TPO29 综合写作 参考范文

TPO29 综合写作 参考范文

The professor of the lecture in the listening believes that the arguments present in the reading passage supporting the migration hypothesis of Edmontosaurs are unconvincing.

To begin with, as argued by the lecturer, the Edmontosaurs did not have to migrate to other places to find food. This is because the climate of the regions where Edmontosaurs lived back then was much warmer than today. With abundant daylight in summer, plants had flourished all over the place. When winter came, many plants became dead, and the dead vegetations could provide enough food for Edmontosaurs. This point thus completely contradicts what the reading paragraphs states.

Second, even if that Edmontosaurs had lived in herds, there is no way to conclude that they had migrated to other places. In fact, they might have just lived in herds, as discussed in the listening material, in order to seek extra protection from being eaten by predators. Many animals have been social animals and lived together in the same place throughout their lives. For example, the Roosevelt Elk, a West America animal, are living in herds but have never migrated to any other places.

Third, although adult Edmontosaurs had been capable of migrating over long distances, the juvenile Edmontosaurs could not be able to do that. Since Edmontosaurs were living in herds, the whole herds had to stay where they lived. Again this point raises serious doubts against the statement by the author of the reading passage.
