


1. A) Terrorists fought with Government troops.B) Thai troops killed terrorists.

C) There were shootings.D) There were explosions.

2. A) The Muslims wanted independence.B) Thai troops have been sent there.

C) About 2,000 people have been killed.D) There have been more bombings since 2004.

3. A) 17B) 24C) 21D.41

4. A) The rescue operation involved many people.

B) The cause of the explosions has been determined.

C) Rescue efforts were stopped on Thursday.

D) The explosions didn’t destroy the building.

5. A) Labor Department officials B) Lawmakers.

C) Civilians.D) The army.

6. A) 0.3%B) 3%C) 9.7%D) 10%

7.A) negativeB) positive C) hopelessD) enlightening


1. A) To set up a moon colony by 2020.

B) To send astronauts again to the moon by 2020.

C) To continue the current shuttle missions till 2020.

D) To create more jobs for NASA till 2020.

2. A) there were more important space missions

B) the space agency lacked funding for the programme

C) the current shuttle missions would continue

D) Congress failed to pass President Obama’s budget

3. A) Businesses are reluctant to rehire.B) The number of newly laid-off workers fell.

C) The job market always lags the recovery.D) U.S. job losses continue but at a slower pace.

4. A) 9.7%B) 10%C) 19.7%D) 10.7%

5. A) Desert winds.B) Increasing number of fire crews.

C) More fuels. D) Better weather conditions.

6. A) More than 120.C) More than 2100.B) More than 1200.D) More than 200.

7. A) Firefighters have been on the defensive previously.

B) The fires broke out on Wednesday.

C) Damages in San Diego will top more than one billion dollars.

D) Hot desert winds added fuel to the firefighting efforts.


1. A) they failed to manage to land

B) they involved in an outbreak of violence

C) their helicopter came under fire

D) they went through gunfire with gangsters

2. A) New York. B) Baghdad. C) AvenidaPaulista.D) Rio de Janeiro.

3. A) school playgroundsB) restaurantsC) officesD) bars

4. A) Television producers.B) Medical workers.

C) Hotel owners.D) Hospital management.

5. A) To collect date on sources of pollutionB) To identify pollution in rivers and lakes.

C) To help control environmental pollution.D) To help control industrial wastes.

6. A) lack of technologyB) rapid economic growth

C) shortage of manpowerD) unknown pollution sources

7. A) Census offices are set up by government departments.

B) A main centre receives reports from provinces.

C) A database is set up for each province.

D) Data will be reviewed and analyzed in min-2009.


1. A) take railways to France and Belgium

B) take the Channel Tunnel rail service to the U.S.A and Belgium

C) fly to France and Belgium

D) take the Channel Tunnel rail service to France and Belgium

2. A) For 16 hours.B) For 60 hours.C) For 6 hours.D) For 15 hours.

3. A) It was proposed by a group of senators.B) Mr. Obama had carried out the reform.

C) Illegal immigrants would soon be given citizenship.

D) The reform failed to improve the current system.

4. A) Eight years.B) Five yearsC) Thirteen years.D) Eleven years.

5. A) Britain has decided to restrict banker’s bonuses.

B) Britain has decided to raise banker’s salary.

C) Britain has decided to curb banker’s salary.

D) Britain has decided to raise banker’s bonuses.

6. A) over$4,000B)$40,000C) over$40,000D)$4,000

7. A) Most of it would be paid in money. B) Most of it would be paid in shares.

C) Some of it would be paid in shares. D) Some of it would be paid in money.


1. A) 15 schools have started social studies.B) 15 schools have used digital textbooks.

C) Students are ready to use electronic resources.

D) Digital textbooks are used for social studies.

2. A) 1B.2C.3D.4

3. A) A campfire.B) Smoke.C) Lightening.D) Unclear.

4. A) The wind is subsiding.B) A lot of firefighters are here.

C) The plans are drafted through the night as needed and as appropriate.

D) The amount of fuel that has been consumed there.

5. A) Top industrial countries met in the U.S. for world finance.

B) Developing economies met in the U.S. for a summit on finance.

C) G20 leaders met in the U.S. for a summit on future world finance.

D) Developing and industrial economies met in the U.S. for a summit on finance.

6. A) 5 billionB) 50 billionC) 500 billionD) 5,000 billion

7. A) When to avoid a repeat of the financial crisis.

B) When to withdraw that support without harming a recovery.

C) How to withdraw that support without harming a recovery.

D) How to avoid a repeat of the financial crisis.




原文:中国城市化(urbanization)将会充分释放潜在内需(domestic demand)。一些经济学家指出,在中国几乎所有的发展中城市都面临着城市化的进程。这使得许多人的生活水平有所提高,也为人们提供更多的就业机会。随着越来越多的人向城市迁徙,住房及城市基础设施建设(infrastructure construction),包括水源等能源的供应将会成为城市发展的焦点问题。商品与服务的自由、快速流通是城市化社会的一项基本特征。逐渐扩张的城市需要更多的零售店来满足消费者的需求。


China’s urbanization will release the full potential of domestic demand. Some economists point out that urbanization is a process that is occurring in nearly every developing city in the country. It will lead to a better quality of life for many people,and provide individuals with more job opportunities. The construction of housing and city infrastructure, including water and energy supplies, will be a focal point of urban development as more people migrate to cities. Urbanization means better access to educational and medical resources in the city. But it also predicts less use of personal vehicles and more use of public transportation. The fast, free flow of goods and services is a basic trait of an urbanized society. Expanding cities require more retail outlets to serve customers.


原文:目前,全球变暖是一个热门话题,但是有关全球变暖的各项证据似乎还有些不同的声音。人们现在已经知道,地球的发展经历了很多周期(cycle),尽管在历史上还未出现过像今天这样的时代,即高度工业化(industrialization)产生如此多的污染。全球变暖主要是由于二氧化碳气体(carbon dioxide)的增多。

参考译文:Global warming

Global warming is the hot topic around the world at this time but, there is also dissention about the evidence being presented to support the argument. The earth is known to go through cycles; although the past has never produced an age of so much industrialization causing the pollution currently being experienced. A major source of the problem is the increase in carbon dioxide levels.


原文:为了促进教育公平,中国已经投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部地区农村义务教育。这些资金用于改善教学设施、购买书籍,使16万多所中小学收益。资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材。现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课。一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到了本地农村学校就读。参考译文:Equity in education

In order to promote equity in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan for the improvement of educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening of rural compulsory education Midwest. These funds were used to improve the teaching facilities, purchase of books, so that more than 160,000 primary and secondary income. Funds are also used to purchase music and painting equipment. Now children in rural and mountainous areas with children’s coastal cities like music and painting lessons. Some receive a better education for the city school students now transferred back to the local rural schools now.



参考译文:A New National Law

A new national law introduced this week requires the offspring of parents older than 60 to visit their parents “frequently”and make sure their financial and spiritual needs are met. On Tuesday, Xinhua reported a piece of news that a 77-year-old woman from Jiangsu city of Wuxi sued her daughter for neglecting her. In the first case after the new law came into effect, the local court ruled that her daughter must visit her at least twice a month and provide financial support. But the law’s introduction has proved controv ersial. Some say it puts too much pressure on those who move away from home for work, study or other opportunities.




参考译文:Plastic/ Cosmetic Surgery

To a woman,the traditional beauty is her only mark.Her skin should be born smooth without wrinkles,scars or flaws.Her body should be slim and thin,and usually she is tall,having long legs.The youth is the primary condition.All of the beauties who have showed up in the TV commercials are fit for that criterion.This image is artificial and can be made by people.Many women do their best to decorate and modify their looks and figures.


原文:通常情况下,“空巢老人(empty nester)”是指子女离家后的中老年人。如今,随着社会老龄化程度的加深,空巢老人越来越多,已经成为一个不容忽视的社会问题(social issue)。同时它也导致了另一个问题——家庭空巢综合征(syndrome)的产生,是指当子女由于工作、学习、结婚等原因而离家后,独守空巢的中老年人因此而产生的心理失调症状。

参考译文:The Empty nester

Typically, "empty nester" refers to the middle-aged and elderly people whose children have left home.Nowadays, along with the advance of aging of the society, there are more and more empty nesters, which have become a social issue that cannot be ignored.At the same time, it also leads another problem--empty nest syndrome--a psychological disorder the middle-aged and elderly people suffered, which is caused by the absence of their children who move out of home due to work, study, marriage and so on.



原文:中国经济的高速发展,带来了消费文化的曰益流行,同时也催生了一批具有高学历,充分享受资本主义消费模式的年轻人,他们习惯于当月工资当月花。因而被称为“月光族”(the moonlight group)。“月光族”一词出现于20世纪90年代后期,是用来讽刺那些出身富裕、接受高等教育、充分享受快餐文化(fast food culture)的年轻人。

参考译文:The moonlight group

China’s economy is developing very quickly, and has brought with it a culture of consumption more prevalent with each passing day. At the same time, it has brought into being an educated group of young people who enjoy capitalist consumption way. They’re u sed to

spending money as soon as they get it every month, and so are called the moon-light group. This word came into being during the 1990s, to make fun of those born-into wealth,who have received a high education, and who prefer fast food culture.



参考译文:finding a good job

Nowadays, more and more university students complain about having great difficulties in finding a good job. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows: First, college students spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and it is only when they start looking for a job that they realize they lack necessary job training. Second, competition among graduates has become more and more fierce. And this results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job. Therefore, it is highly suggested that college students should do some part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant working experience.



参考译文:Getting Married Right After Graduating

University students in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Shenyang and some other big cities are increasingly choosing to get married right after graduating.This is in sharp contrast to the situation in the 1980s and 1990s when many urban youngsters put off marriage until they were “old enough”---in their 30s or even 40s.Many spent their time looking for spouses with good economic backgrounds or attractive faces, instead of looking for love. However, parents of these

students choosing to get married right after graduati ng have to take care of the couples’daily affairs,as the young people are still figuring out how to live as a family.


原文:我们的身体夜晚需要休息,白天需要清醒。大多数人每晚需要8到8.5个小时的睡眠才能正常运转。找到更多的时间、更好的睡眠方法可能是个挑战。科学家已经确认了80多种不同的睡眠紊乱症(sleep disorders)。有些睡眠紊乱症是遗传的。但是,许多睡眠紊乱症是由于熬夜,经常跨时区旅行以及上夜班而引起的。

参考译文:Sleep Disorders

Our bodies want to sleep at night and be awake during the day. Most women and men need between eight and eight and a half hours of sleep a night to function properly throughout their lives.Finding ways to get more and better sleep can be a challenge. Scientists have identified more than 80 different sleep disorders. Some sleeping disorders are genetic. But many problems are caused by staying up late and by traveling frequently between time zones or by working nights.


原文:中国公司想创造世界品牌,外国公司想增加在中国的销量,这些都正改变着中国的设计产业。中国制造商意识到,若他们想在本国市场脱颖而出,在外国市场崭露头角,就必须设计更好的产品。索尼这样的外国公司也开始明白,从前海外公司常把随便什么地方设计的产品拿到中国来卖,而现在,中国消费者变得更加挑剔,他们不再那样容易满足了。参考译文:The Trend of Design Industry

Chinese companies want to create world brands and the foreign companies want to increase the selling in China which all changes the Chinese design industry.The Chinese manufacturers realize that they have to design better products if they want to stand out in the domestic markets as well as distinguish themselves in the foreign markets.Previously,the overseas companies always took the products which were designed in somewhere to Chinese market,but now the foreign companies such as Sony begins to realize that the Chinese consumers become more and more fastidious and no longer easy to be satisfied.



原文:中国人的姓名通常姓(family name)在前,名(given name)在后。中国有10多亿个名


参考译文:The Name in China

In China the family name is usually in front of thegiven name. It isn’t u nusual for a man to introducehimself by his family name with given name even incasual situationsbecause there are more than abillion given names. The Chinese given name has ahistory of changing with popularity depending on what events were going on. For instance,during the Cultural Revolution Hong (the color red) was very popular as it presentsrevolution. During the reform and opening up in the 1980s, Zhifu became one given name which means “getting rich”.


原文:太极拳(Taijiquan)是一种中国武术内家拳(the internal styles of Chinese martial art)。它基于以柔克刚(the soft overcoming the hard)的原理,发端于中国古代,最开始是一种武术和自卫方式。随着时间的推移,人们开始通过练太极拳来改善健康状况、增加福祉(well-being)。练习者用意念慢慢地、轻轻地移动身体, 同时深呼吸,因此有时被称为移动冥想(meditation)。中国人通常会在清晨到附近的公园练习太极拳。


Taijiquan is one of the internal styles of Chinesemartial art. It is based on the principle of the softovercoming the hard and originated in ancient Chinaas a martial art and a means of self-defense. Overtime, people began to exercise it to improve theirhealth and well-being. Practicers move their bodies slowly,gently and with thought while breathing deeply,so it is sometimes referred to as “moving meditation”.Chinese commonly practice Taijiquan in nearby parks in early morning.


原文:中医(Chinese medicine)是世界医学的遗产。中医有比西方医学更好的治病方法。因为中医的效果和医治方式,在世界上中医现在越来越流行了。中医起源于古代,巳经发展了很长一段时间,它收集了治疗不同疾病的各种方法。传统中医讲究人们身体系统的平衡。这是说,一旦人的身体系统平衡,疾病就会消失。身体系统的损害是疾病的根源。

参考译文:Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is a heritage of world medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has a power

to heal people better than the western ones. China medicine now is more and more popular in the world due to its effect and its way to heal people. Originated from the ancient time,the Chinese medicine has developed in a long time and it has collected various ways to treat different illness. The traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the balance the body system of people. It is said that once the system of people is in balance, the illness will disappear. The damage of the body system is the source of disease.


原文:在中国,赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合。礼物常用红色或其他喜庆的颜色(festive color)来包装,但白色或黑色不适宜用于此。当你将礼物递出去时,收礼者(recipient)可能会礼貌谢绝。在情况下试着将礼物再-次送出去。通常收礼者在客人离开之后才打开礼物。此外,送礼还有—些禁忌(taboo)如给夫妻送伞就不合适,因为中文里“伞”与“散”同音。参考译文:Presenting Gifts

In China, we should consider the specific situation and occasion when presenting gifts. The gifts are usually packaged in red or other festive colors. But white and black are not suitable in the packaging. When you offer the gift, the recipient may refuse it politely. In this case, you could try to off er the present once again. Usually, the recipient won’t open the gift until the guest leaves. In addition, there are some taboos in giving gifts. For example, it is inappropriate to present an umbrella as a gift to a couple because the word “umbrella” has the same pronunciation with another word "separate" in Chinese.


原文:现代人类约公元前50000年第一次从中亚或印度来到中国。这些石器时代(Stone Age)的人,居住在洞穴中,穿着毛皮。公元前4000年左右,这些人开始种植水稻,并饲养羊和鸡。约公元前3000年,他们开始使用陶器(pottery)并住在房子里。到公元前2000年,中国人已进入青铜时代(Bronze Age),并开始用于写字。约公元前700年,中国的金属工人学会制作铁器工具和武器。


Modem humans first came to China from Central Asia or India about 50,000 BC. These were Stone Age people, who lived in caves and wore fur and leather. By around 4,000 BC, these people were starting to farm rice and keep sheep and chickens. By about 3,000 BC, they were using pottery and living in houses. By 2,000 BC,Chinese people had entered the Bronze Age and had

begun to use writing. By about 700 BC,Chinese metal-workers learned to make iron tools and weapons.



原文:青年奥林匹克运动会是专为全世界青年人设立的综合体育赛事。第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会于2014年8月16日至28日在南京举行。本届青奥会的口号是“分享青春共筑未来”;寓意全世界青年人在奥林匹克精神感召下,欢聚一堂,相互切磋,相互鼓励,增进友谊,共同成长。吉祥物创意来自雨花石,意为提倡自然、运动、健康、快乐的生活方式;会徽将南京明城墙城门和江南民居轮廓组合在一起,勾勒出“NANJING”字样,寓意青春之门。参考译文:Youth Olympic Games

Youth Olympic Games, a comprehensive sports event, is designed for young people all over the world. The second summer youth Olympic Games was held from August 16, 2014 to 28 in Nanjing. Its slogan is "Share the youth, Build the future”, which means the you ng people around the world in the Olympic spirit, get together and play each other, encourage each other, enhance friendship and grow up together. Its Mascot comes from rain flower stones, advocating a lifestyle of natural, sports, healthy and happy; Its emblem will outline NANJING Ming city wall gate and folk houses together, with the idea of the gate of youth.


原文:自上世纪90年代后期起,七夕节(the Double Seventh Festival )开始被称为“中国的情人节”。这个节日可以追溯到汉朝,当时对恋人、女孩都是个特殊的日子。这天,女孩会举行仪式,向织女(Zhinv)乞求智慧、技艺和美满婚姻,所以七夕节还被称为“乞巧节(the Begging for Skills Festival)”。如今,一些传统习俗已经弱化。人们现在把七夕节当作浪漫的情人节来庆祝,尤其是在年轻人中间。

参考译文:Double Seventh Festival

The Double Seventh Festival has been called Chinese Valentine’s Day since the late 1990s. The festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty. It was then a special day not only for lovers, but also for girls.Girls would hold a ceremony to beg Zhinv for wisdom, skills and a satisfying marriage. So it is also called “the Begging for Skills Festival”.Today some traditional customs have been weakened. No w the festival is celebrated as a romantic valentine’s day, particularly among young people.




参考译文:Eight Major Cuisines

China is a time-honored multi-ethnics nation with a vast territory and abundant resources, and every ethnic group has its unique abundant dishes. Regional cuisines have taken shape after long-history evolution under the influence of geographical environment, climate, cultural tradition, folk customs and other factors. The most influential and representative ones are Lu, Chuan,Yue, Min, Su,Zhe, Xiang and Hui Cuisines, which are commonly known as “Eight Major Cuisines”. Dishes in the “Eight Major Cuisines”in China are characterized by diversified cooking skills, with each having its strong points.


原文:中国是一个文化历史悠久的(time-honored)国度,也是一个礼仪(ceremony and decorum)之邦。每当客人来访,都需要泡茶给客人喝。在给客人奉茶之前,你应该问问他们都喜欢喝什么类型的茶,并采用最合适的茶具奉上。奉茶期间,主人需要仔细留意客人的茶杯里的茶量。通常,若是用茶杯泡的茶,在茶喝完一半之后就应该加开水,这样,茶杯就一直都是满的,茶的芳香(bouquet)也得以保留。

参考译文:Chinese Tea Culture

China is a country with a time-honored civilization and also a land of ceremony and decorum.Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them.Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy, and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups.In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water remains in the guests’cups.Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added into the cup when half of the tea in it has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled and the tea retains the same bouquet.


原文:功夫茶(Gongfu tea)不是一种茶叶或茶的名字,而是一种冲泡的手艺。人们叫它功夫茶,是因为这种泡茶方式十分讲究:它的操作过程需要一定的技术,以及泡茶和品茶的知识和技能。功夫茶起源于宋朝,在广东的潮州府(今潮汕地区)一带最为盛行,后来在全国各地流行。功夫茶以浓度(concentration)高著称。制作功夫茶主要使用的茶叶足乌龙茶(Oolong tea),因为它能满足功夫茶色、香、味的要求。

参考译文:Gongfu tea

Gongfu tea is not one kind of tea or the name of tea,but a skill of making tea.People call it Gongfu tea for the reason of its exquisite process. The operational procedures require certain techniques, knowledge and skill of brewing and tasting tea. Gongfu tea originated in the Song Dynasty and prevailed mostly in Chaozhou Guangdong Province(Now: Chaoshan Area). It later became popular around the nation. Gongfu tea is famous for its high concentration. Oolong tea is mainly used in making the Gongfu tea because it can meet the requirements of color, flavor and taste of the Gongfu tea.



参考译文:The Chopsticks

Chopsticks, invented by ancient Chinese people, are a kind of tableware with distinct national features, being an important component that reflects the characteristics of Chinese diet culture.The history of using chopsticks in China dates back to the Shang Dynasty, more than3,000 years ago.Chopsticks, the quintessence of Chinese culture, whose lightness and flexibility develop a school of its own among various tableware all over the world, are praised as "Eastern Civilization" by the westerners.All those people who have ever used chopsticks, no matter Chinese or foreigners, marvel at their convenience, excellent quality and reasonable price.


预测一 1.I have had great deal of trouble______________________________.(跟得上班上的其他同学) 2.I don't mind your_____________(你延期做出决定)the decision as long as it is not too late. 3.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_____________(起着不可缺少的作用)in raising children. 4.Mark often____________________________(试图逃脱罚款)whenever he breaks traffic regulations. 5.When I __________________(发现他骗我)I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop. 答案及解析: 1.keeping up with the rest of the class. 「超级句型」trouble可以用在句型"have trouble doing sth. " 做某事有困难"中,这时,trouble可以用difficulty来代替。 「超级短语」keep up with意为“跟上……”,指并肩前进,并驾齐驱,不至落后、掉队。catch up with意为“赶上”,指从后边追上或改变落后状。; 2.delaying making 「超级单词」mind作及物动词,后面通常接名词、代词、V-ing形式、复合结构、从句等。 Delay后接动词时,应该接动词的ing形式。 3.play indispensable roles 「超级短语」play a part/role in起着……作用,饰演……的角色。 4.attampts to escape being fined 「超级单词」escape后面要接动名词形式。常与介词from搭配,如He has escaped from the fire. 5.caught /found him cheating me 「超级句型」find/catch+宾语+宾补,如I found him standing by the river. 预测二 1.I suggested he ____________________ (使自己适应)his new conditions. 2. What a lovely party! It's worth_________________(牢记一生). 3. If you won't agree to our plan,_____________________(他们也不会同意). 4. His remarks left me ____________________________(想知道他的真实目的). 5. If you had_____________________ (听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦) 答案及解析: 1.should adapt himself to 「超级句型」suggest作“建议”时,其宾语从句中要用虚拟句型"suggest that sb.(should)do sth.“结构;从suggest还可以联想到宾语从句中同样要用虚拟语气的相关动词如:insist,demand,order,ask,advise 等。 「超级短语」adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于,其他搭配:adapt from 根据……改写/改编 2.remembering all my life 「超级单词」Be worth doing…/值得做某事,还有说法是worth sth. 如:He is worth the praise. 3.neither will they 「超级单词」neither表示“两者都不”,表示"也"、"也不" 的句子要部分倒装。如:If you won't go, neither


英语四级翻译模拟试题及解析 英语四级翻译模拟试题及解析 孙武是春秋末期(thelateSpringandAutumnPeriod)杰出的军事家(strategist)。他所著的《孙子兵法》(SunZi'sArtofWar)是中国古 代最著名的兵书,也是世界上现存最早的兵书。《孙子兵法》现存 13篇,共6000字。在这不长的篇幅中,孙武全面论述了自己对战 争的看法,提出了诸如知彼知己、集中优势兵力打败敌人等许多作 战思想。《孙子兵法》已被译为多种文字,在世界上也享有很高的 声誉。 参考译文: SunWuwasanoutstandingstrategistinthelateSpringandAutumnP eriod.Hiswork,SunZi'sArtofWar,wasthemostfamousworkofmilitar yscienceinancientChina,alsotheearliestoneexistingintheworld .SunZi'sArtofWarconsistsof13characters.Inthislimitedspace,S unWuelaboratedhiswide- rangingviewsonwar.Heputforwardmanymilitaryphilosophies,such asknowingyourselfandknowingyourenemy,andconcentratingsuperi orforcetothoroughlydefeattheenemy.SunZi'sArtofWarhasbeentra nslatedintomanydifferentlanguagesandenjoysahighinternationa lreputation. 题目解析: 1.在第2句中,两个并列的谓语部分较长,因此定语“他所著的”不宜再后置,而采用“减词”译法把“所著”省略,用hiswork也 能表达原意。翻译“是……,也是……”结构时,可以承前省略第 2个系动词be,将“也是......”的内容作为同位语,使句子更简 洁明了。


2016年6月大学英语四级段落翻译预测 大学英语四级段落翻译预测一 别在意外表,因为外表的东西往往不真实,也别在意财富,因为再多的财富也会有用完的一天。找一个能让你绽放笑容的人,因为一个笑容就能让灰暗的一天变得明亮。去做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,成为你想成为的人,因为人生短暂,机会错过了可能就不会再有。只有不断的尝试才能让你变得强大,永远怀抱希望你才会开心,幸福。 Don’t go for looks which often deceive you. Don’t go for wealth which would be used up however amazing it is. Go for someone who will make you smile because a smile is enough to render a dark day bright. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; become the one you want to be, because one’s life is short and once you let the chance slip through your fingers it may not come to you again. Only when you keep trying can you become strong; only when you cherish hopes can you remain cheerful and happy. 大学英语四级段落翻译预测二 七夕节——中国人的情人节 中国人也有一天是奉献给爱情的。这就是农历七月初七的七夕节,常被人成为中国的情人节。这一传统浪漫节日源自一个古老的传说:年轻的牛郎和织女分居银河的两岸,终年隔岸苦苦相望而无法相会。玉皇大帝可怜这对恋人,传令天下喜鹊在七月初七这天夜晚全部飞到银河上来。架起鹊桥,好让牛郎、织女在桥上相会。 “Qi Xi Jie” ----Chinese Valentine’s Day The Chinese also have a day devoted to “love” that is “Qi Xi Jie”, or the seventh of the seventh month on the Chinese lunar calendar. Often called “Chinese Valentine’s Day”. This romantic traditional festival originated from a old legend: Niu Lang and Zhi Nv were fairies living on opposite sides of the Milky Way. They have been waiting for each other for a year but can not meet. Feeling sorry for the two lonely sprites, the Jade Emperor ordered all magpies must flock over the Milky Way to form a bridge so that the couple could meet there on the seventh night of the seventh month. 大学英语四级段落翻译预测三


1.中华人民共和国酒文化Chinese Wine Culture 中华人民共和国人在70此前就开始用谷物酿酒。总来说,不论是古代还是当代,酒都和中华人民共和国文化息息有关。长期以来,中华人民共和国酒文化在人们生活中始终扮演着重要角色。咱们祖先在写诗时以酒助兴,在宴会中和亲朋朋友敬酒。作为一种文化形式,酒文化也是普通百姓生活中不可分割某些,例如生日宴会、送别晚宴、婚礼庆典等。 Chinese people began to make spirits with grains seven thousand years ago. Generally speaking,wine has a close connection with culture in China in both ancient and modern times. Chinese wine culture has been playing a quite important role in Chinese people''s life for a long time. Our Chinese ancestors used wine to enjoy themselves while writing poetry,or to make a toast to their relatives and friends during a feast. Wine culture,as a kind of culture form,is also an inseparable part in the life of ordinary Chinese people such as birthday party,farewell dinner,wedding,etc. 2。中华人民共和国书法Chinese Calligraphy 中华人民共和国书法历史悠久,它不但是中文老式书写形式,也是体现自我修养和自我表达艺术。作者内心世界通过美妙字体得以体现。书法在中华人民共和国艺术中拥有举足轻重地位,由于它影响到了其他中华人民共和国艺术形式,


大学英语四级翻译模拟试题及答案 Test1 1. The soldier_______________________________(被指控逃跑)when the enemy attacked. 2. Had he worked harder, ____________________________________ (他就会通过考试). 3.In the U.S., 88% of smokers had started before they were 18, _____________________ ______________________(尽管他们知道贩卖香烟是违法的)to anyone under that age. 4.Ann never dreams of _________________________________(有机会把她送出国)very soon. 5._______________________________(考虑到所有的情况), the planned trip will have to be called off. Test2 1.Americans eat _____________________________(两倍的蛋白质)they actually need every day. 2.What he said just now ___________________________________(与正在讨论的问题没什 么关系). 3.Floods cause ___________________________________(上亿美元的财产损失)annually. 4. Many personnel manager say it is getting harder and harder to________________________ ______________________________(区分诚实的和不诚实的求职者). 5. We agreed to accept _______________________________________(任何一个他们认为是 最好的导游). Test3 1._______________________________(直到天黑她才发现)it was too late to go home. 2.It is essential that _________________________________(这些申请表被送回)as early as possible. 3.It is important that the hotel receptionist ______________________________________ _______________(确信客人们已经正确的登记). 4.In recent years ________________________________________________________(工作重 点大多被放置在)developing the students’ productive skills. 5.The president promised to keep all the board members informed of_________________ _________________________(协商进行得怎样了). Test4 1. Eating too much fat can __________________________________(导致心脏病和高血压). 2. Not until the game had begun ___________________________________(他到达运动场). 3. Sometimes children have trouble ___________________________________(把现实和小说故事分开)and may believe that such things actually exist.


2014年12月英语四级段落翻译预测及译文汇总(1) 泼水节 泼水节(Water-Spri nk|ing Festi va|)是傣族最隆重的节日,也可以称之为傣族的“新年”。泼水节已有700多年的历史,一般在每年的4月13日举行,持续3至7天。大家用纯净的清水相互泼洒,祈求洗去过去一年的不顺,新的一年带着美好的愿望再次出发。人们把第三天视为最美好最吉祥的日子。在这天,人们观看龙舟竞赛,跳孔雀舞。活动内容丰富,场面极为热闹。除了我国傣族,亚洲其他国家,如泰国,也有庆祝泼水节的习俗。 Water-Sprinkling Festival(Songkran)is the most important festival of the Dai Ethnic People,which can be also called‘'New Year”of Dai People. Songkran has over 700 years of history.It’s generally held on April 13 each year and lasts about 3-7 days.People splash each other with pure water,to wash away the bad luck in the past year,so as to start again with good wishes for the new year.The third day is taken as the most wonderful and auspicious day.On this day,people watch dragon boat races,and perform Peacock dances,with abundant activities of festival happiness.In addition to the Dai people in China,Songkran Festival is also observed by other Asian countries including Thailand. 蒙古族 蒙古族是一个富有传奇色彩的民族,对亚欧历史进程产生过巨大的影响。全球蒙古民族共约有820万,主要分布在中国、蒙古国、俄罗斯三个国家。蒙古族服饰包括长袍、腰带、靴子、首饰等,但因地区不同在样式上有所差异。中国境内的蒙古族主要居住在内蒙古自治区,全区现有蒙古族人口约达380万。自古以来,蒙古族人善于骑射,素有“马背上的民族”(the Peop I e on Horseback)之称。 Mongolia is a legendary nation that once had huge impact on the history ofasia and Europe。There are about 8.2 million Mongolian people in total in the whole world.They are mainly distributed in the three countries of China,Mongolia and Russia.Mongolian costumes include robes,belts,boots,jewelry,etc.,that vary in different styles in different regions.Mongolians who live in the territory of China mainly reside in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,in which there ale about 3.8 million Mongolian people.Since ancient times,Mongolian people ale good at riding and shooting.They are known as“the People on Horseback”. 杭州 杭州位于中国东南沿海,是中国的“丝绸之府”(the Home of S i I k)。意大利著名旅行家马可-波罗赞叹杭州为“世界上最美丽的华贵之城”。西湖位于杭州西部,以秀丽的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹闻名中外。它是为数不多的免费5A景区。春夏秋冬都有其独特的魅力。饭后漫步西湖,看一看音乐喷泉,听一听街头弹奏,是一件惬意的事情。 Hangzhou,located at southeast coast of China,is“the Home of Silk”in China.The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo praised Hangzhou as“the most beautiful and luxurious city in the world.”West Lake in the west of Hangzhou,is famous all over


英语四级翻译预测(一) 尽管音乐对每个人来说,都再熟悉不过了,但是几乎每个人对这门艺术都有自己的观点看法。什么音乐算是好的音乐,这是见仁见智的。各个音乐风格都有自己的经典音乐作品流行的并不完全等于经典的。一个好的音乐作品,是创作者(creator)和演奏者(performer) 双方共同努力的结果,二者相辅相成,缺一不可。 While music is familiar to virtually everyone it is anart, about which everyone has an opinion. Whatdefines "great" music is, very much, a personalissue. There is "great" music in every style but whatis popular does not always define the quality.Music is a joint effort between the creator and theperformer and one cannot exist without the other. 英语四级翻译预测(二) 太极拳(Taijiquan)是一种中国武术内家拳(theinternalstyles of Chinese martial art)。它基于以柔克刚(the soft overcoming the hard)的原理,发端于中国古代,最开始是一种武术和自卫方式。随着时间的推移,人们开始通过练太极拳来改善健康状况、增加福祉(well-being)。练习者用意念慢慢地、轻轻地移动身体, 同时深呼吸,因此有时被称为移动冥想(meditation)。中国人通常会在清晨到附近的公园练习太极拳。 These days, lots of people do their shopping in thecomfort of their homes with the help of theInternet.Online shopping has become one ofpeople's favorite ways of shopping.Forconsumers,online shopping offers not only convenience,broader selection and competitive pricing, but alsoeasier access to goods information.Forbusinesses,the Internet brings in more customers and offers alargermarket.For the entire market-oriented economy, this new type of shopping method canallocate resources with greater efficiency on a broader scale in a more extensivedimension. 英语四级翻译预测(三) 中国公司想创造世界品牌,外国公司想增加在中国的销量,这些都正改变着中国的设计产业。中国制造商意识到,若他们想在本国市场脱颖而出,在外国市场崭露头角,就必须设计更好的产品。索尼这样的外国公司也开始明白,从前海外公司常把随便什么地方设计的产品拿到中国来卖,而现在,中国消费者变得更加挑剔,他们不再那样容易满足了。 Chinese companies want to create world brands and the foreign companies want to increase the selling in China which all change the Chinese design industry.The Chinese manufacturers realize that they have to design better products if they want to stand out in the domestic markets as well as distinguish themselves in the foreign markets.Previously,the overseas caompanies always took the products which were designed in somewhere to Chinese market,but now the foreign companies such as Sony begins to realize that the Chinese consumers become more and more fastidious and no longer easy to be satisfied. 英语四级翻译预测(四)


就业难 It’s very hard for college graduates to find a job, of course harder to get an ideal job. In fact, many factors contribute to the unfavorable situation. First, more and more students can go to college because of the being fast improved high education of China. As a result, there are more graduates every year. However, job vacancies don’t increase that fast. More people, less food, which is the exact description of the hard condition. Second, more and more people go on to pursue their master and doctor degree; more and more Chinese oversea students come back to China to hunt better working chances. It is sure that the competition is more and more fierce. Third, because of the fast development of science, technology, economy, society and the interchange of different nations, all units have higher requirement of their employees, for example, stronger ability and higher degree. In addition to the factors above, there are still more which bring hardship for graduates to find jobs. Nevertheless, how to solve the problem is more important. It is a good idea for the graduates to learn more knowledge with a higher degree and to practice and improve their capability of dealing with all kinds of situation, organization, having good terms with others and cooperative spirit. Besides, the government should try to and encourage all units to create more job vacancies for the college graduates. Of course, the graduates should have a proper attitude towards various jobs, but not always pursue those with higher payment. Volunteer teaching in the west 1. 每年,高校许多大学生受到鼓舞去贫困地区支教。 2. 支教活动的意义。


2019年下半年大学英语四级模拟试卷及答案:翻译Part Ⅵ Translation (5 minutes) Direction: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. 87. The price of beer_______________________________________________________(从50美分到4美元不等) per liter during the summer season. 88.The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _______________________________________________(正在研制) and perfected now. 89. He wears a pair of sunglasses ____________________________________________(唯恐被别人认出来). 91.Frankly speaking, I’d rather you__________________________________________(不采取任何措施) about it for the time being. 92.The substance does not dissolve in water_______________________________________ (不管是否加热). 87. 【答案】ranges / varies from 50 cents to 4 dollars 88.【答案】are being developed 89.【答案】for fear that he should be recognized 90.【答案】didn’t do anything 91.【答案】whether ( it is ) heated or not


2019年12月英语四级翻译答案:教育投资【真题】 中国家庭十分重视孩子的教育。许多父母认为应该努力工作,确保孩子受到良好的教育。他们不仅非常情愿为孩子的教育投资,而且花很多时间督促他们学习。多数家长希望孩子能上大学。由于改革开放,越来越多的家长能送孩子到国外学习或参加国际交流项目,让其拓宽视野。通过这些努力,他们期待孩子健康成长,为国家的发展和繁荣做出贡献。 【参考范文】 Chinese families attach due importance to children's education. Numerous parents deem that they should work hard to ensure that their children are well educated. Not only are they very willing to invest in their children's education, but they also spend a lot of time urging them to learn. The great majority of parents expect that their children are able to go to prestigious universities. As a result of the reform and opening up, an increasing number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate in


第四章翻译 Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Part 1. 1. __________________________(有机农业已变得更受欢迎) as people’s awareness of environmental protection rises. 2. Many college students _______________________________(已从 政府大规模的救助获得好处) to complete their studies . 3. College students ______________________________(占了自愿者 总数的百分之八十七) in this rual teaching program. 4. This _________________________________(灌溉系统将提高粮 食产量)even in drought seasons. 5. The stock broker is___________________________(由于被指称的 诈骗正接受调查) 6. ___________________________________________(数百名着装警 察沿街站立) as the marathon match was going on. 7. In the USA, people who are_________________________ ( 再也无法忍受 压力和紧张) can take part in pillow fight in some cities in April. 8. Natural gas prices are____________________________ (与去年相比降了 近两元). 9._______________________________________(在一个装饰着熊猫画的大厅里), the teacher was giving a lecture on conservation of the rare animal. 10. The money manager has _______________________(明显死于自 杀)amid a cheating scandal. Part 1. Translations: 1. Organic farming has become more popular 2. have benefited from massive government aid 3. account for 87 percent of the total number of volunteers 4. irrigation system will improve crop yields


大学英语四级(CET-4)翻译句子部分 1.Whether he can on receipt of the notification to attend the Conference(他是否能一接到通知便来参加会议)remains unknown to us. 2.With the development of research, some scientists begin Apply theory to practice in the prediction of a disaster(将理论运用到实践中预测灾难) 3.As Chile is a long, narrow country,Temperature changes from North to South great(气温自北向南变化巨大) 4.But for his certain talent for composition,He would have been the group from my(他早就被该组开除了) 5.Although it doesn't matter to me,You should gain the boss agree(你本该事先争得老板的同意) 6.However, the rigid training at my college should Make up for my lack of experience(弥补我工作经验的不足) 7.Over a third of the population was estimated to Lack of access to public medical and health services(无法获得公共医疗卫生服务) 8.After many test(经过多次试验后), this new-type motor will be put into mass production. 9.Many people think the Internet is a useful and thought-provoking tool,


英语四级翻译押题预测五篇 四级翻译押题预测5篇 微信(WeChat)是一种为用户提供即时通信服务的免费应用程序,用户可以通过该操作平台发送语音短信、视频、图片和文字。微信还内置了"朋友圈”“摇—摇”“公众号”等服务插件(plug-in) 。现在,微信注册用户正在大幅度增加。微信也正在成为—种越来越重要的文化载体甚至社会载体,以至于当今这个时代被称为“微信时代”。 WeChat is a free App that provides the users with instant communication services. Through the platform of WeChat, people can send voice messages, videos, photos and text messages. WeChat also has such service plug-ins as "Moments" "Shake" and "Official Account". Now, the number of registered WeChat users is increasing dramatically. Wechat is becoming a more and more important cultural carrier or even social carrier, so that the current era is called "The Era of WeChat". 亚洲是世界上最大的洲,聚居着世界上约60%的人口,资源十分丰富,历史源远流长,文化博大精深。20世纪中叶,亚洲的巨变和崛起谱写了亚洲发展的辉煌篇章,也成为人类社会进步的显著标志展望新世纪,曾经拥有光辉灿烂历史的亚洲必将创造出更加绚丽多彩的文明。近年来,在亚洲国家的共同努力下,地区合作意识日益增强,健康、互利的合作局面正在形成。 Asia is the biggest continent in the world. And Asians account for about 60% of the world's population. It has abundant resources and a long history with profound and magnificent cultures. Asia's great changes and tremendous rising in the mid-20th century have written a glorious chapter for its own development, which is also a brilliant hallmark of human progress. Looking into the new century, we believe that Asia, a continent of great history, will create more splendid civilizations. In recent years, thanks to the joint efforts of Asian countries, there has been a growing awareness of regional cooperation, and a situation of healthy and mutually beneficial cooperation is taking shape. 如今,越来越多的大学生抱怨很难找到好工作。造成这—现象的主要原因如下:首先,许多大学生把在校的大多数时间都用在了专业学科学习上,当他们开始找丁作的时候,才意识到自己缺乏必要的职业培训。其次,大学生之间的竞争越来越激烈,这导致任何—名大学生找到丁作的机会都变少了。因此,强烈建议大学生在课余时间做一些兼职工作,以积累(accumulate)相关的工作经验。 Nowadays, more and more university students complain about having great difficulty in finding a good job. The main reasons for this phenomenon are as follows: first, many university students spend most of their time at school
