五种基本句型 主谓宾宾(宾补)结构 实用练习加详细解析

五种基本句型  主谓宾宾(宾补)结构 实用练习加详细解析
五种基本句型  主谓宾宾(宾补)结构 实用练习加详细解析






例如:Lend me your dictionary, please.

这里“me”和“a book”一人一物做宾语就是双宾语






bring(带给某人……), bring somebody something

tell(告诉某人……), tell somebody something

send(送给某人……), send somebody something

leave(留给某人……), leave somebody something

pass(递给某人……), pass somebody something

read(给某人读……), read somebody something

write(给某人写……), write somebody something

take(给某人拿……), take somebody something

show(给某人看……), show somebody something

teach(教给某人……), teach somebody something

get(给某人弄到……), get somebody something

lend(借给某人……), lend somebody something

buy(给某人买……), buy somebody something

pay(支付给某人……), pay somebody something

hand(递给某人……) 。hand somebody something



She brought me a shirt .她给我带来一件衬衣。

Pass him the dictionary, please.请将词典递给他。

I lend him my bicycle.我把自行车借给他了。




例子:ask somebody to do something (邀请某人做某事)

tell somebody to do something (告诉某人做某事)

want somebody to do something (要求某人做某事)

1、I asked him to have dinner.


2、He told me to clean the room.


3、Tom wanted me to meet him .


第一个句子,我邀请他吃饭,他(him)是作邀请(asked)的宾语,如果后面没有to have dinner ,句子意思就不完整,我邀请他,干什么呢?没说清楚,于是就有to have dinner来帮助说清楚,是吃饭的,在这里的to have dinner 就是宾语补足语,这是动词不定式短语作宾补。

to do 是动词不定式,但是如果动词不定式中的动词带有宾语或者动词不定式中的动词有副词来修饰,这时的动词不定式就成为不定式短语了。比如to do something 就是动词不定式短语,换句话说:这里to have(动词不定式) to have dinner(动词不定式短语)。又比如:to run是动词不定式to run fast 是动词不定式短语)。


常见宾补的类型:doing \不带to的动词不定式\介词短语\形容词等等。请看下面的例句,注意观察划线的部分是有什么作的宾语补足语。:

1、I saw a thief stealing something. 我看到一个贼正在偷东西

2、He made me go home 他让我回家

3、Her mother kept her in the room . 她的妈妈让她待在房间里


比如:我们可以说ask somebody to do something (to do something 作宾补)我们就不能说ask somebody doing something



order somebody to do something

want somebody to do something

tell somebody to do something

invite somebody to do something

ask somebody to do something

beg somebody to do something


此外,还有advise somebody to do something

allow somebody to do something

warn somebody to do something

teach somebody to do something

2. 动词后面可以跟不带to的动词不定式作宾补的


这里:一感(feel)二听(hear\listen to )三让(let \make\have)五看(see\watch\notice\observe\look at)半帮助(help).

即:feel hear listen to let make leave somebody do sth see watch notice observe look at help

4. 动词后面是跟doing作宾补的,可以借助上面的句子来记忆,上面的单词中除了三让(have\let\make)半帮助(help)不能跟dong作宾补之外,其它都是可以的。(即:一感二听五看,实际上它们都属于感官动词)



1. I watch the boy playing foot ball.

2. My good friend told me a story

3. Tom lent me a pencil.

4. LiLi noticed two dogs fight .

5. I looked at her flying a kite .

6. Please hand me the paper .

7. The lion ordered the hen to give him some eggs.

8. He wanted you to go with him.

9. Lu Y ang told the little boy to go home.

10. She asks me to help her . 11. My parents leave me some money .

12. Lucy leads me a pencil . 13. Mother got me some tea .

14. LiLei found 100 yuan in the room. 15. He showed me her photos .

16. The fans made Lin Junjie a famous star.

17. Mom let me in. 18. The rich man bought his son an MP4.

19. The teacher observes the boy sleep. 20. The teacher made her monitor.

21. I saw the baby cry. 22. I paid him three yuan .

23. He passed me an eraser. 24. Lucy heard her neighbor singing

25. Tom teaches us English. 26. They asked the teacher to explain it again .

27. Let me read you his letter . 28. Would you sing us an English song ? 29. I will lend you something. 30. Did you notice me leave the house


1. I watch the boy playing foot ball.


playing foot ball做宾补

2. My good friend told me a story


3. Tom lent me a pencil.


4. LiLi noticed two dogs fight.

李利注意到两个狗在打架。主谓+宾语+宾补,fight做宾补5. I looked at her flying a kite.

我看到她在放风筝。主谓+宾语+宾补。flying a kite做宾补6. Please hand me the paper .


7. The lion ordered the hen to give him some eggs.


to give him some eggs做宾补

8. He wanted you to go with him.

他要你一起跟他去。主谓+宾语+宾补。to go with him做宾补9. Li Y ang told the little boy to go home.

李扬叫那个小男孩回家。主谓+宾语+宾补。to go home做宾补10. She asks me to help her .

她请我去帮助她。主谓+宾语+宾补。to help her做宾补

11. My parents leave me some money .


12. Tom leads me a pencil .


13. Mother got me some tea .


14. LiLei found 100 yuan in the room.

李蕾发现有100元在房间里/李蕾在房间里发现了100元。主谓+宾语+宾补。in the room做宾补

15. He showed me her photos .


16. The fans made Lin Junjie a famous star.


17. Mom let me in.


18. The rich man bought his son an MP4.


19. The teacher observes the boy sleep.


20. The teacher made her monitor.


21. I saw the baby cry.


22. I paid him three yuan .


23. He passed me an eraser.


24. She heard her neighbor singing


25. Tom teaches us English.


26. They asked the teacher to explain it again .

他们请老师在解释一遍。主谓+宾语+宾补。to explain it again做宾补

27. Let me read you his letter .


28. Would you sing us an English song ?

你可以给我们唱支英文歌吗?主谓+双宾29. I will lend you a book 。

我将借给你`一本书。主谓+双宾30.Did you notice me leave the house? 你注意到我离开房子吗?主谓+双宾


主谓宾补句型5 (1). 翻译这个句子:他们将孩子命名为吉米。 A. They named the child be Jimmy. B. They named the child to be Jimmy. C. They named the child Jimmy. D. They named the child to be a Jimmy. 解析:C项是正确的。该句是主谓宾宾补句型,动词name用法为:name sb.+名词。意为“给某人命名”,所以此句时名词Jimmy来充当宾补成分。 (2). 翻译这个句子:她将鸡蛋煮老了 A. She boiled the eggs hard. B. She boiled the eggs hardly. C. She boiled the eggs to be hard. D. She boiled the eggs be hard. 解析:A项是正确的。该句是主谓宾宾补句型,是由形容词hard来作宾补,在该句中hard是形容词,不是副词来修饰boil,而hardly是副词“几乎不”的意思,该句应将形容词直接放在宾语eggs之后,中间不需要用to (be)。 (3). Can I have this parcel______here? A. weigh B. weighed C. to weigh D. weighing 解析:B项是正确的。该句是主谓宾宾补句型,该句是由过去分词来充当宾补。意为“我能在这里称这个包裹的重量吗?”此句中的宾语parcel与动词weigh是一种被动关系,所以用weigh的过去分词weighed作宾补修饰宾语this parcel,故选B项。 (4). I found everything_________. A. in good condition B. to be in good condition C. be in good condition D. to in good condition 解析:A项是正确的。该句是主谓宾宾补句型,该句是由介词短语来充当宾补的。在介词短语前不需加to (be),动词find后接宾语+形容词/介词短语等形式来作宾补,宾补前不需加to或be动词。本题中的宾语为everything,in good condition意为“情况良好”是固定介词短语作宾语补足语。 (5). 翻译这个句子:我认为这个具有重要意义。 A. I regard this of great importance. B. I regard this as of great importance. C. I regard this to be of great importance. D. I regard this be of great importance. 解析:B项是正确的。该句是主谓宾宾补句型,该句是由as+介词短语of great importance 来充当宾补成分的,句中as是与动词regard搭配,即:regard… as…,意为“把…看做”但as在宾补之前并不影响句子意义。


M3 Unit 3 Grammar and Usage 宾语补足语 一.英语的五种基本句型结构: ①S 十V 主谓结构He runs quickly.他跑得快。 ②S 十V 十P 主系表结构The story sounds interesting.这个故事听起来有趣。 ③S 十V 十O 主谓宾结构They built a house last year.他们去年建了一所房子。 ④S 十V 十O1十O2主谓双宾结构He offered me his seat/ his seat to me.他把座位让给我。 ⑤S 十V 十O 十 C 主谓宾宾补结构 They found her happy that day.他们发现那天她很高兴。 I found him out.我发现他出去了。 They named the boy Charlie.他们给这个男孩起名为查理。 I saw him come in and go out.我见他进来又出去。 They felt the car moving fast.他们感到汽车行驶得很快。 He found the door of study closed to him.他发现研究所的大门对他关闭了。 说明: S=主语;V=谓语;P=表语;O=宾语;O1=间接宾语;O2=直接宾语;C=宾语补足语二.宾语补足语: 1、定义:The object complement gives more information about the object.顾名思义,宾补是补充说明宾语,使句子意义完整的句子成分。 2、使用场合:Verb + object + object complement 3、可以充当宾语补足语的词和词组有: (1). 名词: We made him our monitor. They thought this good advice. They named their daughter Jenny. 注:充当宾语补足语的名词若表示正式的或独一无二的头衔、职位时,前面一般不用冠词。 They elected John chairman of the committee. (2). 形容词: You should keep your room clean and tidy. We’d better leave the door open. We found the ruins most interesting. (3). 介词短语 He left his bag in the office. We found ourselves in the middle of a desert. (4). 副词 He opened the window to let the fresh air in. I saw him out with his father the day before yesterday. (5). 现在分词: I’m sorry to have you waiting for so long. I could feel the cold wind blowing on my face. At this moment she noticed the teacher coming in. (6). 过去分词: When he wake up, he found himself tied to a tree. He raised his voice to make himself heard. I had my watch repaired yesterday. (7). 不定式或省略to 的不定式 My mother allowed me to play games for a while. Can you make your car park over there? 注:(1).使用不定式作宾语补足语时,五看(see, watch, notice, observe, look at)三使(make, let, have)两听(listen to, hear)一感觉(feel)后接省略to 的不定式 (2).help 一词后的不定式,可带to,也可以不带to。 4、在复合宾语中,宾语通常为名词或代词,但有时也可以用不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或that从句来充当。一般情况下,宾补通常紧跟在宾语之后。值得注意的是:think, find, consider,


【原创】语法专练——英语五大基本句型结构讲解 2012-12-10 08:58:39| 分类:默认分类 | 标签: |字号大中小订阅 英语五大基本句型结构 基本句型一: SV(主+谓) Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语) 这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词(英语中按动词后可否直接跟宾语,可把动词分成不及物动词与和及物动词。不及物动词:字典里词后标有vi. 的就是不及物动词。不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如to,of,at后方可跟上宾语。具体每个动词后究竟加什么介词就得联系动词短语了,如listen to,look at….),不及物动词常见的有:appear,apologize,arrive,come,die,disappear,exist,fall,happen,rise(好像还有所有的感官动词(如以上的listen——Eragon注)等等。如: The students work very hard.学生们学习很努力。 She apologized to me again. 她再次向我道歉。 The accident happened yesterday evening.事故是昨天晚上发生的。(happen是不及物动词,但表示“某地(某时)发生了什么事”,常用“sth.+ happen +地点/时间”这一结构来表达,此时主语应是事情;表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”,要用“sth.+ happen+to sb.”这一结构来表达——Eragon注) 基本句型二: SVP(主谓表)(好像有的叫SVC(主系表)——Eragon注) Subject(主语)+(系动词)+redicate(表语)(表语是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,它常位于系动词(be, become, appear, seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell等词)之后。——Eragon注) 这种句型中的系动词一般可分为下列两类: (1)表示状态的连系动词。这些词有:be, look, seem, appear, smell, taste, sound, keep,


一.英语的五种基本句型结构: ①S 十V 主谓结构He runs quickly.他跑得快。 ②S 十V 十P 主系表结构The story sounds interesting.这个故事听起来有趣。 ③S 十V 十O 主谓宾结构They built a house last year.他们去年建了一所房子。 ④S 十V 十O1十O2主谓双宾结构He offered me his seat/ his seat to me.他把座位让给我。 ⑤S 十V 十O 十 C 主谓宾宾补结构 They found her happy that day.他们发现那天她很高兴。 I found him out.我发现他出去了。 They named the boy Charlie.他们给这个男孩起名为查理。 I saw him come in and go out.我见他进来又出去。 They felt the car moving fast.他们感到汽车行驶得很快。 He found the door of study closed to him.他发现研究所的大门对他关闭了。 说明: S=主语;V=谓语;P=表语;O=宾语;O1=间接宾语;O2=直接宾语;C=宾语补足语 二.宾语补足语: 1、定义:The object complement gives more information about the object.顾名思义,宾补是补充说明宾语,使句子意义完整的句子成分。 2、使用场合:Verb + object + object complement 3、可以充当宾语补足语的词和词组有: (1). 名词: We made him our monitor. They thought this good advice. They named their daughter Jenny. 注:充当宾语补足语的名词若表示正式的或独一无二的头衔、职位时,前面一般不用冠词。 They elected John chairman of the committee. (2). 形容词: You should keep your room clean and tidy. We’d better leave the doo r open. We found the ruins most interesting. (3). 介词短语 He left his bag in the office. We found ourselves in the middle of a desert. (4). 副词 He opened the window to let the fresh air in. I saw him out with his father the day before yesterday. (5). 现在分词:


一、选择题 1.I don't have a Ping-Pong ball, _______ my brother _______. A.but; do B.and; does C.and;do D.but; does 2.The strawberries delicious. You can have a try. A.eat B.drink C.taste D.sound 3.The woman made her husband_______ outside the gate yesterday afternoon. A.wait B.waiting C.to wait D.waited 4.Jim a basketball? A.Does; have B.Does; has C.Is; have 5.Ted likes Art, his brother . A.but; isn't B.and; don't C.but; doesn't D.but ;don't 6.I don’t have a baseball, b ut Alan A.do B.does C.have D.has 7.—David, you got any tea? —Yes. Would you like some? A.have B.do C.has 8.— ________ your cousin and her friends like history? —Yes, they ________ it’s very interesting. A.Does; think B.Do ; think C.Do; thinks 9.—_______everyone get tired today? —Yes, we_______very tired the whole afternoon. A.Does; are all B.Do; are all C.Does; all are D.Is; all are 10.Lucy and I ________ good friends. A.am B.is C.are 11.This pair of pants______gray. What color________your pants? A.are; are B.is;is C.is;are 12.In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister. A.to cry; to cry B.cry; cry C.to cry; cry D.cry; to cry 13.Karen and Helen _______ my brother's friends. I know _______. A.is; her B.are; them C.are; her D.is; them 14.2019 has come. I hope everyone can make his dream ________. A.came true B.come true C.comes true D.coming true 15.Alice, it's time for school. Let me _______, or I will be late for class. A.go B.come C.to go D.to come 16.In fact (事实上), she ________ ________ many ________. A.doesn’t has; toies B.don’t has; toies C.doesn’t have; toys D.don’t have; toys


【英语】初中英语非谓语动词常见题型及答题技巧及练习题(含答案) 一、非谓语动词 1.We only planned the play for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hours. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watched 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我们计划只玩一个小时,但是最终,我们呆了三个小时。plan to do sth计划做某事.根据句意可知选C 【点评】考查不定式作宾语。 2.When you are tired, in the countryside is a wonderful experience. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax D. relaxes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。句意:当你累的时候,在农村放松是一个奇妙的体验。所填动词在句中作主语,该用动名词形式,所以选A。 3.一What should we take when going birdwatching? 一 We should take a pair of binoculars ____________the birds clearly. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. sees 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:一去看鸟应该带什么?一为了看得清楚,我们应该带一副望远镜。 带上望远镜的目的是看得清楚,用带to的不定式作目的状语。故选C。 4.— Please stay with me this weekend. —I'm sorry, but my father and I planned _________ Beijing a long time ago. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——这个周末请和我呆在一起吧。——我很抱歉,但是我父亲和

M3U3 Grammar(宾补&主谓一致)

宾语补足语讲解 一、定义 宾语补足语通常紧跟在宾语之后,对宾语进行补充说明。 二、句子结构是 主+谓+宾+宾补 三、两种结构 1. 主表型: 1) make our country beautiful (adjective) 2) call him Lao Li (noun) 3) find sb. out (adv.) 4) find sb. at home (Prep. phrase) 2. 主谓型: 1) ask sb. to do sth.(有to 不定式) 2) have sb. do sth. (无to 不定式) 3) see sb. doing sth. (现在分词) 4) have sth. done. (过去分词) 四、什么动词后可有宾语补足语 1. 在表示心理状态的动词后作宾语补足语。这类动词有:consider, think, believe, discover, find, imagine, judge, suppose, prove等。这类动词后的不定式通常是"to be+形容词或名词" 结构,think, consider, find后的to be常可省略。 如:We consider him (to be) a good teacher.我们认为他是一个好老师。 He proved that theory (to be) very important.他证明那个理论是很重要的。 I thought her (to be) nice and honest the first time I met her. 我第一次见到她的时候就认为她人很好,很诚实。 2. 在表示情感状态的动词后作宾语补足语。这类动词有:love, like, prefer, hate, want, wish, expect等。 如:I'd prefer you to leave him alone.我希望你不要打扰他。 I don't want there to be any trouble.我不想有任何麻烦。 3. 注意:hope, demand, suggest等动词后面不能接不定式作宾语补足语。 如:I hope you can give me a hand. 我希望你能帮我一把。 I wish you to give me a hand. 我希望你能帮我一把。 He required us to be present at the meeting.他要求我们出席会议。 Mr Li suggested that she should not go there alone.李先生建议她不要独自去那里。五、可作宾语补足语的形式有 不定式,现在分词,过去分词,名词,形容,副词,介词短语都能作补语。 六、具体说明 (一)副词作宾语补足语 如:I found him in yesterday. (二)常接形容词作宾语补足语的动词有:keep, make, find等。 如:We must keep our classroom clean. (三)常接名词作宾语补足语的动词有:call, name, make, think等。 如:We call them mooncakes. (四)常接动词-ing形式作宾语补足语的动词有:see, watch, hear, find, keep等。 如:In the country, we can hear birds singing. (五)常接介词短语作宾语补足语的动词有:keep, find, leave等。 如:I left my pen on my desk at home. (六)不定式作宾语补足语 1. 常接带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask, tell, want, teach, wish, advise, allow, ask, beg, command, tell, invite, force, oblige, get, help, encourage, persuade, permit, remind, request, order, warn, cause等;


五种基本句型——主谓宾宾(宾补)结构 主语+谓语+宾语(somebody)+宾语(something) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 这个句型的语后面有两个宾语, 这两个宾语放在一起叫双宾语(直接宾语+直接宾语) 例如:Lend me your dictionary, please. 这里“me”和“a book”一人一物做宾语就是双宾语 这两个宾语:前一个宾语称为"间接宾语",多由代词或名词充当,通常为“人”; 后一个宾语称为"直接宾语",往往由名词充当,通常为“物”。 这类句型常有"给某人某物"、"送某人某物"、"留给某人某物"等意思。 常见的这类谓语动词有: give(给某人……), bring(带给某人……), bring somebody something tell(告诉某人……), tell somebody something send(送给某人……), send somebody something leave(留给某人……), leave somebody something pass(递给某人……), pass somebody something read(给某人读……), read somebody something write(给某人写……), write somebody something take(给某人拿……), take somebody something show(给某人看……), show somebody something teach(教给某人……), teach somebody something get(给某人弄到……), get somebody something lend(借给某人……), lend somebody something buy(给某人买……), buy somebody something pay(支付给某人……), pay somebody something hand(递给某人……) 。hand somebody something 注:上面各词的中文释义是刻意按照该词的常用动词句型而给的,以便于大家更好地理解该词出现于哪个基本句型中。


短文改错专项训练·主谓一致错误 1.Selling newspapers not only makes some money but also give us some working e xperience during the summer vacation. 2.To deliver newspapers are a tiring job. 3.It is he who study very hard. 4.The rest of the trees was cut down. 5.The day we have been looking forward to having come at last. 6.The number of the guests invited to the party are 100. 7.The wounded in the earthquake was sent to the hospital. 8.Tom, as well as his children, are to visit Beijing this summer. 9.Either of the sides of the street are lined with the tall trees. 10.Here “you” are used as a noun. 【答案和分析】 1.give改为gives。makes和gives为平行结构,作并列谓语。 2.are改为is。不定式、动名词、主语从句作主语要看作为一个整体,动词用单数形式。 3.study改为studies。强调主语时,谓语动词应保持变强调句以前的状态。 4.was改为were。rest指的是可数名词的复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式。 5.having改为has。主句的主语是The day,后面缺少谓语动词。 6.are改为is。the number of 表示“……数目”。谓语动词用单数形式。 7.was改为were。the wounded表示“伤员们”时,是复数概念。 8.are改为is。主语为Tom。as well as结构重心在前一个名词,谓语动词和前一个名词保持一致。 9.are改为is。either后面的动词用单数形式。 10.are改为is。you用作专有名词,看作单数。 短文改错专项训练·非谓语动词类错误 1.A lot of money has been spent to buy the book. 2.You will have to pay the cost of send a postcard. 3.What he did was puzzled. 4.I will spend a week reading and prepare for the examination. 5.Charles and Linda do all of these things as well as climbed buildings. 6.Yesterday I had my bad tooth pulling out.


With 结构(with+宾语+宾补)宾补可以是:过去分词,现在分词,不定式,副词,adj.,介词短语 可以做定语,伴随状语,原因状语,结果状语等等。 1. 1) With his key lost, he couldn’t get into his house.(钥匙丢了, 他进不了家门. ) 2) With his hair cut, Father looks much younger. (理了发,父亲看上去年轻多了.) 3) He sat there with his eyes closed. (他闭目坐在那儿。) 4) All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. (整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。) 5) The meeting ended with all the problems settled. (问题解决了,会散了.) 2. 1) With the teacher standing beside, the girl felt a bit uneasy. (老师站在一旁,女孩子感到有点不自在.) 2) She was chatting with her friend, with her child playing beside her. (她在跟朋友闲聊,孩子在旁边玩。) 3) He felt uneasy with the whole class staring at him. (他感到很不安,因为所有的同学都盯着他。) 4) The boy lay on the grass, with his eyes looking into the sky. (小男孩躺在草地上,两眼望着天空。) 5) With night coming on, we started for home. 夜幕降临,我们动身回家。 6) I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill. (因为妈妈有病,我无法去度假。) 7) He fell asleep with the lamp burning. (他没熄灯就睡着了。) 3.1) I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash. (要洗这些衣服,我无法出去了。) 2) With so many people to help us, we are sure to finish the work in time.


中考专项训练句子结构与成分练习题 一、句子结构与成分 1.The shop ________ from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. But it ________ at 4: 30 on Sundays. A. opens; closes B. opens; is closed C. is open; closes 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:商店从上午9点到下午5点营业,但是星期天在4点半关门。根据from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m是段时间,用表示持续性状态的动词或形容词,open是瞬间动词,描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语是it,第三人称单数,故谓语动词是单三式,故选C。 【点评】考查动词,注意持续性动词和主谓一致的用法。 2.What is the sentence pattern(句型)of the sentence"Linda bought a book yesterday."?A. S+V B. S+V+O C. S+V +IO +DO D. S+V+O+OC 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:"Linda bought a book yesterday."属于哪种句型。A是主谓结构;B 是主谓宾结构;C是主谓+间接宾语+直接宾语;D是主谓+宾语+宾补。Linda是主语(S);bought是谓语动词(V),a book是宾语(O);故答案为C。 【点评】考查简单句的基本结构。 3.The young man ________ glasses is my teacher. A. wear B. wears C. put on D. with 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:带着眼镜的年轻人是我的老师。这个句子是简单句,根据is可知句子结构是系表结构,wear穿着,戴着,动词,put on穿上,戴上,动词短语,所以A,B,C三个选项都不正确,故选D。 【点评】此题考查简单句的结构。注意句子成分结构。 4.The boy_______ black hair_______ a blue coat. A. has; has B. with; in C. has; wears D. with; wears 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:留着黑头发的男孩穿着一件蓝色大衣。一个句子中不能出现两个谓语动词故选项A和C错误,B选项两个介词,放在句中缺少谓语动词,with具有,with black hair留着黑头发,介词短语修饰主语the boy, wear穿着,谓语动词,根据主语the boy,wear用第三人称单数结构,故选D。 【点评】此题考查句子结构成分。注意句子的成分和句子的结构。 5.Gina's books _______ in the room. A. is everywhere B. are everywhere C. is at everywhere D. are at everywhere


怎么判断句中的主谓宾定状补? 判断句中的主谓宾定状补,是学习英语中的难点。首先的知道主语是什么,概念是什么。什么词能做主语。谓语是什么,概念是什么。什么词能做谓语。依次类推......最主要是掌握基本句型,所谓万变不离其宗。句子的组成成分叫句子成分。在句子中,词与词之间有一定的组合关系,按照不同的关系,可以把句子分为不同的组成成分。句子成分由词或词组充当。 英语的基本成分有六种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)和状语(adverbial)。 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 基本句型一:SV(主+谓)基本句型二:SVP(主+谓+表)基本句型三:SVO(主+谓+宾)基本句型四:SVoO(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 基本句型五:SVOC(主+谓+宾+宾补) 1 基本句型一此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等 2 基本句型二此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。系动词分两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一类,表示情况;get, grow, become, turn等属另一类,表示变化。be 本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表语的作用。其它系动词仍保持其部分词义。1. This is an English-Chinese dictionary. 这是本英汉辞典。2. The dinner smells good. 午餐的气味很好。3. He fell in love. 他堕入了情网。 4. Everything looks different. 一切看来都不同了。 5. He is growing tall and strong. 他长得又高又壮。6. The trouble is that they are short of money. 麻烦的是他们缺少钱。7. Our well has gone dry. 我们的井干枯了。8. His face turned red. 他的脸红了。


主谓宾定状补的用法 主语,就是动作的执行者,一般都是名词,有时是用一个句子来作主语,这种情况叫做主语从句. 例如:He teaches English.He is a teacher.He就是主语. 谓语,就是行为动词,而行为动词又包括,连系动词,实义动词. 表语,就是表明主语的身分,性质特点,如上面的例子,teacher就是表语,表明主语he是一个老师.表语是用在连系动词后面的,一起构成"系表"结构. 宾语,就是动作的承担者.例如上面的English就是动词teach的承担者. 直接宾语和间接宾语是指一些词可以加双宾语时而言的! 例如give ,有句型give sb. sth.和give sth. to sb. 这种情况下,sb是间接宾语,sth,是直接宾语.简记为:直间两个宾,间宾在后,to 领先. 宾语补足语,就是补充说明宾语的状态特征. 例如;We call him Tom.我们叫他汤姆,Tom就是him 的补足语. 主语补足语是补充说明主语的形态特征. 例如The deer was caught alive.那只鹿被活捉,alive就是主语deer的补足语,说明这只鹿还是活的. 定语,就是形容词或者相当于形容词的词来修饰名词. 例如:She is a beautiful girl.beautiful就是girl的定语. 状语,就是句子的枝叶,用来补充说明其时间,地点,条件,程度等. I get up at 6:30. at 6:30就是一个时间状语. 主谓宾 主谓宾结构 主谓宾结构为一种文法的语序,即语法顺序为主语—谓语—宾语的结构,像英文的"I eat apples"就是一个例子,在此范例中I为主词(主语),eat为动词(谓语),apples为受词(宾语)。 汉语也是以主谓宾结构表达。“我爱你”这三个字,我是主语,爱是谓语,你就是宾语。 虽然使用主谓宾结构的语言在事实上没有使用主宾谓结构的语言种类多,但是也是相当多的,且许多克里奥尔语都使用主谓宾结构为主要语序。 主谓宾定状补 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。英语句子成分有主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语等。 顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定。


小学英语冲刺提升B卷 ——倒装句、主谓一致和不定式 1. There ______ a book and two rulers on the desk. 2. The boy with his parents ______(go) to the park today. 3. The whole family _______ TV. A. are watching B. is watching C. is seeing D. are seeing 4. Here comes she.(修改病句) 5. Tom with his friends go to the zoo every week.(修改病句). 6. She and her mother_______(be)doctors. 7.Were there many flowers in the garden?(作否定回答) 8. My teacher asked me _____ the room. A. clean B. cleans C. to clean 9. —Why are you so excited? —Nancy invited me_____on a trip to Dongjiang Lake just now. A. to go B. go C. going 10. She didn’t make her brother______.(cry) 11.我有很多家庭作业要做。 I have much homework_________. 12. 我很抱歉拿走了你的铅笔。 I am very sorry__________

7第一章 主谓宾补结构

第一章 | 主谓宾补结构 今天这篇文章是要教大家顿悟主谓宾补结构。 上节课我们向大家详细讲解了简单句的五种结构之主谓双宾结构,主谓双宾结构最重要的是有两个宾语,今天我们要讲的另一个简单句结构也以宾语为重点,叫主谓宾补结构。 语法名词:主谓宾补、宾语补足语、补语、使役动词、形式宾语 核心讲解: 我们先来看几个例子: (1)形容词做补语 ① 我发现他病了。 主语谓语宾语补语 I found him ill. 主语谓语宾语补语 I是“老公”,为主语;found是“老婆”,为谓语;him是“儿子”,为宾语。句中ill 是用来补充说明宾语状态的补语(他怎么了?病了),也就是“儿媳妇”。 ②孩子们的经验不足使他们易受伤害。 主语谓语宾语补语 Children’s inexperience makes them vulnerable. 主语谓语宾语补语 inexperience是不可数名词,其谓语动词应为三人称单数,加s,为makes;这个句中,Children’s inexperience 是“老公”,为主语;makes是“老婆”,为谓语;them是“儿子”,为宾语;vulnerable是“儿媳妇”,为形容词做补语。 (2)动词不定式做补语 ① 我要你知道两件事。 I want you to know two things.

主语谓语宾语补语 这个句中,to know是动词不定式作补语,补充说明宾语的情况。 ②互联网诱使人们去梦想一夜暴富。 主语谓语宾语补语 The Internet tempts people to dream of being rich overnight. 主语谓语宾语补语 the Internet是专有名词,为单数,谓语动词tempt应该为三人称单数,加s;谓语动词tempt后面习惯接不定式;dream是不及物动词,需要接of后再接名词,be动词需改成动名词being的形式。“to dream of being rich overnight”为不定式作补语起补充说明的作用。 总结: 主谓宾补结构和主谓双宾结构的区别在于: 主谓宾补可以看做一个结构完整的句子和一个结构不完整的句子。比如:I found him ill.=I found him + him ill我发现他生病了=我发现他+他生病了。所以说补语是儿子(宾语)的女朋友,虽然现在还不是一个家庭(一个句子),但是已经有了一家人的意思了。 主谓双宾却不能像主谓宾补那样看做两个句子。比如:I bought him a ticket. 我给他买了一张票,不等于“我买了他+他是一张票”。毕竟双宾语就是两个儿子(干的和亲的),两个儿子没法“成家”啊! 要点拓展: 接下来我们通过一些例子来进一步了解主谓宾补结构: 1.主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(名词) They name him Kevin. 他们命名他为凯文 主语谓语宾语宾补 句中及物动词name+宾语him无法表达完整的意思,必须加上一个补充成分,即宾补,来补充说明宾语的情况。这句话可以分解成:他们命名他+他叫凯文。所以是主谓宾补结构。
