






P208 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1672-4623(2013)01-0013-03收稿日期:


湖北省自然科学基金资助项目(2011CDB350)。基于GIS 的公路信息更新管理平台的设计和实现

常屹冉1,郭炳辉1,陈 军2,李汉彬3

(1.中国地质大学(武汉)信息工程学院,湖北 武汉 430074;

2.湖北省交通厅公路管理局,湖北 武汉 430000;

3. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司 西气东输管道分公司,湖北 武汉 430073)

摘 要:

为适应现行公路信息的快速更新和智能化管理的要求,采用ArcGIS 平台,结合车载GPS 技术,设计开发了适用于湖北省公路信息更新管理的系统软件;介绍了系统的总体结构、数据库及功能模块的设计。该系统的实现给交通规划部门提供了一个良好的管理和决策支持平台。


ArcGIS ;GPS ;数据库建设;公路更新管理系统我国公路路线长、变化快、数据信息量大。如何应用现代高新技术,让公路信息快捷、准确地为国民经济建设和政府管理决策提供服务,是交通部门在公路信息更新管理工作中急需解决的问题。而现有的公路数据繁杂,更新周期长,且不便于管理;建设更新便捷的公路信息管理平台是各交通部门的必然要求。本文从湖北省的公路现状和信息化管理的基本要求出发,采用Visual C # .NET 和ArcGIS Engine 组件技术,结合车载GPS,设计开发了湖北省公路信息更新管理平台。

1 系统采用的技术和标准

公路数字化建设只关注公路本身及周边一定带状范围内的信息要素。而已有的公路测绘方式不论人工测量、航空摄影测量还是卫星遥感测图都易造成资源的极大浪费,并且造价昂贵、更新周期长,并不适合局部道路信息的更新。相比之下,利用车载GPS 技术更新公路信息,不仅采集速度快、作业方式简单,而且定位精度高。车辆在行驶过程中即可记录道路桩号、路面类型、路面宽度、路基宽度及桥梁、隧道、渡口、建制村等信息,便于数据的内业处理[1,2]。

ArcEngine 是ESRI 公司推出的一组完备的嵌入式GIS 组件库和工具库,其核心是ArcObjects 组件,并且支持类、对象等特性,通过封装的接口可以实现对象的属性。组件技术开发简单,用户可以灵活调用动态链接库(DLL)开发和扩展具有特定功能的GIS 应用程序[3]。


和GB 917.1-2000《公路路线标识规则命名编号和编码》。

2 系统设计

2.1 系统结构框架设计

本平台实现了公路基础数据的采集、存储、显示、分析汇总和输出等功能。系统采用C/S 架构,其总体架构包括数据更新层、基础数据库层、应用层和用户层(见图1)。





图1 系统结构框架


人员组成。通过本层为领导决策和政策制定提供直观、多方位的辅助决策信息支持。2.2 数据库的设计

数据库设计主要针对公路及附属设施和行政区划等要素信息,由空间和属性2个数据层构成。空间数据层包含行政区划、境界线、公路线路、桥梁、隧道、其他重要交通设施层、水系等要素,属性数据层包含基础数据集、路线概况集、路面集、路基集、主要构造物集、沿线设施集等[4]。各要素均采用GB 标准进行命名,如以路线编码C002429004为例,C 为村道,002为路线编码,429004为仙桃市(行政区划代码)。数据库建设以路线、路段为核心,将居民点、桥梁、渡口、隧道等要素通过关键字段进行关联和约束(见图2)。属性表由Access 创建,空间数据表在软件中创建。本文中的空间数据表可以通过各自的经纬度字段在地图中投影以确定位置。属性数据表包含专题字段,便于专题图层的建立和管理[5]。

图2 数据库结构图

2.3 功能模块

公路信息更新管理平台是在ArcEngine 提供的接口支持下,针对管理者的基本要求设计的,涵盖了公路信息的更新、查询管理和打印输出等内容。其主要功能包括:用户管理、地图显示、数据查询、数据分析、领导查询和地图打印等,具体功能结构见图3。

图3 系统功能设计图

3 系统功能的实现

3.1 系统管理模块

系统管理模块主要实现了用户权限管理功能,可根据登录账号获得相应的权限,实现用户的分层管理,确保数据安全。3.2 外业采集模块

外业采集模块实现了管理者对数据库的更新和维护。GPS 数据采集是通用车载GPS 接收机连接到平台软件,设置连接参数,采集沿线公路数据[6]。其具体参数包括COM 端口、输出波特率、数据位、停止位和采集间隔等,用户可自主设置,系统通过XML 文件进行配置。

COM1 4800

8 1

2 5

实践发现,车速小于45 km/h 时,不易出现信号中断、漂移和延迟的现象,采集密度和精度都符合作业要求。外业采集界面见图4。内业处理是对采集的GPS 数据进行属性添加、突变点与漂移点的删除及路段的拆分、合并等操作。最后通过处理和审核,确保空间数据和属性数据更新的一致性。

3.3 基础地理信息操作功能

基础GIS 模块实现了对公路电子地图的展示和操作,包括对地图的放大、缩小、前进、后退、全图、漫游、量算工具、比例尺、图层管理等功能。3.4 专题地图模块





















图4 外业采集界面



3.5 信息查询

平台提供了丰富的查询功能,包括空间查询、属性查询和条件查询等。信息查询利用QueryFilter类,通过Query接口和SpatialQuery接口进行属性和空间信息的查询。用户可通过点选、框选等交互操作,对数据进行可视化查询,也可根据输入的关键词在路段树中查询并定位显示;还可按照条件查询,如“Select count(*) from V01_sd where mid(SDBM, 11, 1) = 'U' and mid(LXBM, 1, 1) = 'G' and TBDW= 4211”,可查询黄冈市国道上的隧道总数。

3.6 统计分析




3.7 领导查询模块


4 结 语



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更新系统的研究[J]. 武汉测绘科技大学学报,2000,25(2):97-98

[2] 李永丰,於新国. 利用GPS快速采集道路信息系统的研究[J].


[3] 邱洪刚,张青莲,陆绍强,等. ArcGIS Engine开发从入门

到精通[M]. 北京: 人民邮电出版社,2010

[4] 王国宾. 面向对象的公路空间数据库系统研究[D].郑州: 郑


[5] 祝国瑞,庞前聪,王平. 可扩展性的公路空间数据库方案设

计[J]. 武汉大学学报:信息科学版,2004,29(7):580-583 [6] 苏霆. 农村公路信息快速采集系统的设计与实现[D].上海:

华东师范大学, 2010

[7] 王国锋,宋鹏飞,张蕴灵.智能交通系统发展与展望[J]. 公路,







24860 24875




17079 17276

















图5 统计分析界面


Index(V ol.11,No.1)GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION?I?Construction of Typhoon Path Information Management System Based

on iPad by BAI Shuying Abstract Through the application of the typhoon path information management system to the most popular mobile device iPad, it could provide the service at anytime and anywhere. It brings the new technology and method for the meteorological disaster emergency command of government and meteorological departments. It can transfer the information to the rural people and enhance the capacity of disaster prevention and reduction. This article focused on the way to build process-based the iPad typhoon path information management system and the typhoon path function.

Key words iPad, typhoon path, information management system

(Page:1) Design and Realization of the Forest Comprehensive Management Information System Based on ArcGIS by XIONG Weidong Abstract As biological and environmental resources, the forest resources are important to the comprehensive benefits on economy, society and ecology. Currently GIS is the key information technology of the spatial information to construction and realization on the virtual geographic information and application on management decision making. How to implement effective management of forest resources based GIS is one of focuses in related fields. In the paper the design and realization on overall structure and main subsystem function of the forest comprehensive management information system on ArcGIS were discussed, which include designs on data editing processing on Forestry GIS, application based on B/S structure workflow platform of forestry office business systems and information release system, and so on. Finally the interactive information management of forestry comprehensive graphic and file integration, and sharing service on forestry data were realized.

Key words ArcGIS,forest resources,management information system,data sharing (Page:5) Construction of Marine Management Information Sharing Platform Based on Service-oriented Architecture

by ZHANG Jianhui Abstract SuperMap iServer Java 6R which is one parts of SuperMap GIS 6R products is enterprise GIS product constructed based on Java EE platform and SuperMap Objects Java 6R. A wealth of data resource was accumulated when the agencies of State Oceanic Administration were practicing for a long time. Also, most of these vast amounts of business data are closely related to the geographical space. But, there are some problems in the aspect of sharing information and accessing data in all departments of State Oceanic Administration. For example, the data volumes are large, the data formats and structures are different, and also stored in various sectors. So it doesn’t meet the relevant business department transferring information and sharing of resources, and doesn’t provided effective decision-making and information services for the departments of State Oceanic Administration doing comprehensive management and enforcement. According to this condition, this paper proposed the objectives and principles of building Marine Management Information Sharing Service Platform based on Service-oriented Architecture and 2D&3D integration GIS. Then it designed the overall architecture of the platform, and discoursed in detail the four aspects of content that the project is to be build, including of platform database, ESB, business system and supported system. And also, it analyzed several key technologies which the platform needs. Finally, this paper summed up the significance and role of the platform construction.

Key words Service Oriented Architecture,Enterprise Service Bus,2D&3D integration (Page:7) Research on Continuous Positioning with Insuf? cient Visible Satellites Based on Kalman Filter Algorithm by XIE Xiang Abstract The Kalman filtering model was introduced in this paper. And it was used as a parameter estimation method to realize dynamic pseudo-range single positioning solutions. It also resolved partial observations with insufficient visible satellites. And the positioning results were compared. The test result indicates that Kalman filer model help to keep positioning continuously and guarantee a certain extent precision.

Key words insufficient visible satellites,dynamic positioning,Kalman filter (Page:11)Design and Implementation of Highway Information Update and

Management System Based on GIS by CHANG Yiran

Abstract In order to meet the requirements of the rapid update and

intelligent management, this paper designed the Highway Information

Update and Management System which based on Vehicle-borne GPS with

ArcGIS Engine component technology. It introduced the overall structure,

database and function design of the system. The system provided a good

management and decision support platform for transportation planning


Key words ArcGIS,GPS,database construction,Highway Update and

Management System (Page:13)

Strategy Analysis of High-precision Reference Frame of HBCORS



Abstract Through researched on coordinate joint measurement, baseline

processing and adjustment strategy, this paper analyzed the method of

establishing high-precision reference frame of HBCORS, and provided a

guideline to obtain accurate regional reference frame and high-precision

GPS network data processing.

Key words HBCORS,reference frame, baseline processing, network

adjustment (Page:16)

Design of Immigration Information Management System Based on GIS

by ZHANG Liang

Abstract Graphic of demolition range and indicators of physical are

the fundamental for objective to investigate, which are more important

basis for all kinds of decisions. Objective to investigate has its own

space attribute. Its job content has close relationship with geographic

information. In the project of diverting water from Yangtze to Hanjiang

River, in order to integrative management of graphic of demolition range

and attribute data of indicators of physical ,we built the Immigration

Information Management System based on GIS. This system would

enhance the operational quality and efficiency.

Key words GIS,objective to investigate,information system,diverting

water from Yangtze to Hanjiang River,immigration (Page:18)

Research on Released Services of Spatial Data Based on GML


TONG Lingfei

Abstract This paper put forward an improved spatial data distribution

service model based on GML from the spatial data distribution problems,

analyzed the key technologies used in the model and the model of

working mechanism. And it elaborated map browsing of the display layer,

the communication between business logic layer and display layer, the

conversion of other GIS data formats to the GML documents, the analytic

of GML documents, and the conversion of GML to SVG etc. key steps

in the process of spatial data distribution service. It fully reflected the

function of GML as the intermediate format in spatial data distribution


Key words GML,SVG,spatial data,released services of spatial data


Implementation of 3D City Management Information System Based on

ArcEngine by SHI Chaobing

Abstract This paper aimed at building the 3D city management

information system by the secondary developing based on ArcEngine. The

program language of this system was Microsoft C#. It mainly described

the implementation process of view, query, analysis, rendering and other

functional modules in the system, and explored 3D GIS use in the field of

urban management.

Key words Geographic Information System, ArcEngine,3D (Page:25)

Construction and Key Technique of Police Geographic Information

System Data Platform by LUO Jun

Abstract Based on categorical analysis of the data requirement and

sources of Police Geographic Information System, a three-tier model

system structure of data platform was designed to guide the dynamic

process of data management and access in this paper. And key

technology used in developing this data platform like maptile, data

integration, address matching was explained clearly.

Key words PGIS, data platform, architecture (Page:28)
