




My new school is wonderful. It is not very big and only 1. _______ (have) 50 students. This is because it is on the Moon and everything we need comes 2. _______ the Earth. All the classrooms have glass walls 3. _______ we can see the Earth and the stars every day.

We have a lot of science 4. _______ (class) at my school. We also have PE. Playing sports is 5. _______ (interest). We can jump very 6. _______ (high) when we play basketball.

We have lots 7. _______ homework, but every student has a robot (机器人) and they can help us do our homework. My robot is 8. _______ (call) Robbie and he is very good at Maths.

We 9. _______ (do) have a bus to take us to school. We have a small craft (宇宙飞船). We go to school from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is 10. _______ long day but I love my school.

Friends are some people who like to study together, work together or play together. Sometimes it may be difficult 1. _______ some people to make friends. Then what should they do? Let 2. _______(I) tell you. If you find it difficult to make friends 3. _______ others, don’t worry. Others are probably just 4. _______ nervous as you.


Here are some tips for making friends.

◆Big smile.

If you are 5. _______ (friend), people will want 6. _______ (be) your friends.

◆Good ears.

Good friends are good listeners. Let 7. _______ (you) friends feel like talking to you.


Share some jokes with your friends. Share some 8. _______ (hobby) with your friends. Sharing can be fun.

◆Lots of time.

Spend time with each other. Try finding what you both enjoy 9. _______ (do). Then spend time doing it together.

◆Be patient(耐心的).

It will take time 10. _______ (trust) each other. So be patient. You’ll make good friends.


I’m Carmen! I 1 from Spain. Now my grandparents

are in Spain

2 my parents and I live in London. I am a new

3 in

Grade 7 in a middle school here.

I often get up at 6:45 and then 4 breakfast. I go to

school at 7:45. My house is not 5 my school. I get to school at 8:45. It’s a bit

6 for me to get there from home.

My new school is very 7 with 2,000 students. My best friend Julia is 8 . Now her grandparents are still (仍然) in America. Julia visits 9

every summer.

I get home from school at 4:30. My mother keeps (继续) telling me, “Do your homework before 10 TV!” Something changes (改变) after I come here. Something never changes.

( ) 1. A. go B. leave C. come

( ) 2. A. so B. but C. or

( ) 3. A. teacher B. manager C. student ( ) 4. A. help B. have C. drink

( ) 5. A. near B. between C. in

( ) 6. A. nice B. important C. difficult ( ) 7. A. big B. bad C. small

( ) 8. A. Chinese B. English C. American ( ) 9. A. him B. her C. them

( ) 10. A. looking B. watching C. reading



From the plane we can see fields, 1. _______ (city), mountains or seas below. If we go into space, we can see more of the Earth.

The sea looks very 2. _______ (beauty) when the Sun 3. _______ (shine) on it. But it can be very terrible (可怕的) when there is a strong 4. _______ (windy).

The sea is very big. It nearly covers three quarters 5. _______ the Earth. The sea is also very deep (深的) in some places. There 6. _______ (be) a place and the sea is about 11 kilometres deep.

In most parts of the sea, there are many kinds of fish and plants. Some live near the top of the sea. 7. _______(other) live deep down. There are also a lot of small living things, and lots of fish live by 8. _______ (eat) them.

The sea can be very cold. When people go 9. _______, the sea becomes colder and colder. Only some men could go down into the deep sea at first. 10. _______ in 1970, five women scientists stayed in the deep sea for fourteen days.


There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

1. _______ spring, it often rains. Everything

2. _______ (begin) to grow. Trees are green and flowers come out. The field and hills are beautiful. It is

3. _______ good time for people to take a trip and see all kinds of beautiful

4. _______ (flower). People like to go hiking in spring.

In summer, it is too hot but it’s the b est time to go 5. _______ (swim). Children like summer 6. _______ Children’s Day and the summer holidays are in summer.

Autumn is a harvest (收获) season. It is cool and 7. _______ (leaf) on trees turn yellow and begin to fall. People love to see beautiful maple leaves(枫叶) in this season.

The weather in winter is too cold. Some people don’t like it and they don’t want 8. _______ (go) out in winter. But winter is the 9. _______ (good) time to go skating or skiing. Many people can enjoy 10. _______ (them) in the snowy weather.

My favourite season is summer because I like swimming because I like swimming best.

Mary reads two interesting stories in a book. She wants to share them with


There is a large tiger in the zoo. One day a girl comes to the 1 with her mother. It is very 2 . She is thirsty (渴的). She has a rest by the tiger’s cage. There is some 3 in his cage. The girl asks the tiger if 4

could have a drink. The tiger says no. He says it is too dirty (脏的) for her to 5 .

Og is an octopus (章鱼). He 6 in the sea. He likes to swim. He doesn’t have many 7 . One day, he finds a 8 . He thinks that the ball could be his friend. He 9 his arms around the ball. He gives it a 10 hug.

Og is happy.

( ) 1. A. zoo B. house C. room

( ) 2. A. cold B. cool C. hot

( ) 3. A. rice B. beef C. water

( ) 4. A. he B. she C. him

( ) 5. A. make B. eat C. drink

( ) 6. A. eats B. lives C. watches

( ) 7. A. animals B. lessons C. friends

( ) 8. A. ball B. fish C. kite

( ) 9. A. opens B. works C. puts

( ) 10. A. fat B. last C. strong




Our life will change a lot in many ways in the future. What will 1.

_______ life be like then?

In the future, we won’t have to change clothes every day. We 2.

_______ (wear) a kind of special clothes. They will never get dirty. They can be warm when we feel cold and cool when we feel hot. They will have different 3. _______ (colour). We can change the colour as we like any time.

There will be more kinds of food. It will be nice and 4. _______ (health). And most of the food comes 5. _______ other planets. It has no 6. _______ (pollute). It will not be expensive either. We can buy it 7. _______ only a little money. Isn’t it wonderful?

All of 8. _______ (we) will live in beautiful houses. They can move easily. When we want 9. _______ (move) to other places, the houses will take us there 10. _______ (quick) without any difficulty.


Asia is the largest continent(洲) in the world. If you have a chance 1.

_______(visit) Asia, which country will you visit first, China, 2.

_______(Japanese) or anywhere else? I think no one will miss(错过) China.

China is in 3. _______ east of Asia, with a large population of over l.3 billion people. There are lots of 4. _______(nature) resources(资源). The scenery is different from one place to another. 5. _______ the south of China, for example, Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou Provinces, the air is clean 6.

_______ the sky is blue. You can enjoy the 7. _______(beautiful) of the famous mountains and lakes. If you go there, do remember to take some 8. _______(photo) with your camera. 9. _______ you go to the north of China, don’t forget to visit Beijing, the capital of China. It is famous because it has a long history. Besides Beijing, you can also go to Harbin. It’s very cold in winter and it is always 10. _______(snow). There you can make snowmen with your friends.


I live in the Philippines (菲律宾). It has warm winters. I 1 see snow in my life here. Last winter, I went to America with 2 family. Our last stop

was California. My aunt drove us to a park to ski (滑雪). When I got off the car, I saw a white world. I was so 3 , because it was my first time to see

4 .

I couldn’t ski, so I just ran in the snow, made snow balls and 5 photos. I did not feel very cold, because I 6 a thick coat(厚外套). 7 playing kept me warm. My shoes were wet, but it was 8 to me.

We 9 the whole(整个的) day in the park. And I had a lot of 10 .

What a different day I had!

( ) 1. A. often B. never C. always

( ) 2. A. his B. your C. my

( ) 3. A. hungry B. bored C. excited

( ) 4. A. parks B. snow C. rain

( ) 5. A. took B. bought C. sold

( ) 6. A. made B. put C. wore

( ) 7. A. warm B. clean C. cold

( ) 8. A. everything B. something C. nothing

( ) 9. A. paid B. slept C. spent

( ) 10. A. food B. time C. fun




Do you have a hobby? My hobby is 1. ______ (play) chess. I believe it is one of the greatest 2. _______ (game) in the world. It can teach us 3.

_______ (think). It’s not difficult 4. _______ you to learn the rules (规则) of the game. However, if you want to be good 5. _______ it, you should practice more. You don’t need much 6. _______ (play) chess — just a chess set and someone to play with. At home, I always play chess with my father. He often won the game a few years ago, 7. _______ now I am always the winner (获胜者) between 8. _______ (we).

There is a chess club in our school. Last year, I 9. _______ (join) the club. I always practiced playing chess there. In fact, when I am in the chess club, I always feel excited. I can meet not only my classmates but also the students from other 10. _______ (class).


I am so happy! That is 1. ______ I am on the soccer team. We will have our 2. ______(one) practice on Saturday. We will practice at our school right after lunch.

Our team is 3. ______(call) the Blue Bombers. Our colours are blue and white, so I will wear a blue and white shirt. The number on my shirt is seven. I’m seven years old too. I think seven must be my 4. ______(luck) number.

We will play our first game next Saturday. I can’t wait 5. ______(play). My dad says if I practice a lot, I will do well in the game. So he is going to practice 6. ______ me tonight.

Right after dinner my dad is 7. ______(go) to take me to the store to buy a pair of soccer shoes and a soccer ball. Then we will play on the grass in my school. My dad will help 8. ______(I) to kick the ball.

I feel so 9. ______(exciting) that I don’t think I can go to sleep tonight. But I need to sleep so that I can have 10. ______ good rest and be strong for my soccer practice.


Sam and Jesse want to give Papa a present for his birthday.

“Let’s give 1 a rocket ship,” Jesse says. Jesse loves rockets.

“A rocket costs (花费) too much,” Sam says. “I’d 2 to get him a race car.” Sam loves race cars.

“ 3 is it?” Jesse asks. “A race car costs a lot,” says Sam. Jesse 4 two dimes (一角硬币). Sam has three dimes.

“I can give him my 5 ,” says Sam.

“It’s too 6 ,” Jesse says. “And Papa doesn’t love basketball.”

“He loves to 7 . Can we get him a book?” Jesse says.

“A book costs too much,” says Sam. “W e can 8 him a beautiful card for his birthday.”

Sam and Jesse get paper and crayons. Jesse 9 a big rocket on the card. Sam paints a 10 race car on it. It is a beautiful card! And Papa loves it!

( ) 1. A. her B. him C. it

( ) 2. A. like B. buy C. have

( ) 3. A. How many B. How old C. How much

( ) 4. A. buys B. works C. has

( ) 5. A. football B. computer C. basketball

( ) 6. A. strong B. old C. cute

( ) 7. A. read B. check C. drink

( ) 8. A. buy B. make C. visit

( ) 9. A. sees B. prints C. draws

( ) 10. A. white B. green C. red




Look! This is 1. _______ letter from my friend in Germany. We often write to each other 2. _______ (one) a month. In this letter, he told me 3.

_______ his trip in London. He got there last month 4. _______ he had a good time there. He stayed there for a week and the weather 5. _______(is) good. He rented a car and went everywhere for 6. _______ (sightsee). When he met problems, he often asked the local people for help. They were all 7. _______ (friend) and provided him 8. _______ much help, so he made many friends there. He also sent me some postcards. I hear that he plans 9.

_______ (visit) me next month. I am so happy and it is 10. _______ (excited) for me to see him in China. I will try my best to serve him well.


Mary joins two clubs in her school. They are 1. _______ (she) favourite clubs, the Protecting Animal Club and the Protecting the Earth Club. She often 2. _______ (go) to the first one on Saturdays and goes to 3. _______ other one on Sundays. In the Protecting Animal Club, she sometimes watches videos 4. _______ rare(稀有的) animals. If she 5. _______(don’t) know about the animals, she will 6. _______ (write) them down in a notebook. Sometimes, she goes to the nature reserve to help 7. _______(worker) there. In the Protecting the Earth Club, she usually goes to 8. _______ (difference) streets and cleans the rubbish bins. And sometimes, she makes some posters and gives 9. _______ (they) out to people. She hopes that they w on’t throw 10. _______ rubbish everywhere.


Many people like to collect postcards. 1. _______ who can collect more than 50 thousand ones? A man called Veere Adolf did that. He was 2.

_______ merchant(批发商) from Switzerland. He began to collect 3. _______ (postcard) at the end of the 19th century. He 4. _______ (die) in 1931. Before his death, he collected 54,000 postcards 5. _______ 140 countries. How amazing it is! 6. _______ (he) collection must be the biggest in the world.

There are different photos on these postcards, such as 7. _______ (Germany) buildings and Chinese mountains. Some of his friends would send 8. _______ (he) some when they took a trip. At first, they 9. _______ (be) kept by Veere’s daughter. Then they were moved to a college in Switzerland. It is necessary and important 10. _______ (protect) them well.



Mary lives with her father. She 1. _______

(love) gorillas (大猩猩). She reads books about

gorillas. She watches gorillas 2. _______ television and she draws 3. _______ (picture) about gorillas. 4. _______ she never sees a real (真的) gorilla.

Mary’s father doesn’t have time 5. _______ (take) her to see one at the zoo. He is always busy. He goes to work every day before Mary goes to school. In the evening he still works at home. When Mary asks him 6.

_______ question, he often says, “Not now. I’m busy with 7. _______(I) work. Maybe tomorrow.” But the next day he is always too busy. “Not now. Maybe at weekends,” he says. But at weekends he is always too 8. _______ (tiring).

The night before Mary’s birthday, Mary goes to bed 9. _______ (happy). She asks her father 10. _______ a gorilla! In the middle of the night, Mary wakes up and sees a very small thing at the foot of the bed. It is a toy gorilla. She loves it!


We live on Earth. It’s 1. _______ (we) home. But how much do you know 2. _______ it? Let me tell you something about our Earth.

The Earth is like 3. _______ large ball. Like the other seven planets, the Earth is running around the Sun. It’s the 4. _______ (three) nearest one to the Sun. It takes the Earth about 365 days 5. _______ (run) around the Sun. At the same time, the Earth is going around 6. _______ (it). If you 7.

_______ (be) in space, you can see lots of white clouds over the surface of the Earth. Through the clouds, you can see the blue colour of the oceans, and the brown colour of the land. About 70% of the Earth is 8. _______ (cover) with water.

9. _______ do we have day and night? When the half of the Earth is facing the Sun, it’s daytime. As the Earth 10. _______ (turn), and this half is away from the Sun, night is coming. And it’s daytime for the other half.


Molly gets an email this morning. It is from her 1 Lisa. It writes, “Come to Happy Hour (a restaurant) at 7:00 pm.” Molly and Lisa 2 eat there. After work, Molly goes back home and 3 a beautiful dress. When she gets there, she sees many of her 4 . They are all looking at her, smiling. Lisa walks up to Molly and takes her to the table. Then all the people start 5 “Happy Birthday to You.”“Oh, today is 6 birthday!” Molly says. “I forgot

(忘记) it. 7 for remembering my birthday, my friends.” Lisa gets out a big birthday cake. She 8 a big piece for Molly. Other friends 9 Molly presents. Molly is very 10 . She has good friends and a special birthday.

( ) 1. A. friend B. mother C. teacher

( ) 2. A. sure B. never C. often

( ) 3. A. buys B. chooses C. checks

( ) 4. A. classmates B. sisters C. friends

( ) 5. A. drawing B. singing C. reading

( ) 6. A. her B. his C. my

( ) 7. A. Goodbye B. Hello C. Thanks

( ) 8. A. cuts B. turns C. uses

( ) 9. A. watch B. give C. make

( ) 10. A. sweet B. important C. happy




What do people like to do in their free time? In fact,

people have different kinds of 1. _______

(hobby) in their lives. When they are very

young, they spend much time 2. _______ (play) with dolls or toy cars. They also enjoy 3. _______ (throw) beanbags (沙包) or building houses 4.

_______ wooden blocks. When they get a little older, they stop doing 5.

_______ (that) things. They have got new hobbies. Some people like to play

sports like football or 6. _______ (skate) outside. They can breathe the fresh air 7. _______ they can also make friends with others. Some people become

8. _______ (interest) in less active activities such as painting and stamp

collecting. And others love singing, dancing, playing 9. _______ guitar or some other things. Some people may change 10. _______ (they) hobbies, but some people keep the same hobby all the time.


Last weekend, my class had a wonderful trip. Our

teacher, Mr. Yang, 1._______ (take) us to the Space

Museum. We went there by bus and it took us about half

an hour 2._______ (get) there. First, we watched a

movie about space travel. From 3._______ movie, we

learnt how the spaceship flew into space 4._______ then

returned to the Earth. It was very 5._______ (excite) and we all enjoyed it.

6._______ that, we had a break. Then we went to see some

7._______ (model) of rockets. They were large, but they were not

8._______ large as the real ones. We also saw some stones brought back from the Moon by the astronauts(宇航员). Before we

9._______ (leave), we got a CD about the life in a spaceship. It was a great trip.

That night, I 10._______ (have) a dream. I dreamed that I traveled into space by spaceship.


Dear Maria,

Thank you for showing your family photo to 1 . Today I want to share this 2 with you. This is our living room. There are some 3 on the wall. There is a big table, 4 chairs, a sofa (沙发), an armchair and two coffee-tables in it. I’m sitting on the chair and 5 . My brother Evan, the boy with 6 hair (头发), is looking at the photos. My little brother Ben is playing 7 . My dad is pouring (倒) coffee. He 8 drinking all kinds of coffee. My grandma Sue is

having afternoon tea. Our pet 9 Usel is sleeping on the floor. 10 is my mother? Oh, she is taking the photo. She’s beautiful! I will show you her photo next time.



( ) 1. A. her B. me C. him

( ) 2. A. map B. family C. photo

( ) 3. A. maps B. kites C. pictures

( ) 4. A. three B. four C. five

( ) 5. A. speaking B. writing C. singing

( ) 6. A. red B. green C. yellow

( ) 7. A. near the sofa B. near the desk C. on the sofa

( ) 8. A. enjoys B. makes C. wants

( ) 9. A. cat B. bird C. dog

( ) 10. A. When B. How C. Where




The boy in the photo is my brother. He is an outgoing boy 16. ________ students in his class all like him. He is playing 17. ________ guitar in the photo. He is not only good at it but also good at 18. ________ (play)

basketball. He often plays basketball after school. He is the captain of the

basketball team in 19. ________ (he) school. He looks very cool when he 20. ________ (do) some sports. He is one of the most popular 21. ________ (student) in his school.

He 22. ________ (usual) runs to school every morning. In his free time, he joins some clubs, such as the Music Club and the Sports Club. At weekends, he 23. ________ (does) get up late. He often goes out to do some exercise in the early morning. He wants 24. ________ (be) fit and strong. In the afternoon, he goes swimming in a gym 25. ________ friends. He is

always busy.


Winter is very cold in our city. It is often windy

and 16. ________ (snow). It usually starts from

November to February. It is 17. ________(be) really

a long time. People have to wear thick coats when

they go out. When it snows 18. ________ (heavy),

there are few people in streets. But when it stops,

there 19. ________ (be) many people coming out.

Some play ball games and some make snowmen. It is

interesting for them 20. ________ (play) with the

snow. Some even take a camera to take 21.

________(photo) in the white world. Besides, 22. ________ air is fresh and wet. 23. ________ it also brings many problems to people. It is difficult 24.

________ (drive) or ride in the snow. So you will see many traffic 25.

________ (accident) in streets on snowy days.


My name is Li Daren. I’m a student. I’d like to 26 with you about my evenings. On weekdays, I get 27 at about 6:30 pm. The 28 is always ready (准备好的) when I’m back. I like 29 my favourite (卡通片) when I 30 supper. And then I do 31 homework. I have a lot of homework to do. From nine to 32 I read books about 33 . I love learning about places (地方) in the world. I go to bed at 10:20 pm. At weekends, I

34 chess with my classmates or my father. I think chess is very 35 . I like it.

I go to bed at 11:00 pm because I don’t go to school the next day.

( ) 26. A. say B. tell C. talk

( ) 27. A. work B. school C. home

( ) 28. A. breakfast B. dinner C. lunch

( ) 29. A. doing B. watching C. working

( ) 30. A. have B. get C. play

( ) 31. A. their B. your C. my

( ) 32. A. seven B. eight C. ten

( ) 33. A. art B. PE C. geography

( ) 34. A. have B. play C. make

( ) 35. A. delicious B. important C. interesting


When you were one year old, she fed you. You thanked her by 26 all

night long. When you were three, she 27 all the meals with love. You

thanked her by throwing your 28 onto the floor. When you were five, she 29 you for the holidays. You thanked her by making the new clothes dirty.

When you were seven, she bought you a baseball. You thanked her by 30 the neighbor’s window with it. When you were nine, she 31 piano lessons for you. You thanked her by 32 practicing. When you were eleven, she took you and your friends to the movies. You thanked her by asking her to sit in a 33 row(排).Who is she? She is your 34 . Always remember to love your mother. No love is 35 than mother’s love. And you only have one mother in your lifetime!

( ) 26. A. eating B. laughing C. crying

( ) 27. A. made B. ate C. sold

( ) 28. A. bowl B. book C. ticket

( ) 29. A. wore B. waited C. dressed

( ) 30. A. playing B. cleaning C. breaking ( ) 31. A. cared about B. paid for C. brought out ( ) 32. A. always B. usually C. hardly

( ) 33. A. different B. top C. long

( ) 34. A. teacher B. friend C. mother

( ) 35. A. worse B. greater C. further



Disneyland is famous in Hong Kong. It is

16. _______(real) a great place for people to

enjoy themselves. Next month, I will go there

again with my mother. I can’t wait 17.

_______ that. When I get there, first I will

take 18. _______ (photo) of my favourite cartoon characters, such 19.

_______ Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. Then I will play the ride there and it is 20. _______ (excite). I won’t fear at all. I will get on the Disney Cruise and have a rest if I 21. _______ (be) tired. It will take me around the Disneyland. It is 22. _______ great way for sightseeing there. In the evening, I will sit in the square 23. _______ watch some cartoon characters’ shows. I’m sure I will enjoy 24. _______(me). If we have enough time, we will go to some stores 25. _______(buy) gifts for friends, such as postcards and cartoon T-shirts.


It is a rocket-powered model car in the picture. It was made by some 16. _______ (student) in the UK. 17. _______ (it) top speed can reach to 800 kilometres per hour. It 18. _______ (break) the previous(之前的) record, 460 kilometres per hour. This model car made people 19. _______ (surprise).

These students are in a group 20. _______ they join the Rocket Club. They are interested in 21. _______(make) different things. In the club, they teach others 22. _______ (make) model rockets. This time, they have made three model cars in total. The cars are 23. _______ (call) Bloodhound, Insanity and Red shift. All 24. _______ them have a top speed. For example, 25. _______ speed of Red shift can reach to 769.41 kilometres per hour and Bloodhound is 722.4 kilometres per hour.

This is a 26 of an alien’s (外星人的) family. This is Lisa. She’s Mike’s 27 . She’s 150 years 28 and she’s a doctor on her planet (行星). This is Martin. He’s 29 father. He’s a teacher and he’s 100 years old. He can 30 Chinese and English. This is Mike’s mother. Her 31 is Betty. She’s the manager in a big hotel. She’s 99 years old. She 32 drawing and swimming. Mike has 33 sisters, and 34 are Lucy and Lily. Lucy is 50 years old. Lily is 30 years old. Lucy is a 35 and Lily is a student, too. Every Sunday, they come to the earth (地球).

( ) 26. A. name B. number C. photo

( ) 27. A. grandmother B. cousin C. mother

( ) 28. A. small B. old C. big

( )29. A. Lisa’s B. Martin’s C. Mike’s

( ) 30. A. say B. speak C. spell.

( )31A. age B. hobby C. name

( )32. A. lets B. thanks C. likes

( ) 33. A. one B. two C. three

( ) 34. A. we B. you C. they

( ) 35. A. student B. driver C. nurse People always think that twins are the same. Is that true? Probably not. Edward and I are twin brothers. We 26 the same. We usually wear the same clothes and have the same hairstyle(发型). So it’s 27 to tell the differences. But if you are careful enough, you can find 28 different. 29 , Edward is 178 cm tall and I’m a bit 30 than he is. Both of us have a

scar(疤痕) on our 31 —Edward has one above left eyebrow(眉毛) and I have one over my lip(嘴唇). We also have 32 differences. We 33 like soccer. Edward plays every day and I play only on weekends. We both 34

singing too, but my voice is louder and 35 is softer. We form a singing group and have a lot of fans.

( ) 26. A. look B. think C. do

( ) 27. A. easy B. good C. hard

( ) 28. A. nothing B. everything C. something

( ) 29. A. Of course B. Such as C. For example

( ) 30. A. better B. shorter C. longer

( ) 31. A. hands B. faces C. arms

( ) 32. A. other B. another C. any

( ) 33. A. either B. all C. both

( ) 34. A. love B. finish C. keep

( ) 35. A. mine B. hers C. his


一. 情态动词can的用法 can+动词原形,它不随主语的人称和数而变化。 1. 含有can的肯定句:主语+can+谓语动词的原形+其他。 2. 含有can的否定句:主语+can't+动词的原形+其他。 3. 变一般疑问句时,把can提前:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+can。否定回答:No,主语+can't. 4. 含有can的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其他? I can speak English.→I can't speak English.→Can you speak English? →What can you speak? 二. what time和when引导的特殊疑问句 1. 询问钟点时用what time,询问日期、月份、年份时用when。 2. What's the time?=What time is it?现在几点了? 3. 时刻表达法:顺读法和逆读法。 顺读法:“钟点+分钟”直接读数字。 如:7: 05 seven five;8:16 eight sixteen 逆读法:借助介词past或to表示,要先说分再说钟点。 a. 当分钟不超过30分钟时(包括30分钟),即<或=30,用past表示。其结构为:“分钟+past+整点”意为“几点过几分”。 如:1:25 twenty-five past one b. 当超过30分钟时,即>30,用to表示。其结构为:“所差分钟(即60—所过分钟数)+to+下一个整点”,to译成“差”,差几分钟到几点。 如:4:38 twenty-two to five c. 当分钟为30分钟用half表示,当分钟为15分钟用a quarter。 三. how引导的特殊疑问句 1. how 引导的特殊疑问句提问交通方式,其答语分三种情况: a. take a/an/the+交通工具(单数) b. by+交通工具(单数) c. on/in+限定词+交通工具


一 Mary is 1.__________English girl, but she is in France (法国) now. She is six years old. you will 3.__________(start) school here. You will like the school because (因为) it’s a nice school.” “Is it an Engl ish school?” Mary asks. 4.__________ is.” Mother answers. Mary goes to school. The teachers are very 5.__________(friend) and speak good English. And there are two other English girls 6.__________the class, too. She begins to like the school. Her mother takes her 7.__________school in the morning and brings her home in the afternoon. One day, when her mother is at school, Mary runs out 8.__________the classroom and says, “We have a girl in our class today. She is six, too. She is very nice, 9.__________she isn’t English. She is a German (德国人).” “Doesn’t she 10.__________(speak) English?” Mary’s mother asks. “No, but she is learning English.” She says happily. 二 I am a student in No.3 Middle School. My name 1. John Smith. This is my schoolbag. It's blue. I like the color very much. What's this 2. English? It's 3. English dictionary. How do you 4. It? DICTIONARY. Is that an eraser? No, it isn't. It's a key. That's my pencil box. You can 5. (see) a ruler, two pencils and three pens 6.__________ it. And there is a set of 7. ___________(key). I like 8.__________(go) to school. I like watching baseball games. I like playing computer games, 9.__________. Where is my ID card? Well, I 10.__________(lose) it this morning. My name is on the card. I must find it. Can you help me? 三 My name is Helen. Anna is my sister. Look! This is our room. It’s very tidy. You can see (I). Under my bed, you can see a box. My old books are in it. A desk is between(在……之间)the two beds. 5.____________the desk you can see 6._________telephone, a clock, a radio 7.________two cups. The radio is black. I 8.________(find) a photo in the school library. Do you 9.__________(know) whose(谁的)it is? Please call me 10.________ 366-5899. 四


语法填空集锦 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词 或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 (一) Dear Grace, I arrived in Shenzhen for (16) ______ trip last week. (17)______ weather is fine now. I enjoy (18) ______ (my) here. It is my (19)______ (one) time here, so everything (20)______ (look) fresh (新 鲜的). I visited some tourist attractions. Most (21) ______ the places were crowded. Yesterday I went shopping and bought something (22) ______ (interest). I got lost on my way back to the hotel, (23) ______ it didn’t matter. I usually go out and have dinner in a restaurant and it takes me about (24) ______ hour because the food there is fantastic. I took many (25) ______ (photo), so you can see when I come back home. See you! Yours, Linda (二) ______ (friend). We are different (17) ______ each other. Hello, I’m Bruce. I have three good (16) Jack is thirteen years old. He is one year (18) _______ (old) than me. And he is much taller than any one of us. He is talented for sports. And football is his favorite sport. Tom is as tall as me. He is very (19) ______ (fun) and outgoing. He often (20) ______ (make) us laugh. We both like (21) ______ (read). Henry is one year younger than me. And he is shorter than any of us. (22) ______ he is as heavy as me. He is good at (23) ______ (draw). He likes drawing pictures a lot. I’m (24) _____ (quiet) than them. But we are all friendly to each other (25) ______ can share everything. (三) _______ really successful. (17) ______ all the performers, Li Ping Last week’s talent show (16) and Li Hua were the (18) _____ (winner). Li Ping is (19) _____ outgoing and cool boy. At the talent show, he could (20) _____ (play) six balls at the same time very well. He (21) _____ (win) the prize for the most (22) ____ (excited) performance. Li Hua is a girl with curly hair. She is a great magician. She could put knives (刀) into the body of a person. (23)_____ the person wasn’t hurt at all. We were so afraid that some of us shouted (24) ____ (loud). She was the most creative performer although (25)_____ (she) show was the most frightening (令人恐惧的). (四)


【初中英语】七年级英语语法填空首字母填空练习题 一、七年级英语单词的适当形式填空 1.阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单同的适当形式填空(未提供单词的.限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 Many students have hobbies, like reading, painting and looking.________animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are creative. Hobbies can make you ________(grow)as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills. David Smith is a student, and his hobby ________ writing. During the summer of 2011, he spent four weeks on a summer camp. As well as the usual activities, such ________ sailing, biking and mountain climbing, there was a writing workshop with a professional writer. "She asked us ________(imagine) that we were in a story. Then we wrote about our experiences at the camp. " In senior high school David ________ (write)a book about teenage life. Many teenagers love his book, and as a result, David has become a ________(success) young writer. David has been very lucky because his hobby has brought enjoyment and success to________ (he), but he is also interested in many other things. "I like playing volleyball too," says David. "I spend some of my free time ________ (play)volleyball for my school team. Maybe I'll write more books in the future, ________ I'm not sure. " There are many other interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do something new or different. 【答案】 after;grow;is;as;to imagine;wrote;successful;himself;playing;but 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了一个叫大卫的孩子喜欢读书习作,并出版书的故事,同时也给他带来了快乐。 (1)句意:许多学生有爱好,像读书、画画还有照看动物。look after 照看,属于固定搭配,故答案是after。 (2)句意:爱好可以帮助你长大成人,发展你的兴趣而且帮助你学习新的技能。help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事,固定短语,故答案是grow。 (3)句意:大卫·史密斯是个学生,他的爱好是写作,hobby是单数可数,需要使用is连接主语和表语,故答案是is。 (4)句意:跟一些平常的活动,像帆船,骑行爬山一样有写作工作室。such as例如,固定搭配。故答案是as。 (5)句意:她让我们想象我们就在故事中。ask sb. to do sth,请某人做某事,让某人做某事。固定结构。故答案是to imagine。 (6)句意:在高中,大卫写了一本关于青少年的书。根据In senior high school David,可知句子使用一般过去时。故答案是wrote。 (7)句意:大卫成了一个成功的年轻作家。success作定语修饰young writer,故使用形容词形式,故答案是successful。 (8)句意:大卫很幸运因为他的爱好给他自己带来了快乐和成功。他自己,himself,反身代词。故答案是himself。


七年级下册英语语法重点归纳整理 Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? 一.短语: 1 .be from = come from 来自于---- 2. live in 居住在--- 3. on weekends 在周末 4 .write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人 5 .in the world 在世界上in China 在中国 6.pen pal 笔友14 years old 14岁favorite subject 最喜欢的科目 7.the United States 美国the United Kingdom 英国New York 纽约 8.speak English 讲英语like and dislike 爱憎 9.go to the movies 去看电影play sports 做运动 二.重点句式: 1 Where’s your pen pal from? = Where does your pen pal from/ 2 Where does he live? 3 What language(s) does he speak? 4 I want a pen pal in China. 5 I can speak English and a little French. 6 Please write and tell me about yourself. 7 Can you write to me soon? 8 I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. Unit 2 Where’s the post office?


2018-2019深圳市初中英语中考语法填空专项训练 (一) When Alla Wagner couldn’t sell her $1.7 million house, she came up with an idea to find a new owner. She’s holding a writing contest and the winner will get the house. __________ 2011, Ms. Wagner and her family built a house in Millarville. After (2)__________ (hurt) her back last year, Ms. Wagneris unable to go up and down the stairs. So she is living on the upper floor of the house. She hates to sell (3) __________ house. But she doesn’t want to make other changes that can make it easier for (4)__________ (she) to get around. Ms. Wagner has been trying to sell the house for a few months, but so far, no one (5) __________ (be) interested. She began to think of other (6)__________ (way) to let someone else have the house. After doing some research to make sure her idea wasn’t against the law,Ms. Wagner (7)__________ (begin) her “Write a Letter, Win a House” project on January 5. To have a chance of winning the house, people must write a letter to Ms. Wagner (8)__________ answers the question: "Why would moving to this lakefront dream home change your life?” “If somebody wants (9)__________ (write) a poem, they can write a poem,”says Ms. Wagner. The 500 best letters (10)__________ (choose),and then judges (评判员)will choose a final winner from these letters. (二) Many companies are working on self-driving vehicles like cars and trucks. Almost all self-driving cars still carry a safety (1)__________ (drive) who can take over the car if there is trouble. Waymo and many (2)__________ (company)are trying to use self-driving vehicles to move people around. (3)__________ moving people is kind of dangerous. Self-driving experiments with goods are much safer. Kroger is one of (4)__________ largest grocery store chains (杂货连销店)in the US. The company is teaming up with Nuro, a robotics company based in Mountain View, California, for its delivery (运送)service. Through this partnership, customers will be able to place same-day delivery orders through Kroger’s Click list ordering system and Nuro’s app. 1 / 251 / 251


七年级下册英语语法复习 英语中名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。凡是可数计数的名词叫做可数名词;凡是不可以计数的名词叫做不可数名词。 (1)可数名词分为单数和复数两种形式。可数名词前可以用不定冠词、数词或some many等修饰。如:a man a desk an apple an orange some books s ome children tow pens (2)不可数名词没有复数形式,前面不能用不定冠词、数词或many等词语修饰,但可以用some a little much等词语来修饰。有时可以与一些量词短语搭配,这些量词短语中的名词一般是可数的,有单数形式,也可以有复数形式。如:s ome water a little milk much food a piece of bread tow bottles of ink som e glasses of water 2、祈使句 祈使句用来表示请求、命令等,句中没有主语,肯定形式由谓语或者谓语宾语( 宾语补足语)构成,否定形式则在句前加Don’t. Stand up, please. 请起立。 $ Don’t worry. 别担心。 can的用法: can是情态动词,表示“能,会,可以,被允许等”,其后接动词原形,否定形式为cannot,可缩写为can’t. She can speak Japanese. 她会讲日语。

I can’t remember his name. 我不记得他的名字了。 Can you spell your name 你会拼写你的名字吗 3、现在进行时态 ! 概念:表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,也可以表示目前一段时间内或现阶段正在进行的活动。 结构:由be动词(am, is, are) 动词ing构成,其中be动词要与主语保持性数一致。 Mary is flying a kite in the park. 玛丽正在公园里放风筝。 --What are you doing now你现在在干什么 --I’m reading English. 我正在读英语。 Are they drawing the pictures now他们正在画画吗 动词现在分词是动词原形变化而来的,规则变化如下: 动词ing形式叫动词现在分词,其构成如下: , 1) 直接在动词后加ing play—playing, do—doing, talk—talking, sing--singing 2) 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去e,再加ing make—making, write—writing, have—having, take—taking 3) 以重读闭音节结尾的动词且词尾只有一个辅音字母,应双写这个辅音字母,再加ing

七年级英语上册 :专项训练 专题二 语法填空

专题二语法填空 一、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。 Group 1 1.David and Eric are my __cousins__ (cousin). 2.Gina's __parents__ (parent) like this CD. 3.These __days__ (day) I walk to school. 4.Give that book to __me__ (I). 5.Anna must __find__ (find) her dog. 6.I like these green __bags__ (bag). 7.This ID card isn't __his__ (he). 8.Are those __balls__ (ball) yours, David? 9.Gina, go and __get__ (get) me a book. 10.Mary's aunt __loves__ (love) dogs. Group 2 1.These __strawberries__ (strawberry) are big and red. 2.This story is __really__ (real) interesting. 3.Here are three __tomatoes__ (tomato) for you. 4.Peter and Alan play basketball __well__ (good). 5.The CD player is 75 __dollars__ (dollar). 6.The two __boys__ (boy) are my good friends. 7.Who are those __women__ (woman) under the tree? 8.Tom __sells__ (sell) toys (玩具) in the store. 9.Mom, my clothes __are__ (be) old. Can you buy me some new ones? 10.Paul is my __second__ (two) brother. Group 3 1.The cat is only five __months__ (month) old. 2.Joe, is this your __mother's__ (mother) CD player? 3.Mr. Green says he likes __Chinese__ (China) food. 4.My favorite __subjects__ (subject) at school are Chinese and English. 5.Dale __finishes__ (finish) his classes at 4:30 p.m. 6.The old man is from __China__ and he is a __Chinese__

【初中英语】 七年级英语语法填空首字母填空综合测试卷

必备英语【初中英语】七年级英语语法填空首字母填空综合测试卷 一、七年级英语单词的适当形式填空 1.阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 After six days of spring rain, a ________(run)river appeared near Nancy Brown's farm. When she tried to get her cows to a ________ (high) ground, she fell down and hit her head on a fallen tree. Then she fainted(昏倒)in the river for a few minutes. When she woke________, Lizzie, one of ________ (she)oldest and favourite cows, was licking(舔)her head. The water was rising. Nancy got up and began walking ________ (slow) with Lizzie. The water was now getting higher and higher. It was hard ________ Nancy to move her feet. Finally, all she could do was throw her arms around ________ (Lizzie) neck. About 20 minutes later, Lizzie successfully pulled Nancy out of the running water and onto a small island in the middle of the river. Even though it was about noon, the rain was so heavy that it took people two ________ (hour) to find Nancy. Soon she was taken to a hospital. When the flood left two days later, Nancy went back to the island at once. She ________ (find) that Lizzie was gone. She was one of the nineteen cows that Nancy had lost. "She saved my life but lost hers," said Nancy________ tears. 【答案】 running ;higher;up;her;slowly;for;Lizzie's;hours;found;with 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了Nancy的牛因为救主人的命而丢了自己的生命的故事。(1)句意:经过六天的春雨,南希·布朗的农村附近出现了一条奔流的河流。现在分词做定语,表示主动关系,故填running。 (2)句意:当她试图将她的奶牛赶到高地时。根据上文知道农场被水淹了,故把牛弄到比之前更高的地方才安全,故是high的比较级,higher,故填higher。 (3)句意:当她醒过来的时候, Lizzie,她最老最喜欢的一只奶牛正在舔她的头。wake up,固定搭配,醒来,故填up。 (4)句意:当她醒过来的时候,Lizzie,她最老最喜欢的一只奶牛正在舔她的头。cows是名词,其前是形容词性物主代词,表示她的牛,故填her。 (5)句意:南希站起来,开始和莉齐慢慢地走。副词修饰动词walk,slow的副词slowly,故填slowly。 (6)句意:南希很难挪动她的脚。,故it's+形容词+for sb to do,固定搭配,对某人而言做某事很......,故填for。 (7)句意:最后,她能做的就是把她的胳膊搂在莉齐的脖子上。neck是名词,其前是名词所有格,故填Lizzie's。 (8)句意:雨太大了,人们花了两个小时才找到南希。数词two后是名词复数,故填hours。 (9)句意:她发现Lizzie不见了。讲述过去用一般过去时,find的过去式是found,故填found。

外研版英语 七年级英语语法填空首字母填空练习题(含答案)

外研版英语七年级英语语法填空首字母填空练习题(含答案) 一、七年级英语单词的适当形式填空 1.语法填空 Tina is my English teacher. She is from England and is about 29 years old. She________(have) blonde hair and she always wears a pair of________ (glass) on her nose. She is strict ________ us in our studies, so all the students are well—behaved in her classes. She is strict, ________ she can get along ________ (good) with all the students because she is very kind and ________ (patience). Whenever we have difficulty in English learning, she will help us to deal with the problems(问题). We all like her lessons very much. That's because she is very creative. Her ________(teach) style is quite different ________ that of the others. She prepares her lessons well and corrects our homework ________ (careful). In class she always encourages us ________ (work) hard and develops our ability to study on our own. In a word, I think she is one of the best English teachers I have ever seen. We all love and respect her. 【答案】 has;glasses;with;but;well;patient;teaching;from;carefully;to work 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者的英语老师,她严格但有耐心,大家都喜欢她。 (1)句意:她有一头金发。根据 and she always wears可知时态是一般现在时,主语是she 单数第三人称,故填has。 (2)句意:鼻子上总是戴着一副眼镜。a pair of glasses,固定搭配,一副眼镜,故填glasses。 (3)句意:她对我们学习要求很严格。be strict with sb,固定搭配,对某人要求严格,故填with。 (4)句意:她很严格,但她能和所有的学生相处得很好,因为她非常善良和有耐心。根据 She is strict和 she can get along (good)with all the students可知此缺少转折连词,故填but。 (5)句意:她很严格,但她能和所有的学生相处得很好。get along well with sb,固定搭配,和某人相处融洽,故填well。 (6)句意:因为她非常善良和有耐心。根据she is very kind and可知and前后一致,and 后也是形容词,patience的形容词是patient,耐心的,故填patient。 (7)句意:她的教学风格与其他人大不相同。动名词做定语,teaching style,教学法,故填teaching。 (8)句意:她的教学风格与其他人大不相同。be different from,固定搭配,与......不同,故填from。 (9)句意:她把备课很好,认真地批改我们的作业。副词修饰动词corrects,careful的副词是carefully,故填carefully。 (10)句意:在课堂上,她总是鼓励我们努力学习。encourage sb to do sth,固定搭配,鼓励某人做某事,故填to work。 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。


语法填空解题技巧指导 一,解题步骤: 1,快速浏览,了解大意。对于简单有把握的空,可以先填出来; 2,上下求索,填出答案。根据上下文及空格前后的逻辑关系,填出正确的词以及正确的形式; 3,通读全文,检查确认。特别要注意,根据文章意思,有些空是否要加入否定前缀。 二,解题思路: 1,有提示词 这类题和咱们以前用所给词的正确形式填空做题方法基本一致,首先需要我们根据上下文,分析句子成分,确定空格所需要的词性,再根据前后文确定词形。 (1). 如果要填入动词,我们需要判断到底是谓语动词和非谓语动词。 如果缺谓语动词,就要考虑到时态和语态的变化。 若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,那么我们应该填入非谓语动词,这时我们需要确定到底是to do, doing还是done的形式。 例题: ①. For example, I ________ (order) a digital camera online the other day and saved about $50. ②. When I die, I ________ (give) everything to you. ③. On their return, the father asked his son ________(explain) what he had learnt. ④. They are animals ________ (live) in the sea. ⑤.He likes reading books ________ (write) by Lu Xun. 【实时训练】 分析句子结构,找出句中的谓语动词及非谓语动词。 1. World emissions have risen by about 70% since the 1970s. 2. Walking 10 kilometers every day is a challenging game for a normal person. 3. It affects man's spirit and makes them more likely to suffer from disease. 4. Many years ago there lived a very rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town. 5. The survey conducted by the club shows that many people want to take exercise for one hour every day. 课堂练习 Task 1. 请做下面一组题,每做一题都要思考是如何一步一步做出来的,并将解题的思维过程说出来。在做完这一组题后,总结一下这类题的解题方法。 1. I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car __________ (break) down near a remote village. 2. Being too anxious to help an event develop often ________(result) in the contrary to our intention.


词汇运用专项训练 (一) (介词)an English family in My name is Mike. I’m a boy from China. I’m living 1 ________ London now. London is 2 ________ (冠词)very big city. It is very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two 3 ________(daughter) and one son. Their son’s 4 ________(one) name is Toby. He is fourteen. Jane is twelve and Jenny is seven. Toby and I 5 ________(be) good friends. He is in Class One. I am in Class One, too. Toby 6 ________(have) a nice soccer ball. He can play it very 7 ________(good). He thinks it’s 8 ________(relax). But I can’t play soccer. I often watch it 9 ________ TV. I have a computer. I can play it. Tony teaches me to play soccer, and I teach him to play computer. Now we can both play 10 ________(it) very well. (二) Dear Mary, How are you? I have a good time 1.__________(live) in my new neighborhood. There 2._______(be) a sports center in it. It’s just in front 3. (介词) our house, so my mother often goes 4._________(swim). And there is a library in my neighborhood. I enjoy 5. _________(read) here. When I read books, the time goes 6.________(quick). 7.________(get) here, I usually ride my bike for ten minutes. Last weekends, we 8. _______ (have)a book sale in the library. I 9. ________(buy) some 10._________(interest) books here. Do you want to come to my neighborhood? Yours, Michael (三) In John’s school, there is a contest ( 竞赛) for students to design (设计) a new menu (菜谱) for 1. _______(they) lunch. Students only eat one meal at school 2.________ (介词)12 o’clock. John wants 3._______(join) the contest, and he starts to think about some foods. John often 4.__________ (watch) cooking shows on TV, so he has lots of 5.______(idea). After school John reads lots of books about healthy eating. He 6.______(think) it is very important 7.________(have)healthy food on his menu. First, John wants to have fish on the menu,8._________(连词)fish is his favorite food and it’s ver
