Thinking of John Dewey

Thinking of John Dewey
Thinking of John Dewey

Thinking of John Dewey’s Theories of Education The teacher advised us to search on the internet to look for John Dewey’s theories of education . As a student in English Education department , we will be an English teacher in the future . The teacher thought that it is meaningful for us to learn John Dewey’s theories of education , which will give us some suggestion or some tips on how to be a good teacher in the future .

Dewey is lauded as the greatest educational thinker of the 20th century . His theory of experience continues to be much read and discussed not only within education , but also in psychology and philosophy . Dewey's views continue to strongly influence the design of innovative educational approaches , such as in outdoor education, adult training , and experiential therapies . In the 1920's / 1930's, John Dewey became famous for pointing out that the authoritarian, strict, pre-ordained knowledge approach of modern traditional education was too concerned with delivering knowledge , and not enough with understanding students' actual experiences .

Dewey concluded that Education is life , Education is growth, Education is the experience transformation . Individuals contact with other people and influence each other in the social life or gradually expand and improve the experience, or develop a moral quality, and acquisition of knowledge and skills . It can also be called Education . I strongly agree with his opinion . We can learn many things from our daily life or from other people . For example , a person can develop a good moral quality , because his or her parents or friends set a good example for him or her . Education is not just studying at school and learning things from the teacher and textbook .

Dewey thought that the proper way for people to develop both in physical and mental aspects and transform experience is participating in the real life . Thus , teachers should make the class become the paradise of the students when he or she is teaching knowledge . Although I think it is a little difficult to do that , it is very beneficial . We will become a English teacher in the future . Do you know how to make the class become more fun rather than boring ? I think we can learn from Dewey . We should create many activities and use them during the class . And guide the students willing to take part in the activities individually . Besides , we should guide the students develop virtues and acquire knowledge from the activities unwittingly.

John Dewey was the father of progressive education . he believed that a progressive classroom is one in which the teacher does not stand in front of the class lecturing while students take notes ; rather, the teacher functions as a facilitator , allowing students to freely circulate the room and receive feedback fro m their peers on classroom work . If you are the teacher , you are encouraging them to reflect on what they learned at the end of the assignment . One of Dewey's precepts was that children learn more from actual experiences than from textbooks . I think children can learn from others and develop the ability of independent thinking and summary through this way . So , as a teacher , you should design experiences that will lead to

independent learning . Dewey saw teachers as mentors, guides and facilitators . Rather than remaining behind the desk , try interacting directly and actively with students . Don't simply convey information . Instead help students discover the information for themselves , by creating learning experiences . When designing active , hands-on classroom activities , start with a bridge lesson to assess how much the students already know . For instance , you might give them a simple related problem to solve , After the learning experience has ended , ask students to reflect on what they've learned . I think this is a very beneficial way to develop the students ability .

In addition , as a teacher , I think , should encourage students to find personal interest in the subject matter . Dewey believed that students should feel connected to classroom material, in order to retain information and adapt it for personal use . So , if students show informal interest in a recent events , show how these events are connected to the lessons. Use popular films to illustrate philosophy concepts . Don't hesitate to show your own passion and enthusiasm for a subject .

The teacher should respect each individual student . Dewey believed teachers should never pressure students to conform . Instead of going into a classroom with certain expectations , accept students of all different cultures , religions and family backgrounds . Within individual school regulations , respect students who wear different or unusual attire . Dewey also believed in a democratic classroom where students felt free to express their opinions . Listen respectfully to each student and ask for frequent feedback . If you witness bullying between peers , intervene in a tactful and respectful way . Teach tolerance to your students . Then , the students will get into a good habit or a good moral quality .

Because we will be a teacher in the future , I think we should learn and think John Dewey’s theories of education carefully . I think it is very helpful to us .


动名词的用法及练习 你听过英文语法有动词(verb)、名词(noun);但你听过有动名词(gerund)吗 1. The girl is singing a song. 2. The girl singing now is my sister. 3. Singing is one of her hobbies(爱好). 一、名词性的动名词(Nominal Gerund) Nominal Gerund 可以加上定冠词(Definite article,如the)或不定冠词(Indefinite article,如a, an),其他可加在动名词前的还有如:my, this, some, any, all, no 等等。举例如下: 1. The mellow(愉快地) singing of the birds announces the coming of spring. (singing前加定冠词the及形容词mellow;coming 前加the) 2. We knew the robber was near when we heard a faint rustling(沙沙声) in the bushes. (rustling 前加不定冠词a及形容词faint) 从上面的例子可看出如何将一个动词转成名词;但它和真正的名词还是有区别的,那就是没有单数或复数之分。不过,有一些动名词是可以变成真正名词的喔,如:saying, writing, opening, painting, cutting, heading, feeling, being,saving, surrounding, crossing, misunderstanding 等等。它们都可以有复数的喔,方法就是在它们的后面加个s,如:paintings。 二、动词性的动名词(Verbal Gerund) 看看下面的句子: Carelessly writing essays annoys the teacher. 上面的句子里的writing是动名词,但前面有副词carelessly(粗心地),后面又有受词(Object) essays。因此writing就有动词的特征。 注意:Verbal Gerund 这类动名词的前面可不能加上任何冠词(the, a, an ...)喔。 动名词的功能与用法 一、在句子中用作主语(Subject)或主语的补语(Subject Complement): 作主语 1. Listening to music gives me pleasure. (主语Listening ) 2. Running is good exercise. (主语running) 3. Walking to school is a good idea. (主语walking) 作主语的补语 1. My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. (补语sleeping) 2. Seeing is believing. (主语seeing, 补语believing) 主语置于句尾用It + be + ... +v-ing 句型 1. It is fun speaking English. 2. It is of great importance fighting against pollution(污染). 用It is 后接no use. no good, fun 等的句型 1. It is no use learning theory without practice. 2. It is no fun being lost in rain. 用It is 后接useless, nice, good, interesting, worthwhile 等的句型 1. It is worthwhile taking this into consideration. 用There + be + no + v-ing 的句型 1. There is no joking about such matters. 2. There is no getting along with him. (简直无法与他相处) 二、动名词也可以作宾语(Object) 作动词/动词短语的宾语(置于动词或动词短语的后面) 1. I cannot help laughing. (我禁不住笑了起来)(宾语laughing) 2. You should avoid quarrelling with your sister. (宾语quarrelling) 3. You should practice speaking English more. (宾语speaking) 注意:上面三个句子中的动词:help, avoid, practice 只能用动名词作宾语。这类动词还有:dislike 厌恶admit 接受repent 后悔acknowledge 承认


twist的用法总结大全 twist的用法你知道多少,今天给大家带来twist的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 twist的用法总结大全 twist的意思 vt. 扭成一束,搓,捻,绕,卷,连结,交结 vi. 被搓揉,蜿蜒,曲折,扭曲身体,扭动,旋转,转动 n. 揉搓之物,丝线,烟草卷,旋转 变形:过去式: twisted; 现在分词:twisting; 过去分词:twisted; twist用法 twist可以用作动词 twist的基本意思是指纺纱或捻线的一个程序,两股或多股细丝互相拧成纱或线。引申可指“盘绕”“旋转”“扭伤”。用于比喻可指“曲解(话、词等的)意义”。

twist可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,主动形式可含有被动意义。 twist有时可接以形容词作补足语的复合宾语。 twist用作动词的用法例句 She twisted the long scarf round her head.她把那条长围巾围在头上。 Selecting the suitable twist factor in order to meet the needs of flax knitting yarn, it is the key to increase high_grade and productivity of flax knitting products.选择合理的捻系数以满足针织用纱的要求是提高亚麻针织产品档次和生产效率的关键。 We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.我们把床单搓成绳子,援绳下坠逃跑了。 twist用法例句 1、The battle of the sexes also took a new twist. 两性之争也出现了新的变数。 2、Twist the string carefully around the second stem with the other hand.


动名词的用法详解 今天给大家带来动名词的用法详解,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 英语语法:动名词的用法详解 动名词因同时拥有动词和名词两者的特点而拥有及其丰富 的用法,熟练的掌握这些用法不仅可以使口语表达更地道生动,也能在写作中增分添彩。 动名词主要有四种用法,做主语,作宾语,作表语,作定语,每种用法下又分小类别,是一个非常复杂庞大的系统,学习者们往往会理不清脉络,今天就为大家带来动名词的用法讲解。 一.作主语 1.直接位于句首 eg.Swimming is a good sport in summer. 2.用it作形式主语,把动名词(真实主语)置于句尾作后置主语。 eg.It is no use telling him not to worry.

.mportant,essential,necessary等形容词不能用于上述结构。 3.用于“There be”结构中 eg.There is no saying when hell come. 4.动名词的复合结构作主语: 当动名词有自己的逻辑主语时,常可以在前面加上一个名词或代词的所有格,构成动名词的复合结构,动名词疑问句通常使用这种结构做主语 eg.Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us. Does your saying that mean anything to him? 二.作宾语 1.作动词的宾语 某些动词后出现非限定性动词时只能用动名词作宾语,不能用不定式。不定式通常指某种特定的动作,但动名词表示泛指,常见的此类动词有: admit,appreciate,excuse,stand,advise,allow,permit,avoid,consider,e njoy,finish,give up,cannot help,imagine,include,keep,understand,keepon,mind,report,risk,mis s,put off,delay,practise,resist,suggest,depend on,think about,set about,succeed in,worry about,burst out,insist on,feel like,be used

allow,permit,advise,forbid 后接动词

doing allow,permit,advise,forbid sb to do 有这样几道题: a. We don’t allow __________ in the office. b. We don’t allow people __________ in the office. c. People are not allowed __________ in the office. A. smoking B. to smoke C. smoked D. smoke 此题答案为a句选 A,b句和c句均选 B。一般说来,动词allow(允许)之后应接动名词作宾语,但是若其后接有名词或代词作宾语,则其宾语后的补足语应用不定式,而不是动名词(注意:c句与b句同义,只是c句为b句的被动形式)。 类似以上用法的动词还有 permit,advise,forbid等: 1. a. We don’t permit _________ on the grass. b. We don’t perm it people _________ on the grass. c. People are not permitted _________ on the grass. A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walked 2. a. He advised _________ early. b. He advised us _________ early. c. We were advised _________ early. A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left 3. a. We forbid __________ a noise. b. We forbid people __________ a noise. c. People are forbidden __________ a noise. A. make B. to make C. making D. made


高考重点英语语法之allow与permit的运 用 he rules of the club do not permit smoking. 这个俱乐部规定不准吸烟。 They shouldn’t allow parking here; the street is too narrow. 这儿不该允许停车,马路太窄了。 我们不许在池子里游泳。 正:We don’t allow swimming in the pool. 误:We don’t allow to swim i n the pool. 但是,它们虽然不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但可跟不定式的复合结构作宾语。如: We don’t allow [permit] students to eat in the classrooms. 我们不允许学生在教室吃饭。 两者均可后接双宾语。如: We allow passengers one item of hand luggage each. 我们允许每个乘客带一件手提行李。 As it was such a special occasion, she permitted herself a small glass of champagne. 由于那是一个很特别的场合,所以她。

两者均不能后接that引导的宾语从句。如: 我们不允许人们在大教室抽烟。 误:We don’t all [permit] that people smoke in the lecture room. 正:We don’t allow [permit] people to smoke in the lecture room. allow与allow的几点区别: (1) permit 通常指上级、规则或法令等表示的准许,其语气较重;而allow 通常指消极地不加反对,有时含有听任或默许之意,语气较轻:The nurse allowed him to remain there,though it was not permitted. 护士让他留在那儿,而按规定那是不许可的。 (2) permit可用于带形式主语it的被动结构,但allow不行。如: It is not permitted to smoke in the kitchen. 厨房内不准吸烟。


高中英语知识点大全(7):allow/permit的用法 1、allow/permit 1)用法相同 allow / permit sb .to do sth .允许某人做某事 allow / permit doing sth . 允许做某事。此时动词只用ing 形式。 反义词forbid 具有同样用法。 2)意义有异同 许多情况下可换用,只是词意的强弱上有差异。allow语意较弱,含有“听任”,“默许”,“不加阻止”的意思;permit 语意较强,强调“正式认可”,“批准”的意思。如: The nurse allowed him to remain there ,though it was not permitted.护士让他留在那里,虽然这时(规定)不允许的。 2、amaze amaze vt.使……惊奇= astonish, surprise The news amazed us greatly.这条消息使我们感到很惊奇。 拓展:(1)amazed人对……感到吃惊的;amazing(某物)……信人吃惊的。 They were all amazed at the amazing news. 听到这个令人吃惊的消息他们感到惊讶。 (2)amazement n. to one’s amazement令人吃惊的是 To my amazement, they have gone to Xishuangbanna. 让我奇怪的是,他们去西双版纳了。

类似短语:to one’s happiness/excitement/sadness/puzzlement 使某人高兴的/兴奋的/伤心的/迷惑的是 3、announce/ explain/ introduce/ declare announce, explain, introduce, declare后面不接双宾语,若以人作宾语常置于to后。如: The president announced to the workers the sad news. The president announced the sad news to the workers.总裁向工人宣布了那不幸的消息。 He introduced the new comer to everyone here.他把新来的那个人介绍给这里的每个人。 report to sb.向某人汇报 report sth/ sb.向某人汇报/告诉。 [应用]单句改错 ①The teacher explained his students how to use the computer. ②No one declared us we could not smoke here. Key:①explain后加to ②declare后加to


allow与permit的用法区别的用法区别 1. 两者均可表示“允许”,其区别是permit 通常指上级、规则或法令等表示的准许,其语气较重;而allow 通常指消极地不加反对,有时含有听任或默许之意,语气较轻。如:Nothing is permitted; everything is allowed. 一切都没明文规定可以做,但一切做了也无妨。The nurse allowed him to remain there,though it was not permitted. 护士让他留在那儿,而按规定那是不许可的。 2. 从用法上看. 两者后接动词作宾语时,均要用动名词形式,而不能用不定式。如:We don’t allow [permit] swimming in the pool. 我们不许在池子里游泳。但是若其后接有名词或代词,那么其后须接不定式。如:We don’t allow [permit] children to swim in the pool. 我们不许孩子们在池子里游泳。注意这类结构的被动式之后可用不定式(此时的不定式不是宾语,而是主语补语)。如:正:We do not allow [permit] people to smoke here.正:People are not allowed [permitted] to smoke here.误:People are not allowed [permitted] smoking here. Allow/permit doing sth Allow/permit sb to do sth Sb be allowed/permitted to do sth


allow与permit用法辨析 1. 两者均可后接动名词作宾语,但不能用不定式。如: The rules of the club do not permit smoking. 这个俱乐部规定不准吸烟。 They shouldn’t allow parking here; the street is too narrow. 这儿不该允许停车,马路太窄了。我们不许在池子里游泳。 正:We don’t allow swimming in the pool. 误:We don’t allow to swim in the pool. 但是,它们虽然不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但可跟不定式的复合结构作宾语。如: We don’t allow [permit] students to eat in the classrooms. 我们不允许学生在教室吃饭。 2. 两者均可后接双宾语。如: We allow passengers one item of hand luggage each. 我们允许每个乘客带一件手提行李。 As it was such a special occasion, she permitted herself a small glass of champagne. 由于那是一个很特别的场合,所以她。 3. 两者均不能后接that引导的宾语从句。如: 我们不允许人们在大教室抽烟。 误:We don’t allow [permit] that people smoke in the lecture room. 正:We don’t allow [permit] people to smoke in the lecture room. 4. allow与allow的几点区别: (1) permit 通常指上级、规则或法令等表示的准许,其语气较重;而allow 通常指消极地不加反对,有时含有听任或默许之意,语气较轻:The nurse allowed him to remain there,though it was not permitted. 护士让他留在那儿,而按规定那是不许可的。 (2) permit可用于带形式主语it的被动结构,但allow不行。如: It is not permitted to smoke in the kitchen. 厨房内不准吸烟。 (3) allow可与状语小品词连用,但permit不行。如: She wouldn’t allow me in. 她不让我进去。


permit的用法和短语例句 permit有允许;许可;许可证;执照等意思,那么你知道permit的用法吗?下面跟着小编一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! permit的用法: permit的用法1:permit的基本意思是指天气、时间、健康状况或某人等允许某人去某处或做某事。既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时, permit常接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,可用于被动结构。permit也可接双宾语,其间接宾语不可转化为介词for或to的宾语。还可接以动词不定式、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。permit作不及物动词时,意思是容许,主要用在状语结构中。 permit的用法2:permit of的意思是允许,有余地,是比较正式的用法,常用于否定句。of后可接名词、动名词或that从句(从句中的should可以省略),接no+ n. 时of常可省略,接that从句时of须省略。 permit的用法3:permit的基本意思是许可,引申可作执照,许可证,许可解,指官方正式许可的文件。 permit的常用短语: permit into (v.+prep.) permit (of) (v.+prep.) permit out (v.+adv.)

permit through (v.+adv.) permit的用法例句: 1. He can let the courts decision stand and permit the execution. 他有权维持法庭判决,批准死刑生效。 2. Will they permit you to sit in on a few classes? 他们会同意你旁听几节课吗? 3. Permit me to give you some advice. 请允许我给你提点建议。 4. The state does not permit write-in votes. 该州不允许投票给非推荐候选人。 5. She hasnt got a work permit. 她还没有拿到工作许可证。 6. Permit me to offer you my sincere congratulations. 谨致衷心祝贺。 7. I couldnt face the whole rigmarole of getting a work permit again. 我无法再次面对获取工作许可证所需的各种冗长复杂的手续。 8. The doctor will not permit mother up until her leg is better. 在母亲的腿好些之前,医生不允许她起床. 9. The ethics of his profession dont permit him to do that.


decision的用法和短语例句 decision有决定;决心;判决等意思,那么你知道decision的用法吗?下面跟着小编一起来学习decision的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! decision的用法decision的用法1:decision的基本意思是决定抉择判决,引申可表示决议,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。 decision的用法2:decision经常与动词make, reach, arrive at, give, come to等词连用(但不可用do),均表示作出决定。 decision的用法3:decision的另一个意思是果断坚决,只用作不可数名词。 decision的用法4:decision后面可接动词不定式做同位语,而不接of v -ing。 decision的用法5:decision是表示建议的名词,其后的表语从句或同位语从句须用虚拟语气。 decision的常用短语accept the/sbs decision affect ones decision against the decision applaud ones decision approve of ones decision

arrive at a decision come to the decision delay ones decision give ones decision hand down ones decision hang on sbs decision hit out at sbs decisions hold off ones decision hold to ones decision influence sbs decision make a decision proceed the decisions reach a decision decision的用法例句 1. Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule. 几位部长发言谴责暂停宪制的决定。 2. When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges. 判决书宣读完,加德纳夫人向法官们表示感谢。 3. There has been a very mixed reaction to the decision. 对于这个决定的反应非常不一致。 4. They have been calling the Presidency decision a


allow用法详解 一、用法问题 1. 允许,准许,容许 I can’t allow such a thing. 我不允许发生这样的事。 Allow me to introduce Miss Mary. 请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。 We don’t allow smoking on this plane. 在这架飞机上我们不允许抽烟。 2. 允许…进入(或停留) Dogs not allowed.=No dogs allowed. 不准携狗入内。 No pets are allowed inside. 宠物不准入内。 3. 给予 How much money do your parents allow you for books? 你父母给你多少钱买书? I allowed him £1000 for expenses. 我给他每年1000 英镑的开销。 4. 承认 The referee refused to allow the goal. 裁判员不承认这次进球。 I allowed as how he was right. 我承认他是对的。 二、句式问题 1. allow sth允许某事 I c an’t allow such a thing. 我不允许发生这样的事。 2. allow doing sth允许做某事 We don’t allow eating in the classrooms. (我们)不允许在教室吃饭。 We don’t allow smoking here. 我们不允许在此抽烟。 3. allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事 Her father would not allow her to eat sweets. 她父亲不允许她吃糖果。 They don’t allow students to smoke in the class-room. 他们不允许学生在教室抽烟。 My parents don’t allow me to stay out late. 我父母不允许我深夜还留在外头。 4. allow sb sth给予某人某物(尤指钱或时间);让某人有(拥用或带有)某物 He allows his son too much money. 他给他儿子的钱太多。 We’ll allow you time to answer. 我们将给回答的时间。 I will allow you 10% off the price if you pay now. 如果你现在付款,我可以给你打九折。 We allow passengers one item of hand luggage each. 我们允许每个乘客带一件手提 行李。 注:表示允许某人得到某物时可带双宾语,若双宾语易位通常用介词to引出间接宾语。如:


英语单词用法 agree with sb 同意某人的看法 agree on sth 同意某事 arrive at/in sp 到达某地 ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事 ask sb not to do sth 叫某人不要做某事 be busy doing/with sth 忙于做某事 be strict in sth 对某事要求严格 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 decide to do sth 决定做某事 dislike doing sth 不喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 find sb do/doing sth 发现某人做某事finish doing sth 完成某事 give sb sth 给某人某物 give sth to sb 给某人某物 have fun doing sth 做…很有趣 help sb with sth 帮助某人某事 help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 it’s time for sth 该做某事了 It’s time for sb to do sth 该某人做某事 了 it’s time to do sth 该做某事了 like doing/to do sth 喜欢做某事 make sb do sth 让某人做某事 mind (sb) doing sth 介意(某人)做某事pass sb sth 把某物递给某人 pass sth to sb 把某物递给某人practice doing sth 练习做某事 remember doing sth 记得做过某事remember to do sth 记得要做某事 see sb do/doing sth 看见某人做某事show sb sth 给某人看某物 show sth to sb 给某人看某物spend…(in) doing sth 花费…做某事 spend…on sth 花费…在某物上start doing sth 开始做某事 start to do sth 开始做某事 stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来再做某事 talk about sth 谈论某事 talk to/with sb 与某人交谈 tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事 want sth 想要某物


profession的用法总结大全 profession有职业,专业,同行,宣称,信念,信仰的意思。那你们想知道profession的用法吗?今天给大家带来了profession的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 profession的用法总结大全 profession的意思 n. 职业,专业,同行,宣称,信念,信仰 profession用法 profession可以用作名词 profession表示“同业,同行”是可数的集合名词,当其用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。 profession用作名词的用法例句 He is a doctor by profession.他的职业是医生。 Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession.护理工作既是职业又是救死扶伤的责任。 I dont believe her profession of friendship for us.我不相信她声称同我们友好。

profession用法例句 1、The attitude of the medical profession is very much more liberal now. 现在,医务人员的态度开明多了。 2、Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession. 不幸的是,容易感冒是这个行业的职业性风险。 3、Acting is definitely a young persons profession in many ways. 从许多方面来说,表演无疑是吃青春饭的行当。 profession词组 profession of 宣称(感情、信念等);表白 legal profession 法律界;法律专业 medical profession 医疗职业 accounting profession 会计职业 teaching profession 教学工作;教学专业 by profession 在职业上;就职业来说


外教一对一, present的用法 present present的root meaning是“呈现,展示,拿出,在现场”等等。中文无法完全精确地表现。 这里附带说一下中英词汇互译的问题。我们可以把全部的概念和意思看成一个连续的平面,而词汇是一个个独立的形状。汉语词汇是三角形,英语词汇是圆形,词汇之间还会互相交叉或叠盖。单纯汉语或英语都可以覆盖整个平面,但你以汉语中的三角形就是无法精确覆盖英语中的圆形,甚至用好几个都不行,反之亦然。这就是为什么我们解释一个词很多时候需要用几个词,还不能完全起效。也是为什么我们需要尽快丢掉汉语这根拐杖,用英语学习英语。 present本身就有三个词性,名词,动词和形容词。读法不一样,名词重音在前,动词重音在后。而且第一个e的发音也不一样。形容词读音从名词。 这是英语发音中一条极端重要的规律,很多多音节基础词汇有多个词性的,都是这样发音。比如: produce (n) 农产品 produce (v) 制造 permit (n) 许可证 permit (v) 允许 suspect (n) 疑犯 suspect (v) 怀疑 全是拼写相同,名词重音在前,动词(也有少数形容词的情况)重音在后。这样的常用词有上百个。 present的名词意思很简单:礼物。和gift基本是同义词。有没有细微区别呢?当然有。gift是give的名词,偏重于“给予”,更加personal一点,而present偏重于“场合”,更加正式庄重一点。 This is a personal gift. (这里用present会很不舒服) He is a gifted child. (天赋,god(或者说自然)的礼物。这里根本就不可能用present) In his state visit, the president brought an ancient painting as a present to the host country. (这里体会一下就知道,只能用present,用gift很不合适) 作为形容词,present要复杂得多。有两个主要的意思分支:“在场”和“当前,眼下”,很奇妙,恰好一个是关于空间的,一个是关于时间的。 He was not present when his wife made a scene. (老婆撒泼时他不在场) The execution of the will would need every beneficiary to be present. (需要每个人都在场) 作为“在场“时,present的反义词是absent。我们熟知这个词的短语 absent-minded,(心不在焉的)。 Once again he is absent for the class.


常见的动词用法 1.可用于“动词+sb+into doing sth”的9个常见动词 cheat sb.into doing sth.欺骗某人做某事 trick sb.into doing sth.欺骗某人做某事 food sb.into doing sth.欺骗某人做某事 force sb.into doing sth.迫使某人做某事 argue sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事 talk sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事 terrify sb.into doing sth.威胁某人做某事 frighten sb.into doing sth.吓唬某人做某事 persuade sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事 2.可用于“动词+sb+for doing sth”的8个常见动词 blame sb.for doing sth.指责某人做某事 criticize sb.for doing sth.批评某人做某事 forgive sb.for doing sth.原谅某人做某事 excuse sb.for doing sth.原谅某人做某事 pardon sb.for doing sth.原谅某人做某事 punish sb.for doing sth.惩罚某人做某事 scold sb.for doing sth.指责(责备)某人做某事 thank sb.for doing sth.感谢某人做某事 3.接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 afford to do sth.负担得起做某事agree to do sth.同意做某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth.要求做某事 beg to do sth.请求做某事care to do sth.想要做某事choose to do sth.决定做某事decide to do sth.决定做某事demand to do sth.要求做某事determine to do sth.决心做某事expect to do sth.期待做某事fear to do sth.害怕做某事


助动词的用法口诀 助动词,用法怪;只当佐料不当菜。 句型变换显身手;常与时态谈恋爱。 have完成be进行;will将来三大块。 加上各自过去式;总共构成六时态。 否定疑问靠它们;用法如同be相待。 一般现在和过去;没有助动也无碍。 否定疑问照常变;过去did,do现在。 第三人单用does;遵守be法和情态。 特殊疑问句疑问词的选用口诀如下: 特殊疑问有多变;人作主语who来问。 How long用来问多久;多久一次how often。问到钟点what time;什么时候when走前。What does问职业;哪个which在前面。 价格多少how much;how many可数永不变。要问地点用where;怎么让how上前线。 年龄总是how old;what colour涂颜面。 实义动词的用法口诀 常接动名词的动词口诀如下: 我们这样来读: 动词后接ing; 动词后接ing; miss错过imagine想象和practise练习。 错过想象和练习。 consider考虑enjoy享受就delay推迟; 考虑享受就推迟; admit承认risk冒险去suggest建议。 承认冒险去建议。 你来appreciate欣赏我mind介意; 你来欣赏我介意; finish完成save救助再keep保持。 完成救助再保持。 avoid避免forgive宽恕要deny拒绝; 避免宽恕要拒绝; insist坚持resist抵抗不give up放弃。 坚持抵抗不放弃。 常接不定式的动词口诀如下: 动词接“to”go去manage安排; 动词接to去安排; decide决定offer提供不expect期待。 决定提供不期待。


permit的用法和辨析 你们知道permit的用法吗?我们一起来学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 词汇精选:permit的用法和辨析 一、详细释义: n. 英[?p??m?t];美[?p?r?m?t] 许可证;执照;授权[C] 例句: Wont they ask for an exit permit? 他们不是还要查验出境许可证吗? 例句: If he had a permit he could get a job. 要是他有执照的话,他就可以找到工作。

允许;许可[C] 例句: Thats old enough to get a permit. 这年龄足以得到许可了。 例句: I have had a working permit from the immigration office. 我已从移民局获得工作许可。 【美】【鱼】鲳鲹[C] v. 英[p??m?t];美[p?r?m?t] 允许;准许[T] 例句: Marys father will not permit her to stay up late. 玛丽的父亲不允许她熬夜。 例句: Do you permit your children to smoke ?

你准许你的孩子们吸烟吗? 使成为可能[T] 例句: But its the kind of thing I cant permit. 可是这种事情我却不能听之任之。 [permit oneself] 使放手做;使破例做[T] 例句: He permits himself pork once a week. 他规定自己一星期只吃一次肉。 【古】交托[T] 允许;许可[I] 例句: Allow him to play and splash in the water if his condition permits. 如果他的身体情况许可,要容许他在水里玩和泼水。 例句: Ill go skiing if the weather permits.
