
tax arrears :欠税,滞纳税金

alimony :n.赡养费

glitch :n.缺失

progressive taxation :累进课税

component :n.零件

throw in :外加;额外赠送

to take a throw-in接界外发球

tie up loose ends :处理枝节问题

fire away :尽管说;尽管问吧

floor:n.[politics]发言权;[economy]最低限额trendsetter 引领创新的人

bellwether :n.指标证券;指标股


stay on the sidelines :退场观望

on the sidelines从旁观者的角度

wrap up :完成;结束

bailout :n.紧急援助

like gangbusters :狂销;热卖

sachet :n.试用包[盛薰衣草等的小香袋]itinerary :n.行程表

escort :v.陪同[military]护送部队stipend :n.津贴

switch flights :转机

vendor profile :卖家简介

consignment :n.寄售(货品卖出才付款) market capitalization :市价总值

counselor :n.顾问[school]辅导员

bulk order :大量订购

division :n.事业部

lead time:交货期(从订货到取货所需的时间) proceeds :n.净收入;净所得(此义恒作复数) probationary period :试用期

be directly affiliated to:直属


ledger :n.分类帐

expect :v.等待

line of work :行业

streak :n.刮痕;裸奔

toner :n.碳粉;(身体某个部位的)锻炼snorkeling :n.浮潜

valet :[American]停车管理员

ballad :n.情歌民谣

wizard :n.高手;奇才on a roll :大为成功,连番上涨

overcast :a.阴暗的,阴天的

to throw or have a tantrum使性子

fixated 异常迷恋的

to become demented 发狂

to drive [somebody] demented 把某人逼疯acquiescence 默许

psychopath 精神变态者

blaspheme 亵渎

instigation 鼓动

kennel 狗窝



slander 诽谤


quarantine 检疫隔离

flinch 退缩

遇事要沉着,不要急躁。When things crop up, it’s important to keep a cool head and not to fly off the handle.




come to blows 动粗

to stir things up挑起事端

blown out向外炸开喷发爆裂

bottle up one’s anger


spurn 嫌弃

forsake 抛弃


handsy 乱摸

penchant for


brook formal 允许

be pack off 被打发去sp.

哼!我非找他算账不可!Damn! I must get even with him!

Humph, I’ll not count on you anymore! 哼,谁还会指望你!

to be hand in glove with [sb.] 与某人勾结gnat 叮人的小虫

paragon 典范


solicitous: I tended to be solicitous no further! Reclusiveness隐居


prism 菱镜


quixotic 异想天开的

flub 把……搞糟

a jazz aficionado 爵士乐迷



suave 圆滑的

permissive 纵容的

pusillanimous 怯弱的

epicure gourmet 美食家

precocious 早熟的

insouciant 无忧无虑的

erudite 博学的

parvenu 暴发户

vapid 乏味的枯燥的愚蠢的

infantry 步兵

shoddy 劣质的卑劣的

scurry scuttle小步疾走

exasperated 是恼怒

tether 系绳

rut车辙发情期(be in heat )rudimentary 早期的基本的

A la mode A scoop of ice cream added to pie PBJ A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.America's favorite!

Hero A long (a foot or more), overstuffed bread roll. (Alt. sub, short for submarine) Soda A generic term for any carbonated drink, such as Coke or 7-up

Sunny-side up A regular fried egg.

Once over easy An egg that is fried on both sides.

domineer over [somebody]对某人专横跋扈ebullient 热情洋溢的


he is a pawn in the hands of the boss他受老板的摆布

pawn 卒典当concoction 调制

a racy description of [something]对某事物栩栩如生的描写


mavericks 持不同见解者

parry 挡开,躲开

crept 悄悄行进

rub up a wrong way

let's call it a day 今天就到此为止吧

Flares 火光照明灯

Percipient 有洞察力的

Precipitate引发加速抛出沉淀Authenticity 真实性可靠性


Immure 监禁

Immutable 不可改变的



flint 燧石


diorama 手办

Ostentatious =show off

Tenants 租赁

Terrace 梯田阶梯看台

Terra-cotta warriors and horses 赤土色的武士和马

Acrobat 杂技演员

Feat 功绩

Porcelain ware china

Peddle sell

Pottery earthenware

Bronze ware 青铜器

Indelible 不褪色的

Civility 礼貌

Lumber 吃力地前进

Fishery 渔业渔场

Ammunition 弹药

Inlet 水湾

manifest 明显的清楚显示

repugnant 令人憎恶的

Stay for a few more hours

offsets 越位

redemption 赎回救赎

dribble 运球

Affectation 做作

Imposition 施加征收过分的要求scriptures圣经

Moleskin 后毛头斜纹棉布

Molest 性骚扰

Cardinals 鲜红红衣主教

emphatic 坚决明确的坚定的

cloak 披风遮掩


Premise 假定前提

what do you like about it 你喜欢他的那一部分

agnostic 不可知论者


saddle 马鞍车座

Apprehension 忧虑

Aptitude 天资

Submissive 顺从的

Martial 军事的武术

Avocation 消遣

bunny 兔子

sabotage 蓄意破坏

Instinct=inborn=tendency=natural=reaction =intuition




Felicity= appropriateness= happiness wildlife :should be preserve for the benefit of the posterity.

Sinister: suggestive of evil

to the best of my recollection=memory conceive a project/work of art

gratify= give satisfaction to

witty =verbal humor

meticulous =show great attention to detail ineffectual= lacking ability

indolent= lazy

alienate= estrange= separate

incisive= clear-thinking

grudge=a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past injury or insult

mortify =embarrassed

inflame=exacerbate provoke sb. to strong emotions

amply =enough or more than enough extravagance =prodigality =wastefulness imprudence= facile

defy= disobey

gullible =credulous

veracity=conformity to facts

swoon= be in ecstasies

poise =composure= dignity =calmness

poise and grace of the dancers舞蹈演员的优雅姿态

eminently =special

quintessential =typical

Crest 波峰

Emblem 徽章

Heraldry 纹章学

Tuft 一缕一簇一丝

Scant attention 一丁点的注意

Cactus 仙人掌

Hortatory 劝告的激励的

Hedge 树篱对冲避免正面回答问题Charisma 非凡的个人魅力


Swindle=fraud =cheat

Ornament =trinkets


A pair of Spectacles 一副眼镜

Prop up 撑起扶持

Tart 酸的馅饼妓女

Babbling brook 潺潺小溪

Drifting off 入睡

Unruffled 平静的

Unruly hair乱糟糟的头发

disruptive 引起混乱的

Abound 大量存在

Epicenter 震中

Epigrams 警句诙谐短诗

Whimsical 古怪的离奇的心血来潮的


Tact 圆通







Betel stimulate













Shin pads splints




Mural 壁画



pneumatic [mechanics]







iron out 消除

levels the playing field (消除差别使平等) conformist 墨守成规

blazed new trails


no strings attached 无牵无挂

the lion’s share

the lion’s den

to put one’s hand into the lion’s mouth

to twist lion’s tail

at the drop of a hat vox populi公共舆论



time never frittered away




the apostle’s creed

affirmation action!= political correctness bombardment

the star-spangled banner

pledge of allegiance


jaded cynicism

meddle in

pit n. [sing.] 深坑[mining]矿井煤矿; fig. pockmark. the pit of the one’s stomach 心窝; pit 麻子[automobile] [finance] [history] pits —> the pits 检修加油站

vt. pit ——against sb. 与某人竞争pit one’s wit against sb. 与某人斗智; + [reflexive verb] pit oneself against sb.

wacky 古怪的

… the ratio of… can arrive at 5000:1

another reason for their choice is …

… offering insight into …(aspects)

it expresses ….

An increasing # of ….

cost us

extend my thanks to … you all for

all my way to my dorm.

….(topic)… turned into a heated issue.

in the limelight / to hog the limelight

lay a heavy burden on sb.

publicize the fire safety info.

…. conform to a singular method.

in recent years, … is gaining graving popularity with sb.

to appear accordingly, to emerge as needed / required

an aging of population society

to enlarge the scope of knowledge

to ward off the evils

to exert control after pollution

As to be seen from the line/bar/chart/table that … increased /rose/grow dramatically from …

It can be seen/ concluded from the table that … decreased/ dropped/fall/declined/ reduced slightly to …

the period from … to … saw … increase/drop in the #/percentage of…

this is a fluctuating during… / the # of … fluctuates between … and …

And the sunlight clasps the earth, And the moonbeams kiss the sea, what are all this kissings worth, if thou kiss not me?

nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade, when in eternal lines to time thou grow’st.

waffle vi. 闲聊, 胡扯

Founder 沉没(ship)失败(on)摔倒缔造者铸造工


Prenatal 产前的

Pregnant 意味深长的

suggestive 曲目(娱乐)

intercept 截距

stratify 使分层(被动语态)

causation 因果关系#associated dynamite 用炸药引爆boulder 巨跞

It is helpful to heed the advice of people who have more experience than we do. burrowed 地洞

excavators 挖掘者abrasive有碾磨作用的diehard 顽固分子

hack 表示稍感恼怒、吃惊等见鬼,糟糕what the heck are you doing there?Trove Ransom 赎金

keep rolling/ go ahead 继续说

cut some slack放某人一马

whining about 叽叽歪哇

stay put 呆着别动

reach out 去联系谁谁throw a party 轰趴

have a tie 势均力敌

boils down to 这个不知道怎么说呢

bottom line 重点是

get away with 逃避

up in the air 不确定呢

spice things up 来点刺激

undercut sb. 损害某人

bust my ass拼命努力工作

scooch down挪过去

hate one's guts对……恨之入骨

hold off on doing sth. 迟迟不肯做某事

in a nutshell简而言之

catch sb off guard乘某人不备

cut me some slack放我一马

weigh sb. down压得…行动不便

stand a good chance of很有希望

pay one's dues 为做某件事缴学费

fall off the wagon故态萌发(尤指烟酒毒品)devil-may-care无所顾忌的;满不在乎的

be smitten被迷住的

in all fairness平心而论

get off one's back不再批评或烦扰某人

On the rebound结束恋爱关系之后的失意期get one's way为所欲为

plan out周密地计划


bow out of退出

in the balance悬而未决

thread a needle穿(针)

huddle in a group(私下)开会;(暗中)碰头jersey针织套头毛衣

be out on a limb指一个人的想法与社会既有的道德观念不同,常用于I might be out on a limb,....来表达自己的观点

you're just saying that.当别人明显奉承你时,用来表示轻微的反对eg. You look fantastic. You are just saying that.

go commando穿裤子但不穿内裤

out of the woods脱离险境


catch on to something明白;认识到

drift off逐渐入睡;

cold turkey(吸毒成瘾者)突然戒毒时的不适

tick off惹恼;激怒


head rush头冲(蹲下后快速站立导致的头晕)


blast off(火箭)点火起飞,离地升空

stick out坚持到底,忍耐到底;

jump the gun抢跑,行动过早;


count off报数


do not give a damn/shit= do not care 其实就是“关我鸟事”

you have my words=I promise

have a crush on sb 喜欢上某人

I'm good. 不用了(别人提供东西或服务时拒绝的说法,相当于No, thanks)

I'll get it/ I got it 让我来(开门,接电话等)sweep sb off one's feet 使某人对你神魂颠倒

After you.你先

where is John?不是问约翰在哪,是厕所在哪。

mother nature is calling me. 人有三急

I'm seeing someone. 不是说我正看着或者盯着誰,而是我在恋爱中。

copy that. 收到,明白。

It's your call . 你自己决定。

Are you taken?/ Are you spoken for ?


Get laid, 是嘿嘿嘿的意思

Horny 欲火焚身的意思

Thank you 之后比较普遍的回答是no worries不是you're welcome.


Hang out 是出去玩儿

Seeing someone 不是看某人,而是在和某人约会,但是还没有进行到男女朋友那一步。good for you的意思是Go fuck urself whatchaslang for what you/ what did you/ what do you/ what are you“whatcha gonna do?"" whatcha want"

lemmeSlang for Let me " just lemme know when"

chill outCalm down 但很少有人用calm down" chill out man"

4: yo


“What's up yo "

" yo "

"Wtf ? Yo ?!"

" how's yo mom"

going forward,表示以后,将来,感觉比in the future常用。

to make/lodge a deposition (with [somebody]) 为某人作证hail 招呼称颂(被动)

Herald 预报官预报……的来临

Curable 可治愈的

Tyrant 暴君








urbane 儒雅的

curfew 宵禁

salvation (an essay written by Langston Hughes)

harden 使……变硬便严肃变冷酷无情leaps and bounds the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds

dire 可怕的

braided hair

work-gnarled hands

prayers and sounds swirled all around me congregation

wail of moans and voices

it was getting late now!


he swings his knickerbocker legs and grinning down at me.

if you are to win in the next week, you needs

to work on your fitness.

to sit at home all day 整日闲坐在家

sitting and writing 坐等

to sit on one’s hands 袖手旁观

to sit on one’s arse 屁都不干

to sit tight 静观其变

greatness sits lighting on him 他对名声地位看得很淡

sit by 坐视不管

epigram 警句

imprisonment 监禁

whimsical 古怪的离奇的

holm-oak 橡树

wretched 难堪broken

hyacinth 风信子

brow 眉梢

clasp 握

be heed of 留心注意

alleviate to reduce the pain or trouble of sth constituent 成分有选举权的选民

sprout:to produce new buds, leaves etc. complementary:different from each other but make a great combination

chatters 啁啾唠叨

chariots 古代的战车

abstention 弃权弃权的人

onigili 饭团

opal 玛瑙

pomegranates 石榴

couriers 少年公子

throng around her 艳羡地围着她

flung 扑倒

sunbeam 金盏花

cynic 刻薄

laughed outright 大声地

it lit upon a spray 它歇在一根小小的枝条上mermaid 美人鱼

daffodil 水仙

scythe 长柄大镰刀辟出

coral 珊瑚

stain 浸染

you must build it out of music by moonlight. hawthorn 山楂树bluebell 风信子

balloon flower 桔梗

heather 野草

frankincense 乳香

grove 树丛

wag 摇摆

midget 矮子

sully 弄脏玷污

sedulous 孜孜不倦的

napkin 餐巾纸

rebuke 指责

resilient 适应能力强的

simmer 煨炖

blunder 犯大错

dandelion 蒲公英

slough 蜕皮

bog 泥塘

rampant 失控的猖獗

cower 畏缩

old rascal 老顽童

flurry a flurry of rain/ snow/ wind 阵lore 学问传说

polymath 博物学

grope 摸索

cloak 斗篷笼罩

brag 吹牛

plaza square

ghetto 犹太人区

hem 边缘

bleat 羊的叫声

accede 继位

yawn 打呵欠

cart 手推车

breeze 微风

chant 吟唱

psalm 赞美诗

beret 贝雷帽

revulsion 厌恶憎恶

slur 连唱连奏(音乐)含糊不清的说inertia 惯性

gambit 开头一招

incongruous 不协调不适宜resonant 发出回响产生共鸣

morose 阴郁的

dank 阴湿的湿冷的

tirade 长篇激烈演说

muddle mess

varnish 指甲油

betel 槟榔

shin 胫

mural 壁画

affinity resemblance,attracting relationship closely

slurp 滋滋声

moron stupid person

splint (medicine)夹板

come immediately once beckoned 招之即来repercussion 间接后果

trip up 使……犯错

admittedly 诚然

acquit 宣判……无罪

paradigms 范例

Thereto 对此

hernia 疝气

ladle 长柄勺大勺

artillery guns..people

wane 衰落亏缺(月亮)

muddle mess

incidence 发生率入射角度(物理??)lofty tall high-minded

thermal 热的保暖的

rotund 圆胖的


anterior 前部的(医学)

jargon 行话

liquidate 清算清偿变卖

mayo mayonnaise

yolk 蛋黄

Seasoning 调味品

Chicken nugget 鸡块

despised 鄙视


radiator 暖气散热器

to his chagrin 使他懊恼的是

emulate imitate 仿真(计算机)

groggy sleepy pliant 柔韧的易弯的

threshold 门槛开端


morbid 病态的(心理)

brilliant dialog and witty repartee 连篇妙语trespass on 擅自进入擅用某物

retard 减慢弱智

steadfast 坚定的坚决的

fringe 边缘流苏(tassel)

fender 挡泥板

trefoil 三叶草??

attend a workshop 参加研讨会confectionary 甜食店糖果店

chic 雅致的

state-of-the-art technology. 尖端技术

the road to hell is paved with good intentions 光想不练是不够的

kiln 窑

Pager 寻呼机stealthy 偷偷摸摸的

vernacular 方言的民俗文化的

Tormented 折磨

poka-yoke 防错法(日语)

vandal 蓄意破坏者

Strenuous efforts

swiping 挥击

fallacy 谬论

indigo 靛色

trample 踩



chic 雅致的、

A bone of contention 争执所在

formidable 难克服的

aggravate 使恶化惹恼

the accumulation of knowledge is its own reward 知识的积累本身就是一种回报misinform 向人提供错误信息propaganda 宣传鼓动

illustrious 伟大的著名的

vacuous 芒然的空洞的

well-oiled 润滑良好的

navel 肚脐

lank adj. 瘦的, (树等)细长的, (草等)

稀疏的, (头发)平直的

resuscitate v. (使)复苏, (使)复兴

perturb v. 感到不安

stentorian adj. 声音洪亮的

retort v. 反驳, 反击, 回报

prolix adj. 冗长的, 说话罗嗦的

tamper贿赂, 损害, 削弱, 篡改

rile vt. 激怒, 使恼怒

roil vt. 煽动, 激怒

vituperative adj. 责骂的

whet vt. 磨, 磨快, 使兴奋

meddle v. 管闲事

obliterate vt. 涂去, 删除, 使湮没pugnacious好斗的

inculpable adj. 无罪的

wobble vt. 使摇摆, 使颤动

scrappy adj. 爱打架的, 斗志旺盛的, 细小的, 碎屑的, 杂凑的, 不连贯的

irresolute adj. 犹豫不决的

reckless adj. 不计后果的

temerity n. 卤莽, 蛮勇

protuberant adj. 突起的, 凸出的, 隆起的churlish adj. 粗野的,脾气坏的,无礼的choleric adj. 易怒的

reproof n. 谴责, 非难

dishevel vt. 使蓬乱, 使头发凌乱, 使衣服弄皱

quandary n. 困惑, 窘境, 进退两难rapport n. 和谐, 亲善

peremptory adj. 断然的, 专横的, 强制的pull off 完成某件有难度的事情

to fawn on [somebody] 讨好某人

trellis (for climbing plants)棚架

curry favour with one’s superiors 巴结上司get a suntan 被晒黑

hilarious 及其滑稽的

ranch 大牧场(尤指美国或加拿大的)drumstick 鸡腿鼓槌

transformation 变化改造

knapsack 背包

a blade of grass

sterility 无菌贫瘠

unpalatable difficult to tolerate or accept ashtray recurrent

bon voyage 一路平安

make a round trip = go there and back

pollen 花粉

rudimentary 基础的

animosity 敌意

cut and thrust 激烈交锋

cut and dried 已成定局的

in force 大批地

landslide 塌方(地理)压倒性胜利(政治)capricious 变化无常的

bargain hunter 淘便宜货的人

the seven virtues(或称the seven principal virtues ,七大美德),指的是faith, hope, Charity, justice, fortitude,prudence 和temperance

a good/bad sailor 不晕船/晕船的人

coerce 胁迫

parity 平价奇偶性

populist 民粹主义者

mint parity 铸币平价

monetization of credit 信用货币化(由银行贷款而形成存款, 借款人可提取现金或签发支票, 从而使货币量增加)、

preacher 传道者

ecclesiastical relating to the Christian Church or its clergy

rendition 艺术演绎

allegory 寓言

alienate estranged separate sanctimonious 道貌岸然的

tacit consent/approval 默许/暗中支持

bean sprout 豆芽


a brazen hussy 恬不知耻的荡妇

contour line 等高线

this stone commemorates the battle of Waterloo 这块石头是滑铁卢之战的纪念

for a fleeting moment刹那间

replete fully supplied

exasperate 使恼怒

wretch 不幸的人

crackdown 镇压

precipice 悬崖险境

acrimonious 激烈的(贬义)

mottle 斑点斑驳

panache 神气十足

illustrious 著名的

prodigious 巨大的异常的

dilatory 拖拉的

squander 浪费

glut 充斥供过于求

incantation 咒语

abase 在某人面前低声下气stouthearted 刚毅的

fragrant memories 甜美的回忆

lush 豪华的茂盛的葱翠的

cumbersome ponderous

transpire 蒸腾出现

finally see his true colours 终于看清了他的庐山真面目

herring 鲱鱼

guile 奸诈

to be stricken with or by [something] 受到…的折磨?fear, illness, poverty?

fitfully 断断续续的

the piers of a bridge 桥墩

sketch 素描


whisker [老鼠、猫等的] 须

fir 杉树

queer 奇葩

tout 兜售招揽黄牛scalper

I don't want to antagonize him我不想惹恼他when/if it comes to the crunch ... 等到了紧要关头

wardrobe 衣柜



chary 谨慎的仔细的

eloquently 雄辩的

inflict on 带来强加

afflict 蒙受disaster poverty 患病

deject 失望挫败

tenure 任职任期房屋的保有权

puke 呕吐

fathom 弄懂测量深度(航海)

despotic 专横的impotent 无能的阳痿的poseidon 波赛冬

trident 三叉戟

predaceous =predatory 食肉的sarcasm 讽刺

tame 驯化的控制梳理

beauty pageant 选美比赛antagonist 对手

illustrious 著名的

barnacle 藤壶

molt moult 脱毛蜕皮sanctuary 庇护

meteor 流星

crater 陨石坑坑(爆炸)火山口wild-card 通配符

parse 句法分析

consolidate 加固整合合并whimper 啜泣

Grit 沙粒

Inception 开始奠基盗梦空间hyphenate 连字符

enamel 珐琅

lorn 荒凉的

loot 赃物战利品抢劫conspicuous 显眼的

ratepayer 地方税纳税人grumble 抱怨

infelicitous 不幸的

singularly 突出地

brew 沏冲泡?

singpost 路标

gorge 峡谷

rouge 口红

forge 伪造建立稳步前进锻铁炉purge with 清除

blight 枯萎毁坏(社会)gourmet 美食家

shady 树荫靠不住的

dubious 可疑地拿不准

plight one's troth 发誓信守婚约pediatric 儿科

oncology 肿瘤学

espionage 间谍活动

appertain to 使关联

bulldozer 堆土机

levee 大堤

forestry 林业

soapy 含肥皂的

savoury 美味的咸味的

panorama 全景

lace 花边蕾丝鞋带(tie)

sampan 舢板

mutineer 暴徒

Disinfection 消毒

pharmacy 药学

permeate 渗透散步

dative 与格的

yoke 牛轭

emulate 努力赶上(去模仿)

lump 肿块lump it 将就

Contrive 设法做成出乎意料地做到hoe 锄

hem 下摆褶边

fluster 使慌乱

lumber 缓慢笨重的移动木材

tavern 客栈

creed 信念信仰

Melancholy 忧郁忧郁的

acne 痤疮

acme 顶点

lament 挽歌哀诗感到悲痛constellations 星座一群人(文学)stillness 宁静平静

strangle 掐死

clasp 握紧抱紧

garland 花环

foil 箔陪衬

sluggish 行动缓慢的萎靡不振的

lilac 丁香

gown 女礼服学士服

satin bows 蝴蝶结

poppy 罂粟

alkaloid 生物碱

marijuana = cannabis 大麻

seep 渗出

vernacular 方言民间风格

vicious: brutal nasty

maul 抓伤撕咬粗暴地对待乱摸(性)crisps 松脆的清新的炸薯片(英国)

terse 简明的

bracing 神清气爽的

brace 大括号牙箍支架

brittle 外强中干的脆弱的

crunchy 脆的(蔬菜水果)咯吱作响的(雪)gutter 贫贱生活排水沟

snowflake 雪花??

gush 井喷

gadget 小机械小装置玩意

prettify 装点

cascade 小瀑布层叠(计算机)bootylicious 完美曲线(女性)

halo 光环荣光

freak 畸形人怪人怪事狂热爱好者gainsay 反驳否认

hale and hearty 精神矍铄的

hind 后面的石斑鱼

coffer 保险柜

gnaw 啃咬

ram 撞

buffet 方便食堂

mast 轨杆旗杆

barb 倒钩

to fend for oneself 照料自己

pact 协定

sanguine 乐观的红润的

arbors 乔木

brace 激励

broil 烤

brute 野兽粗野的人

coach 长途汽车火车车厢

spacious 宽敞的(房间)Temperament 性情

Phlegmatic 冷静的

Cruise 航游缓慢巡行

vicious 凶狠的恶毒的

toggle 切换键

flask 瓶烧瓶

Encapsulate 封装(计算机)

Extract Method 提取方法

Pull Up 函数归父

push down 函数归子

mellow 成熟柔和(颜色)

sarcasm 讽刺

conundrum 复杂难解的问题字谜

recluse 隐士

five o'clock shadow 胡子茬儿consignment 委托

vicinity 临近地区

concourse 大厅广场(汽车站飞机场)

to braise in soy sauce

to meet up = to meet with

tangerine 橘子

to lean on = to lean against

cold blended cold tossed 凉拌

pleasantly cool 凉快

stifling 气闷的扼杀窒息

famous scenic spots and historic sites honorific 尊称

enumerate 列举(数)

folklore 民俗学

distortions 变形扭曲歪曲

inscrutable 难以捉摸的

kinship 亲属关系

incest 乱伦

catenate 链接(excel)

financial commitment 经济负担支付义务stagnant 萧条的

discursive 离题的散漫的

appease 宽慰安抚

self-worth 自大

muster 集合聚起

muster roll 花名册

transcript 成绩单

with flying colors 出色地

shape up or ship out 表现不好就滚蛋shape out 改善(状态身材)

a blessing in disguise 塞翁失马

to be at the bottom of a deep pit 情绪跌入低谷

Feeling a pit in my stomach 饥肠辘辘hanger 衣架

tucked away into 塞进

reminisced 缅怀

Cabaret 卡巴来歌舞

starched 淀粉

burrito 煎饼aisle 走道

to put in order 整理

how is it = how does that sound? 怎么样?studious 勤奋的刻意的

water dispenser 饮水机

stereo system 音响

overcast day 阴天??

to assume erroneously 错以为

bon voyage 一路平安

that settles it = it is decided = it is a deal interjectory 插入(语言)

hibernation 冬眠

make a round trip 往返

msg 味精

fish in sweet and a sour sauce 糖醋鱼pedestrian overpass 天桥

salesclerk =shop assistant 售货员

hot and sour soup 酸辣汤

starch 淀粉

master worker 师傅

go intern 实习

racket 拍

procrastinating 拖延

close but no cigar 功亏一篑

driving me bananas 让我发狂

get over it 忘记往日时光

get off track 忘记将来的目标

Have stumbled upon 意外发现某事物nick 凹痕

Haul 赃物大量非法物品旅程捕获量Take a chill pill 你要冷静

appraisal 评价

Candor 坦诚的

Staple 主要的主食

Levied on 征税

Royalty payments 版税 ??专利权费Moderates 有节度的适度的温和派Incorporation 吸收合并(商业)

Entity 实体

Indulge in 放纵沉迷于

Deposit 押金沉积层沉淀

Aniseed 八角

fennel 茴香

Sprig 小枝(带叶和花)

holly 冬青

Shrub 灌木

Prick 刺(生物)

Pierce 穿孔穿透

Tug 一中强烈的感觉(悲伤)

rug 小地毯

ram 公羊猛撞硬塞

Perpetrators 作恶者

depot 车库公共汽车站

Railing 栏杆

plain 清淡的原味的白(开水)单色的~ and simple 显而易见

resuscitate 使苏醒使复苏

Aftermath 后果

Vexatious 无理缠讼的

Litigation 诉讼

Incitement 煽动

Frivolous 轻浮的lawsuits

Litigants 诉讼当事人

Lacy 蕾丝的

Frill 褶边(时尚)

Flap 带盖封盖门帘惊慌拍打

Superficial 外表的肤浅的

Carefree 无忧无虑的

Trifling 琐事

grimace 脸部扭曲怪相鬼脸

altar 祭坛

PRONE 有……倾向的容易的

round down 把……下舍入

swill vt. 涮, 冲洗, 痛饮, 倒出

revelry n. 狂欢

veracious诚实的, 准确的, 真实的Vicarious 了解感受到的

invective :n.恶言漫骂adj.漫骂的, 非难的, 恶言的

abrogate :vt.废除, 取消

excruciating :adj.极痛苦的, 折磨人的

Clog 堵塞木屐

Chapel 小教堂

Grossing film 最卖座的电影

Blockbuster 流行大片重磅炸弹

valet 贴身男仆伺候

Freak out 发飙

unequivocable :adj.毫不含糊的, 清楚明白的, 明确的

predecessor :n.前辈, 前任,

pinnacle :n.小尖塔, 山顶, 顶点

precursor :n.先驱

derive from :v.得自, 由来, 衍生

philistine :庸人,俗人

ledger 分类账户



Drag on 拖延拖累

Encumbered 妨碍拖累

Implications in 某坏事的牵连

ruminate 沉思反刍

jitter 抖动紧张不安




Nostalgic 怀旧的伤感的





fetter 束缚

disburse 支付

lard 猪油

mania 躁狂

flippant and impetuous 浮躁

gallant 献殷勤

I entreat you not to suppose that I 你千万别以为我是……

keep to the style of hard struggle and plain living 保持艰苦奋斗的作风

Whimsy 稀奇古怪的东西

What's that in your head?

quaint 古色古香的


lam 打

condor 秃鹫


electrocution 电死

gravely 严重地

stern look 板着脸

indignation anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment

sunder 分开潜伏

masquerade 假面舞会

renovate 翻新修补

lurk 潜伏, 埋伏

arduous 辛苦费力的,困难的

sash (制服)饰带

incisive 敏锐的果断的切中要害的

heresy 异教

expedite 加快


a remnant of the past 遗迹

vial 小药瓶

hale and hearty

migraine 偏头痛

preposterous 荒唐的

attachment 爱慕

Chuck 扔

Sponsored 捐助性的有赞助的

loot 赃物抢劫

17。deify : v.神化,崇拜

18。preeminent :adj.卓越的

threshold 门槛下限开端起征点

falconry 隼猎

pliancy 易弯的,(人的性格)易受影响的ductility


deficient 缺乏的

pithy :adj.有髓的, 精练的

dilettante 半瓶醋,

nepotism 任人唯親

pinpoint :n.精确adj.极微小的v.查明harbinger :n.先驱, 预兆

sublime :adj.庄严的, 崇高的, 壮观的, divulge :vt.泄露, 暴露

prepossessing :adj.引人注意的

puckish :adj.淘气的, 恶作剧的

persiflage :n.戏弄, 挖苦

grisly :adj.恐怖的, 可怕的, 令人毛骨悚然的ghastly :adv.可怖地, 惨白地

somber :阴森的, 昏暗的, 阴天的, 忧郁的revile :v.辱骂, 斥责

lugubrious :可怜的, 悲惨的, 悲哀的

far-fetched 牵强的

turban 头巾gash 很长的一道口子

Equitation 马术

hack 砍劈,hack it 处理,供人骑的马,干咳,雇佣文人,出租车(us)

preside 担任主持

If I may so express it ……照我的说法

it is mortifying to discover that ...

on this/that score 就这个/那个而言Lenient with 宽宏大量

Gnarled 多瘤的


synergic adj. 协作的, 合作的

stature n. 身高, 身材, (精神、道德等的)高度tantamount adj. 等价

wan adj. 苍白的, 无血色的, 病态的, 暗淡的, 无力

pine v. 消瘦, 憔悴, 渴望, 渴慕

languid adj. 疲倦的, 无力的, 没精打采的stalwart adj. 坚定的

levelheaded adj. 头脑冷静的,清醒的,稳健的whiff 吹送, 喷出, 吸,

16。languor n.疲倦;身心疲惫

17。lethargy n. 无生气

languish vi. 憔悴, 凋萎, 衰退, 苦思lassitude n. 疲乏

irascible adj. 易怒的, 暴躁的

23。loutish adj. 粗野的, 无礼的

24。jaunty adj. 感到自信和自满的, 洋洋得意的

sordid adj. 肮脏

26。taint v. 感染

clout n. 权力,权势

seduction n.诱惑;勾引;诱奸

squabble v. 争论

stratify 分层,形成阶层

multistage 多层的多阶段的

placebo 安慰剂

innocuous 无害的

rekindle v. 重新点燃

conjugation (conjugating, verb forms)动词变化形式

analogous 类似的

lay off 解雇停止打扰

to be bound for ... 准备前往…

Bearing in mind 牢记

Prudential 谨慎的

carry out effect

to fill in time 打发时间

find out ascertain

follow duly observe

have to give submit

in accordance with pursuant to

his account is still in the red overdrawn involve (entail)需要

the game involves more luck than skill 在这项运动中,运气比技巧重要

a certain degree of risk is involved 有一定程度的风险

Inadvertently 不经意的

disclose tell

This a course of action we are anxious to avoid ...We will have no alternative but involving our legal ...

1. In the nick of time 紧要关头

They arrived in the nick of time to save us.


3. Let the chips fall where they may 让某事发生,不管是好是坏

I'm going to just try out for the cheerleading squad and let the chips fall where they may. 不管结果是好是坏,我都会去试着参加啦啦队。

4. Lose your marbles 变得疯狂

注:marble n.大理石、理智

6. Plain as day 显而易见的

It’s plain as day that you’re in love with her, so just admit it.


注:plain n.平原/adj.平淡的、朴实无华的

7. Play second fiddle 居次位

I hate playing second fiddle to my sister; she always does things better than I do!我讨厌总是比不过我姐姐,她什么都做得比我好!注:fiddle n.民间乐器(类似小提琴)/v.瞎搞、欺骗

8. Put your foot in your mouth 说错话Jessica really put her foot in her mouth when she asked about John’s job right after he lost it.杰西卡居然在约翰失业后问起他的工作,真是说错话了。

9. Pull yourself together 冷静下来;振作起来Pull yourself together, man! Sure, your girlfriend just dumped you and then you got hit by a car, but you can't let those things get you down.振作起来,兄弟!虽然你被女朋友甩了,又被车撞了,但你不能让这些事把你击垮。

10. Sick and tired 被打扰或困扰

She is sick and tired of her dog chewing up her shoes every day她的狗每天都会啃她的鞋子,这让她郁闷不已。

11. Sleep on it 在做决定前先考虑一会Don’t tell me whether you’ll move to Texas with me or not today. Sleep on it, and get back to me tomorrow.


12. Snug as a bug in a rug 温暖舒适的;满足的

That baby looks as snug as a bug in a rug cuddled up next to his mother.


注:snug adj.温暖舒适的、小而整洁的bug n.昆虫/v.打扰rug n.地毯

13. Step up your game 迎头赶上

Listen, Jen. You'd better step up your game if you want to get all A's in Miss Finch's Physics class. She isn't easy!

听着,珍。如果你想在芬奇老师的课上得全A,就得奋起直追。她可不是好糊弄的!14. Stick your nose into something 干涉Sharon always sticks her nose into everyone else’s business.莎伦经常干涉别人的事。15. Straight from the horse's mouth 来自最可靠的消息

Listen to the news straight from the horse’s mouth; we’re all getting bonuses this week! 据最可靠的消息说,我们这周都会领到奖金!

17. Tip of the iceberg 冰山一角

The fact that Carrie is dating a member of the

mafia is just the tip of the iceberg; she’s also smuggling contraband into the country.


18. To not see the wood for the trees 一叶障目

She always argues about the silliest things; it’s like she can’t see the wood for the trees.


19. Up a creek without a paddle 处于困境之中

If you don’t have any money to pay for the repairs we just made to your car, I guess you’re up a creek without a paddle because you can’t have your car back.


注:creek n.小溪paddle n.桨/v.涉水、用桨划船

20. You rock! 你真棒!

Dude. You rock. Thanks for offering to watch my pet iguana all week.兄弟,你真棒!谢谢你愿意照顾我的蜥蜴一周

22. A short fuse 急性子

Jamie is known for his short fuse; just a few days ago he screamed at his coach for not letting him play.杰米是出了名的急性子;几天前,因为没被安排上场,他就朝着教练大声嚷嚷。

23. A taste of your own medicine 自己尝尝相同的滋味

After constantly being prank-called, Julian decided to give Juan a taste of his own medicine and ordered twenty-seven pizzas to be delivered to Juan’s house.


25. By the skin of your teeth 勉强做成某事Lester made the dance team by the skin of his teeth; you can tell he hasn't been dancing jazz for very long.


26. Cat got your tongue? 怎么不说话了?


I just saw you kissing my boyfriend. What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?


Whisker 猫鼠的须

27. Crying wolf 假意求救

You have cried wolf so many times that no one believes you when you're really hurt.


28. Cut someone some slack 放某人一马Hey. Cut me some slack. I was really busy with my frog hunting business last week and forgot to call. I'm sorry!


注:slack adj.松弛的、懈怠的/v.放松、懈怠/n.宽松裤

29. Down for the count 疲劳的;放弃;不能或不愿再参与

No, you can’t take my dog for a walk –she’s down for the count after chasing cats all day. 不,你不能遛我的狗。——它追猫追了一天,已经累坏了。

30. In the fast lane 繁忙刺激的人生

When Curtis turned forty, he decided he needed to live life in the fast lane, so he quit his job as a dentist and decided to tour Europe by motorcycle.


31. Draw the line 停止;判定好坏的分界线

I don't mind helping, but I draw the line at doing everything myself.我帮忙倒无所谓,但可不能什么事都让我做。

32. Easier said than done 知易行难

You want me to come to work at 6:00 AM? Easier said than done!


33. Every cloud has a silver lining 困境中总


Even though you just got fired, remember that every cloud has a silver lining –at least you don’t have to work for that grouchy boss anymore!即使你被解雇了,你也要记住,柳暗花明又一村。至少你再也不用为那个坏脾气的老板工作了!

注lining n.衬料/v.排队

34. Finding a needle in a haystack 大海捞针The movie theater was so crowded that getting a seat was like finding a needle in a haystack.电影院人满为患,想找到一个座位可谓大海捞针。

注:haystack n.干草堆

36. Get something off your chest

说出困扰了你很久的事;承认你做错了某事I have to get this off my chest –I copied your answers on the Redesigned SAT. Thanks for the 15th percentile score, by the way.


37. Give it a whirl 尝试做某事

I’ve never gone kite-boarding, but I’m prepared to give it a whirl!

我从没玩过风筝冲浪,但我准备尝试一下!注:whirl v.旋转、飞奔/n.回旋

38. Go down in flames 在众人面前失败

The football player's career went down in flames after the media learned he'd been losing on purpose to settle gambling debts.


39. Go the extra mile 加倍努力

My dentist always goes the extra mile, offering free back massages at the end of a stressful tooth extraction.


40. Hang in there 有耐心,坚持下去

I know you're struggling right now in school, but just hang in there. It'll get easier. I promise.

我知道你现在在学校里的日子不好过,但你要坚持下去。一切都会好起来的,我保证。perpetual 一再反复的永恒

Aurora 极光

a beautiful woman of ethereal color - 国色天香

have got ≈ have

e.g. I have a q uestion. → I've got a question. be like ≈ say/think诸如此类表示想法及话语引用

e.g. She said:"Yeah, sure, why not?"→She was like:"Yeah, sure, why not."

be into ≈ like做动词

e.g. My father likes fishing. → My father's into fishing.

kind of/kinda 莫名加在句子里面各种位置作状语降低肯定性,类似于a little之类的(包含程度副词意)

e.g. She is sweet. → She's kinda sweet.

I liked it. → I kinda liked it.


First of all/firstly/first and foremost ≈ first off/to begin with

At last/finally ≈ last but not the least because ≈ due to/since/as

when ≈ while/as

but/however ≈ yet/though

inform sb. of sth./acknowledge sb. of sth.


用法类似于tell sb. Sth.

equip sb. sth./bless sb. with sth./grant sb. sth. 给予某人...(的好处)

用法类似于give sb. Sth.或者是make/let sb. have sth.

do sth. rather than do sth.


类似于instead of的用法,此处需要注意than 后面不要误加成动词ing形式

aid sb. to do sth.


类似于help sb. do sth.

be required to do sth


类似于be asked to do sth.


because ≈ because of the reason that

result in ≈ lead to the result that

disenchanted. 不抱幻想的



Butler 男管家


wolfram 钨

puck 冰球

stays at around 大约稳定在

In the course of 在做某事的过程pharmaceutical 药物制药

mistakes that some of us get used to of doing Foremost

Susceptible probe vulnerable

Anonymity 匿名

Peculiar 奇怪的古怪的特别的Formidable

flute 长笛

Backdrop 背景

promo 广告短片

reinvent 彻底改变改造

gear 排挡使适合于

gear up 准备好

crafty cunning

Paralyzed paralyse 是……瘫痪

Derivation 得到派生

workaround 变通办法(计算机)Beneficiaries 受益人(法律)

chary wary 谨慎的仔细的

notorious infamous

swoon 昏倒

Nauseous 想呕吐的

abominable 恶劣的恶毒的糟糕的

wallow 打滚inclination 意愿点头

conformist 墨守成规的

Messiah 弥赛亚

redemption 救赎赎回

slum 平民窟

invoke 祈求唤起

vengeance 报仇

kinky 变态的(性)有扭结的(头发)frown on 不赞成的

savagery tyranny

unkempt 凌乱的

defiance 违抗

creepy 使人心里发毛的

sleaze 阴招

tilde ~字符

get a feel for 感受一下

coil up 蜷缩盘起

thrash 翻腾

grudge 积怨

stall 拖延时间失速

The ball is in your court. 轮到某人作出反应了

They are pulling my leg. 戏弄某人

rectify 纠正修复

cork 软木塞

peg 夹子衣服勾

To kick the bucket :to croak

to cat close to the bone 一针见血

You need to pull up your socks. 加油干

I have a bone to pick with you, I am going to give you a piece of my mind 因某事物对某人有怨言

You are out to lunch, You have rocks in your head. 发疯的

I can't keep my head above water. 勉强应付beat/knock/drive some sense into sb. 使某人开窍

I'm tied up right now. 忙

Scraping the bottom of the barrel. 不得已将就

That costs an arm and a leg=To pay through the nose.

haunted houses 凶宅

much to one's chagrin

traditional fare

cranberry 越橘


candied yam 山药

rob a grave 盗墓

ghouls 食尸鬼

It's not rocket science=It's not brain surgery. Put a cork in it=Shut your hole. hyperbolic 夸张的双曲线的

pagan 异教徒

appease 抚慰the soul

incarnation 化身

Sarcastic 挖苦的

This is a piece of cake! 十分容易

devil 撒旦

pithy 简练的

The devil is in the details. 细微之处最易见问题

Waste not, want not. 勤俭节约吃穿不缺take a chill pill. 冷静一点

scrutiny 仔细观察

attentive 专心的

astute 精明的

devoid of 缺乏某物

cynically 冷嘲热讽的

lexical 词汇的

jump on the bandwagon 随大流

pull strings

to pull one’s punches 手下留情

to have smelly feet 脚臭

to cross one’s eye 斗鸡眼

cross 与某人争吵传中(足球)

Cross your fingers - 祈求交好运

It’s in the bag - 十拿九稳

Get cold feet - 胆怯起来

to have feet of clay 性格有缺陷

to pull the rug from under sb’s feet 拆某人的台

bulge 鼓起激增

rip off 敲诈

Get a kick out of - 极大的乐趣thrill

Draw a blank -想不起来了Get your act together - 仔细筹划安排

Play it by ear =Improvise

See eye to eye - 同意

appraise “估价”、“评价”

apprise “告知”

what it is like to be 做是一种什么体验?ornamental 观赏性的

retreat 撤退隐居悔棋

compliance 服从顺从接受

enamel 瓷釉

loom 织布机朦胧的

inlaid 镶嵌的

reed 芦苇

berth 卧铺泊位

eccentric 古怪的怪人偏心圆gynaecology 妇科学

distress 痛苦不适

quench my thirst 止渴

tit 山雀奶子

masturbation 手淫

ebony 乌黑色

anal 肛门

squirt 喷射

parody 滑稽的模仿

cuckold 给戴绿帽子

striptease 脱衣舞

savvy n. 机智, 头脑, 理解, 悟性

shrewd adj. 精明

gab vi. 空谈, 唠叨, 瞎扯

jovial adj. 快活的, 高兴的, 愉快的

sputa n. (pl. )口水, 痰(sputum的复数) providential 适时的凑巧的

furtive adj. 偷偷摸摸的, 鬼鬼祟祟的, 秘密的, 私下的, 隐密的

leer vi. 送秋波, 斜视

opulent adj. 富裕的, 丰富的, 丰饶的, 繁茂的

mediocre adj. 普普通通的

rug 小地毯

jabber v. 快而含糊地说, 吱吱喳喳地叫, 闲聊

imprudent adj. 轻率的, 鲁莽的

mumble v. 喃喃而语, 咕哝

footloose adj. 自由自在的, 到处走动的shackle vt. 加桎梏, 加枷锁, 束缚

fetter vt. 束缚, 加脚镣

snarl vt. 使缠结, 搞乱, 咆哮着说

mire v. 陷入

imbroglio n. 杂乱的一团, 纠葛, 纷扰, 误解vapid adj. 索然乏味的

sham v. 佯装n. 伪品adj. 虚假的

infirm adj. 弱的, 不坚固的, 柔弱的palpable tangible obvious intense

callous adj. 无情的, 冷淡的, 硬结的, 起老茧的

inexorable adj. 无情的不可阻挡的compunction n. 内疚

despondent depressed

truant 逃课的学生

shirk vi. 逃避, 推卸

consummate vt. 完成, 使达到极点pensive ponder

crouch vi. 蜷缩, 蹲伏

staid sober

sedate adj. 安静的, 稳重的

vacillate v. 犹豫不定

irk vex

bemoan vt. 哀叹

tenacious 顽强的

Spawn 卵

Espouse 支持拥护

yeast 酵母酵母菌

buck 雄兽男人

buck up 振作起来

recipe 食谱诀窍

respondent 被告回复者(调查问卷)deputy 副手议员

to be a dealer in sth 经销某物

stake 赌注股本桩

hip 流行的髋臀部

provision 供给规定(法律行政)准备给x 提供必需品

lawsuit 诉讼

testimony 证词

profile 数据图表侧面形象penalty 处罚

hurdling 跨栏somersaulting 翻筋斗lunge 猛冲

vomit 呕吐

tact 圆通

repentance 悔悟

juggle 杂耍篡改(账目)triathlon 三项全能

latitude 纬度

at the mercy of 受x的支配celestial 天上的

nautical 海上的航海的nautical mile 海里quadrant 象限

swoop 俯冲突然袭击peck 啄食

set loose =start off jaws of death 鬼门关canberra 堪培拉

great barrier beef 大堡礁enclosure 围地围场venom 毒液恶意怨恨paralyze 使瘫痪

paralytic 瘫痪

funnel 漏斗

pollinate 给花授粉missionary 传教的传教士botanist 植物学家

red date 红枣

jujube 枣子

peony 牡丹

willow 柳树

China parasol 梧桐

poplar 杨树

pine tree 松树

irrigation 灌溉

spade 铲

pyramid 金字塔

nectar 花蜜

wasp 黄蜂

petal 花瓣
