Referencing APA

Referencing APA
Referencing APA

Referencing: APA Reference List

(American Psychological Association)

Generally a list of references, which contains details only of those works actually cited in the document, is given for academic work. Sometimes the term bibliography is used, however this refers to a list of related source material that is not necessarily cited in the document.

? A list of references should appear on a separate sheet of pape r at the end of an assignment. This list contains all the details of those works cited in your assignment.

? The list MUST be arranged alphabetically by authors’ surnames. If there is more than one work by the same author, then arrange chronologically i.e. earlier publication

dates before later dates. Correct punctation is important.

APA Online. (2003). Electronic references. American Psychological Association.

Retrieved August 10, 2004, from,/elecref.html Becher, T. (1990). The counter culture of specialisation. European Journal of

Education,25(3), 330–336.

Biggs, J. & Moore, P. J. (1993). The process of learning (3rd ed.). Sydney:


Bourassa, S. D. (1999). Effects of child care on young children. Proceedings of the third annual meeting of the International Society for Child Psychology,

International Society for Child Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, 44-46.

Brown, J. (Producer). (1998, March 24). The search for meaning [Radio

program]. Sydney: ABC Radio.

Covey, S. (1991). The 7 habits of highly effective people. Sydney: The Business Library.

Dr Brain thinking games [CD-ROM]. (1988). Torrance, California: Knowledge Adventure Inc.

Entwistle, N. (1998). Approaches to learning and forms of understandin g. In B.

Dart & G. Boulton-Lewis (Eds.), Teaching and learning in higher education

(pp. 212–243). Melbourne: ACER.

This example of a reference list has been constructed using guidelines and some of the examples from:

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (5th ed.). (2001).

Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

? Check with your school about what system of referencing you are

required to use.
