Planning with Preferences using Logic Programming

Planning with Preferences using Logic Programming
Planning with Preferences using Logic Programming

Planning with Preferences using Logic Programming

Tran Cao Son Enrico Pontelli

Department of Computer Science

New Mexico State University

Las Cruces,NM88003,USA

tson epontell@,

Abstract.We present a declarative language,,for the speci?cation of pref-

erences between possible solutions(or trajectories)of a planning problem.This

novel language allows users to elegantly express non-trivial,multi-dimensional

preferences and priorities over them.The semantics of allows the identi?ca-

tion of most preferred trajectories of a given goal.We provide a transformation to

logic programming with negation as failure,that allows the use of existing logic

programming systems to solve planning problems with preferences.


Planning—in its classical sense—is the problem of?nding a sequence of actions that achieves a prede?ned goal.As such,much of the research in AI planning has been focused on methodologies and issues related to the development of ef?cient planners. To date,several ef?cient planning systems have been developed(e.g.,see[18]for a summary of planners that competed in the International Conference on Arti?cial Intel-ligent Planning and Scheduling).These developments can be attributed to the discovery of good domain-independent heuristics,the use of domain-speci?c knowledge,and the development of ef?cient data structures used in the implementation of the planning algorithms.Logic programming has played a signi?cant role in this line of research, providing a declarative framework for the encoding of different forms of knowledge and its effective use during the planning process[24].

However,relatively limited effort has been placed on addressing several important aspects in real-world planning domains,such as plan quality and preferences about plans.In many real world situations,the space of feasible plans to achieve the goal is dense,but many of such plans,even if executable,may present undesirable behavior. In these situations,it may not be dif?cult to?nd a solution;rather,the challenge is to produce a solution that is considered satisfactory w.r.t.the needs and preferences of the user.Thus,feasible plans may have a measure of quality and only a subset may be considered acceptable.These issues can be illustrated with the following example: Example1.It is7am and Bob,a Ph.D.student,is at home.He needs to be at school at 8am to take his quali?cation exam.His car is broken and he cannot drive to school.He can take a bus,a train,or a taxi to go to school,which will take him55,45,or15minutes respectively.Taking the bus or the train will require Bob to walk to the nearby station, which may take20minutes.However,a taxi can arrive in only5minutes.When in need of a taxi,Bob can call either the MakeIt50or the PayByMeter taxi company.MakeIt50

will charge a?at rate of$50for any trip,while PayByMeter has a fee schedule of$20 for the trip to school.If he takes the bus or the train,then Bob will spend only$2. Furthermore,Bob,being a student,prefers to pay less whenever possible.

It is easy to see that there are only two feasible plans for Bob to arrive at the school on time for his exam:calling one of the two taxi companies.However,a PayByMeter taxi would be preferable,as Bob wants to save money.In this case,both plans are feasible but Bob’s preference is the deciding factor to select which plan he will follow. The example demonstrates that users’preferences play a deciding role in the choice of a plan.Thus,we need to be able to evaluate plan components at a?ner granularity than simply as consistent or violated.In[20],it is argued that users’preferences are likely to be more important in selecting a plan for execution,when a planning problem has too many solutions.It is worth noticing that,with a few exceptions,like the system SIPE-2 with metatheoretic biases[20],most planning systems do not allow users to specify their preferences and to use them in?nding the plans.As such,the responsibility in selecting the most appropriate plan for their purpose rests solely on the users.It is also important to observe that preferences are different from goals in a planning problem; they might or might not be satis?ed by a plan.The distinction is similar to the separation between hard and soft constraints[3].For instance,if Bob’s goal is to spend at most$2 to go to school,then he does not have any feasible plans to arrive at school on time.

In this paper,we will investigate the problem of integrating users’preferences into a logic programming-based planner.We will develop a language for the speci?cation of user preferences,and then provide a logic programming implementation of the lan-guage,based on answer set programming.As demonstrated in this work,normal logic programs with answer set semantics provide a natural and elegant framework to effec-tively handle planning with preferences.We divide the preferences that a user might have into different categories:

Preference about a state:the user prefers to be in a state that satis?es a property rather than a state that does not satisfy it,even though both satisfy his/her goal;

Preference about an action:the user prefers to perform the action,whenever it is feasible and it allows the goal to be achieved;

Preference about a trajectory:the user prefers a trajectory that satis?es a certain property over those that do not satisfy this property;

Multi-dimensional Preferences:the user has a set of preferences about the trajec-tory,with an ordering among them.A trajectory satisfying a higher priority prefer-ence is preferred over those that satisfy lower priority preferences.

It is important to observe the difference between and in the above de? a state property,whereas is a formula over the whole trajectory(from the initial state to the state that satis?es the given goal).

The language for the speci?cation of user preferences is developed in successive steps.First,we introduce a simple mechanism to deal with the?rst three types of prefer-ences,called desires(Section3.1).Preferences about preferences and multi-dimensional preferences are dealt with through the use of atomic and general preferences—i.e., chains of preferences(Section3.2)and partial orders between collections of prefer-ences(Section3.3).A logic programming realization of the language used to express preferences is given in Section4.


1.1Related Work

This work is a continuation and improvement of our previous work[26],in which we rely on the prioritized default theory framework to express preferences between trajec-tories in logic programming.Only a few types of preferences can be expressed in[26]. This work is also strongly in?uenced by other works on exploiting domain-speci?c knowledge in planning(e.g.,[2,24]),in which domain-speci?c knowledge is expressed as constraints on the trajectories achieving the goal,and hence,are hard constraints.

Numerous approaches have been proposed to integrate preferences in the planning process.Eiter et al.introduced a framework for planning with action costs using logic programming[9].Each action is assigned an integer cost,and plans with the minimal cost are considered optimal.Costs can be either static or relative to the time step in which the action is executed.[9]also presents the encoding of different preferences, such as shortest plan and the cheapest plan.Our approach also emphasizes the use of logic programming,but differs in several aspects.Here,we develop a declarative language for preference representation.Our language can express all of the preferences discussed in[9],but it is more?exible and high-level than the action costs approach. The approach in[9]also does not allow the use of fully general dynamic preferences. Other systems have adopted?xed types of preferences,e.g.,shortest plans[6,4].

Out proposal has similarities with the approach based on metatheories of the plan-ning domain[19,20],where metatheories provide characterization of semantic differ-ences between the various domain operators and planning variables;metatheories allow the generation of biases to focus the planner towards plans with certain characteristics.

The problem of maintaining and managing preferences has also been investigated in the framework of constraint programming(e.g.,through soft constraints[3]or rela-tional optimizations[11]).Constraint solving has also been proposed as the basis for the management of planning in presence of action costs[16].

Considerable effort has been invested in introducing preferences in logic program-ming.In[14,7]preferences are expressed at the level of atoms and used for parsing disambiguation in logic grammars.Rule-level preferences have been used in various proposals for selection of preferred answer sets in answer set programming[5,8,23].

Our language allows the representation of several types of preferences,similar to those developed in[15]for decision-theoretic planners.The main difference is that we use logic programming while their system is probability based.Our approach also differs from the works on using Markov Decision Processes(MDP)to?nd optimal plans[22];in MDPs,optimal plans are functions from states to actions,thus preventing the user from selecting preferred trajectories without changing the MDP speci?cation. 2Preliminary–Answer Set Planning

In this section we review the basics of planning using logic programming with answer set semantics—Answer Set Planning(or ASP)[17].We will assume that the effect of actions on the world and the relationship between?uents in the world are expressed in an appropriate language.In this paper,we will make use of the ontologies of the action description language[12].In,an action theory is de?ned over two disjoint sets—the set of actions A and the set of?uents F;an action theory is a pair,where is a set of propositions expressing the effects of actions,the relationship between


?uents(also called static causal laws),and the executability conditions of actions;is a set of propositions representing the initial state of the world.For example,the action of calling a taxi has the effect of the taxi arriving,and it is represented in as follows: Realistically,one has to have enough money to call a taxi.This is expressed in by the proposition:


The semantics of an action theory is given by the notion of a state—a consistent set of ?uent literals1that satis?es the relationship between?uents—and a transition function that speci?es the result of the execution an action in a state,denoted by.A trajectory of an action theory is a sequence where’s are states,’s are actions,and for.A state satis?es a ?uent literal,denoted by,if.This is extended over the propositional connectives to de?ne where is a?uent formula.Since our main concern in this paper is not the language for representing actions and their effects,we omit here the detailed de?nitions of.They can be found in[12].

A planning problem is speci?ed by a triple,where is an action theory and is a?uent formula(a propositional formula based on?uent literals)rep-resenting the goal.A possible solution to is a trajectory, where and.In this case,we say that the trajectory achieves.

Answer set planning[12,17]solves a planning problem by translating it into a logic program consisting of domain-dependent rules that describe, ,and and domain-independent rules that generate action occurrences and represent the transitions between states.Besides the planning problem,requires an additional parameter:the maximal length of the trajectory that the user can accept.The two key predicates of are:

–the?uent literal holds at the time moment;and

–the action occurs at the time moment.

can be extended to de?ne for an arbitrary?uent formula,which states that holds at the time.Details about the program can be found in [25,17].The key property of the translation of into is that it en-sures that each trajectory achieving corresponds to an answer set[13]of, and each answer set of corresponds to a trajectory achieving. Theorem1.[25]For a planning problem with a consistent action theory and the maximal plan length,

(i)if is a trajectory achieving,then there exists an answer set

of such that:(a)for and(b)


(ii)if is an answer set of,then there exists an integer

such that is a trajectory achieving,where for and for.

Answer sets of the program can be computed using answer set solvers such as smodels[21],dlv[10],cmodels[1],or jsmodels[27].

3A Language for Planning Preferences Speci?cation In this section,we introduce the language for planning preference speci?cation. Let be a planning problem,with actions A and?uents F;let the set of all ?uent formulae.’s speci?cations are de?ned as special formulae constructed over A and F of.We subdivide preferences in different classes:basic desires,atomic preferences(or chains),and general preferences.

3.1Basic Desires

A basic desire is a formula expressing a preference about a trajectory.For example, Bob’s basic desire is to save money;this implies that he prefers to use the train or the bus to go to school,which in turn means that a preferred trajectory for Bob should contain the action.This preference could also be expressed by a formula that forbids the?uent


We note that this alternative might not re?ect the same preference as the last one does.

The de?nition above is used to develop formulae expressing a desire regarding the structure of trajectories.In the next de?nition,we will specify when a trajectory satis?es a basic desire formula.In a later section,we will present logic programming rules that can be added to the program to compute trajectories that satisfy a basic desire.In the following de?nitions,given a trajectory,the notation denotes the trajectory.

De?nition4(Basic Desire Satisfaction).Let be a trajec-tory,and let be a basic desire formula.satis?es(written as)iff goal and



and and

and or


next and

always and we have that

eventually and such that

until and such that we have that ,and.

De?nition4allows us to check whether a trajectory satis?es a basic desire.This will also allow us to compare trajectories.Let us start with the simplest form of trajectory preference,involving a single basic desire.

De?nition5(Ordering between Trajectories w.r.t.A Single Basic Desire).Let be a desire formula and let and be two trajectories.The trajectory is preferred to the trajectory(denoted by)if and.

We say that and are indistinguishable(denoted by)if one of the two following cases occurs:(i)and,or(ii)and

Whenever it is clear from the context,we will omit from and.We will also allow a weak form of single preference:

De?nition6(Weak Single Desire Preference).Let be a desire formula and let

be two trajectories.The trajectory is weakly preferred to(denoted as)iff either or.

Proposition1.The relation de?nes a partial order over the trajectories.

These de?nitions are expressive enough to represent a signi?cant portion of preferences that frequently occur in real-world domains.Since some of them are particularly impor-tant,we will introduce some syntactic sugars to simplify their description: (Strong Desire)given the desire formulae,denotes.


(Weak Desire)given the desire formulae,denotes.

(Enabled Desire)given two actions,we will denote with the for-mula.This can be ex-tended to include disjunction of actions on each side of the formula.

We can prove some simple properties of these syntactic sugars.

Lemma1.The relation over the set of desire formulae is transitive.

De?nition7(Most Preferred Trajectory w.r.t.A Basic Desire).A trajectory is a most preferred trajectory w.r.t.a basic desire,if there is no trajectory s.t.. Example2.We continue with the theory in Example1but enrich it with an action, called buy

coffee.Any plan satisfying this preference requires that Bob stops at the station before going to school.

3.2Atomic Preferences and Chains

Basic desire formulae allow users to specify their preferences and can be used in se-lecting trajectories that satisfy them.From the de?nition of a basic desire formula,we can assume that users always have a set of desire formulae and that their desire is to ?nd a trajectory that satis?es all formulae.In many cases,this proves to be too strong, and results in situations where no preferred trajectories can be found.For example,time and cost are often two criteria that a person might have when making a travel plan.This two criteria are often in con?ict,i.e.,transportation method that takes little time often costs more.It is very unlikely that the user can get a plan that can satisfy both criteria. Consider again Example1,it is obvious that Bob cannot have a plan that costs him only $2and still allows him to be on-time.To address this problem,we allow a new type of formulae that we call atomic preference which represents an ordering between basic desire formulae.

De?nition8(Atomic Preference).An atomic preference formula is a formula of the form()where are basic desire formulae.

The intuition behind an atomic preference is to provide an ordering between differ-ent desires—i.e.,it indicates that trajectories that satisfy the desire are preferable to those that satisfy,etc.Observe that basic desire formulae are special cases of atomic preferences().We now extend the de?nitions of and to compare trajectories with respect to atomic preferences.

De?nition9(Ordering Between Trajectories w.r.t.Atomic Preferences).Let

be two trajectories,and let be an atomic preference formula.

are indistinguishable w.r.t.(denoted by)if we have that.

is preferred to w.r.t.if such that(a)we have that,and(b).

We will say that if either or.


We can show that this version of is a partial order(with as underlying equivalence). Proposition2.Let be an atomic preference;then is a partial order.

We will say that a trajectory is most preferred if there is no other trajectory that is more preferred than.

Example3.Let us continue with the theory in Example2.To simplify the represen-tation,we will assume that each action is associated with a degree of safety.We will also write,,or,and to say that takes the bus,train,taxi with PayByMeter or MakeIt50company,respectively.The following is a desire expressing that Bob prefers to get the fastest possible way to go to school:


On the other hand,when he is not in a hurry,Bob prefers to get the cheaper way to go to school:always

These two preferences can be combined into an atomic preference


The?rst one is more appropriate for Bob when he is in a hurry while the second one is more appropriate for Bob when he has time.The trajectory is more preferred than the trajectory

,and there exists such that:(i)we have that,and(ii).

The trajectory is indistinguishable from the trajectory()if:

–is an atomic preference and




–,and for all we have that. Proposition3.Let be a general preference.Then is an equivalence relation. Lemma2.Let be a general preference.If and then. Similarly,if and then.

Proposition4.Let be a general preference.Then is a transitive relation. Corollary1.The relation is a partial order(with as base equivalence).

A trajectory is most preferred if there is no trajectory that is more preferred than. Example4.Let us continue with the theory in Example3.Assume that the safest trans-portation mode is either the train or the expensive MakeIt50cab.The preference


to say that Bob prefers to move around using the safest transportation mode.Further,he prefers safety over time and cost,so we write.

4Computing Preferred Trajectories

In this section,we address the problem of computing preferred trajectories.Given a planning problem and a preference formula,we are interested in?nding a preferred trajectory for.Notice that because are used in construction of preference formulae,without the lost of generality,we can assume that we only have one preference formula.We will show how this can be done in answer set programming. We achieve that by encoding each basic desire as a set of rules and developing two sets of rules and.checks whether a basic desire is satis?ed by a trajectory.consist of rules that,when used with the maximal construct of smodels will allow us to?nd a most preferred trajectory with respect to a preference formula.As has already been discussed in Section2we will begin with de?ning.

4.1Encoding of Desire Formulae

The encoding of a desire formula is similar to the encoding of a?uent formula in[24]. First,each basic desire formula will be associated with a unique name.The set is de?ned as follows.

If then;

If is a?uent formula then;

If then;


If then;

If then;

If then;

If next then;

If until then;

If always then;

If eventually then.

4.2–Rules for Checking of Basic Desire Formula Satisfaction

We now present the set of rules that check whether a trajectory satis?es a basic desire formula.Recall that an answer set of the program will contain a trajectory where action occurrences are record by atoms of the form and truth value of?uent literals is represented by atoms of the form,where, is a?uent literal,and is a time moment between the predicate where and are variables representing a basic desire and a time moment,respectively.Intuitively,says that the basic desire is satis?ed by the trajectory starting from the time moment.They are de?ned based on the structure of.Some of the rules of are given next.










(10) In the next theorem,we prove the correctness of.We need some additional no-tation.Let be an answer set of the program.By we denote the trajectory,where

for and


Furthermore,for a trajectory,by we denote the set

We can prove the following theorem:

Theorem2.Let be a planning problem and be a basic desire formula.For every answer set of,we have that iff


This theorem allows us to compute a most preferred trajectory using smodels.Let be the program consisting of the and the rule


Notice that rule(11)means that answer sets in which holds are more preferred than those in which does not hold.This is exactly what smod-els does:it will?rst try to compute answer sets of in which;only when no answer set with this property exists,other answer sets are considered.We have the following theorem.

Theorem3.Let be a planning problem and be a basic desire formula.For every answer set of,is a most preferred trajectory w.r.t..

The above theorem gives us a way for computing a most preferred trajectory with re-spect to a basic desire.We will now generalize this approach to deal with general pref-erences using the maximize function of smodels.The intuition is to associate to the different components of the preference formula a weight;these weights are then used to obtain a weight for each trajectory(based on what components of the preference for-mula are satis?ed by the trajectory).The maximize function of smodels can be used to handle these weights and guide the search of the preferred trajectory.In general,let be a general preference.We will develop a weight function,developed by,which maps each trajectory to a number and satis?es the following properties:(*)if then,and(**)if then.

A weight function satisfying the two properties(*)-(**)is called an admissible weight function.Obviously,if is admissible,we have the following theorem. Proposition5.Let be a general preference formula.If is a trajectory such that is maximal,then is a most preferred trajectory w.r.t..

Proof.Let be maximal.Assume that there exists such that.It follows from the admissibility of(from(*))that,which contradicts the hypothesis that is maximal.

The above theorem implies that we can compute a most preferred trajectory using smodels if we can implement an admissible weight function.

4.3Computing An Admissible Weight Function

Let be a general preference.We will now show how an admissible weight function can be built in the bottom-up fashion.We begin with basic desires.

De?nition12(Basic Desire Weight).Let be a basic desire formula and let be a trajectory.The weight of the trajectory w.r.t.the desire is a function de?ned as



The next proposition shows that for a basic desire,is admissible.

Proposition6.Let be a basic desire.Then is an admissible weight function. The weight function of an atomic preference is de?ned on the weight function of basic desires occurring in the preference as follows.

De?nition13(Atomic Preference Weight).Let be an atomic preference formula.The weight of a trajectory de?ned as follows:


The next proposition shows that the weight function for atomic preference is also an admissible one.

Proposition7.Let be an atomic preference.Then is an admissible weight function.

We are now ready to de?ne an admissible weight function w.r.t.a general preference.

De?nition14(General Preference Weight).Let be a general preference formula.

The weight of a trajectory w.r.t.()is de?ned as follows:

–if is an atomic preference then the weight is de?ned as in de?nition13.

–if then

–if then

–if then where represents the

maximum weight that a trajectory can achieve on the preference formulae.

–if then

We prove the admissibility of in the next proposition.

Proposition8.If is a general preference,then is an admissible weight function. Propositions6-8show that we can compute an admissible weight function bottom-

up from the weight of each basic desire occurring in.We are now ready to de?ne

the set of rules which consists of the rules encoding and the rules encod-

ing the computation of.Similar to the encoding of desires,we will assign a new, distinguished name to each preference formula,which is not a desire2,occur-

ring in and encode the preferences in the same way we encode the desires.To save space,we omit here the details of this two predicates,

and where is a preference name and is the weight of the current trajec-

tory with respect to the preference.(resp.)is true if the weight (resp.maximal weight)of the current trajectory with respect to the preference is.

1.For each desire,contains the rules




2.For each atomic preference,consists of

and the next two rules:



3.For each general preference,

–if is an atomic preference then is de?ned as in the previous item.

–if or then consists of

and rules



–if then consists of and the rules



–if then consists of and rules


(21) The next theorem proves the correctness of.

Theorem4.Let be a planning problem and be a general preference.Then,

for every answer set of,we have that


The above theorem implies that we can compute a most preferred trajectory by(i) adding to and(ii)computing an answer set in which is maximal.Since we do have only one value to maximize,this can be imple-mented in the smodels system using the maximize command.It is worth noting that the “weak–constraint”feature of dlv(also implemented in jsmodels)can provide a more direct implementation for computing a most preferred trajectory.

4.4Some Examples of Preferences in

We will now present some preferences that are common to many planning problems.

Let be a planning problem.In keeping with the notation used in the previous section,we use to denote(i.e.,).

Preference for shortest trajectory:formula based encoding.Assume that we are interested in trajectories achieving whose length is less than or equal.A simple encoding that allows us to accomplish such goal is to make use of basic desires.By we denote the formula:

Let us de?ne the formula()as follows:

Finally,let us consider the formula de?ned as


Proposition9.Let be a most preferred trajectory w.r.t..Then is a shortest length trajectory satisfying the goal.

Preference for shortest trajectory:action based encoding.The formula based en-coding requires the bound to be given.We now present another encoding that does not require this condition.We introduce two additional?ctions actions

and and a new?uent.The action will be triggered when the goal is achieved;is used to?ll the slot so that we can compare between trajectories; the?uent will denote the fact that the goal is achieved.Again,we appeal to the users for the formal representation of these actions.Furthermore,we add the condition to the executability condition of any actions in and to the initial state. Then we can encoded the condition of shortest length trajectory,denoted by,as

where are the actions in the original action theory.

Proposition10.Let be a most preferred trajectory w.r.t..Then is a shortest length trajectory satisfying the goal.

Cheapest Plan.Let us assume that we would like to associate a cost to each action and determine trajectories that have the minimal cost.Since our comparison is done only on equal length trajectories,we will also introduce the two actions and with no cost and the?uent to record the fact that the goal has been achieved. Further,we introduce the?uent

to and the execution of action will increase the value of


where and are the estimated minimal and maximal cost of the trajectories,respec-tively.Note that we can have and is an action.


In this paper we presented a novel declarative language,called,for the speci?cation of preferences in the context of planning problems.The language nicely integrates with traditional action description languages(e.g.,)and it allows elegant encoding of com-plex preferences between trajectories.The language provides a declarative framework for the encoding of preferences,allowing users to focus on the high-level description of preferences(more than their encoding—as in the approaches based on utility func-tions).allows the expression of complex preferences,including multi-dimensional preferences.We also demonstrated that preferences can be effectively and easily handled in a logic programming framework based on answer set semantics.

The implementation of the required cost functions in the jsmodels system is almost complete,and this will offer us the opportunity to validate our ideas on large test cases. We also intend to explore the possibility of introducing temporal operators at the level of general preferences.These seem to allow for very compact representation of various types of preferences;for example,a shortest plan preference can be encoded simply as: always

if are the possible actions.




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Proposition1.The relation de?nes a partial order over the trajectories.

Proof.Let us proof the three properties:

1.Re?exive:given a trajectory,we have that either or;this allows us

to easily conclude that;

2.Anti-symmetry:consider two trajectories and let us assume that and

.First of all,we can observe that from we have either or.If then this means that and.But this would automatically imply that.Then we must have that.

3.Transitivity:consider three trajectories and let us assume

Let us consider the case of.From we have that and.In turn,since then this means;this allows us to conclude.

If instead we have that,then either or

.In the?rst case,since we must have that.Thus,we have

that implies.If instead we have the second possibility, then since,we must have and.This allows us to conclude that and thus.

Proposition2.Let be an atomic preference;then is a partial order.

Proof.Let us analyze the three properties.

–Re?exivity:Consider a trajectory.It is fairly easy to see that,which leads to.

–Antisymmetry:Let and.Let us assume,by contradiction,that .This means that there is a value of such that,we have that

and.But this implies that for and, which ultimately means,contradicting the initial assumptions.

–Transitivity:let be trajectories such that

Let us consider the possible cases arising from the?rst component:

if and then we can conclude and then .

if and,then we know that then, and there is such that we have that and.

This last formula in particular implies and.But since ,then.Putting all together we get and .All this implies.

Proposition3.Let be a general preference formula.Then is an equivalence relation.

Proof.Let us prove the result by structural induction on.

Base:if is an atomic preference,then the result derives directly from proposition2. Inductive Step:let us consider the possible cases for.

Let.Re?exivity and Symmetry are obvious.If and

,then we have,,,.By inductive hypothesis,we and,.

Let.The proof is the same above.

Let.Re?exivity and symmetry is obvious.Let us now consider

and.From the de?nition we have that and.From the inductive hypothesis we have and thus.

Let.Re?exivity and symmetry are obvious from the inductive hypothesis.Let us consider and.From the de?nition this means that we have that and.From the inductive hypothesis we get.This allows us to conclude.

Lemma3.Let be a general preference formula.If and then


Similarly,if and then.

Proof.let us prove the result by structural induction on.

If is an atomic preference,and then from we obtain that such that

Furthermore,from we obtain that.Since are all equivalence relations,we obtain that;furthermore,since ,then and.Since then necessarily we have also that .This allows us to conclude that.

The case where is analogous.

Let us consider the case of.Since then we have

and.Furthermore,implies and.From the inductive hypothesis we have and,which leads to.

The case where is analogous.

Let us consider the case of.From we have three possible cases:

1.and.In this case,since implies and,

then we have and.This implies.

2.and.From we obtain and.Since

is an equivalence relation,we can infer.Furthermore,from the inductive hypothesis we obtain.These two conclusions lead to.

3.and.This case is symmetrical to the previous one.


The case where is analogous.

Let us consider the case where.From we obtain.Since implies,from inductive hypothesis we can conclude and ultimately.

The case where is analogous.

Let us consider the case of.?From the de?nition of we obtain that there exists such that

Furthermore,from we obtain that.Since are all equivalence relations,then we have that.Furthermore,from the inductive hypothesis,from and we can conclude.This ?nally leads to.

The case where is analogous.

Proposition4.Let be a general preference formula.Then is a transitive relation. Proof:Let us prove the result by structural induction on.

The base case corresponds to being an atomic preference.We have already proved in proposition2that is transitive for any atomic preference.

Let us now consider the other possible cases for.

–let and let and.

From the de?nition we have that,,,and .

From the inductive hypothesis we have and.This implies .

–let and let and.

Let us consider the possible cases that can arise:


If we have that and,then by inductive hypothesis we obtain and.This leads to.

If we have that and,then from inductive hypothesis we get while from lemma3we obtain.This leads to .

If we have that and,then from inductive hypothesis we get while from lemma3we obtain.This leads to .


If we have that and,then from inductive hypothesis and from lemma3we obtain and.

If we have that and,then from inductive hypothesis we obtain,while from the properties of we obtain.

If we have that and,then from inductive hypothesis we obtain,while from the properties of we obtain.

In all the three cases we can conclude.


3.the case where and is analogous to the previous one.–Let and let and.

From the de?nition we have and.From the inductive hypothesis we obtain which implies.

–Let and let and.

From we obtain that there exists such that

Similarly we can?nd a with similar properties for.

If then from the fact that are equivalence relations,we can conclude that

.Furthermore,from lemma3and from and ,we can conclude.This leads to.

If,we have that

(since are equivalence relations)

since and,from lemma3we obtain.

This leads to.


since and,from the inductive hypothesis we obtain .

This also leads to.

Proposition5.Let be an atomic preference formula.Then is an admissible weight function.

Proof.Let be two trajectories.Let us start by assuming.According to the de?nition,this means that such that

?From Proposition6we have that implies.This leads to

In addition,since,then we also have that. Thus,we have

For similar reasons,it is also easy to see that implies.


Proposition6.Let be a general preference formula.Then is an admissible weight function.

Proof.Let us prove the result by structural induction on.Let be two arbitrary trajectories.

Let us consider the case where is an atomic preference.The result has been proved in proposition7.

Let us consider the case where.If then this implies

and.?From the inductive hypothesis this leads to


But this clearly implies

The situation is analogous if we consider the case of.

Let us consider the case where.From we have three possible cases:

1.and;in this case,from the inductive hypothesis we can obtain

and.This allows us to conclude

2.and.?From the inductive hypothesis we obtain

Also,from the inductive hypothesis we obtain

This leads to

3.and.This case is analogous to the previous one.

If we start from,then from the de?nition we have and. From the inductive hypothesis this means


which clearly implies that



问题1:WMI 是什么,它能帮我做什么? Windows 管理规范(Windows Management Instrumentation)是一项核心的Windows 管理技术;用户可以使用WMI 管理本地和远程计算机。WMI 通过编程和脚本语言为日常管理提供了一条连续一致的途径。例如,用户可以: ?在远程计算机器上启动一个进程。 ?设定一个在特定日期和时间运行的进程。 ?远程启动计算机。 ?获得本地或远程计算机的已安装程序列表。 ?查询本地或远程计算机的Windows 事件日志。 WMI 中的“Instrumentation”特指WMI 可以获得关于计算机内部状态的信息,这与汽车仪表盘获得并显示引擎的状态信息非常类似。WMI 对磁盘、进程、和其他Windows 系统对象进行建模,从而实现“指示”功能。这些计算机系统对象采用类来建立模型,例如Win32_LogicalDisk 或Win32_Process;如您所料,Win32_LogicalDisk 类用于建立在计算机上安装的逻辑磁盘的模型,Win32_Process 类用于建立正在计算机上运行的任何进程的模型。这些类基于一个名为通用信息模型(Common Information Model,CIM)的可扩展架构。CIM 架构是分布式管理任务组(Distributed Management Task Force)的一个公开标准(,). WMI 的功能还包括事件触发、远程调用、查询、查看、架构的用户扩展、指示等等。 想进一步了解WMI,请访问,/library/default.asp并搜索关键词“About WMI”。 返回页首 问题2:WMI 适用于那些平台? WMI 适用于所有最新版本的Windows。WMI 附带在Windows Me、Windows 2000、Windows XP 和Windows Server 2003 之中。 对于Windows 98 和Windows NT 4.0,可以访问,/downloads. 并搜索“Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) CORE 1.5 (Windows 95/98/NT 4.0)”。 注意:在Windows NT 4.0 上安装并运行WMI 之前,需要首先安装Service Pack 4 或更高版本。 WMI 需要的其他软件包括: 1. Microsoft? Internet Explorer 5.0 或更高版本。 2. Windows Script Host(WSH)。Windows 2000、Windows XP、Windows Server 2003、和Windows Me 附 带的WSH,而不是Windows NT4 或Windows 98 附带的WSH。您可以从以下地址下载WSH,/downloads. WSH 的最新版本——包括在Windows XP 和Windows Server 2003 之中——是WSH 5.6。 返回页首 问题3:如果WMI 向外界暴露特定的功能,我如何才能知道? MSDN 是了解WMI 及其功能的详细参考信息的最佳场所;请参考以下地址获取WMI 参考信息:,/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wmisdk/wmi/wmi_reference.asp. WMI 参考中包含了关于WMI 标准安装中大多数类、对象和API 的信息。注意:不属于操作系统一部分的WMI 提


华为9312交换机log信息下载操作指引 通过display logbuffer命令可以查询到华为9312交换机上的log信息,但是由于logbuffer 的大小有限,往往只能看到很短时间内的日志信息,历史的log信息就无法通过该命令进行查看;需要查询历史log信息,需要通过FTP方式登陆9312交换机,下载历史log信息,具体操作步骤如下 1、开启9312交换机的FTP访问权限,在全局模式下输入命令: [GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312]ftp server enable 2、登陆账号FTP访问权限放通。在service-type中增加ftp,另外需要配置ftp-directory,没有配置ftp-directory,则无法成功FTP登陆 [GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312-aaa] local-user hjy139******** service-type ftp telnet [GDGZ-MA-IPMAN-FC-SW01-S9312-aaa]local-user hjy139******** ftp-directory cfcard:/ 3、在全局模式下查看9312交换机的历史log文件,历史log文件存放位置在cfcard:/ logfile dir Directory of cfcard:/ Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName 0 drw- - Jan 28 2011 08:00:56 logfile 1 -rw- 198 Jan 05 2011 17:14:40 $_patchstate_a 2 -rw- 4 Jan 28 2011 13:40:20 snmpnotilog.txt 3 -rw- 8,882 Jan 15 2011 10:04:30 private-data.txt 4 -rw- 6,693 Jan 28 2011 14:25:16 5 -rw- 1,730,668 Jan 05 2011 16:20:5 6 s9300v100r001sph017.pat 6 -rw- 22,313,196 Dec 05 2009 13:44:16, 7 -rw- 140,708 Jan 05 2011 17:14:40 patchhistory 8 -rw- 0 Dec 17 2009 08:36:46 stickymac.txt 9 -rw- 1,217,429 Mar 09 2010 15:36:22 s9300v100r001sph012.pat 500,192 KB total (415,904 KB free) cd logfile dir Directory of cfcard:/logfile/ Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName 0 -rw- 7,150,374 Jan 28 2011 14:17:00 log.txt 1 -rw- 204,765 Jan 14 2011 18:18:58 2 -rw- 237,550 Jan 14 2011 17:59:48 3 -rw- 5,512,736 Jan 28 2011 13:45:5 4 diag.txt 4 -rw- 251,281 Jan 0 5 2011 21:30:12 5 -rw- 264,187 Jan 14 2011 18:01:14 6 -rw- 230,136 Jan 14 2011 18:21:34


解:求函数的定义域的常用方法 函数的定义域是高考的必考内容,高考对函数的定义域常常是通过函数性质或函数的应用来考查的,具有隐蔽性,所以在研究函数问题时必须树立“函数的定义域优先”的观念。因此掌握函数的定义域的基本求解方法是十分重要的。下面通过例题来谈谈函数的定义域的常见题型和常用方法。 一,已知函数解析式求函数的定义域 如果只给出函数解析式(不注明定义域),其定义域是指使函数解析式有意义的自变量的取值范围(称为自然定义域),这时常通过解不等式或不等式组求得函数的定义域。主要依据是:(1)分式的分母不为零,(2)偶次根式的被开方数为非负数,(3)零次幂的底数不为零,(4)对数的真数大于零,(5)指数函数和对数函数的底数大于零且不等于1,(6)三角函数中的正切函数y=tanx ,{x ︱x ∈R 且 x ≠2 k π π+ , k ∈z }和余切函数y=cotx ,{x ︱x ∈R 且 x ≠k π,k ∈z }等。 例题一 求下列函数的定义域: (1) y=2)0+㏒(x —2)x 2 (2) 解:(1)欲使函数有意义,须满足 2≠0 x —1≥0 x —2>0 解得:x >2 且 x ≠3 ,x ≠5 x —2≠1 ∴ 函数的定义域为(2,3)∪(3,5)∪(5,+∞) x ≠0 (2) 由已知须满足 tanx ﹥0 解得: k π ﹤x ﹤2 k π π+ (k ∈z ) x ≠2 k π π+ -4﹤x ﹤4 16—x 2 ﹥0 ∴ 函数的定义域为(-π,2 π - )∪(0, 2 π )∪(π,4) 二,复合函数求定义域 求复合函数定义域应按从外向内逐层求解的方法。最外层的函数的定义域为次外层函数的值域,依次求,直到最内层函数定义域为止。多个复合函数的求和问题,是将每个复合函数定义域求出后取其交集。 例题二(1)已知函数f (x )的定义域为〔-2,2〕,求函数y=f (x 2-1)的定义域。 (2)已知函数y=f (2x+4)的定义域为〔0,1〕,求函数f (x )的定义域。 (3)已知函数f (x )的定义域为〔-1,2〕,求函数y=f (x+1)—f (x 2-1)的定义域。 (4)已知函数y=f (tan2x )的定义域为〔0, 8 π 〕,求函数f (x )的定义域。 分析:(1)是已知f (x )的定义域,求f 〔g (x )〕的定义域。其解法是:已知f


幂函数及其性质专题 一、幂函数的定义 一般地,形如y x α=(x ∈R )的函数称为幂孙函数,其中x 是自变量,α是常数.如 112 3 4 ,,y x y x y x - ===等都是幂函数,幂函数与指数函数,对数函数一样,都是基本初等函数. 二、函数的图像和性质 (1)y x = (2)12 y x = (3)2y x = (4)1y x -= (5)3y x = 用描点法在同一坐标系内画出以上五个函数图像,通过观察图像,可以看出: 3.幂函数性质 (1)所有的幂函数在(0,+∞)都有定义,并且图象都过点(1,1); (2)x >0时,幂函数的图象都通过原点,并且在[0,+∞]上,是增函数 (3)α<0时,幂函数的图象在区间(0,+∞)上是减函数. 三.两类基本函数的归纳比较: ① 定义 对数函数的定义:一般地,我们把函数log a y x =(a >0且a ≠1)叫做对数函数,其中x 是自变量,函数的定义域是(0,+∞). 幂函数的定义:一般地,形如y x α=(x ∈R )的函数称为幂孙函数,其中x 是自变量,α是常数. ②性质 对数函数的性质:定义域:(0,+∞);值域:R ;

过点(1,0),即当x =1,y =0; 在(0,+∞)上是增函数;在(0,+∞)是上减函数 幂函数的性质:所有的幂函数在(0,+∞)都有定义, 图象都过点(1,1)x >0时,幂函数的图象都通过原点, 在[0,+∞]上,y x =、2y x =、3 y x =、1 2 y x =是增函数, 在(0,+∞)上, 1y x -=是减函数。 【例题选讲】 例1.已知函数()() 2 53 1m f x m m x --=--,当 m 为何值时,()f x : (1)是幂函数;(2)是幂函数,且是()0,+∞上的增函数;(3)是正比例函数;(4)是反比例函数;(5)是二次函数; 简解:(1)2m =或1m =-(2)1m =-(3)45m =- (4)2 5 m =-(5)1m =- 变式训练:已知函数()()2 223 m m f x m m x --=+,当 m 为何值时,()f x 在第一象限内它的图像是上升曲 线。 简解:2 20230 m m m m ?+>??-->??解得:()(),13,m ∈-∞-+∞ 例2.比较大小: (1)1122 ,1.7 (2)33 ( 1.2),( 1.25)--(3)1125.25,5.26,5.26---(4)30.5 30.5,3,log 0.5 例3.已知幂函数223 m m y x --=(m Z ∈)的图象与x 轴、y 轴都无交点,且关于原点对称,求m 的值. 解:∵幂函数223 m m y x --=(m Z ∈)的图象与x 轴、y 轴都无交点, ∴2 230m m --≤,∴13m -≤≤; ∵m Z ∈,∴2 (23)m m Z --∈,又函数图象关于原点对称, ∴2 23m m --是奇数,∴0m =或2m =. 例4、设函数f (x )=x 3, (1)求它的反函数; (2)分别求出f - 1(x )=f (x ),f - 1(x )>f (x ),f - 1(x )<f (x )的实数x 的范围. 解析:(1)由y =x 3两边同时开三次方得x =3y ,∴f - 1(x )=x 3 1 . (2)∵函数f (x )=x 3和f -1 (x )=x 3 1 的图象都经过点(0,0)和(1,1).


利用wmic对Windows主机批量执行脚本 2014年11月13日 AM 10:53 与类Unix操作系统相比较,Windows系统由于对字符界面的支持不完善,并没有与类Unix系统的shell可以相提并论的工具(cmd的命令行特性难用程度与 shell相比简直令人发指,虽然目前Windows推出所谓的PowerShell,但要跟上bash、korn shell等前辈还需要时间来沉淀)。一直以来,对于Windows进行批量管理大多依靠于图形界面,效率低下且可靠性不足。 其实Windows本身提供了WMI管理规范和接口,专用于支持命令行方式的系统管理,更推出wmic工具来给系统管理员使用,以下是百度百科对于wmic的介绍:WMIC扩展WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation,Windows管理规范),提供了从命令行接口和批命令脚本执行系统管理的支持。在WMIC出现之前,如果要管理WMI系统,必须使用一些专门的WMI应用,例如SMS,或者使用WMI的脚本编程API,或者使用象CIM Studio之类的工具。如果不熟悉C++之类的编程语言或VBScript之类的脚本语言,或者不掌握WMI名称空间的基本知识,要用WMI管理系统是很困难的。WMIC改变了这种情况,为WMI名称空间提供了一个强大的、友好的命令行接口。 概念的介绍总是容易让读者云里雾里,以下试验将演示如何使用wmic以及Windows共享功能来对批量服务器执行一个离线安全扫描脚本并取回结果。 试验背景: 现需要对批量Windows Server服务器进行离线安全扫描,即登录到每一台服务器执行一个vbs脚本,脚本会生成扫描结果文件,然后将结果文件下载到本地。倘若服务器数量不多,那么一台台登录执行也就罢了,但当目标服务器数量达到一定数量后,再手工进行此操作,就成为一件繁琐重复的工作。有人说,懒惰是推动人类文明不断进步的源动力。所以为了偷懒,不,为了人类文明的进步,这个工作必须使用批量和自动化的工具来完成。 实现思路: 将此工作分解为以下步骤,逐一实现: 1、登录Windows Server服务器; 2、上传扫描脚本到目标服务器; 3、执行扫描脚本; 4、下载结果文件; 5、对其他服务器重复前4个步骤。 第1步的登录服务器,传统来说,肯定是使用远程桌面了,但如前面所说,图形界面的东西,要进行批量操作是很麻烦的。那自然要使用字符界面来进行登录了,再自然地想到telnet方式是最简便通用的协议。但现今所有负责任的系统或安全管理人员都会告诉你,想用telnet来连接我的服务器?门都没有!幸好wmic就提供了远程主机的管理接口,使用"wmic /node:IP地址 /user:帐号 /password:密码"的形式可以登录到远程主机执行wmic命令。第3步的执行脚本,其实与登录是同时进行的,此处结合第1、第3步,命令就是: wmic /node:IP地址 /user:帐号 /password:密码 process call create "cmd /c cmd命令或脚本" 第2和第4步,上传与下载,其实是同样的需求,如果开通了ftp之类的文件传输服务,自然简单。但当前环境并未开通ftp,所以考虑使用Windows的文件夹共享与网络映射来实现。首先在远端服务器使用wmic创建一个路径为c:\tempshare的共享目录,然后将其映射到本地的Z盘,再直接在Z盘上进行文件的读取。


TOP小区处理流程总结 1TOP小区处理流程及整体处理情况 1.1 TOP小区分解 TD-SCDMA网络系统重要的话统KPI包括CS/PS无线接通率、CS/PS无线掉线率、接力切换成功率、RNC间硬切换成功率、3G/2G互操作成功率等,针对这些KPI指标,可以通过分析、处理和解决影响这些指标的问题小区,提升和改善KPI指标。 1. 2 问题处理流程 TOP小区问题处理流程中,原因分析是流程中的关键点和重点。

2无线接通率TOP小区分析处理 无线接通率=RRC建立成功率*RAB建立成功率,接通率需要从RRC建立成功率和RAB建立成功率两块进行分析。RRC建立成功率与业务类型没有关系,RAB建立成功率则与业务类相关,需要分PS业务/CS业务进行分析。每次RRC和RAB建立失败,话统都会输出一个失败原因统计。 2.1RRC建立失败处理

2.1.1RRC建立失败原因 RRC建立失败的原因可以通过RRC原因统计的细化Counter进行确定。表3是RRC建立失败的对应原因打点。表4为RRC失败对应的原因分析。 表3:RRC失败原因打点 表4:RRC失败对应的原因分析



函数定义域、值域求法总结 一.求函数的定义域需要从这几个方面入手: (1)分母不为零 (2)偶次根式的被开方数非负。 (3)对数中的真数部分大于0。 (4)指数、对数的底数大于0,且不等于1 (5)y=tanx 中x ≠k π+π/2;y=cotx 中x ≠k π等等。 ( 6 )0x 中x 0≠ 二、值域是函数y=f(x)中y 的取值范围。 常用的求值域的方法: (1)直接法 (2)图象法(数形结合) (3)函数单调性法 (4)配方法 (5)换元法 (包括三角换元)(6)反函数法(逆求法) (7)分离常数法 (8)判别式法 (9)复合函数法 (10)不等式法 (11)平方法等等 这些解题思想与方法贯穿了高中数学的始终。 定义域的求法 1、直接定义域问题 例1 求下列函数的定义域: ① 2 1 )(-=x x f ;② 23)(+=x x f ;③ x x x f -+ +=211)( 解:①∵x-2=0,即x=2时,分式 2 1 -x 无意义, 而2≠x 时,分式 21 -x 有意义,∴这个函数的定义域是{}2|≠x x . ②∵3x+2<0,即x<-32 时,根式23+x 无意义, 而023≥+x ,即3 2 -≥x 时,根式23+x 才有意义, ∴这个函数的定义域是{x |3 2 -≥x }.

③∵当0201≠-≥+x x 且,即1-≥x 且2≠x 时,根式1+x 和分式x -21 同时有意义, ∴这个函数的定义域是{x |1-≥x 且2≠x } 另解:要使函数有意义,必须: ? ??≠-≥+0201x x ? ???≠-≥21 x x 例2 求下列函数的定义域: ①14)(2 --= x x f ②2 14 3)(2-+--= x x x x f ③= )(x f x 11111++ ④x x x x f -+= 0)1()( ⑤3 7 3132+++-=x x y 解:①要使函数有意义,必须:142 ≥-x 即: 33≤≤-x ∴函数14)(2--= x x f 的定义域为: [3,3-] ②要使函数有意义,必须:???≠-≠-≤≥?? ??≠-+≥--131 40210432x x x x x x x 且或 4133≥-≤<--


高中数学专题训练二次函数与幂函数 一、选择题 1.“a=1”是“函数f(x)=x2-2ax+3在区间[1,+∞)上为增函数”的( ) A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 2.一次函数y=ax+b与二次函数y=ax2+bx+c在同一坐标系中的图象大致是( ) 3.函数y=xα(x≥1)的图象如图所示,α满足条件( ) A.α<-1 B.-1<α<0 C.0<α<1 D.α>1 4.若函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c满足f(4)=f(1),那么( ) A.f(2)>f(3) B.f(3)>f(2) C.f(3)=f(2) D.f(3)与f(2)的大小关系不确定 5.已知函数y=x2-2x+3在闭区间[0,m]上有最大值3,最小值2,则m 的取值范围是( ) A.[1,+∞) B.[0,2] C.[1,2] D.(-∞,2] 6.(2010·安徽卷)设abc>0,二次函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c的图象可能是( ) 7.已知f(x)=ax2+2ax+4(0f(x2) B.f(x1)

D.f(x1)与f(x2)的大小不能确定 二、填空题 8.已知y=(cos x-a)2-1,当cos x=-1时y取最大值,当cos x=a时,y取最小值,则a的范围是________. 9.抛物线y=8x2-(m-1)x+m-7的顶点在x轴上,则m=________. 10.设函数f1(x)=x 1 2 ,f2(x)=x-1,f3(x)=x2,则f1(f2(f3(2010)))= ________. 11.在函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c中,若a,b,c成等比数列且f(0)=-4,则f(x)有最________值(填“大”或“小”),且该值为________. 12.已知幂函数f(x)=x 1-α 3 在(-∞,0)上是增函数,在(0,+∞)上是 减函数,那么最小的正整数a=________. 13.方程x2-mx+1=0的两根为α,β,且α>0,1<β<2,则实数m的取值范围是________. 三、解答题 14.已知函数f(x)=2 x -x m,且f(4)=- 7 2 . (1)求m的值; (2)判断f(x)在(0,+∞)上的单调性,并给予证明. 15.已知对于任意实数x,二次函数f(x)=x2-4ax+2a+12(a∈R)的值都是非负的,求函数g(a)=(a+1)(|a-1|+2)的值域.

用 wmic 从命令行加入域的问题

用wmic 从命令行加入域的问题 用wmic 从命令行加入域的问题 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence2007-04-07, 23:03:29 在XP 下,用WMIC 命令可以实现将计算机加入域或工作组。WMIC 的功能非常丰富,下面是与域有关的部分内容。 1. 加入域 wmic computersystem where Name="%COMPUTERNAME%" call JoinDomainOrWorkgroup Name="d," username=",\username" password="password" FJoinOptions=1 注: %COMPUTERNAME% 系统环境变量,内容是计算机名。 FJoinOptions=1 表示首次加入域,若不指定username 和password,则表示加入/修改工作组。FJoinOptions=32 表示允许加入一个新域,即使该计算机已经加入到了某个域。 2、退出域 wmic computersystem where Name="%COMPUTERNAME%" call UnJoinDomainOrWorkgroup userna me=",\username" password="password" 命令运行后会显示一个返回值,若值为零则表示成功。 我有上千台微机需要加入域,所以希望来个快捷的办法。这些天进行了多次试验,发现退出域命令1 00% 测试有效,而加入域命令却经常不成功,而且我一直没有发现什么规律。百思不得其解,特来论坛讨教。 测试环境:2000 Server + XP Pro SP2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asap2007-04-08, 06:50:21 将FJoinOptions=3试试。2表示在server端创建computer account。没有试过Windows 2000 Server 下的自动加入;以前也是写的vbscript脚本这样作的;看MSDN上说这个的要求是这样的: Client Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP. Server Requires Windows Server "Longhorn" or Windows Server 2003. 也许这个就是问题所在?手动加入domain时,如果不成功时,也是需要在DC上建立computer账号的。 good luck! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G992007-04-08, 07:45:32 学习一下哈


高中函数定义域和值域的求法总结 一、常规型 即给出函数的解析式的定义域求法,其解法是由解析式有意义列出关于自变量的不等式或不等式组,解此不等式(或组)即得原函数的定义域。 例1 求函数8 |3x |15 x 2x y 2-+--= 的定义域。 解:要使函数有意义,则必须满足 ?? ?≠-+≥--②① 8|3x |015x 2x 2 由①解得 3x -≤或5x ≥。 ③ 由②解得 5x ≠或11x -≠ ④ ③和④求交集得3x -≤且11x -≠或x>5。 故所求函数的定义域为}5x |x {}11x 3x |x {>-≠-≤ 且。 例2 求函数2 x 161 x sin y -+=的定义域。 解:要使函数有意义,则必须满足 ? ??>-≥②①0x 160 x sin 2 由①解得Z k k 2x k 2∈π+π≤≤π, ③ 由②解得4x 4<<- ④ 由③和④求公共部分,得 π≤<π-≤<-x 0x 4或 故函数的定义域为]0(]4(ππ--,, 评注:③和④怎样求公共部分?你会吗? 二、抽象函数型 抽象函数是指没有给出解析式的函数,不能常规方法求解,一般表示为已知一个抽象函数的定义域求另一个抽象函数的解析式,一般有两种情况。 (1)已知)x (f 的定义域,求)]x (g [f 的定义域。 (2)其解法是:已知)x (f 的定义域是[a ,b ]求)]x (g [f 的定义域是解b )x (g a ≤≤,即为所求的定义域。 例3 已知)x (f 的定义域为[-2,2],求)1x (f 2-的定义域。 解:令21x 22≤-≤-,得3x 12≤≤-,即3x 02≤≤,因此3|x |0≤≤,从而 3x 3≤≤-,故函数的定义域是}3x 3|x {≤≤-。 (2)已知)]x (g [f 的定义域,求f(x)的定义域。 其解法是:已知)]x (g [f 的定义域是[a ,b ],求f(x)定义域的方法是:由b x a ≤≤,求 g(x)的值域,即所求f(x)的定义域。 例4 已知)1x 2(f +的定义域为[1,2],求f(x)的定义域。 解:因为51x 234x 222x 1≤+≤≤≤≤≤,,。 即函数f(x)的定义域是}5x 3|x {≤≤。 三、逆向型 即已知所给函数的定义域求解析式中参数的取值范围。特别是对于已知定义域为R ,求参数的范围问题通常是转化为恒成立问题来解决。 例5 已知函数8m m x 6m x y 2++-=的定义域为R 求实数m 的取值范围。 分析:函数的定义域为R ,表明0m 8mx 6mx 2≥++-,使一切x ∈R 都成立,由2x 项


基于WMIC和脚本实现对内网终端及设备的信息统计 摘要:随着电力企业信息化的不断深入发展,电力企业对信息化的依赖程度越 来越高,公司各种终端越来越多,给运维人员的设备台账治理带来了很大的难度。本文主要探讨利用wmic和脚本进行终端信息收集,提高运维人员的工作效率。 关键词:WMIC;脚本;终端信息 1 引言 建立详细的设备台账,是终端运维工作的基础,但随着电网的发展,公司各 类终端越来越多,给运维人员的设备台账治理带来了很大难度。微软Windows98 及以后的版本提供了WMIC功能,可快速查询系统软硬件及外接设备信息数据, 利用这一功能,使用宿主脚本及数据库技术,结合桌管系统策略下发功能,可提 高内外网终端及外接设备普查效率。 2 软件介绍 2.1 WMIC wmic是wmic命令行,作为WindowsXP的一部分发布的wmi命令行工具提 供一个到wmi接触结构的命令行接口。可以使用wmic.exex执行来自命令行的常 见wmi任务,包括浏览CIM和检查CIM类定义。 2.2 VB脚本 VBScript是Visual Basic Script的简称,即Visual Basic脚本语言,它是一种微 软环境下的轻量级的解释型语言,它使用COM组件、WMI、WSH、ADSI访问系 统中的元素,对系统进行管理。同时它又是asp动态网页默认的编程语言,配合asp内建对象和ADO对象,用户很快就能掌握访问数据库的asp动态网页开发技术。如图2-1所示。 图2-1 2.3 北信源主机监控审计与补丁分发系统 北信源主机监控审计与补丁分发系统,以终端管理为核心,形成集主机监控审计、补丁 管理、桌面应用管理、信息安全管理、终端行为管控等终端安全行为一体的管理体系,为企 业管理者提供终端多位一体、同意管理的解决方案。 3 处理过程 3.1 前期准备 1)根据工作任务要求,收集合理的统计字段。 2)利用微软操作系统wbemtest工具在wmic中寻找相应的类别及对象,对相似相近的类 别 对象,根据要求进行合理的取舍。 3)根据确定的字段,在SQL Server数据库(或任何支持网络的关系型数据库)建立终端 计算机及外接设备数据表,并设置合理的字段属性。 3.2 编制脚本 1)编制并测试数据收集上报的宿主脚本程序,宿主脚本通过调用操作系统wmic管理功能,获取本机软硬件及外接设备数据后立刻上传服务器。 2)为更好的支持数据库,应采用VBScript或JavaScript脚本。 3)为最大化减少普查工作对终端用户的影响,宿主脚本或批处理在工作期间应以静默方 式运行。 3.3 下发策略 1)上传脚本至桌管系统,为确保数据库用户名、密码、ip等连接参数安全,不应该将明 文用户、密码、ip等变量直接写入脚本中,因为终端用户通过查看和截留脚本,可获取服务 器ip、端口、用户名、密码,采用加密的策略参数传递可以很好的解决这一安全性问题。


定义域和值域的求法 Final revision by standardization team on December 10, 2020.

函数定义域求法总结 一、定义域是函数y=f(x)中的自变量x 的范围。 (1)分母不为零 (2)偶次根式的被开方数非负。 (3)对数中的真数部分大于0。 (4)指数、对数的底数大于0,且不等于1 (5)y=tanx 中x ≠k π+π/2;y=cotx 中x ≠k π等等。 ( 6 )0x 中x 0≠ 二、抽象函数的定义域 1.已知)(x f 的定义域,求复合函数()][x g f 的定义域 由复合函数的定义我们可知,要构成复合函数,则内层函数的值域必须包含于外层函数的定义域之中,因此可得其方法为:若)(x f 的定义域为()b a x ,∈,求出)]([x g f 中b x g a <<)(的解x 的范围,即为)]([x g f 的定义域。 2.已知复合函数()][x g f 的定义域,求)(x f 的定义域 方法是:若()][x g f 的定义域为()b a x ,∈,则由b x a <<确定)(x g 的范围即为)(x f 的定义域。 3.已知复合函数[()]f g x 的定义域,求[()]f h x 的定义域 结合以上一、二两类定义域的求法,我们可以得到此类解法为:可先由()][x g f 定义域求得()x f 的定义域,再由()x f 的定义域求得()][x h f 的定义域。 4.已知()f x 的定义域,求四则运算型函数的定义域 若函数是由一些基本函数通过四则运算结合而成的,其定义域为各基本函数定义域的交集,即先求出各个函数的定义域,再求交集。 函数值域求法四种 在函数的三要素中,定义域和值域起决定作用,而值域是由定义域和对应法则共同确定。研究函数的值域,不但要重视对应法则的作用,而且还要特别重视定义域对值域的制约作用。确定函数的值域是研究函数不可缺少的重要一环。对于如何求函数的值域,是学生感到头痛的问题,它所涉及到的知识面广,方法灵活多样,在高考中经常出现,占有一定的地位,若方法运用适当,就能起到简化运算过程,避繁就简,事半功倍的作用。本次课就函数值域求法归纳如下,供参考。 1. 直接观察法 对于一些比较简单的函数,其值域可通过观察得到。


幂函数 知识点 一、幂函数的定义 一般地,形如y x α =(R x ∈)的函数称为幂孙函数,其中x 是自变量,α是常数.如1 12 3 4 ,,y x y x y x -===等 都是幂函数 二、幂函数的图像 幂函数n y x =随着n 的不同,定义域、值域都会发生变化,可以采取按性质和图像分类记忆的方法.熟练掌握n y x =,当11 2,1,,,323 n =±±± 的图像和性质,列表如下. ① 它们都过点()1,1,除原点外,任何幂函数图像与坐标轴都不相交,任何幂函数图像都不过第四象限. ② 11 ,,1,2,332a =时,幂函数图像过原点且在[)0,+∞上是增函数. ③ 1 ,1,22 a =---时,幂函数图像不过原点且在()0,+∞上是减函数. ④ 任何两个幂函数最多有三个公共点. 三、幂函数基本性质 (1)所有的幂函数在(0,+∞)都有定义,并且图象都过点(1,1); (2)α>0时,幂函数的图象都通过原点,并且在[0,+∞]上,是增函数 (3)α<0时,幂函数的图象在区间(0,+∞)上是减函数. 四、解题方法总结 1.在研究幂函数的性质时,通常将分式指数幂化为根式形式,负整指数幂化为分式形式再去进行讨论; 2.对于幂函数y =α x ,我们首先应该分析函数的定义域、值域和奇偶性,由此确定图象的位置,即所在象 限,其次确定曲线的类型,即α<0,0<α<1和α>1三种情况下曲线的基本形状,还要注意α=0,±1三个曲线的形状;对于幂函数在第一象限的图象的大致情况可以用口诀来记忆:“正抛负双,大竖小横”,即α>0(α≠1)时图象是抛物线型;α<0时图象是双曲线型;α>1时图象是竖直抛物线型;0<α<1时图象是横卧抛物线型. 典型题 类型一、求函数解析式 例1.已知幂函数2 223 (1)m m y m m x --=--,当(0)x ∈+, ∞时为减函数,则幂函数y =__________. 类型二、比较幂函数值大小 例2.比较下列各组数的大小. (1)4 3 3.14 -与43 π - (2)35 (- 与35 (- (3)比较0.5 0.8 ,0.5 0.9,0.5 0.9 -的大小 类型三、求参数的范围


求函数的定义域与值域 的常用方法 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

求函数的定义域与值域的常用方法 引入: 自变量x 的取值范围为 定义域 因变量y 的取值范围为 值域 求函数的解析式、求函数的定义域、求函数的值域、求函数的最值? 一、求函数的解析式 (一)解析式的表达形式 (解析式的表达形式有一般式、分段式、复合式等。) 1、一般式 (是大部分函数的表达形式) 例:一次函数:b kx y +=)0(≠k 二次函数:c bx ax y ++=2 )0(≠a 反比例函数:x k y = )0(≠k 正比例函数:kx y = )0(≠k 2、复合式 若y 是u 的函数,u 又是x 的函数,即),(),(),(b a x x g u u f y ∈==,那么y 关于x 的函数[]()b a x x g f y ,,)(∈=叫做f 和g 的复合函数。 例1、已知3)(,12)(2+=+=x x g x x f ,则[]=)(x g f , []=)(x f g 。 解:[]721)3(21)(2)(22+=++=+=x x x g x g f (二)解析式的求法 (根据已知条件求函数的解析式,常用配凑法、换元法、待定系数法、赋值(式)法、方程法等。) 1. 配凑法 例1.已知 :23)1(2+-=+x x x f ,求f(x); 解:因为15)1(23)1(22+-+=+-=+x x x x x f 例2、已知:221)1(x x x x f +=+,求)(x f 。 解: 2)1(1)1(222-+=+=+x x x x x x f ∴ )22(2)(2-≤≥-=x x x x f 或 注意:使用配凑法也要注意自变量的范围限制。 2.换元法 例1.已知:x x x f 2)1(+=+,求f(x); 解:令2)1(,1,1-=≥=+t x t t x 即则 则1)1(2)1()(22-=-+-=t t t t f 所以)1(1)(2≥-=x x x f 例2、已知:11)11(2-=+x x f ,求)(x f 。


一、收集Windows DUMP日志方法 按如下步骤:计算机右击->属性->系统保护->高级->启动和故障恢复设置.请按照下图进行配置,再次蓝屏的时候取如下路径的dump日志;核心内存转储文件的默认路径为 “%SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP”,即“C:\windows\MEMORY.DMP”文件。 二、收集虚拟桌面日志 1、在虚拟机中找到“collect log”

2、点击后会出现如下页面: 3、等窗口中的命令执行完,会出现如下截图 4、将文件发过来就可以,这个就是虚拟机的日志 三、收集TC客户端日志 VDS-LOG-1: TCM admin管理密码Admin@123

提取日志 操作步骤 1. 导航栏单击“基本管理>日志收集”,进入日志提取操作界面。

添加应用配置 说明 如果已经添加应用配置,则不需要重复添加,请直接执行“收集日志文件”。 2. 点击“添加”按钮,在“添加”对话框中输入需要在TC客户端收集日志的应用名称(例如收集TC日志,输入:TC),点击“确定”保存应用配置信息。 收集日志文件 3. 选择需进行日志提取的客户机或客户机组,并选择应用配置信息,点击“执行收集”按钮。

4. 配置计划向导,单击“完成”。(请参考配置任务计划向导) 说明 完成任务计划配置后,即可在任务管理模块中,查看到日志提取的进度,对于离线的客户机将在客户机上线后执行日志提取。提取完成后,可以在日志下载列表中查询提取的日志文件信息。 19.2 日志下载 1. 导航栏单击“基本管理>日志收集”,选择“日志下载”页面。 2. 选择需要下载的日志文件,单击“文件下载”。 3. 选择日志文件的保存目录,点击“下载”按钮开始下载。
