3?n ?1àn2eA:7Tor

1:tension:w1?n ?1e1tnT;

2:compression:w2?n ?1




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情景问答 1.这台电脑是Tom的。价格是3,600元。 2.我的家乡有个美丽的公园。我经常看到很多孩子在里面放风筝。 3.我在南京工作。坐飞机到北京需两个小时。 4.刘伟太瘦了。医生建议他多吃点,以保持健康。 5.我在听天气预报。明天有雪。 6.今早海伦把英语字典忘在了家里。遇到不认识的单词只好问老师。 7.王奶奶病了。她打电话向警察求助。 8.你们学校将于6月6日举行运动会。你将参加跳高比赛。 9.机场已经投入使用五年了。政府正在努力保护周边的坏境。 10.我来自中国。中国有13亿人口。 11.我的父亲是老师。他教书20年了。 12.我喜欢学习生物。因为研究各种各样的生物很有趣。 13.林鹏昨晚去西安看了一场足球赛。其结果让他感到很伤心。 14.汤姆的生日即将到来。他爸爸将给他买个篮球作为生日礼物。

15.琳达在杭州度假。她喜欢划船。 16.轮到我打扫房间了。我要先去擦窗户。 17.韩梅过去上班经常挤公交。如今她可以骑自行车上班了,这让她感觉很高兴。 18.今早贝蒂上学迟到了。因为她的自行车半路上坏了。 19.上周末,艾伦去爬山。回来的路上碰见了他的朋友亨利。 20.去年圣诞节,米莉和朋友们举办了一场晚会。他们玩的很开心。 21.西蒙打算在暑假里去乡下看望爷爷和奶奶。他们在乡下养着一匹马,西蒙很喜欢骑马。 22.你最喜欢数学这门学科。是因为你觉得它能使你聪明。 23.希望刚出生时,只有一百克重。看起来像只小白鼠。 24.王女士经常在工作之余上网购物。她认为这样可以为她节省很多时间。 25.由于父母工作忙,小明经常一个人上下学。上周他在回家的路上被一辆小汽车撞了。 26.教师节快到了。李萍为王老师精心制作了一张卡片,上面写着“老师,我爱你”。


2017 中考英语人机对话模拟试题(1) 一、交际问答:根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 1. What time do you go to school in the morning? 2. Do you have breakfast every morning? 3. What do you usually have for breakfast? 4. Do you often eat junk food? 5. How do you keep healthy? 三、话题表达:Do you like sports?Why or why not? Yes,I like sports very much.First,I think playing sports is fun.And it gives people the chance to make new friends.I have made some good friends when playing sports.Second,it is good for my health.What ' s more,I think playing sports is a goo to relax my mind.After a long day of schoolwork,I always feel tired.But after I play basketball with my friends,I feel relaxed. 2017 中考英语人机对话模拟试题(2)一、交际问答: 根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 1. Where are you going to take your vacation? 2. Could you please answer the telephone? 3. What kind of sports do you like? 4. How many people are there in your family? 5. Which subject do you like best? 三、话题表达: Do you like English?Why or why not?(Give at least two reasons.) Yes,I do .First,I think English is very interesting.I like my English teacher.She is very friendly to us.And her classes are lively and interesting.Second,English is a very useful subject.If I learn it well,I can travel all over the world,and I can make friends from other countries.So I like English very much.


滴滴可以利用移动互联网将线上与线下相融合,从打车初始阶段到下车使用线上支付车费,画出一个乘客与司机紧密相连的o2o闭环,最大化节省司乘双方资源与时间。下面由滴滴公司加盟中心合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司为大家解答下如何租车开滴滴快车,帮助大家顺利成为团队的一员。 租车是可以开滴滴的,只不过加盟方式就是有车加盟滴滴的形式,可以在PC端或者移动端申请操作即可,简单方便。 滴滴快车操作流程如下: (1)手机端注册,登录应用商店,下载滴滴司机端并打开点左下角司机加盟,按操作提示注册即可; (2)电脑端注册,搜索滴滴车主,点击第一条推广链接即可在线注。或者关注微信滴滴车主,点击加入滴滴。,

(3)滴滴专车的车型要求: 1、车辆颜色:黑白银金棕(商务)、黑(舒适)。 2、车龄:车龄小于3年(具体以当地网约车政策要求为准),无明显伤痕、无改装。 3、车辆保险:交强险、商业险(第三者责任险100万以上;司乘座位每座最低2万;均含不计免赔)。 4、符合所在城市准入车型。 《专车新政》的第十五条对符合第十四条规定条件的驾驶员,由驾驶员提出申请,按规定经考核合格的,由所在地设区的市级道路运输管理机构发放类别为预约出租汽车的《道路运输从业人员从业资格证》。,

合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司是一家专注于网约车一站式服务的本土平台,公司一直秉承以客户为中心、以市场为导向,紧紧跟随时代创新的脚步,以标准化服务体系和可视化服务内容,赢得市场所有用户的高度评价,也生发出了所有司机伙伴的强烈使命感!艺伟的乘客是幸福的,艺伟的司机是热忱的,艺伟的服务是长情的! 合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司历经四载发展,已经成为合肥地区最具竞争力和感召力的网约车服务窗口,换来了滴滴公司对于艺伟更多的信任和委以重任!我们将持续打造精英司机队伍,为更多人实现创收和梦想!合肥地区网约车运行证已近饱和,欢迎各位想要围城筑爱、同心护航的司机朋友们,选择艺伟,一起同行!更多详情请点击官网合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司进行进一步咨询了解。,


2018年江苏省初中人机对话模拟试题(3) 听力测试部分 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 ()1. What will the boy probably live his mother? ()2. What do we know about the man? ()3. What is the man doing? ()4. What isthewoman? ()5.How long did it take the woman to finish the charity walk?

A.One hour. B.Eight hours. C.Nine hours ( )6.How does the boy feel about the next maths exam? A. Worried. B.Stressed. C.Confident. ( )7.Who is good at math? A.Bob. B.Allan. C.Judy. ( )8. How many people will probably attend the meeting? A.5. B.15. C.25 ( )9.What does John mean? A.He'd like to go to the cinema. B. He doesn't want to see the film. C.He will be busy this weekend. ( )10. How is the weather in May in Tom's hometown? A.It's rainy. B.It's nice. C.It's cold. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ()11. What is the special box used for? A.For people to throw waste things in. B.For small children to throw rubbish in. C. For people to throw waste batteries(废电池)in. ()12. How many waste batteries can be collected in Beijing each year? A.50 tons. B.500 tons. C.5,000 tons. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。


2018年江苏省初中人机对话模拟试题(2) 听力测试部分 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 ()1. Which season does the woman like best? ()2. Which is the woman's uncle? ()3. What animals are they going to see next? ()4. What time may they finish the work?

()5.What is Jane probably doing now? A.She is singing. B.She is reading comics. C.She is doing housework. ()6. Which month is it now? A. June. B. May. C.April. ()7.Where are they speaking? A.In the classroom. B.In the library. C.At home. ()8.What is Millie's hobby? A. Dancing. B. Singing. C. Reading. ()9. How much do the notebooks cost? A.6 yuan. B.16 yuan. C.60 yuan. ()l0. What is the woman going to do tomorrow? A.Meet friends. B.Stay at home. C.Plant trees. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ( )11. What is the woman doing? A.She is reading a book.


一、滴滴快车简介 滴滴快车,最初起源于盛行美国的网络约车服务,滴滴出行的功能之一(其他的功能分别为:滴滴顺风车、滴滴出租车、滴滴专车、滴滴代驾、滴滴巴士),它的使用方式为,由注册用户通过滴滴出行客户端在滴滴快车页面选择预约快车,由系统自动就近派单,或者由车主在滴滴司机客户端自主抢单,派单或抢单成功后,车主在指定时间、指定地点接到乘客并将其送往指定目的地,在乘客到达目的地后,经车主确认,乘客通过客户端完成车费支付,最终,一笔快车订单即告完成。 二、滴滴快车的优势和法律难题 作为当下最经济、快捷的出行方式,相对自有车辆,滴滴快车省去了日常的车辆保养维护、保险、停车等费用,堪比招手即停的私家车。比出租车更好、更安全的用户体验,借之于高度发达的网络技术,快车的全部行车数据均可见诸于手机,亦可通过客户端实现评论、评分、投诉、支付、购物等多种功能。虽然在价格上并不比公交拥有显著优势,但是时间相对自由、路线随意可控、车辆存量巨大,在越来越重视时间和效率的当下,滴滴快车还是受到了众多都市年轻人的青睐,

成为了他们的出行首选。可以说,滴滴快车的出现,大大改变了人民的出行观念,解放了道路上的空转车辆,极大节约了社会交通成本,也一定程度上缓解了交通压力,是共享经济在新常态下的重要表现。 然而,作为一种新兴事物,制度层面对于滴滴快车这种交通形态并没有明确、具体的界定,相关部门对于滴滴快车的态度亦模棱两可,时而暧昧。由于乘客、快车、滴滴出行之间的关系尚不够清晰,乘客、快车车主在使用的过程中也存在诸多不解和争论,现实中也产生大量的争议和纠纷。由此,根据现有的法律规定,结合笔者半年以来的快车使用经历,现将乘客与滴滴出行之间的法律关系进行简单的梳理和探析,力求能够为相关人士在处理类似纠纷时提供一些参考和建议。 三、快车乘客与滴滴出行的法律关系分析 (一)滴滴出行自身对滴滴快车的定义与定位 作为滴滴快车客户端的研发和所有者,也作为滴滴这一注册商标的拥有者,滴滴出行——也就是北京小桔科技有限公司,显然是最早、最直接与乘客发生联系一方。因此,笔者将首先从滴滴出行对滴滴快车的


2018人机对话听力模拟测试题(教师用) 1.Where are they talking? W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you? M: I’d like to borrow a book on computer. P28 2. What are they talking about? W: When a house is on fire, what should we do? M: You should call firefighters for help. P28 3. What did the doctor ask Lily to eat? M: Hi, Lily! Are you feeling better these days? W: Well, yes. The doctor made me eat more vegetables. P28 4. How much did the watch cost? W: Did the watch cost you much? M:Not too much. It is worth 50 dollars. I bought it for a half. P31 5. How old is Susan? A.14 B.12 C.16 M: How old are you, Betty? W: I’m fourteen. P31 6. How long did the woman call her parents? A.For 8 minutes. B. For 6 minutes. C. For 9 minutes. M: Did you call your parents? W: Yes. It cost me one yuan. M: Oh, It’s very cheap. W: Yes, I spent 40 fen on the first three minutes, then 10 fen more on each minute. P31 7. Which season does the man like best? A.Summer B. Autumn C. Spring W: Which do you like, summer, autumn or winter? M: I don’t like summer. I like autumn better than winter. P31 8. What’s Eric going to do after supper? A.See a film. B. Have a meeting. C. Get ready for his talk. W: Shall we go to the cinema after supper? M: I’d love to. But I’ll give a talk on the environment at the meeting tomorrow. P31 9. Where does the dialogue probably happen? A.In a clothes shop. B. In a restaurant. C. In a tea house. W: Would you like something to drink before you order your meal? M: Just a glass of water. P26 10. What can we learn from the dialogue? A.Jimmy usually helps with the housework. B.The parents feel strange about Jimmy’s change. C.Jimmy tries to be a good boy when he wants something. M: Our son Jimmy is so different today. He has cleaned his room, washed his dirty clothes and finished his homework. He even helped me water the garden. W: Don’t get surprised. There must be something he really wants from us.


Test 1 第一节短文朗读(计6分) 你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟朗读短文一遍。请看下面的短文: Our class will have a day out on Tuesday. This is the plan for the day. We will meet at 8:30 a. m. at the school gate and then take the bus to the Window of the World. We will visit the museum in the afternoon. At 3:00 p. m. we will be back to school. Everyone needs to bring lunch and some money to buy tickets. Please obey the rules in the park and museum. Finally, mind your time, you are supposed to arrive in time. 第二节情景反应 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示: 昨天晚上九点钟妈妈下班回来了,当时我正在专心看书。看到我学习认真,妈妈感到很开心,表扬了我。 1. When did Mother get home last night? (2分) At 9 o’clock. 2. What was I doing then? (2分) I was reading a book. 3. Was Mother happy when she saw me? (2分) Yes. 4. Why did Mother praise me? (2分) Because I study hard. 第三节口头表达(计6分) 你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用5句以上的英语句子在2分钟进行表述。 请看下面的要点提示: 1.爸爸太胖了,不得不每天锻炼一下身体; 2.上午他花30分钟的时间骑单车去图书馆; 3.下午,他散步一个小时; 4.爸爸看上去比以前瘦多了。 My father is so heavy that he has to do sports every day. In the morning, he spends half an hour riding a bike to the library. In the afternoon, he takes a walk for an hour. Now, my father is much thinner than before. And he thinks it’s important to keep health. Test 2 第一节短文朗读(计6分) Choose your favorite fruit. Use fruit in season and make sure it is fresh. Use fruit of different colors and try to make your fruit salad look as nice as it tastes. For example, mixing red apples, purple grapes and yellow bananas together will make the salad look very colorful. Prepare the fruit salad just before you are going to eat it. Some of the fruit


1.试用期:线上考试渠道激活的司机(闪电司机),在激活后,且未补全资料期间,称为试用期司机 2.快车:滴滴专车的优选型将与一号专车的经济档车型统称为“快车” 3.专车:除快车、试用期以外的车型,即:舒适型、商务型和豪华型 4.专车订单线上考核:首次加入专车完成线下培训考试后,进行的50单全部类型订单舒适服务考核滴滴解封洗白刷分改牌改车等各类疑难杂症处理 5.快车订单线上考核:降级或专车考核未通过司机,进行的30单优选订单提供舒服服务考核 二、试用期司机转正流程 1.司机通过线上注册完成线上化考试,并由平台激活后即可成为滴滴试用期专车司机 2.统一发送短信通知试用期司机到指定租赁公司进行验车及资料补全: i.商业保单 ii.交强险保单 iii.司机头像 iv.银行卡 注:如司机未收到短信通知,统一不受理资料补全和车型升级 3.通知司机要求在7天内前往指定地点验车并补全信息,不能按时抵达的司机,名单统计给我作封号处理,直到司机完成验车和资料补全后解除封禁 4.资料补全将出现以下三种情况 i.验车补全资料成功后,优选型司机即可转正成为正式快车司机 ii.车辆和资料不符合要求者,解除合作 iii.当天资料不全者进行封禁,待补全资料后转正 三、舒适型以上车型升级方式 1.资料补全,并完成验车后,工作人员对舒适以上车型司机讲解专车和快车在收入和服务上的区别 2.当场接受车辆分级申请,当司机车辆符合快车以上车型(不含快车),询问司机是否愿意升级专车司机,愿意升级的司机需购买100元的基础物料包

注:主观不愿意升级到专车的司机,转正后可持续在快车产品上接单服务,按上表提供快车服务,无需领取物料包,无需提供饮用水 3.愿意升级到专车的司机,须要等待通知,到滴滴指定场所进行专车服务培训,完成并通过培训后,即可对车型升级,并进入升级考核期 注:等待现场培训期间,待升级司机依然可以接优选型订单 4.升级考核期内,专车司机需接受50个订单的专车订单线上考核,考核过程中无论接到什么级别的订单,都需要提供舒适型专车服务,平台将对50单的服务进行监控考核,考核标准 i.拥有基础服务物料包 ii.无投诉(最近50单内) iii.接驾时间不得高于城市平均值2倍 iv.成交后取消率=<25% v.有1次50单/次地网签到记录 vi.服务健康度88分的司机 vii.车辆条件满足专车要求 5.通过考核后司机即正式转正 6.考核未通过,将会被重新降级到优选型。可重新在线下申请(司机端线上自助申请功能,已经在开发),进行30单快车订单线上考核 四、正式专车司机降级 1.现在有专车司机根据以下降级标准进行实时考核,触发降级标准中的任意两条后,将由总部对司机进行降级操作,降级标准: i.车龄超过6年 ii.服务得分排名低于25% iii.服务星级低于星 iv.成交后取消率高于25% 个舒适以上订单内无地网签到领水记录 vi.投诉率高于2%


2017中考英语人机对话模拟试题(1) 一、交际问答: 根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 time do you go to school in the morning? you have breakfast every morning? do you usually have for breakfast? you often eat junk food? do you keep healthy? 三、话题表达:Do you like sports?Why or why not? Yes,I like sports very ,I think playing sports is it gives people the chance to make new have made some good friends when playing ,it is good for my ’s more,I think playing sports is a good way to relax my a long day of schoolwork,I always feel after I play basketball with my friends,I feel relaxed. 2017中考英语人机对话模拟试题(2) 一、交际问答: 根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 are you going to take your vacation? you please answer the telephone? kind of sports do you like? many people are there in your family? subject do you like best? 三、话题表达: Do you like English?Why or why not?(Give at least two reasons.) Yes,I do .First,I think English is very like my English is very friendly to her classes are lively and ,English is a very useful I learn it well,I can travel all over the world,and I can make friends from other I like English very much.


滴滴快车司机如何注册 滴滴快车司机注册问题 Q:注册时没有该款车型怎么办? A:您好,非常抱歉,如果注册选项中如果没有该款车型则不能加入平台。Q:专车司机年龄要求是多少? A:您好,男22周岁—55周岁,女22周岁—50周岁。 Q:如果行驶证姓名和驾驶证姓名不一样是否可以加入平台? A:可以。 Q:车辆是外地牌照,可以申请加入滴滴平台么? A:不可以。目前平台只支持本地牌照车辆在本地申请加盟平台。 Q:申请加入平台后,多久会收到登录用户名和密码? A:平台会根据您申请时间,在最短时间内审核您的资料;如您通过审核,平台将在第一时间内以短信形式将用户名和密码发送至您申请时所登记的手机号码,请您耐心等待。 Q:为什么通过线上注册后都是快车而不是专车? A:您好,线上注册成功后所有车型都会进入快车类型,待补齐资并通过考核后方可升级为专车所对应车型。

Q:是否可以直接注册专车? A:暂时不可以,完成加盟注册后可以先接快车订单。 Q:如何下载司机端? A:您好,目前可为您提供以下途径。 一、用手机拍照自己的行驶证和驾驶证保存到手机; 二、扫描以下二维码进入官方注册界面,注册并上传证件等待官方审核,一般24小时即可得到审核通知,通过后会给你账号和密码及下载链接。 必须扫描以下二维码注册。这样注册才能成功有效。 Q:如果司机在平台注册过且未注册成功,再次申请时提示车牌号或身份证号已经注册,怎么处理? A:您好,如果产生此类情况,需要将具体情况反馈至客服电话或者到所在城市分公司处理。 2、司机端软件问题

Q:司机端是否可以修改个人资料? A:您好,不可以。如果您需要修改个人资料,请您联系分公司或客服进行修改。 Q:余额如何进行提现?提现是否有上限要求? A:您好,每周二司机端“我”的界面会出现“提现”按钮,可以进行提现操作。只可对本周一之前的金额进行提现。 Q:如果忘记了司机端登录密码,应该怎么处理? A:您好,请在登录界面点击“忘记密码”按钮,进行密码重置操作 Q:快车如何绑定银行卡? A:您好,每周二可以点击司机端“我”界面中的“提现”按钮,如没有绑定银行卡,在点击“提现”按钮时,可以根据提示信息进行绑定银行卡。 Q:快车审核成功后,司机如何补全个人资料? A:审核成功后,请您耐心等待,所属租赁公司会通知您前往指定地点完成资料补齐。 3、平台规则 Q:同一辆车,是否可以随意更换司机?


2017年中考口语模拟试题 Test 1 第一节短文朗读(计6分) 你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟内朗读短文一遍。 请看下面的短文: Our class will have a day out on Tuesday. This is the plan for the day. We will meet at 8:30 a. m. at the school gate and then take the bus to the Window of the World. We will visit the museum in the afternoon. At 3:00 p. m. we will be back to school. Everyone needs to bring lunch and some money to buy tickets. Please obey the rules in the park and museum. Finally, mind your time, you are supposed to arrive in time. 第二节情景反应(共4小题,计8分) 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的内容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示: 昨天晚上九点钟妈妈下班回来了,当时你正在专心看书。看到你学习认真,妈妈感到很开心,表扬了你。 1. When did Mother get home last night? (2分) 2. What were you doing then? (2分) 3. Was Mother happy when she saw you? (2分) 4. Why did Mother praise you? (2分) 第三节口头表达(计6分) 你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用5句以上的英语句子在2分钟内进行表述。 请看下面的要点提示: 1.爸爸太胖了,不得不每天锻炼一下身体; 2.上午他花30分钟的时间骑单车去图书馆; 3.下午,他散步一个小时; 4.爸爸看上去比以前健康多了。


滴滴司机同时作为私家车主,在挣取劳动所得的同时,总体上也提高了车辆利用率;乘客只需提前预约打车,这大大减少了候车的时间,同时顺风车给乘客节省了用车费用。下面由加盟中心合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司为大家介绍下滴滴快车无车加盟的流程,帮助大家顺利成为滴滴一员。 无车加盟滴滴快车的人群,他们用的都是滴滴公司的车。其实加盟滴滴的操作很简单。 渠道一:针对滴滴无车加盟的人群,也有着网站PC端注册通道,其注册资料填写方法步骤如下: 1、打开注册网站后,输入手机号完成验证:,

2、选择你所在的城市,填写车牌号车型等信息(只需填写资料即可,不需要上传任何证件)。 3、完成注册后,等待3-7个工作日,审核通过后滴滴公司会通过短信发送登录密码给你,请密切关注。你可以可继续下载“滴滴车主司机端”,等收到审核通知短信后,即可马上接单赚钱。 渠道二:打开滴滴APP的乘客端→左上角小人头→司机招募→选择需要加盟类型→填写您的手机号码及验证码,跳转注册页面后填写您的个人信息,填写完整点击保存,退出等待工作人员审核即可。 合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司是一家专注于网约车一站式服务的本土平台,公司一直秉承以客户为中心、以市场为导向,紧紧跟随时,

代创新的脚步,以标准化服务体系和可视化服务内容,赢得市场所有用户的高度评价,也生发出了所有司机伙伴的强烈使命感!艺伟的乘客是幸福的,艺伟的司机是热忱的,艺伟的服务是长情的! 合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司历经四载发展,已经成为合肥地区最具竞争力和感召力的网约车服务窗口,换来了滴滴公司对于艺伟更多的信任和委以重任!我们将持续打造精英司机队伍,为更多人实现创收和梦想!合肥地区网约车运行证已近饱和,欢迎各位想要围城筑爱、同心护航的司机朋友们,选择艺伟,一起同行!更多详情请点击官网合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司进行进一步咨询了解。,


中考英语人机对话模拟试题(一) 一、听问句,说答语 1.How do you usually go to school?I usually go to school by bus./By bus. 2.What’s the date today? It’s June 15th. 3.How often do you watch TV?Four times a week./Once a week. 4.What’s your favorite color?Blue. 5.When were you born?I was born in 1998. 二.朗读课文 The Smiths are at the airport.They’re saying goodbye to their son Mark and his family.Mark and his family are going to live in Beijing.They’re going to stay with his wife’s relatives.Mark will work in the family’s restaurant.Alice,his wife,will take any job she can find.The children will begin school in September. The Smiths are both happy and sad.They’re happy because they know their son and his family will have a good life in their new home.However,they’re sad because they a re going to be lonely.Their house will be quiet and empty,they’ll have to spend holidays by themselves,and they won’t see their grandchildren grow up. Some day the Smiths will visit Beijing,or perhaps they’ll even move there.But until then,they’re going to miss their family very much.As you can imagine,it’s very difficult for them to say goodbye. 三、话题表达 Do you like sports?Why (or why not)?(Give at least two reasons.) Yes,I like sports very much.I think playing sports is fun.And it gives people the opportunity to make new friends.I have made some good friends when playing sports.It is good for my health,too.Besides that,I think playing sports is a good way to relax my mind.After a long way of schoolwork,I always feel tired.But after I play basketball or tennis with my friends.I feel easy and comfortable.


我们都知道,随着各个城市经济的发展,私家车的数量在逐年增加,许多车主因为想减少车辆使用费用或者想在空闲时间挣些外快补贴家用,会考虑到加盟滴滴打车,这也许是个不错的生财之道。下面由合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司为大家科普下滴滴快车司机加盟指南,希望能帮助大家多些了解。 一、滴滴快车准入条件(以济南为例,其他城市类似) 1.加入滴滴快车需要的条件: (1)男性男22-60周岁,女性22-55周岁之间。 (2)拥有C1及以上驾证,驾龄需满三年及以上。,

(3)拥有一辆本地牌照的符合滴滴网约车要求的车,车龄在3年以内。 (4)无一次性扣满12分,无任何犯罪史(刑拘、酒驾、重大交通事故、无重大经济犯罪等)。 二、滴滴快车招募流程 三、滴滴快车操作流程 1、手机端注册,登录应用商店,下载滴滴车主司机端并打开点左下角司机加盟,按操作提示注册即可; 2、电脑端注册,搜索滴滴车主,点击第一条推广链接即可在线注。或者关注微信滴滴车主,点击加入快车。,

二、车辆准入标准 1、车辆颜色:黑白银金棕(商务)、黑(舒适)。 2、车龄:车龄小于3年(具体以当地网约车政策要求为准),无明显伤痕、无改装。 3、车辆保险:交强险、商业险(第三者责任险100万以上;司乘座位每座最低2万;均含不计免赔)。 4、符合所在城市准入车型。 合肥艺伟汽车服务有限公司是一家专注于网约车一站式服务的本土平台,公司一直秉承以客户为中心、以市场为导向,紧紧跟随时代创新的脚步,以标准化服务体系和可视化服务内容,赢得市场所有用户的高度评价,也生发出了所有司机伙伴的强烈使命感!艺伟的乘客是幸福的,艺伟的司机是热忱的,艺伟的服务是长情的!,


2019年江苏省初中人机对话模拟试题(7) 听力测试部分 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段时话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 ()1. Where does the conversation happen? ()2.Which sport did the woman do in Harbin? ()3.Which animal are they talking? ()4.What doesn't the woman like at all? ()5.How will they make their school more beautiful? A.By planting some young trees inside their school. B.By planting some young trees around their school C.By doing some cleaning. ()6. How did the man get to the hotel? A.By underground. B.By bus. C.By taxi. ()7.What is the mans roommate like? A. He is thoughtful. B.He is modest. C.He is curious. ()8.What do you know about Bob? A. He down,like water sport, B. He likes surfing better than swimming. C.He likes swimming better than surfing.


滴滴快车和滴滴专车的区别和升级流程 滴滴快车和滴滴专车的区别: 最大的区别是车型不同。 对乘客来讲,专车的收费要更高一些,乘坐体验要更好一些。 对司机来讲,所有司机最开始都是从快车做起,当完成一定订单量并且车型满足专车的要求,就可以升级成为专车。 其实从实际来看,快车订单远远多于专车,很多专车司机朋友都选择向下接快车的单。 因此,对于大部分因为车型或者资料不全而不能升级为专车的司机朋友不用气馁,做快车司机已经足够了。 滴滴快车到滴滴专车升级流程:

滴滴司机准入标准 滴滴司机注册: 若还没注册成为滴滴司机,请用手机照下驾驶证和行驶证,扫描官方二维码(如下)进入官方注册页面,选择你的车型即可注册,一般24小时左右即可

得到审核结果。注册成功后跑满10单会有100元新手奖励(不同地区奖励或有不同) 滴滴快车到滴滴专车升级流程说明 1快车司机 如果您通过网上报名、租赁公司、朋友推荐、线下门店或者是其它的渠道加入滴滴,收到激活成功的短信后,您就成为一名等待考核的快车的 试用期司机啦!2补齐资料 成为试用期司机后,您可以正常上线接单啦。期间会有工作人 员以短信的形式通知您带好相应物品到指定地点补齐资料。补 齐资料的时候,会有工作人员帮助您申请车型升级。3培训考 试 补齐资料后,参加线下培训并成功通过考试即可完成升级。4考核期 线上完成50单并满足以下标准即可 1)拥有基础服务料包(雨伞、充电器、充电线、清洁袋) 2)无投诉 3)接驾时间不得高于城市平均值2倍 4)成交后取消率≤20% 5)又一次地网签到领水记录 6)服务健康度88分 7)服务星级高于4.7星
