

1 Nice to see you again.(很高兴再次见到你)

2 How are u doing(你好吗?回答通常是:i'm doing great.couldn't be better.)

3 Nice to meet u.(很高兴见到你,尤其初次见面的人常用)

4 I'd like u to meet my friend ~~~~~(偶想让你见见偶的朋友~~~但是注意哦,不要引狼入室)

5 This is my friend ~~~~ and this is ~~~~~(同上)

6 I'm a new comer, so could u pls help me(偶是新驴,请多关照)

7 What a nice day.(天气真好)

8 Nice day, isn't it(天气很好,不是吗?)

9 It will take us one hour to get to the top of the mountain.(the foot of the mountain)(我们要花一个小时到那山顶山脚)

10 where are u from(你从哪儿来?)

11 How can I reach u (偶怎么样和你联系哩?各位gg注意,这句很有用哦)

12 May I have ur mobile phone number pls(你能告诉偶你的手机号吗?)

13 Have we met somewhere before(偶们以前见过吗?嘿嘿,不是都知道这是给gg们准备的,不过要看清楚mm身后有没有人)

14 U can depend on me.(偶让你依靠,让你靠,没什么大不了)

!5 I'll try my best to help u.(偶会尽力保护你的)

16 you can make it!(你可以做到的,鼓励新驴时可以用哦)

17 trust me , i'm a nice guy.(相信偶,偶是一个好人)

18 I'll follow u (偶就跟着你了)

19 Just follow me.(你就跟着偶吧)

20 It's a long story.(一言难尽,嘿嘿,;老驴告诉新驴上次的冒险经历,或第101次求婚还是失败的故事时可以一脸沧桑的用这个句子哦)

21 Can I go somewhere(偶可以去嘘嘘吗?嘿嘿,这句有用吧)

22 Come on ,u can do it !(来吧,你可以做到的。鼓励新驴用语)

23 Pls sing us a song.(请给偶们唱首歌吧)

24 U are so charming.(mm你好漂亮。迷人)

25 U are the right girlboy I'm looking for.(你就是偶要找的人)

26 here we are.(偶们到了)

27 thank u so much.(谢谢)

28 you are welcome.(不客气)

29 don't mention it.(区区小事何足挂齿)

30 it was nothing (同上)



1 You did a good job.(你做的太棒了,对新驴的鼓励)

2 You look great today.(你今天看起来真是精神)

3 I'm really proud of you。(偶真为你骄傲)

4 that's incredible.(真不敢相信,在老驴对新驴说他曾经等上过注目


5 well done!nice job!(做的好,干的漂亮。使用率极高)

6 I admire ur job!(偶真是佩服你,偶真是对你所做的表示敬佩,对领队gg说)

7 you've got a great personality.(你性格真好,遇见一个和你投机的mm别忘记告诉她)

8 you have a good sense of humour.(mm们也可以回应:你很幽默!)

9 you have a good taste.(在别人夸奖你的时候可以用这句,不过通常都会让夸奖你的人做呕吐状,这点偶屡试不爽,嘿嘿)

10 you look like a million dollars.you lood outstanding.

11 you are professional.(你真是很专业,夸老驴)

12 you two rally make a lovely couple.(有一对一块参加这次活动,虽然你没机会了,但是还可以对他们说出这句话,你们真是天造地设的一对,真是般配)

13 you are very talented.(你很有天赋,别人常夸偶的一句话)

15 your english is really surpring.(你的英语真是棒极了)

16 you are a great help.(你真是太有帮助了,你真帮了我大忙)


1 do you really mean it(你不是当真吧?mm听说前面有狼的时候都会用这样一句)

2 i'm serious.(我是认真的~~~~~向你表达偶的爱意或者什么东东)

3 after https://www.360docs.net/doc/a410845508.html,dy first.(这句话绝对经典,一位绅士某日在电梯里给偶

来了这样一句话,after u偶至今还记得,哎,可惜不知道他去哪儿了)4 let's face it.let's face the music.(让偶们面对现实吧,比如遇见了狼,领队gg可以说这句,然后带领大家一拥而上,杀狼吃肉,嘿嘿)

5 I don't know for sure.(偶也不太确定,有人问你还要多久才到目的地的时候你也不清楚就可以用)

6 i'm really dead.(偶要累死了)

7 Brilliant idea!(这个主意太棒了)

8 attention please. I have a very important annoncement to make.(同志们咸菜猪尾巴~~~~同志们现在注意了,嘿嘿,领队gg宣布决定的时候用)

9 you can count on it.(你放心好了。老驴gg可以拍拍胸脯向各位mm 保证)

10 I never liked it anyway.(如果有人在行军途中把你心爱的墨镜一屁股坐断或者怎么样,即使你的心血流成河,你也要深吸一口气,强装笑颜,对她说,反正我也不喜欢,旧的不去新的不来,不过如果弄坏东西的是位男士就另当别论了,直接上去两拳就好了)

11 it's a deal.(就这么定了,ggmm达成协议时用)

12 that depends.(那要看了,不一定。有人问你还要多久能到你说这要看了,如果我背着你一辈子都到不了,如过你背着我一辈子不到也挺好,咱们可以在这里做哈萨)

13 thanks anyway.(还是谢谢你,虽然你没有帮偶的忙)

14 congratulations.(恭喜你,完成了由人到驴的第一步,但转变还不


2 = to/too

2B or not 2B = To be or not to be

4 = for

4ever = forever

ASL = Age/Sex/Location

AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned

AFAIK = As Far As I Know

AFK = Away From Keyboard

AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle

AISI = As I See It

AKA = Also Known As

AMBW = All My Best Wishes

ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS = All Of The Sudden

ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible

ASAP = As Soon As Possible

ATST = At The Same Time

AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something

B4 = Before

B4N = Bye For Now

BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel

BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit

BBIAF = Be Back In A Few

BBL = Be Back Later

BBN = Bye Bye Now

BCNU = Be Seein’ You

BF = Boyfriend

BFD = Big Fing Deal

BFN = Bye For Now

BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart

BIF = Basis In Fact

BITD = Back In The Day

Biz = Business

BM = Byte Me

BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass

BNF = Big Name Fan

BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again

BR = Bathroom

BRB = Be Right Back

BRT = Be Right There

BS = Big Smile

BT = Byte This

BTDT = Been There Done That

BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me

BTW = By The Way

BTWBO = Be There With Bells On

BWDIK = But What Do I Know?

BWO = Black, White or Other

Cam = Web Camera

CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)

CID = Consider It Done

CIO = Check It Out

CIS = CompuServe Information Service

CMF = Count My Fingers

Cof$ = Church of Scientology

CRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Can’t Stop Laughing

CTC = Choaking The Chicken

CU = See You

CUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You Later

CWYL = Chat With You Later

CYA = Cover Your Ass

DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You Read DD = Due Diligence

DDD = Direct Distance Dial

DETI = Don’t Even Think It

DGT = Don’t Go There

DHYB = Don’t Hold Your Breath

DIIK = Damned If I Known

DILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\amn DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A Sh DKDC = Don’t Know Don’t Care

DL = Download

DLTM = Don’t Lie To Me

DQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day Job

DRIB = Don’t Read If Busy

DS = Dunce Smiley

DYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That Thing

EG = Evil Grin

EOM = End Of Message

ESO = Equipment Smarter than Operator

F2F/FTF = Face To Face

FAQ = Frequently Asked Question

FBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and Seat

FE = For Example/Fatal Error

FF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures New

FOAF = Friend Of A Friend

FTASB = Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

FT = Faint

FTL = Faster Than Light

FTTB = For The Time Being

FUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All Recognition

FUBB = Fed Up Beyond Belief

FUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s Worth

FYA = For Your Amusement

FYI = For Your Information

FYM = For Your Misinformation

G2G = Got To Go

G8T/GR8 = Great

GAL = Get A Life

GDGD = Good,Good

GF = girlfriend

GG = Good Game/Gotta Go

GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out

GIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said That

GL = Good Luck

GLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do I

GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike

GNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For You

GR&D = Grinning Running And Ducking

GRRRR = "Growling"

GSOAS = Go Sit On A Snake

GTG = Got To Go

GTGB = Got To Go, Bye

GTGP = Got To Go Pee

GTH = Go To Hell

GTSY = Glad To See Ya

GYPO = Get Your Pants Off

HAGO = Have A Good One

HAK = Hugs And Kisses

HB = Hurry Back

HD = Hold

HHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding HHOK = Ha Ha, Only Kidding

HIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of Coffee Howz = How is

HTH = Hope This (That) Helps

HUA = Heads Up Ace

HUYA = Head Up Your A


日常英语口语对话 日常英语口语汇总- 日常英语口语对话_英语日常对话汇总,最好的、最权威的、最新的日常英语口语对话汇总! 日常英语口语对话_英语日常对话、习惯语500句(高级)(之一) 1. Hold on 等一下(口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there. 2. I hate his guts. 我最讨厌他。也有说I hate him guts. Guts 是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思。He doesn’t have much guts. 他是个胆小鬼。ut feeling 直觉 3. Nuts, 果仁,核,为复数时,意为“疯子”,He is nuts。他有神经病。He went nuts and killed a guy.他发疯了,结果杀了一个人。You are driving me nuts. 你真是要把我逼疯。a tough nut to crack, 一项艰巨的任务,一个难解之题 4. How is everything? (还好吗?) I am just stuck in a rut, doing the same things every day. I wish I could do something different. (烦死了,每天都是干同样的活,我真想换个活法。) rut 日常的,每天都如此,get in a rut,日复一日,天天如此 5. I have totally sold out to your idea. 我100%地赞同赞同你的意见。类似的话还有If you are not careful enough, you will buy into his bad idea. 如果你不小心的话,你就会采纳他的这馊主意。 6. I am just ecstatic about going to visit you soon. 马上要见你,我高兴死了。


旅游常用英语词汇及句型整理 下面为大家带来出国旅游常用英语词汇及句型整理,欢迎大家学习!旅游常用英语词汇:姓family name名First (Given) Name性别sex男male女female国籍nationality国籍country of citizenship护照号passport No.原住地country of Origin(Country where you live)前往目的地国destination country登机城市city where you boarded签证签发地city where visa was issued签发日期date issue前往国家的住址address while in街道及门牌号number and street城市及国家city and state出生日期date of Birth(Birthdate)年year月month日day偕行人数accompanying number职业occupation专业技术人员professionals & technical行政管理人员legislators &administrators办事员clerk商业人员commerce (Business People)服务人员service农民farmer工人worker其他others 无业jobless签名signature官方填写official use only旅游常用英语句型:麻烦请给我你的护照。 May I see your passport, please?这是我的护照。 Here is my passport / Here it is.旅行的目的为何?What’s the purpose of your visit?观光(公务、学习)。 Sightseeing (Business、Study).在哪个学校?Which University?学习什么课程?What course will you take?预计在英国停留多久?How long will you be staying in the UK?预计停留约1年。 I plan to stay for about 1 year.我只是过境而已。


和老外聊天、发邮件常用英语缩写? 邮件里常用的四个英文缩写 CC,FYI,ASAP,RESEND ? 1. CC 抄送? Literal meaning: Carbon Copy. When used in an e-mail, it means to send a copy of the e-mail to someone else. ? Hidden meaning: If you are on the CC list, you may simply read the e-mail. You're not always obligated to reply. But if an e-mail sent to you has your boss' e-mail on the CC list, watch out. When the boss is involved, you'd better take the e-mail more seriously. ? 2. FYI 供你参考? Literal meaning: For your information. ? Hidden meaning: By adding "FYI", the sender indicates that the e-mail contains information that may be valuable to your company or job responsibilities. ? 3. ASAP / urgent 紧急文件? Literal meaning: As soon as possible. ? Hidden meaning: When you see "ASAP" or "urgent" in an e-mail or document, you should quickly carry out the e-mail's orders. ? 4. RESEND! 重传? Literal meaning: Please resend your reply to me. ? Hidden meaning: "I haven't received your reply. I don't have much time. Please hurry." You might get such a message from someone who sent you an e-mail, to which you've yet to reply. ? others: ? 数字:? 2 = to/too ? 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be ? 4 = for ? 4ever = forever ? A:? ASL = Age/Sex/Location ? AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned ? AFAIK = As Far As I Know ? AFK = Away From Keyboard ? AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle ? AISI = As I See It ? AKA = Also Known As ? AMBW = All My Best Wishes ? ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor ? AOTS = All Of The Sudden ? ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ? ASAP = As Soon As Possible ? ATST = At The Same Time ? AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again ? AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again ? AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something ? ? B:? B4 = Before ? B4N = Bye For Now ? BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel ? BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit ? BBIAF = Be Back In A Few ? BBL = Be Back Later ? BBN = Bye Bye Now ? BCNU = Be Seein’ You ? BF = Boyfriend ? BFD = Big Fing Deal ? BFN = Bye For Now ? BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart ? BIF = Basis In Fact ? BITD = Back In The Day ? Biz = Business ? BM = Byte Me ? BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass ? BNF = Big Name Fan ? BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again ? BR = Best regards ? BRB = Be Right Back ? BRT = Be Right There ? BS = Big Smile ? BT = Byte This ? BTDT = Been There Done That ? BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me ? BTW = By The Way ? BTWBO = Be There With Bells On ? BWDIK = But What Do I Know? ? BWO = Black, White or Other ? ? C:? Cam = Web Camera ? CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian) ? CID = Consider It Done ? CIS = CompuServe Information Service ?


英语聊天常用语100句 1. How are you doing? 你好吗? 2. I'm doing great. 我过得很好。 3. What's up? 出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了? 4. Nothing special. 没什么特别的。 5. Hi. Long time no see. 嗨,好久不见了。 6. So far so good. 到目前为止,一切都好。 7. Things couldn't be better. 一切顺利。 8. How about yourself? 你自己呢? 9. Today is a great day. 今天是个好日子。 10. Are you making progress? 有进展吗? 11. May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名? 12. I've heard so much about you. 久仰大名。 13. I hope you're enjoying your staying here. 希望你在这里过得愉快。 14. Let's get together again. 改天再聚聚。 15. That's a great idea! 好主意! 16. Please say hello to your mother for me. 请代我向你母亲问好。 17. I'm glad to have met you. 很高兴遇到你。 18. Don't forget us. 别忘了我们。 19. Keep in touch. 保持联系。 20. I had a wonderful time here. 我在这里度过了难忘的时光。 21. Have a nice weekend. 周末愉快。 22. Same to you. 彼此彼此。 23. Nice talking to you. 很高兴与你聊天。 24. Take care of yourself. 自己当心/照顾好你自己。 25. Thank you for everything. 谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。 26. Thank you all for coming. 谢谢光临。 27. I appreciate your help. 我感谢你的帮助。 28. You're always welcome. 别客气/不用谢 29. Forget it. 算了吧 30. It was my pleasure. 不用谢。 31. I made a mistake. 我弄错了。 32. I'm terribly sorry. 实在抱歉。 33. I must apologize! 我必须道歉! 34. I feel terrible. 我感觉糟透了。 35. It's not your fault. 那不是你的错。 36. Sorry to bother /have bothered you. 抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。 37. What do you do? 你做什么工作? 38. How do you like your new job? 你觉得你的新工作怎样? 39. I like it a lot. 我很喜欢。 40. I like reading and listening to music. 我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。 41. What's wrong? 怎么回事?


高中英语句型归纳 1. There is no doing 结构。其意为“不可能…”、“无法…”: There’s no denying the fact. 这一事实不容否认。 There is no getting over the difficulty. 这困难无法克服。 There is no knowing what he will do next. 无法知道他下一步要干什么。 There was no telling when she would be back。没法知道她什么时候回来。 2. There is no difficulty in doing sth结构。意为“做某事没有困难”: There is no difficulty in finding his office. 找到了他的办公室没费一点劲。 There was no difficulty in carrying out the plan. 执行这项计划没什么困难。 3. There’s no doubt of sth. / dong sth / that … 结构。意为“毫无疑问…”: There is no doubt of his success. 毫无疑问他一定会成功。 There could be no doubt that he was one of the best writer in this country. 毫无疑问他是这个国家最优秀的作家之一。 4. There is no hurry (to do sth) 句式。其意为“不用急(于做某事)”: There’s no hurry to return the book. 现在不急于还书。 There’s no hurry, so do it slowly an d carefully. 不用赶时间,要慢慢细心地做。 5.There’s no need ( for sb. ) to do sth. …结构。其意为“不需要或不必要…”: There is no need for help. 不需要帮助。 There is no need for you to go. 你没有必要去。 8. There is no sense in doing sth 结构。意为“做某事没有道理或好处”: There’s no sense in criticizing him. 批评他也没有用。 There’s no sense in waiting three hours. 等三小时是不没有道理的。 9. There’s no point in doing sth 句式。意为“做某事没有用”: There’s no point (in) telling her about is. 告诉她没有用。 There’s no point in wasting time. 耗时间没用。 10. There is no possibility of sth ./ that …. 【注】以上有的结构中的no根据情况也可换成其他限定词: There is some difficulty in doing sth意为“做某事有些困难”。 There is much difficulty in doing sth意为“做某事许多困难”。 There’s a need for…意为“需要或有必要…”。 10 prefer (1) prefer to do sth 例:I prefer to stay at home. (2) prefer doing sth 例:I prefer playing in defence. (3) prefer sb to do sth 例:Would you prefer me to stay? (4) prefer to do sth rather than do sth ……宁愿…...而不愿.…". 例句:I prefer to stay at home rather than go out (5) prefer doing sth to doing sth 例:I prefer watching football to playing it. (6) prefer sth to sth 例:I prefer tea to coffee. 我要茶不要咖啡。 11. seem (1) It +seems + that从句例:It seemed that everyone was satisfied. (2) It seems to sb that --- 例:It seems to me that she is right. (3) There seems to be ---- 例:There seems to be a heavy rain. (4) It seems as if ---- 例:It seemed that she couldn't come to class. 12. 表示“相差……;增加了……;增加到……”句型: (1) She is taller than I by three inches. 她比我高三英寸 (2) There is one year between us. 我们之间相差一岁。 (3) She is three years old than I 她比我大三岁。 (4) They have increased the price by 50%. 他们把价格上涨了50% 13.too句型: (1) too...to do sth.例:Politics is too important to be left to the politicians. (=Politics is so important that it can't be left to the politicians.) (2) only too --- to do sth 例:I shall be only too pleased to get home. (3) too + adj + for sth 例:These shoes are much too small for me. (4) too + adj + a + n. 例:This is too difficult a text for me. (5) can't … too +形容词无论……也不为过 例:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 14. before 句型: (1) before sb can/ could … 某人还没来得及…… 例:Before I could get in a word ,he had measured me. (2) It will be +时间+ before + 还有多长时间…… 例:It will be 4 years before he graduates. (3) had done some time before (才……) 例:We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. (4) had not done --- before --- 不到……就…… 例:We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired. (5) It was not +一段时间+ before 不多久就…… 例:It wasn’t two years before he left the count ry. 15. 用于表示过去未实现的希望和计划的句型: (1) should like to/ would like to/ would love to have done sth.


网络英语聊天中常用缩写短语(很好很强大!!!)来源:郭年顺的日志 问好 hiho = hola = yo = hi = hey = hellow 你好,大家好 wuz up = sup = S’up What's up?原意:怎么样你?有什么事儿嘛?也可作为问好用(熟人之间候) 再见 cya = cu =see ya see you 再见 laterz = later = cya later = see ya later see you later 再见 gn = gn8 = gnight good night 晚安 nn = nite 晚安 说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。不要问我为什么,约定俗成而已。 惊叹赞扬 OMG oh my god 我的天 OMFG oh my f ucking god = 我的老天;**靠 wtf what the f uck = 怎么会事!?;我日! n1 = nice 1 nice one 漂亮 pwnz = ownz 牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!) rullz 强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!!!) you rock! 你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。)

lol laughing out loud / laugh out loud 很好笑.因为lol像笑脸,和我们常用的^-^一样 lmao laughing my ass off 笑的屁股尿流 rofl roll on floor laughing 笑翻天了 其他简写 FU fuck you *你;滚 STFU Shut the fuck up! ***给我闭嘴! k=ok=okay=okie 好的,恩 gimme give me 给我 em them 他们的宾格 thx thanks 谢谢 ty thank you 原本用的不多,不过现在又开始兴起来了 happy bday = happy b-day happy birthday! 生日快乐 dunno dont know 不知道 kinda a little bit 有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think i should get it d one as soon as possible.) cmon = c'mon come on 加油/别吹了/快点/起来(这个词意思太多了,不赘述了) hax = hack = cheat 作弊,说谎(很地道时尚的词,老外用的比较多)


1 Nice to see you again.(很高兴再次见到你) 2 How are u doing(你好吗?回答通常是:i'm doing great.couldn't be better.) 3 Nice to meet u.(很高兴见到你,尤其初次见面的人常用) 4 I'd like u to meet my friend ~~~~~(偶想让你见见偶的朋友~~~但是注意哦,不要引狼入室) 5 This is my friend ~~~~ and this is ~~~~~(同上) 6 I'm a new comer, so could u pls help me(偶是新驴,请多关照) 7 What a nice day.(天气真好) 8 Nice day, isn't it(天气很好,不是吗?) 9 It will take us one hour to get to the top of the mountain.(the foot of the mountain)(我们要花一个小时到那山顶山脚) 10 where are u from(你从哪儿来?) 11 How can I reach u (偶怎么样和你联系哩?各位gg注意,这句很有用哦) 12 May I have ur mobile phone number pls(你能告诉偶你的手机号吗?) 13 Have we met somewhere before(偶们以前见过吗?嘿嘿,不是都知道这是给gg们准备的,不过要看清楚mm身后有没有人) 14 U can depend on me.(偶让你依靠,让你靠,没什么大不了) !5 I'll try my best to help u.(偶会尽力保护你的) 16 you can make it!(你可以做到的,鼓励新驴时可以用哦)


高中英语常用短语及句型归纳 1.高考高频动词短语 (1)act短语: act as 担任……职务,起……作用act for 代理(某人职务),代为(处理某事) act out 表演(对话、故事等)act up 捣乱,出毛病 例如: I acted as an interpreter while I was in Xiamen. Mr Black is acting for the old man in his case. (布莱克先生代那个老人处理他的案件。) The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus. He’s a tough kid and he acts up a lot. (2)break短语: break away 摆脱,脱离break away from …脱离……,奋力挣脱…… break down 出故障,坏掉,中止,累垮,分解 break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入break into …闯入……,破门而入 break (sth) off (使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止 break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发 break out in tears 突然大哭break the rule 违反规定 break through 突围,冲跨break up 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开 例如: The thief broke away from the police, but was later caught. If you keep on working like that, you’ll break down sooner or later. The car broke down just on my way here. If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off. If anyone tries to break into the building, the alarm will go off. She broke off a bit of bread and dipped it in the soup. I broke off the conversation and answered the phone. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out? It may take a long time to break through the problem. In spring the icebergs begin to break up. (3)bring短语: bring about 引起,导致,使发生bring along 把……带来,领来 bring back 拿回来,使恢复bring sb back 送回某人 bring sth / sb back to life 使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 (比较:sth / sb come back to life 复苏,苏醒) bring down 使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下 bring down / up (the price) 降价/提价[比较:(the price ) go down / up 价格下降/上涨] bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring on 发展,引起,导致,使前进 bring out 拿出,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 bring to 使苏醒 bring … to use = put …to use 对……加以利用 bring / carry sth to / into effect 实施……(比较:sth come / go into effect 开始实施) bring up 抚养,培养,哺育 例如: A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rainforests.


---问好--- 1,hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=你好,大家好 2,wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(当然是比较熟的两个人之间的问候),回答时有事说事,没事用"nothing/nothin much/not much/nm等回答就可以。 ---再见--- 1,cya=cu=see ya=see you=再见 2,laterz=later=cya later=see ya later=see you later=再见 3,gn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安 4,nn=nite=晚安 说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。不要问我为什么,约定俗成而已。 ---惊叹赞扬--- 1,OMG=oh my god=我的天;我靠! 2,OMFG=oh my * ***ing god=我的老天;我靠靠; 3,wtf=what the * ***=怎么会事!?;我日!; 4,n1=nice 1=nice one=漂亮 5, pwnz=ownz=牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!) 6,rullz=强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!!!) 7,you rock!=你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。) ---笑--- 1,lol=laughing out loud /laugh out loud=大笑 2,lmao=laughing my ass off=笑的屁股尿流 3,rofl=roll on floor laughing=笑翻天了 排序:hehe ---其他简写--- 1,FU=* *** you=*你;滚 2,STFU=Shut the * *** up!=他妈的给我闭嘴! 3,k=ok=okay=okie=好的,恩 4,sux=s uck的第3人称单数形势(例句:that sux)=sb;滥 5,gimme=give me=给我 6,xfer=transfer=传输 7,em=them=他们的宾格 8,thx=thanks=谢谢 9,happy bday=happy b-day=happy birthday!=生日快乐 10,dunno=dont know=不知道 11,kinda=a little bit=有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think i should get it done as soon as possible.) 12,tho=though=虽然尽管(例句:That demo was very nice,kinda old tho.那个demo很不错,虽然有点老) 13,plz=please=请


和宝宝交流的日常英语对话|日常英语对话常用句子 英语对话教学能激发和保持学生学习英语的兴趣,为学生提供充分的语言交际实践的机会,能培养学生的交际能力,使学生敢于大胆开口说英语,达到学以致用的目的,使得英语课堂教学更精彩。小编精心收集了和宝宝交流的日常英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!和宝宝交流的日常英语对话1 Costa: So you’re saying that if we eat vegetables,we’ll be healthy? Coco: Yup! Can’t wait to eat them. Mimi: Here. If you’re hungry,have some oranges. Costa: oranges? Costa: They’re not vegetables. Costa: I will only eat vegetables. Mimi: Fruits are very good,too. Costa: Have some oranges. Coco:Are you still cooking? Coco: I’m hungry. I’ll eat this. Mimi: You shouldn’t eat raw onions. Mimi: You should cook that first. Coco: I don’t care. Coco: I’m so hungry right now! Mimi: See? Mimi: I told you that you should cook it first! Coco: Ahhh! Help me!! 科斯达:所以你的意思是说,如果我们常吃蔬菜,我们将会很健康吗? 可可:是啊!等不及吃它们了。 咪咪:这里。如果你们饿了,吃一些橙子。 科斯达:橙子? 科斯达:他们不是蔬菜。 科斯达:我只会吃蔬菜。 咪咪:水果也非常好。 咪咪:吃一些橙子。 可可:你还要继续做饭吗? 可可:我饿了。我先吃这个。 咪咪:你不应该生吃洋葱。 咪咪:你应该先煮熟。 可可:我不在乎。 可可:我太饿了! 咪咪:看到了吗? 咪咪:我告诉你,你应该先煮熟了! 可可:唉唉!救救我!和宝宝交流的日常英语对话2 Mimi: Try this ice cream. Mimi: It melts in my mouth. Mimi: It is so sweet and yummy. Mimi: I’m happy with my cake.


初中英语常用句型归纳 1、be+表语(形容词、名词、介词短语、副词) The flower is red.(adj) He is a worker.(n.) They were at home.(prep.) She is out.(adv.) ※从上例可以看出,表语主要在系动词be之后,它与系动词be 共同构成句子的谓语。 除系动词be外,还有其它几个常用的表示状态及变化的系动词,如feel/smell/taste/turn/get/become/look/grow等。 Tom felt tired. Her face turns red. I became a teacher last year. It is getting longer and longer. They look the same. She grows old. 2、---Ca n’t you see?难道你看不见吗? ---No,I ca n′t.是的,我看不见。 ※用情态动词(can/may/must)、系动词be、助动词(do/does/did)等的否定式开头的疑问句叫否定疑问句。表示惊奇、反问以及看法、建议等,有“难道不……?”之意。在回答这种问句时要注意,如果回答是肯定的,就用yes,否定的就用no.这和汉语习惯不同。 在否定疑问句中,not也可放在主语后面。但若位于主语前,须与系动词或助动词构成缩略式。 ---Didn’t you go there?难道你没去哪儿? ---Yes,I did.不,我去了。 Aren’t you a student? 3、There be与have当“有”讲 ※(1)There be+某人/物+某时/地。表示“某处有某任某物” be 的单复数与后面的“某任物”一致。 There is a book on the desk. There are a pen and two knife in the pencil-box. There be后面的主语若不是一个,be的单复数要和最近的一个一致。也可与并列的主语保持一致。


英语聊天时常用缩写 Sun = Sunday Mon = Monday Tue = Tuesday Wed = Wednesday Thu = Thursday Fri = Friday Sat = Saturday DIY = Do It Yourself C U = See You I C = I See FT = Faint 昏倒、晕厥之意,晕 SP = support

LOL = Laugh out loud ,大笑 lmao = laughing my ass off 笑的屁股尿流 rofl = roll on floor laughing 笑翻天了 笑的程序:hehe < haha < lol < lmao < rofl BTW = by the way BRB = be right back , e.g. :getting some food to eat ,brb bbl = be back later , e.g. :im gonna go out for a while ,bbl bbs = be back soon ttyl = talk to you later ppl = people pls = please R U OK = are you ok ? IOWAN2BWU = I only want to be with you

CUL8R = see you later IMHO = in my humble opinion 愚见asap = as soon as as possible 4 = for 2 = to,too u = you ur = your r = are,our y = why,yes 2gether = together 2night = tonight 2morrow = tomorrow sth = something sb = somebody gf = girlfriend


英语网络聊天常用语 1.Hi, there. 嗨, 你好. 首先来谈谈在网路上聊天的基本大原则. 网上聊天凡事要简单. 打字的速度远不若说话的速度快, 所以能简写的简称的就要去简化. 2. A/S/L? 年龄/性别/所在地? 如果你是第一次跟老美聊天, 他们通常都会先问你 A/S/L ? 有些人更懒, 直接打 asl? 意思虽然完全一样, 但是如果你之前没看过这样的用法, 很难猜出 asl 是什麼意思. 回答的方式也很简单, 假设有个美眉今 年芳龄十八, 家住芝加哥 (Chicago) 则她可以回答, 18/ f / Chicago 如果你不会用 a/s/l ? 这种问法, 而分开问, How old are you?.(你多大了?) Boy or girl? (男的女的?) Where are you from? (从哪里来?) 那麼就违反了网路上要言简意该的大原则, 这样很快就会露出马脚, 让别人听出你不是跟他们 一伙的. 3. S‘up? 什么事? What‘s up?是老美彼此之间常用的一种打招呼方式. 但时下美国的青少年喜欢把What‘s up? =S‘up?因为他们觉得这样子很酷.六人行(Friends) 中就有这么一段: Joey 為了要演一个十九岁的青少年, 他就故意耍酷说, S‘up? 相信这个星期有看 Friends 的人都有印 象才对. 网路上常看到的写法则是sup?; 第一次看到sup? 我的第一个反应是 sup 是 supper (晚餐)的简写, 害我还以為人家问我吃过晚餐了没? 其实不是, sup? 只是一种打招呼的方式而已, 通常你可以 简单地回答, Not much." 或是 & Nothing much." 就行啦! 4. Lol. 很好笑. Lol 就是 laugh out loud 的简写, 就是「很好笑, 让我笑得很大声」的意思通常是放在句尾来加强语气, 例如, I got my butt kicked by an eight-year-old boy..... lol. (我被一个八岁的小男孩干掉了.... 真好笑). 其实这是我个人惨痛的经验, 网路游戏居然玩不过一个八岁的小男孩? 5.ill I‘ll 有些人就直接打 ill. 6. k OK的简称. 7.coz Because 简略为 coz 8.rdy rdy是ready的缩写. 9. 4= for 10. BRB = be right back 11. lil = little 12. l8r = later (l+eight+r) 13. KIT= keep in touch 14. ASAP= as soon as possible 15. talkin‘ = talking 16. r = are 17. zm = zone message; 常用句: 1 Nice to see you again.(很高兴再次见到你) 2 How are u doing(你好吗?回答通常是:im doing great.couldnt be better.) 3 Nice to meet u.(很高兴见到你,尤其初次见面的人常用) 4 Id like u to meet my friend ~~~~~(偶想让你见见偶的朋友~~~但是注意哦,不要引狼入室) 5 This is my friend ~~~~ and this is ~~~~~(同上) 6 Im a new comer, so could u pls help me(偶是新驴,请多关照) 7 What a nice day.(天气真好) 8 Nice day, isnt it(天气很好,不是吗?) 9 It will take us one hour to get to the top of the mountain.(the foot of the mountain)(我们要花一个小时到那山顶山脚) 10 where are u from(你从哪儿来?)11 How can I reach u (偶怎么样和你联系哩?各位gg注意,这句很有用哦) 12 May I have ur mobile phone number pls(你能告诉偶你的手机号吗?) 13 Have we met somewhere before (偶们以前见过吗?嘿嘿,不是都知道这是给gg们准备的,不过要看清楚mm身后有没有人) 14 U can depend on me.(偶让你依靠,让你靠,没什么大不了) !5 Ill try my best to help u.(偶会尽力保护你的) 16 you can make it!(你可以做到的,鼓励新驴时可以用哦) 17 trust me , im a nice guy.(相信偶,偶是一个好人) 18 Ill follow u (偶就跟着你了) 19 Just follow me.(你就跟着偶吧) 20 Its a long story.(一言难尽,嘿嘿,;老驴告诉新驴上次的冒险经历,或第101次求婚还是失败的故事时可以一脸沧桑的用这个句子哦)21 Can I go somewhere(偶可以去嘘嘘吗?嘿嘿,这句有用吧) 22 Come on ,u can do it !(来吧,你可以做到的。鼓励新驴用语) 23 Pls sing us a song.(请给偶们唱首歌吧) 24 U are so charming.(mm你好漂亮。迷人) 25 U are the right girlboy Im looking for.(你就是偶要找的人) 26 here we are.(偶们到了) 27 thank u so much.(谢谢) 28 you are welcome.(不客气) 29 dont mention it.(区区小事何足挂齿) 30 it was nothing (同上) --------------------------------------------------------------- 讚揚别人的句子: 1 You did a good job.(你做的太棒了,对新驴的鼓励) 2 You look great today.(你今天看起来真是精神) 3 Im really
