The Key to Deal with Failure- -comment on Oprah Winfrey's speech

The Key to Deal with Failure- -comment on Oprah Winfrey's speech
The Key to Deal with Failure- -comment on Oprah Winfrey's speech

The Key to Deal with Failure

“Oh my goodness! I'm at Haaaaaarvard!" That's how Oprah Winfrey began her speech at Harvard University graduation ceremony—in her spirited, signature way.In this speech, Winfrey spent most of her 30-minute speech advising the new graduates on how best to navigate the next chapter of their lives. With plenty of motivating words and inspiring cases, she illstruated that sometimes people might stumble fall and have doubts about their path, but by following their heart and figuring out what made them alive, they would feel better about their failure.

Juse as she said, “I'm going to address my remarks to anybody who's ever felt inferior, disadvantaged or screwed by life." Her speech was indeed a source of some inspiration to who were still down in the hole, I was no exception. And what impresses me most is her attitudes toward failure.

Everyone is fear of lost but none can of us can escape from it. No matter how far we might rise. At some point, we are bound to stumble. Standing in the peak of her professional life, Winfrey ventured on launching the OWN, which then began the flop in her career. She was stressed and frustrated at frist, but after thinking twice, she chose to learn from mistake and

finally turned that network around. In the pursuit of bdream, we will encounter mistakes and feel lost. But there is no such thing as failure just because trouble don't last always and this too shall pass. It’s really okay to feel bad for a little while and to mourn what we may have lost. But it’s no use wallowing in self-pity. On the other hand, failure is never quite so frightening. Mistakes exist to make us experience ups and downs ,helping us come alive. They are there to teach us and force us into being more who we are. We need to learn from mistakes and then figure out what is the next right move. Life is going on and we can not stop by failure.
