董观志教授英文简介Professor Dong Guanzhi

董观志教授英文简介Professor Dong Guanzhi
董观志教授英文简介Professor Dong Guanzhi


ong Guanzhi(董观志),the reputed science PhD and

professor in China,was born on August,1965in Xiantao,

Hubei,China.He takes many roles like the dean of the tourism research center of college of Shenzhen tourism in Jinan University;the Dean of college of tourism planning and Design Jinan University;the PhD tutor of tourism management major;the team member of the training program of PhD in Jinan University;China reputed tourism scholar;The president of China New Industrial Research Institute;Strategic development consultant of several governments; Visiting professor of several reputed universities;The president or Chief


consultant of several business


From September1983to June1987,he got Bachelor of Science in Hubei University with the thesis"Urban Space Planning&Research in Xiantao ".In order to pursue the higher level academy,from September1994to

June1997,he studied under Professor Ma Yong,the dean of Tourism College in Hubei University,and received Master of Science degree.The master degree paper was"The strategy research of sustainable development for regional tourism".It was due to hungry for knowledge that from September2003to June2006,he was admitted to the Sun Yat Sen University,learning urban planning from Mr.Chen Lie,who is one of the most famous Chinese urban planning experts,the professor of Planning&Design School in Sun Yat Sen University,Guangzhou,China. And he received Science PhD in urban planning with the dissertation "Space system research of Cruise economy"(The1st scholar to study cruise economy in China).

Work experience:

From June1987to December1988,he had ever been a high school teacher in Shashi City7th middle school,Hubei province.From January 1989to June1994,he was working in Party Committee Propaganda Department,Jiangling county,Hubei province.In1997,he joined Jinan University and has been teaching at the college of Shenzhen tourism. During the time December2004to July2005,he as a visiting scholar, was invited to go to Brigham Young University,Hawaii,United States to make academic research.

R esearch field:

Strategic research;The Resort Management;Theme park’s management; Tourism planning and development;Regional tourism development strategy.

A chievements:

In the recent year,Professor Dong received the invitations from over20 provincial/local governments and many reputed business groups in China to provide the planning service or management consulting service for over200projects.And he also led/participated in/appraised over200 projects located in USA,Canada,UK,France,Dutch,Japan,Singapore, Hong Kong,Taiwan etc regions.He is the most active and practical expert in the tourism management in China

Professor Dong put many efforts in studying the tourism and achieved the remarkable results.He was the1st scholar to study the theme park,Theme block,Tourism plus real estates,and cruise economy in China.Based on those theories concluded,participating in strategic planning for OCT group/Hua Qiang Group/Chang Long group etc reputed business groups in China,and combining with business surveys he made in America, Europe,Africa and Asia countries,Professor Dong brought up many business models and development ideas,which are most popular in the Chinese tourism industry.


With the decades’studies and practice,Professor Dong concluded his thoughts and ideas in the books and articles.Below are the popular books influencing Chinese tourism’s past,present and future for your easy reference:

“Profitability and growth--Disney's key strategy”2004

“Tourism+real estate–OCT group’s business model"

“The brand advantage and Industry Cluster–OCT Group’s strategic trail”“Happy Valley In China”

“The theme park’s operation and management--six integrated solutions"“The theme park’s management principles and practice"

“Theme park’s marketing pattern and technology"

“The resort management"

“The principles and methods of tourism management"

“Introduction to Tourism”

“Fundamentals of modern hotel management"


“Tourism planning"

Media Interview

Due to the influence and reputation in tourism industry,Professor Dong is often interviewed and reported by international and domestic medias,such as Phoenix TV (Hong Kong),Travelling Channel,Guangdong Channel,Financial Times (UK),Apple Daily (Hong Kong),China culture daily,China Travel News,China Business Journal,Liberation Daily,Annals of tourism research,Human geography Magazine etc.And he ‘s been called and reported as “the expert of tourism real estate planning”,“the chief expert of Chinese Theme Park study”,as well as “the reputed younger scholar of Human geography”


Representative projects

1.The master plan for OCT Resort(No.7in the world)

2.The Strategic plan for OCT EAST Resort

3.The Strategic plan for Guilin Merry Land

4.The Tourism Planning for Hubei province in1995

5.The Master plan for Beilun district Ningbo

6.The Master plan for Binhai district Weifang Shangdong

7.The County master plan for Jiulongpo,Wulong,Wuxi,Fengjie,Fulin in Chongqing

8.The Strategic plan for Changlong Group,Hua Qiang group,Hai Hang group,Languang group,Tianhong group etc.

9.The Tourism development master plan for Jiangyong county Hunan

10.The Tourism development master plan for Chaonan county Guangdong

11.The Tourism development master plan for Yantian district Shenzhen

12.The Tourism development master plan for for Baoan district Shenzhen

13.The Hotel development master plan for Baoan distrct Shenzhen

14.The Master plan for Donghu lake resort Wuhan

15.The Strategic plan for Monkey island in Lingshui County Hainan

16.The Strategic plan for tropical ocean world Haikou

17The Strategic plan for the culture industry development Liuzhou Guangxi

18.The concept plan for the phoenix land,Ningbo

19.The concept plan for cruise port in Ningbo

20.The Master plan for CBD tourism development Nanping Fujian

21.The master plan for Balazhang hot spring resort Yunan

22.The concept plan for tourism development in Qujiang district Shannxi

23.The strategic plan for OCT Travel agency development

24The strategic plan for Jintang golf resort in Chengdu

25.The master plan for hot spring resort in Xianning Hubei

26.The master plan for Tourism development in Dahongshan Hubei

27.The strategic plan for the cruise economy development in Guangdong

28.The concept plan for lakes in Kunshan Jiangsu

29.The strategic plan for urban development of Muyan area Nanjing

30.The master plan for Tourism development of Ji county Tianjin

31.The master plan for Xiantao tourism development Hubei

32.The master plan for tourism development of Fuzhou,Fujian

33.The strategic plan for tourism development of Jindaoxia,Chongqing.


英文个人简历的表格 简历是求职者敲开企业大门的扣门砖,企业对求职者的第一印象来自简历,求职者八仙过海各显神通,花尽心思规划具有个性化的简历,以便吸引企业的注意力。以下是我拾掇的英文个人简历的表格,以供咱们参看。 英文个人简历的表格一: Name: Current residence: Shenzhen Household membership of Origin: Hainan Marital status: Single Job search intention and work experience Personnel types: ordinary job Position: Multimedia Design Work Experience: 1 Job type: Full-time Arrived to date: one week Salary requirements: Negotiable I hope the working area: Shenzhen Work Experience Company Name: Shenzhen Advertising Co., Ltd. Beginning and ending date :20xx-11 to 20xx-05 Company Type: Other

Industry: Advertising / Media Positions: Design Assistant Job Description: Responsible for landscaping tenders, reimbursement templates to create, update, making reimbursement of new templates for projects invoice billing, settlement, submittals, contract tracking, expense reimbursement, engineering documents prepared for the archives, other things work assigned by the leadership and so on. Educational Background Graduated: Haikou College of Economics Highest Level of Education: College Graduation date :20xx -06-01 By Major: Computer multimedia technology Ability to work and other expertise Working capacity: strong organizational skills, coordination, patience and resilience and can be well coordinated handle emergencies. Specialties: Proficient Photoshop, Corel DRAW, there are Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, CAD, 3DMAX, MAYA, premiere and other professional skills Self-evaluation I work very seriously responsible, there are certain


英文个人简历范本 Name: Melvin Gender: Male Date of Birth: May, 1982 Citizenship: Junan county, Linyi, Shandong Major: English (B.A) ⊿Objective Assistant of your office or the manager; Interpreter of company or organization which concerns international business; College or vocational university‘s teacher.⊿Education Background September 2002 to July 2006, Shandong University of Architecture September 1998 to July 2002, Linyi No.1 Middle School ⊿Main Skills About English Have past the Test for English Major -4; fluent oral English, and good pronunciation. Major target: ESP of technology, esp. architecture and real estate, and also international business. About German Have learned about 200 hours of Hochschuldeutsch 1, 2. Can do basic reading and writing. About Chinese Have got the Certificate of Chinese, the score is 86.2 About Computer Have a good command of computer, knowing the basic maintain of hardware and software; Good sense of Visual Foxpro language.Intersted in web page design, and had mastered the MACROMEDIA, which including Dreamweaver,Flash and Firework. Skilled in Microsoft Office, including FrontPage. ⊿Work Experience Have part time job in Shanghai Yaru Consulting Co.Ltd during 2004 and 2005 summer holiday. Did the market research for Shandong Shiguang Boiler Co.Ltd (shanghai branch) in shanghai. Experiences on be a tutor of junior, senior middle school students and college students. Many times of doing promotion sales for stores during the campus life. ⊿Activities From 2003.10 to2005.5, be the assistant of the director of Foreign Language Department. From 2004 to 2005, be the minister of the Network Department and Publicity Department of the Students Union. ⊿Awards & Honors In the year of 2004, awarded the In the year of 2004, won the third level scholarship of our school. In the year of 2003, won the ⊿Interests Have intensive interest in traveling, photographing; Reading,esp.on business, economy and computer. ⊿Self-uation Strong sense of responsibility, good spirit of teamwork. Can learn new things well


复旦大学教授开学典礼老师演讲词 亲爱的同学们,大家上午好。 今天起,你们成为了一个复旦人,我首先代表的全校师生员工,对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎!你们在国内外如此众多的一流大学里选择了复旦,我要对各位表示感谢! 从今天起,复旦将成为你们学习、生活和成长的地方。但是,我相信有一个问题你们还来不及思考,那就是你们到复旦来到底学什么,或者说到底怎么学?我们从刚才学长们和导师们的视频当中,听到了、看到了一些他们的感悟。所以,今天我并不想发表一个热情洋溢的讲话,而是要跟大家来分享一下我们对你们到复旦来到底学什么的思考。 韩愈说过“古之学者必有师”。一般来讲,自学成才,几乎不可能存在。任何一个人的成长过程中,必定会有一个导师。他还说,师者,传道授业解惑也,所以,哪怕你不是复旦大学的教师,但如果你在发挥传道授业解惑的作用,那你就是一个老师。对于学生来讲,来到复旦自然就是为了悟道、受业以及释惑。虽然你们最终会被归到某一个专业,或学科,会学习很多相应的专业知识,这或许就是我刚才提到的受业。然而英国的哲学家、数学家和教育家怀特海德曾经批评上世纪30年代的美国教育,他说大学教育的目的已经卑微到只教学生某些学科的一部分的专业知识,因为你不可能把专业也教完;而不是像古代书院里那样,哲学家们传递给弟子的是一种智慧。其实,当时伟大的物理学家爱因斯坦也以他的切身体验发出呼吁,他说仅仅靠知识和技能并不能使得人类获得快乐而又有尊严地生活。虽然通过专业教育可以使他成为一部有用的机器,但不能造就和谐的人格。他同时也指出,学生必须对美和良好的道德有深切的感受,否则仅有专业知识的学生,不过更像是一条经过良好训练的狗。此话有点粗,但是爱因斯坦不是一个讲粗话的人。


[英语简历]英语个人简历范文 Name: Melvin Gender: Male Date of Birth: May, 1982 Citizenship: Junan county, Linyi, Shandong Major: English (B.A) ⊿ Objective Assistant of your office or the manager; Interpreter of company or organization which concerns international business; College or vocational university‘s teacher. ⊿ Education Background September 2002 to July 2006, Shandong University of Architectu re ⊿ Main Skills About English Have past the Test for English Major -4; fluent oral English, and good pronunciation. Major target: ESP of technology, esp. architecture and real estate, and also international business. About GermanAbout Chinese Have got the Certificate of Chinese, the score is 86.2 About Computer Have a good command of computer, knowing the basic maintain


复旦大学教授钱文忠在“第三届新东方家庭教育高峰论坛”上的演讲 精彩实录 各位尊敬的校长、尊敬的老师,非常高兴来到这里。因为今天我是奉我的老学长俞敏洪学长之命前来报道。本来题目是俞敏洪校长规定的,但是我在底下聆听了四中校长和郑州外国语学校校长的发言之后我临时想不讲国学,我想改改。以一个学生的身份以一个家长的身份,以一个老师的身份,我来谈一谈对教育的看法,对中国当下教育的看法只有四个字“我不相信”。我不相信中国今天的教育,为什么因为我们对中国教育今天所有的看法都起源于一种错误,我们没有认真思考到底什么是教育,我们不断在让步,在为自己找理由,为孩子们开口目前。我想说教育不是这样,不应该是这样,我不相信所有问题都有解决办法。我们这个民族现在有一个固定的心态不怕有问题,只要找到办法就能解决,我告诉大家有些问题将永远无法解决。 举一个例子一个人当你得了癌症,是早期发现的时候还可以,如果发现不去治疗或者用更坏的办法去对待,或者说纵容它发展,到了癌症晚期再去治疗还有用吗?没有用。我想教育可能就是这个问题。今天我们看到了太多教育的现状,我们也给出了很多理由,也有很多理论,我们也在做很多努力。但是请问大家相信中国的教育真的还有救吗?我觉得恐怕很难说。我个人绝不相信。为什么?我们有太多的事实而非的想法在脑海里。我们对中国这30年的发展早就不再是发展,中国面临着很多人文历史上从来没有面对过的问题。 比如我们的独生子女,独生子女是人文历史上地球上有人这个物种以后所出现的一个从来没有过的“亚种”,人类历史上从来没有那么多集中在那么短时间、被国家计划的集中出现。我们所有的教育理念、所有的教育方法、教育手段从来都是针对有兄弟姐妹的孩子。今天我们教育者拼命在反思,但是别忘了接受教育的对象是人类历史上从来没有出现过物种,我们没有办法不知道怎么教育这些孩子。千万不要以为他们和我们是一样的,他们和我们不一样。他们和我们完全不一样,我们今天讲快乐教育,我们讲我们的童年很快乐,我们的童年快乐吗?各位老师。我一点不快乐,回忆都是快乐,你好了伤疤忘了疼,我们不是一路考试拼上来的?我们小时候也留那么多作业,我们小时候还要被老师揍呢。 我有个同学最近写一本小说写他的初恋情人,描绘的爱情非常好,可我知道当年天天吵架。所以凭什么教育是快乐的,我实在想不通,教育怎么一定是快乐的?教育里面一定有痛苦的成分,这是百分之百的。我们凭什么对将来要接替我们的子孙让步,我想不明白。 我刚才看了徐小平的文章,讲的头头是道,儿子要学厨师,他鼓励说,凭什么说厨师好?我们对孩子的教育都是鼓励,惩戒呢?教育没有惩戒手段吗?凭鼓励就可以完成教育了?打死也不相信。家长无论在任何情况下不要看孩子的日记,凭什么不让看?我从小的日记我父母就看,也没把我看傻了。今天大家都说北大有很多教授、冯勇谈先生、张代民先生讲座滔滔不绝,扯什么呢,这三位教授都是结巴。为什么是结巴,从小打的。 听说前一段教育部发过一个文件叫赋予老师批评学生的权利,这么荒唐的文件都发出来了,这种文件教育部发得出来!老师批评学生的权利要赋予?何况什么时候剥夺过?没有剥夺收回什么,逻辑不通的现在的孩子骂不得,说不得、批评不得、一点挫折感受不了。我小时候我的老师打过我,我们的感情很好。所以我们的教育这样下去什么都不行,现在孩子都表扬,惩戒呢。我们讲跟国际接轨,接轨了吗?倒是“接了个鬼”。我们讲英国的教育,我是在欧洲留学的,我们讲欧洲的教育怎么怎么样,大家看看英国的好学校规矩严到什么地步。英国一个议院通过一条法规,叫“允许教师在历次劝告无效的情况下采取包括身体在内的必要手段,迫使不遵守纪律的学生遵守据纪律”说白了就是可以揍。大家多说新加坡教育好,新加坡中小学教师哪个后面没有一把戒尺。孩子不行规定打三下,只许打手心,不许打手背,两个老师在场的时候允许执行。 我非常感动,特别希望我的儿子有机会碰大北京四中和郑州外国语学校的两位这样的校长,但是我们的教育


(四)中道方法: “一切圣贤皆以无为法而有差别” ?般若思想不外说明“性空幻有”,范围涵盖出世与世间的智慧,处理世出世间关系的方法,即真俗二谛论。 所谓实际理体不受一尘,万行门中不舍一法。 ?“性空”,是说佛所说的一切法即一切现象都没有实在的自性,故无相、无住,才能把握真谛。 ?“幻有”具有二重意思:一、幻有并非无有,是相对于实有说其非实在;二、幻有非凭空而现,它的产生要有条件(因缘)。故在空的基础上随缘生起讲说一切法,这就是俗谛。 ?《金刚经》全部讲的是“性空幻有”,表现为这么一种说法的形式:“佛说般若,即非般若,是名般若。”即出于度生实践,所以要假设佛法。在经中这样的“既非”句式不胜枚举。 四种思辨形式 ?凡是读过《金刚经》的人,都会对其特殊的思辨形式印象深刻,而这部分却也是让很多人最感困惑的。 ?(一)正→反→合:这是一种辨证逻辑,先说正面的,再说反面,最后是正、反合起来说。 ?(二)肯定→否定→肯定:与“是→不是→才是”相同。 ?(三)假有→非有→真有:这是使用佛学名词的思辨形式。 ?(四)有→空→中道:这也是使用佛学名词的思辨形式(非空非有)。 ?针对第三种“假有→非有→真有”,“假有”的意思是:一切现象,只要想像的出来,可以用语言、文字、思想加以形容、表达的,都是假的,并不是实有。 ?至于第四类的“有→空→中道(非空非有)”,这就是世俗谛与真谛(第一义谛)。 “即非”的逻辑 ?首先,提出某概念如P,这概念只是现象的提举而已, ?跟着便否定此概念,如非P,这否定是对P 的自性否定,即否定以自性立场来看p,而得p 的否定; ?但这非p 也不可执着,继而再否定这非p,随即显示一超越于p 的即非p 的更高境界,即超越的p。 ?即非逻辑并不表示其在逻辑上有矛盾,无宁即非有辩证的意味,因为必须通过反的历程,否定自性p,才能臻于空的p,最后对p 才有正确的理解,这实在是一种认识层面的升进历程,由现象的认识以达于本质的认识。 ?即非的诡辞不单有认识的涵义,且有实践的涵义,这主要是就对世界的态度来说。P表示对世界的肯定,但这肯定有执着在内,执着世界的自性也。非P 表示对世界的否定,否定其自性也。第三步的P,表示最后还是肯定世界,不能舍离,但这肯定是无执着的肯定,真正的肯定。这也是修行者对世界的正确的态度。参见吴汝钧:《佛教的概念与方法》,台湾商务印书馆,1988 《金刚经》中“佛说×××、即非×××、是名×××”的“完整”提法有如下二十九条: 1.斯陀含名一往来,而实无往来,是名斯陀含。(第9分) 2.阿那含名为不来,而实无不来,是故名阿那含。(第9分) 3.阿罗汉能作是念,我得阿罗汉道不?须菩提言:不也,世尊。何以故?实无有法,名阿罗汉。(第9分) 4.以须菩提实无所行,而名须菩提,是乐阿兰那行。(第9分) 5.庄严佛土者,即非庄严,是名庄严。(第10分) 6.佛说般若波罗蜜,即非般若波罗蜜,是名般若波罗蜜。(第13分) 7.诸微尘,如来说非微尘,是名微尘。(第13分) 8.如来说世界,非世界,是名世界。(第13分) 9.如来说三十二相,即是非相,是名三十二相。(第13分) 10.是实相者,即是非相,是故如来说名实相。(第14分) 11.如来说第一波罗蜜,即非第一波罗蜜,是名第一波罗蜜。(第14分) 12.忍辱波罗蜜,如来说非忍辱波罗蜜,是名忍辱波罗蜜。(第14分)


英文个人简历模板 第一种格式 Stan Beltzman 572 First Street ? Brooklyn, NY 11215 ? s.beltzman@xxx. ? 718-555-4328 Education: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ Degree Expected: M.S. in Communications, June xx Class Rank: Top 10 percent Editor of Communications Journal University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI B.A. in Political Science, May xx Dean’s List

Marching Band Section Leader Work History: Boston Theatre Co., Boston, MA P.R. Internship, June xx to September xx Composed press releases and public service announcements publicizing theatre events. Oversaw production of posters, flyers, and programs. Sold subscriptions and advertising space. Other Experience: Citizens Action Group, New York, NY Field Manager, June xx to September xx Promoted public awareness of state legislative process and issues of toxic waste, utility control, and consumer legislation. Demonstrated effective fund-raising skills.



Present Industry: FMCG( Food, Beverage, Cosmetics) Human Resources Dpt. Senior HR Officer Responsibilities & Achievements: 1.Remuneration Management: 1)Do job evaluation and job matching with functional heads to benchmark with Mercer Universal Position Class. 2)Review grading system to achieve balance internally and externally. 3)Attend annual Total Remuneration Survey

(Mercer TRS). 4)Track Market Comparison Report to propose annual salary review increase budget. 5)Process annual salary review: allocate increase budget by performance rating matrix propose competitive pay range balance internal pay structure per grading system, individual performance. 6)Propose starting salary for new hires. 7)Calculate new year manpower cost budget 2.Take charge of monthly payroll with HRIS system, including monthly salary payout, tax reporting, salary data maintenance, etc. 3.Administrator annual sales incentive plan and supporting department variable bonus, including communications with local employee on bonus scheme, consolidation of individual/regional sales achievement, KPI calibration, service quality survey, bonus letter issue, supporting managers to do bi-annual performance appraisal communications 4.Administer employee benefits (Insurance, relocation allowance, meal/transportation allowance) effectively and have tracking record updated. 5.Work closely with FESCO/CIIC as to C&B and hiring activities as per government policy. 6.Recheck employee personnel information database in the HRP System.


复旦大学物理系教授语录``` 来复旦物理系已两年有余,逃课无数,每回想先生们学识风采,愧悔不已;时光流逝,兹 录课堂上所闻之一二于此,以为追忆: 1.算了一黑板之后,郑永令:地球显然不是黑洞! 2.学积分,童裕孙:因为有任意常数,不定积分的结果有无穷多个;考试的时候漏 掉了任 意常数,得分也是无穷大分之一。 3.电磁学,王祖彝:王老师上课像飞一样! 4.讲分子运动论,孙鑫:统计物理——越大越乱越好。 5.讲光的干涉,候晓远:同学们以后如果要买光栅的话,………… 6.原子物理课,杨福家:那次我在和平请李先生(李政道)吃饭,………… 7.一次在三教的讲座,金晓峰:几乎不学就会的聪明人我到现在只遇到过一两个。 8.微分几何考前复习课,潘养廉:据我所知,复习课一般是很重要的;今天来上课 的同学 回去以后就不要把上课的内容告诉没有来上课的同学了。 9.五一节放假前,数理方法课,陈灏:放假期间,同学可以出门游玩;玩累了不妨 想一想 解析延拓放松一下。 10.经典力学课,徐晓骅:拉普拉斯在政治上的名声不好。 11.微分流形课,提到华罗庚和苏步清,黄宣国:我常和人说起,我们学生辈是远不 如先生 辈啊!————长叹 12.微分流形课,黄宣国:少年人总是有梦的!

13.概率论,徐先进:数学系有很多教师到管院去了,我不去。 14.量子力学课,陈灏:交大有个教授说量子力学是自相矛盾的,现在我们来看看他错在哪 里。 15.统计物理课,苏汝铿:朗道是个鬼才! 16.统计物理课,苏汝铿:诸位有没有看到我在解放日报上发的文章………… 18.拓扑学课,傅吉祥:复旦的规定,副教授可以带研究生;可是我不带研究生,因为我自 己写论文还不大会写;等我写论文很容易的时候,我才会带研究生。 郑永令(1939-),男,浙江桐庐人,复旦大学物理系教授 童裕孙男学位:博士职称:教授(博士生导师)研究方向:泛函分析E-MAIL:maystrong@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a47098352.html, 孙鑫(1938.7.15-) 教授,江苏扬州人。1960年毕业于复旦大学物理系。历任复旦大学副教授、教授。专于低维凝聚物理、统计物理及表面物理理论。1985年在高聚物理论中发现了交错定域振动模。主持研究了“导电聚合物中孤子定域模”1986年获国家教委科技进步奖二等奖》撰有论文《修正F模型的临界指数δ》,著有《低维凝聚态物理》。 侯晓远1959年12月生。1982年3月毕业于复旦大学物理系,获学士学位,1987年3月复旦大学物理系研究生毕业,同年获理学博士。毕业后留校任教至今。1991年升任副教授,1993年晋升为教授、博士生导师。自1991年开始任复旦大学应用表面物理国家重点实验室副主任。 杨福家1936年生于上海。1958年毕业于复旦大学物理系。历任原子核科学系主任、现代物理研究所所长、副校长、校长等职。1984年获国家级“有突出贡献的中青年专家”称号。1991年当选为中国科学院院士,领导、组织并建成了“基于加速器的原子、原子核物理实验室”,完成了一批引起国际重视的研究成果。撰有《原子物理学》、《应用核物理》等专著。 金晓峰1962年6月生。1987-1988,在法国LURE国家同步辐射中心作为联合培养博士生,1989年2月获复旦大学理学博士学位。1993年任复旦大学教授,1994年任博士生导师.


2014 英文个人简历范文 第二版 精彩人生从这里开始,不一样的简历,不一样的人生! 陈中华 山东宏河集团 2014-7-1

英文个人简历范文 最好的简历是写得既简短又內容丰富。目前英文简历主要这三种形式:按年月順序编排的简历、按技能和能力編排的简历及混合形式的简历。下面分别以范例进行描述: 第一大类、按年月順序编排的简历:这是一种最常见的写简历的方式。它从最近的工作经历讲起﹐列举每一份工作的成绩,然后再列举教育背景,以时间为主线。 ANNA KING Address: 15 Sample Rd Melbourne VIC 3000 Email: a.king@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a47098352.html, Home phone: (123) 9999-1234 Work phone: (123) 9999-5678 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Marketing Manager (Melbourne) 1995-present time The Wine and Food Emporium Duties: -Manage a staff of 18 people -Liaise with advertising agencies (above and below the line) and brief in all campaigns -Responsible for $15 million dollar advertising budget and $80 million turnover -Launched two new brands onto national market gaining 15 per cent and 22 per cent market share respectively within two years, earning the MI A’s 1998 Award for Best New Product. -Generated over $200,000 of free trade-journal publicity Marketing Research Manager 1990-1996 Di Pastio Pasta Products (Queensland) Duties: -Merchandise products in supermarkets - 78 stores -Build in-store promotional displays (12 product lines) -Liaise with store managers and advise on re-ordering quantities (increased average store buy by 28 per cent in six months)


英文简历必备:“个人基本情况”个人资料(Personal) Name 姓名 alias别名 pen name 笔名 Sex/Gender 性别 male 男 female 女 Age 年龄 height 身高 weight 体重 Birthday 生日 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 Native place 籍贯 province省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区 prefecture县、专区 county县、郡 Nationality 民族,国籍 citizenship国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍

Address 地址 current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路 district 区 house number 门牌 Tel. 电话 home phone 住宅电话 office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话mobile phone 手机 cell 手机 Marital status婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数none 无 Health status 健康状况health condition 健康状况excellent (身体)极佳 very good 很好 good 好


复旦女教授陈果:我自风情万种,与世无争! 最近,朋友圈掀起一股复旦女教授陈果讲课视频的狂潮! 陈果是谁? 让我们来了解一下: “陈果”,上海复旦大学的哲学博士、副教授,现任复旦大学“思想道德修养与法律基础课”教师。 是的,简单直接一点就是:复旦大学的大学老师! 我们先来看一下陈果的讲课视频! 1

陈果老师谈-[自信] 陈果老师在视频里面讲到什么是自信: 自信是什么,自信是自己喜欢自己,自己信自己,自己认可自己而不是别人信自己,别人认可自己,别人信自己那叫做他信,而不是自信。她讲到她朋友所说过的一句话:我自风情万种,与世无争!什么叫做我自风情万种,与世无争?在不干扰别人的情况下,在不给别人带来麻烦的情况下,我们真的不需要太在意别人的想法。 只要你不干扰别人,不影响到别人,不给别人带来麻烦,随你怎么变态,随你怎么做你自己。都和别人没有任何关系。但是如果你的行为影响到别人,干扰到别人,或者是不道德,这是不行的所以说,我自风情万种,与世无争的前提是:不影响别人,不干扰到别人,不会不道德。随你做你自己。

所以说,活的帅气一点,从容一点,自然一点,真实一点,快乐一点。你会更加自信,更加快乐。 几年前有人问她,别人喜欢自己和自己喜欢自己哪个更加重要?她当年的回答是两个都重要。但现在她说:如果在两者不能兼顾的情况下,自己喜欢自己更加重要。因为我们要了解一个真相,不管你有多优秀,多完美总有人不喜欢你,总有人讨厌你。同样不管你多么不好,多么不堪,多么糟糕,还是有人喜欢我们。 事实证明,不管你活成什么样子,还会有人喜欢你,有人不喜欢你。但是当我们活成我们自己时,不喜欢的人当中多了一个人喜欢我们自己,那个人自己我们自己。所以我们要活出我们自己。不要成为任何人眼里的任何人。我就是我。能使我感到真正快乐自信的那个我,就是真正的我。 人都有缺点,再完美的人都有缺点,所以要接受真实的自己。当我们自己喜欢自己时,我们身上就自然而然会散发出一种


Curriculum Vitae Name: ****** Gender: Male Race: Han Date of Birth: May 28, 1977 Political Affiliation: Party Member Address: International School, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710038 Telephone:********** (fixed telephone) ********** (cellphone) Hobbies: Education: 2004—2008 Taiyuan No.5 Senior School, Shanxi Province 2008---2011 Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi Province Major: Applied English Language: Chinese and English (both fluent in Listening, speaking, reading and writing) Main Courses: Intensive Reading, Extensive Reading, Spoken English, English listening, English Grammar, English Writing, Translation

Awards and Scholarships: 2008“Excellent League member”, Jiaotong University; 2009“National Inspirational S cholarship”, Jiaotong University Other Training: Qualifications: Professional Experience: 2009 Tutor for a junior middle school student; Seller of English Weekly 2010 Member of aid education group at college


遨游在统计“王国”中的人 ——访复旦大学副校长郑祖康教授 宓正明 在春风拂面杨柳轻的日子里,笔者拜访了复旦大学副校长郑祖康教授。他是全国政协委员、社中央常委、社上海市委副主委。 郑祖康出生于1947年,“十年浩劫”粉碎了他的“大学梦”,1967 年在长江一条大型驳船上劳动锻炼,当一名水手,往返于上海与九江之间。九个月后,他上山下乡赴崇明县长征农场务农。他种过水稻,也种过棉花。在难得农闲回上海的日子里,他总是信步来到市区街头巷尾的旧书店,寻觅一角钱一本的《高等数学》、《数学分析》、《概率论》等书以及一些理论物理书籍。在中学里他就开始学习高等数学,对数学有着浓厚的兴趣。农场的劳动之余,当别人热衷于谈天说笑,打扑克时,他却一头扎在数学、物理书中,遨游在数学的天空。 粉碎“四人帮”后不久,这位自学成材的年轻人就在1977年的《应用数学学报》上发表了一篇数学论文。 1977年当复旦大学苏步青教授首次在国内恢复招考研究生时,郑祖康就毅然决定报考,并以优异的成绩被录取,成为复旦大学数学研究所14名研究生之一,攻读概率统计学。1980年,谷超豪教授慧眼识人才,推荐这位既无大学文凭,攻读硕士研究生

又未毕业的郑祖康去美国哥伦比亚大学攻读博士学位。在入学注册时,他遇到了麻烦。没有本科学历,硕士又未毕业,直接攻读博士,这在哥伦比亚大学是没有先例的,幸亏台湾著名学者周元檠竭力为他担保,才最终得以通过。 在异国他乡,作为最早公派出国的研究生,郑祖康满怀报效祖国的激情,勤奋学习,潜心研究,恨不得立刻把美国先进的科学技术学到手。生活的紧张程度难以用语言形容,他凭着坚韧的毅力,先后通过了哥伦比亚大学24门学科的考试。他选择了国际统计学界研究的热点——“生存分析”作为自己的主攻方向。最终,他以高质量的博士论文通过答辩,获得了博士学位。“获得博士学位后不到一个月,我便决定回国了。”他的导师、美国著名统计学家黎子良曾尽力挽留他,海外当实业家的姑父也邀请他,但他都婉言谢绝了:“我觉得我的用武之地在我的祖国。”导师黎子良教授完全理解了自己这位高足的拳拳爱国之心。他怀着赞许和期待的心情送郑祖康踏上了飞越太平洋的归途。1993年,黎子良与郑祖康合著的应用数学专著《生存分析》付梓。他们师生俩珠联璧合,为推动我国生存分析的研究起到了巨大作用,并在国际统计领域产生重要影响。这是后来的一段佳话了。 当郑祖康获悉复旦大学新建的统计运筹系担负着为国家统计局培养数理统计专业人才的任务后,马上同意到复旦大学工作。由于回国后郑祖康不断取得科研新成果,1986年他被提升为副教授,两年后,又升为教授。郑祖康在数理统计专业有着较高的学


人力资源英文个人简历求职范文 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。 OBJECTIVE Human Resources, Recruiter, Benefits Advisor, Manager RELOCATE IN To obtain a Human Resources position within a goal oriented pany that has future opportunities for advancement. EXPERIENCE 1999 V October 2021 Heritage Homes of Indiana Shelbyville, In. Director of Human Resources / Payroll Manager Oversee operations of the corporate office and nine Certified Medicaid / Medicare healthcare facilities employing over 650 employees. Responsibilities included: Senior executive recruitment for all senior management personnel.

Writing and implementing pany policy and procedures. Maintaining current knowledge and interpretation for all State/Federal laws and regulations. Served as an officer on the Corporate pliance mittee. Serve as the Employee Grievance Officer for 650 employees. Plan Administrator for all pany Health and Dental Insurance. Risk Management Officer and Worker pensation Administrator HIPAA pliance Officer. COBRA administration and manage the coordination of benefits. 1989 V 1999 J.L. Johnson’s Fine Jewelry Greenwood, In. Store Manager Managed all production and procedures for custom jewelry start to finish. Responsible for all Human Resource duties. Extensive contact and relationships with vendor representatives, trade accounts and advertising media.
