

1.The United States is the world’s oldest surviving federation. It is a constitutional republic.(宪政共和国)

Federal(联邦) and state judicial(司法的) and cabinet officials are typically nominated(提名) by the executive branch(行政部门) and approved by the legislature(立法机关), although some state judges and officials are elected by popular vote.(普选)

In the American federalist system, citizens are usually subject to three levels of government: federal, state, and local.

The government is regulated by a system of checks and balances(相互监督与制衡) defined by the U.S. Constitution, which serves as the country’s supreme(最高的) legal document.

2.Racial discrimination,or,the color problem,refers mainly to Negroes in the United States,as they constitute one tenth of the total population. The term "Negro" is applied to people descended or partly descended from slaves transported from Africa long ago.

the Negro position today couldn't be understood. The black population is about 20 million. Their ancestors were brought to America as slaves in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Nearly all their descendants were kept in legal slavery in the South until 1865. The southern states were defeated in the Civil War and were forced to abolish slavery and set the slaves free. But the southerners were determined to keep the Negroes from becoming equal in anything but constitutional law.

The Federal Government has,gradually compelled the white majority in the South to allow Negroes to enjoy civic rights. But legal protection has been slow to develop and has not yet solved the social problem of inequality in voting,education,employment and housing.
