

Object and Types



The differences between classes and structs 类和结构的区别

Class members 类成员

Passing values by value and by reference 按值和按引用传送参数

Method overloading 方法重载

Constructors and static constructors 构造函数和静态构造函数

Read-only fields 只读字段

Partial classes 部分类

Static classes 静态类

The object class, from which all other types and derived Object类,其他类型都从该类派生而来

So far, you've been introduced to some of the building blocks of the C# language, including variables,data types, and program flow statements, and you have seen a few very short complete programs containing little more than the Main() method. What you haven't really seen yet is how to put all these together to form a longer, complete program. The key to this lies in working with classes ----- the subject of this chapter.

Note that we cover inheritance and features related to inheritance in Chapter 4, "Inheritance."


This chapter introduces the basic syntax associated with classes. However, we assume that you are already famillar with the underlying principles of using classes ----for example, that you know what a constructor or a property is . This chapter is largely confined to applying those principles in C# code.



Classes and structs are essentially templates from which you can create objects. Each object contains data and has methods to manipulate and access that data. The class defines that data and functionality each particular object (called an instance) of that class can contain. For example, if you have a class that represents a customer, it might define fields such as CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, and Address, which you will use to hold information about a particular customer. It might also define functionality that acts upon the data stored in these fields. You can then instantiate an object of this class to represent one specific customer, set the field values that instance, and use its functionality.


Class PhoneCustomer


public const string DayOf SendingBill = "Monday";

public int CustomerID;

public string FirstName;

Public string LastName;


Structs differ from classes in the way that they are stored in memory and accessed (classes are reference types stored in the heap; structs are value types stored on the stack), and in some of their features (for example, structs don't support inheritance). You will tend to use structs for smaller data types for performance reasons. In terms of syntax, however, structs look very similar to classes; the main difference is that you use the keyword struct instead of class to declare them. For example, if you wanted all PhoneCustomer instances to be allocated on the stack instead of the managed heap, you could write:


Struct PhoneCustomerStruct


Public const string DayOfSendingBill = "Monday";

Public int CustomerID;

Public string FirstName;

Public string LastName;


For both classes and structs, you use the keywork new to declare an instance. This keyword creates the object and initializes it; in the following example, the default behavior is to zero out its fields:


PhoneCustomer myCustomer = new PhoneCustomer(); //works for a class

PhoneCustomerStuct myCustomer2 = new PhoneCustomerStruct(); //works for a struct

In most cases, you'll use classes much more often than structs. Therefore, we discuss classes first and then the differences between classes and structs and the specific reasons why you might choose to use a struct instead of a class. Unless otherwise stated, however, you can assume that code presented for a class will work equally well for a struct.



The data and functions within a class are known as the class's members. Microsoft's official terminology distinguishes between data members and function members. In addition to these members, classes can contain nested types (such as other classes). Accessibility to the members can be public, protected, internal protected, private, or internal. These are described in detail in Chapter 5, "Generic."

类中的数据和函数称为类的成员。Microsoft的正式术语对数据成员和函数成员进行了区分。除了这些成员外,类还可以包含的类型(如其他类)。成员的可访问性是public、protected、internal protected、private或internal。第5章将详细解释各种可访问性。

Data Members 数据成员

Data members are those members that contain the data for the class ----fields, constants, and events. Data members can be static. A class member is always an instance member unless it is explicitly declared as static.


Fields are any variables associated with the class. You have already seen fields in use in the PhoneCustomer class in the previous example.


After you have instantiated a PhoneCustomer object, you can then access these fields using the object.

FieldName syntax, as shown in this example:


PhoneCustomer Customer1 = new PhoneCustomer();

Customer1.FirstName ="Simon";

Constants can be associated with classes in the same way as variables. You declare a constant using the const keyword. If it is declared as public , then it will in will be accessible from outside the class.


Class PhoneCustomer


Public const string DayOfSendingBill ="Monday";

Public int CustomerID;

Public string FirstName;

Public string LastName;


Events are class members that allow an object to notify a caller whenever something noteworthy happens, such as a field or property of the class changing, or some

form of user interaction occurring. The client can have code, known as an event handler, which reacts to the event. Chapter 8, "Delegates, Lambdas, and Events,"looks at events in detail.


Function Members 函数成员

Function members are those members that provide some functionality for manipulating the data in the class. They include methods, properties, constructor, finalizers, operators, and indexers.


Methods are functions that are associated with a particular class. Just as with data members, function members are instance members by default. They can be made static by using the static modifier.


Properties are sets of functions that can be accessed from the client in a similar way to the public fileds of the class. C# provides a specific syntax for implementing read and write properties on your classes, so you don't have use method names that have the words Get or Set embedded in them.

Because there's a dedicated syntax for properties that is distinct from that for normal functions, the illusion of objects as actual things is strengthened for client code.

属性是可以信客户端访问的函数组,其访问方式与访问类的公共字段类似。C#为读写类中的属性提供了专用语法,所以不必使用那些名称中嵌有Get 或Set的方法。因为属性的这种语法不同于一般函数的语法,在客户端代码中,虚拟的对象被当做实际的东西。

Constructors are special functions that are call automatically when an object is instantiated.They must have the same name as the class to which they belong and cannot have a return type. Constructors are useful for initialization.


Finalizers are similar to constructors but are called when the CLR detects that an object is no longer needed. They have the same name as the class, preceded by

a tilde (~). It is impossible to predict precisely when a finalizer will be called. Finalizers are discussed in Chapter 13, "Memory Management and Pointers."


Operators, at their simplest, are actions such as + or -. When you add two integers, you are, strictly speaking, using the + operator for integers. However, C# also

allows you to specify how existing operators will work with your own classes (operator overloading). Chapter 7, "Operators and Casts."


Indexers allow your objects to be indexed in the same way as an array or collection.


Methods 方法

Note that official C# terminology makes a distinction between functions and methods. In C# terminology, the term "function member" includes not only methods, but also other nondata members of a class or struct. This includes indexers, operators, constructors, destructors, and also ----perhaps somewhat surprisingly ---- properties. These are contrasted with data members: fields, constants, and events.


Declaring Methods 方法的声明

In C#, the definition of a method consists of any method modifiers (such as the method's accessibility), the type of the return value, followed by the name of the method, followed by a list of input arguments enclosed in parentheses, followed by the body of the method enclosed in curly braces:


[modifiers] return_type MethodName([parameters])


//Method body


Each parameter consists of the name of the type of the parameter, and the name by which it can be referenced in the body of the method. Also, if the method returns a value, a return statement must be used with the return value to indicate each exit point. For example:

这个参数都包括参数的类型名和在方法体中的引用名称。但如果方法有返回值,returng语句就必须与返回值一起使用,以指定出口点,例如:Public bool IsSquare (Rectangle rect)


Return (rect.Height == rect.Width);


This code uses one of the .NET base classes, System.Drawing.Rectangle, which represents a rectangle. If the method doesn't return anything, you specify a return type of void because you can't omit the return type altogether, and if it takes no arguments, you still need to include an empty set of parentheses a after the method name. In this case, includeing a return statement is optional --- the method returns automatically when the closeing curly brace is reached. You should note that a method can contain as many return statements as required:


Public bool IsPositive (int value)


If (value < 0 )

Return false;

Return true;


Invoking Methods 调用方法

The following example, MathTest, illustrates the syntax for definition and instantiation of classes, and definition and invocation of methods. Besides the class that contains the Main() method, it defines a class named MathTest, which contains a couple of methods and a field.


Using System;

Namespace Wrox


Class MainEntryPoint


//Try calling some static functions.

Console.WriteLine("Pi is " + MathTest.GetPi());

Int x = MathTest.GetSquareOf(5);

Console.WriteLine("Square of 5 is " + x);

//Instantiate at MathTest object

MathTest math = new MathTest(); //this is C#'s way of instantiating a reference type

//Call nonstatic methods

Math.value = 30;

Console.WriteLine("Value field of math variable contains " + math.value);

Console.WriteLine("Square of 30 is " + math.GetSquare());



//Define a class named MathTest on which we will call a method

Class MathTest


Public int value;

Public int GetSquare()


Return value*value;


Public static int GetSquareOf(int x)


Return x*x;


Public static double GetPi()


Return 3.14159;



Running the MathTest example produces these results:


Pi is 3.14159

Square of 5 is 25

Value field of math variable contains 30

Square of 30 is 900

As you can see from the code, the MathTest class contains a field that contains a number, as well as a method to find the square of this number. It also contains two static methods, one to return the value of pi and one to find the square of the number passed in as a parameter.

Some features of this class are not really good examples of C# program design. For example, GetPi() would usually be implemented as a const field, but following good design here would mean using some concepts that we have not yet introduced.

从代码中可以看出,MathTest类包含一个字段和一个方法,该字段包含一个数字,该方法计算该数字的平方。这个类还包含两个静态方法,一个返回Pi 的值,另一个计算作为参数传入的数字的平方。


Passing Parameters to Methods 给方法传递参数

In general, parameters can be passed into methods by reference or by value. When a variable is passed by reference, the called method gets the actual variable --- so any changes made to the variable inside the method persist when the method exits. But, when a variable is passed by value, the called method gets an identical copy

of the variable ---- which means any changes made are lost when the method exits. For complex data types, passing by reference is more efficient because of the large amount of data must be copied when passing by value.


In C#, all parameters are passed by value unless you specifically say otherwise. However, you need to be careful in understanding the implications of this for reference types. Because reference type variables hold only a reference to an object, it is this reference that will be copied, not the object itself. Hence, changes made to the underlying object will persist. Value type variables, in contrast, hold the actual data, so a copy of the data itself will be passed into the method. An int do not change the value of the original int object. Conversely, if an array or any other reference type, such as a class, is passed into a method, and the method uses the reference to change a value in that array, the new value is reflected in the original array object.

Here is an example, ParameterTest.cs, which demonstrates the following:



Using System;

Namespace Wrox


Class parameterTest


Static void SomeFunction(int[] ints, int i)


ints [0] = 100;

i = 100;


Public static int Main()


Int i = 0;

Int[] ints = {0,1,2,3,4,8};

//Display the original values.

Console.WriteLine("i = " + i);

Console.WriteLine("ints[0] = " + ints[0]);

Console.WriteLine("Calling SomeFunction.");

//After this method returns, ints will be changed,but i will not.

SomeFunction(ints, i);

Console.WriteLine("i =" + i);

Console.WriteLine("ints[0] = " + ints[0] );

Return 0;




The output of this is: 结果如下:


i = 0

Ints[0] = 0

Calling SomeFunction...

i = 0

Ints[0] = 100

Notice how the value of i remains unchanged, but the value changed in ints is also changed in the original array.


The behavior of strings is different again. This is because strings are immutable (if you alter a string's value, you create an entirely new string), so strings don't display the typical reference-type behavior. Any changes made to a string within a method call won't affect the original string. This point is discussed in more detail in Chapter 9, "strings and Regular Expressions."


Ref Parameters ref参数

As mentioned, passing variables by value is the default, but you can force value parameters to be passed by reference. To do so, use the ref keyword. If a parameter is passed to a method, and if the input argument for that method is prefixed with the ref keyword, any changes that the method makes to the variable will affect the value of the original object:


Static void SomeFunction(int [] ints, ref int i)


Ints [0] = 100;

I = 100; //The change to i will persist after SomeFunction() exits.


You will also need to add the ref keyword when invoke the method:


SomeFunction(ints, ref i);

Finally, it is also important to understand that C# continues to apply initialization requirements to parameters passed to methods. Any variable must be initialized before it is passed into a method, whether it is passed in by value or by reference.


Out Parameters out参数

In C-style languages, it is common for functions to be able to output more than one value from a single routine. This is accomplished using output parameters, by assigning the output values to variables that have been passed to the method by reference. Often, the starting values of the variables that are passed by reference are unimportant. Those values will be overwritten by the function, which may never even look at any previous value.


It would be convenient if you could use the same convention in C#. However,C# requires that variables be initialized with a starting value before they are referenced.Although you could initialize your input variables with meaningless values before passing them into a function that will fill them with real,meaningful ones, this practice seems at best needless and at worst confusing. However, there is a way to short-circuit the C# compiler's insistence on initial values for input arguments.


Your do this with the out keyword. When a method's input argument is prefixed with out, that method can be passed a variable that has no been initialized. The variable is passed by reference, so any changes that the method makes to the variable will persist when control returns from the called method. Again, you also need to use the out keyword when you all the method as well as when you define it:

编译器使用关键字来初始化。在方法的输入参数前面加上out前缀时,传递给该方法的变量可以不初始化。该变量通过引用传递,所以在从被调用的方法中返回时,对应方法对该变量进行的任何改变都会保留下来。在调用该方法时,还需要使用out关键字,与在定义该方法时一样:Static void SomeFunction(out int i)


i = 100;


Public static int main()


Int i; //note how i is declared but not initialized.

SomeFunction(out i);


Return 0;


Named Arguments 命名参数

Typically, parameters need to be passed into a method in the same order that they are defined. Named arguments allow you to pass in parameters in any order.So for the following method:


String FullName(string firstName, string lastName)


Return firstName + " " + lastName;


The following method calls will return the same full name:


FullName("John", "Doe");

FullName(lastName: "Doe", firstName: "John");

If the method has several parameters, you can mix positional and named arguments in the same call.


Optional Arguments 可选参数

Parameters can also be optional.You must supply a default value for parameters that are optional.The optional parameter(s) must be the last ones defined as well. So the following method declaration would be incorrect:

参数也可以是可选的。必须为可选参数提供默认值。可选参数还必须是方法定义的最后一个参数。所以下面的方法声明是不正确的:V oid TestMethod(int optionalNumber = 10, int notOptionalNumber)


System.Console.Write(optionalNumber + notOptionalNumber);


For this method to work, the optionalNumber parameter would have to be defined last.


Method Overloading 方法的重载

C# supports method overloading ---- several versions of the method that have different signatures (that is, the same name, but a different number of parameters and/or different parameter data types).To overload methods, you simply declare the methods with the same name but different numbers or types of parameters:


Class ResultDisplayer


V oid DisplayResult(string result)




V oid DisplayResult(int result)





If optional parameters won't work for you, then you need to use method overloading to achieve the same effect:


Class MyClass


int DoSomething(int x) //want 2nd parameter with default value 10




Int DoSomething (int x, int y)





As in any language, method overloading carries with it the potential for subtle runtime bugs if the wrong overload is called. Chapter 4 discusses how to code defensively against these problems. For now, you should know that C# does place some minimum restrictions on the parameters of overloaded methods:


It is not sufficient for two methods to differ only in their return type. 两个方法不能仅在返回类型上有区别。

It is not sufficient for two methods to differ only by virtue of a parameter having been declared as ref or out. 两个方法不能权根据参数是声明为ref还是out 来区分。

Properties 属性

The idea of a property is that it is a method or pair of methods that is dressed to look like a field. A good example of this is the Height property of a Windows Form.Suppose that you have the following code:

属性(property)的概念是:它是一个方法或一对方法,在客户端代码看来,它们是一个字段。例如Windows窗体的Height属性。假定有现在的代码://mainForm is of type Ssytem.Windows.Forms

mainForm.Height = 400;

On executing this code, the height of the window will be set to 400, and you will see the window resize on the screen. Syntactically, this code looks like you're setting a field, but in fact you are calling a property accessor that contains code resize the form.



To define a property in C#, you use the following syntax:


Public string SomeProperty




Return "This is the property value.";




//do whatever needs to be done to set the property.



The get accessor takes no parameters and must return the same type as the declared property. You should not specify any explicit parameters for the accessor either, but the compiler assumes it takes one parameter, which is of the same type again, and which is referred to as value. As an example, the following code contains a property called Age, which sets a field called age. In this example, age is referred to as the backing variable for the property Age.


Private int age;

Public int Age




Return age;




age= value;



Note the naming convention used here. You take advantage of C#'s case sensitivity by using the same name, Pascal-cased for the public property, and camel-cased for the equivalent private field if there is one. Some developers prefer to use field names that are prefixed by an underscore:_age;this provides an extremely convenient way of identifying fields.


Read-Only and Write-Only Properties 只读和只写属性

It is possible to create a read-only property by simply omitting the set accessor from the property definition. Thus, to make Name a read-only property, you would do the following:


Private string name;

Public string Name




Return Name;



It is similarly possible to create a write-only property by omitting the get accessor. However, this is regarded as poor programming practice because it could be confusing to authors of client code. In general, it is recommended that if you are tempted to do this, you should use a method instead.


Access Modifiers for Properties 属性的访问修饰符

C# does allow the set and get accessors to have differing access modifiers. This would allow a property to have a public get and a private or protected set. This can help control how or then a property can be set. In the following code example, notice that the set has a private access modifier and the get does not have any. In this case, the get takes on the access level of the property. One of the accessors must follow the access level of the property. A compile error will be generated if the get accessor has the protected access from the property.


Public string Name




Return _name;


Private set


_name = value;



Auto-Implemented Properties 自动实现的属性(自动属性)

If there isn't going to be any logic in the properties set and get, then auto-implemented properties can be used. Auto-implemented properties implement the backing member variable automatically. The code for the earlier Age example would look like this:

如果属性的set和get访问器中没有任何逻辑,就可以使用自动实现的属性。这种属性会自动实现后备成员变量。前面Age示例的代码如下:Public string Age { get; set; }

The declaration private int age; is not needed. The compiler will create this automatically.

不需要声明private int age。编译器会自动创建它。

By using auto-implemented properties, validation of the property cannot be done at the property set. So in the previous example we could not have checked to see if an invalid age is set. Also, both accessors must be present. So an attempt to make a property read-only would cause an error:


Public string Age { get; }

However, the access level of each accessor can be different. So the following is acceptable:


Public string Age { get; private set; }


Some developers may worry that the previous sections have presented a number of situations in which standard C# coding practices have led to very small functions ----- for example, accessing a field via a property instead of directly. Is this going to hurt performance becuase of the overhead of the extra function call? The answer is that there is no need to worry about performance loss from these kinds of programming methodlogies in C#. Recall that C# code is compiled to IL, then JIT compiled at runtime to native executable code. The JIT compiler is designed to generate highly optimized code and will ruthlessly inline code as appropriate (in other words, it replaces function calls with inline code). A method or property whose implementation simply calls another method or returns a field will almost certainly be inlined. Note, however, that the decision of where to inline is made entirely by the CLR. There is no way for you to control which methods are inlined by using, for example, some keyword similar to the inline keyword of C++.


Constructors 构造函数

They syntax for declaring basic constructors is a method that has the same name as the containing class and that does not have any return type:



度較長的線狀痕跡 S02毛刺:產品沖裁后留在零件剪切邊的批鋒 S03模痕:模具在成形零件過程中造成的均勻類似刮痕現象 S04壓傷:由于模具表面有異物,使產品在沖壓成形過程中受壓力作用在表 面留下塊狀的下凹的現象 S05 切邊不齊:產品沖裁后零件剪切邊呈現出不整齊的現象 S06晃動:由于產品平面度超出spec,而呈現出凹凸不平的現象 507尺寸超差:產品的尺寸超出Spec 508材料外觀不良:原材料本身就具有的一些如白斑,黑點, 麻點,發黑,白灰,刮傷, 氧化等方面的不良 S09抽牙不良:抽牙尺寸超出Spec,或是出現抽牙抽歪,抽牙抽裂的現象 S10 攻牙不良:攻牙孔攻歪,通規不通,止規不止,或是出現實配螺絲打不進, 實配螺絲滑牙的現象 S11鉚合不良:鐵件鉚合后,鐵件與鐵件間間隙超Spec或鉚合孔偏位,鉚合不牢固 之現象 512凸包/拱橋沖裂:受模具,沖床壓力,或材料硬度的影響,產品在成形 過程中凸包/拱橋表面產生明顯的裂紋,或完全開裂的現象 513少工程:產品成形的工程數少于作業文件所規定的工程數的現象 514變形:由于受外力作用,產品失去其本身所應具有的形狀的現象 515生鏽:基體材料表面或切邊呈現經色,發生化學氧化的現象 516不潔:產品表面附著除油污,毛刺以外的其它異物 517油污:粘附於零件表面能擦除的呈塊狀或膜狀的油脂或變色異物 518碰刮傷:受尖銳硬物刮踫而在零件表面留下的,長度相對於寬度和深度 較長的表面斑痕 519包裝不良:產品的包裝方式未完全按照相應的作業文件來執行,可能會 造成品質隱患的現象 520混料:兩種或兩種以上的產品同時放置在某單一產品所存放的區域 521點焊不良:產品點焊后鐵件與鐵件間連接不牢固,拉力測試超Spec. 存在點焊點錯位,漏焊,虛焊, 燒穿, 焊渣等缺陷的現象522字模不清/殘缺/錯誤:Mark 字體不完整,模糊不清,字模的位置,式樣 等未完全按作業文件要求作業的現象 5.2.2 涂裝不良項目定義 P01雜質:由于烤漆面粘附有雜質,烤漆后在表面形成一種凸起的可剝落的塊 狀或點狀漆的現象 P02刮傷/掉漆:烤漆表面在外力(碰撞,擦刮)作用下,漆層呈點狀,塊


五金工具英语词汇toolbox 工具箱 bench 工作台 vice, clamp 虎钳(美作:vise) saw 锯 bow saw 弓锯 circular saw 圆锯(美作:buzzsaw)compass saw, scroll saw 钢丝锯 fretsaw 细锯 handsaw 手锯 chisel 口凿 cold chisel, burin 冰凿 gouge, firmer gouge 半圆凿 plane 刨子 moulding plane 型刨 jack plane 粗刨 rabbet plane 槽刨 drawknife 刮刀 scraper 三角刮刀 rasp 粗锉 file 锉 square 尺

miter 斜槽规 scriber 近线尺 set square, triangle 三角板brace 手拉曲柄锉 hand drill 手钻 drill, bit 钻,有柄钻 gimlet, auger 钻,无柄钻countersink 锥口钻 gauge, marking gauge 量规hammer 锤 mallet 木槌 nail 钉 brad 平头钉 tack, stud 圆头钉 screw 螺丝钉 screwdriver 螺丝刀,改锥screw tap 螺丝攻 nail puller 拔钉器 ruler 尺 tape measure 卷尺 folding ruler 折尺sandpaper, emery paper 砂纸

toolbox 工具箱 bench 工作台 vice, clamp 虎钳(美作:vise) saw 锯 bow saw 弓锯 circular saw 圆锯(美作:buzzsaw)compass saw, scroll saw 钢丝锯fretsaw 细锯 handsaw 手锯 chisel 口凿 cold chisel, burin 冰凿 gouge, firmer gouge 半圆凿 plane 刨子 moulding plane 型刨 jack plane 粗刨 rabbet plane 槽刨 drawknife 刮刀 scraper 三角刮刀 rasp 粗锉 file 锉 square 尺 miter 斜槽规


[replyview]不良现象中英文对照表 1.缺件(MISSING PARTS) 28.脚未弯(PIN NOT BENT) 55.印章错误(WRONG STAMPS) 2.错件(WRONG PARTS) 29.缺盖章(MISSING STAMP) 56.尺寸错误 (DIMENSION WRONG) 3.多件(EXCESSIVE PARTS) 30.缺卷标(MISSING LABEL) 57.二极管坏 (DIODE NG) 4.短路(SHORT) 31.缺序号(MISSING S/N) 58.晶体管坏(TRANSISTOR NG) 5.断路(OPEN) 32.序号错(WRONG S/N) 59.振荡器坏(X’TL NG) 6.线短(WIRE SHORT) 33.卷标错(WRONG LABEL) 60.管装错误(TUBES WRONG) 7.线长(WIRE LONG) 34.标示错(WRONG MARK) 61.阻值错误(IMPEDANCE WRONG) 8.拐线(WIRE POOR DDRESS) 35.脚太短(PIN SHORT) 62.版本错误(REV WRONG) 9.冷焊(COLD SOLDER) 36.J1不洁(J1 DIRTY) 63.电测不良(TEST FAILURE) 10.包焊(EXCESS SOLDER) 37.锡凹陷(SOLDER SCOOPED) 64.版本未标(NON REV LEBEL) 11.空焊(MISSING SOLDER) 38.线序错(W/L OF WIRE) 65.包装损坏 (PACKING DAMAGED) 12.锡尖(SOLDER ICICLE) 39.未测试(NO TEST) 66.印章模糊(STAMPS DEFECTIVE) 13.锡渣(SOLDER SPLASH) 40.VR变形(VR DEFORMED) 67.卷标歪斜(LABEL TILT) 14.锡裂(SODER CRACK) 41.PCB翘皮(PCB PEELING) 68.外箱损坏(CARTON DAMAGED) 15.锡洞(PIN HOLE) 42.PCB弯曲(PCB TWIST) 69.点胶不良(POOR GLUE) 16.锡球(SOLDER BALL) 43.零件沾胶(GLUE ON PARTS) 70.IC座氧化 (SOCKET RUST)


英文论文APA格式 英文论文一些格式要求与国内期刊有所不同。从学术的角度讲,它更加严谨和科学,并且方便电子系统检索和存档。 版面格式

表格 表格的题目格式与正文相同,靠左边,位于表格的上部。题目前加Table后跟数字,表示此文的第几个表格。 表格主体居中,边框粗细采用0.5磅;表格内文字采用Times New Roman,10磅。 举例: Table 1. The capitals, assets and revenue in listed banks

图表和图片 图表和图片的题目格式与正文相同,位于图表和图片的下部。题目前加Figure 后跟数字,表示此文的第几个图表。图表及题目都居中。只允许使用黑白图片和表格。 举例: Figure 1. The Trend of Economic Development 注:Figure与Table都不要缩写。 引用格式与参考文献 1. 在论文中的引用采取插入作者、年份和页数方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This在论文中的引用采取作者和年份插入方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This problem has been studied previously (Smith, 1958, pp.20-25)。文中插入的引用应该与文末参考文献相对应。 举例:Frankly speaking, it is just a simulating one made by the government, or a fake competition, directly speaking. (Gao, 2003, p.220). 2. 在文末参考文献中,姓前名后,姓与名之间以逗号分隔;如有两个作者,以and连接;如有三个或三个以上作者,前面的作者以逗号分隔,最后一个作者以and连接。 3. 参考文献中各项目以“点”分隔,最后以“点”结束。 4. 文末参考文献请按照以下格式:


良现象中英文对照表 不良现象中英文对照表 1.缺件(MISSING PARTS)…missing parts 2.错件(WRONG PARTS)…wrong parts 3.多件(EXCESSIVE PARTS)…excessive parts 4.短路(SHORT)…short 5.断路(OPEN)…open 6.线短(WIRE SHORT)…wire short 7.线长(WIRE LONG)…wire long 8.拐线(WIRE POOR DDRESS)…wire poor adress 9.冷焊(COLD SOLDER) …cold solder 10.包焊(EXCESS SOLDER)…excess solder 11.空焊(MISSING SOLDER)…missing solder 12.锡尖(SOLDER ICICLE)…icicle 13.锡渣(SOLDER SPLASH)…solder splash 14.锡裂(SODER CRACK)…solder crack 15.锡洞(PIN HOLE)..solder hole 16.锡球(SOLDER BALL)..sloder ball 17.锡桥(SOLDER BRIDGE)…solder bridge 18.滑牙(SCREW LOOSE)…screw loose 19.氧化(RUST) …rust 20.异物(FOREIGNER MATERIAL)…foreigner material 21.溢胶(EXCESSIVE GLUE) 22.锡短路(SOLDER BRIDGE) 23.锡不足(SOLDER INSUFFICIENT) 24.极性反(WRONG POLARITY) 25.脚未入(PIN UNSEATED) 26.脚未出(PIN UNVISIBLE) 27.脚未剪(PIN NO CUT) 28.脚未弯(PIN NOT BENT) 29.缺盖章(MISSING STAMP) 30.缺标签(MISSING LABEL)…missing label 31.缺序号(MISSING S/N) 32.序号错(WRONG S/N) 33.标签错(WRONG LABEL) 34.标示错(WRONG MARK) 35.脚太短(PIN SHORT) 36.J1不洁(J1 DIRTY) 37.锡凹陷(SOLDER SCOOPED) 38.线序错(W/L OF WIRE)


Normteile标准件 Gewinde, Schrauben, Muttern螺纹、螺栓、螺母 Gewinde螺纹 Schrauben螺栓 Gewindeausl?ufe螺纹收尾、肩距 Gewindefreistiche螺纹退刀槽 Senkungen锪孔、沉孔 Mutter螺母 Scheibe档圈 Schlüsselweite扳手口尺寸 Werkzeugvierkante工具四方柄 Stifte, Bolzen, Niete, Mitnehmerverbindung Stifte 圆柱销 Kerbstifte弹性销 Bolzen轴销 Keile 键 Federn弹簧 Keilwellenverbindung花键连接 Blindniete抽芯铆钉 Werkzeugkegel刀具、工具锥度 Normteile für Vorrichtungen und Standzwerkzeuge工装夹具和冲裁模具的标准件 Normteile für Vorrichtungen工装夹具的标准件 T-NutenT型槽 Kugelscheiben球面垫圈 Normteile für Stanzwerkzeuge冲裁模具标准件 Federn弹簧 Antriebstechnik传动技术 RiementriebeV型带传动

Gleitlagerbuchsen滑动轴承轴瓦 W?lzlager滚动轴承 Nutmuttern圆螺母 Passscheiben配合垫圈 Stützscheiben调整垫圈 Wellenenden轴端 Wellendichtring轴用密封件 RunddichtringO型密封圈 机械工具 Mechanic“s Tools spanner 扳子 (美作:wrench) double-ended spanner 双头扳子 adjustable spanner, monkey wrench 活扳子,活络扳手box spanner 管钳子 (美作:socket wrench) calipers 卡规 pincers, tongs 夹钳 shears 剪子 wire cutters 剪线钳 multipurpose pliers, universal pliers 万能手钳


双语阅读文章汇总(一) 一、冰淇淋居然可以高温不化 Ice cream that doesn't melt! Japanese scientists create a recipe that includes a secret strawberry extract to keep the treat cool in warm weather 日本科学家发明了不会融化的冰激凌,还能在炎热的天气里保持凉爽的口感 Japanese scientists have come up with a cool solution to stop ice cream melting before you've had time to finish it. 近日,日本科学家们找到了防止冰激凌融化的好方法。 C (82.4 F) weather and still tas The ice cream retains its original shape in 28° tes 'cool',according to the report. 据报道,这种冰激凌在28度的温度中不仅不会融化,还能保持清凉的口感。 A strawberry extract stops the oil and water from separating so quickly whic h means the icecreams (pictured) stay frozen - even if you blow a hair dryer at them, reports suggest 报道称,冰淇淋不会融化是由于一种叫做草莓提取物的物质,它减缓了水油分离的速度,使得冰激凌即使是在吹风机的吹拂下依旧保持形状。 The company created the ice creams by accident. 这种冰激凌的产生完全是出于意外。 A pastry chef tried to use the strawberry extract to create a new kind of con fectionery in orderto use strawberries that were not the right shape to be sold . 甜点师本想用这种草莓提取物创造一种新型甜品,以试图把因品相不好而无法顺利出售的草 莓利用起来。 He realised the cream would solidify when put in contact with the strawberry extract. 他发现可以使用草莓提取物来减缓冰激凌融化的速度。


谈一场恋爱就像读一本新书 Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to commit to it. You open the pages knowing a little bit about it maybe, from the back or from a blurb on the front. But who knows, right? Those bits and pieces aren’t always right. 读一本新书恰似坠入爱河,是场冒险。你得全身心投入进去。翻开书页之时,从序言简介直至封底你或许都知之甚少。但谁又不是呢?字里行间的只言片语亦不总是正确。 Sometimes people advertise themselves as one thing and then when you get deep into it you realize that they’re something completely different. Either there was some good marketing attached to a terrible book, or the story was only explained in a superficial way and once you reach the middle of the book, you realize there’s so much more to this book than anyone could have ever told you. 有时候你会发现,人们自我推销时是一种形象,等你再深入了解后,他们又完全是另一种模样了。有时拙作却配有出色的市场推销,故事的叙述却流于表面,阅读过半后,你方才发觉:这本书真是出乎意料地妙不可言,这种感受只要靠自己去感悟! You start off slow. The story is beginning to unfold. You’re unsure. It’s a big commitment lugging this tome around. Maybe this book won’t be that great but you’ll feel guilty about putting it down. Maybe it’ll be so awful you’ll keep hate-reading or just set it down immediately and never pick it up again. Or maybe you’ll come back to it some night, drunk or lonely — needing something to fill the time, but it won’t be any better than it was when you first started reading it. 你慢慢翻页,故事开始缓慢展开,而你却依旧心存犹疑。阅读这样的巨著需要百分之百的投入。或许它并不是你想象中的伟大的作品,奈何半途弃读会使你觉得不安。又或许,故事真的很烂,你要么咬牙苦读下去,要么立刻放弃束之高阁。抑或某个酒醉或孤寂的夜晚,你又重新捡起这本书来——但只为打发时光。不管怎样,它并没有比你初次阅读时好多少。


冲压工具stamping tool 冲压法pressing 冲击impact 冲击强度impact strength 冲击测试impact test 冲锻法;锤锻法;模锻法drop forging 去毛边trimming 粗糙度roughness 光滑的smooth 法兰盖blind flange, blind 阀体body 阀盖bonnet 气缸(或液压缸)操纵的cylinder operated 碳素钢carbon steel (CS) 低碳钢low-carbon steel 中碳钢medium-carbon steel 高碳钢high-carbon steel 普通碳素钢general carbon steel 优质碳素钢high-quality carbon steel 普通低合金结构钢general structure low-alloy steel 合金结构钢structural alloy steel 合金钢alloy steel

低合金钢low alloy steel 中合金钢medium alloy steel 高合金钢high alloy steel 耐热钢heat resisting steel 高强度钢high strength steel 复合钢clad steel 工具钢tool steel 弹簧钢spring steel 钼钢molybdenum steel 镍钢nickel steel 铬钢chromium steel 铬钼钢chrome-molybdenum steel 铬镍钢chromium-nickel steel,chrome-nickel steel 不锈钢stainless steel (S.S.) 奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless steel 马氏体不锈钢Martensitic stainless steel 司特来合金(钨铬钴台金) Stellite 耐蚀耐热镍基合金Hastelloy 铬镍铁合金inconel 耐热铬镍铁合金incoloy 20合金20 alloy 平炉钢(马丁钢) Martin steel


关于三八妇女节的英语作文(中英对照) Today is March 8, International Women's Day is to commemorate the world of working women to fight for peace and democracy, women's liberation struggle holiday. Since yesterday, I discussed with my father on how to make my mother happy over the holiday. I would first make a suggestion: "Give my mother to buy a new phone." Dad thought for a moment, said: "Mom bought a mobile phone soon, you can use, there is no need to change." Dad said: "We go out to buy some cosmetics, her mother there." I am opposed to:"Mom's cosmetics too much, many of which are not all useful." My Father and I are anxious, and in the end what got her point? We simply asked her what he wanted bar. But my mother said: "I do not want to buy, I just want to sleep." I do not know why my mother this way, but I know my mother is very hard to control more than 300 college students, daytime talk, meetings, writing papers, fill out information and give students lessons, etc. in the evening and students should check the study up the bedroom. If it is me, I would like the mother, in addition to want to sleep, the other wants to do nothing. However, I and Dad are determined to give my mother, "International Women's Day" gifts, things came back to buy her mother was shocked at my father bought a goggles and a pillow, my mother smiled. I wish Mom "Women's Day" Happy! 今天是三月八日,国际妇女节是为了纪念世界劳动妇女争取和平与民主,妇女解放斗争的节日。从昨天起,我跟我的父亲如何让妈妈快乐的节日。我首先提出一个建议:“给我妈妈买个新手机。”爸爸想了一会儿,说:“妈妈买了一部手机,很快,你能够使用,所以没有




厨柜英语Kitchen Cabinet English 地柜Base cabinet/Unit 吊柜Wall cabinet/Unit 高柜Tall cabinet/Unit 半高柜Semi-tall cabinet 其它miscellaneous 灯具light 水槽sink 电器appliances 水龙头Faucet 下水器bottle tap 封板filler panel 双层餐具2-tier cutlery tray 垃圾桶waste bin 垃圾篮cleaning material basket 层板粒supports 上翻门flap-up door 灯具变压器transformer for integrated light 转向灯变压器transformer for volatage halogen 拉篮pull-out basket 见光贴面finished side 吊轨mounting track 喷口pull-out spout 微波炉microwave 烤箱oven 油烟机chimney hood 燃气炉burner 电磁炉ceramic hob 结构: 屋顶roofing 墙面fasade 台面Counter top 直径Diameter 后面Rear 底部Base 平面Plan 立面Elevation 侧面Side Elevation 背面Back Elevation 平面图Floor Plan 正面图Front Elevation 立面图Sectional Elevation 折角Dog Ear 灯线Light/lamp kick 脚线Toe kick 脚线高度Toe height 配同门板色脚线concolor toe kick 柜子前边缘Carcase Front Edge 中间开Center separate 板材: 原木lumber 实木solid wood 橡木oak 桦木birch 橡胶木Rubber wood 贴橡木皮oak veneer 夹板,胶合板Plywood 爱家板MFC board 中纤板MDF Board 海木板Seawood board 防火板Fireproof board 防潮板Damp proof board 刨花板(PB) Particle board / Chipboard PVC吸塑PVC Membrane 平板flat sheet 波形板roofing sheet 门板Door Panel 顶板 /天板Top Panel/Board 面板Faceplate 前板Front Panel 侧板Side Panel 背板Back Panel / Rear Panel 底板Base Panel / Bottom Board 加高侧板The raised Box Side 名牌Name plate 层板Shelf Board 活板Movable Board 固定板Fix Board 补强板Support Board 直边板Wood end panel 支撑挂板Support Plate 裙角Bottom Front Board 桶侧Drawer Side Board 桶尾Drawer Back Board 桶里板Drawer Inner Board 抽屉面/桶面/桶头Drawer Front Panel 灯板lamp panel 见光Exposed panel 假门Fake Door Panel 假门板Fake panel


双语阅读文章汇总(一)一、冰淇淋居然可以高温不化Ice cream that doesn't melt! Japanese scientists create a recipe that includes a secret strawberry extract to keep the treat cool in warm weather 日本科学家发明了不会融化的冰激凌,还能在炎热的天气里保持凉爽的口感 Japanese scientists have come up with a cool solution to stop ice cream melting before you've had time to finish it. 近日,日本科学家们找到了防止冰激凌融化的好方法。 The ice cream retains its original shape in 28°C (82.4 F) weather and still tastes 'cool',according to the report. 据报道,这种冰激凌在28度的温度中不仅不会融化,还能保持清凉的口感。 A strawberry extract stops the oil and water from separating so quickly which means the icecreams (pictured) stay frozen - even if you blow a hair dryer at them, reports suggest 报道称,冰淇淋不会融化是由于一种叫做草莓提取物的物质,它减缓了水油分离的速度,使得冰 激凌即使是在吹风机的吹拂下依旧保持形状。 The company created the ice creams by accident. 这种冰激凌的产生完全是出于意外。 A pastry chef tried to use the strawberry extract to create a new kind of confectionery in orderto use strawberries that were not the right shape to be sold. 甜点师本想用这种草莓提取物创造一种新型甜品,以试图把因品相不好而无法顺利出售的草莓利用起来。 He realised the cream would solidify when put in contact with the strawberry extract. 他发现可以使用草莓提取物来减缓冰激凌融化的速度。 1 / 16 The ice creams (pictured), which are only for sale in parts of Japan, first hit stores in Kanazawain April before rolling out in Osaka and Tokyo 不目前,这种冰激凌已经在日本金泽当地开始销售,预计之后会把业务拓展到东京和大阪。过要是想在其他国家吃到这种冰激凌,恐怕还需要一段时间二、做个成年人有哪些好处No one can tell me what to do. 没人能对我指手画脚。Well, except mom. …除了我妈妈。嗯No one except my mom can tell me what to do. 除了我妈妈没人能对我指手画脚。And maybe, girlfriend. 可能我女朋友可以。No one except my mom and my girlfriend can tell me what to do. 除了我妈妈和女朋友没人能对我指手画脚。Well, my manager as well. …老板也可以。嗯No one except my mom, my girlfriend and my manager can tell me what to do. 除了我妈妈、女朋友和老板没人能对我指手画脚。Also, the bank. 还有银行。No one except my mom, my girlfriend, my manager and my bank can tell


不良描述中英文对照 Goods Supplement补货 1.Plastic parts 塑胶部件 Abrasion/划痕、 Bubbles/气泡、 Burrs/毛刺、 Bad Plating/电镀不良、 Contamination/杂质、 Crack/爆裂、 Combine Lines/结合线、 Deformation/变形、 Flow Marks/流痕、 GreasyDirt/油污、 Haze/雾状、 Jelly/泠胶、 Mold Marks/模痕、 Melange Color/混色、 Oppilation Hole/盲孔、 Pull White/拉白、 Pour Hole uneven/浇口不平、 Wrong Stamping/字麦不符、 Short Shots/缺料、 Shrinkage/缩水、 Stripped Screw/螺丝滑牙、 Top White/顶白、 Weld Lines/夹水纹、 Wrong Dimension/尺寸不符、 Wrong Texture/纹理错误、 Light/发亮, Gaps裂缝、 Steps 披峰、 表面有手指印Surface finger prints、 丝印错误Wrong printing、 丝印偏移Printing slanted、 丝印重影Printing double image、 丝印有污点,拖尾Printing smearing、 丝印不平坦(多油或少油)Printing uneven ( thin / thick )、丝印对于中心偏位Printing off centre、 压痕或凹痕Press mark 或dented mark、 反光或毛刺Flashing 或 burr、 镜片有针孔Pin hole on lens. 光泽luster/白点white dot、 黑点black dot、


五金相关词汇中英文对 照 Normteile 标准件 Gewinde, Schrauben, Muttern 螺纹、螺栓、螺母 Gewinde 螺纹 Schrauben 螺栓 Gewindeauslufe 螺纹收尾、肩距 Gewindefreistiche 螺纹退刀槽 Senkungen 锪孔、沉孔 Mutter 螺母 Scheibe 档圈 Schl tsselweite 扳手口尺寸 Werkzeugvierkante 工具四方柄 Stifte, Bolzen, Niete, Mitnehmerverbindung Stifte 圆柱销 Kerbstifte 弹性销 Bolzen 轴销 Keile 键 Federn 弹簧 Keilwellenverbindung 花键连接 Blindniete 抽芯铆钉 Werkzeugkegel 刀具、工具锥度 Normteile f r Vorrichtungen und Standzwerkzeuge 工装夹具

和冲裁模具的标准件 Normteile f r Vorrichtungen工装夹具的标准件 T-NutenT 型槽 Kugelscheiben 球面垫圈 Normteile f r Stanzwerkzeuge 冲裁模具标准件 Federn 弹簧 Antriebstechnik 传动技术 RiementriebeV 型带传动 Gleitlagerbuchsen 滑动轴承轴瓦 W?lzlager 滚动轴承 Nutmuttern 圆螺母 Passscheiben配合垫圈 St t tzscheiben 调整垫圈 Wellenenden 轴端 Wellendichtring 轴用密封件 RunddichtringO 型密封圈 机械工具Mechanic“s Toosl spanner 扳子(美 作:wrench) double-ended spanner 双头扳子adjustable


CEM Contract Manufacture service 合约委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 国际互联网应用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 个人计算机外设事业群(FOXTEQ) SABG system assembly business group 系统组装事业群 Engineer standard 工标 Document center (database center)资料中心 Design Center 设计中心 Painting 烤漆(厂) Assembly组装(厂) Stamping 冲压(厂) Education and Training教育训练 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技术交流研习会 Technology and Development Committee 技术发展委员会

BS Brain Storming 脑力激荡 QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈PDCA Plan Do Check Actio n 计划执行检查总结DCC delivery control center 交货管制中心Computer 计算机类产品 Consumer electronics 消费性电子产品Communication 通讯类产品 Core value(核心价值) Love 爱心 Confidence 信心 Decision 决心 Corporate culture(公司文化) Integration 融合 Responsibility 责任 Progress 进步


不良现象中英文对照表 1.缺件(missing parts) 2.错件(wrong parts) 3.多件(excessive parts) 4.短路(short) 5.断路(open) 6.线短(wire short) 7.线长(wire long) 8.拐线(wire poor ddress) 9.冷焊(cold solder) 10.包焊(excess solder) 11.空焊(missing solder) 12.锡尖(solder icicle) 13.锡渣(solder splash) 14.锡裂(soder crack) 15.锡洞(pin hole) 16.锡球(solder ball) 17.锡桥(solder bridge) 18.滑牙(screw loose) 19.氧化(rust) 20.异物(foreigner material) 21.溢胶(excessive glue) 22.锡短路(solder bridge) 23.锡不足(solder insufficient) 24.极性反(wrong polarity) 25.脚未入(pin unseated) 26.脚未出(pin unvisible) 27.脚未剪(pin no cut) 28.脚未弯(pin not bent) 29.缺盖章(missing stamp) 30.缺标签(missing label) 31.缺序号(missing s/n) 32.序号错(wrong s/n) 33.标签错(wrong label) 34.标示错(wrong mark) 35.脚太短(pin short) 36.j1不洁(j1 dirty) 37.锡凹陷(solder scooped) 38.线序错(w/l of wire) 39.未测试(no test) 40.vr变形(vr deformed) 43.零件沾胶(glue on parts) 41.pcb翘皮(pcb peeling) 42.pcb弯曲(pcb twist) 44.零件脚长(parts pin long) 45.浮件(parts lift) 46.零件歪斜(parts tilt) 47.零件相触(parts touch) 48.零件变形(parts deformed) 49.零件损坏(parts damaged) 50.零件脚脏(pin dirty) 51.零件多装(parts excess) 52.零件沾锡(solder on parts) 53.零件偏移(parts shift) 54.包装错误(wrong packing) 55.印章错误(wrong stamps) 56.尺寸错误(dimension wrong) 57.二极管坏(diode ng) 58.晶体管坏(transistor ng) 59.振荡器坏(x’tl ng) 60.管装错误(tubes wrong) 61.阻值错误(impedance wrong) 62.版本错误(rev wrong) 63.电测不良(test failure) 64.版本未标(non rev lebel) 65.包装损坏(packing damaged) 66.印章模糊(stamps defective) 67.标签歪斜(label tilt) 68.外箱损坏(carton damaged) 69.点胶不良(poor glue) 70.ic座氧化(socket rust) 71.缺ul标签(missing ul label) 72.线材不良(wire failure) 73.零件脚损坏(pin damaged) 74.金手指沾锡(solder on golden fingers) 75.包装文件错(racking doc wrong) 76.包装数量错(packing q’ty wrong) 77.零件未定位(parts unseated) 78.金手指沾胶(glue on golden fingers) 79.垫片安装不良(washer unseated) 80.线材安装不良(wire unseated) 81.立碑(tombstone)
