



1、康妈:推荐的是SIDE BY SIDE,现在正在买这个英语教材给孩子自学,朋友的孩子也在学,觉得不错,就让孩子去学SIDE BY SIDE挺不错的。


3、小可妈妈:《洪恩幼儿英语--Hello Teddy》是由中外幼教专家倾力打造的一套多媒体幼儿英语教材。适合3--7岁的孩子学习,针对中国孩子的学习特点,提供最科学、实效、严谨的学习内容和教学模式。


5、浩然妈妈:我一个朋友自己在家用洪恩hello Teddy 的教





幼儿英语启蒙方法及步骤 一、听说阶段 听说阶段,这是幼儿英语学习的第一个阶段。 最佳对应年龄段:0-3岁的孩子, 但也是帮助大龄孩子接受英语、对其进行英语启蒙的一个重要阶段。 学习目的:激发孩子的英语兴趣、培养孩子听音辨物的能力,储备大概 1500~2500的听力词汇。在这一阶段,孩子通过大量的听说练习,逐步掌握声音与具象之间的关联,从而形成听音辨物的能力。这有助于孩子跳过汉语,直接形成英语思维。 主要学习资源有:适合启蒙的英语原版动画片及带有音频或视频的经典英语原版绘本。 主要学习方法:大量泛读、泛听(也称为“磨耳朵” ;在有一定输入基础上,适当引导孩子简单输出(也就是“说”的能力 ,切忌不要过多考查孩子的读写能力,以免打消孩子的积极性。 听说阶段进行绘本的亲子共读非常重要。这一阶段, 亲子共读的关注重点最好放到图片上来——和孩子一起看图, 讨论图中角色与情景,进行预测与猜想等(可用中文也可中英夹杂,如果父母的英语好的话,建议全英文。读图有助于培养孩子的想象力、逻辑思维能力和观察力等内在的能力, 另外, 这种亲子互动有助于增进亲子关系并帮父母找到孩子的兴趣爱好。 建议: 1:粉猪、 big muzzy、 maisy 、卡由这类动画片及对应音频; 上述动画,粉猪和 big muzzy 是英音,在粉猪之前,可以先给孩子看看蓝色小考拉penelope , penelope 是认知类的动画短片,故事性也比较强,也非常不错。 Maisy 和卡

由是美音,如果孩子这两个都不喜欢,美音里面的 little bear和 Max and Ruby也非常不错,只是稍微难一些。我们把这些资源都给孩子准备出来, 让孩子挑她最喜欢看哪个。然后在某一比较长的阶段,就坚持看下去。看到孩子对这系列都不感兴趣了,就把剩下的拿出来让孩子再次选择。 2:经典绘本的音频也非常好:napping house, five little monkeys , llama 系列; 反复听动画的音频或绘本的音频。一般, 每一集动画或每本绘本的音频,可以重复 1周,到了 1周结束的时候,就尝试给孩子换,如果孩子没意见,那就换,如果孩子还想听,那就继续 1周,我个人建议, 2周之后还是需要换了,毕竟一集动画或一本绘本的容量是有限的。上述动画资源, 除了 big muzzy 上下两集的故事情节有前后关联, 其他的都没有,因此,也不必局限于一定要按顺序每集平均 1周,孩子喜欢的那一集可以多放 1周, 孩子明显貌似不感冒的, 那就 1周打住。 3:苏斯博士的启蒙类绘本, Eric Carl 的绘本、 Good night moon, Good night Gorilla, Rosie's Walk, The Napping House, Bark George, We're Going on a Bear Hunt, 苏斯博士的语言简单些的绘本等; 4:儿歌,比如 super simple songs、 wee sing、 mother goose 等。 二、自然拼读 第二个问题是有关学习自然拼读 Phonics (简称 P 的(这个问题比较具有普遍性,有多个朋友都问过我 : 什么是自然拼读呢?说的简单点, 跟咱们的汉语拼音一样。就像咱们每个字母都有固定发音,所以组合起来发音也相对固定,因此, 孩子学了汉语拼音就能自主阅读很多故事。英语的 26个字母也有相对固定的发音(不管是有一个发音,还是有多个发音,但发音规律还是相对固定的 ,而且,英语中的字母组合也有相对固定的发音(同样,有些字母组合有多个发音 ,因此,人家英美国家的人就发明出了 phonics 自然拼读


1、---What's her name?--______Zhao Jun.A.His name is B.My name is C.Her name is 2、当别人问你是哪国人时,你应说:A.I am China.B.I live in china.C.I live in China. 3、---_______everyone here today? ---Yes,we are all here.A.Are B.Is C.Am 4、-Where is your eraser? -_________is in the pencil-box.A.My B.Your C.It D.That 5、-Is Alice a doctor? -No,__________.A.he isn't B.she isn't C.I am not D.she doesn't 6、-Thanks a lot.-________.A.That's all right B.That is all C.That's right D.No thank 7、-What's your name? -_________.A.Good morning B.I'm fine C.My name is Lucy 8、选择正确的译文:她的盒子在哪里?在这里。 A.Where her box is?Here.B.Where is her box?It's here. C.Her box is where?It's here.D.Her box where is?Here. 9、-_______are those markers? -They are blue.A.What colour B.What C.Which 10、Every day we _________there _______our friends. A.walk to;and B.walk;with C.walk;by D.on foot;with 11、Do you like _____?A.vegetables B.vegetable C.eat vegetables D.green vegetable 12、-Is the shirt from ________? -Yes,it is.A.Li Ming's father B.Li Ming father C.your D.Li Ming's 13、-Is Tom's pencil new or old? -________.A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn't C.It's new D.It's a new 14、-Do you have any _________?A.shorts B.skirt C.hat D.dress 15、I like ________.A.this skirt B.skirt C.blue skirt D.some skirt 16、Here _______two black umbrellas.A.is B.are C.has D.be 17、If your friend ________happy,you _________happy. A.are;are B.feel;are C.is;are D.feel;feel 18、How _______ you feel?____________ you tired today? A.do;is B.are;Are C.do;Do D.do;Are 19、Put your right hand in.Don't ________ out.A.take B.take it C.put D.look 20、I ___ my books____ the bag.A.take;in B.put;in C.shake;with D.put;with 21I have____ hands and___ fingersA.two;two B.two;five C.one;ten D.two;ten 22、Let's _________ a song for you.A.sing B.singing C.give D.like 23、How many _______ do you like?A.finger B.fingers C.any fingers D.the fingers 24、-____?-It is warm and sunny. A。How are you B.How is the weather C。How old are you D.How much is it 25、It is _________.A.sun B.snow C.snowy D.cloud 26、-What's the date?-It's__.A.June oneB.June Day C.June first D.Monday 27、-____is Danny's birthday?-___June 8. A.What;It's B.When;Its C.When;It's D.What;It is 28、-What _________is it today?-It's________. A.day;May 1 B.date;May 1 C.day;Monday D.date;Monday 29、0ctober 1 is__.A.May Day B.Children's Day C.National Day D.New Year's Day 30、I can see a bird _________the sky.A.in B.at C.with D.on 31、-What's this ________?


初中英语语法综合练习题单项选择 1、The boy likes________questions. A.a s k B.a n s w e r C.t o a s k 2、We'll try________there on time. A.to get B.getting C.got 3、They hoped________their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing 4、I'm glad________you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet 5、He often helps me_________my bike. A.mending B.to mend C.to mended 6、I heard Alice __________in the next door. A.sings B.sang C.sing 7、The work is easy. Let him ______________it by himself. A.do B.to do C.doing 8、He saw Dick___________in and take a book away. A.came B.coming C.come 9、Does Jack want___________ a writer? A.be B.is C.to be 10、The boss had them___________from morning to night. A.worked B.working C.work 11、It's time___________home. A.to go B.went C.going 12、Tom is kind. He would like___________you. A.to help B.help C.helped 13、Don't forget___________your books to school. A.bring B.to bring C.brought 14、I don't know___________ . A.where does he live B.what is he doing C.where he lives D.what he is dring it 15、Ask him how much___________ . A.did it cost B.cost it C.it costed D.it costs 16、I wonder___________used for. A.what was this room B.which was this room C.what this room was D.that this room was 17、I really don't know___________ . A.where he was born B.where he is born C.where was he born D.where is he born 18、We have no idea___________ . A.how worried was he B.how worried he was C.that was he worried D.what was he worried 19、He wanted to know___________there. A.how long time I had been B.how long had I been C.how long I had been D.how long I was 20、My mother wants to know___________ . A.how is Tom getting along B.how he is getting along C.what is he getting along D.what he is getting along 21、What shall we do___________it rains tomorrow? A.if B.when C.since 22、The doctor didn't have a rest ___________the operation was over.


如何帮孩子选择合适的英语启蒙教材! 没错,学习英语很重要,将来我们小朋友长大后,工作、旅游、生活等等都离不开英语。现在家长也越来越重视孩子的英语学习,可是面对市场上琳琅满目的英语产品,究竟如何选择呢? 英语启蒙教材的选择是孩子学好英语的第一步,教材的权威性、系统性、科学性、以及趣味性对孩子来说非常重要。家长要根据孩子的生理特点和心理特点,选择合适的纯正英语教材。 家长在孩子幼儿阶段进行英语启蒙,不应该给孩子太多压力,重要的是要去培养他们英语学习的兴趣,快乐的学习。要为孩子创造一个良好的纯正英语学习环境,来培养孩子的语

音、语感以及语言思维。还要从幼儿的实际出发,通过各种游戏、歌谣及玩具等其他生动活泼的方式,培养孩子学习英语的兴趣,让孩子轻松快乐地学习英语,爱上英语。 说了这么多,那么目前有没有这样的适合幼儿使用的英语启蒙教材呢?不用担心,《朗文英语酷学营》来了! 《朗文英语酷学营》由全球最大的教育集团培生旗下的英语权威品牌朗文原装进口,是继新概念英语后回馈中国幼儿家庭的最新力作。该套全媒体英语启蒙课程主张“边玩边学”。课程采用六步学习法“看/跟/读/玩/做/测”这一经科学论证的朗文英语学习路径,并结合可爱的丛林卡通人物和亲子互动游戏,让幼儿学习者在家中就能学好英语、爱上英语!



历届高考英语单项选择题精选(三)冠词-英语试题 1.Alice is fond of playing ____ piano while Herry is interested in listening to _____ music. A./ , the B./ , / C.the ,/ D.the , the(89) 2.Beyond _____ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _______ space. A.the , / B./ ,the C./ ,/ D.the , the(90) 3.Alexander Graham Bell invent _____ telephone in 1876. A. / B.a C.the D.one (91) 4.—-Where’s Jack? --I think he’s still in ____ bed, but he might just be in ______ bathroom. A./ ,/ B.the , the C.the,/ D./ , the(92)

people are still in _______ bahit of writing silly things in ______ public places. A.the , the B./ , / C.the , / D./ , the(93) 6.She is __________ newcomer to ________ chemistry, but she has already made some important discoveries. A.the, the B.the ,/ C.a , / D.a , the(94) 7.—-I’d like ____ information about the managemnet of you hotel , please. --Well , yopu could have ____ word with the manager. He might be helpful. A.some , a B.an , some C.some , some D.an ,a(95) 8.Many people agree that _______ knowledge of English is a must in _______ international trade today. A.a , / B.the , an C.the , the D./ , the(96)


I. 单项选择。 1. He came to China _______ 1998. A. from B. since C. at D. in 2. — ____ did you buy the new bag?—Last Monday. A. Where B. How C. When D. Who 3. Mr. Yang is too ______ to go on walking. A. strong B. tall C. kind D. tired 4. ______ trees are cut down every year. A. Thousand B. Thousands of C. Thousands D. Thousand of 5. He's lived here ________ 1980. A. after B. in C. from D. since 6.—Can you understand me ? —Sorry, I can__ understand you. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. ever 7. — ______ does it take me to go from my school to your school ?—About f ive minutes. A. How many B. How far C. How much D. How long 8. —Hello. May I speak to Jim, please? — _________, please? A. Who are you B. How is he


代词 ①单项选择。(人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词和疑问代词) 1. ____ is she? She's a nurse. A. Who B. Where C. Which D. What 2. ____ is Tom like? Oh, he's short. A. Which B. Who C. What D. Whom 3. ____ cap is that? A. Who's B. Who C. Whose D. Where 4. ____ is no use telling him about that. A. This B. That C. These D. It 5. The three men, Bob, Joe and ____ met at the station. A. I B. me C. her D. you 6. ____ have been to Paris. A. I, you and he B. He, you and I C. You, he and I D. You, he and me 7. My brother is so young that he can't take care of ____ . A. him B. herself C. himself D. his 8. The young teacher teaches ____ politics. A. us B. our C. ours D. ourself 9. Our work is not so good as ____ . A. him B. he C. his D. he's 10. Has Jack got the money? Yes, I gave ____ yesterday. A .to him them B. to him if C. him them D. it to him 11. How hard ____ works! A. we B .him C. he D. his 12. Won't you let ____ help you? A. I and my friend B. my friend and I C. my friend and me D. my friend and I to 13. He asked the three men, Bob, Joe and ____ to be ready. A. I B. himself C. me D. herself 14. All my classmates are going to the Summer Palace except ____ . A. he and I B. he and me C. him and I D. him and me 15. Go ____ to ____! A. here, us B. there, they C. there, them D. here, we 16. The moon is shining brightly tonight .____ is like a round plate. A. Its B. He C. She D. They 17. He is as tall as ____ . A. she B. her C. him D. himself 18. If I were ____ , I would take the advice. A. she B. her C. he D. his 19. Open the door. please? It's ____ . A. I B. my C. mine D. me


剑桥少儿英语教材介绍 一.剑桥教材特色 在内容和形式上反映了少儿的能力和心理特征,突出了“活泼,有趣,轻松,连续”的特色,剑桥教材一共分为4册,每册之间的知识内容呈阶梯状上升,完整学完4册教材学生,如果学的好小朋友的英文水平可以到达初中2册的水平。配有磁带,教学挂图,单词卡片,VCD光盘等。 剑桥一级重点内容 1.学会询问别人的名字,年龄,数字1—10 2.熟悉二十六个字母,会唱字母歌.初步了解元音字母及其读音,能认读全部缩写字母 3.十种常用颜色,询问别人喜好的颜色,用各种颜色组词 4.能掌握和使用how many句型,能用数字回答所提问题,进一步掌握名词单复数

5.会使用have you got…句型,掌握生活中一些常用词汇,字母组合规律 6.掌握has he got…句型及其回答用语,第三人称单数的用法,have与has的用法 7.能简述并问答自己家庭的成员情况,初步掌握名词所有格的形式和用法 8.进一步复习所学过的句型,辨认单复数的形式 9.能询问别人的爱好,基本阅读英语小短文 10.初步掌握选择疑问句的用法,有关水果单词的拼法 11.人体各部位的单词,阅读简单的英语谜语 12.能掌握whose…句型,进一步掌握名词性物主代词的用法,初步分清形容词物主代词和名词性物主代词的 用法 13.初步了解有关早饭,午饭,晚饭的词汇,进一步掌握有关食物的词汇 14.掌握常用交通工具词汇,进一步掌握选择疑问句的用法,初步掌握问路的基本句型 15.学会一些动物的英语名称,初步掌握there are/is句型,进一步复习名词的单复数 16.通过游戏进一步复习所学的句型和词汇,固定短语,进一步复习一般现在时的用法 17.综合运用语言知识复习所学过的内容,熟悉考级的题型,加强词汇和听力的练习 18.进一步掌握基础词汇和基本句型,各种常用句型,加强阅读理解和句型的回答 下册 1.了解农场生活,学习常见动物的英语说法,动物名称的单复数,会使用一般疑问句及其简略回答,培养学生 朗读的习惯 2.进一步掌握现在进行时的用法,特别是进行时单数的用法,常见的行为动词,会用英语来回答有关现在进 行时的句子 3.基本介词的用法,会询问某人或某物在什么地方,基本学会表达自己坐在教室的什么方位 4.进一步掌握祈使句的用法,巩固所学的有关水果及食物的单词,学会使用简单祈使句,初步学会使用征求 别人意见的句型及对方的肯定与否定回答 5.能初步介绍自己的住所,基本掌握家庭各种房间的英语名称,学会用which句型来回答 6.学会描述掌握室内的物品,学会询问对方家里的一些基本情况 7.熟悉和了解学校里的各种活动,与学校学习活动有关的动词和短语,能用英语简单描述学校里的各项活 动,学会使用现在进行时的问句和答语 8.进一步掌握有关运动的词汇,学会使用现在进行时的句型,学会询问别人的爱好 9.通过游戏进一步巩固和学习新的内容,初步看懂短篇的连环画,通过阅读简单的指示能做出某件事物 10.初步掌握be动词一般疑问句的用法,学会使用be动词的复数形式 11.进一步掌握现在进行时的用法,能熟练地使用进行时问答初步掌握正点时间的说法 12.进一步掌握现在进行时特殊疑问句的用法,初步表达某处正在进行的活动 13.初步掌握情态动词can的用法,按照英文指令能做一些简单的动作,学会使用情态动词的问句和答语 14.初步了解和使用一般现在时动词第三人称的用法,问别人的爱好,能用一般现在时表达日常生活中的概 念,初步掌握一般现在时的疑问句 15.学会用英语表达生日的活动,会说生日的祝贺用语 16.能初步与人交谈自己的爱好,能询问别人的爱好,掌握个人的爱好的一些短语 剑桥二级重点内容 剑桥二级一期所要掌握的重点内容 1.一般将来时(了解) 2.询问天气的基本问句,描述天气的词汇 3.名词性物主代词 4.一般疑问句提问方式

历年高考英语单项选择题易错题 难题 好题汇编及解析1

历年高考英语易错题难题好题汇编及解析 Zhicheng Professional Middle School,Sichuan Province Xiong Yunhua 1、Stop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining. A、or else B、but still C、and then D、so that 选A 。or else意为“要不然,否则”。 2、We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won't go ____ it's raining. A、if B、when C、though D、because 选A 考查连词。根据语境用if引导条件状语从句。 3、——The weather is too cold ____ March this year. ——It was still ____ when I came here years ago. A、for; colder B、in; cold C、in; hot D、for; hotter 选A 本题考查考生运用介词和比较级的能力。For在这里是“就……而言”的意思,而第二个选项要抓住信息词still 在此处的妙用,它是用来修饰比较级的,加上上文的cold,在此处就不难选择colder了。 4、——How much vinegar did you put in the soup ——I'm sorry to say, ____. I forget. A、no B、no one C、nothing D、none 选D 本题考查不定代词的本意区别及其与语境综合运用。此处none指的是not any vinegar,也就是说,此处可以这样理解:I'm sorry to say that I didn't put any vinegar in the soup, because I forgot it. 5、He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him. A、if never B、if ever C、if not D、if any 选B 本题考查考生在语境中灵活运用、辨析短语用法的能力,此处seldom,if ever是一个短语,是“从不,决不”的意思。 6、——What should I wear to attend his wedding party ——Dress ____ you like. A、what B、however C、whatever D、how 选B 本题however you like相当于in whatever way you like,根据语境,不难判断出B为正确答案。 7、——The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job ——____ my students have a try A、Shall B、Must C、Will D、May 选A 本题考查情态动词shall在主语是第二、三人称时,作为征求意见的用法。。 8、I'd like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long. A、which B、that C、where D、in which 选C 考查连接词。Where引导地点状语从句。 9、I ____ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn't get away.

初一英语单项选择题专练题 及答案

2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一 2013-10-24 14:09 来源: 巨人网·英语 作者: 佚名 [ 标签: 词汇 ] 小编导语:2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一是小编为你准备的2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一。选词填空是中考英语中必考的题型之一。以下就是2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一,供你学习参考。 1. ---We’ll do what we can ____English well this term. ---It’s high time for you to work hard. A. study B. to study C. be studied D. be studying 2. ---I don’t think your team can beat theirs. ---____. But we could if Lin Tao were on the team. A. No, we can’t B. Yes, we can’t C. Yes, we can D. No, we can 3. ---Have you finished your work yet? ---No, not yet. I think it’ll take _____ ten minutes. A. another B. other C. others D. more 4. Roy made several kites, but _____ of them can fly high in the sky. A. neither B. none C. all D. most

初中英语语法 一般将来时练习题

一、单项选择 ( ) 1. There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be ( ) 2. Charlie ________ here next month. A. isn't working B. doesn't working C. isn't going to working D. won't work ( ) 3. He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be ( ) 4. There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be ( ) 5. -_____ you ______ free tomorrow? - No. I _____ free the day after tomorrow. A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be ( ) 6. Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give ( ) 7. - Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? -________. (不,不要。) A. No, you won't. B. No, you aren't. C. No, please don't. D. No, please. ( ) 8. - Where is the morning paper? - I ________ if for you at once. A. get B. am getting C. to get D. will get ( ) 9. ________ a concert next Saturday? A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are ( ) 10. If they come, we ________ a meeting. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have ( ) 11. He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday. A. gives B. gave C. will giving D. is going to giving ( ) 12. He ________ to us as soon as he gets there. A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote ( ) 13. He ________ in three days. A. coming back B. came back C. will come back D. is going to coming back ( ) 14. If it ________ tomorrow, we'll go roller-skating. A. isn't rain B. won't rain C. doesn't rain D. doesn't fine ( ) 15. - Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? - No, ________ (不去). A. they willn't. B. they won't. C. they aren't. D. they don't. ( ) 16. Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A. will; go B. do; go C. will; going D. shall; go ( ) 17. We ________ the work this way next time. A. do B. will do C. going to do D. will doing ( ) 18. Tomorrow he ___ a kite in the open air first, and then ____ boating in the park. A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go ( ) 19. The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match. A. will watching B. watches C. is watching D. is going to watch ( ) 20. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday. A. shall be B. will be C. shall going to be D. will going to be ( ) 21. They ________ an English evening next Sunday.


历年全国高考英语介词试题汇总及答案 一、单项选择介词 1.Maybe some of you are curious about what my life was like on the streets because I’ve never really talked about it ______. A.in place B.in turn C.in force D.in depth 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查介词短语辨析。句意:也许你们中的一些人对我在街上的生活是什么样子很好奇,因为我从未真正深入地谈论过它。A. in place就位,适当的;B. in turn反过来,轮流地;C. in force有效地;D. in depth深入地,全面地。根据语境“一些人对我在街上的生活很好奇”,是因为我没有“深入(in depth)”谈论过,故选D。 2.Elizabeth has already achieved success_____her wildest dreams. A.at B.beyond C.within D.upon 【答案】B 【解析】 Elizabeth做梦也没想都会成功。Beyond 超过。其他词义不符。 3.We’re planning to send out a thousand invitations_______Expovolunteers. A.over B.in C.on D.to 【答案】D 【解析】 4.Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are __________everyone's enjoyment. A.in B.at C.for D.to 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查介词。句意:不要摘花园里的花行吗?它们是供大家欣赏的。此处表示目的,“为了”的意思,故用介词for。短语to everyone's enjoyment“让大家开心的是……”,只做状语;短语for everyone's enjoyment“为了每个人的快乐”。故选C。 5.Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes animals both on land and sea? A.about B.to C.with D.over


一般现在时1定义 1




1.表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常与表示频率的时间状语连用。 时间状语: always, usually,regularly,every morning/night/evening/day/week,often,sometimes,occasionally,from time to time,twice a week,rarely,seldom,once a month, hardly, ever,neve e.g. I leave home for school at 7:00 every morning. 2.表示发生或者存在于说话之时的感觉,状态,和关系。时间的焦点在说话时的现在。 这样的动词有: know love have hear agree be think see taste feel seem look want belong require like等,这类动词的特点都有延续性,用一般时态就能表示动作或者状态的持续。 e.g. I see some twinkling stars in the sky. 3.表示客观事实和普遍真理。 e.g The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 4.表示主语具备的性格、能力、特征和状态。 e.g. I don't want so much. Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well. 比较:Now I put the sugar in the cup. I am doing my homework now. 5.表示格言或警句中。 e.g Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。 6.在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时代替将来时。 7.表示预先计划或安排好的行为。 8.小说故事用一般现在时代替一般过去时。新闻报道类的内容,为了体现其“新鲜”性,也用一般现在时来表示过去发生的事情。 ☆注意★:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。 5
