大连理工出版社 应用型大学英语社综合教程3 课后答案

大连理工出版社 应用型大学英语社综合教程3 课后答案
大连理工出版社 应用型大学英语社综合教程3 课后答案

Unit 1

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Task A: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words in box. Pay attention to the derivatives.(With keys underlined) Identical similarity surprising adopt discover vote

1. The two buildings? style were virtually identical.

2. The mother has no ability to bring up her baby and finally she had her child adopted.

3. Joseph is very similar in characteristics to his brother.

4. J Watson and Francis Crick were the discoverers of DNA.

5.It will not surprise anyone to know that her application to a master degree


has been rejected.

6. When the price of skiing doubled, tourists voted with their feet and just stopped


Task B:Match the words with their definitions on the right.

Keys: 1. f 2.e 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.c

IV. Structure Exercises

Task A: Put these pre-determiners in the correct order.

1. I will pack all these mother's old pictures in the box.

2. There is an ugly big brown wooden office desk in the front of the staff room.

3. My sister's long straight black hair makes her outstanding on the street.

4. A historic oval black and white family photograph is the most precious thing

in my


5. My father found a beautiful little antique green jade Ming vase on the street


Task B: Rewrite the sentences by using the words or expressions in the brackets. Modify the sentence structure if needed.

1. This wine is about half the price of that one and we cannot tell the

differences. (have a hard time, tell apart)

This wine is about half the price of that one and we have a hard time telling them apart.

2. In addition to surfing internet, do you have any other hobbies? (besides)

Do you have any other hobbies besides surffing internet?

3. The moment she agreed to go with him, she realized she?d made a mistake.

(soon after)

Soon after agreeing to go, she realized she'd made a mistake.

4.The student, David, won the scholarship for this master degree program. (named)

The student named David won the scholarship for this master degree program.

5. You have your right to support your idols. (vote for)

You have your right to vote for your idol.

Text A:分别被领养的双胞胎


同卵双胞胎的相似性表现在很多方面。Theo Jones 和 Jim Tomas 就是一个例子。他们是同卵双胞胎,然而Theo和Jim在很小的时候就被分开了。他们出生后不久就被不同的家庭收养。39年后团聚时,他们被各自生活中的许多相似之处所震惊。





Ⅲ. Vocabulary Exercises

Task A: Here are some words and expressions from the reading. Use them to complete the sentences below.

1. Researchers

collect information. They talk to people, do

experiments, and study important documents.

2. Dr. Jones does scientific studies to find out more about friendship.

3. Patients are sick people. They are seeing a doctor or staying in a hospital.

4. Material support is another kind of help that a friend can give.

Examples are loaning money or doing favors.

5. Exercise has many benefits . One of the good things about exercise is

that it can keep you healthy.

Task B: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word in brackets, pay attention to the derivatives.

1. A person with a healthy mind is mentally healthy. (mental)

2. Peter was sick, but now he?s better. He recovered quickly. (recover)

3. I always eat when I'm feeling stressed . (stress)

4. Emotional support is kink of help that a friend can give. Examples are

giving advice, spending time with someone, or listening. (emotion)

5. A person who doesn?t get colds or the flu is probably physically healthy. (physical)

IV. Structure Exercises

Task A: Fill in the bubble for each correct answer.

Keys:1.A 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.A

Task B: Use the comparative expressions in the box to complete the following sentences.

benefits researchers scientific studies patients material

have better physical health is more difficult recovered sooner are better more and more difficult

1. As the disease worsened, he found walking more and more difficult .

2. According to some studies, people who have pets have better physical health

than people who don’t

have pets.

3. Linda always gets As. Her grades are better than mine.

4. English is more difficult than than Spanish because English spelling is irregular.

5. Both Linda and Rafael got the flu, but Rafael recovered sooner than Linda because he stayed in bed.








Unit 3

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Task A: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word in box, pay attention to the derivatives. (with keys underlined)confident applause extremely assist

conventional cheer systematic psychological

1. Alcohol is bad for your system.

2. I can't move this piano without assistance.

3. Psychology is the science or study of the mind and how it functions.

4. Don't put too much confidence in what the papers say.

5. The extremists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner.

6. The crowd applauded his performance for five minutes last night.

7. Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation, which is a common sense.

8. The news isn't very cheerful / cheering, I'm afraid.

Task B:Match the words with their definitions on the right.

Keys: 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. f 6. a

IV. Structure Exercises

Task A: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms, choosing the –ing participle, the definitive or –ed participle. (with keys


1. Do you recollect telling John about the new house?

2. Do you wish your breakfast brought/ to be brought to your room, madam?

3. Suddenly we felt the atmosphere grow tense.

4. I don?t like to h ear you talk/ talking like that.

5. I?ll leave you to settle all the business.

6. Will your increased salary enable you to buy a new car?

7. The paid servants had their specified position in the household.

8. Did you try to encourage your son? Did you give him any encouraging advice?

9. Sheila is the adopted daughter of a well-known banker.

10. More traffic will be able to pass on the widened road.

Task B: Rewrite the sentences by using the words or expressins in the brackets. Modify the sentence structure if needed.


1. She does not want to get married and she says she's waiting for the right man to come along.

2. I find his behaviour (irresponsible) beyond belief.

3. She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.

4. Several companies are competing (against/with each other) for the contract /to gain the contract.

5. As the President's car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause.

6. The two books are the same except that his one has an answer key at the back.

课文A 4分钟内跑完1英里的第一人






III. Vocabulary Exercises

Task A: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word in box, pay attention to the derivatives. (with keys underlined)exclamation cooperative sensitive influential conversation interactive

1. Chemicals interact to form a new compound.

2. `What,' he exclaimed, `Are you leaving without me?' …

3. At his table he liked to have, as often as he could, some sensible friend or neighbor to converse with.

4. A good teacher should sensitize students to a poet's use of language.

5. It is too crowded in the corridor. Please clear the gangways, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your co-operation.

6. It?s clear that her painting has been influenced by Picasso.

Task B:Match the words with their definitions on the right.

Keys: 1.g 2.c 3.f 4.a 5.b 6.h 7.e 8.d

IV. Structure Exercises

Task A: Change the question in the brackets to a subject clause.


1. What they need is more practice.

2. What he was talking about was interesting.

3. Where she went is none of your business.

4. Why they left the country is a secret.

5. Who the mayor of New York City is hasn’t been announced yet.

Task B: Rewrite the sentences by using the words or expressins in the brackets. Modify the sentence structure if needed.


1. Under the circumstances (eg because the salary offered was too low)

he felt unable to accept the job.

2. No one could deny that there are some factors that are influential (ie

have an important effect) in reaching a decision.

3. I tend to go to bed earlier during the winter.

4. He's very sensitive about being small, so don't mention it.

5. Don't refer to this matter again, please.

课文A 汉语与性别




说话者也会改变语言。女性通常被认为是对语言的使用更敏感且是更好的新词创造者。其中一例证就是所谓的“女性普通话口音”(“女国音”),这指的是j、q、x等音的变化和z、c、s等音,分别在单词,如“高兴”> “gaosing”(“幸福”)。20世纪20年代这些变化已经在北京由女性说话者所引领。有证据表明,女性的汉语口音现在似乎已经女性言语群体的范围了。另外一个例子就是女书,它是类似于汉人书写体的系统,仅在湖南省的女性群体里发展、使用。


Ⅲ. Vocabulary Exercises

Task A: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words in the box, pay attention to the derivatives. (with keys underlined) phenomenon speedy disturb equivalent overwhelmed relatively

1. There?s a general equivalence between the two concepts.

2. Since I got a job, I?ve been living in relative comfort.

3. Residents are fed up with the disturbance caused by the night club.

4. The best thing you can do to speed your recovery is to rest.

5. Do you believe in the paranormal and psychic phenomena?

6. She felt an overwhelming desire to tell someone about what had happened.

Task B : Match the words with their definitions on the right.

Keys : 1. e

2. a

3. d

4. f

5. b

6. c

IV. Structure Exercises

Task A: Put these phrases in the correct blank. (with keys underlined) 1.

1. A national telephone 24-hour hotline has been set up for students suffering from stress.

2. Walking is the second-most popular form of exercise in Britain.

3. You should change your easy-to-guess password in order to protect your computer data.

4. The computer screen on this laptop is sixty-six-character wide.

5. All of us agree that this is really a thought-provoking film.

6. World leaders will meet next week for their annual economic three-day summit

7. There is a very famous open-air market at night.

8. It's our practice to supply high-quality goods at reasonable prices.

Task B: Rewrite the sentences by using the words or expressions in the

brackets. Modify the sentence structure if needed.

1. With regards to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library . (according to)

According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library .

2. It was a bad weather, but they had a wonderful holiday. (despite)

They had a wonderful holiday , despite the bad weather.

3. I did not go to the cinema, because the weather is intense cold. (because of) I did not go to the cinema because of the intense cold.

three-day sixty-six-character easy-to guess

high-quality second-most popular open-air 24-hour thought-provoking

4. Not only did they rush into his office and steal his books, but they also tore up his manuscripts. (break into)

Not only did they break into his office and steal his books, but they also tore up his manuscripts.

5. Why don?t you run away from the police? (outrun)

Why don?t you outrun the police?

6. Four days had gone past since the evening when he had come across her outside the junk shop. (run into)

Four days had gone past since the evening when he had run into her outside the

junk shop.

Text A: 你的密码是“123456”吗?

根据一项新的分析报告,每五个网民中就有一个使用简单密码,就像人们习惯于将房门钥匙放在门垫下一样。这些网民选择简单、容易猜到的密码例如“abc123”、“iloveyou”、甚至是“password”来保护个人数据信息。Imperva公司的首席技术官员Amichai Shulman说:“这是人性的缺陷,我们自从90年代以来就一直沿袭这样的模式。”为什么会这样呢?我们应该怎样去选取一个“更强大的“密码呢?





Moss先生讲到一个笑话:几个徒步旅行者在森林中遇到一只熊,存活下来的是比同伴跑得快的那个人。你只要跑得快一点,立刻替换你的简易密码吧。Unit 6

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Task A: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words in the box, pay attention to the derivatives. (with keys underlined)boost anticipation stressful relaxing additional derive

1. T aylor was excited when she was anticipating a wonderful time of the trip.

2. Finding a new job is a very stressful experience.

3. Peter would rather not go out tonight because he wants to relax at home.

4.The community will get a boost from a new library and a recreation center.

5. Generally speaking, we?ll derive great benefits from exercising.

6. A/An additional charge is made on baggage that exceeds 20 kg.

Task B:Match the words with their definitions on the right.

Keys: 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d 6.f

IV. Structure Exercises

Task A: Rewrite the following sentences according to the directions in the brackets.

1. It is the restaurant. I met my husband at the restaurant. (表语从句)

Key: This restaurant is where I met my husband.

2. Jason has worked very hard to earn the scholarship. It is the truth. (表语从


Key: The truth is that Jason has worked very hard to earn the scholarship.

3. One day I will become a respectable teacher. It is my dream. (同位语从句) Key: It is my dream that one day I will become a respectable teacher.

4. Will the president come to the party? That?s a question. (同位语从句) Key: That?s a question whether the president will come to the party or not.

5. What does SPF stand for? I have no idea. (同位语从句)

Key: I have no idea what SPF stands for.

Task B: Rewrite the sentences by using the words or expressions in the brackets.

1. You need to have a rest, or else you will collapse. (take a break)

Key: Y ou need to take a break, or else you will collapse.

2. Adrian always succeeds in what he decides to do. (set out)

Key: Adrian always succeeds in what he sets out to do.

3. “It?s none of your business!” Mary yelled all of a sudden. (have to do with) Key: “It has nothing to do with you!” Mary yelled all of a sudden.

4. John has just broken up with his girl friend. (split up)

Key: John has just split up with his girl friend.

3. You must work harder in order not to fall behind the other students. (catch


Key: Y ou must work harder in order to catch up with the other students. Text A 度假如何影响快乐












Unit 7

Task A: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words in the box, pay attention to the derivatives. (with keys underlined)transaction epidemic supplement

subsequent contradict unaffected

1. The writer was very excited because his story wo uld be published in the

subsequent issues of the newspaper.

2. It is not easy for a bank clerk to keep cool when there are millions of transactions to deal with every day.

3. Everybody was worried about their health when the unexpected epidemic took lives of many people.

4. Good food should be supplemented by regular exercise if you want to keep fit.

5. No matter what difficulty he ran into, his dream of becoming a respectable

doctor stayed unaffected.

6. Many citizens were angry when the new housing policy contradicted the

mayor?s promise.

Task B:Match the words with their definitions on the right.

Keys: 1.d 2.e 3.a 4.f 5.c 6.b

IV. Structure Exercises

Task A: Correct the following sentences using the knowledge of attributive clause.

1.We all want to find a job is comfortable.

Key: We all want to find a job that/which is comfortable.

2.They were in the group, which they were singing a song.

Key: There were in the group where they were singing a song.

3.Salmon is a delicious fish which meat is red or pink color.

Key: Salmon is a delicious fish whose meat is red or pink color.

4.The best friend I have ever had that was my neighbor who lived near my


Key: The best friend I have ever had was my neighbor who lived near my house.

5.This story is about, who was the young mother had a hard time with her

children and with her work.

Key: The story is about the young mother who had a hard time with her children and with her work.

Task B: Rewrite the sentences by using the words or expressions in the brackets.

1. If the company cannot sell more goods, it should reduce production. (cut


Key: If the company cannot sell more goods, it should cut back on production.

2. Her success in writing somewhat benefited from her father?s

discouragement. (to…extent)

Key: Her success in writing, to some extent, benefited from her father?s discouragement.

3. Don?t believe his memory; he?s a bit of a dreamer. (rely on)

Key: Don?t rely on his memory; he?s a bit of a dreamer.

4. The serious drought this summer resulted in less crop output. (decline in) Key: The serious drought this summer resulted in a decline in crop output.

5. Good grades in school and related working experience will give you more chances in job hunting. (in a…position)

Key: Good grades in school and related working experience will put you in a better position in job hunting.

Text A 热量计算








Unit 8

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Task A: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word in brackets, pay attention to the derivatives. (with keys underlined)

prestigious sociability admission trauma agony symptom

1. Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease.

2. Each ticket admits two people to the party.

3. Our journey home was pretty traumatic. It is too unpleasant.

4. He suffered a loss of prestige when the scandal was publicized.

5. We agonized for hours about which wallpaper to buy. We were so anxious and worried intensely.

6. He has never really been the sociable type. That is to say, he is not fond of the company of other people at all.

Task B:Match the words with their definitions on the right.








IV. Structure Exercises

Task A: Fill in a suitable subordinator, simple or complex: (with keys underlined)

1. While I understand what you say, I can?t agree with you.

2. Don?t ask me to explain unless you really don?t understand.

3. Wherever there?s plenty of sun and rain, the fields are green.

4. Hardly had he arrived when he had to leave again.

5. Instantly the button is pressed, the mine explodes.

Task B: Rewrite the sentences by using the words or expressins in the brackets. (with keys underlined)

1. His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the motorway.

2. The wounded man was in agony.

3. Don't involve me in solving your problems!

4. He is apt to be quick-tempered.

5. She was barred from (entering) the competition because of her age.

课文A 重重压力










全新版大学英语综合教程3 课后答案UNIT 1 Vocabulary I. 1. 1) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved 2) resist 6) budget 10) economic 3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting 4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about 2. 1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up 3. 1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy 2) often generate misleading thoughts 3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work 4) be suspected of doing everything for money 5) before he gets through life 4. 1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in 2) device, the improvement, on a global scale 3) stacked, temptation, never dined out

II Confusable Words 1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household 2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspect III. Word Formation 1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys 6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) search Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 1. Text-related 1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements 5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit 9) stacking 2. (Theme-related) 1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough 6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) ideal II. Translation 1. We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor. 2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point. 3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children. 4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as


【一】全新版大学英语综合教程1课后题 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ.1. …down back and on in 2. been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. the command the soldiers opened fire. bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. , rigid, to inspire tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas , career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. violating Ⅲ. , in upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ. Cloze 1. back

and on out/in 2. Ⅱ. Translation 1. 1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2. Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Friendship I. Vocabulary 1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. 1) absolutely 2) available

综合教程3unit1 课后答案

Unit 1练习答案 Text comprehension IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences. (p7) 1.I planned to keep silent and act in such a way that nobody would notice that I was only a newcomer in college. 2.For three days, I had not been to the cafeteria due to my feeling of humiliation and shame. Instead, I stayed alone in my room and ate junk food of various kinds from a vending machine which was in just the right place to aid me in avoiding others. 3.It didn’t matter whether or not you were widely accepted or admired; you did not have to behave to the liking of everybody else. Vocabulary I.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1.I was feeling just a bit first-gradish:I had just the feeling of a newcomer at college without the strength a mature student might possess. 2.my airs of assurance: my apparent confidence 3. a little nourishment:some food to appease my hunger (as well as my anxiety) 4.running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival: going with the tide was no longer crucial to one’s success 5.massive mistakes: foolish and glaring mistakes II.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form. 1.distress 2. clutched 3. pose 4. sneaked 5. preoccupation 6.shackles 7. curse 8. deliberation III.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 1.assure 2. discretion 3. relaxation 4. humiliate 5. strategy 6.embarrassment 7. maneuverable 8. immaturity IV.Fill in the blanks in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text. 1.lived up to 2. headed for 3. seek out 4. has broken out 5.groped for 6. trying…on 7. go out to 8. tipped off V.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1.distinct: vague (indistinct) 2. discreetly: inconspicuously 3.reserve: self-restraint(self-control) 4. dumb: clever (intelligent, sensible) 5.demeanor:manner(behavior) 6. composed: excited 7. slink: sneak 8. na?ve: mature (sophisticated) VI.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words. 1.caught on: became popular 2. look up to: respect 3. persist in: keep up 4.result in: lead to 5. figure out: understand 6. hit upon: found


3.Many products for sale seem to scream at us, "Buy me! Buy me!" Advertising is a big busin ess in our world with many products competing for our attention. Think of the last time you boug ht clothes. You probably noticed the variety of colors, patterns, fabrics and brands you could choo se from. Which kind of soft drink would you like to have today or what kind of computer do you want? Advertisers are skilled in the art of making their products look the best to appeal to our se nses. But products aren't always what they seem. Sometimes advertising is deceptive and as cons umers ,we must be careful about what we choose to buy. It is important to learn to compare prod ucts and identify our purpose in purchasing the things we need. But the good thing about advertising is that it helps people to make decisions and refine thei r choices. In the United States, the Ad Council creates timely public service messages to the nation. Th eir purpose is to raise awareness of public problems that citizens can respond to. Inspiring ads ca use individuals to take action and even save lives. Pollution in America, for example has been red uced over the years because of the creative Public Service advertisements that the council provid es" Please, please don't be a litter bug, 'cause every 'litter bit' hurts." Many families have taught t heir children to place litter in the trash can in response to this catchy phrase, which has affected g enerations as each succeeding generation has taught their children not to litter. 4.Nature imposes difficult conditions upon the earth from time to time . The tornado and fo rest fire destroy natural resources ,homes and other structures ,and very often harm or kill peopl e . Technological tragedies happen with little or no warning as we see trains crash and airplanes f all from the sky shortly after take-off. As tragic as calamities are , they seem to bring out the best in human nature . people trained in em ergency care arrive at the scene and begin assisting the inj ured .Others come with equipment to remove debris. Men , women ,and young people willingly c ome to the scene of an accident , hoping to be of help in some way . These selfless acts of kindne ss make our world a better place . compassion eases the wounds of calamities. American Airlines flight number 587 crashed less than three minutes after taking off from JF K Airport in New York in November,2001. Witnesses s aw an engine fire develop on the plane’s nu mber one engine located under the left wing of the aircraft .seconds later ,the airliner crashed int o eight homes ,completely destroying four of them .All 260 people aboard the airplane were kille d along with six people at the crash site ,leaving many people to mourn the loss of their loved on es .the residents (people who live in the area of the crash ) rallied together to comfort those griev ing, while others removed bodies from the wreckage and did the necessary clean-up. 工程实施困难的条件下在地上的时候。龙卷风和森林火灾破坏自然资源,房屋和其他建筑物,和经常伤害或杀死人。技术的悲剧发生在很少或没有预警,因为我们看到火车事故,飞机起飞后不久就从天空坠落。一样悲惨的灾难,他们似乎显示出人性中最好的。在急诊受训的人到达现场并开始帮助受伤的人则跟设备清除残骸。男人,女人,和年轻人自愿来到事故现场,希望能有帮助。这些无私的善举让我们的世界变得更美好。同情减轻灾害的伤口。 美国航空公司587号航班坠毁不到三分钟后从纽约肯尼迪机场起飞,11月2001。目击者看到一个引擎火灾发展在飞机上的1号引擎位于下飞机的左翼,接着后,客机坠毁八家,完全摧毁了四个260名乘客的飞机遇难连同6人在事故现场,造成许多人悼念失去的亲人,居民(住在崩溃的面积)聚集在一起,安慰那些悲伤,而另一些人则从残骸,并把尸体移走必要的清理。 5.Success can be reached in different ways by people in different careers. Bill Gates began at age to program computers,His vision for personal computing has been central to the success of M icrosoft Corporation, the company he founded with his childhood friend in 1975 . The former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch, is a business legend. A famous quote by Mr. Welch is,” Chang before you have to. ”He believes in leading by example and encourages his empl oyees to do their best every day. Michael Jordan s aid,”I accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.” He is one of the best athl etes to ever play team sports. His great smile, athletic achievements, and pleasant personality ha ve made him one of the most famous athletes in the world. Michael Jordan spent a lot of time pla ying basketball as a child but in senior middle school he was taken off the team . Instead of giving up , he worked through adversity and became the greatest basketball player yet .


大 连 理 工 大 学 课 程 名 称: 矩阵与数值分析 试 卷: 统一 考试类型 闭卷 授课院 (系): 数 学 系 考试日期:2010年1月12日 试卷共 8页 一、 填空与判断题(?或√),每空 2 分,共50分 (1) 已知2009.12a =,2010.01b =分别是按四舍五入原则得到的1x 和2x 近似值,那么,1x a -≤ ; 2x b b -≤ ;12x x ab -≤ 。 (2)[]0,1上权函 数()x x ρ=的正交多项式族中()1x φ= ; ()()1 5 350 x x x φ+=? 。 (3) 已知存在实数R 使曲线2y x =和()2 228y x R +-=相切。求切点横坐标近似值的Newton 迭代公式为 。 (4) 设1221?? ?-??A =,则它的奇异值为 。 (5)若取1101??=????A ,则1 d t e t =?A 。 (6) 若1

(8) 已知0.2510.25??= ?? ?A ,则0k k ∞ ==∑A 。 (9) 设,n ≠∈C s 0则 () 2 T =ss s,s 。 (10) 求解微分方程(0)2u t u u '=-??=?,的Euler 法公式为 ; 绝对稳定区间为 ;改进的Euler 公式为 。 (11) 用A (-2,-3.1)、B (-1,0.9)、C (0,1.0) 、D (1,3.1)、E (2,4.9)拟合一 直线s (x )=a +bx 的法方程组为: 。 (12) 已知多项式()3234321p x x x x =+++,那么求此多项式值的秦九韶算法公为:_ ______。 (13) 给定如下数据表 则均差[1,0,1f -= ,由数据构造出最简插值多项式 ()p x = 。 (14)设???? ? ? ?? +=231311a A ,当a 满足条件 时, A 必有唯一的T LL 分解(其中L 是对角元为正的下三角矩阵)。 (15) 求01)(=--=x e x f x 根的Newton 迭代法至少局部平方收敛 ( ) (16) 若A 为可逆矩阵,则求解A T Ax=b 的Gauss-Seidel 迭代法收敛 ( ) (17) 分段二点三次Hermite 插值多项式∈C 2函数类 ( ) (18) 如果A 为Hermite 矩阵,则A 的奇异值是A 的特征值 ( )


中国出版社名录(中英文对照)A 安徽大学出版社Anhui University Press 安徽教育出版社Anhui Education Press 安徽科学技术出版社Anhui Science & Technology Publishing House 安徽人民出版社Anhui People’s Publishing House B 北京出版社Beijing Publishing House Group 北京大学出版社Peking University Press 北京工业大学出版社Beijing University of Technology Press 北京航空航天大学出版社Beijing University of Aeronautics &Astronautics Press 北京科学技术出版社Beijing Science &Technology Press 北京理工大学出版社Beijing Insititute of Technology Press 北京师范大学出版社Beijing Normal University Press 北京图书馆出版社Beijing Library Press 北京邮电大学出版社Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Press 北京语言文化大学出版社Beijing Language and Culture University Press 兵器工业出版社The Publishing House of Ordnance Industry C 中国地图出版社(原:测绘出版社) SinoMaps 成都地图出版社Chengdu Cartographic Publishing House 重庆出版社Chongqing Publishing Group 重庆大学出版社Chongqing University Press D 大连出版社Dalian Publishing House 大连理工大学出版社Dalian University of Technology Press CO.,LTD 地震出版社Seismological Press 地质出版社Geological Publishing House


Unit1 Active reading(1) 4. b c c d c a 5.productive attendance resistance ambitious acceptance script impressive 6.attendance ambitious productive impressive resistance script acceptance 7.mortgage deck surf coastal;defy lengthy 8.b a b b b a b b Active reading(2) 4.triple cemetery rear biography cram budding finite elapse 5.elapsed;cemetery rear;crammed triple budding;biography finite 6.a b a a b b a a 7.a b b a a b b b a Language in use 6.(1)我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴。当然,下一年四五月份的期末考试最为重要。我们谁都不想考全班倒数第一,那也太丢人了,因此同学们之间的竞争压力特别大。以前每天下午5点以后,图书馆就空无一人了,现在却要等到天快亮时才会有空座,小伙子们熬夜熬出了眼

袋,他们脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪,却很自豪,好像这些都是表彰他们勤奋好学的奖章。 (2)明天行吗?明天只是个谎言;根本就没有什么明天,只有一张我们常常无法兑现的期票。明天甚至压根儿就不存在。你早上醒来时又是另一个今天了,同样的规则又可以全部套用。明天只是现在的另一种说法,是一块空地,除非我们开始在那里播种,否则它永远都是空地。你的时间会流逝(时间就在我们说话的当下滴答滴答地走着,每分钟顺时针走60秒,如果你不能很好地利用它,它就会走得更快些),而你没有取得任何成就来证明它的存在,唯独留下遗憾,留下一面后视镜,上面写满了“本可以做”“本应该做”“本来会做”的事情。 7.(1)Students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are still at university .Some think they should have a definite goal and detailed plan, so as to brace themselves for any challenges, whereas some others think they don’t have to think much about the future , because future is full of uncertainties. (2)After a very careful check-up ,the scientist was told he had got a fatal disease .Although he knew that his life was ticking away ,instead of complaining about the fate ,the scientist decided to make the best of the remaining days ,and speed up the research project he and his colleagues initiated ,and have a shot at completing it ahead of schedule.


Unit 1 Living in Harmony Enhance Your Language Awareness 1. Text A amaze bunch bundle capacity commerce conquer display drop roast rob style symbol vague figure Text B appreciate participate shift slip 1)My neighbours are a friendly bunch of people. 2)Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world. 3)The employees in this company work an eight-hour shift . 4)The professor came to the classroom with a bundle of newspapers under his arm. 5)A passenger asked the driver: “Could you drop me off near the post office? I'd like to post a letter.” 6)The little girl's capacity for learning languages astonished me. 7)How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games? 8)I like the typically French style of living. It is so romantic. 9)They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce . 10)They threatened to shoot him and rob him of all his possessions.


Unit 1 1.听到她屡遭失败的消息,我感到很难过 (distress ) It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failure. 2.他虽然失去了老板的欢心,但仍然装出一副高兴的样子(assume) He assured an air for cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss. 3.格列佛( Gulliver )经历了冒险奇遇,见到了各色奇异的人物 assortment ) Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people. 4.如果你再犯同样的错误,他会很生你气的 ( furious ) He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake. 5.我们都被他坦率的观点、幽默的语言和亲切的态度所深深吸引 draw) We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner. 6.等到欢呼的掌声平息下来,那位诺贝尔奖获得者开始演讲down) After cheers and applause died down, the Nobel Prize Winner began his speech. 7.他天生有一种特别的洞察力和预见力,因此,他很少随大流die run


大学英语综合教程一 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1.respectable 2.agony 3.put…down 4.sequence 5.hold back 6.distribute 7.off and on 8.vivid 9.associate 10.finally 11.turn in 12.tackle 2. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas https://www.360docs.net/doc/a87705011.html,pose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. https://www.360docs.net/doc/a87705011.html,posed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall https://www.360docs.net/doc/a87705011.html,mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ. 1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with


大连理工大学2017年研究生矩阵与数值分析考试 考试日期:2017年6月5日 一、填空题(50分,每空2分) 1.a=0.3000经过四舍五入具有4位有效数字,则 x a a -≤,ln ln x a -≤ 2.已知X=(1,5,12)T ,Y=(1,0,a)T ,则由X 映射到Y 的Householder 矩阵为:,计算||H||2=,cond 2(H)= 3.根据3次样条函数的性质(后面-前面=a (x-x0)3),一个求其中的参数b== 4.2 '3u u t =,写出隐式Euler 格式: 梯形法格式: 5.已知A=XX T ,其中X 为n 维列向量,则||A||2=,||A||F =,矩阵序列的极限:2lim k k A A →∞?? ? ? ?? = 6.A=LU ,其解为x ,写出一步迭代后的改善格式: 7. 531A -?? ? = ? ?-?? ,请问通过幂法与反幂法计算出的特征值分别是, 8.1111A ?? ?= ? ??? ,sin A =,823A A A +-=,At e =,d d At e t =,2 1At e dt ?= 9. ()()()()2 1 2 012f x dx A f A f A f =++?是Newton-cotes 公式,则1 A =,具有代数精度= 10. f(x)=7x 7+6x 6+…+x ,f[20,21,22….,28]= 11. ??= ???,1 k k A ∞=∑= 12.f(0)=1,f(1)=-1,f(2)=1,f(3)=19,请问对该节点进行插值后最高次的系数= 还有2空没有回忆出来,但是比上面题目还简单,因此不用担心。 二、121232352A -?? ?=-- ? ?--??,121b ?? ? = ? ?-?? (1)计算LU 分解 (2)利用LU 求逆矩阵 (3)写出G-S 格式(12分)


Unit Two Love Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▆ Working with Words and Expressions 1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1)curled 2)minimum 3)clip 4)yielded 5)Given 6)preserve 7)fascinated 8)affection 9)interact 10)haste 11)grief 12)defies 13)presence 14)acquire 15)manipulate 16)restraints 2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆ Answers: 1)let, loose on 2)fit into 3)hold on 4)state of affairs 5)in the course of 6)in vain 7)build, on 8)In short 9)reached for 10)g ive and take ▆Increasing Your Word Power 1.The prefix over-can be added to nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, meaning “above”, “outside”,


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’

time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as

6.about 7.to 8.in, in 9.from 10.on/upon 2.surprise 3.pulled 4.blowing 5.dressed

6.scene 7.extraordinary 8.image 9.turn 10.excitement company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a
