Implementation Bright Food and CSR

Implementation Bright Food and CSR
Implementation Bright Food and CSR


“Merger between BRIGHT FOOD and CSR (SUGAR)”

The key elements of Bright Food and CSR (Sugar) are

analyzed on the purpose of identifying similarities and key

impediments that affect the successful integration. Concrete

steps to be taken and the time frame for both companies would

then be recommended accordingly to allow the new entity to

achieve its goal of becoming the third largest sugar producer in

the world in 4 years time.

Using Jay Galbraith’s “The Star Model”, the report will assess the driving and restraining forces of the new merged entity in order to achieve successful integration. The culture difference is also an important issue despite not being a factor in the model.

1. Similarities

1.1 Strategy

Bright Food and CSR (Sugar) are both companies that specialize in the sugar industry in China and Australia respectively. The two firms focus on creating a strong dividend growth and superior return to investors, with long-term strategies to build resource related businesses, including food and advanced technology (The Australian Business Journal, 2010). In addition, they acknowledge that people are the most important resources to achieve a successful integration.

Both firms also possess a strong presence across their brand portfolio, with extensive networks and distribution channels to their products and services (CSR 2009, Bright Food 2010). With the increase in global competition, Bright Food and CSR (Sugar) are aware of the need to strategically expand their core brand to the sugar renewable business or core food segment. Hence, this implies that the merger is consi stent with both organizations’ strategies.

1.2 People

In Bright Food Company and CSR (Sugar), people are considered to be the driving forces in developing its operations. According to the employment concept in Bright Food, the company puts people as a priority and focuses on creating harmonious co-existence between the employees and corporation (Bright Food 2010). Bright Food also organizes and coordinates professional training to employees, especially senior managers. Similarly, CSR (Sugar) provides job training and coaching to all employees (CSR 2009). In the CSR sustainability report (2008), over 100 apprentices were given special training at its sugar mills to enhance leadership and management development, along with skills and experience. Hence, the merger will encourage a stronger employee system with both companies training techniques, resulting in compelling technical specialists for further development.

2. Main Impediments

2.1 Unclear Structure and process

Bright Food and CSR (Sugar) share the similar centralized structure whereby communications flows from the top management to the operational staff. However, in terms of departmentalization, Bright Food utilizes the Matrix structure due to the multiple previous merger and acquisitions with other national and global client groups, while CSR (Sugar) adopts divisional departmentalization (M-form) in which department is form according to the brands and product natures. This might contribute to confusion and lack of collaboration, as employees in CSR (S ugar) would find

themselves reporting across 2 hierarchies and 2 bosses as compared to a single corporation headquarter, producing insurmountable problems (Collis & Montgomery 2005).

2.2 Employee s Re sistance

Even though both companies believed people is the most important factor within the organization, the merger creates redundancies. According to Strebel (1996), most of individuals are comfortable with current state and resist organizational change due to uncert ainty. Even though Bright Food had stated that CSR (Sugar) could operate in Australia after the merger, layoffs may still occur due to cost cutting and only retaining top employees in the merged entity. Therefore, the fear of layoffs will result in resista nce of change by both companies’ employees, which consequently increase the difficulties in merger.

2.3 Different Reward Systems

In Bright Food, gaining high recognition in the company motivates the employees. This would increase in their status and repu tation in the Bright Food Company’s reward system. However, the reward system for CSR (Sugar) differs. Instead of recognizing the efforts of individuals publicly, CSR (Sugar) gives cash incentives and company shares to the employees when they show excellent performances in the company. Therefore, this might pose as a problem in coordinating the reward policies into one rational reward system that meets the expectations of both companies’ employees.

2.4 Incompatible Culture

Other than the workforce culture, there will be a clash in cultures as Bright Food is a China-based firm while CSR (Sugar) is an Australian-based firm. China’s first language is Mandarin and Australia’s English, thus this might pose a difficulty in cross cultural communication and information sharing within the firm (Mavondo & Rodrigo, 2001). Bright Food has already mismanaged communications with CSR during the proposed merger negotiation, proving it to be an issue (,). Moreover, Australian managers are often seen as more inflexible and resort to confrontational methods of resolving problems, while flexibility and compromise is preferred by Chinese managers to save “face” (Maclnnis, 1993). Therefore, this is an impediment to the firm as there is a need for specific tone of voice and strategy to encourage employees about the new merger.

3. Implementation Steps

Feasible concrete steps are needed to achieve a successful integration between Bright Food and CSR (Sugar). The recommendations will focus on the critical approaches most relevant to the merger through Kotter’s Change Theory. The integration of Bright Food and CSR (Sugar) is expected to be completed in 4 years, as it normally consumes most time for employees to accept the change and firm to consolidate short-term achievement and re-producing new changes.

3.1 Create a Common Vision (4 months)

The first step for Bright Food and CSR (Sugar) would be to build a common vision in the company. As the evaluations of vision statements would vary in the different firms, this would help to direct the change effort and clarify the direction to move (Larwood, Falbe, Kriger & Miesing 1995). Bright Food should create a specific and detailed implementation plan on guiding the effectiveness of executives and managers, performance level of work units and process management required, and informing it well across the merged entity. Consistent appraisal systems to assess performance should also be arranged in view that strategic direction be met. This ensures that employees of the merged entity are aware of the undertaking processes, and work towards the common vision of serving the new management as tools to control the overall performance, reducing the impediments.

The common vision has to be built based on the agreement between both firms in order to be reached effectively. Bright Food should hold a dialogue with CSR (Sugar) to convey the plan even though they are acquiring the firm. This is to build the trust through transparency in the processes, and also reduce the uncertainty that might result in talents leaving after the merger.

3.2 Communicate the Common Vision (6 months)

The communication process needs to be well articulated and provide a clearer vision to reduce uncertainty in the change. This is important for Bright Food and CSR (Sugar) due to the issues in the cultural barriers and organizational structures, resulting in a potential lack of internal communication in future coordination. Hence, direct channels of communication are recommended to form cohesion and contribute to the common vision.

?As both firms are centralized, the beginning stages should be focused on training the top management on effective communication skills to “walk the talk” and influence the employees (Kotter 2007). Communication programs should be des igned as to plan, initiate and put the vision into action.

?Videoconferences can assist communication across the merged entity so that the China and Australia management are informed of the ongoing processes within quick time.

?Frequent face-to-face meetings still play a major role in directing information and timely feedbacks of performances, preventing miscommunications especially due to difference in the organizational structures. The meetings would also address unfavorable rumors by showing the short-term success of the merged entity, increasing the willingness of the employees to work alongside with the new merged entity.

?Surveys could be conducted monthly to obtain employee feedbacks on their feelings, which are assessed by coalition teams to improve on.

3.3 Empowering Others to Act on the Vision (1 year)

In order to sustain a smooth merger process, the combined entity would need to reduce obstacles to change. Employees’ resistance plays a significant role as a barrier for integration, and this would be an issue especially during the downsizing of the workforce at different regions to reduce the costs from the merger. Therefore, face-to-face communication or employee survey could be conducted to acquire information on the reasons for resistance such as being insecure about their job safety and thereby opposing the merge. In order to retain the right people, the merged entity could carry out employee interviews to identify high performance and efficient employees, securing their positions. Bright Food and CSR (Sugar) would just need to make them feel secure about their job and need not do anything extra as these people are already working towards the common vision of the merged entity, in fear of losing their jobs otherwise. As for the employees who are facing layoffs from their jobs, they would be the ones resisting change most, thus the merged entity could refer them to their partner firms for career opportunity or compensation.

3.4 Integrate Organizational Culture (2 years)

Organizational culture difference is critical as it could be the biggest source of conflict and failure in the merger. The top management has to value and respect cultural differences as sources of synergy and efficiency in order to manage the acquisition process effectively. In or der to integrate the culture, it is recommended for the firms to conduct a comprehensive culture audit of each other to understand how to structure the post-merger plan. This may include the employees’morale and commitment, barriers to engagement, leadership profiles, company mission, strategic development goals, performance appraisals and reward systems (Fletcher & Jones 1992). Hence, in order to sustain the change in the merged entity, it needs to become “the way we do things around here” and seep into t he main corporate body (Kotter 2002). Bright Food should establish the combined entity as an organization with shared values and shared culture that are easily communicated and understood, and also ensure that the next generation of top management understands the new vision and culture. Therefore, since the adjustment of the culture between two companies is a long-term process, it requires the post-merger to contribute large amount of time and efforts.

Reference List

1. Bright Food, 2010, Human Resource, China,,/cn/edu,

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2. Brisbane Times, 2010, Macquarie reckons CSR future is Bright, Australia,,.au/business/macquarie-reckons-csr-future-is-bright-

20100223-p0oz.html, accessed on 28th May 2010

3. China Knowledge, 2010, Bright Food to raise offer for CSR’s sugar business, China,,/article/detail/business-in-china/100257344-1-bright-food-raise-

offer-csr%2527s.html, accessed on 20th May 2010

4. Collis and Montgomery, 2005, Corporate Strategy: A Resource Based Approach,

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《峄山碑》全文及译文 《峄山碑》是秦始皇二十八年(公元前219年)东巡时所刻,下面是小编为大家带来的峄山碑全文及译文,欢迎阅读。 碑文 皇帝立国,维初在昔,嗣世称王 讨伐乱逆,威动四极,武义直方 戎臣奉诏,经时不久,灭六暴强 廿有六年,上荐高号,孝道显明 既献泰成,乃降专惠,亲巡远方 登于绎山①,群臣从者,咸思攸长 追念乱世,分土建邦,以开争理 功战日作,流血于野,自泰古始 世无万数,陀及五帝,莫能禁止 廼今皇帝,壹家天下,兵不复起 灾害灭除,黔首康定,利泽长久 群臣诵略,刻此乐石,以箸经纪 注:①绎山:指峄山。 皇帝日:“金石刻尽,始皇帝所为也。今袭号而金石刻辞不称,始皇帝其于久远也。如后嗣为之者,不称成功盛德。”丞相臣斯、臣去疾,御史大夫臣德。昧死言,臣请具刻诏书,金石刻因明白矣。臣昧死请,制日可。 注释: 皇帝立国,维初在昔,嗣世称王 (维是发语词,不翻。嗣世,一代代,继承。这三句,是一句话。) 讨伐乱逆,威动四极,武义直方 (武义直方,就相当于说正义战争。) 戎臣奉诏,经时不久,灭六暴强 (戎臣,就是带兵的将领。灭六暴强即诛灭六国。) 廿有六年,上荐高号,孝道显明

(皇帝二十六年,公元前221年。群臣上表,请求秦王称皇帝号。就叫上荐高号。这个孝道,是说秦国各代国君,均有统一之志,始皇帝的统一,乃是完成祖先之道。)既献泰成,乃降专惠,亲巡远方 (溥惠,尃惠。溥就是普。我用的书里面,百度百科里面,都错成了专字。既献泰成,乃降尃惠,亲巡远方。应该是这样子才对。既,就是完成了的意思。泰成,就是大成。完成了统一大业。普惠,把恩泽给了所有的人。寴车巛,就是亲巡。从车和从辵,都是表示动作的形符。坐车出巡,就是车巛。) 登于绎山①,群臣从者,咸思攸长 (登上峄山,大家都发起了怀古之悠情。) 追念乱世,分土建邦,以开争理 (过去是乱世,起因于分土建国,就是封建制。所以,大家才会去争斗。) 功战日作,流血于野,自泰古始 (功战就是攻战。自太古以来就是如此。) 世无万数,,阤yi3及五帝,莫能禁止 (无数代以来,到五帝时代,都不能禁止。阤,延续。) 廼今皇帝,壹家天下,兵不复起 (如今统一了,不再打仗了。) 灾害灭除,黔首康定,利泽长久 (黔首,就是百姓。) 群臣诵略,刻此乐石,以箸经纪 (诵略,因为皇帝的功德是说不完的,所以,大臣说的,只是大略。是为诵略。经纪,就是法度,秩序。) 以上内容,是始皇帝的刻辞。下面,是秦二世的内容。上面的是四言诗。下面的,是散文了。 皇帝曰:‘金石刻尽始皇帝所为也,令袭号而金石刻辞不称始皇帝。其于久远也,如后嗣为之者,不称成功盛德。丞相臣斯、臣去疾、御史大夫臣德昧死言:‘请具刻诏书,金石刻因明白矣。’臣昧死请。制曰:“可’。” 译文 皇帝立国,维初在昔,嗣世称王 讨伐乱逆,威动四极,武义直方戍臣奉诏,经时不久,灭六暴强


csr企业社会责任报告 近年来环境保护和社会责任成为企业界关心的热门话题。现在全球各地都在强调在投资活动中的企业社会责任、更加完善的公司治理机制以及更高的业务透明度,因此任何企业的董事会和高级管理层都不能对此类问题熟视无睹。强制性的法规和自律性的规则层出不穷,要求企业更加负责地对待其业务对环境和社会的影响。为此,企业必须开诚布公地与各方交流以增进信任和支持,但前提是相关利益方必须首先相信企业所提供的信息确实是客观地描述了企业在社会、环境以及道德方面的表现。 如果能通过独立的第三方提供企业关于可持续发展的报告,那么相关利益方就更容易确信报告内容客观公正。除了确保数据的准确之外,独立的报告还可向各相关方面提供其所希望看到的信息。由于每个企业的可持续发展战略都不尽相同,为此,CSRA(中国企业社会责任咨讯同盟)CSR报告服务根据每个客户的独特需求设计了具有针对性的高质量保证方案。服务的结果就是权威而可信的可持续发展报告,由此让企业内外部的相关利益方做出正确的判断、决策和行动。 中国企业社会责任咨讯同盟提供可按照客户独特报告需求量身定制的整套担保方案。我们将自身经验与领先企业的报告制度和独立担保的最佳做法相结合,为客户带来如下

效益: 1.提供贵机构的主要经济、社会及环境的清晰描述; 2.找出机构在活动中的风险和机遇; 3.找出管理的总体改进之处; 4.调动员工的积极主动性,吸引人才; 5.鼓励创新,制定更佳的解决方案; 6.提高声誉,增加顾客/客户忠诚度,得到社区尊重; 7.取得竞争优势。 1.优秀的专家团队 中国第一批GRI报告专家团队,我们的专家团队是中国大陆第一批接受GRI培训的专家,数量占第一批培训名单的50%。团队成员编写的社会责任报告曾获全球契约中国企业典范报告奖;我们的专家因对企业社会责任的贡献曾入选《深圳名人大辞典》并多次作为专家出席国家级企业社会责任研讨会。这是业内难以模仿的。 2.丰富的从业经验 我们的专家团队成员均从事企业社会责任工作数年时间,而且有丰富的企业实践经验,团队成员先后参与过国家电网、中国电力投资集团、中冶科工股份有限公司、中国化工集团公司等多家中央企业的社会责任咨询服务项目和国务院国资委的有关课题研究或辅导数十家大中型外资或民营企业顺利通过相关的企业社会责任国际认证,是中国第一

峄山碑 释文

峄山碑释文 皇帝立国,维初在昔, 维是发语词,不翻。 嗣世称王,一代代,继承。 这三句,是一句话。 讨伐乱逆,威动四极,武义直方。 武义直方,就相当于说正义战争。 我们的战争是正义的。 我们作战的对象,是乱逆 戎臣奉诏,经时不久,灭六暴强。 戎臣,就是带兵的将领。诛灭六国。 廿有六年,上荐高号,孝道显明。 皇帝二十六年,公元前221年。 群臣上表,请求秦王称皇帝号。就叫上荐高号。 这个孝道,是说秦国各代国君,均有统一之志, 始皇帝的统一,乃是完成祖先之道。 既献泰成,乃降专惠,亲巡远方。 溥惠, 尃惠。 溥就是普。 我用的书里面,百度百科里面,都错成了专字。 既献泰成,乃降尃惠,亲巡远方。 应该是这样子才对。 既,就是完成了的意思。泰成,就是大成。 完成了统一大业。 普惠,把恩泽给了所有的人。 寴车巛,就是亲巡。 从车和从辵,都是表示动作的形符。 坐车出巡,就是车巛。 登于峄山,群臣从者,咸思攸长。 登上峄山,大家都发起了怀古之悠情。 追念乱世,分土建邦,以开争理。 过去是乱世,起因于分土建国,就是封建制。所以,大家才会去争斗。功战日作,流血于野,自泰古始。 功战就是攻战。自太古以来就是如此。 世无万数,陀及五帝,莫能禁止 无数代以来,到五帝时代,都不能禁止。 阤,延续。 乃今皇帝,壹家天下,兵不复起 如今统壹了,不再打仗了。 灾害灭除,黔首康定,利泽长久 黔首,就是百姓。 群臣诵略,刻此乐石,以著经纪 经纪,就是法度,秩序。

诵略,因为皇帝的功德是说不完的,所以,大臣说的,只是大略。是为诵略。以上内容,是始皇帝的刻辞。 下面,是秦二世的内容。 上面的是四言诗。 下面的,是散文了。 皇帝曰,金石刻尽始皇帝所为也, 今袭号,而金石刻辞不称始皇帝,其于久远也。如后嗣为之者,不称成功盛德。丞相臣斯,这是李斯。 臣去疾,此人据说是姓杜。 御史大夫臣德,此人史传无载。 左丞相,右丞相,御史大夫, 是政府首脑。 当时的官制,这三位均是宰相。 当时的制度,是宰相负责制。 可以开府。 就是可以自己组成一个行政班子。 人员由宰相任命。不通过皇帝。 当时的宰相,权利是很大的。 皇帝基本就是个国家象征。 秦始皇很厉害,所以他能管事儿。 到了二世,就不管事了。事全交给宰相处理。 汉朝的皇帝,其实也是不太过问事情的。 政务交给宰相处理。 皇权,相权,在中国历史上, 是皇权越来越大, 相权越来越小。 昧死言,臣请具刻诏书金石刻,因明白矣。臣昧死请。 制曰,可。这是皇帝说的。 皇帝说,可以。 昧死言,就是冒着因冒犯皇帝而可能被处死的危险,来进言。 这是一种大臣上书的格式。 因为皇帝总是对的,皇帝即是圣人。 你对他说话,可能就是错的。 这个峄山刻石就讲完了。 简单的,跟现代汉语没什么区别的词就不用讲了。 其实在战国后期,所有的人, 不论是哪国的百姓, 都是希望统一的。 春秋战国之际的所有思想家,其思想都是要求统一的。 无论是儒,墨,老庄,都要求统一。 社会整体的愿望就是统一,结束战争。 所以,如果不是秦国政治比较急功近利, 他完全可以是一个好的帝国。


2011 International Conference on Information and Finance IPEDR vol.21 (2011) ? (2011)IACSIT Press, Singapore The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees Alin Stancu 1, Georgiana Florentina Grigore 1 and Mihai Ioan Rosca 1+ 1 Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies - Romania Abstract. In the last years we witness a significant increase of society’s overall focus upon issues concerning sustainable development. This trend affected both companies and consumers. The sustainable development concept is present both in the scientific literature, but also in companies board rooms. Companies start to engage in CSR activities in order to respond to an external demand, while taking into consideration the positive effects of CSR. The article presents the results of a quantitative research regarding the employees’ attitude regarding social responsibility activities of their employers. In the beginning a short literature review is presented. Keywords: sustainability, corporate social responsibility, employees. 1.Introduction In the last years we witness a significant increase of society’s overall focus upon issues concerning sustainable development. This trend affected both companies and consumers. The sustainable development concept is present in the scientific literature, and also in companies` board rooms. Concepts such as social responsibility, community development, corporate citizenship, community relations started to be present in the vocabulary used by companies in their annual reports. The annual reports are ways of communicating about the impact that a company has on multiple categories of stakeholder (Gray et. al, 1996). In this context, companies and society have to work together, and this approach will add value for all parties involved and also bring to the surface new market opportunities (Grigore, 2011). The studies regarding the benefits of CSR point out the following aspects: increases sales and market share, strengthens brand positioning, enhances corporate image and clout, increases the ability to attract employees, decreases operating costs and increases appeal to investors (Kotler and Lee, 2005). The purpose of this paper is to explore employees` attitudes towards corporate social responsibility and discuss the implications raised. 2.Context and literature review Internationally, marketing-management literature faces new challenges. In 2010, the increasing importance of …marketing stakeholder” was highlighted in one publication of the American Marketing Association (Bhattacharya and Korschun, 2008). Specialists maintain that this concept means to go beyond satisfying customers’ needs, and to include other relevant stakeholders, that can affect or are affected by companies` activities (Freeman, 1984). In this context, to study the internal dimension of an organization – the employees – and their perception about the social responsibility dimension of their employer, becomes a challenge that we aim to explore. On one hand, companies are starting to engage in CSR activities in order to respond to an external demand, and also taking into consideration the positive effects of CSR. On the other hand, their CSR activities have an impact on current employees commitment towards their employer (Turker, 2008) and on the attractiveness of an employer in the mind of prospective employees (Greening and Turban, 2000). Also, + Alin Stancu Corresponding author. Tel.: + 40729199399; fax: +400216373767.


1 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Forum 企业社会责任(CSR)论坛 2 Position Paper 2008/09 建议书(2008年9月) 3 Introduction to the CSR Forum CSR论坛简介 4 The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Forum was established in Beijing in the spring of 200 5 and in Shanghai two years later. 企业社会责任(CSR)论坛于2005年春在北京创立,并于两年后在上海举行。 5 The CSR Forum serves as a platform for European enterprises operating in China to exchange experiences and provide practical information to support their responsible business practices in China. CSR论坛为欧洲企业在中国的经营充当了一个平台,它们可在这个平台上交流经验、提供活动信息,以支持它们在中国有责任感的业务活动。 6 The CSR Forum is an event-driven platform that regularly organises seminars with topics that are of interest to all European Chamber members. CSR论坛是一个由事件驱动的平台,这定期举办的研讨会所讨论的话题都事关所有欧盟商会成员的切身利益。 7 The aim is to share CSR experiences in China, exchange best practice, improve the understanding of different approaches and expectations and where possible, to collectively find solutions to challenges in implementing responsible business practice in order to facilitate the creation of harmonious and sustainable business practice in China. 研讨会的目标是分享CSR 在中国的经验、交流最好的活动、提高对不同措施和期望的理解以及在可能的情况下,共同为在实施有责任的业务活动中所出现的挑战而找到解决方案,从而促进在中国创立和谐而持续发展的业务活动。 8 The European Chamber has organised seminars and meetings on supply chain management, corporate governance practices, labour issues, the environment, health and safety practices and engaging with the community and NGOs in China, amongst others. 欧盟商会已经举办了许多研讨会和会议,如:供应链管理、公司管理实务、劳工问题以及环境、健康与安全方面的活动等,得到了中国的社区和非政府组织的参与。 9 The CSR Forum has also benefited from specialised CSR training from CSR Asia, a non-profit organisation based in Hong Kong. CSR论坛还从由CSR亚洲协会(设立在香港的非盈利性组织)专门提供的CSR培训中获益菲浅。 10 In June 2008, the European Chamber organised a two-day CSR conference jointly with the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) on “Responsible Competitiveness in China –from Concept to Implementation”, which w as attended by over 200 people from Chinese and foreign businesses, non-governmental organisations, academics and government officials. 2008年6月,欧盟商会与中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)联合举办了为期两天的CSR研讨会,其主题为“中国有责任的竞争–从概念到实施”,来自于中外企业、非政府组织、学术团体以及政府部门的200多人出席了此研讨会。 11 The theme for the conference was chosen in response to a real demand by companies operating in China to discourage irresponsible behaviour by companies, which can result in costs whether in the form of fines, damage to a brand or reputation, labour disputes or product recalls due to safety concerns. 会议主旨的选择正好回应了中国的公司在运营中出现的现实需求,对企业不负责任的行为加以阻止,因为这些行为将会产生各种各样的费用。这些费用可能是以罚款形式出现的,可能是对品牌或企业声誉损害,可能是劳工纷争,也可能是由于安全问题而发生的产品召回。 12 Many critics note that it is difficult enough for a company to be competitive in China without having to be “responsible”too. 许多评论家指出:对于一个企业,要想在中国市场上具



《峄山碑》全文及译文《峄山碑》是秦始皇二十八年(公元前219年)东巡时所刻,下面是小编为大家带来的峄山碑全文及译文,欢迎阅读。 碑文 皇帝立国,维初在昔,嗣世称王 讨伐乱逆,威动四极,武义直方 戎臣奉诏,经时不久,灭六暴强 廿有六年,上荐高号,孝道显明 既献泰成,乃降专惠,亲巡远方 登于绎山①,群臣从者,咸思攸长 追念乱世,分土建邦,以开争理 功战日作,流血于野,自泰古始 世无万数,陀及五帝,莫能禁止 廼今皇帝,壹家天下,兵不复起 灾害灭除,黔首康定,利泽长久 群臣诵略,刻此乐石,以箸经纪 注:①绎山:指峄山。 皇帝日:“金石刻尽,始皇帝所为也。今袭号而金石刻辞不称,始皇帝其于久远也。如后嗣为之者,不称成功盛德。”丞相臣斯、臣去疾,御史大夫臣德。昧死言,臣请具刻诏书,金石刻因明白矣。臣昧死请,制日可。 注释: 皇帝立国,维初在昔,嗣世称王

(维是发语词,不翻。嗣世,一代代,继承。这三句,是一句话。) 讨伐乱逆,威动四极,武义直方 (武义直方,就相当于说正义战争。) 戎臣奉诏,经时不久,灭六暴强 (戎臣,就是带兵的将领。灭六暴强即诛灭六国。) 廿有六年,上荐高号,孝道显明 (皇帝二十六年,公元前221年。群臣上表,请求秦王称皇帝号。就叫上荐高号。这个孝道,是说秦国各代国君,均有统一之志,始皇帝的统一,乃是完成祖先之道。) 既献泰成,乃降专惠,亲巡远方 (溥惠,尃惠。溥就是普。我用的书里面,百度百科里面,都错成了专字。既献泰成,乃降尃惠,亲巡远方。应该是这样子才对。既,就是完成了的意思。泰成,就是大成。完成了统一大业。普惠,把恩泽给了所有的人。寴车巛,就是亲巡。从车和从辵,都是表示动作的形符。坐车出巡,就是车巛。) 登于绎山①,群臣从者,咸思攸长 (登上峄山,大家都发起了怀古之悠情。) 追念乱世,分土建邦,以开争理 (过去是乱世,起因于分土建国,就是封建制。所以,大家才会去争斗。)功战日作,流血于野,自泰古始 (功战就是攻战。自太古以来就是如此。) 世无万数,,阤yi3及五帝,莫能禁止 (无数代以来,到五帝时代,都不能禁止。阤,延续。) 廼今皇帝,壹家天下,兵不复起


企业社会责任经典案例 2014-01-10 08:56:37 文_赵梓亦 原标题:CSR也需要经营 年度品牌三星 获奖理由:关注社会责任,关注青少年成长,鼓励社会创新。 作为一个主营电子产品的企业,创新是三星得以不断持续发展并能取得成功的关键因素。三星的创新又不仅仅体现在产品上,在三星(中国)投资有限公司成立至今的18年间,中国三星一直进行着教育支援、残疾人支援等公益活动,履行自己的社会责任。在做社会公益、履行社会责任的过程中,中国三星也在不断探索新路径。 2013年被中国三星定位自己的企业社会责任(CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility) 经营元年。这一年里,中国三星按照计划从共享企业社会责任资源和力量、摸索投资与社会责任并重的崭新的产业投资模式、全方位扩大社会公益事业以及用开放的心态积极与社会沟通等四方面全面开展了一系列工作。 不仅要创新,还要有自己的特色。中国三星坚持自己的公益要与其他企业有差别,金钱的、物质的支援是任何一家企业都可以很容易做到的,在硬件支援中要添加软件支援的部分。中国三星的公益活动不是简单的捐钱捐物,而是坚持员工亲自参与的原则。从多年的公益实践中三星发现,组织员工参与公益活动,不仅能够帮助受益者,还能够让员工获得成就感,从而对企业产生认同,更具凝聚力。中国三星认为,企业的社会公益活动不是单纯的慈善事业,而是有目的的活动,公益活动要能提高企业形象,构建人脉关系,效果极大化。 在CSR经营元年实施各项活动的过程中,三星与社会各界进行了非常深入的沟通,展示了三星在CSR方面的策略和措施,使三星获得了社会的认可。 11月,中国社会科学院发布了"2013年《企业社会责任蓝皮书》",评价了国企100强、民企100强和外企100强共300家企业的社会责任管理现状和社会责任信息披露水平。中国三星凭借在CSR元年进行的各项工作,登上外资企业榜首,总排名升至第21位。 分享式公益 2013年9月,中国三星与陕西省政府合作"社会责任示范区"项目。中国三星认为自己应该从过去的,投资局限在厂房建设、提供就业岗位、扩大税收、配套产业入驻等经济层面的传统模式中跳出来,通过向地区社会普及企业社会责任理念、创造共同参与的平台等措施,寻找一条崭新的经济投资与社会责任齐头并进的发展之路。 并希望通过陕西省政府的合作,使作为三星最尖端的半导体工厂和研究所等重点投资区域的陕西省在CSR领域也能成为一个模范典型。中国三星承诺在未来五年之内,通过多种多样的社会公益活动,促进陕西省的经济与社会公益事业的共同发展。在原有的CSR活动


国外企业社会责任研究进展及启示 王昶周登 2012-12-18 10:12:55 来源:《华东经济管理》2012年第3期摘要:半个多世纪以来,企业社会责任一直是西方发达国家社会各界广泛关注的焦点之一。通过国外企业社会责任的相关研究成果的梳理,本文首先回顾了企业社会责任研究的演变历程,然后系统地介绍和阐述了国外企业社会责任研究的主要内容,主要包括企业社会责任的概念、企业社会责任的评价方法、企业社会责任影响因素、企业社会表现与企业绩效等方面;最后,本文根据现有研究成果提出了企业社会责任研究的整合模型,并对未来的研究进行了展望。 关键词:企业社会责任,演变,概念定义,评价方法,企业绩效 一、引言 自1953年哈佛研究者Howard Bowen提出“商人的社会责任”概念而来,引发了世界范围的争议。即使到了70年代末,企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,简称“CSR”)还依然被商业界嘲笑为一个笑话和一个矛盾(Lydenberg,2005)。直到90年代末,CSR的思想才被政府、公司、非政府组织及个人消费者普遍认可。目前,接近90%的财富500强企业不仅将企业社会责任作为其组织目标的基本要素,还每年公开披露公司CSR履行情况,并积极推动全球性企业社会责任运动(Boli和Hartsuiker,2001)。在中国,企业社会责任的理论研究和实践相对滞后,直到2006年被视为中国的企业社会责任运动元年。企业社会责任现已成为学术期刊、报纸,甚至人们日常谈话中出现频率最高的热门术语之一。

综观国外关于企业社会责任的研究文献,目前国外研究者对企业社会责任的研究主要集中在CSR的概念与维度、CSR的评价方法、CSR的影响因素以及CSR 与企业绩效等几个方面,本文将对此进行评价。 二、企业社会责任研究的演变历程 (一)20世纪50-60年代:CSR概念提出阶段 多数研究者认为,Bowen(1953)是真正第一次尝试将企业和社会之间的关系理论化。Bowen的《商人的社会责任》认为,商人的社会责任是指按社会的目标和价值向有关政策靠拢,做出相应的决策,采取理想的具体行动的义务[1]。然而在奉行股东利益到上的时代,Friedman(1962)提出一个企业的社会责任就是为股东创造价值,CSR是威胁到自由企业社会基础的破坏性学说。在而后的二十年中,就企业是否该履行企业社会责任问题,学术界展开了很多讨论,如Fitch (1976),Murry(1962)对于Bowen提出的CSR的内容和过程进行了补充和发展,而Levitt(1958)则对Bowen文章中的基本假设的有效性提出了挑战等。这一时期的研究更多侧重从企业伦理视角探讨商人或企业要不要社会责任,但并没有形成完整的理论(Keith Davis,1960;Eells和Walton,1961;McGuire,1963)。 (二)20世纪70年代:自身利益框架阶段 “自利”理论框架出现在20世纪60至70年代,研究者们研究的视角开始转向探讨企业经济利益与社会利益之间的关系。Wallich和McGowan(1970)在《企业社会政策的一种新解释》一文中指出,公司股东的长期利益与其社会表现


什么是企业社会责 今天在中国,企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,简称CSR)的概念几乎无人不知,但是令人遗憾的是,在实践水平上国内企业仍处于较为初级的阶段。同时,不论是企业还是关注者,往往都是只能聚焦于企业捐了多少钱,获得什么称号等等行为。没有注意到企业的社会责任应该与企业的长期发展战略和竞争优势有机地结合才能够生生不息;也忽视了企业的社会责任除了捐献数字后面有多少个零之外,更应该注意企业是否真正投入了智慧在高效推行CSR,而不是低效率地“花钱换荣誉”。 企业社会责任是指企业在创造利润、对股东承担法律责任的同时,还要承担对员工、消费者、社区和环境的责任。我们相信企业的社会责任要求企业必须超越把利润作为唯一目标的传统理念,强调要在生产过程中对人的价值的关注,强调对消费者、对环境、对社会的贡献。而我们也相信,一个商业组织在其经营过程中对CSR的承担不仅仅是一种责任,更是一种能力。拥有这种能力的商业组织可以使其实现社会价值的同时,也能够推动了企业自身可持续发展──这就是CSR竞争力。 企业经营的目的在于创造更高的公司价值,基本的课题就是“增进公司获利”。但是近年来,随着社会关怀、环保议题、公民意识的抬头,衡量公司经营成功与否不在仅只于短期财报数字的增减,更重要的是公司永续经营发展的潜力,因此“企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)”成为企业营运的新趋势,国际上相关评估指标也因应而生(如:道琼永续性指数DJSI、伦敦股票交易所体系下的FTSE4Good),反映出企业社会责任不仅是社会期待,更是未来的投资潮流! 但是企业社会责任(CSR)在推广过程中,往往不仅无法有效达到企业回馈社会的美意,公司也无法从CSR回收该策略应该为公司带来的长期价值创造,其实CSR不仅“助人”也是“利己”。员工CSR参与度不高,往往是因为员工无法清楚认知CSR策略和个人职能发展与公司未来展望有何明确关系。企业在CSR策略拟定上,通常都必须先经过严谨的效益评估;有了这些分析基础,公司高层可以更清楚了解到此举在展现企业回馈社会的诚意之外,还能替公司营运带来多少实质帮助。此外,这些分析评估也可让企业在内部沟通方面,让员工了解CSR不仅是单纯的公益行善,对公司与员工本身也有实质的正面影响,真正达到社会、公司、员工“三赢”的局面。举例来说,“使用再生纸”、“鼓励双面打印”都是很基本的CSR环保策略。企业会估算策略执行后,将具体减少纸张的消耗,并为公司减少购买纸张的开销,股票分红都有正面的帮助。这对公司股价、公司的获利空间则会提升,随着开销花费的减少, 例如在员工响应的义工计划的其它层面:同样的,“助人也利己”的逻辑也可以应用在CSR因为计划内容和公司经营的核心价值互相配合。中,计划内容可以与员工所能提供的专长、可以况且员工也透过义工的担任,公司业务属性雷同,因此员工都具备胜任的技能与潜力,更加精进工作技能,利于员工自身的职涯发展。 企业社会责任的作用 1. 企业履行社会责任有助于解决就业问题。除通过增加投资,新增项目,扩大就业外,最重要的是提倡各企业科学安排劳动力,扩大就业门路,创造不减员而能增效的经验,尽量减少把人员推向社会而加大就业压力。过去只有ISO9000和ISO140000国际认证,现在对企业社会责任也有了一个旨在解决劳动力问题,保证工人工作条件和工作环境的国际认证标准体系。这一标准明确规定了企业需保证工人工作的环境干净卫生,消除工作安全隐患,不得使用童工,等等,切实保障了工人的切身利益。现在众多企业积极履行社会责任,努力获得ISO8000国际认证,不仅可以吸引劳动力资源,激励他们创造更多的价值,更重要的是通过这种管理可以树立良好的企业形象,获得美誉度和信任度从而实现企业长远的经营目标。从这个意义上说,企业履行社会责任,有助


【原文】用笔 用笔不欲太肥,肥则形浊;又不欲太瘦,瘦则形枯;不欲多露锋芒,露则意不持重;不欲深藏圭角,藏则体不精神;不欲上大下小,不欲左高右低,不欲前多后少。欧阳率更结体太拘,而用笔特备众美,虽小楷而翰墨洒落,追踵钟、王,来者不能及也。颜、柳结体既异古人,用笔复溺于一偏。予评二家为书法之一变,数百年间,人争效之,字画刚劲高明,固不为书法之无助,而魏、晋之风规,则扫地矣。然柳氏大字,偏旁清劲可喜,更为奇妙,近世亦有仿效之者,则浊俗不除,不足观。故知与其太肥,不若瘦硬也。 【译文】用笔不要太肥,太肥了字形就浑浊;也不要太瘦,太瘦了字形就憔悴;不要多露锋芒,锋芒太露,字就不稳重;不要深藏棱角,不见棱角,字就没有精神;不要上面大,下面小;不要左边高,右边低;不要先占地位多,后占地位少。欧阳询的书法,结体虽太拘束,但用笔独具众美,就是小楷,笔墨也潇洒利落,上追钟王,后来人是谁也及不上他的。颜柳结体,既与古人不同,用笔又陷于偏执。我说这两家书派是书法的变体,几百年来,人们争相效学,固然其笔画的刚劲高明,对书法艺术的发展不能说毫无帮助,可是魏晋人的风格规模,究已扫地无遗。至柳氏的大字偏旁,清劲可喜,更为奇妙,近代也有效学的,那就免不了俗和浊,变得毫不可观,所以说字与其写得肥,还不如写得瘦些好。 【解读】这一段主要讨论书法用笔的肥瘦问题。关于这一问题,古代书家多有讨论。所谓“古肥而今瘦”,常与“古质而今妍”对举。诗圣杜甫关于开元之前书法“书贵瘦硬”的判断,常被人误解为所有的书法都应该以瘦硬为上。杜甫在其论书诗《李潮八分小篆歌》中,写到: 苍颉鸟迹既茫昧,字体变化如浮云。陈仓石鼓又已讹,大小二篆生八分。秦有李斯汉蔡邕,中间作者寂不闻。峄山之碑野火焚,枣木传刻肥失真。苦县光和尚骨立,书贵瘦硬方通神。……吴郡张颠夸草书,草书非古空雄壮。 在杜甫看来,使用枣木传刻《峄山碑》而使其点画丰肥,坏了风气,书风不古。诗中对仓颉石鼓文、秦相李斯、东汉蔡邕书法的赞叹,对李潮“小篆逼秦相”的赞叹和对当时著名书家张旭“草书非古”的贬斥都反映出杜甫崇尚“瘦硬”的观念。杜甫的这种观念在论及初唐褚薛书风的时候更为突出,如《寄刘峡州伯华使君四十韵》云:“学并卢王敏,书偕禇薛能。”《发潭州》赞曰:“贾傅才未有,禇公书绝伦。”杜甫书贵瘦硬说,主要是就初唐书风而言。“书贵瘦硬”在作为他自己的审美概括的同时,也是初唐书风的真实写照。众所周知,初唐欧、虞、褚、薛四家、盛中唐颜真卿书风、中晚唐柳公权书风代表了唐楷演变三阶段。正如康有为所说: 唐世书凡三变,唐初,欧、虞、褚、薛、王、陆,并辔叠轨,皆尚爽健。开元御宇,天下平乐,明皇极丰肥,故李北海、颜平原、苏灵芝辈并驱时主之好,皆宗肥厚。元和后沈传师柳公权出,矫肥厚之病,专尚清劲,然骨存肉削,天下病矣。 从此角度来说,唐代书法史似乎可以看作肥瘦的演变史。这与姜夔的看法基

企业社会责任(CSR) 行为准则

企业社会责任(CSR)行为准则 1.健全的企业 营活动 (1) 彻底遵守公司道德以及有关法律法规 我们建设公平公正高透明度的 营活动的企业文化,遵守国际规则,相关法律,社会道 德,公司内的各项规定和其他有关章程,争取成为能得到客户,股东,业务合作公司,员工及其家人等所有利益相关者信赖的公司。 (2) 贯彻自由竞争和公平交易原则 我们将努力消除妨碍自由竞争的,欺诈或不公平的做法,及其可疑行为,在自由竞争原 则下,实现公平竞争和交易。 此外,我们会向客户,业务合作公司,提供有关产品,材料,技术,质 ,服务等的正 确信息。 (3) 禁止滥用优势地位 我们保证依据合同等,和业务合作公司进行合理的交易,绝不滥用买方或委托方等交易 中的优势地位,强迫对方接受特定的条件或不平等的交易,或追求个人利益。 此外,我们将要求,并协助我们的业务合作公司,也同样遵守好法律法规,社会道德,做好质 保证,尊重人权,工作环境,生产安全和卫生健康,环境保护,信息安全等。 (4) 禁止贪污贿赂,禁止过分的应酬和送礼 我们将遵守相关法律法规,与国家政府的有关部门保持良好和正常的关系,不行贿,不 做非法的政治性献金。 此外,在和客户或业务合作公司交往时,我们会以社会常识作为标准,不做能引起利益 相关者误解的,不公平或不公正的利益转移性的应酬和送礼。 (5) 拒绝反社会势力 我们拒绝和任何反社会势力,对社会秩序和安全构成威胁的集团和组织,发生任何 联系,包括商务往来。 另外,我们坚持拒绝不正当要求的方针,与有关主管部门,专家,行政机关等合作, 有组织地应对反社会势力。 (6) 知识产权的保护和利用 我们将努力妥善保护,维护和利用与公司知识产权相关的权利。 此外,在开发,生产,销售,提供产品和服务等时,我们会事前进行彻底调查,做到不 侵犯第三方的知识产权。 同时,需要从第三方获取有关知识产权的信息时,我们会采取合法和公平的手段。
