2015年高考英语真题分类汇编 专题20 议论文和说明文类

2015年高考英语真题分类汇编 专题20 议论文和说明文类
2015年高考英语真题分类汇编 专题20 议论文和说明文类




How long can human beings live? Most scientists who study old age think that the human body is ___1___ to live no longer than 120 years. However, 110 years is probably the longest that anyone could hope to live —— if he or she is ___2___ healthy and lucky. Some scientists even say we can live as long as 130 years! Yet, our cells simply cannot continue to reproduce ___3___. They wear out, and as a result, we get old and ___4___ die.

Even though we can’t live forever, we are living a ___5___ life than ever before. In 1900, the average American life span (寿命) was only 47 years, but today it is 75 years!

When does old age begin then? Sixty-five may be out-of-date as the ___6___ line between middle age and old age. After all, many older people don’t begin to experience physical and mental ___7___ until after age 75.

People are living longer because more people ___8___ childhood. Before modern medicine changed the laws of nature, many children died of common childhood ___9___. Now that the chances of dying ___10___ are much lower, the chances of living long are much higher due to better diets and health care.

On the whole, our population is getting older. The ___11___ in our population will have lasting effects on our social development and our way of life. Some people fear such changes will be for the worse, while some see ___12___, not disaster, many men and women in their “golden years” are healthy, still active, and young in ___13___ if not in age.

As the society grows old, we need the ___14___ of our older citizens. With long lives ahead of them, they need to ___15___ active and devoted.

1. A. designed B. selected C. improved D. discovered

2. A. completely B. generally C. apparently D. extremely

3. A. rapidly B. harmlessly C. endlessly D. separately

4. A. eventually B. hopelessly C. automatically D. desperately

5. A. busier B. longer C. richer D. happier

6. A. finishing B. guiding C. waiting D. dividing

7. A. stress B. damage C. decline D. failure

8. A. survive B. enjoy C. remember D. value

9. A. problems B. fears C. worries D. diseases

10. A. poor B. young C. sick D. quiet

11. A. changes B. recovery C. safety D. increases

12. A. dreams B. chances C. strengths D. choices

13. A. mind B. appearance C. voice D. movement

14. A. protection B. suggestions C. contributions D. permission

15. A. sound B. appear C. turn D. stay

已经不适合现在的形势了。dividing line分界线,故选D。

7.C考查名词及语境的理解。句意:毕竟,很多老年人直到75岁之后才开始经历身体和精神的衰落。stress 压力,压迫;damage 损坏;decline 衰落,衰弱;failure失败。根据句意可知,现在很多老年人是在75岁之后身体和精神才开始衰弱的,故选C。

8.A考查动词及语境的理解。句意:现在人们活得更长因为更多的人从童年中幸存下来。survive 幸存;enjoy 喜欢,欣赏;remember 记得;value价值,估价。根据这一段的内容和the chances of living long are much higher due to a better diets and health care 可知,现在的人平均寿命比以前更长的一个原因是人们从童年的疾病中幸存了下来,故选A。


儿童疾病。problems 问题;fears 恐惧,害怕;worries 担心;diseases 疾病。根据句意可知,以前的人们因为很多普遍的儿童疾病而死,所以导致平均寿命比较低。故选D。

10.B考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:既然年少夭折的可能性更低了,那么活得更长的机会就更高了,因为有了更好的饮食和医学护理。poor 穷的;young 年轻的;sick 病的;quiet 安静的。根据这一段的意思可知,以前人们在小的时候就因为生病死去了,dying young就是年少死去。故选B。

11.A考查名词及语境的理解。句意:人口结构的改变会对我们社会的发展和我们的生活方式有持续的影响。changes 改变;recovery 恢复;safety 安全;increases 增长,增加。根据下文中Some people fear such changes will…可知,我们现在的人口结构改变了,故选A。

12.B考查名词及语境的理解。句意:一些人担心这个改变将会带来一些坏处,然而还有一些人看到的是机会,而不是灾难。dreams 梦想;chances 机会;strengths 力量;choices 选择。根据句意可知,这句话中的while 表示对比,即跟前一种人不一样的看法,故选B。13.A考查名词及语境的理解。句意:现在,很多处在“黄金年龄”的男士和女士,身体都非常健康,仍然积极,心态也很年轻。mind 心态;appearance 外表;voice 声音;movement 移动。根据句意可知,这里应该是说虽然年龄老了,但是心态依然年轻,故选A。

14.C考查名词及语境的理解。句意:随着我们的社会老龄化,我们需要这些老年公民们的贡献。protection 保护;suggestions 建议;contributions 贡献;permission允许。根据文意可知,现在的社会逐渐老龄化,因此老年人也要继续给我们的社会做贡献,故选C。

15.D考查动词及语境的理解。句意:前面还有很长的寿命,他们需要保持积极的心态和奉献的精神。sound 听起来;appear 好像;出现;turn 转,变成;stay保持。根据文意可知,现在人们的寿命更长了,因此老年人也要继续保持积极心态,为我们的社会做贡献。故应选D。【考点定位】社会现象类短文。



Imagine the first days in a new time zone. Slow to respond to the 28 , your body clock is confused. You’re sleepy all day, but when it’s time for bed, you can hardly fall asleep. Obviously you are 29 jet lag(时差反应).

Travelers have traditionally fought this 30 with sleeping pills or alcohol. There are actually healthier ways that can work just as 31.

For example, the moment you get on the airplane, start 32 your biological block to the destination’s time. If it’s daytime in your destination, try to stay 33 . Walking around the cabin(客舱)can be of help. When it’s nighttime, try to sleep. In that case, eat before the flight, 34 an empty stomach will prevent you from sleeping. These tips will help you start a new 35of sleep and wakefulness.

28. A. flight B. change C. demand D. climate

29. A. suffering from B. working on C. looking into D. leading to

30. A. danger B. problem C. waste D. fear

31. A. briefly B. slowly C. suddenly D. effectively

32. A. checking B. sending C. adjusting D. stopping

33. A. awake B. alone C. hungry D. calm

34. A. though B. so C. whole D. or

35. A. understanding B. cycle C. research D. trend



28.B 考查名词辨析。A flight航班; B change变化; C demand要求; D climate气候;句意:慢慢地对于变化做出反应,你的生物钟就要混淆。根据语境可知本文是关于对于时差的反应,故选B项。

29.A 考查动词短语辨析 suffer from 遭受战争破坏的 work on 从事于;look into调查;lead to 导致;根据时区的变化可知很明显会导致时间反应,故选A项。

30.B 考查名词辨析。Adange 危险性 B problem 问题在于 C waste浪费者 D fear恐惧;句意:游客会用药片和酒精来处理这个问题。根据语境可知对待时差的问题,故选B项。31.D 考查副词辨析。A briefly 简洁地址 B slowly慢慢地址 C suddenly 突然地址 D effectively有效地;句意:这有几种健康的方法,并且很有效。根据语境可知选D项。32.C 考查动词辨析。A checking 检查员 B sending送到 C adjusting 调整结构 D

stopping停止播送句意:比如,在上飞机前,开始调整你的生物钟到你的目的的的时间。Adjust to 把。。调整到,,故选C项。

33.A 考查形容词辨析。A awake B alone C hungry D calm句意:如果是白天到目的地,试

着保持清醒。Stay awake保持清醒,故选A项。

34.D 考查连词辨析。A Though 虽然如此 B so 因此次 C while虽然如此 D or 否则;句意:在这种情况下,提前吃饭,否则,空腹会让阻止你睡。Or表示转折,故选D项。

35.B 考查名词辨析。A Understanding 明白的 B cycle圈; C research 研究;D trend







3.Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

If you studied pictures that ancient people left on rock walls and you tried to determine their meaning, you would not detect interest in romance among the artists.

51 , you would see plenty of animals with people running after them. Life for ancient people’s earned to center on hunting and gatherin g wild foods for meals.

In modern times, when food is available in grocery stores, finding love is more 52 in people’s lives. The 53 is all around us. It is easy to prepare a list of modern stories having to do with love. An endless number of books and movies qualify as love stories in popular culture.

Researchers are studying whether love, a highly valued emotional state, can be 54 . They ask, what is love? Toothpaste companies want us to think attraction is all about clean teeth, but clean teeth go only so far. Scientists wonder how much the brain gets involved. You have probably heard that opposites attract but that 55 attract, too. One thing is certain: The truth about love is not yet set in stone. First Impression

To help determine the 56 of attraction, researchers paired 164 college classmates and had them talk for 3, 6 or 10 minutes so they could get a sense of each other’s individuality. Then students were asked to 57 what kind of relationship they were likely to build with their partners. After nine weeks, they reported what happened.

As it turned out, their 58 judgments often held true. Students seemed to 59 at an early stage who would best fit into their lives.

The 60 Knows

Scientists have also turned to nonhumans to increase understanding of attraction. Many animals give off pheromones — natural chemicals that can be detected by, and then can produce a response in, other animals of the same species. Pheromones can signal that an animal is either ready to fight or is feeling 61 to partnerships. In contrast, humans do not seem to be as 62 as other animals at detecting such chemicals. Smell, however, does seem to play a part in human attraction. Although we may not be aware of chemicals like pheromones consciously, we give and receive loads of information through smell in every interaction with other people.

Face Value

Being fond of someone seems to have a number of factors, including seeing something we find attractive. Researchers had people judge faces for 63 . The participants had 0.013 seconds to view each face, yet somehow they generally considered the images the same as people who had more time to study the same faces. The way we 64 attractiveness seem to be somewhat automatic.

When shown an attractive face and then words with good or bad associations, people responded to 65 words faster after viewing an attractive face. Seeing something attractive seems to cause happy thinking.

51. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise

52. A. romantic B. stressful C. central D. artificial

53. A. priority B. proof C. possibility D. principle

54. A. tested B. impressed C. changed D. created

55. A. appearances B. virtues C. similarities D. passions

56. A. illustrations B. implications C. ingredients D. intentions

57. A. predict B. investigate C. diagnose D. recall

58. A. critical B. initial C. random D. mature

59. A. memorize B. distinguish C. negotiate D. question

60. A. Nose B. Eye C. Heart D. Hand

61. A. open B. alert C. resistant D. superior

62. A. disappointed B. amazed C. confused D. gifted

63. A. emotion B. attractiveness C. individuality D. signals

64. A. enhance B. possess C. maintain D. assess

65. A. familiar B. plain C. positive D. irritating



51. A 考查副词以及对语境的理解 Instead 意为相反,Therefore意为因此, Moreover 意为此外, Otherwise 意为否则。观察空格前后的句式结构,可以前面用的是you would not detect … ,后面用的是you would see ,使用的动词不同,结构相同。由于前面有not,后面没有,所以可知此处表达为意思相反,所以答案为A。

52. C 考查形容词以及对语境的理解 romantic 意为浪漫的,stressful 意为压力的,central 意为中心的,artificial 意为人工的。根据上一句话“life for ancient people seemed to center on hunting”及本句的“In modern times, finding love is ”,分析语境,知道这两个句子是把古代和现代的情况进行对比。前一句用了center ,后一句用central, 两者的关系是同根重现。

53. B 考查名词以及对语境的理解 priority 意为优先权,proof 意为证明,possibility 意为可能性,principle 意为原则。后两句的意思是:很容易准备一系列的有关爱的现代故事。在当前的流行文化中,无数的故事和电影归类为爱情故事。根据这两句,的意思,结合上下文语境可知道本句的意思就是有很多证明的例子,所以答案为proof. 54. D 考查动词以及对语境的理解 tested 意为测试,imposed意为强加,changed 意为改变,created 意为创造。根据本段的最后一句话“One thing is certain: The tru th about love is not yet set in stone.确定了一件事情是:爱的真理还不确定”可以知道科学家研

究的是爱是否能够创造,而不应该是测试,改变或者是强加。其中set in stone 就像中文里说的“板上钉钉”,表示绝对不变。

55. C 考查名词以及对语境的理解 appearances 意为外表,virtues 意为美德,similarities意为相似,passions 意为激情。根据划线部分前面的连词but 可以判断前后是转折的意思,而opposites意为相反的,所以答案为相似的。

56. C 考查名词以及对语境的理解 illustrations 意为说明,implications 意为含义;暗示;牵连,卷入;可能的结果,影响,ingredients 意为成分,intentions 意为意图,目的。根据小标题First Impression (第一印象)以及后面所描述的实验方法、内容和结果,可以知道实验的目的是决定吸引力的成分。

57. A 考查动词以及对语境的理解 predict 意为预测,investigate 意为调查,diagnose 意为诊断, recall 意为回忆。根据58题后面的judgment (判断),可以知道此处的答案应该是和判断同义的词。又根据该句后面的句子“after nine weeks, they reported what happened.9周之后,报道发生了什么事情?”可以知道这一些是还没有发生的事情,也就是预测到的东西。

58. B 考查形容词以及对语境的理解 critical 意为批评的,initial 意为原始的,random 意为随意的,mature 意为成熟的。根据第57题预测的东西,那么预测的东西相对而言就是原始的,最初的判断。

59. B 考查动词以及对语境的理解 memorize 意为记忆,distinguish 意为区别,negotiate 意为谈判, question意为疑问。根据前一句话的意思“结果证明他们最初的判断是正确的”,该句要表达的意思和前一句相同,也就是说“学生似乎能够在早期区别适合他们的生活人”。

65. C 考查形容词以及对语境的理解 familiar 意为熟悉,plain 意为普通

的,positive 意为积极的, irritating 意为无礼的。根据最后一句的表达“Seeing something attractive seems to cause happy thinking.看一些吸引力的事情似乎能够导致快乐的思考。”不能得出答案的表达应该是一种快乐思考,所以答案为positive积极的。【考点定位】这是一篇说明文,阐述什么是爱?

【名师点睛】这是一篇说明文,没有生词,主要是考查上下文理解和单词理解。需要正确理解4个单词的选项,尤其要注意一些一词多义的地方,如test, open, question。也要注意题目与题目直接的关系,如58题和59题;要关注小标题以及段落的开头和结尾。结合上下文,留意那些涉及到重现的题目。


2012高考英语单选题语法分类汇编 一、冠词 【2012全国卷II】⒎ He missed ___ gold in the high jump, but will get ___ second chance in the long jump. A. the; the B. 不填; a C. the; a D. a; 不填 【答案】C 【2012安徽】21. Carl is studying food science at college and hopes to open up _____meat processing factory of his own one day. A. / ;a B. / ;the C. the ; a D. the ; the 【答案】A 【2012重庆】24. Sam has been appointed _______ manager of the engineering department to take ____ place of George. A./,/ B. the,/ C the; the D./, the 【答案】D 【2012全国】22. Sarah looked at finished painting with satisfaction. A.不填;a B. a; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a 【答案】C 【2012山东】29. Being able to afford ______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough times. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; 不填 D. 不填; a 【答案】 【2012江西】21. The Smiths don’t usually like staying at ___ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ____ sea. A. /; a B. the; the C. /; the D. the; a 【答案】C 【2012辽宁】21. I woke up with ______ bad headache, yet by ____ evening the pain had gone. A. the; the B. the; an C. a; the D. a; an 【答案】C 【2012四川】18. We are said to be living in ____ Information Age, ____ time of new discoveries and great changes. A. an; the B. 不填; the C. 不填; a D. the; a 【答案】D 【2012浙江】2. The development of industry has been _____ gradual process throughout _____ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology. A. 不填; the B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. a; a 【答案】C 二、名词 【2012全国卷II】⒚ The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great ___ in this city.


Work sheet for reading expository articles说明文阅读理解学案 Reading guide In-class reading Passage 1 ①A Chinese scientist, He Jiankui of Southern University of Science and Technology, claimed in a video on Nov. 25, 2018 that he had used CRISPR-Cas9 to edit embryos for seven couples, with two twin girls resulting so far. He said his goal was to try to make the babies resistant to HIV. What's behind the creation? ②As he said, the tool He Jiankui used to create the babies is called CRISPR-Cas9—a gene-editing tool that has been discovered in recent years. This relatively easy way to edit genes makes it possible to operate on DNA to supply a needed gene or disable one that is causing problems. ③CRISPR is a guide molecule (分子) made of RNA, which targets a specific site on the DNA double helix (双螺旋). CRISPR is attached to Cas9, a bacterial enzyme(酶) that works as a pair of "molecular scissors" to cut the DNA at the exact point required. He Jiankui sought to disable a gene called CCR5 that forms a protein doorway that allows HIV, the virus that causes Aids, to enter a cell. ④He said the gene editing occurred during the following process. First, sperm was “washed” to separate it from semen, in which HIV can hide. Next, a single sperm was placed into a single egg to create an embryo. Then the gene-editing tool was added. Is this helpful? ⑤“I believe this is going to help the families and their children,” He Jiankui said. “Society will decide what to do next in terms of allowing or forbidding such science.” ⑥However, many mainstream scientists think it's too unsafe to try. “If true, this experiment is monstrous,” said Julian Savulescu, a professor of practical ethics at the University of Oxford. “Gene editing is experimental and capable of causing social and ethical problems.” 1. What is the purpose of the passage? 2. What do the underlined "that" in paragraph 3 refer to respectively? 3. What does the word “monstrous” mean in the last paragraph? 4. Which of the following statement is true? A. CRISPR-Cas9 was used in the first step of the creation. B. CRISPR made of a bacterial enzyme is used to edit certain genes. C. CCR5 is a protein that allows HIV to enter a cell. D. The chosen sperm should be processed first to avoid HIV virus. 5. What is the attitude of Professor Julian Savulescu mentioned in the last paragraph towards the claimed creation? 6. What is the author's attitude towards the claimed creation?


上海高考英语题型训练: 中译英 2020高三第一学期期末质量抽查 V Translation (15 分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 松江 72. 他很少意识到与他人交流的重要性o (Seldom) 73. 大学扩招了,这就意味着更多人能有机会接受商等教弃。(access) 74, 应该善待为国家做出巨大贡献的人,这样他们才能全身心投入到工作中去.(in order that) 75. 这本漫画书内容新颖,价格合理,在此次书展上大受追捧,连老年读者都赞不绝口。(It...) 72. Seldom does the realize the important of communicating with others. / Seldom is he aware of the significance of ... 73. The universities have increased their enrollment, which means more people have access to higher education. 74. People who make great contributions to the country should be well treated, in order that they can fully devote themselves to the work. 75. It is the creative content and reasonable price that make the comic book very popular at the book fair and even the elderly readers think highly of it. 崇明 72. 出于好奇,杰克向村民们打听了这座城堡的历史。(curiosity) 73. 我们最好分析一下公司最近几年发展减缓的原因。(analyze) 74. 人人都该意识到,减少人类活动对环境的负面影响是很有必要的。(it) 75. 我决心已定,无论你怎么劝我,我也不会同意放弃这个通过夜以继日的努力工作才获得的机会。(however) 72. Out of curiosity, Jack asked the villagers about the history of the castle. 73. W e’d better analyze(the reasons) why our company’s development has slowed down in recent years. / We’d better analyze the reasons for the slow-down of our company’s development these years. 74. Everyone should realize that it’s quite necessary to reduce th e negative effect that human activity has on the environment. 75. I have made up my mind, however you try to persuade me, I won’t agree to give up the opportunity that I got after workin 宝山 72. 无论时走路、骑车还是开车,遵守交通规则都很重要。(follow) 73. 只有发展好、运用好、治理好互联网,才能使其更好地造福人类。(Only) 74. 鼓励你,给你建议,并提出有建设性的问题的人被称作人生教练或导师。(helpful) 75. 生命充满了挑战,但是只要你有学习新事物的意愿,就能得到克服障碍的正确态度。(willingness) 71. This passage is about the advantages and challenges of starting a business. On one hand, a boss can get financial rewards and independence avoiding control from others. On the other hand, a boss must have passion for his own business, good


高中英语知识结构网络图 修饰词:形容词、副词 被修饰:名词(代词)、动词 辅助词:数词、连词、冠词 词类:不考词:叹词 难点词:介词 名词:可数名词、不可数名词、名词所有格、名词单复数 动词:动词的数 词法:动词的时态:一般过去时、一般现在时、一般将来时、现在进行时、 过去进行时、进来进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、将来完成时、 完成进行时 动词的语态(主动、被动) 非谓语动词(不定式、分词、动名词) 语法代词(高考常考:(人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词、) 比较) 短语:动词短语、名词短语、介词短语(300短语) 词汇:全部考纲词汇及其派生词、不在纲内但是常见常用的词汇(3500多单词四会词语:2000多单词) 特殊结构:倒装句、强调句、插入语、it句型、虚拟语气 1.话题项目(24):1.个人情况(Personal information); 2.家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around);3.周围的环境(Personal environments);4. 日常活动(Daily routines);5.学校生活(School life);6.兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies);7,个人感情(Emotions);8.人际关系(Interpersonal relationships); 9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions);10.节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations);11.购物(Shopping);12.饮食(Food and drink);13.健康(Health);


高考英语作文(完美万能结构)必得高分 对比观点题型 述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为... 2.另一些人认为... 3.我的看法... The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.分析并举例使其更充实. The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三). In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the say------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it. 解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the

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51.【答案】E 【解析】根据下一句ready to offer you public speaking training and courses可知,开头说的是与public speaking 有关的问题,故选E。 52.【答案】B 【解析】根据第一句可知,演讲要集中在自己做过的成功的事情上,故选B。 53.【答案】C 【解析】本段第一句中提到lots of dos and don’ts, walk away!可知,如果有的培训讲太多的条条框框的话,最好不要理会这样的培训,故选C。 54.【答案】G 【解析】根据上一句Your brain is so full of what you’re going to be talking about 可知,给大脑灌输一套规则会使事情变得更糟糕。故选G。 55.【答案】A 【解析】根据treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits可知,本段讲的是“与众不同”,故选A。 5.课标I 第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选项。 Business is organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit (利润) —that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. __71__Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. __72__ Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business.__73__One is the establishment (制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting __74__The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision (监管) and guidance by the management in authority.__75__ A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work. B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management. C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service


[高考英语说明文的阅读理解]高考英语说明文的阅读技巧 【--高考祝福语】 高考英语说明文阅读技巧“英语说明文”,顾名思义,就是一种以“说明、解释”为主要表达方式的英语文体。它是对客观事物的性状、特点、功能和用途等等做科学解说的。它既不像故事那样重在情节的叙述和描写,也不像议论文那样,重在阐明主张和论点论据;更不像科幻作品那样富于想象和虚构夸张。说明文是通过解说事物、阐明事理,使人们增长知识和技能。说明文是高考英语阅读理解题中的重点内容之一。说明文具有与自己特点相适应的说明方法,因此说明文结构复杂,专业术语多,易于拉开考生分数档次,便于高校分层次选拔人才。然而对于考生来说说明文抽象度高,解题难度增大了。高考对说明文的考查多为科普知识,动植物特性、自然现象和新产品、新工艺介绍以及人文地理、风土人情等方面的说明文,文中解释性、定义性、说明性的句子居多。因此考生要掌握说明文的命题特点,叙述方式,以冷静的心态阅读原文,重点突破长句结构特点和逻辑关系,以便对其做出准确的语意理解。

一、说明文阅读理解的特征一般说来,英语说明文与其它文体一样,文章所涉及的内容不外乎以下几个方面,即Who→What→When→Where→How→Why。 1. Who:问的是这篇文章的主体是谁?(即所要说明和描述的人或事物) 2. What:问的是主体做了什么事情?(即主体表现出的特性、功能和用途) 3. When和Where:是在何时何地发生的?(即何时何地所表现出的特性、功能和用途) 4. How:通过什么方式表现出来的? 5. Why:这种特性功能用途的原因是什么? 做说明文阅读阅读的时候,一定要记住上面的Wh-word。边阅读,边搜记,牢记要点,把握全文。 二.说明文阅读理解的类型掌握说明文阅读理解题的类型对考生来说非常有必要。一般来说,高考对阅读理解的命题类型主要有以下几种: 1. 细节理解题 说明文中考查的细节理解题大致与记叙文相似。命题区域都有其共同点。⑴在列举处命题。如用First(1y)、Second(1y)、Third(1y)Finally、not only…but also、then、in addition等表示顺承关系的词语列举出事实。试题要求考生从列举出的内容中选出符合题干要求的答案项。⑵在例证处


III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. (A) Being alone in outer space can be frightening. That is one reason why astronauts on solo (单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them___45___. They were also constant communication with people on the earth. ___46___, being with people from whom you cannot get away might be even harder than being alone. This is what happens on long submarine (潜水艇) voyages. It will also happen on___47___space flights in the future. Will there be special problem of adjustment under such conditions? Scientists have studied the reactions of men to one another during long submarine voyages. They have found that the longer the voyage lasts, the more serious the problem of___48___is. When men are___49___together for a long period, they begin to feel uneasy. Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable. In the limited space over a long period of time, however, these little habits may become very___50___. Apparently, although no one wants to be___51___all the time, everyone needs some degree of privacy. When people are enclosed together, they are in what is called a stress situation. That means that they are under an unusual amount of___52___or stress. People who are well-adjusted are able to___53___stress situations better than others. That is one reason why so much care is taken in___54___our astronauts. These men undergo a long period of testing and training. One of the things tested is their behavior under stress. 45. A. tired B. asleep C. conscious D. busy 46. A. So far B. After all C. However D. Therefore 47. A. long B. fast C. dangerous D. direct 48. A. fuel B. entertainment C. adjustment D. health 49. A. shut up B. held up C. brought up D. picked up 50. A. pleasing B. annoying C. common D. valuable


高考英语作文说明文常用高级句型 导读:本文高考英语作文说明文常用高级句型,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 1简要说明图表内容的句型: 从图表可以看出 The table/chart shows that …… As can be seen from the chart…… From the table/chart/forms we can see… The table tells us that…… 2表示变化/比较的句型: There was a great / slight increase/rise in …… There has been a sudden /slow/rapid fall/ drop in…… It is 20% lower /higher than…… The number/rate has nearly doubled, as against that of last year. The number is … times as much as that of…… It increases/rises/decreases/reduces by ……times/ ……percent/ 2/3. 3说明原因的句型:

The reason for ……is that…… One may think of the change as a result of…… The change in…… largely results from the fact that…… There are several causes for this significant growth in …… First…… This brings out the important fact that…… 4 结尾句型: In summary, it is important…. From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that… Obviously, if we want to…., it is necessary …. There is no doubt that attention must be paid……


2019高考英语阅读理解说明文答题方法 1.文体概述 说明文是用平实的语言客观地解说事物、阐明事理,给人以知识的文体。它通过对实体事物(如仪器、产品、自然环境)的解说,或对抽象事理(如概念、原理、定律)的阐释,使人们对事物的形态、特征、构造、性能、种类、成因、功能等有所了解,或对事理的特点、来源、演变、异同等有所认识,从而获得有关的知识。说明文实用性很强,它包括广告、说明书、内容提要、规则章程、解说词、科学小品等。 2.说明文题材 题材涉及科技、社会和文化生活等各个领域。如:介绍科学领域的最新成果、机器的制造过程、产品工艺流程或使用说明、工程项目的规划、社会经济发展过程中出现的新生事物、生物的生存状况、自然或社会现象产生的原因和解决办法、人文地理知识等。 3.说明顺序 时间顺序(如事物的发展变化)、空间顺序(如建筑结构)、逻辑顺序(如因果、现象与本质)。 4.说明方法 为了把事物的本质特征说清楚,或者把事理阐述明白,常用下列说明方法:举例子、作比较、分类别、析因果、列数字、作诠释、打比方、下定义、列图表、作引用、作假设、对比说明相异、类比说明相似等。

5.结构特点 1)总体叙述+细节或过程说明+概括评述; 2)现象或变化+细节或原因阐述+引发的后果和相关启示。 6.语言特点 高考英语阅读理解中的说明文多为科普知识方面的题材,文中常包含有结构复杂、句意深奥的长句难句。因学术性强、抽象度高,解题的难度相对较大。7.说明文阅读理解的特征 英语说明文与其它文体一样,文章所涉及的内容不外乎以下几个方面,即Who →What→When→Where→How→Why。 1) Who:问的是这篇文章的主体是谁?(即所要说明和描述的人或事物) 2) What:问的是主体做了什么事情?(即主体表现出的特性、功能和用途) 3) When和Where:是在何时何地发生的?(即何时何地所表现出的特性、功能和用途) 4) How:通过什么方式表现出来的? 5) Why:这种特性功能用途的原因是什么? 8.阅读方法 阅读说明文的关键是:抓住说明对象的本质特征。阅读时须注意: 1) 注意说明的顺序,了解文章的结构,把握文章的脉络。


II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. The Best Way of Losing Weight Forget what the skinny movie stars and the TV adverts say - losing weight is hard work. (21)______ you do it through exercise, diet, or a bit of both, it’s extremely challenging to lose those pounds and then to keep them off. Sometimes it can involve (22)_______ (change) huge parts of your day-to-day life and it can mean breaking decades-old habits. But it turns out there’s one little thing you (23)_______ do to help you achieve your goal and it’s got nothing to do with food or exercise. The experts at Weight Wat chers did research which shows many of their members were more successful and (24)_______ (discouraged) when they shared regular updates on their new healthy lifestyle online. They found people who shared a diary of their daily lives with friends and followers were stimulated and inspired by positive feedback (25)______ they lost some pounds and kept them off. More than 50 per cent of people said the support of a weight loss community was crucial when it came (26)______ changing their eating habits and 53 per cent shared photos of their meals on social media. With this knowledge under their belts, Weight Watchers (27)______ (launch) a series of short films lately which show people recording their daily weight loss journey. One of the members who shared her journey was Danielle Duggins, and her video shows her enjoying a range of healthy meals and a few treats, while (28)______ (play) with her children. The company’s marketing director Claudia Nicholls said: “The support of a community has always proved to be an effective way of forming and sustaining healthy habits, but there has never been an easier or more affordable way (29)______ (tap) into the power of the crowd for support and inspiration with the explosion of online communities. Weight Watchers owns a social community for members, Connect, (30)______ sees over 14,000 daily posts in the UK alone, and provides our members with instant access to a community of people who are on similar journeys to them.


写作指导(7) 说明文 1.说明文是以说明为主要表达方式,用简洁明了的语言来解说事物、阐明事理,从而给读者提供知识的一种文体。 2.在高考书面表达中,其主要命题形式为图表式作文,有时也以图画式和提纲式作文来呈现写作材料。 3.它要求语言要简明扼要,通俗易懂,说明过程讲究层次性和条理性。 4.这种文体通常用第三人称,时态以一般现在时为主。 根据以下图画,写一篇英语短文,描述今昔通讯方式的变化,以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响。

注意:1.词数:100左右; 2.参考词汇:通讯communicate (with sb.)vi.,communication n.;互联网the Internet n.。 案例分析⊙ 从材料的呈现方式(两幅图对比)及材料所提出的要求“描述变化及影响”可知,本文应该用说明文体来写作。时态的把握是本文的一大难点,一般情况下,说明文应用一般现在时,但本文描述的是今昔通讯方式的变化,所以在描写过去通讯方式的时候要用一般过去时,例如:In the past,people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone及 It used__to__take several days to hear from each other.在描写过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响时,谓语动词要用现在完成时,例如本文的起始句可用“Great changes have__taken__place in the

way of communication in people’s life in recent years”及讲述影响的过渡句“With these changes,people’s pace of life has__been__quickened__and people’s work has__been__made more efficient ”。相对来说,本文用第三人称容易把握。 Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years. In the past,people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone.But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone.People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time.What’s more,people have easy access to the Internet,which enables them to send and receive emails whenever they like.With these changes,people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more efficient.It used to take several days to hear from each other,but now it takes only
