上海教育版英语六年级上册Unit 10《Air 》word教案

上海教育版英语六年级上册Unit 10《Air 》word教案
上海教育版英语六年级上册Unit 10《Air 》word教案


1.能听、说、读、写本课的核心词汇:air, everywhere , alive, smoke,factory, smoke, dirty, clean, plant

2.能熟练掌握核心句型:It keeps them high in the sky.




2.能用句型It keeps them high in the sky.描述空气的作用。




StepⅠWarm up and revision(热身与复习)

1. Greetings.

2. Guessing game.

Step ⅡPresentation and practice (自主探究)


T: Please write the meanings on your paper

air______ smoke ______ factory ________ dirty________ clean ______

alive _________ everywhere_______ important ______

2. Learn the new words.

T: Let’s listen and say the new words.

Ss: read these words after teacher.

3. Work in groups to read the new words. Recite the new words, and then recite in groups。

4. Watch the screen and learn to say the sentences.

5. Ask pupils to talk about the famous cities of the world in groups .

Sept ⅢLearn the story (文本学习)

T: Here’s a riddle. It’s very long one. Please listen carefully and guess what it is. What is it?

Ss: Air.

T: Yes, What do you think of air?

S1: Air has no colour.

S2: Air has no smell and taste.

S3: …

T: Yes. We can’t see it,but we can feel it. Air is important to

all living things.

T: Can you talk about air? Work in groups .

Ss: talk each other.

Tasks the pupils to answer the questions on Page 69.

Step ⅣConsolidation(拓展延伸)

Think and say: 模仿课文,介绍一样。




五年级第二学期英语期末试卷 (考试时间:60分钟 卷面分值:100分) 成绩 卷首语:亲爱的同学们,就快成为六年级的大哥哥、大姐姐啦!现在给你一个展示自己英语水平的舞台,准备好了吗?Go! 听力大挑战(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,听两遍。(每题1分,计10分) 二、听录音,给下列图画标上正确的序号,听两遍。(每题1分,计5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据你所听到的问句,选出正确答句,听两遍。(每题2分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. card B. catch C. cartoon ( ) 2. A. let B. lesson C. listen ( ) 3. A. wash B. watch C. which ( ) 4. A. butterfly B. dragonfly C. firefly ( ) 5. A. white B. write C. bright ( ) 6. A. 6:15 B. 7:15 C. 6:45 ( ) 7. A. toothache B. backache C. headache ( ) 8. A. walk carefully B. sit quietly C. sing loudly ( ) 9. A. carry big things B. glow at night C. dance in the flowers ( )10. A. touch your knees B. lift up your right leg. C. put your feet together 1 2 3 4 5 学校 班级 姓名 考场号 装 订 线


2019学年牛津英语六年级上学期期末复习题 一、把下列单词翻译成英语或者汉语(20分) 1、always__________________________ 2、member________________________ 3、yesterday________________________ 4、pavement______________________ 5、spend____________________________ 6、arrive________________________ 7、holiday__________________________8、special________________________ 9、collect__________________________10、fight__________________________ 11、开始__________________________12、剑____________________________ 13、电影院________________________14、成年人________________________ 15、大笑__________________________16、变化__________________________ 17、最喜爱的______________________18、足够的________________________ 19、健康的________________________20、宇宙飞船______________________ 二、把下列词组翻译成汉语或者英语。(20分) . 1、几百年前________________________________ 2、去看电影__________________________________ 3、灭火_____________________________ 4、许多不同的工作__________________________________ 5、中秋节_______________________________ 6、足够的钱____________________________________ 7、一瓶水_______________________________ 8、成长,长大__________________________________ 9、去购物_______________________________10、在冰箱里___________________________________ 11、loo left_______________________12、on one’s way to school ________________________ 13、wor hard___________________________ 14、write a letter ___________________________ 15、ride our bicycles_________________16、on the right of the building __________________ 17、mae a model _____________________ 18、fly an aeroplane ___________________________ 19、get off ____________________20、tae the underground to school ______________________ 三、选出下列各题的最佳答案,把序号填在括号里。(30分) ()1、My mother is tall, _________your mother is taller . A、and B、but C、or . ()2、We _________ a bus to Shenyang tomorrow . A、will taing B、going to tae C、are going to tae ()3、________ do you ________ do ? I ‘m a doctor . A、What job , / B、How , usually C、What , usually ()4、He wants to be a fireman ,because he ____________ people. A、lie to help B、lies to help C、lie help ()5、Tom lives on the __________ floor . A、ninth B、nineth C、nine ()6、Jane ________ to school _________ underground every day .


Unit3《Read and write》 陈施 1.能够读懂文中的日记,并能完成文中的信息表,了解日记格式。 2.能够用正确的读音语调朗读语篇,并知道日记的格式。 3.能够更多地了解“Mid-Autumn Festival”的节日特征,以及家人团聚的一些节日文化。 4.能掌握单词在发音上的重读技巧。 教学重点: 读懂理解短文 教学难点: 完成信息表,了解节日文化。 教学准备: 单词卡片、图片、教学光盘 教学过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1.展示Part A和Part B中“Let’s learn”部分的动词短语及名词短语,开火车朗读。 2.师生对话:What are you going to do?Where are you going?When are you going?然后生生对话,并运用学过的短语。 Step 2:Presentation 1.展示“Read and write”部分的图片,将全班分成小组讨论,为正文的学习做准备。

利用多媒体课件展示传统节日,如:National Day,Spring Festival,Christmas. 提问:What do your family do on these festivals? 可进行简单的提示,并简单介绍节日。 2.在介绍完Mid-Autumn Festival之后,可以再展示一张中秋图片,引出Wu Yifan的中秋节。 3.引导学生阅读信件,了解课后习题,带着问题去阅读短文,在阅读的过程中画出不理解的单词,短语和句子。如:get together,moon,mooncake,poem。 (1)快速阅读之后,完成表格,教师解释“be going to”相当于“will”,都表示将来。 (2)核对答案,并讲解短文中较难理解的单词和句子。 (3)播放光盘,听一听,并跟读学习正确的语音语调,体会升降调。 Step 3:Consolidation and extension 1.Discuss with your partner.What are you going to do for Mid Autumn Festival?同桌之间可以用英语口头交流,然后要求学生规范书写下来。 2.完成“Tips for pronunciation”部分的任务。请学生开火车朗读单词,全班学生注意聆听,并注意重音。教师播放光盘,核对重音,并请学生对刚刚朗读的单词点评,教师引导。最后播放光盘,学生跟读,读到重音部分时拍手,注意重音的模仿。再请几位学生上台大声


Reading Comprehension(1) A.True or False.(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符 合的用“F”表示)(7分) American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms(学期)in a school year. The first term is from September to January and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school(高中). After high school, many students go to university(大学). They can go to a small one or large one. They usually have to pay a lot. So many university students go to work after class. They want get money for their studies. ( )1. In America a school year has two terms. ( )2. The first term ends in February. ( )3. American children can go to school when they are five years old. ( )4. Most students are about 18 years old when they finish high school. ( )5. American students in universities need a lot of money for their studies. ( )6. American students go to work after class because they want to go to universi- ties. ( )7. In China the first term in general is from September to January, too. B.Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(7分) Jim was not bad at school, but he was not clean. His face and hands were always dirty because he washed them with water only. He never used soap. Jim had an aunt. One day she went to see him. She looked at Jim and said,”Jim, I can tell what you ate for breakfast this morning.” Jim looked at his aunt and said, What did I have for breakfast this morning?”“You had eggs,” said his aunt. “Your face and mouth tell me that.” “Eggs?” said Jim, “I didn’t have eggs today and I didn’t have eggs yesterday. I had eggs the day before yesterday.” ( )8.Jim ______ at school. A.studied very well B.was not a very good student C.was clean D.did badly ( )9.Jim’s face and hands were always dirty because he ______ . A.never washed them B.didn’t was them with water C.washed them only with water, but not soap D.washed them only with soap, but not water ( )10.Jim’s aunt saw ______. A.Jim’s face was dirty B.there was an egg on Jim’s face C.Jim’s face was very clean D.there was an egg in Jim’s mouth ( )11.What did Jim have that morning? A.Eggs. B.Hamburgers. C.Bread. D.We don’t know. ( )12.Jim ate eggs ______. A.yesterday B.tomorrow C.the day before yesterday D.this morning

七年级上册英语Starter Unit1教案

2015七年级上册英语Starter Unit1教案 教学设计 Period 1 1a­2e Ⅰ.教学准备 1.教师:准备录音机、磁带、多媒体课件、字母卡片,搜集一些表现不同国家初次见面的礼仪形式的图片 以及标示字母笔顺的flash。 2.学生:搜集含有字母Aa—Hh的广告用语和图片;自制字母卡片。 Ⅱ.教学目标 1.充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2.教给学生学习英语的方法和技巧。 3.使学生了解一些国家的见面礼仪。 4.学习本课的知识点: (1)词汇:good,morning,hi,hello (2)字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh (3)句型:Good morning!Hello/Hi! 5.训练学生听懂日常见面问候语以及英语字母的能力。 6.帮助学生掌握一些字母缩写词以及部分英文名字。

Ⅲ.教学重点 (1)词汇:good,morning,hi,hello (2)字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh (3)句型:Good morning!Hello/Hi! Ⅳ.教学难点 让学生会读英文名字;将英语字母打乱顺序进行认 读和书写。 Ⅴ.教学步骤:Warm­up 1.教师向学生播放英国人说英语的视频,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2.教师可以利用英语歌曲、英文电影渲染气氛,营造学习英语的环境。然后可向学生展示自己的英语水平,让学生“亲其师,信其道”。 建议1:用英语进行自我介绍,可介绍自己的姓名、毕业学校、从教时间,以及自己取得的成就。但要注意 一定要口齿清晰、语音语调正确,说出英语的韵味来。 例如: T:Do you like English?Is English vg?day, let's learn English.And I'm your English teacher.Lduce myself.My n aI'I have tauglars.Duringars,I have g建议2:播放一段中国人说英语非常流利的视频,然后用英语介绍,告诉学生如


六年级英语上册Unit3教案(新版苏教 版) 本资料为woRD文档,请点击下载地址下载全文下载地址www.5y kj.co m 六年级上册 第三单元 第1课时教案 Teachingcontents 教学内容 Storytime Teachingaimsandlearningobjectives 教学目标 .能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:holiday,NationalDay。 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:whatdidyoudofortheholiday?;I…;Didyou…?;yes,Idid./No,Ididn’t.。 3.能听懂、会说、会读单词:call,Bund,Shanghaimuseum。 4.能听懂、会说、会运用日常交际用语:wheredidyougofortheholiday?Iwentto…Howwasyourholiday?Itwas…。

5.能初步感知一般过去时的疑问句。 6.能理解课文内容,并能尝试复述课文,能尝试用过去式谈论假期趣事。 Focusofthelessonandpredictedareaofdifficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文。 教学难点:能理解课文内容,并能尝试复述课文,用过去式谈论假期趣事。 Teachingprocedures 教学过程 Step1warm-upandfreetalk T:Boysandgirls,welcomebacktoschool.ItwasNationalDay holidaylastweek.Didyouhaveagoodtimeduringholiday? 【设计意图:通过谈话自然导入刚刚结束的十一长假,学生对刚过去的节日感触比较深,有话可讲。】 Step2Presentation .T:Ialsohadawonderfulholiday,andItooksomephotos onNationalDay. Lookatthesephotosandguess.


五年级上册重点 Unit 1 短语:1fly a plane 2in the sky 3help people 4teach English 5in a school 6cook nice food 7be afraid of doing sth 8be good at doing sth 8fall/jump into the lake 9save the people 句型:1.What do you want to be? I want to be a pilot. 2.What does he/she want to be? He/She wants to be a doctor..He/She wants to help people. 3.He wants to fly a plane,but he is afraid of flying. 4.Froggy wants to be a singer,but he is not good at singing. 5.Froggy likes singing, and he is good at it. 6.Do you want to be a pilot? Yes,I do./No, I don’t. Unit 2 短语:1come to school 2far from 3on foot 4walk to school together 5What about you? 6primary school 7on Green Street 8get off 9an underground station 10takes the train 11take BusNo. 12 to 12after an hour 13at the stsation 句型:1How do you come to school ?I come to school by bus. 2I live far from our school. She lives on Green Street. 3Alice and I walk to school toghther. 4Joe comes to school on foot. 5After half an hour, she gets off at Spring Street Bus Stop. Unit 3 词组短语 an orange party my favpurite colour have some fun 句型 1Can you come to my birthday party?Sure. 2When is your birthday?It’s on 26th September. 3What time does the party begin ?It begins at two o’clock. 4That sounds interesting. 5I can’t wait. Unit 4 词组短语 play chess write emails to them like going to the park play sports play table tennis go shopping cook lunch come sb. to swh. go to the cinema play football in the UK at the weekend far from this Saturday in the kitchen Hello, Grandma. This is Mary. This is Oliver’s mother. Is that Ben?


Unit 1重点句型汇总 Section A 1. Where is your pen pal from? ●come from和be from是同义短语,但come from更强调动作。如: —Where do you come from? 你从哪里来? —I come from the United Kingdom. 我从英国来。 ●句型“Where + be + sb. + from?”通常用来询问“某人来自什么地方”。如:—Where are you from? 你是哪里人? —I’m from Shanghai. 我是上海人。 ●句型“Where + be + sth. + from?”通常用来询问“某物品产自哪里”。如:—Where is the car from? 这辆轿车产自哪里? —It’s from France.它产自法国。 2. —Where does he live? —Tokyo. ●live作不及物动词,意为“生活,居住”,后常接in + 地点名词或直接接表地点的副词here / there / home等。如: We live here / in New York. 我们住在这儿/ 纽约。 ●live还可表示“过着……生活”,此时为及物动词。如: We live a happy life. 我们过着幸福的生活。 3. What language does she speak? ●what language常用来对“某种语言”进行提问。 ●speak意为“说,讲”,后面常接表语言的名词。如: Can you speak French? 你会讲法语吗? Section B 1. Does she have any brothers or sisters? any意为“一些”,常用于疑问句或否定句中,修饰可数名词复数形式或不可数名词。如: There isn’t any milk in the glass. 杯子里没有牛奶。 2. I can speak English and a little French. a little意为“少量,一点儿”,常修饰不可数名词,具有肯定意义;little意为“几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词,具有否定意义。如: There’s a little water in the cup. 杯子里有点儿水。 He knows little English. 他几乎不懂英语。 3. Can you write to me soon? write to sb. 意为“给某人写信”。如: Please write to Jack.请给杰克写封信。 此短语常用于书信的结尾,提示别人尽快写回信。


牛津版小学六年级英语下册Unit 3教案 牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 3 Asking the way Period 1 Teaching aims: Words: turn left/right, get on/off, a primary school, a middle school, a shopping center, a train station, a history museum, a post office. Sentence patterns: Can you tell m e the way to …., please? Teaching difficulties: 词组history museum 的正确读音和拼写。 Teaching steps: Step 1 preparation 师生进行FREE TALK AND GREETING,并用学习过的日常交际用语进行对话和应答。 Step 2 presentation T: what did you do last Sunday? S: I went to …. T: where is …? Can you tell me the way to …? (同时板书这个句子。) S: ……….. T: I see, thank you so much.. I went to a post office last Sunday.(板书该词) please read after me.

S: (read-spell-read) T: (出示B部分挂图) Now look at the picture, let’s learn these new words one by one. (教授B部分的单词和词组) Step 3 consolidation 1.分组、分排念拼念单词和词组,重点词组a history museum, a post office, a primary school, a middle school, a train station, a shopping center可发开火车方式进行单个练习,纠正发音。 2.结合C部分的挂图和所给句型,教师可先介绍而后请一同学配合问答,进行示范,然后让全体学生进行pairs work, 就B部分的单词和C部分的相关句型进行分组操练。操练时要注意情景和对话的准确,教师应来回巡视,及时进行指导。 C部分有两个新的表达方法,在分组操练之前应先进行指出:crossing 十字路口,on your left/right 在你的左/右边 Step 4 homework 1.抄写B部分的单词和词组(3+1) 2.预习A部分课文。 、 牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 3 Asking the way Period 2 出处:更新:2005-05-11-作者: -责编:keensoldier Teaching aims: 1. learn the whole text;


人教版(新目标)初中七上Unit 1 My name's Gina教案 Period One Teaching aims(教学目标) 1.学会问候他人 2.学会如何做自我介绍, 认识新朋友,并正确称呼他们的英文名字 3.从对话中学会获取更多他人的基本信息 5.初步学会使用部分形容词性物主代词 Language points(语言点) ` 1.要求掌握以下句式: (1)—What’s your name —My name is… (2)—Hi. My name’s Gina. —I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! --- Nice to meet you, too. (3)what’s =what is I’m =I am name’s =name is 2.要求掌握以下词汇:(1)生词:name, am, nice, meet, what, hello " (2)人称代词和形容词性物主代词:I, you, my, your, his, her (上述数词和部分形容词性物主代词本应在第二和第三课时中出现,但可以在第一课时中非正式出现,给学生初步的印象,为后面的学习作铺垫。) Difficulties(难点):本课难点是大量的人名和形容词性物主代词,而学生在描述时容易混淆男名和女名,在运用代词时容易错用人称代词和物主代词。 Teaching steps(教学步骤) 1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) (1) Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together. (2)Warm greetings to the students2 T: Hello! / Hi! # S: Hello! / Hi! T: You are very beautiful/cool/… S: Thank you. 2. Presentation(呈现新知识) (1)T: Hello! My name is Lily. What’s your name S: (引导学生回答) My name is Tom. T: It’s a good / nice name.


Unit 3 Where did you go?第一课时 一、教学目标 1. 能够听、说、读、写句型:Where did you go ? Did you go to Turpan? Yes,we did.. 二、教学重难点: 1. 本课时的教学重点是句型:Where did you go? Did you go to Turpan? Yes,we did.. 2.本课时的教学难点是在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。 三、教学准备 Teacher:录音机及磁带;单词卡片;几张地名卡片;几张照片。 四、教学过程: Ⅰ.Warm-up 1. 教师播放课件有关本课时的5个动词词组的原型形式。 Ⅱ.Preview 教师展示本部分的挂图问:Do you like weekend? What do you usually do on your weekend? Do you go on trip? What do you usually do during your trips? 引导学生根据提示图回答。 Ⅲ.Presentation and Practi ce Let’s learn 1.教师问一名学生:What’s yo ur hobby? 引导学生回答。教师指着自己说:I like riding a horse. I have many beautiful pictures. 然后拿出一张风景照说:Look at this picture. I took the picture last week. 教师板书rode a horse和ride a horse,请学生认真观察并说出两个短语的不同之处,然后指导学生拼写。 2.I like riding a horse ,I also like riding a bike ,I often ride a bike on the weekend ,I have mangy pictures of riding a bike. 然后拿出一张骑自行车照说:Look at this picture. I rode a bike last week. 教师板书rode a bike e和ride a bike,认真观察并说出两个短语的 不同之处,然后指导学生拼写。 3. 教师拿出一张自己爬山的照片,说:I went to Xinjiang/…last year. Guess. What did I do there? 请学生猜。如果有学生猜到go camping,教师就向学生展示照片:Yes, that’s right. I went camping. 教师板书went camping,带读,引导学生对动词原形和过去式形式进行比较。教师继续问:Have you ever been went camping? Where have you been? 引导学生说:I went camping in the mountain..教师可继续提问:When did you went camping? I went camping in spring/April 8th.


五年级英语下册 Unit1 整理;整洁的 脏乱;不整洁 让 短袜 你的,你们的 帽子 我的 彩色蜡笔(或粉笔、铅笔)伞 钉子 使落下;掉落 粘贴;粘住 秒(时间单位) 她的 他们的;她们的;它们的把……整理好 装满……;充满…… 几个;一些 Unit2 为什么因为 书房;学习 餐厅;餐室 大雁 大雁(复数) 改变;变化 地方 两次 每;每个 向南;南方 向北;北方 足够的 然后 一天到晚 Unit3 将来;未来 站;站住 机器 将;将会 运动;锻炼;活动早;提早 容易地 努力地

更多地 将来(词组)在……面前拍照 戴眼镜 做运动 不擅长 不再 Unit4 故事书 买 故事 字典;词典杂志 报纸 周;星期 学生 海报 最好的 作家 在那边 做调查 表演Unit5 周末 待;暂住;逗留 电影 小船;舟 安排;计划 明天 建筑;建造 紧接着;随后;紧接着的秋千 喊叫;哭 直到 看电影 划船 Unit6 假日;假期 清澈的 海鲜 旅馆 岛 蝴蝶 多久 去游泳

在……的南部一年到头 Unit7 迎接;会见 校门口 美术馆 礼堂 最后 会客厅;会议室给……看 课题 布告牌;木板Unint8 哪一个;哪一些裤子 尺码 毛衣 外套;大衣 鞋 皇帝 只有;仅 点头 微笑钱 保持 大笑 试穿(衣服) 穿;戴 保持安静 看一看 Unit9 生病的;不正常;错误的头痛 发烧;发热 应该 药 休息 牙痛 没有牙齿的 礼物 世界 牙医 头痛 发烧 感冒 休息一下

康复 牙痛 开会 把……拨开Unit10 发明;创造 手表 任何地方 旅行;长途行走发明 某事;某物 我自己 相机 远离…… Unint11 节日 重要的把……叫做 饺子 亲戚 红包 烟火;烟花 怪物结尾;结束 村庄 最后的 鞭炮;爆竹 月饼 在……的最后Uinit12 巨人 墙;围墙 友好的;体贴的穿过 禁止进入对……友好 推倒;拆掉


本单元以“火”为话题展开学习。之前学生涉猎到的相关内容并不多,但在实际生活中使用或谈论的频率却不低。在本单元中,要求学生能熟练掌握关于用火安全方面的词汇以及相关的消防知识;要求学生能形成良好的用火知识与行为习惯,如Don’t smoke! Don’t start campfires! Don’t play near fires! Don’t play with matches!;与此同时,能运用情态动词must, mustn’t来告诫他人形成良好的用火习惯。此外,借助公园火灾的营救方法和远古时代人们煮食生存的故事学习,说明火的两重性,从而树立正确的用火安全意识。 1、各学习项目分析 Look and learn: 核心学习板块,主要进行词汇学习。重点单词有smoke, start, campfire, match等,核心句型有Don’t smoke! Don’t start campfires! Don’t play near fires! Don’t play with matches! 等。 Ask and answer: 以Fire safety为话题,学习含情态动词must, mustn’t的问答句,主要包括For fire safety, what mustn’t we do? We mustn’t…等。通过学习,掌握一定的安全用火的知识,并能在行为上跟进。 Look and say: 核心学习板块,主要进行句型教学。重点句型有We must / mustn’t…等。要求学生能用英语表达消防员所宣传的用火安全知识,真正理解单词careful和safety等。Read and match: 这是两大核心板块的巩固和提升。利用故事描述和图文配对的形式来巩固新知识,学习公园火灾的营救方法,实现学以致用。 Read a story: 阅读延伸。通过一则生动、有趣的故事学习,明白远古时代人们用火煮食物的缘由,明确火在人类历史长河中所起得重要作用。同时,通过故事学习让学生懂得“合理安全利用火”的重要意义。 Listen and enjoy: 这是核心学习板块的延伸。通过阅读相关儿歌,了解遇到火灾的逃生办法,进一步加强对消防安全的认识。 Learn the sounds: 语音学习。复习本学期所学的所有音标,强化这些音标的学习,树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位。 2、知识要点介绍 1)学习和熟练掌握重点词汇,如smoke, start, campfire, match, careful, safety等,做到音、形、义的统一。 2)学习并掌握与用火安全有关的祈使句,如Don’t smoke! Don’t start campfires! Don’t play near fires! Don’t play with matches!等 3)熟练运用如下句型: Don’t… We must / mustn’t…来劝诫他人新城良好的行为习惯,如用火安全等。 4)复习本学期所学的所有音标。 3、学生已有的能整合到本单元的知识 1)词汇 安全用火类:firefighter (4A M2U2) 祈使句类:Don’t litter. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t pick flowers. Don’t throw stones. (4A M4U1)

人教版七年级英语下册unit 1教案

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Section A (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: guitar, sing, swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club 能掌握以下句型: ①—Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can、/ No, I can't、 ②—What can you do? —I can dance、 ③—What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club、 2) 能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法 want to do sth、的用法 2、情感态度价值观目标: 该部分内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题就是能力。通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方在某一方面的能力,可以培养学生的一种群体意识。 二、教学重难点 1、教学重点: 1) 学习询问与谈论彼此的能力与特长; 2) 掌握一些弹奏乐器的表达方式。 2、教学难点: 情态动词can的构成与使用。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ、Lead in 1、教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器, 一边说: I can play the guitar.…等;再指着图片说:He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单 的回答。 2、 S s look at the picture in 1a、Then read the words and phrases、Let Ss match the activities with the people、


(人教pep)英语教案六年级下册unit3 Unit3 Last weekend The third period 一、教学内容:Part A Let’s read. Let’s play. Part C Pronunciation 二、教学目标和要求 1、能听、说、认读Let’s read部分的内容,并完成相应活动。 2、能够了解双元音音标的音和形,能够读出例词并选择音标和单词和配图正确连线。 三、教学重点 1)理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。 2)was, busy, It was …’s birthday. 四、教学难点 1)理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。 2)was, busy, It was …’s birthday. 五、课前准备 1、教师准备一幅本课时的教学挂图。 2、教师准备一台录音机和相关录音带。 3、学生准备本课时的单词卡片。 六、教学过程 1、Warm-up (1)Let’s sing: The days of the week. (2)Ask and answer: What did you do last weekend? What did you do yesterday? I ( did) …last weekend/ yesterday. 2、Preview

结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,可让学生进行快看快拼的比赛。 3、Presentation (1)Let’s learn. 从上面的问答中,老师总结并板书呈现:busy, … was busy last weekend. ①根据学生的回答,教师可提出更细节性的问题: T: What did you do last Saturday morning/ last Sunday eve ning…? A: I (did)…last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening… T 根据学生A的回答,再向其他学生提问: T: What did A do last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening…? 引导学生将第一人称改为相应的第三人称进行回答,并将学生的回答(选择一个)以短语形式填入课前准备好的表格中。见附录。 ②完成表格后,T 再次重复: A was busy last weekend. ③根据板书及表格,引导其他学生以: ××× was busy last weekend. 为开头转述其他同学上周周末的活动。 (2)Presentation of the sentences ①T: A was busy last weekend. B was busy last weekend. And Wu Yifan was busy last weekend, too. ②Now, let’s listen to the short passage and answer some questions.( T 可根据段落内 容顺序设计问题) A:What did Wu Yifan do Saturday morning? B: Whom did he visit? Why? C: What did they do together? D: What did they do in the evening? E: What did Wu Yifan do Sunday morning? With whom? F: What did Wu Yifan do in the afternoon? ③听完两遍录音,学生可以同桌讨论并回答问题。如果有不同答案,大家一起讨论,寻求最佳答案。 ④听音跟读,再齐读。 ⑤要求学生独立完成课本中“Finish the sentences”. 再进行组内讨论并校对答案。 1) Let’s play T: Look at the calendar. Today is ( date ). Yesterday was (date). What did you do yesterday? A: I (did) yesterday. 2) Activity 1 :滚雪球 Pronunciation (1)听音模仿. 教师要以夸张的口型带学生跟读。 (2)认读双元音音标。说明音标和字母的区别和联系。 (3) 拼读单词。老师请学生自己拼读并读给大家听。
