Gone With the Wind英文读书笔记

Gone With the Wind英文读书笔记
Gone With the Wind英文读书笔记

The reading notes about <>

*About author

Mitchell Margaret was born in the southern United States in Atlanta.<> took her about 10 years to finish this great novel,and the only novel in her life.

*About novle

America Civil War was looming(迫在眉睫) in April,1861.Scarlett(人名,思嘉)who desired to excel over others was worried about her love.Because she heard that Ashley(人名,艾希丽)the person she was in love would be going to the wedding with her cousin,Melanie(人名,媚兰).Scarletts was too sad that she decided to make a bet about torrowow.She expressed her love to Ashley at the party,but he is a gentlemanv who never do angthing unethical.An infatuation(痴心) of Scarletts was rejected. Angrily is that,

*Some scentence I really like

1.Home,I will think of some way to get him back.After all,tomorrow is another day!

2.You are throwing away happiness with both hands.And

reading out for something that will never make you happy. 3.Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people befor meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be greateful.

4.Whatever comes,I will love you,just as I do now.Until I die.

*Some thing about novle

But Rhett(人名:瑞德) signed a pledge (许诺誓言) never to reveal Scarletts secret. Scarlett whose vanity(自尊心) was hurt decided to get married with Melanie s brother losing her marbles(失去理智).she wanted to revenge Ashley。After marrige, both Charlie and Ashley went to the front and fight. Charlie died of an illness two month ago and 16-year-old Scarlett became a widow.

At the beginning of the war,slace owners were too arrogant(自大的) to never face the strenghth of enemy. However, Rhett realized the failure of the southern troop. Rhett was always persistent(执着) and atached to the persuit of love, because Scarletts attractive appearence and stubborn personality.Scarlett could not bear loneliness, so

she not object to associate with Rhett. With the moral conservative surrounding(在保守的道德环境下),their action arouse dissatisfaction around them.Scarlett found they have a lot in common, she was attracted to him incoluntary(不由自主的).When Ashley came home om Chirsmas Day ,Scarlett was still loved him.

The civil was going on ,Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation got people s widely support.The sorth would be defeated within a short time run away.Everyone else was jittery(人心惶惶),Atlanta is not safe .At this time Melanie s giving birth was coming.To keep the promise of Ashley,Scarlett decide to stay with Melanie to help her , Melanie who had a difficult labour is endangerous.In desperation(迫于无奈),Scarlett delivered her baby without experience.Atlanta became an dangerous city, arsenal zre risk of explosion would happen at anytime.Scalett believed the moment that she teached Tara ,she would put down the burden(负担)。

Many big manors was destroied ,Tara was lucky to survived.Her father did not accept the truth and was mad.

Innocent sisters and servants neither help her ,nor bring more burden.Manor was poor, all the family was lost in hurgry scare. Scarlett promised that she prefer to steal or kill,rather than let the family hungry.She try her best to manage the family.Athough the life was hard ,the job was heavy.The different experience turn a caprice(任性) girl into a independent women. One day,a desertion(逃兵) broke into manor,Scarlett shot him to died.

It is spring in 1865, ended up with the victory of the north. Ashley came home,but post-war reconstruction period is hard and cruel.Father angered by high property taxes,When he was riding horse catght villains, he fell off and died. Scarlett met the wall(遇到了绝境),she wanted to run away with Ashley.But she was refused. Later on ,she heared about Rhett was rich and decided to give up dignith(放弃尊严) to Rhett for help.When wore the dress which is transformed from curtain,she was teased.On the way from the prison,she met Frank who just had a sum of money.Scarlett displayed the method(施展手段) and let him marry with her.As long as keep Tara,she did not care others opinions.

After wedding,Scarlett opened a wood factory.Under her elaboration(苦心经营),the business was thriving(兴旺).During the period,there were terrorist activities in the south,Frank was killed by terrorist. Rhett proposed to her and she agreed to.Rhett said he could not look at her marry the man she do not love.In order to his moneny,they married.It caused a sensation.(引起轩然大波)

Scarlett gave him a daughter,but she deeply infatuated with(深深迷恋着)Ashley.It Is Ashley s birthday,they remembered the past and hugged .Unfortunately,someone came across. Melanie rose up (挺身而出)and protect them.Tragedy struck again(悲剧再次降临),their daughter was died by hiding horse.Scarlett finally understood that Ashley who did nothing(attempt and accomplish nothing无所作为) is far from her Mr. Right(远非她的意中人),Rhett only suitable for herself.She realized she really in love with Rhett,and she vindicated(表白)to him。But Rhett was losing his heart.(心灰意冷)

Rhett was gone,but Scarlett was not depressed.She decided to go back Tara to start a new life.Because tomorrow

is another day!


英语读书笔记 英语读书笔记15篇 英语读书笔记(一): Gullivers Travels 格列佛游记 The story includes three parts。They are respectively talking about:Gulliver in Lilliput,in Brobdingnag,and in Houyhnms。 Gulliver travels to the South Seas。On their way to the East Indies,a strong wind carried them to the wrong way。Most of the people died。Some days later,he es to Lilliput,everything is small there。Three days later,he es to Brobdingnag。This country is opposite from Lilliput,the thing are huge,very huge!Then he travels to a place called Houyhnms,which is also very interesting。 英语读书笔记(二): Five Famous Fairy Tales 著名童话五则 This book tells five famous fairy tales。Today,I will mainly introduce the story,The White Birds,written by Hans Anderson。

One Hundred Years of Solitude_百年孤独英语读后感800字

One Hundred Years of Solitude_百年孤独英语读后感800 字 I just finished reading "hundred years of solitude", and I can't tell what it feels like. Heart slightly pantothenic acid, but more ignorant. To tell the truth, Nobel's literary works are full of magic realism in the between the lines of author Garcia Marcks with its extremely absurd techniques and rich imagination, show a different world to readers -- alone. In one hundred years of solitude, the rise and fall of a Boone family after a hundred years reflects the ups and downs of a small town called Macondo, and some people think it can even be said to reflect the rise and fall of Latin American culture. The book tells the story of the first generation of Boone Macondo and then create Lydia, breeding for 7 generations, but can not fight the curse of natural fate, the ultimate family or escape down to the unknown point, even the final, Macondo in the town is the destruction of Hurricane destruction. "One hundred years of solitude" by the revolutionary army commander Aureliano Boone and Colonel of the seven


The impression of Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography I choose to read this book,not because of how much I have admired Hitler, but completely out of curiosity.I am curious how he became a German head of state from a beggar, also curious why he would massacre the Jews and what kind of environment caused of his strange personality, which leads to the World WarⅡ. The book begins with Hitler’s childhood. When he was young, he was a good boy who studied well and had a dream to become an artist, but his father ignored his dream and treated him strictly even hit him. So he hated his father deeply. On the other hand, he is deeply accepted Germanic nationalism, which transformed into his belief later. Then, he took a bad knock when his mother who loved him so much died. From then on, he changed a lot. Later, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts entrance exam but failed all the time. At that time, he even became a beggar and suffered a lot of humiliation and pain. Since then, he began to hate the Jews and concern about politics. He always believed that he could become a great man in the future. It is in those days that he developed the sophistry ability. When the World WarⅠbroke out, he joined the army. Although he was thin and weak, he was not afraid of death and had a passionate heart. So he gained a number of awards. Then, he became the head of state and recovered the German economic successfully. Actually, he had done a lot of great things but his evil behavior had overshadowed his work. This book based on a large number of true files, letters, interviews and comprehensively and objectively describes Hitler’s military career and personal life. After I read the book, I saw a real Hitler and also believed that human nature is good, just as Kuby Schick said,”He is a visionary with a conscience, but he seems not satisfied with the present. Since the end of World WarⅡ, a lot of people hated Hitler for he killed their close relatives and friends. At the same time, people evaluated him as "


《百年孤独》读书笔记好词摘抄 《百年孤独》是哥伦比亚作家加夫列尔加西亚马尔克斯的作品。作品描写了布恩迪亚家族七代人的传奇故事。*是《百年孤独》读书笔记好词好句好段摘抄,欢迎阅读。 《百年孤独》读书笔记好词摘抄: 前程似锦、风餐露宿、缺衣少食、兢兢业业、井井有条、 珠光宝气、金玉满堂、诗词歌赋、一穷二白、粗衣淡饭、 一贫如洗、光车骏马、安居乐业、家徒四壁、粗茶淡饭、 任劳任怨、暗无天日、万无一失、典妻鬻子、万恶不赦、 《百年孤独》读书笔记好句好段摘抄: 1.即使以为自己的感情已经干涸得无法给予,也总会有一个时刻一样东西能拨动心灵深处的弦;我们毕竟不是生来就享受孤独的。 2.父母是隔在我们和死亡之间的帘子。你和死亡好象隔着什么在看,没有什么感受,你的父母挡在你们中间,等到你的父母过世了,你才会直面这些东西,不然你看到的死亡是很抽象的,

你不知道。亲戚,朋友,邻居,隔代,他们去世对你的压力不是那么直接,父母是隔在你和死亡之间的一道帘子,把你挡了一下,你最亲密的人会影响你的生死观。 3.他们相信,即便他俩变成鬼魂,即是虫子从人手中夺走,其他动物又从昆虫口中夺走这座贫困的乐园,他们便还会长久的相爱下去。 4.某些人的爱情,只是一种当时的情绪,如果对方错将这份情绪当做长远的感情,是本身的幼稚。 5.这个家庭的历史是一架周而复始无法停息的机器,是一个转动着的轮子,这只齿轮,要不是轴会逐渐不可避免地磨损的话,会永远旋转下去。。 6.许多年之后,面对行刑队,奥雷良诺布恩地亚上校将会回想起,父亲带他去见识冰块的那个遥远的下午. 7.地球是圆的,就像橙子一样! 8.一旦到了人们只顾自己乘头等车厢,却用货车车厢装运书籍的那一天,就是世界末日的来临。 9命中注定孤独百年的世家,不会有出现在世上第二次的机会。. 10.科学缩短了距离。

英文读书笔记 - 学习心得

英文读书笔记- 学习心得 (文章一):英语小说读书笔记Books and Novels Books and Novels Books and Novels Books and Novels (文章二):英语读书笔记 (1)、Good Spirit Makes You Brave --After reading ?A New Year's surprise?良好的精神让你勇敢的——在阅读?新一年的惊喜? A New Year’s surprise by John Milne is a wonderful story. It tells us how a girl called Kaya could defeat a robber who had a gun in his hand. And she is only 17 years old! Kaya used her courage and wisdom to beat the robbers. Finally she became a superstar because of her excellent deed. After reading this book, I thought about my life. Sometimes I was brave but sometimes I was a coward. People always have their own weak side. Some people often show how brave they are and how strong they are, but when a disaster es, they always run away quickly and scream more loudly than any other people. So, we should try our best and show our bravey when something or somebody is in danger. Something happens out of the blue and you don't have much time to think about it, so remember: whatever anything happens, don't evade it, but treat it as a challenge. Someday you will find you can solve the problem and you are the winner! Good spirit makes you be brave, if you really want to learn how to be a brave man or woman, you must have a good spirit, and you must try to face anything and to do everything with your courage and wisdom. Well, life is always full of frustrations, but you must know how to solve your problems, and you must be brave. But what can make you be brave? Only good spirit! 新一年的惊喜由约翰?米尔恩是一个精彩的故事。它告诉我们一个女孩叫卡娅可以打败一个强盗手里有枪。和她只有17岁!卡亚用她的勇气和智慧来击败强盗。最后她成为了一个超级巨星,因为她出色的契约。读完这本书,我想到我的生活。有时我很勇敢,但有时我是一个懦夫。人们总是有自己的弱点。有些人经常显示他们有多么勇敢,他们有多强,但当灾难来临时,他们总是跑迅速和更大声尖叫比任何其他的人。所以,我们应该尽力和显示我们的bravey当某人或某事正处于危险之中。发生的蓝色和你没有多少时间去想它,所以记住:无论发生什么事,不要躲避它,但是把它当作挑战。总有一天你会发现你可以解决这个问题,你是胜利者!良好的精神使你是勇敢的,如果你真的想要学习如何成为一个勇敢的男人或女人,你必须有一个良好的精神,你必须努力面对一切,尽全力与你的勇气和智慧。嗯,生活总是充满了挫折,但你必须知道如何解决你的问题,你必须勇敢。但是什么会使你勇敢吗?只有好的精神! (2)、The Old Man And The Sea The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works.Told in language of great simplicity and power,it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman,down on his luck,and his supreme ordeal——a relentless,agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.Here Hemingway recasts,in strikingly contemporary style,the classic thene of courage in the face of defeat,of personal triumph won from los.Written in 1952,this hugely successfully novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a huge part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature. The novel is very famous in the world, so lot of people like this novel. We also studied it in our Chinese class, Hemingway's novel are always interesting I like his novel much, also in his novel we can learn a lot by his meanings. It’s really a good novel for people to read. 老人与海是海明威的作品最持久。告诉在语言伟大的简易性和强大,它讲述的是一个老古巴渔夫,放在他的运气,和他的最高折磨——一个无情的,痛苦的战斗与马林鱼远在墨西哥湾流。在这里,海明威重新解释,在引人注目的当代风格,经典的thene勇气面对失败,个人的胜利赢得了从洛杉矶。写于1952年,这非常成功的中篇小说证实了他的力量和存在的文学世界,起到了举足轻重的作用在他赢得了1954年诺贝尔文学奖。这部小说是在世界非常有名,所以很多人喜欢这本小说。我们还研究了它在我们的中文课,海明威的小说总是有趣的我喜欢他的小说多,还在他的小说中我们可以学到很多,他的意思。那是一个非常好的小说供人阅读。(3)、If I have a bright day, “如果我有一个美好的一天。” Helen Keller was born just 19 months, blind due to illness, soon after the impact of the hearing. From then on she is on the long night of darkness and silence through the world. Long-term life of the blind, made her eyes bright and extremely valuable. She can not be the same as ordinary people feel the joy of life, we can not enjoy this beautiful world full of fun and can only use their hands to touch her delicate to regret and frustration, but she never give up.


英语读书笔记 2016教师节感恩话语1.一根教鞭,指点迷津,指点江山;一支粉笔,写下真理,写下诗篇;一块板擦,抹去懵懂,抹去昨天;一颗爱心,感化愚顽,感动心间。教师节,再谢师恩!2.你是一支蜡烛燃烧自己照亮学子,你是一位园丁挥洒汗水浇灌花蕾,你是一支粉笔磨灭 2016父亲节感恩话语1.一千句感恩的话,说不尽父亲压弯的脊梁;一万首感恩的歌,唱不完父亲的两鬓苍苍;千万个感恩的心,表不完父亲的两手老茧;万万条感恩的祝福,祝愿父亲节日快乐。2.敬爱的,宠爱的,心爱的,蜜爱的,甜爱的,可爱的老爸!谢谢你二十载 2016母亲节感恩话语1.含辛茹苦的母亲:看着母亲一丝一丝的白发,一条一条逐日渐深的皱纹,多年含辛茹苦哺育我成人的母亲,在这属于您的节日里请接受我对您最深切的祝愿:节日快乐,永远年轻! 2.家是温馨港湾,母爱是甜蜜小船,无论投身地北,还是浪迹天南, 2016学校元旦晚会经典开场白台词(一)(杨粤):尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,(周良娇):亲爱的各位老师、各位同学,(合):大家晚上好!(颜芹芹):伴着冬日温暖的阳光,我们向着春天走来;(周良娇):激扬着青春的风采,我们向着春天迈进;(王

2016新年晚会开场白(一)女:回首昨天,我们思绪万千;男:把握今天,我们任重道远;合:展望明天,我们豪情满怀!男:今天,让我们踏着时代的节奏,舞出精彩女:今天,让我们带着新年的祝福,放飞憧憬合:上护中学2016年元旦文艺演出现在开始!2016 离婚起诉书范文2016 原告:__________,女/男,民族:_____,_____年_____月_____日生,住_____市_____区_____路_____号_____房,电话:_______________ 被告:__________,女/男,民族:_____,_____年_____月_____日生,住_____市_____区_____路_____号_____


Book Review of the《One Hundred Years of Solitude》 García Márquez makes up a town called Macondo and the protagonists——the Buendía s,lives there for more than one hundred years.During this period,the Buendía s goes from prosperity to decay and everyone dies with solitude.This family includes seven generations and everyone is willing to adventure and full of passion,but they don’t like having a heart-to-heart talk and they release pressure only through sex .It is said that this book shows the sruggle and loneliness of Latin America and the Macondo Town is actually a epitome of Latin America.For a long time,people in Latin America constantly started the civil wars and fought with their compatriots and many of them are fooled by ridiculious religion,so that these areas are still poor and underdeveloped and are like pathetic children abandoned by all other countries.This is a country’s and history’s solitude.So this book gains a lot of admiration and agreement from the people of Latin America.And we appreciate García Márquez for he gives us a way to know these people and strikes a chord with people from other underdeveloped country like us. When we probe into this book deeper and wonder why everyone lives so lamentably,we can see that it is not just because of the short of supplies or the lack of status and fame.If so,the book would not be praised but on the contrary it would be criticized to be superficial and na?ve.In fact,García Márquez points that the real solitude is from fate and death.It is just like everyone called Aurelian in the Buendía s are always composed and calm but in the end will all become callous and indifferenced to all other things.People who fight with fate and want to live another lives ,but finally fail look like flying leaves in the windy sky,which can’t control where to stop but move froward by the force of wind.Then you will feel nobody really knows you and your life is setted long time ago by the fate and the only thing you can do is to beobedient to it and try to admit that you can’t do anything,even to change a little.Is is real loneliness.When you feel you are separated from the outside world and your world only has youself,even though you are given plenty of money and luxury,you will not be happy and think you are rich.The solitude from the bottom of your heart will last forever and nothing that comes from material world can influence it. In the meanwhile I read carefully and try to find the solution to this kind of solitude. And the answer that García Márquez gives is hiding among the


Book Report Title of the book: __________________________________________________ Author: __________________________________________________ Illustrated by: __________________________________________________ Main Characters: Give a brief description of each character: 1.________________ ______________________________ 2.________________ ______________________________ 3.________________ ______________________________ Write a summary about the story. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Did you like the book? Why or why not? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ This book was... Circle one. easy to read Just right to read a litttle difficult too hard


英语读书笔记(15篇) 英语读书笔记第1篇: Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea 海底两万里 Story started in 。Aronnax,a natural historian,was studying for a large monster under the sea。At that time,the monster’s massagers were traveling around the world。After the investigation,he would return from aboard。And then he received an invitation from sea forces of America。So he was going to make the monster die out。 英语读书笔记第2篇: Alice in Wonderland 爱丽丝奇遇记 One hot summer day,Alice and her sister are sitting under the tree。Alice sees a white rabbit,and she run after it。The rabbit goes down a rabbit whole and Alice follows it,she is now in a strange wonderland。Alice eats some special things,and she changes her size!Everything is different and strange there。The animals there can speak!Alice meets many interesting things。At last,she wakes up。It’s just a dream! 英语读书笔记第3篇: The Jungle Book 森林王子 There is a family of wolf live in the jungle。They find a very young brown child,with big eyes and no


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除百年孤独英文读后感 百年孤独英文读后感(一) ”onehundredyearsofsolitude”isknownas”LatinAmeri canhistoryofliteratureinthevisionofthesociety”.Itistherepr esentativeworkofgabrielgarciamarquez,istherepresentativ eworkofLatinAmericanmagicrealismliterature.Afterreadi ng,thebookmorbidalone,foravarietyofabnormalpersonalit y,floatinginmyaround,foralongtimenottogo. thecharactersinthebook,mrAShLEyboone,emperor,thisisa diligent,pragmatic,creativepeople.Butbecausehe’sfascinat ionwithscienceandknowledge,wrongly,alchemy,godcoppe rplatepicture...hewascompletelyinsane,soheisalonely. hiswifeUrsulaisawomanofflashingmotherallgoodquality.I nmyopinion,sheisthefamilyfoundation.thewholebookishe rbusyfigure,thiswoman’sbodywithanotherkindoflonelines s.


英文读书笔记 comments: wuthering heights is a well-written tragedy of love. after reading the whole story i would like to talk about the main characters of the story —catherine earnshaw and heathcliff. catherine earnshaw and heathcliff do love each other very much but they do not have the right attitude towards love which leads to the tragedy. in catherine 's life she made a very foolish decision---marrying to edgar. in fact her love for edgar can never be compared to that for heathcliff. she did so because she thought the wealth of edgar would be useful to help heathcliff. but in reality it did not work. she did not have a good understanding of love which is something pure and saint. if anyone add any purpose into love love itself lost its meaning. catherine ' s wrong decision hurt two people who love her and even destroyed the happiness of their offspring. heathcliff is a man full of retaliation. he loved catherine very much but what he did on the contrary added to the misery of catherine. in my opinion if he really


If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking by Emily Dickinson艾米莉·狄金森 If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. 如果我能使一颗心免于破碎 如果我能使一颗心免于破碎, 我将不会虚度此生。 如果我能减轻一个人的痛苦, 或平息一个人的悲伤, 或帮助一只昏迷的知更鸟 回到它的巢居 我将不会虚度此生。 Dreams Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. 梦想

千万不能丢掉梦想, 因为假如梦想破灭 生活就像小鸟断了翅膀, 再也不能展翅飞翔。 千万不能丢掉梦想, 因为梦想一旦离去 生活就像冬天的田野那样荒凉, 冰封大地白雪茫茫。 Do You Fear the Wind? Hamilton Garland Do you fear the force of the wind, The slash of the rain? Go face them and fight them, Be savage again. Go hungry and cold like the wolf, Go wade like the crane: The palms of your hands will thicken, The skin of your checks will tan, You’ll grow ragged and weary and swarthy, But you’ll walk like a man! 你怕风吗? 你怕风吹雨打吗? 那你就勇敢地迎上去与它拼搏, 重新过野蛮人的生活吧! 像狼那样挨饿受冻,


百年孤独读书笔记 导读:百年孤独读书笔记【篇一】 加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作《百年孤独》被誉为“再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇巨著”,它同时也是一部魔幻现实主义文学作品的代表作。在第一次阅读《百年孤独》时,我被书中完全雷同的姓名,无数的倒叙、插叙给搞糊涂了,根本不解其义,而且我觉得书中诉说的故事大都荒诞不经,比如说在现实生活中不可能会有持续了四年零好几个月的雨,死者更不会因为耐不住寂寞就重返人间……读第二遍的时候,我把七代人进行了排列,终于使书中的人物对号入座;读第三遍的时候,我连同《百年孤独》所处的时代背景和作者的身世进行了了解,于是,我被深深地震撼了,为作者,为书本,为拉丁美洲。 孤独是非常可怕的。在拉丁美洲广袤的土地上,蕴含着无穷的神秘,创造过辉煌的古代文明,但拉美的近代史却充满了耻辱与压迫、血腥和悲剧。自十九世纪中期到二十世纪七十年代的一个多世纪,这片神秘的土地经历了百年的风云变幻。通过查阅相关的历史知识,我了解到在作者进行创作的七十年代,几乎整个拉美都处在军人独裁政权的统治下。政客们的虚伪,统治者们的残忍,民众的盲从和愚昧,拉丁美洲百年的历程不断重复着怪圈,不是前进,而是徘徊。这应该就是为什么书中的那些人那些事情总是在不断重复的原因吧。 在《百年孤独》获得诺贝尔奖的时候,作者加西亚·马尔克斯在接受专访时对孤独的解释意味深长:孤独就是不团结。作者著书的目

的是希望拉丁美洲的民众要团结起来,走向文明,走向开放,走向繁荣。 孤独总是归于自闭。《百年孤独》描述的是霍塞·阿卡迪奥·布恩迪亚家族的一部兴衰史,其脉络就是自闭到开放,开放到繁荣;再由开放到自闭,自闭到毁灭。马贡多文明的创始人布恩迪亚与妻子乌苏拉以非凡的胆识和开放的精神,开创了马贡多的繁荣。布恩迪亚曾向妻子抱怨说:“世界上正在发生不可思议的事情,咱们旁边,就在河流对岸,已有许多各式各样神奇的机器,可咱们仍在这儿像蠢驴一样过日子。”因为马贡多隐没在宽广的沼泽地中,与世隔绝。他决心要开辟出一条道路,把马贡多与外界的伟大发明连接起来。可惜的是,他却被家人绑在一棵大树上,几十年后才在那棵树上死去。霍塞·阿卡迪奥·布恩迪亚死了,连同马贡多的文明。之后的几代人,夫妻之间、父子之间、母女之间、兄弟姐妹之间,几乎如出一辙的没有感情沟通,缺乏信任和了解,孤独、苦闷、猜忌,导致了马贡多狭隘、落后、保守直至没落。于是,书中结尾是:那个长着猪尾巴的男孩,也就是布恩迪亚家族的第七代继承人,他刚出生就被一群蚂蚁吃掉。 布恩迪亚家族一代代的承传着,他们见证了历史的风起云涌,又都不得不渐渐地老去。第四代成员阿卡迪奥第二(第三代成员阿卡迪奥与人私通所生)曾亲眼目睹了垄断资本的兴起和剥削的凶残。而之后的奥雷良诺则见证了自给自足的农业在这片处女地上最后而短暂 的繁荣。原始的繁荣很快就结束了,取而代之的是垄断资本主义的侵


初一英语读书笔记 1.这个经常下雨。(两种) there is often rain./it often rains here. 2.我们很惊讶地在火车站看到西蒙。 we are surprised to see simon at the train station. 3.沿着这条路走,到红绿灯处,你就会看到那撞楼。 go along this street to the traffic light,then you will see that building. 4.老师来了,请停止讲话。 5.三个穿警察制服的人从车里出来。 three man in police uniform get out of the car. 6.突然一个大个子把他推进了厢式货车的后面。 suddenly a tall man pull him into the back of the van. 7.杰尔现在坐在我左边。 jill is sitting on my left now. turn right to the cross, and you will find the entrance before yourself. 9.这个强盗从大厦跑了出去。 this robber runs out of the building. 10.我们走不同的路线好吗? shall we take different routes? 11.一个穿红色衣服的女孩站在街道的拐弯处。 a girl in red is standing at the corner of the street. 12.当交通灯是红色是不能过马路。 you cant go across the road when the traffic light is red. 13.学英语不是很难。 it isnt too difficult to learn english. 14.明天我们去公园好吗? shall we go to the park tomorrow? 15.她认为天要下雨了。 she thinks it is going to rain tomorrow. 16.互联网上有成千上万的网站。 there are thousands of webs on the internet. 17.我们打算在星期六进行烧烤。 we are going to have a barbecue on saturday. 18.你们什么时候举行聚会。 when are you going to have your party? 19.大部分学生能准时到校。 most of the students can get to school on time. 20.他邀请我们去吃晚饭。 he invited us to have dinner 21.你可以乘地铁去中国银行。 you can go to the bank of china by underground.reporter: 记者 后面加了一个er,表示一种人。report是报告。今天我们小记开会,为报道学校春节运 动会大家献计献策。 1. he is a reporter. 他是一名记者。 2. i dont want to be a reporter. 我不想成为记者。
