


1、打开Root Shell;

2、加载网卡:airmon-ng start wlan0,(若监控模式为mon0或mon1或mon2……reaver命令中要与之相同)

3、输入reaver -i mon0 -b MAC地址 -a -v -S (MAC地址如11:22:33:44:55:66),-前均有一个空格。

若要从某一范围(如8000xxxx)后开始pin,则reaver命令后加参数-p 8000即可。

技巧:Ctrl+c 保存pin进度;若不关虚拟机root shell窗口,

口,可用WIFI搜出AP及输入序号↙,然后关闭,启动root shell界面,↑呼出,↙继续pin。

xiaopan-0.3.4的reaver破密进度表保存在/usr/local/etc/reaver/MAC地址.wpc 若要退出Xianpan或关电脑,可将保存的进度复制到硬盘或U盘,下次pin时再从硬盘或U盘复制到Xianpan相应目录下,接着继续上次的pin即可。


若监控模式为mon0或mon1或mon2……reaver命令中要与之相同) -S (MAC地址如11:22:33:44:55:66),-前均有一个空格。

,则reaver命令后加参数-p 8000即可。

窗口,↑呼出,↙继续pin。若关虚拟机root shell窗闭,启动root shell界面,↑呼出,↙继续pin。

存在/usr/local/etc/reaver/MAC地址.wpc 若要退出Xianpan或,下次pin时再从硬盘或U盘复制到Xianpan相应目录下,接着继续

name of the monitor mode interface to use

bssid of the target ap optional arguments

auto detect the best advanced options for the target ap

use small dh keys to improve crack speed

display non critical warnings(-vv for more)

restore a previous session file

set the 802.11 channel for the interface

execute the supplied command upon successful pin recovery

mac of the host system

essid of the target ap

send output to a log file [stdout]

disable channel hopping

use 5GHZ 802.11 channels

only display critical messages

show help

use the specified 4or8 digit wps pin

quit after num pin attempts

set the delay between pin attempts [1]

set the time to wait if the ap locks wps pin attempts [60]

set the time to sleep after 10 unexpected failures [0]

sleep for y seconds every x pin attempts

set the receive timeout period [5]

set the M5/M7 timeout period [0.20]

do not associate with the ap (association must be done by another application) do not send NACK messages when out of order packets are received

ignore locked state reported by the target ap

terminate each wps session with an EAP FAIL packet

target ap always sends a NACK [auto]

win7 registrar [false]
