
Confine to

Israel decided on Sunday to keep Palestinian President Yasser Arafat confined to the West Bank city of Ramallah even though he has ordered the arrest of militants wanted by Israel. 这是外电关于至今仍被软禁的巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿拉法特的最新报道:尽管巴勒斯坦已经宣布逮捕了涉嫌谋杀以色列前旅游部长泽维的3名巴勒斯坦人,但是以色列政府2月24日还是决定不准许阿拉法特离开约旦河西岸城市拉马拉,但可以离开拉马拉的官邸。Confine to…的意思就是"限制在某空间以内"。再比如:I should hate to be confined in an office all day. Consensus

2月25日下午5点半,中国代表团成员、外交部新闻司副司长刘建超举行了吹风会。他说,六方会谈各方尽管还存在分歧但还是取得了一定共识。China Daily上的相关报道是这样的:Six parties involved in the talks on the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula found "certain consensus, though differences remained" at the end of the first day, the Chinese host said Wednesday in Beijing. Consensus的意思是“一致的意见;多数人的意见;共识”。第二轮北京六方会谈首日,与会各方围绕朝鲜半岛核问题进行了四个小时的紧张磋商,谨慎的气氛中透出乐观的情绪。


10月23日凌晨,法国首都巴黎举行了一次空前规模的演习,模拟巴黎一个主要地铁站遭到化学武器袭击的情形。外电中的报道是这样的:Paris got its exercise in terror first, with police and rescue officers in white protective suits swarming to a train station to contain a pretend attack with a deadly nerve agent. Contain这个单词大家一定都很熟悉,contain比较常见的意思是“包含、容纳”,在这句句子中contain的意思不是“包含、容纳”,而是“抑制、控制”,再例如:Try to contain your anger!(努力控制住你的愤怒!)

Contingency plan

中国外交部发言人孙玉玺3月11日就美国《洛杉矶时报》一篇有关美国将在紧急情况下使用核武器的报道回答记者提问时说道:"中方对这一报道的内容深感震惊。美方有责任对此做出解释。" 3月12日的China Daily 有这样的报道: "China was deeply shocked by a report in the Los Angeles Times about a U.S. move to prepare contingency plans to use nuclear weapons against at least seven countries including China." "Contingency plan" 意思是"应急计划、应付意外情况计划",再例如"contingency reserves"就是"应急储备金"的意思。


北京时间5月23日凌晨,第57届戛纳电影节闭幕式在电影宫卢米埃尔大厅举行。美国导演迈克尔·摩尔凭借影片《华氏911》获得金棕榈大奖。外电的报道是这样的:Director Michael Moore rejoices as he is awarded the Palme d'Or for his controversial film "Fahrenheit 9/11" during Sunday's ceremonies at the 57th Cannes Film Festival on the French Riviera. Controversial的意思是“有争议的”,如:a controversial stand on human rights(引起争议的人权立场)。《华氏911》之所以引起争议,是因为一些评论家认为它比不上摩尔曾获奥斯卡奖的记录片《科拜恩的保龄》,而且其政治性胜过了艺术性。
