
Directions: Write a short composition of about 250 to 300 words on the topic given below.

Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET (2).

Traditional Chinese Medicine


There is no denying the fact that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a hotly debated topic in China today. Some hold that it should be eliminated from the Chinese medical care system. They argue that TCM is "unscientific" at best and "pseudo-science" at worst.

However, I suspect that the people who wave "science" as a weapon against TCM themselves have limited ideas of what the word "science" really is, even though they have received a good science education. The word "science" originates in Latin, meaning producing knowledge. By definition, there should be no argument about TCM, since generations of TCM practitioners over centuries have accumulated rich experiences and made TCM a knowledge and a science that hundreds of millions still seek for curing diseases and improving health.

The opponents of TCM are right in their argument that TCM is not an "exact science," like chemistry or physics, and they have good reasons to tell people that TCM may not cure all and that herbal TCM concoctions some folk doctors prescribe may not be as effective as proclaimed. But they forget that Western medicine, too, does not cure all, and that over the past few decades, many "scientifically"-approved drugs are banned as a result of serious side effects. To sum up, despite all the unknowns and malpractices associated with TCM, I don't believe it is scientific to eliminate centuries' old knowledge, which helped sustain the livelihood of us Chinese in the past and still plays an important part in improving our quality of life.

Directions: Write a short composition of about 250 to 300 words on the topic given below.

Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET (2).

Recently, a newspaper carried an article entitled: “We Should No Longer Force G ong Li and Zhang Yimou to T ake Part in National Politics”. The article argued that some artists and film stars are unwilling or unqualified to represent the people in the People's Congress or the People's Political Consultative Conference, and they should not be forced, to do so. What do you think?


Recently, an article carried by a newspaper argued that some artists and film stars, like Gong Li and Zhang Yimou, are unwilling or unqualified to represent the people in the People's Congress or the People's Political Consultative Conference, and they should not be forced, to do so. This article really said what I wanted to.

There seems to be a prevailing tendency in this country that any figure successful in a professional field is worth a political position and must be provided with it. T aking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. Apart from Gong Li and Zhang Yimou, we can think of Guo Moruo the famous writer and poet, Cai Zhenhua the well-known ping pong player and coach, Feng Gong the reputable actor, and so on.

Do they really possess the ability to lead or to represent the people? It is quite doubtable. They may excel in their professional realm, but they may not be competent at political positions. As to those stars, they definitely belong to the minority of people rather than the masses. What’s worse, many of them loathe being a leader or a representative. Forcing artists or scientists to take part in national politics may also risk hindering their further development in their own professions.

In view of what has been discussed above, it imperative for us to reconsider the running system of the People's Congress or the People's Political Consultative Conference. They should be made to represent the masses of people.


PART V WRITING (40 minutes, 20 points)

Directions: Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the proper space on your Answer Sheet Ⅱ.

China has the greatest population in the world and a large pool of research workers, yet it has not produced a single Nobel Prize winner so far. What has caused this situation in your opinion?


Nobel Prize, an international award given for achievements in various academic fields, has been a great honor to people from different countries. However, China, with the greatest population and a large number of research workers, has not produced a single Nobel Prize winner so far. In my opinion, various contributing factors can be identified as follows.

First of all, though the educational system in China has fostered many researchers, it somehow hinders individuals’ creativity. Children are usually not valued by their unique way of thinking, but are encouraged to be obedient. Especially in the traditional cramming method of teaching, schools lay particular stress on memorization at the expense of comprehension, which has a very bad influence on students’ ability to solve difficult problems.

Furthermore, for a long period in Chinese history, China had been isolated from the outside world. In ancient times, we were self-contained for self-pride, believing that China was at the center of the whole universe. In modem times, we were self-fettered for self-protection, afraid of the invasion of other countries. As a consequence, China has lagged behind in many fields including science development. Researchers in China have little idea about the research interests of their own areas. At the same time, discoveries by Chinese researchers cannot be made known to foreign countries.

Fortunately, the situation mentioned above has been changing. Our educational system has improved a great deal and more and more opportunities to communicate with the external world have been offered. Therefore, I am sure that in the near future China will have one or more Nobel Prize winners.


Directions: Write a composition of no less than 200 words based on the following instruction.

In the past few years, several plagiarism(抄袭,剽窃) cases have been exposed in China; some involve professors and famous scholars while some others involve graduate students who are working as researchers. Please write a composition of no less than 200 words on your attitude towards plagiarism. You may also illustrate your opinion on academic integrity (正直) and give suggestions on how to preserve it in the academic world.


There is no denying the fact that plagiarism has been a hotly debated topic in the academic world in China. In the past few years, several plagiarism cases have been exposed, some involving professors and famous scholars while some others involving graduate students who are working as researchers.

A number of factors could account for the prevalence of plagiarism, but the following might be the critical ones. In the first place, there has been a lack of emphasis on intellectual property rights in this country. Many authors fail to take the plagiarizer to court even if they know who he or she is. This to some extent has added fuel to the immoral and illegal actions. In the second place, the spirit of creation and innovation is still not in its place. Last but not least, many scholars and researchers are under extreme pressure due to the current academic system which lays too much emphasis on papers.

Actions of plagiarism are bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to them. First and foremost, they directly infringe upon other authors’ property rights. Secondly, they encourage an unhealthy academic atmosphere. Last but not least, they hinder the development of the nation’s science, technology and culture

In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced to ban plagiarism. Secondly, scholars and researchers should enhance their awareness of protecting intellectual property rights. Only with these measures taken can we expect a brighter future of academics.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition entitled Information in 3 paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of the first paragraph and are required to develop its idea in completing the article. You should write about 200 words.

At present, information plays a very important role in many fields of people’s life.


Information in the Modern Society

At present, information plays a very important role in many fields of people’s life. Success in study, work and even marriage depends on getting the latest information. At the same time, failure in policy-making often results from the lack of necessary information. That is why we call the current age“the Information Age”.

There are many means of acquiring information which enable us to keep up with the step of social development. First, we can surf the Internet, which is a tremendous store of information of all kinds. You can find almost anything you want through such searching engines as Google and Baidu. Second, we read various books, newspapers and news magazines. For example, the typical daily newspaper contains articles about local, regional, national and international reports. Third, we listen to the news on the radio and obtain information on television. In addition, some TV stations offer early morning news, night news and complex news programs as well. Undoubtedly, there are still many other ways of getting information.

As far as the role of information in the future is concerned, I believe that information will play a more and more important part in people's decision-making. More latest information means more opportunities to be successful than others.

Directions: Some people think that fine art education is very important, so a lot more should be invested in that. Do you agree or disagree? Explain why. Your composition should be at least 150 words.


More Should Be Invested in Fine Art Education

There is the view that fine art education is of great importance and that much more should be invested in that in China. I am totally with this opinion.

Do you still remember how much time you spent on drawing and painting while you are in primary and secondary schools? Probably little. In China, the exam-oriented education has deprived students of almost all chances to learn fine art. Priority has been alway s put by both teachers and parents on students’ academic performance. Excellence in such fields as sports and arts is viewed as unorthodox.

Fine arts, including drawing, painting and sculpture, actually have profound influence upon students’ healthy growth. They do not only contribute to youngsters’ ability to observe and imitate, but are also conducive to the cultivation of their aesthetic faculties and the formation of their integrate personality.

In view of what was mentioned above, effective measures must be taken to add to the investment in fine art education throughout the country. Only with a good all-around education can we expect the real rejuvenating of the nation.


Directions: Write a composition of about 250 words on “Online Sharing Culture”. Your composition is to include 3 paragraphs:

1) In the first paragraph, state your point of view.

2) In the second paragraph, support you view with appropriate details.

3) In the third paragraph, bring your composition to a natural conclusion.


No one can have failed to notice the fact that there has emerged a number of novel trends along with the development of the Internet, among which is the so-called online sharing culture, which refers to the practice of displaying one’s or others’ private information on the Internet. What is revealed and shared in th is way can include one’s salary, romance and other data that was considered personal and kept as secrets in the past. To this phenomenon, people’s views differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are strongly against it. Personally, I believe that this kind of culture has reasons to continue it existence, but it should be guided towards the right direction.

On the one hand, online sharing culture has some merits to its name. For one thing, it provides people with a precious way to be exposed to more information. Thanks to its feature of anonymity, the Internet allows people to convey and share much information that they dare not or too shy to communicate in other ways. For instance, you might risk being sacked or mocked if you disclose the list of your salary to your colleagues or acquaintances. But on line, no one knows if you are a man or a dog, as the saying goes. Secondly, online sharing culture can help solve many social problems and boost the development of the country. By revealing some dark sides of the society, online sharing can draw public attention to certain injustices and work as a supervisor over the authorities. On the other hand, online sharing may do harm. This is especially true when someone’s personal info rmation is publicized without his or her permission. Thereupon, citizens’ privacy is in the face of being intruded.

On the whole, online sharing culture has its merits and drawbacks. However, one should not give up eating for fear of being choked. The best policy, as I see it, is to exert more supervision on the information on line and make sure that people are the best informed and their privacy is well protected in the meanwhile.
