Three idiots英文影评1

Well to start off, 3 idiots itself starts of brilliantly by introducing Farhan Qureshi (Madhavan) and Raju Rastogi (Sharman Joshi). Boman Irani is once again at his best playing the Principal of the college Viru Sahastra Buddhe (VIRUS).

Both of those friends are informed that their dearest friend Ranchoddas Chanchad (Aamir Khan) is returning. Shocked by the sudden disappearance long ago, both these friends come to the place where they have been called for, desperate to meet their Best Friend. But something else is waiting for them at that place.

The movie has been wonderfully directed with scenes continuously revolving around the past and present at perfect intervals of time. The story revolves on how Ranchoddas witnesses the scenes of depression and sadness among students who are often dejected due to lack of scoring grades and supporting family pressures. In the mid time, Ranchoddas falls in love with the Principal's daughter Pia (kareena kapoor) very fine acting by her too.

Well, not revealing anything more, the three characters have been wonderfully played by Madhavan, Sharman and Aamir. The movie has loads of comedy at many times but also delivers a strong and subtle message to all its viewers. Even the supporting characters have done their role exceptionally well which adds more to the fun quotient. All credits go to Rajkumar Hirani and Abhijit Joshi for plotting this script and directing it perfectly

At the end of 2009 we saw Three Idiots as the biggest release of Indian film industry. The film was a commercial success and was praised by critics as well. The film based on the life of three college students went on to break several records at the Box Office in India and overseas for a Hindi film. The major reason for the triumph of the movie could be the issues raised and how well the director articulated them in the film.


Free as the wind was he,


Like a soaring kite was he


Where did he go, let's find him.


We were led by the path we took


While he carved a path of his own


Stumbling,rising,carefree walked he


We fretted about the morrow


He simply reveled in today


Living each moment to the fullest


Where did he come from


He who touched our hearts and vanished


From birth we were taught,life is a race,run fast or you'l 、be trampled.Even to be born,one had to race 300 million sperms

All is well.一切皆好


Their life begins with murder,That's,pete or die.


For school you don't need tuition money,just a uniform.Pick a school,buy the uniform,slip into class.In that sea of kids,no one will notice.


However big the problem ,tell your heart ,"all is well.pal."


The chicken's clueless about the egg's fate.Will it hatch or become an omelette.No one knows what the future holds.So let your lips roll And whistle away the toll,all is well.


Even a circus lion learns to sit on a chair in fear of the whip,But you call such a lion "well

trained",not "well educated."


Follow excellent,And success will chase you,pants down;


Why publicise someone's flaws?If your iron count is low,will the doctor prescribe tonic or air your report on TV?


With such fear of tomorrow,how'll you live today?How'll you focus on studies?


Dad,what'll happen if I become a photographer?I'll earn less,I'll have a smaller house,a smaller car.But I'll be happy.I would be really happy


I've interviewed countless candidates for 25 years.Everyone turns into a yes-man to get the job.

3 Idiots is a 2009 Bollywood comedy film directed by Rajkumar Hirani, with a screenplay by Abhijat Joshi, and

produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. It was loosely adapted from the novel Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. 3 Idiots stars Aamir Khan, R. Madhavan, Sharman Joshi, Kareena Kapoor, Omi V aidya, Parikshit Sahni and Boman Irani. Upon release, the film broke all opening box office records in India. It was the highest-grossing film in its opening weekend in India and has the highest opening day collections for a

Bollywood film. It also has the record for highest net collections in the first week for a Bollywood film.

Within 10 days of its release, the film crossed the 1 billion mark in India and became the first film of

2009 to do so. The film also created a new box office record for a release in the last quarter of a year

(October to December), breaking the previous record set by Ghajini. It is also the highest-grossing film to be released in the second half of the year (July to December), breaking the previous record also held by Ghajini. 3 Idiots has become the highest-grossing Bollywood film of all time in India and is also the highest grossing Indian film ever breaking the previous record set by Ghajini which also starred Aamir

Khan.The film set a box office record for the Indian film industry, grossing Rs 339 crore worldwide.It was expected to be the first Indian film to be officially released on Y ouTube, within 12 weeks of releasing in theaters on March 25, 2010, but never got released. The film also went on to win many awards, winning six Filmfare Awards including best film and best director, ten Star Screen Awards and sixteen IIFA awards. 我最喜欢的一位单口相声表演者叫Russell Peters,他是加拿大第二代印度移民,专长于种族笑话,又善模仿各种族裔的口音,不管是中国人、印度人还是意大利人,他都能找到突出特色予以模仿夸张,在逗得观众哈哈大笑之余留下悠远回味,一边佩服他观察细致入微,一边咂摸各个种族的痼疾毛病。

Rusell Peters曾经对印度电影做过夸张总结,几个主要点跟我印象中的传统印度歌舞片还真是严丝合缝,什么穷小子爱上富家女啊,冲破种姓屏障私奔之类的。其中最搞笑的一点是他说印度片子一定要有歌舞,而且不管什么剧情,一定会突然到达一片鸟不生蛋的旷野,中间一棵孤树,女主角藏于树后,随着音乐的节拍从树左侧突然探出头来,唱一句,缩回去,再从右探头,反复几次,手则作莲花指翘于颏下,眼珠左顾右盼,迷得追随她前来的男主角神魂颠倒。

所以,我也是带着这样的期盼来观赏印度电影《三个傻瓜》的。这个大体改编于印度畅销书作家奇坦·巴哈特(Chetan Bhagat)的处女作小说《五点人》(Five Point Someone)的故事果然爆笑,名字里“三傻瓜”所言非虚——在每学期42场考试、成绩排名张榜公布、竞争激烈乃至自杀率高居不下的“皇家工程学院”中,竟然出现了个周星驰般不按牌理出牌的问题学生兰乔(Rancho),他顶撞老师,质疑传统,完全不把成绩当回事,古板校长“病毒”当然要骂兰乔和两个追随他的室友,法兰(Farhran)与拉杜(Raju)是大傻瓜了。

这个特立独行的兰乔有个口头语叫“一切都好”(Aal izz well),影片中一段恰到好处的歌舞充分诠释了这种乐天派心态的关键——就算不能解决问题,至少可以平复心绪,打败恐惧,增加直面问题的勇气。我非常佩服导演拉库马·希拉尼(Rajkumar Hirani)在这段歌舞前后的调度安排,每段超现实的舞蹈暂告一段落后镜头都切回故事进程,轻松推进情节发展;整个狂欢结束后再突如其来一个巨大的对比,让观众的情绪从轻松惬意的云端直坠沮丧遗憾的谷底,既增加了剧情本身的跌宕起伏,又给本来轻飘飘的“一切都好”加入了对比及深度。宝莱坞的叙事技巧实非虚名。



但我觉得影片最值得嘉奖的还是其不吝自嘲的精神。没有那些调侃与歌舞,剩余的便只有干巴巴的励志。自嘲也使得影片脱离了现实主义的调子,不会变成义正言辞的空洞鼓噪,要不然,这个纯理想主义的空谈还真难于自圆其说。人人都知道兰乔说得极对,却也都知道他那一套在现实生活中将处处碰壁。理想面对现实为什么总是撞得粉碎?这可不是简单归类为缺乏激情或充满恐惧便能解释一切的,更多的时候,再高歌“一切都好”也只不过是阿Q精神的自我麻痹。长辈的期许、同侪的压力、生存的必须、机会的稀缺,天赋的不可求、一次又一次向理想主义证明特立独行者们的悲惨命运;而死记硬背的模范学生“消音器”才是大众意义上的成功典范。这个“典范”也许毫无人格魅力,缺乏创新精神,充其量只能当个打工皇帝;但在一个贫富分化严峻,大部分人尚在为温饱奋斗的第三世界国家里,不先孕育出适合理想成长的土壤就空谈理想的实现是多么幼稚啊,那根本就是一条不成功即成仁的血路!要超越生存阻碍,披荆斩棘义无反顾地追求理想当然可歌可泣,但这其中必须跨越的灰色地带可比电影一笔带过十年的笑谈残酷得多,不一定白骨涔涔,可至少也血泪斑斑。已经浪漫化了的好莱坞影片《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happyness)都还得展示主人公带着年幼的孩子无家可归,经过睡厕所、吃救济的低谷才能抓住机遇,奔向成功;《三个傻瓜》将一个独行者的奋斗艰辛干脆忽略,重点完全放在理想主义的理论之上,没有调侃、不搞自嘲肯定行不通。




Three idiots

Truth be told,nothing is more important than the content itself, which is my deepest feeling when I enjoy this Indian film Three Idiots. I mean the Chinese translation of the title of sorts makes me almost miss this amazing movie.

It is adapted from Chetan Braggart’s maiden work Five Point Someone. It is about two of LAN chard’s friends look back on their college life in the Real Engineering Academy in the flashback when they are looking for him everywhere.

The only standard of checking students’level in mastering the skills in this college is to see if you got the first place. And it is universally acknowledged that the grades mean everything. However LAN chard doesn’t go with the main stream. What’s more, he puts the theory into the practice to help people around him to spare no effort to pursue their own dreams. It is apparent that the traditional ideas is a refusal to change but only he break them though his wisdom and humor.

If only you are in search of excellence instead of the No.1 in the competition, the success follows.
