剑8 Test 2 Section 3

剑8 Test 2 Section 3
剑8 Test 2 Section 3

剑8 Test 2 Section 3

PROFESSOR: Good morning everyone. In today’s seminar, Grant Freeman, a biologist who specialises in identifying insects, and who works for the Australian Quarantine

Service, has come to talk to us about his current research work. Right, well,over to

you, Grant.

GRANT: Good morning, everyone. I’m sure that you know that the quarantine service regulates all food brought into Australia. Well, obviously they want to protect

Australia from diseases that might come in with imported goods, but they also

want to prevent insect pests from being introduced into the county, and that’s

where I have a part to play. Anyway, my current research involves trying to find a

particular type of bee, the Asian Honey Bee, and finding out whether there are any

of them in Queensland once and eradicated them. Now, we’re pretty keen to make

sure that there aren’t any more getting in, particularly to New South Wales and

other states.

PROFESSOR: What’s wrong with Asian Honey Bees? Are they so different from Australian bees? GRANT: Well, in fact, they look almost the same, but they are infested with

mites---microscopic creatures which live on them, and which can seriously

damage our own home-grown bees, or could even wipe them out. PROFESSOR: Well, what would happen if Australian bees died out?

GRANT: Well, the honey from Australian bees is of excellent quality, much better than the stuff the Asian bees produce. In fact, Australia exports native Queen bees to a

large number of countries because of this. When the European Honey Bee was

first discovered out in the bush, we found they made really unpleasant honey and

they were also too big to pollinate many of our native flowers here in Australia. PROFESSOR: That must have had a devastating effect on the natural flora. Did you lose any species?

GRANT: No, we managed to get them under control before that happened but if Asian bees got in there could be other consequences. We could lose a lot of money because

you might not be aware, but it’s estimated that native bees’ pollination of flower

and vegetable crops is worth 1.2 billion dollars a year. So in a way they’re the

farmers’ friend. Oh, and another thing is, if you’re stung by an Asian Honey Bee, it

can produce an allergic reaction in some people; so they’re much more dangerous

than native bees. ............................................................................................................................................................. PROFESSOR: How will you know if Asian bees have entered Australia?

GRANT: We’re looking at the diet of the bird called the Rainbow Bee Eater. The Bee Eater doesn’t care what it eats, as long as they’re insects. But the interesting thing about

this bird is that we are able to analyse exactly what it eats and that’s really helpful

if we’re looking for introduced insects.

PROFESSOR: How come?

GRANT: Because insects have their skeletons outside their bodies, so the Bee Eaters digest the meat from the inside. Then they bring up all the indigestible bits of skeleton and,

of course, the wings in a pellet---a small ball of waste material which they cough


PROFESSOR: That sounds a bit unpleasant. So, how do you go about it?

GRANT: In the field we track down the Bee Eaters and find their favorite feeding spots, you know, the places where the birds usually feed. It’s here that we can find the pellets.

We collect them up and take them back to the laboratory to examine the contents. PROFESSOR: How do you do that?

GRANT: The pellets are really hard, especially if they have been out in the sun for a few days so, first of all, we treat them by adding water to moisten them and make

them softer. Then we pull them apart under the microscope. Everything’s all

scrunched up but we’re looking for wings so we just pull them all out and

straighten them. Then we identify them to see if we can find ant Asian bee wings. PROFESSOR: And how many have you found?

GRANT: So far our research shows that Asian bees have not entered Australia in any number---it’s a good result and much more reliable than trying to find live ones as

evidence of introduced insects.

PROFESSOR: Well, that’s fascinating! Thank you, Grant, for those insights. I hope that you might inspire some of our students here to conduct some similar experiments.


Unit 1 【写作话题】本单元以能力为话题,谈论自己或他人的能力。如会干或不会干……. 【写作要求】新学期开始,七(1)班同学踊跃参加班干部竞选活动。 假设你是Daming,请根据以下表格内容,写一篇竞选词。 提示词:would like, I can……, promise to 【优秀满分范文】 My name is Daming. I would like to be the class monitor. Here are my reasons(理由). First, I can get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. Second, I work very hard so I do well at school. Finally, I can help teachers and I’m ready to help others. Choose me as the class monitor. I promise to help you and make our classroom beautiful. Unit 2

【写作话题】本单元以日常生活习惯为话题,描述自己或他人的日常生活习惯。 【写作题目】根据下面提示写一篇50词左右的短文,介绍自己一天的活动安排情况。 【优秀满分范文】 I usually get up at 6:30 . Then I have breakfast . At 7:10 I go to schoo l . We have four classes in the morning , and three classes in the afternoon . At 4:30 p.m. I go home . After supper I do my homework . I usually watc h TV from 8:00 to 9:00.in the evening . Then I go to bed at 10:00. Unit 3 【写作话题】本单元以如何到某地为话题,描述请某地的方式。 【写作题目】根据下面提示写一篇70词左右的短文。 张静是我的好朋友,在青岛上学,她的家距离学校约3千米,她通常骑自行车去上学,大约用20分钟,但下雨时她乘出租车,大约5分钟。她的父母在离家8千米的一家医院工作,每天开汽车上班,大约要10分钟。 【优秀满分范文】 Zhang Jing is my good friend. She studies in Qingdao. Her home is about three kilometers from school. She usually rides her bike to school and it takes her about twenty minutes .But when it rains, she goes to school by taxi. It takes her only five minutes . Her father and mother both work in a hospital. It’s eight kilometers from their home. They take a car to work . It takes them about ten minutes. Unit 4


Optional Topics for Oral English Test 13.12 1.On Culture 1) What do you know about the American symbols? Give us some examples. The main sign of the United States of America's Statue of Liberty, Bobbi doll, uncle Sam,American Gothic and the Buffalo Nickel.For first one,the Statue of Liberty is France in 1876 presented to the United States 100 years of independence. Liberty Island Statue of Liberty is located in the United Statesnear the city of New York in the American state of New York, is an importanttourist attractions in the United States of America.For Uncle Sam,It was used to refer to the "American" or "the government of the United States," was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg, is one of the top five American symbol. Americans also "Uncle Sam" honest, hard-working, as well as the spirit of patriotism and national pride and their total quality.And"American Gothic" is a 1930 painting by Grant Wood.He asked his 62 year old dentist and his 30 year old sister as the charactermodels, and let them put on the nineteenth Century Vitoria times. Although in thetwo people are standing in a block, but in fact these two characters are done in different occasions. the Buffalo Nickel,is in 1911 the famous American artist James Earl Fraser design, 1913-1938 years into a coin production.The United States coins depict traditional main is a towering figure in the United States government, most of which is the famous presidents. 2) Give us at least 3 symbols of Chinese culture. 1:Beijing courtyard is the court house from the East, West, South, North surroundedthe house Wai together form. It is the main architectural form generations living in the oldpeople in Beijing.The typical characteristics of exterior courtyard rules, midline symmetry, and the usage is extremely flexible 2:Hanfu, also known as Chinese dressed, Han Chinese traditional dress, also known as the Chinese clothing, clothing


七年级下学期期中考试优秀作文 这件事让我感动我们生活在大千世界中,有时候,一件琐事就让我们感动,让我们回味无穷,让我们记忆深刻。 从我懂事开始,我一直认为妈妈非常偏向弟弟。有什么好吃,弟弟先吃;什么好玩,弟弟先玩;有什么好穿的,弟弟先穿。这让我心里非常不好受,常常抱怨:我为什么有这么一个妈妈?但六年级期末考试的那天,我终于改变了那样的想法。 那天,天空灰蒙蒙的,远处的山若隐若现,就像在跟你捉迷藏。我往窗外看去,心里便想:老天爷也太不够意思了吧。这样答案天气怎么正好赶上期末考试呢,我可要回家呀!也正因此。每当我考完一场就会往窗外看看有没有下雨,我可不想回家时变成落汤鸡。 时间一分一秒地过去了,正当我们考完最后一场时,天空突然来了一阵电闪雷鸣。接着,黄豆般的雨点倾盆而降。过往人群都双手盖头往能避雨处窜。 雨来的突然,家里人肯定赶不急来得。我们大家冲着期末考试结束后兴奋尽,劈头盖脸地就往家里冲呀!正如我所料,回到家种,我已经成了“落汤鸡”。我赶紧吹干头发,换了身干净的衣服。这时,我发现妈妈怎么不在家,便跑去问外

婆。外婆说:“你妈知道你今天回家,就去老家地里摘. 你喜欢吃答案小白菜了,还没回来呢!她去的时候还没有下雨,肯定没有带伞。该死的老天,怎么突然下起这么大的雨――――――” 我呆住了,“去老家!老家离这里非常远,而且还下着这么大的雨。妈妈又没有带伞,她怎么回来呀?”我焦急地在家门口徘徊,担心妈妈会出什么意外。 时间过来很久,老天好像没有停地意向。我不住地往外望。终于,我看见在雨的深处又一个很模糊的身影向我走来。我仔细一看,是妈妈。她手中紧紧地抱着一捆小白菜,浑身早已湿透。我见着妈妈这么落魄的样子。眼泪情不自禁地从眼眶中流了出来。 母爱是无私的。是的,她不会对你有所收藏,必须要你自己去发现。爱,让我感动我们处处充满爱,只要我们去发现,就会明白:暖暖的爱无处不在! ——题记 小小年纪,不懂什么是爱。现在长大了,才知道他就在我身边。他是这样美;这样温暖! 父爱如山 一次数学考试,由于我的马虎,贪玩,导致那难堪的分数——58分。这样的成绩给了一向好强的我一个沉痛地打击。我正沉浸在悲伤中,数学老师的话更是雪上加霜:试卷要带


Marion 14720138 Food and Restaurants (Week 2) 1、Which do you like better, Chinese food or Western food? I prefer Chinese food,because Chinese food tastes delicious 。 it usually hot ,and I like hot food。 because i live in China,i have got used to the chinese food。 but i also like western food,because i need to try some new things。 2、How would you deal with an angry customer? Deal with an angry customers can be one of the most challenging aspect of a job. Whether they confront you face-to-face, or you speak with them over the phone,Remain calm and adjust your mindset. Listen actively to what the customer is saying. Repeat the customer’s concerns ,Apologize is necessary .Call your manager over if the customer asks you to.。 3、Do you like cooking? What can you cook? I like cooking,but the level is very poor,The only thing I can cook is dumplings 4、What are the different food flavors? 5、What are some examples of Western food? Do you like it? Why or why not? Hamburger pizza French fries beefsteak cheese I am not fond of it, 6、What are some cultural differences between China and Western countries, regarding food and restaurants? in a western restaurant, each person generally orders their own food or dishes and eats what they order. western people don't usually put all of the food in the middle of the table and share unless they are eating pizza. one of the biggest differences between chinese restaurants and western restaurants is the noise. most western restaurants are quiet and people speak in quiet voices. avoid shouting, especially to the staff. 7、If you order a steak or a hamburger at a restaurant, the waiter or waitress will likely ask you this question: how would you like it cooked? What does this mean? How would you answer this question? Medium Transportation (Week 3) 1、How do you like to travel around your hometown? when I want to visit most place around my hometown,i usually travel by train。It convenient and comfortable,During the day, i can do some reading or just enjoy the landscape outside the window on the train. Trains also have the advantage of being safe.What’s more, you can travel by train at high speed with less money 2、What is a problem with public transportation in your hometown? Nowadays there are cities where the population is very high,The traffic situation in many big cities is becoming a big problem and in others cities already is a big problem. they make a lot of jams .traffic accident 3、What did you do last weekend? last weekend ,i was very busy .At the saturday ,I went to visit my parents ,we had a very good time .I was very happy.I backed school in the evening .At the sunday ,I Finished my homework and playing basketball with my roommates,In a word ,I had a wonderful weekend .


七下期末考试作文题 好奇,指的是对不了解的事物感到新奇,发生兴趣。有人对星空的奥秘感到好奇,于是去观察探究;有人对“小人国”的故事感到好奇,于是就去了解这变化的原因……好奇,会使你有很多发现,会使你的生活更加丰富多彩。请以“好奇”为题目,写一篇文章,不少于600字。 学生习作 好奇 湖北省农科院南湖子弟学校孔雪婷 我好奇的事物如同天生的繁星,海底的贝壳数也数不清,从天文到地理,从大兴安岭到三峡大坝,就连不起眼的蜗牛也值得我去观察然后深思。但一件事至今我还好奇着。 奶奶的嘴如同捣药棍,无时无刻不在叨着我们的家常小事,我们有时都会喊烦,而爷爷却对奶奶的话视为圣旨,百依百顺。一天,奶奶生病了,不是很严重,好好休息应该就能好起来。她没有告诉我们,依旧忙来忙去,不久后,她病倒了,爷爷拿来了一个小瓶子,对奶奶说:“这是药,快点吃吧,吃了就能快点康复了。”奶奶盯着要看了很久,问:“哪里来的药?贵吗?”“不贵,不贵,楼下小药店买的,20元一瓶。”爷爷忙说“你把这瓶药吃完,你的病就能好了。”奶奶便安心的服下药,但这药似乎吃不完似的,时间一长,奶奶便开始疑惑,药怎么越吃越多呢?她下床打开了抽屉,里面放着和她天天吃的药一样的药瓶,还有一张收费单,上面清楚的标明一瓶药200元,奶奶看见后,怒气冲冲的去找爷爷,说“一瓶药这么贵,你不是把钱拿来烧着玩?”爷爷后来讲述了经过。爷爷看奶奶的病那么严重,去了大医院,买了几瓶这种药,爷爷知道奶奶节省,所以所了谎话,并每隔三天从别的药瓶里拿出几颗药放进奶奶的药瓶。难怪药吃不完,原来是这么回事。但我还十分好奇,爷爷和奶奶是夫妻,本可以商量为什么要偷偷的呢?令我更匪夷所思的另一件事。 在午后,奶奶坐在椅子上织毛衣,爷爷睡午觉,但奶奶却时不时叫唤一声“老头子”,我非常好奇,不明白奶奶为什么这么做,并躲在门口,捏着鼻子应了一声“诶”,奶奶便会笑着走过来“死丫头,总淘气。”在那之后又走去爷爷房间,看了看爷爷,见爷爷好好睡着,又心安的继续织毛衣。奶奶找爷爷有事,直接叫醒爷爷就行,干嘛总不停交唤呢?当我把我的不解问爷爷时,奶奶总说:“看看他没事,好好的就行了。”这个问题使我又陷入思索之中。 无论多好奇,无论多不解,但他们之间的爱也用一种其他的语言打动着我的心。 那个捣药棍,依然还在捣着,“咚咚咚……”捣出了使他们一辈子幸福的良药。 好奇 湖北省农科院南湖子弟学校孔慧君 好奇对于我来说是一种天真,一种放松。拥有好奇心的人总会有一颗童真之心,而我就认为我拥有一颗童真之心,当然,我也拥有一颗好奇心。 我好奇许多事物,我对自然界的花开花败感到好奇,我对鸟儿的婉转啼叫感到好奇,我也对鸟儿的婉转啼叫感到好奇,我也对万物复苏感到好奇。 我好奇许多新事物,它们总能激发我无限的兴趣,我喜欢去探究我所好奇的事物,每当我明白了它的原理,我就会感到愉悦。同样,我也热爱我探究事物的这一过程。 曾经我对土地里种的小树苗到最后为什么能长成一棵参天大树感到过好奇。而那时的我还小。一直天真地以为认为不管任何东西埋在土地里都能发芽,到最后长大,苹果树的树苗埋在土里最后都能结出苹果,那么我想,一切吃的埋在土地里到最后都能结出相同的果实吧。 而那时的我还小,正是最爱吃糖的年纪,认为我发现了一个没有任何人知道的大秘密,也在好奇心和糖的双重驱使下,我终于忍痛割爱拿了一颗糖埋在了土地,又好奇它到底该怎


一、宠物 L:Oh, what a lovely dog!Is it your pet? Z: Yes,so it is.. I love it very much. My mother intended it for me on my birthday as my birthday gift. L: Great! I also want to keep a lovely dog as my pet. I like poodles(贵宾犬). Do you ever hear of this kind of dog? Z: No. In fact, I don’t know much about dogs. I even don’t know what kind of my dog is. But I like dogs with long white hair and small shapes. What does a poodle look like? L: It is so lovely. And it looks like a toy. Usually, it is with curly fur, which even covers its eyes. When it stands still, I can say no one can distinguish it from a toy dog. Z: Oh,I can imagine how lovely it is. By the way, do you keep a pet? L: No, my mother don’t like animals, even a bird. So she doesn’t allow me to keep a pet in our house. But I really want to keep a pet. Z: What a pity! But what animal do you think makes the best pet? L: I think a dog may be the best pet. Because I think a dog is sensible, smart and loyal. It can understand our words and gestures. Do you think so? Z: Yes. A dog is a clever animal. But I want to keep a rabbit as my pet. I think a rabbit is beautiful, especially a little white rabbit. But it is also a trouble to keep a pet. We have to go home in a hurry after work to feed it. And we have to worry about it when we plan to go out to have a nice holiday. L: That’s true. But keeping a pet also has advantages. At times, it seems to understand our feelings, and keep us company to share our happiness and sorrow. Keeping a pet is a good choice especially for those old people whose children are busy with work. It can be a comfort to them, and it can reduce their loneliness, add fun to their life. Z: Yes, great! I decide to buy a lovely dog to my grandparents. You know, my parents are always busy with work, and I am busy with study. They must feel lonely and expect us to company them. Maybe a pet can reduce their loneliness. L:Yeah, that is a good idea! .


七年级下期末复习作文范文 七年级下期末复习作文范文 称子英语整理2008-6-13 *一、自我介绍Unit 1 Dear Kate, My name is Jack?I' m 13 years old?And my birthday is Jdnuary 2nd. I' m from China. I think China is a great country. I speak Chinese and a little English?And I like reading books very much?I want to be a reporter when I grow up. And here is my photo?I' m short and a little bit heavy. I have short straight black hair? And I have two big eyes? I often wear a pair of glasses? I' m not very cool, but I think I' m friendly. I live in Ruian now. It' s a beautiful city?In my neighborhood, there is a school and near the school, there is a supermarket? It, s a good place to go shopping. I often go shopping with my mother? Next to the supermarket, there is a small but beautiful park. I usually read books there in the morning? Wele to Ruian. Can you write to me soon? Best wishes,

雅思口语真题剑1-剑8 part1汇总

https://www.360docs.net/doc/938451137.html, What is your full name/ surname/ given name? What is the meaning of your given name? Does your name have any special meaning/ a literal translation? What shall I call you? Do you have an English name/ nickname? Do you like your name? Do you want to change your name? Do Chinese people like to change their names? Why or why not? What kind of people like to change their names in your country? What is the purpose of changing names? Does your name affect your personality? 2.Study Are you a student? What is your major? / what was your major at university? / what did you major in? How do you like your major? / why did you choose this subject as your major? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your major? Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? What degree have you obtained? Can you tell me something about your education background? When will you graduate? Can you tell me something about your school? What impress you most in your university? Can you tell me something about your study? Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points? What is your plan after your graduation? What is the educational system like in china? What are the changes in education in china? What is the education like in rural areas in china? Which is the best university in your country? What coursed did you study in last semester? What is your favorite course? Why? Can you tell me something about your primary/secondary school/campus? How many subjects do you have in this semester? Do you use computers in school? Is multimedia used in your school? How long have you been studying English? Do you like English? Why? Are there any other languages can you speak? How old do people begin to study English in your country? 3.Work What do you do?


七年级下期末复习作文范文 称子英语整理2008-6-13 *一、自我介绍 (Unit 1) Dear Kate, My name is Jack. I’m 13 years old. And my birthday is January 2nd. I’m from China. I think China is a great country. I speak Chinese and a little English. And I like reading books very much. I want to be a reporter when I grow up. And here is my photo. I’m short and a little bit heavy. I have short straight black hair. And I have two big eyes. I often wear a pair of glasses. I’m not very cool,

but I think I’m friendly. I live in Ruian now. It’s a beautiful city. In my neighborhood, there is a school and near the school, there is a supermarket. It’s a good place to go shopping. I often go shopping with my mother. Next to the supermarket, there is a small but beautiful park. I usually read books there in the morning. Wele to Ruian. Can you write to me soon? Best wishes, Jack


Ielts 9 Test1 GAMES & Market Part 1 1.What games are popular in your country?Why? Oh,I think ,maybe sports games are more popular, Because It is suitable for almost all ages, just like ,children can play hide and seek,adults can play ball games ,the old can do morning exercises,etc. 2.Do you play any games ?Why? Yes ,I’m obsessed with playing badminton,Just because I think it is appropriate for me to play,I can keep fit through this way.Also It’s a great way to change my bad feeling. 3.How do people learn to play games in your country? I f we start to learn to play sports games,we will come for help to the professional coach,or someone who is familiar with it .We usually learn it by imitating someone else. 4.Do you think it’s important for people to play games?Why? Yes, I think so. Cause we need to release our pressure in tense life. By playing games in leisure time,we can forget our black dog in daily life. Part 2 Describe an open-air or street market which you


七年级下册语文期末作文题 雨之韵 雨是透明晶莹的精灵,是上苍慈悲的眼泪。我合上双眸,聆听雨的吟唱。 “沙啦啦,沙啦啦”,春日的雨是温柔而富有诗意的,她如一个好奇的小女孩,踏着细碎的舞步在人间快乐的舞蹈,撒下千万条银丝。万物贪婪地吮吸着雨露,碧绿的叶儿,娇嫩的花儿欣喜地微笑,接受雨的爱抚,碧莹莹的草儿铺好了华贵的地毯,迎接雨露的悄然降临。 雨望着富有生机的万物,“咯咯”地笑了起来,唱起了歌谣——听!晶莹剔透钻石般的雨滴在叶儿尖旋转着跳下的轻响,那是春在浅吟清唱。 “哗啦啦,哗啦啦……”,夏雨全无了春雨的羞涩与矜持,活力十足地蹦跳着,像一个淘气的孩子般疯跑着,四处察看着人间的情况。他大声唱着歌,蹑手蹑脚地溜到大树旁边,与好友寒暄一阵,轻手轻脚地为龟裂的土地贴上膏药,小心翼翼地触摸打着卷儿的树叶,扶起无力地低垂着的小树,轻抚柔嫩的树叶……,将整个世界洗刷一遍,留下满眼的绚丽繁荣。 绿草如茵的草地上挂满了雨珠,夏雨为它抹上了一层耀眼透明的浓绿,草叶儿精神地挺起胸膛,花儿锭开了灿烂的笑脸。夏雨向世界自豪地笑着,迈着大步,唱着歌儿,不知疲倦地跑着——听!水珠落下的轻响便是夏雨奔跑步子的响声。 “淅沥沥,淅沥沥……”,秋雨迈着稳重的步伐,挥动衣袖,迈着优雅的舞步,在人间舞动。她俯下身,亲吻着满树金灿灿的叶儿,她拾起落花片片,低声呢喃,安慰她们,相约来年的相遇,她平静且缠绵,坐在枝头,水袖挥舞,为苹果涂上红彤彤的颜料,为柿子抹上几笔橙黄,她悉心打扮着万物,待到世间一片繁荣,迎来丰收,她便悄然离去。 临行前,她深情凝望人间,挥手轻声告别——听!叶上被渲染成五彩的水珠滚动的声音,便是她与万物告别的轻声叮咛。 “窸窸窣窣……”,冬天的雨变成雪花,披着满头华发,悄悄地走到人间。他没有夏雨的旺盛精力——他老了。冬雨拄着拐杖,笑呵呵地对满脸沮丧的只剩下光秃秃枝干的植物说:“春天就会来的。” 转眼间,雪花就要离去,他向万物挥手——听!落地声便是他安慰万物的话语。 我坐在窗前,静静地听着,听着,四季雨的歌声,用心去品味自然,静静地…… 爱雨


1.Why do people get angry? Please give at least three reasons why people (or yourself) get angry. Anger is none other but a form of representation of humanity.Being angry is just like the way we feel happy or sad,it is just a natural behavior. What's more,Sometimes when things turn out just opposite to what we have expected ,we get angry,being angry is just a attitude we hold toward thoses unlucky or unfavorable things or people.At last,I think Being angry is a good way to let out thoses unhappiness inside us. 2.What makes you happy? Are you happy when others are happy? As myself ,the greatest pleasures seem to come from hard-won achievements. For example, if after a lot of hard work, I passed an important examination, or finished a big project,or I have learn some interseting skill I like,all of these would make me so happy.I thinjk,happiness is so easy to get if you observe everything around you carefully.Just like help someone in need,both of us will feel happy.If the people around you smile evertytime ,you will smile also without reason,right? 3.Please describe one of the most emotional moments in your life (the happiest, saddest, the most depressed, etc.) I will describe one of the most emotional moments in my life . one of the most impressive moments I recall is that I was interviewed by a man from a big company. he asked me what kind of man dou you want to be , and what is your advantage and what is your disadvantage? these questions I could not answer well because I had never thought


Oral Test Unit 1 Living a full life一个完整的生活 I think a good job is vital for everyone to live a full life. A good job is not only a source of income for daily necessities; it also brings out one’s potential. If one is good at his job, he can obtain personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. It can help him to develop a good interpersonal relationship with his colleagues, which in turn adds to his confidence. A good appearance is essential for a full life. I have read a report about a girl who was extremely ugly. She went through hundreds of job interviews, but no company would give her an offer. As a young adult, she still had to depend on her parents. She had neither self-confidence nor income and she couldn’t pursue her hobby. You can image what a life she was leading. However, she was luckily, because after the news report, some kind people donated money to her for a plastic surgery so now she has a chance to get a decent job. I believe a happy family is the key to live a full life. You may have millions of dollars, and you may have a beautiful big house, but if there is no one to share with you the money and the house, what’s the meaning of life, not to mention a full life? When you are sick, it is your family who take care of you. When you are getting older, it is your family who stay with you. How to cope with sickness如何应对疾病 Don’t isolate yourself; try to reach out to others; Stay as physically active as you can. Manage your breathing; Stick with your treatment plan. To change for the better为了更好而改变 I think the writer means people change for the better in the sense that they
