The Dark Halo of NGC 5963 as a Constraint on Dark Matter Self-Interaction at the Low Veloci

The Dark Halo of NGC 5963 as a Constraint on Dark Matter Self-Interaction at the Low Veloci
The Dark Halo of NGC 5963 as a Constraint on Dark Matter Self-Interaction at the Low Veloci

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0506345v 1 15 J u n 2005

Draft version February 2,2008

Preprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.11/12/01



F.J.S ′a

nchez-Salcedo Instituto de Astronom′?a,UNAM,Ciudad Universitaria,Aptdo.70264,C.P.04510,Mexico City,Mexico Draft version February 2,2008


Self-interacting dark matter has been proposed as a hypothesis to explain the shallow central slopes of the density pro?les of dark matter halos in galaxies.In order to be consistent with observational studies at scales of galaxy clusters,the cross section should scale inversely with the velocity of collision.In this paper we consider the mass density pro?le of the halo of the low surface brightness (LSB)galaxy NGC 5963to place an upper limit on the dark matter cross section for collisions with velocities ~150km s ?1, the low velocity regime.After calibrating against cosmological simulations,we found that the large inferred dark matter concentration and central dark matter density in NGC 5963are inconsistent with an e?ective collisional cross section per unit of mass >0.2cm 2g ?1.Corrections were applied in order to account for reduction of the core by the adiabatic contraction caused by cooling baryons.Our limits that involve a number of simplifying,but always conservative,assumptions,exclude the last permitted interval for velocity-dependent cross sections to explain the ?at density core in LSB galaxies.Implications for the nature of dark matter are also discussed.

Subject headings:dark matter —galaxies:halos —galaxies:kinematics and dynamics —galaxies:



Numerical studies of structure formation with the colli-sionless cold dark matter (CDM)scenario predict dark ha-los with steep central cusps (e.g.,Navarro,Frenk &White 1996,1997,hereafter NFW),whereas most of the rota-tion curves of dwarf galaxies and low surface brightness (LSB)galaxies suggest that their halos have constant den-sity cores (e.g.,Marchesini et al.2002;de Blok &Bosma 2002,and references therein).Self-interacting dark matter (SIDM)with cross sections per unit of mass in the range 0.5–6cm 2g ?1was proposed as a possible route to reduce the density cusp,as thermal conduction replaces the cen-tral cusp by a soft core (Spergel &Steinhardt 2000).A tight constraint on the cross section just under 0.1cm 2g ?1has been derived by considering the formation of gi-ant cluster arcs (Meneghetti et al.2001)and the size of the cores of galaxy clusters (e.g.,Arabadjis,Bautz &Garmire 2002;Lewis,Buote &Stocke 2003;Arabadjis &Bautz 2004).Since this cross section is too small to produce galactic cores,it has been pointed out that a velocity dependent cross section might reduce the e?ects of self-interaction on cluster scales (e.g.,Firmani et al.2000).For a cross section per unit of mass,which varies as some power of the relative velocity between colliding particles σdm =σ?(v 0/v rel )a ,where v 0=(100km s ?1),there exists a certain range of values of σ?and a for which the halos of dwarf galaxies should present a core,while halos of galaxy clusters would not change their core sizes,ellipticities and arcs signi?cantly.

Constraints on the parameters σ?and a were obtained by requiring that dwarf galaxies observed today have yet to undergo core collapse and that dark halos must survive the heating from hot cluster halos (Gnedin &Ostriker 2001;Hennawi &Ostriker 2002).All these requirements are satis?ed for a very narrow range of parameters σ?=0.5–

1cm 2g ?1and a =0.5–1.For cross sections within this suitable range,?at cores with densities of ~0.02M ⊙pc ?3are formed in the central regions of galactic halos as it was con?rmed numerically by Col′?n et al.(2002)in cosmolog-ical simulations of SIDM.

Low surface brightness galaxies are ideal to put upper limits on the strength of dark matter (DM)self-interaction at the low-velocity regime (i.e.relative velocities of ~150km s ?1).In contrast to relatively recently formed objects,like clusters of galaxies,that present unrelaxed mass dis-tributions,LSB galaxies with high central densities may have the highest formation redshifts and,therefore,they have had almost a Hubble time to soften their cusps.In the present study we concentrate on the implications of the halo of the LSB galaxy NGC 5963for dark matter self-interaction.The high central density and the small core radius of the halo of NGC 5963suggest that either the DM cross section,at the low velocity regime,is rather small 0.1cm 2g ?1or the dark halo is undergoing an un-desirable,dramatic core collapse.Therefore,it seems very unlikely that collisional scattering between DM particles is the main agent for the formation of cores.

We will start in §2with a description of the basic physics behind the scenario of SIDM and some predictions,which will be used in the remainder of the paper.In §3we brie?y describe the properties of NGC 5963and present mass models over a range of mass-to-light ratios of the stellar disk.We then compare with predictions of cosmological SIDM simulations to constrain the self-interaction cross section of DM particles (§4).Some implications of the results are discussed in §5.

2.self-interacting dark matter and the size of

the cores

The mass-density pro?les of numerically simulated colli-sionless CDM halos are commonly parameterized with the



analytical Navarro,Frenk&White pro?le:



2=90km s?1and,therefore,the halo particles

undergo collisions in the low-velocity regime.

In order to study the cuspiness of the mass density pro-

?le in the galaxy centers it is required a rotation curve with

a high spatial and velocity resolution and a large exten-

sion.This can be achieved by combining CO,Hαdata,and

radio H i data.NGC5963is one of the targets of the sam-

ple of galaxies with high-resolution two-dimensional Hα

and CO velocity?elds,which are free of beam-smearing,

in Simon et al.(2004).Two-dimensional velocity?elds

are useful in order to avoid systematic uncertainties and

to determine the existence of radial motions.Multiple

wavelengths studies of the velocity?elds may also help

to elucidate the origin of systematic errors that can make

density pro?les appear arti?cially shallow.The observa-

tions in CO and Hαprovide the rotation curve within a

galactocentric radius of4kpc,whereas the H i rotation

curve allows us to trace the potential out to10kpc.This

galaxy lacks of measurable non-circular motions,i.e.ra-

dial velocities<5km s?1,except perhaps in the rings

between12′′to30′′,those being not large enough to af-

fect the derivation of the DM density pro?le.Simon et

al.(2004)compared the Hαand CO velocities at every

point and found an excellent agreement between them,

with a mean o?set of less than1km s?1,and a scatter

of7.8km s?1.Though the uncertainties in the rotation

curve can be reduced by combining both velocity data,we

prefer to use the CO rotation curve and its associated er-

rorbars rather than the formal errorbars of the Hαrotation

curves,which simply indicate that the Gaussian?t to the

pro?le was well-determined.In particular,the CO rota-

tion curve is less sensitive to asymmetric drift corrections 1Kochanek&White(2000)estimated the core radius by the point at which the density drops to1/4the central density.To estimate r c,we have used that r c is related to r1/4by the relation r c=r1/4/1.7.


and other magnetic terms,due to the smaller small-scale motions of the molecular clouds compared to the ionized gas(S′a nchez-Salcedo&Reyes-Ruiz2004).In addition, other uncertainties in mass models,as the mass-to-light ratio of the di?erent components,impose a minimum er-ror in any?t.Figure1shows the CO rotation curve in the inner galaxy and the H i rotation curve in the outer parts,with error bars indicating the uncertainties in the observations.

The present galaxy is an ideal laboratory with which to test the e?ects of collisions between DM halo particles in the low velocity regime,not only for the properties of the galaxy but also for the quality of the data.

3.2.Mass Models and Adiabatic Contraction

We have constructed di?erent mass models for this galaxy.First we calculate the rotation curve due to the neutral(H i+He)gas mass from the radial distribution of the H i surface density from Bosma et al.(1988).The sur-face brightness pro?les in the optical and near-IR bands given by Simon et al.(2004)were used to derive the disk mass distribution by adopting a constant mass-to-light ra-tio for the disk.The resulting mass distribution was con-verted into a disk rotation curve.The di?erence between the sum of the squares of the observed velocity and the stellar plus gaseous rotation velocities was converted into a halo mass distribution after assuming a certain form for the halo.Along this paper,all the?ts to the CO rotation curve were performed by aχ2-minimization.To make the best use of both the CO and H i data,we have used a hy-brid rotation curve.It consists of the CO data over the range of radii where available and21cm data to de?ne the outermost points.This was accomplished by minimiz-ingχ2between0and4kpc but requiring that between5 and10kpc,the goodness of the?t must be better than 1σlevel,while rejected otherwise.In this way,the?ts are statistically consistent with the H i rotation curve at large radii.

Di?erent mass decompositions were?tted for the stellar mass-to-light ratio in the R-band varying from0(mini-mum disk)up to1.2M⊙/L R⊙(maximum disk).We will de-note byΥ?the stellar mass-to-light ratio in the R-band in solar units.It is noteworthy thatΥ?=1.2is the maximum value allowed by the smooth rotation curve but avoiding a hollow halo in the inner two points.However,it is sub-maximal in the sense that the maximum contribution of the stellar disk to the rotation curve is less than0.8times the observed maximum rotation.In practice,the stellar curve is scaled until the inner points match those of the smooth curve.Depending on how many points are used, the maximum disk mass-to-light ratios may vary as much as~15%.In the case of NGC5963and using the inner ?ve points,Simon et al.(2004)obtained a dynamical value for the maximum mass-to-light ratio larger than the value quoted above,but it appeared unrealistic and inconsistent with the predictions from the galaxy colours by the Bell et al.(2003)population synthesis models.The dynami-cal maximum diskΥ?inferred by using two points is fully consistent with these predictions.

Fig.2shows the best-?tting mass models for di?erent values ofΥ?with both the NFW halo and the cored pseu-doisothermal halo:




it unique was given by Simon et al.(2004)and need not be repeated here.In the next sections,we will discuss the im-plications of the halo of NGC5963for the self-interaction of DM particles.

4.constraints on the cross-section of dm

particles at the low velocity regime

In principle we do not really know whether the core of the galaxy under consideration is still in the expansion phase or undergoing gravothermal core collapse aided by the gravitational contraction due to the baryons.In fact, the core contraction of the halo by the collapsing baryons may trigger a fast core collapse(e.g.,Kochanek&White 2000,and§4.3).This e?ect may be important forΥ?ra-tios close to the maximum disk,ing cosmological simulations of SIDM as a calibrator,we?rst put limits on the cross section of DM particles assuming that the core of NGC5963is in the expanding phase due to heat transfers inwards(§4.1).For large values ofΥ?,however, core collapse triggered by baryon condensation may have dramatic consequences for the longevity of the core.We have to demand that the halos are in no danger of collaps-ing.This requirement implies another bound on the cross section,which is discussed in§4.3.

The galaxy halo pro?les and the tight cross section lim-its coming from clusters of galaxies can be reconciled only if the cross section were inversely proportional to the halo velocity dispersion.Nevertheless,except for subhalos un-dergoing the action of the hot halo environment,most of the relevant results found in simulations with a cross sec-tion independent of halo velocity dispersion are valid if the value of the cross section is interpreted as that appropri-ate to the velocity dispersion of the halo being considered. Therefore,since we are primarily interested in a single ob-ject,we can gain additional physical insight by making also use of simulations with a velocity-independent cross section.

4.1.Halos in Midsized Galaxies under SIDM:

Calibrating Collisional E?ects

In cosmological simulations of structure formation in SIDM scenario with e?ective cross sections0.5–1cm2g?1, midsized halos(masses~1010?11M⊙)present cores with radii in the range r c≈2.5–5kpc and central densities ρ0≈0.01–0.06M⊙pc?3(Yoshida et al.2000;Dav′e et al.2001;Col′?n et al.2002;D’Onghia et al.2003).For instance,D’Onghia et al.(2003)derive r c=5–6kpc and ρ0~0.02M⊙pc?3for a halo with maximum circular ve-locity of120km s?1.Therefore,e?ective cross sections in the range0.5–1cm2g?1are suitable to reproduce soft cores in late-type galaxies2.

All the simulations withσdm=σ?(v0/?v)also shown that forσ?=0.5–1cm2g?1,the number of collisions per particle per Hubble time at the center of the halos,was be-tween4–6,roughly independent of the halo mass.In fact, while a few collisions(between2and3)at the halo center are enough to produce a constant density core(Yoshida et al.2000),4–6collisions are su?cient to produce a core with r c~0.4r s0,with r s0the scale radius of the NFW halo when it is resimulated in the standard,collisionless case(σdm=0).The reason is that each scattering pro-duces a change?v~v,and particles escape the core in a single scattering.

Rescaling the number of collisions per particle at the center of the cluster labelled S1Wa in Yoshida et al.(2000), we?nd

N col≈3

ρ0100km s?1 σdm

π?v100),where?v100=(?v/100km s?1).

To show this relation one has to remind that,for a Maxwellian velocity distribution, 1/v rel =1/(√

5 these estimates are based on simulations of the relaxation

of an isolated galaxy having initially a cuspy Hernquist

pro?le,it was also found in cosmological simulations that

a few collisions(exceeding2)su?ce to develop a kpc-size

core(e.g.,Yoshida et al.2000).To keeps matter simple

we will adopt the generous condition that only if N col≤2

then r c 1kpc.

Putting together,we take the following,rather conserva-

tive,relationships as a calibrator of the collisional e?ects:

if N col=6?r c=2.5kpc,(4)

if N col=2?r c≤1.0kpc.(5)

Suppose thatσdm∝?v?1.The generalization for a power-

lawσdm∝?v?a is obvious and it will be ignored in the

interest of simplicity.To place an upper limit onσdm?v100,

we proceed as follows.We?rst derive the best-value?t-

ting parameters(r c,ρ0)for a givenΥ?.If1kpc

kpc,we estimate N col by interpolating Eqs.(4)-(5)linearly.

Once N col is known,Equation(3)immediately provides us

with an upper limit onσ0≡σdm?v100.If r c is smaller than

1kpc,we will assume that N col≤2,which gives:



=0.8Gyr σ0



be enhanced by a factor 10in the timescale

t c,10?4?σ1/2

dm t rc =1.25Gyr

?v 1cm 2g ?1


(8)Taken σ0=0.5cm 2g ?1,we get t c,10≈2Gyr.This esti-mate has uncertainties of as much as a factor 2.This short timescale indicates that the dark halo may have su?cient time to increase its central density by a factor 100-1000.In order to prevent the dark halo from such dramatic evo-lution,we must demand that t rc ~one Hubble time,im-plying σ0 0.08cm 2g ?1.Proceeding in the same way we obtain σ0 0.05cm 2g ?1

but now for the mass model with Υ?=1.0.The line connecting these two points in Fig.4delimits the region where cross sections are probably small enough to avoid catastrophic core collapse in the halo of NGC 5963.The corresponding line at the 1σcon?dence is also plotted.We see that the new constraint,which ac-counts for the role of baryons when Υ?>0.85,is tighter than the one derived in the previous subsections.This all but removes the permitted window for cross sections σ0=0.3–1cm 2g ?1in mass models with Υ?>0.85,that remained,bining both constraints,the max-imum of the permitted value σ0≈0.2cm 2s ?1,at 2σcon?dence level,occurs for Υ?≈0.7.5.discussion and conclusions

Apart from the obvious interest for the still unknown na-ture of dark matter,the possibility of it having a nonzero self-interaction cross section has other astrophysical impli-cations.SIDM was suggested as a route to form cores in LSB and dwarf galaxies.The fact that the required cross sections are comparable to the cross section for particles interacting with each other via the strong force,has led to speculate that DM particles could interact with both themselves and with baryons through the strong force (Wandelt et al.2001).The interaction of dark matter with protons might contribute to reheat the intracluster medium in the central regions of clusters of galaxies (Qin &Wu 2001;Chuzhoy &Nusser 2004).A large range of parameters space is being ruled out by current experimental and astrophysical bounds.Previous studies have gradually whittled down the DM cross sec-tion allowed to solve the cuspy problem of halos in ΛCDM cosmology.In addition to statistical studies,the analysis of individual galaxies can give additional constraints on the strength of DM self-interaction cross section.The dark matter distribution in NGC 5963is challeng-ing for any model designed to form central cores in dwarf and LSB galaxies.Apparently,its halo distribution seems at odds with the results of SIDM simulations with cross sections σdm ?v 100=0.3–1cm 2g ?1

,which produce central densities ~0.02M ⊙pc ?3,fairly independent of the halo mass,and core radii 2.5–5kpc.The highly concentrated halo of NGC 5963implies upper limits for the interaction of dark matter particles,unless we change our assumption of constant Υ?.A higher Υ?for the disk than for the lens is required to have a less concentrated halo.However,the observed B-V colours of the disk and the lens do not favour this possibility (see Bosma et al.1988for a discussion).Great e?orts have been made to constrain the collisional cross section of DM particles.It was suggested that this cross section should be small enough so the core halo of dwarf and LSB galaxies would not collapse in a Hubble time (e.g.,Hennawi &Ostriker 2002).Hence,the halo of

NGC 5963by itself cannot be going through the gravother-mal contraction phase.However,core collapse may be in-duced by the action of the baryons as they deepen the

potential well and compress the core in an adiabatic pro-cess.Therefore,the core of NGC 5963may be expanding if the thermalization has not been completed,or shrinking if the core is adiabatically compressed,which may occur only at large values of Υ?.

Either the core of NGC 5963is expanding or contracting

in size,a tight constraint σ0<0.2cm 2g ?1at 95%con-?dence level,which indicates that our results are robust to reasonable DM uncertainties,is derived.This upper limit for σ0may be overestimated as much as a factor 2because of our conservative assumptions.Thus,the origi-nal motivation for SIDM of lowering the core densities of galactic halos require collisional cross sections too large to

be consistent with the halo of NGC 5963.One of the largest uncertainties in any mass model is the precise value of Υ?because depends on extinction,star formation history,etc.Based on various considera-tions,e.g.,stellar population synthesis,stellar counts and kinematics in the solar neighbourhood and kinematics of external galaxies,some authors argue that ΥI ?≈2h in

the I -band (e.g.,Mo &Mao 2000,and references therein)and ΥR ?≈1.2in the R -band (Simon et al.2004).This

would mean that the constraint derived from the core col-lapse discussed in §4.3is the most relevant,and suggests an upper limit σ0 0.1cm 2g ?1.This value coincides

with the upper limit inferred in clusters of galaxies (e.g.,Meneghetti et al.2001;Arabadjis &Bautz 2004).Upper limits in the 0.02–0.1cm 2g ?1range were derived by Hennawi &Ostriker (2002)from the mass of supermas-sive black holes in the centers of galaxies.For e?ective cross sections σdm >0.02cm 2g ?1,the accretion of SIDM onto seed black holes would produce excessively massive black holes.However,there are serious uncertainties as-sociated with this limit because they make use of the hy-pothesis that initially the density DM distribution follows the NFW pro?le,whereas the numerical study of Col′?n et al.(2002)of SIDM cosmology suggests that the NFW pro-?le at the center of the halos is not achieved at any time.Therefore,the otherwise excessive accretion of matter onto the black hole may not occur (Col′?n et al.2002).In order to reconcile the collisional DM hypothesis as a viable explanation of the formation of the constant den-sity cores with the halo of NGC 5963,we should identify potential ways able to compensate the evacuation of DM in the central parts caused by the scattering of DM or to forestall the core collapse,depending whether the core of

NGC 5963is expanding or collapsing.Tidal redistribu-tion of mass at the halo center cannot be e?cient in NGC 5963because the nearest large galaxy in the group is at a projected distance of 430kpc.One could relax our sim-plifying assumption that the halo consists of a well mixed homogeneous DM distribution and to consider a clumpy medium.The ?nal density pro?le will be the result of two competing e?ects.On the one hand,the mass infall associated with the spiraling of putative massive clumps of DM ( 106?7M ⊙)towards the galactic center by dy-namical friction,produces a replenishment of material and


deepens the central potential well.On the other hand,dy-namical friction heating may be e?ective in?attening the inner DM pro?le.Unlike clusters of galaxies in which sub-structure is important in determining the?nal DM distri-bution(e.g.,Nipoti et al.2004),halos of LSB galaxies are already largely assembled at z≈3and hence,they have had su?cient time to disrupt the halo substructure,form-ing a smooth DM distribution within the luminous radius, unless NGC5963had a prominent mass aggregation his-tory.However,an anomalous accretion history would be very unsatisfactory because it would have dramatic con-sequences for the disk itself,producing an excessive dy-namical heating or even its destruction.Moreover,Ma& Boylan-Kolchin(2004)argued that energy deposition by merging dark matter substructures likely?atten density pro?les.In the lack of any of those potential mechanisms capable to make signi?cant mass redistribution,we think that our analysis is robust,even though it is based on the halo of a single galaxy.

The halo of NGC5963is problematic for any model whose mechanism to produce large cores in LSB galaxies depends on collisions between DM particles(e.g.,annihi-lating dark matter),reducing the parameters space and suggesting new directions for DM search.Our analysis also places strong constraints to the non-hadronic exotic Q-balls as a dark matter candidate in galaxies.These “particles”might be arranged to have mutual collisions with a large cross section and,in addition,Q-balls can stick together after collision,reducing the self-interaction as scattering proceeds(Kusenko&Steinhardt2001).In order to be consistent with the halo of NGC5963,self-interactions between Q-balls should shut o?to a negligi-ble value after1–2collisions per particle in order for the initial scatterings to smooth out halo cusps but avoiding gravothermal collapse.

Perhaps the solution of the halo core problem resides in decaying dark matter(Cen2001a,b;S′a nchez-Salcedo 2003).If dark matter particles in galactic halos decay to stable particles with a recoiling velocity of a few tens of kilometers per second,then a fraction of LSB galaxies can still present a substantial concentration.This novel dynamics associated with decaying dark matter was illus-trated by S′a nchez-Salcedo(2003)for the case of the LSB galaxy NGC3274.We believe that the halos of NGC 5963and NGC3274are not pathological cases as far as their DM distributions concern.There are additional in-dependent evidence on the existence of galaxies with large central densities.Loewenstein&Mushotzky(2002),in an as-yet-unpublished work,have determined the enclosed mass pro?le for the elliptical galaxy NGC4636using X-ray observations.For this galaxy the central density in models with dark matter cores is higher than expected in the SIDM scenario with a≤1(Loewenstein&Mushotzky 2002).

Future observations of LSB galaxies containing a very low density of luminous material even in the inner parts, so that the observed dynamics should be dominated by the gravitational forces of the dark halo at small radii as well as large radii,will be able to determine whether cores are produced by the gravitational interaction between the luminous and dark matter,and will provide further con-straints on the nature of DM in galaxies.

I thank Tony Garc′?a Barreto and Alberto Bolatto for helpful discussions.I am grateful to the anonymous ref-eree for constructive comments.This work was supported by CONACYT project2002-C40366.


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Fitting parameters for pseudoisothermal(ISO)and NFW halos after and before halo contraction.

ISO after decompression

Υ?c′V′200χ2red p










0.070.42 1.750.280.996


Fig.1.—The observed CO rotation curve(empty diamonds)of NGC5963taken from Bolatto et al.(2003)together with the H i rotation curve(empty triangles)from Bosma et al.(1988).


Fig. 2.—Best-?tting mass models assuming pseudoisothermal halo(left)and NFW halo(right),for di?erent values of the stellar mass-to-light ratio M/L=Υ?in solar units.The contribution of the luminous matter(stars plus gas)in the disk is shown as dotted lines.The resulting halo contribution(dashed line)to the rotation curve and the?nal total model curve(solid line)are also shown.The reducedχ2of the?t and the probability p that the data and the model could result from the same parent distribution are given in Table1.


Fig.3.—Mass model withΥ?=1.2assuming NFW pro?le for the contracted halo.Symbols as in Fig.2.Dot-dashed line shows a?t to the dark matter rotation curve after adiabatic decompression(triangles).In this?t we adopted the pseudoisothermal pro?le.The parameters of the halo before and after adiabatic contraction are given in Table1.


Fig. 4.—Exclusion contour plot for the dark matter interaction as a function ofΥ?.Various con?dence levels are shown.Solid curves trace the upper limit onσ0derived by the constraint discussed in§4.1.Dot-dashed lines are the core collapse(C.C.)constraint,obtained by requiring that the lifetime of the halo of NGC5963is longer than one Hubble time(§4.3).


咖啡厅设计案例分析 古朴,典雅的休闲环境是下面咖啡厅设计案例的亮点。充满乡村田园风格的装饰,给人温馨、亲切感,充满了‘家’的味道,狭长的大厅,弧形的弯顶,充满欧式风情,当雕花窗户洒下日光的温情是否有种置身于假日乡间古堡的感觉呢?包厢融休闲与娱乐于一体,却用家具摆设有机地将二者隔开,设计师巧妙地将咖啡厅设计得美轮美奂,移步换景,人世间每个角落都有别具一格的美的体验 高雅的品位,独特的气质是下面咖啡厅的特色,整体设计以黑色为基调。金色为装饰色,别致的空间分布,浪漫迷人的灯光布置,富有创意的造型墙,流畅,跳跃又极具美感的吧台设计,沉重,古典的咖啡色墙面,共同营造出高尚,雅致的艺术氛围,风格独特。符合了咖啡厅设计得

格调,领域咖啡厅以高雅,清新,柔和的主色调,配以简洁,流畅的设计语言,营造了一个舒适,惬意且极具现代气息的商用空间。温暖的色调,流畅的曲线,新颖独特的空间处理,适当的冷色补充,再加上强烈的金属材料配合,创造出品味非凡的休憩空间,在材料的运用桑,设计师选用具有现代感的玻璃和浅色的木材,并用图案构成手法使各种材料有机结合在一起,来体现这个现代化的咖啡厅设计文化。 下面这幅咖啡厅设计作品所展示的是坐落在公园的莲花池旁边,远远的望去就像是浮在水花上一般,有着地道的印尼风情,外部装修全部由玻璃构成,坐在咖啡厅里,视线与水面平行,如同置身在水中。

咖啡厅设计以及经营模式 咖啡厅是专门经营咖啡饮品的场所,其设计多有不同,一般的咖啡厅设计面积为80-140平方米,销售各种咖啡豆,内设充足的座位,可以营造出咖啡厅的氛围。 咖啡厅不是一个临时摊点,也不是便利店,它吸引的是出于社交理由或是公务聚会而来的顾客。你可能已经预想到,开咖啡厅的费 用比较高,一般在40万以上。而且咖啡厅对雇员的要求高,每天的营业时间也比较长,从早晨到半夜。咖啡厅要充分的利用空间,可以销售一些其他的东西,例如简单的食物,面包,包装好的咖啡豆,热狗或者糖果等,这样可以增加营业额,而且增加了服务内容从而能更好的服务顾客。


Leisure Spase咖啡 项目市场定位及分析 1.产品和服务介绍: 秉持着成为最优秀本土原创咖啡厅的企业愿景,我们创造良好的工作环境并相互尊重,为顾客提供优质的产品和真诚的服务。主动融入校园、社区生活,同时亦追求效益,努力实现企业文化与经济效益同步的多元化发展模式。 Leisure Spase咖啡厅是一家集休闲与享受为一体的咖啡厅,白天享受咖啡厅的温文尔雅、悠闲自得。夜晚体味自我空间的自我随意。特色咖啡,小吃,甜点,酒水选择多样,为您营造完美的时尚娱乐空间,温馨环境,周到服务,带给人们酣畅淋漓的消闲体验。Leisure Spase咖啡厅为客人提供优良的环境和服务,让消费者在这里展现一种品位,体验一种文化,寄托一种情感,使Leisure Spase咖啡厅成为商务休闲,朋友聚会的首选之地。 2.竞争比较 连锁品牌咖啡: (1)美国星巴克咖啡连锁,日本真锅咖啡连锁,意大利巴贝拉,麦咖啡,法国西提岛连锁,加拿大的百怡咖啡连锁,上岛咖 啡等。

(2)咖啡文化在历经数百年历史的涤荡之后,咖啡中已经融入了深厚的历史与文化韵味,喝咖啡不仅仅是在品尝一杯咖啡, 更可以从中了解到咖啡蕴涵的文化精神。同行竞争格局对我 们有利,能更好的提我们的知名度。相对而言,我们咖啡点 环境、管理水平、产品和服务质量以及性价比都占有相当的 优势。 3.格调定位 Leisure Spase咖啡厅是一家集休闲与享受为一体的咖啡厅,以温馨浪漫的风格,为顾客提供优质的服务,给顾客贵族式的享受,力求营造一种幽雅、舒适、休闲的消费环境,引导消费者转变消费观念,向崇尚自然、追求健康的文化品位方面转变。 4,经营理念 在产品的优质口感的情况下,坚持打造物美价廉的咖啡,提供是更为优质的环境和氛围,因而通过环境的精心设计与氛围的营造,营造大众消费,使得我们的被替代性降低。 SWOT分析 1.机会 (1)咖啡消费品位越来越高,文化的魅力就是市场的魅力。单纯速溶咖啡己远远不能满足要求了,消费者开始认知咖啡的品 牌、风格和知道如何享受咖啡带来的乐趣。喝的不是咖啡而 是一种享受,氛围和环境,现在人们比较喜欢到咖啡厅感受 这种氛围,文艺小清新。


咖啡主持稿 开场、宣讲流程 大家好!简单地做下自我介绍,和在座的所有学员认识一下。我是来自哈尔滨德润光华的管理顾问张大霖,和一位东北名人差一个字,非常好记的一个名字 各位在进入房间的时候看到这样一个标题,今天我们要来干嘛,喝咖啡不是主题,做咖啡也不是主题,世界咖啡只是一个名字,它是一种新的学习方式。有些学员参加过我们的咖啡学习方式。世界咖啡跟我们课堂教学最大不同就是,我只讲20分钟左右的时间,其他时间都教给大家。那么为什么呢?我们来看,成人接受信息的金字塔,在一个学习当中,如果没有其他辅助教材只有讲,一天的时间,各位能吸引多少知识呢,5%;有相关的阅读资料,10%;有视频学习,20%,现场操练,30%,我们发现,最好的学习方式是哪个最高呢,是激发别人。如果你能最好的学习知识或是技能的话,最好的方式是你去教别人,在你教别人的过程当中,就可以把知识系统化地整理,你就会查阅大量的资料去研究。 那么今天我们的学习方式是在哪个阶段呢?是在讨论,那怎么讨论呢。世界咖啡有个流程,现把世界咖啡的由来给大家做下介绍。世界咖啡由两位学者由朱尼特·布朗和伊萨斯·戴维在2005提出的,在一次国际研讨会上,他们创造了这样一种学习方式,那么在研讨会上创造了什么呢?就是,今天在研讨会上有近千位学者聚在一起,但几有几位学者能有机会站到前台去分享他们的智慧,底下的科学家也会有许多智慧没有机会展现给大家,那有如何形成一个集体的智慧,能以更好的方式和大家一起研讨,所以就创造了世界咖啡这种多轮会谈方式。那么这个方式就象名字一样,{大家在一个惬意的咖啡馆中,大家对问题进行研讨,与知心朋友一起,敞开心扉,畅所欲言,谈我们的话题},这就是名字的由来,因为他是西方人的,所以叫做世界咖啡,如果是中国人发明的,会叫什么? 彼得.德鲁克对世界咖啡有一个评价,{“世界咖啡”式交谈是我目前为止遇到的对于我们所有人来说进入集体创造最可靠的方式。} 那么世界咖啡怎么去做?各位可以看到,我们一进来后,就自动地组成小组,世界咖啡是没有指定性的小组,甚至可以是跨界的,比方说,你是这个专业的,他是那个专业的,世界咖啡最重要的是要把所有人的智慧集合起来,所以小组并不是固定的方式,进来时可以随意去坐,但是每组都有一个小组长来负责组织这次研讨。接下来我们就要每组选出一位组长。怎么选?来个迅速的方式,各位把你们的手指头伸出来,看你们的组员看谁顺眼,数123你们去指,指向最多的就是你们的组长,来123指。组长诞生了,(与各组确认组长)。剩下的人是组员,怎么来做,我们一步步往下看。(6分45秒) 这是组长的职责,组长肯定是不发奖金,级长负责{欢迎组员},在咖啡过程中,第一轮你在这个小组,第二轮还是不是这个小组呢,不是了,只有组长仍然在这个小组,所以组长在每轮开始时间要对每位新成员表示欢迎。{第二,安排学员逐一分享}世界咖啡的过程有时间限定,每一轮是10分钟或15分钟,因此让每个子员能充分地表达思想,让每个人都有机会讲话,所以组长要有统一安排,让每个组员有充分的时间表达自己的思想需要有时间的限制。同时,组长要{记录学员分享的内容和精华},这是非常关键的,因为今天的咖啡会做三轮。从第二组开始讨论时,组长就要告诉新组员上一轮研讨出来的成果是什么,所以组长要辛苦点,要{记录每一轮的咖啡结果}。8:14最后组织当轮小组的讨论,{组长要保证小组讨论的顺利实施}。注意我们在讨论过程中中国人会出现的问题——跑题,跑题,别人在发言时可能有两个人结成小组单聊,咱家孩子、购物、物价等话题,组长要控制大家不要跑题,要延着主线讨论。第二点非常重要的,世界咖啡不争论的原则,在每个人发现自己意见的时候,由于每个人的思想不尽相同,而且每个企业也不尽相同,所以难免对问题的看法就不一样,是在咖啡的过程的当中,我们不是争论对与错,是要通过咖啡的方式,站在对方的角度来看这个问题。各位听清楚了吗?他为什么不和我一样呢,他为什么这样想呢,而不是说他不和我一样,他是错的!这是非常重要的,所以组长在讨论的过程当中一定要保证顺利进行,如果组员不听话,我们可以给他扔出去(开玩笑)。10分钟 组员非常简单,{听从组长的统一安排}{控制好发言的时间},各位注意,我们有学员


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咖啡馆设计方案 1、可行性分析 1. 市场需求: 1 对自由交流、氛围的追求——需要一个这样的咖啡馆! 2 文化营地事实的缺失,和人们内心故有的追求——需要这样一个咖啡馆! 3 选址在自然客流需求强的地段,如写字楼密集区或者高校附近,或居民聚居地——自然客流也需要这样一个短暂的约谈或休闲的咖啡馆! 4 如本区域各种学校众多,当中的教职工和学生情侣也是潜在客源。 2. 地理及商业环境: 待选位置毗邻朝阳大悦城商圈,诸多写字楼商场附近,临近居民生活区天 鹅湾、星河湾等高档社区,该地段地铁5号线即将完工投入使用。 其他位置正在努力选址中,在确定投资股东后会拿出其他地址以供讨论确定。3. 行业发展趋势 1 网站70万会员的一个理想聚焦点——需要这样的一个咖啡馆! 网站调查数据显示: a、83.11%的会员对开咖啡馆持赞同并看好前景的意见,7.68%的理论上给予 支持,9.22%的对多股东合作形式表示不乐观。 b、71.96%的会员表示愿意加入咖啡馆的投资,23.53%的会员表示只关注不加入,4.51%的表示不愿意加入或者不关心。 c、表示投资数额在5K到1万的,有72人;表示投资1到2万的,有80人;表示投资5到10万的,有27人;表示投资10万以上的有20人。

2 (1)咖啡消费市场发展迅速,已经成为城市消费一大潮流,市场前期造 就已经结束。雀巢、麦斯威尔、哥伦比亚等国际咖啡公司纷纷在中国设立分公 司或工厂,根据一项在12个内陆城市的调查,32%的城市居民喝咖啡。过去一 年内喝过速溶咖啡的人口比例在30%以上的地区除了上海之外,还有昆明、厦门、杭州和天津。 2)咖啡消费品位越来越高,文化的魅力就是市场的魅力。单纯速溶咖啡己 远远不能满足请求了,消费者开端认知咖啡的品牌、作风和知道如何享受咖啡 带来的乐趣。 (3)教导水准、家庭月收入和饮用咖啡的频率相干。意味着咖啡这种西方传 入的饮料在中国大陆是一种象征优势阶层的生活方法。 3、竞争分析 (1)与强势品牌店的间接竞争。目前各大城市中星巴克(Starbucks Coffee),以及同样来自美国的Coffee Beanery,源自日本的真锅咖啡(Manabe),都在平分秋色。 (2)直接竞争对手。如台湾庄记咖啡、风气咖啡、咖啡盒子(boxcafé)等等,规模都不太大,具有必定特点。 (3) 营销计划 利用加盟店品牌和资源优势,迅速建立比利时皇家的着名度、美誉度,牢 固住老客源。 2、整体设计 1、咖啡屋的设立: 由于在各个高校内,高校的主管部门也同意在校园内进行商业的建筑经营,就像校园内的商店超市一样。所以,在校园内部建造一座小型的时尚咖啡屋并



华晨金杯“人才队伍”世界咖啡活动方案(研讨版) 根据2012年公司对人才队伍项目的培养方案,绩效考核处对“人才队伍”项目成员开展了一系列的培训课题与实践演练活动。2013年,为结合公司对“关键人才”、“业务带头人”的培养方向,将采用新型培训学习方式、开拓学习理念、提升“人才队伍”的管理能力,培养成综合素质人才,绩效考核处举办“人才队伍”世界咖啡活动,为此制定方案。 一、活动目的 通过“世界咖啡”的活动交流,学员在真诚互利和共同学习的精神下汇聚一堂,进行心无障碍的轻松交流和畅谈,针对研讨主题,发表各自的见解,形成集体智慧,激发出创新点子的学习模式,建立完善的学习机制。 学习这种形式,应用于部门研讨、工作创新当中 二、活动范围 华晨金杯人才队伍项目全体成员(80人) 三、活动主题(待选) 1、如何带领团队 2、如何将工作经验传授给新人 3、如何提升员工的执行力 4、如何正确定位角色 5、如何增强员工责任心 四、活动时间(待定) 1月末或2月初 五、活动地点 培训中心(第五教室) 六、活动形式 分组讨研、分享总结 七、活动议程(三种分组方案供选择) 议程1: 华晨金杯人才队伍世界咖啡活动议程(混合版)


议程3: 华晨金杯人才队伍世界咖啡活动议程(独立版/简版)

八、活动要求 1、会场分工: 工作人员:会场主持-处长,活动主持-魏建新,协助-李冬梅、李斌、吴静等(分组、录像等); 参会人员:各组设立组长1名,组员若干人; 2、会场秩序: 会议进程时间由活动主持控制,所有与会人员听从安排,研讨期间与会人员将手机关闭或静音,不允许随意接听电话; 所有组员按照指定顺序进行轮换分组讨研,共四轮,即本组-换组-再换组-回本组; (设立第一轮本组成员方法:事前安排或随意就座,存在的问题:迟到、早退、不来) 3、会场布置:桌椅分组,每组设立桌卡1个;(根据分组方案摆放) 4、会场设备:笔记本1台、投影仪1台、无线语音1套、夹纸板若干个,白板1个,板纸 若干张; 5、会场休息:咖啡甜点(对方提供); 6、评选活动:成绩记录备案,作为最终结业考核的加分依据,或发放小礼品; 7、后期安排:活动的部分片断制作成视频上传至网络学院,组长制作课件通上传网络学院。 绩效考核处


光晕1中文版攻略.txt我爸说过的最让我感动的一句话:“孩子,好好学习吧,爸以前玩麻将都玩儿10块的,现在为了供你念书,改玩儿1块的了。”Campaign 1: Pillar of Autumn 游戏开始,从一个培养舱中醒来,有一个导师就在你的身边,你现在要做的就是按照他的要求开始一些基本的训练,熟悉游戏的操作。这个过程比较简单,按E键走出培养舱,然后站到红格子里测试传感器,用鼠标划过前方五个闪光的目标即可,这时上下的控制会颠倒设置,如果不喜欢这种设定按ESC键就可以取消,也可以在设置界面里恢复。再按E键退出,跟着导师走到另一侧测试护甲,充上能量后导师与控制室里的长官Keyes对话,没想到怪物的军队出现,将Keyes击倒,OK,闲散时刻结束,进入战斗状态。 Mission:Find Captain Keyes 任务要求去找到Keyes,导师会和你一起前去寻找Keyes,让导师走在前面,你在后面跟着,保持一定的距离,走出不远,在一段长廊上,他会被敌人攻击而死。放下他的尸体继续前进,从一段管道过去来到一条走廊,在前方的转弯处向由,穿过一道门后(注意看灯的颜色,红灯无法通过,绿色灯的门才能打开),在拐角处左转,蹲下通过半掩的门。随后会在前方发现地面上有蓝色的箭头,顺着箭头前进,到尽头通过一道门后会出现一个绿色的大怪物,一个人作战会很吃力,不过幸好片刻之后就会有援军赶到,帮忙将这怪物击败。随后继续前进,遇到一队正在和敌人战斗的船员,不用管这里的战斗,跟着一个船员的引导,向舰桥方向过去,这个船员会消灭中途出现的敌人,所以你只管向舰桥方向跑就可以了。来到舰桥后,见到了Keyes,他说舰船上现在的情形非常地糟糕,估计飞船已经没办法再抵抗敌人的进攻了,现在唯一的选择就是弃船。在Keyes的命令下,你赶紧带着电子人Cortana逃吧。临行前,Keyes会将身上带的一把枪给你战斗之用。 Mission:Get off the Pillar of Autumn 有了枪就等于有了战斗能力。离开舰桥的道路上会有一些子弹作为补充,中途还可以获得MA5B型来复枪。前进到一间房间里会发现一帮船员在个怪物们战斗,帮助船员们消灭怪物后离开,来到一道走廊,从中间一道打开的门过去,小心前面红色的墙壁,不一会就会爆炸,大量的怪物就会从这里涌出来。将这些怪物们全部干掉后,从地面上有绿色箭头的位置前进,路上又回看到在和怪物们战斗的船员们。仍然协助船员将敌人全部消灭,然后从箭头所指的位置过去,在一个有烧着的铁桶的位置附近有一个不大的门缝,从这里钻过去就会看到楼梯。还没等走到楼梯,就会有大量的敌人涌出去。干掉他们后上楼,把上层的怪物们全部解决。接下来要对付的敌人麻烦一些,不要直接和他们冲突,一旦被他们近身的话,你的麻烦就大了。走廊上的桶是掩护自己作战的良好道具,远距离将它们全部杀死后从走廊过去,这时会看到,大量的船员已经开始乘坐逃生舱发射出了飞船。但是当自己到达走廊尽头的位置却发现所有的逃生舱都已经发射掉了。 现在唯一的办法就是去维修舱那里找逃生舱。转弯之后的路比较难走,从入口进去,向左沿着路一直前进,在有岔路的地方右转,然后再直走,走到尽头,发现门已经锁上了,讲文明有礼貌的那一套没用了,砸开门进去,所有的分岔路都向左转,中途的敌人难度不大,消灭即可。一直前进最后回到游戏开始时进行训练的房间,通过这里后转左,从一道铁门处进入通道内,通道有分岔路,在第一个岔口处转左,第二个岔路口转右,之后的分岔路任意选择一条均可以到达目的地。会合了这里的一些队员后继续前进,途中可以学得投掷技能,最后可以找到一道绿色的门,进入之后就可以乘上逃生舱离开飞船。


┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊序号(学号):241140402 长春大学 毕业设计(论文) 浅谈碧昂丝《halo》的演唱技巧及演唱风格 姓名陈圆圆 学院音乐学院 专业音乐表演(歌舞) 班级2411404 指导教师王熠娜 2014 年12 月15 日

┊ ┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊ 浅谈碧昂丝《halo》的演唱技巧及演唱风格 摘要:每一个人对于歌曲的感觉或许已经不是那么陌生了,每一首歌曲会给大家带来怎么样的听觉感受都是我们对于评定一首歌曲好坏的重要标准,也是衡量一个歌手对于歌唱技巧的掌握程度的好坏。而对于《halo》这样一首非常火并且韵律又比较经典的一首英文歌我想每一个都会哼唱那么几句。无论是原唱碧昂丝还是后来翻唱的吉克隽逸都是我们广为知晓的明星,所以本篇论文就是借用了碧昂丝的《halo》为主要的研究对象,针对一些流行歌曲以及经典歌曲的演唱技巧以及演唱风格进行描写,并且在针对这样的描写可以找到所有流行音乐的共同点,从中找到一个适合未来流行音乐发展的演唱技巧以及演唱风格,并且引起所有的歌唱爱好者的关注。其实,对于一首好歌的演唱技巧是歌曲是否能红起来的关键问题所在,因此在论文的创作中会着重的描述歌手对于歌曲的演唱技巧的描写。 关键词:流行歌曲歌唱技巧歌唱风格

┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊ Abstract Each individual for the feel of the song may not be so strange, each song will bring you what are we hearing feeling for the important criteria for the assessment of a song is good or bad, is a measure of the degree of mastering the singer singing skills quality. But for the "halo" such a very fire and rhythm and comparison of the classic song English song and I think every one would hum so few words. Both the original singer Beyonce and cover jikejuan escape we are widely known star, so this paper is borrowed from Beyonce's "halo" as the main object of study, in view of some pop songs, classical songs singing skills and singing style in description, and according to this description can be found in common to all pop music, find a suitable for the development of future pop music singing skills and singing style from, and cause all the singing lovers attention. In fact, for a good song singing skills is the key to the problem whether the song to red, so emphatically in the thesis creation described in the singer for song singing skills description. Keywords:The skill of singing style of singing popular songs


咖啡馆设计方案 一、可行性分析 1.市场需求: ①对自由交流、氛围的追求——需要一个这样的咖啡馆! ②文化营地事实的缺失,和人们内心故有的追求——需要这样一个咖啡馆! ③选址在自然客流需求强的地段,如写字楼密集区或者高校附近,或居民聚居地——自然客流也需要这样一个短暂的约谈或休闲的咖啡馆! ④如本区域各种学校众多,当中的教职工和学生情侣也是潜在客源。 2.地理及商业环境: 待选位置毗邻朝阳大悦城商圈,诸多写字楼商场附近,临近居民生活区天鹅湾、星河湾等高档社区,该地段地铁5号线即将完工投入使用。 其他位置正在努力选址中,在确定投资股东后会拿出其他地址以供讨论确定。 3.行业发展趋势 ①网站70万会员的一个理想聚焦点——需要这样的一个咖啡馆! 网站调查数据显示: a、83.11%的会员对开咖啡馆持赞同并看好前景的意见,7.68%的理论上给予支持, 9.22%的对多股东合作形式表示不乐观。 b、71.96%的会员表示愿意加入咖啡馆的投资,23.53%的会员表示只关注不加入, 4.51%的表示不愿意加入或者不关心。 c、表示投资数额在5K到1万的,有72人;表示投资1到2万的,有80人;表示投资5到10万的,有27人;表示投资10万以上的有20人。 ②(1)咖啡消费市场发展迅速,已经成为城市消费一大潮流,市场前期造 就已经结束。雀巢、麦斯威尔、哥伦比亚等国际咖啡公司纷纷在中国设立分公司或工厂,根据一项在12个内陆城市的调查,32%的城市居民喝咖啡。过去一年内喝过速溶咖啡的人口比例在30%以上的地区除了上海之外,还有昆明、厦门、杭州和天津。 2)咖啡消费品位越来越高,文化的魅力就是市场的魅力。单纯速溶咖啡己远远不能满足请求了,消费者开端认知咖啡的品牌、作风和知道如何享受咖啡带来的乐趣。




总公司HeadOffice 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department 人力资源部HumanResources Department总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General AccountingDepartment 销售部Sales Department促销部SalesPromotionDepartment国际部International Department出口部Export Department 进口部I mportDepartment?公共关系PublicRelations Department广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部ProductDevelopment Department研发部Researc hand Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool 采购部PurchasingDepartment 工程部EngineeringDepartment?行政部Admin.Department人力资源部HR Department市场部Marketing Department?技术部Technolog Department客服部Service Department 行政部: Administration?财务部FinancialDepartment 总经理室、Direcotor, or P resident 副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president 总经办、General Deparment 采购部、Purchase & Order Department 工程部、Engineering Deparm ent 研发部、Research Deparment 生产部、ProductiveDepartment销售部、Sales Deparment?拓展部BusinessExpending Department 物供部、Supply Department B&Dbusinessand development 业务拓展部HR人力资源部Account会计部PRpeople relationship 公共关系部 OFC(Office,但不常见) / OMB =Officeof Management and Budget办公室Finance财务部?MKTG (Marketing) 市场部R&D (R esearch&Development)研发部MFG (Manufacturing) 产品部AdministrationDept. 管理部?Purchasing Dept 采购部Chair man/PresidentOffice //Gerneral Manageroffice or GM office 总经理办公室Monitor& Support Department监事会Strategy Research战略研究部?外销部: OverseasDepartme nt,International Sales Section,Export Section?财务科:Financial/F iscalDepartment?会议室:MeetingRoom/Hall/Auditorium,或C onferenceHall/Auditorium或直接Auditorium, 会客室:Reception Lounge/Room/House,或Meeting Room或Guest Room?质检科:Back-check Section/Department,Quality-inspection/QualityControl Department 内销部:DomesticSales Section/Department?厂长室:Miller/Director/President'Office( 这很取决于你们厂的类型和规模)?行政 科:AdministrationSection/Department,Service section 技术部:TechnologySection 档案室:Archives(Office) 生产科:Production/Processing Section

HALO 成就清单

HALO:Wars 战役模式:关卡 野猪兽屠夫Everything's Better with Bacon 战役第1关:用疣猪号冲撞50 名野猪兽沼气槽终结者Endless Fun 战役第2关:摧毁所有沼气槽 坠落的星盟Covenant "Hot Drop" 战役第3关:用光桥杀死至少5 个星盟单位 真正的赢家The Real Winner战役第4关:抢救亚当 劫持高手He's Got The Jack 战役第5关:劫持6 个星盟载具 犀牛保护者Rhino Hugger 战役第6关:成功保护所有犀牛号 直捣黄龙Micro Manager 战役第7关:不摧毁任何动力节点 巨象号步兵官Ramblin' Man 战役第8关:用巨象号训练100 队步兵 小憩片刻Sweet Naptime 战役第9关:同时让所有虫族聚落进入冬眠 慢条斯理The Procrastinator 战役第10关:干扰所有高压电塔的牵引光束 封住舱口Battened Down the Hatches 战役第11关:保护所有空气闸门 修理高手Handy with Tools 战役第12关:在 4 分钟内修复动力核心 圣甲虫号的骄傲Beaming with Pride 战役第13关:用圣甲虫号摧毁25 个单位 独立作战Didn't Get To Second Base 战役第14关:没有占领其它基地 按部就班Thinkin' about My Doorbell 战役第15关:依照顺序打开闸门 战役模式:秘密成就 会合佛吉军士Meet Sergeant Forge 以任何难度完成战役第1 关 冰雪战士Ice Warriors 以任何难度完成战役第1-3 关 波希之钥Key to Pirth以任何难度完成战役第4-7 关 丑陋的战争Ugly is only Skin Deep 以任何难度完成战役第8-11 关 漫漫长路No Way Home?以任何难度完成战役第12-15 关 战役模式:合作 相互扶持Backscratcher 合作完成任一战役任务 最佳拍档OMG BFF FTW 合作完成全部战役任务 战役模式:难度 神风烈士的判决Adjudicate the Arbiter完成英雄难度的战役游戏


英文加中文的网名 英文加中文的网名 英文加中文的.网名 1、Feastaw离愁 2、Zing【生命力】 3、Guardianship相守 4、MySunshine我的阳光 5、〆゛丶yoyo 6、Hopeless(绝望) 7、DIE° 8、旧情话clot 9、Allure(诱惑) 10、▲角逐pursue 11、Shine(光芒) 12、傀儡Puppet▼ 13、shouldnot-溺宠(不该) 14、Overdoes【过分】 15、﹏Lostloveゝ 16、Monster怪兽 17、Sick°[病态] 18、eccentric°[怪人]

19、印象║Vicious 20、ERosIon腐朽 21、Despair(绝望) 22、Yoke(羁绊) 23、酷girl. 24、゛法式夕阳Romantic 25、◆◇sorrow°痕迹、 26、Enteral丶不朽 27、孽╮noone 28、Obsession【强迫症】 29、perpetual 30、Lonely孤独先生 31、Sunshine.? 32、baby公主 33、ゝxτяéмé° 34、Halo(光环) 35、分岛花音DeathSword* 36、乱祈°Amor▲ 37、disappear逃避 38、Winner(冠军) 39、Capital、魅魇 40、Devil(魔鬼)

41、simplelove[简单爱] 42、False.虚假 43、。Aliveㄣ 44、﹏heartbreaker° 45、Demonprincess(妖妃) 46、catastrophe浩劫。 47、Pull(难挽) 48、Pretext(借口) 49、_Edmundヾ 50、敷衍Continue\\\" 51、Schoolleave毕业生 52、Roselife(玫瑰人生) 53、Prevaricate(说谎) 54、Dislike(不喜) 55、aholic.(沉迷者) 56、Dear°心裂 57、call@ 58、温柔女Boss. 59、oo-┈→Danica℡~ 60、LuHan 61、Owetokiss 62、Moonlight月光

Halo Beyonce

【故事背景】 公元 2552 年,地球依然存在于银河系之中,但由于人口过剩的问题,让地球上的居民不得不前往开拓新的殖民地。当时超光速的飞行已经成为事实,让人们可以自由穿梭于星际之中,而地球上的联合政府也经由联合国太空指挥部 (the United Nations Space Command),将转移权力重心至新开发之殖民地区。将近百万的地球人离开了地球,居住于太阳系中其它适合居住的星球上。Reach行星的开发,是人类殖民历史中重要的里程碑,也因此进而发展出供百姓使用的殖民拓荒宇宙飞船舰,以及供联合国太空指挥部 (UNSC) 军队使用之太空军舰,不但拉近了与地球的距离,Reach行星区也成为科技发展以及军事活动的中心。 三十二年前,与外星殖民活动是不被重视的;一支军事部队曾经执行过勘查任务,但几乎被消灭,只有一艘损坏严重的船舰返回 Reach 行星。幸存的船员叙述着外星舰队的恐怖攻击,可以轻易地将我方舰队摧毁,难以抵抗的种种经历。 这是人类与星盟的的第一次接触,而星盟的组成,是由许多外星种族因共同的宗教信仰聚集而成的。星盟的宗教长老认为,人类对天神有侮辱轻蔑之意,因而与人类展开战争,以圣战之名来驱离地球之人类。在经历过许许多多的大小战役,UNSC 的海军上将普雷斯顿?柯尔 (Preston Cole) 拟定了「柯尔草案」:任何船舰不得将星盟引至地球。当被迫撤离时,不能使用以地球为导航之撤离路线,也就是说,一旦遇到了危险攻击而遭俘虏时,所有船舰必须启动自毁装置已顾全大局。在 Reach 星球上进行着一项军事机密研究,就是创造出一系列基因强化战士的重大新发现。斯巴达二号 (SPARTAN II) 的基因强化战士在与星盟对战的测试中,留下令人印象深刻的纪录,但是却无法扭转战争的局势。


南岭校区图书馆咖啡厅 建设的设计方案 一、前言 学校图书馆历来都是学生看书、查阅资料、自习的理想场所。但是图书馆的环境好与坏会直接影响到学生学习的心情和效果。随着社会的发展,国民消费水平的提升,人们的消费观念也有了很大的改变,越来越多的人开始追求生活的品质与情调,大学生也是如此,一杯咖啡、一本书,在一种舒适、安静的环境下渡过一天的学习时光,是每一名学生的愿望。 二、具体设想 由我们承包南岭校区二楼阅览室,建设成面对服务学生的多功能咖啡厅,由我们负责向学生经营销售如咖啡、牛奶、饮料等饮品及其他辅助食品,并保证食品的卫生及安全,可随时接受图书馆的检查及管理。 我们将负责对新咖啡厅的设计、施工以及设备、设施购置。我们将会把整个咖啡厅将分割成咖啡厅、讨论区、影视区、休闲区四个主题服务区。每个服务区都是独立的,在讨论区,每张茶几上都会配置一台电脑,供学生查阅资料使用;在影视区,我们会选播一些有利于学生学习的影片,且每张座椅上都会配有单独的耳麦,使播放影片的时候不会影响到其他区域的同学。我们的最终目标是把咖啡厅建成南岭校区地标性场所。使之既达到空间布局合理,又满足了学生的需求,为学生创造出具有品质的、舒适的的学习环境。

三、前期投入 据我们保守估算整个施工加上设备、设施的购置,总共前期投入达30万元左右。其中各项配置情况初步打算如下: 装修:因图书馆是学校防火重点单位,在选材上要选择防火合格材料;施工期间要严格按照学校防火要求施工,保证安全。 设施:在讨论区每四张座椅、一张桌子为一套,打算安装10套;在影视区,打算安装30张座椅;在咖啡厅每四张椅子、一张桌子为一套,打算安装8套。在休闲区两张座椅、一张桌子为一套,打算安装12套。所有物品初步选择的品牌为千派(长春市比较知名),价格正在商谈中。物品外观如效果图中所显示一样,或按需要配置。具体安装数量要在施工完毕经现场测量结果而定。 设备:电视选择韩国三星品牌(因学生都是爱国青年,为避免不必要的麻烦,暂不考虑日本品牌),具体尺寸要看实际效果而定。投影仪选择索尼品牌(按实际需求选购)。 五、利润分配 根据学校的学生人数及扣学校放假等原因预算,咖啡厅年收入初步估算在8万元左右。由于前期投入的原因,我们建议在收回成本之前,我方与贵方在利润分配上为7:3分成,我方占7,贵方占3;待到收回成本后双方以5:5分成。我方可向贵方提供进货单、日销售表及月销售表以供随时查帐。 以上是我们的一些见意,请领导审查。


世界咖啡研讨方案设计 背景:著名的“WorldCafe”(世界咖啡)会议模式的主要精神就是“跨界(Crossover),世界咖啡不同专业背景、不同职务、不同部门的一群人,针对数个主题,发表各自的见解,互相意见碰撞,激发出意想不到的创新点子。世界咖啡让参与者从对个人风格、学习方式和情感智商所有这些我们惯用的评判人的方式的关注中解放出来,使人们能够用新的视角来看世界。在此基础上,逐渐领悟学习型组织的真谛,以饱含意义的汇谈,激荡出更多人内心的无尽智慧,真正建设起学习型组织。 方案设计 活动前准备: (预计是约10个组最好双数组,每个组约10人以下。分组的方法是进门时每人拿一张扑克牌,根据实际人数调整。) 议题从共青团日常工作中产生。(比如调研活动的开展,主题团日活动的开展等) 活动前准备:(道具:信封,事先准备好的研讨议题,草稿纸,大张展示纸,打印好的机票道具,印章,彩笔1盒/组,道具权杖1个/组、扑克牌、桌签,以及可以活动的圆桌,不能是教室。)活动中: 所有成员到齐后推举一个桌长,并设计自己的桌名。如果是前期已经有系列培训,可以延续用之前的名字。 由一个培训老师和几个助理控场,开始后老师先和大家分享世界

咖啡讨论的由来和应用,并讲解整个活动的流程。(有必要的情况下可以展示一下讨论成果的思维导图)请所有学员迅速进入到角色中。并分发本次议题以及相应的道具。(约15分钟) 助理分配到各组巡场,如果学员要提问或者帮助时,及时给予帮助。 讨论流程如下: PART1:活动形式:讨论 第一环节:各位成员按照分组就座,对该组的议题展开第一轮讨论,时间15-25分钟,并将讨论成果绘制成思维导图(并非要严格的思维导图,可以调低要求,可以展示就行)。小组成员需手持魔法棒轮流发言,在相应时间范围内(可以是老师控场或者音乐停止时)手拿魔法棒的同学需作出总结(2分钟左右) 第二环节:各位成员(除桌长外)根据机票的指引转移到和上一个议题不同的小组,桌长留守本桌负责向来访的新组员讲解上一轮的成果,并对来访的组员的贡献给予感谢和肯定并盖章。(每个客人都要发表意见桌长才给予盖章,多发表多盖章)。这一轮大约进行10分钟的自由讨论。 第三环节:继续第二轮的各位成员(除桌长外)根据机票的指引转移到和上一个议题不同的小组,桌长留守本桌负责向来访的新组员讲解上一轮的成果,并对来访的组员的贡献给予感谢和肯定并盖章。(每个客人都要发表意见桌长才给予盖章,多发表多盖章)。这一轮大约进行10分钟的自由讨论。


Beyonce - Halo 中英对照歌词 Remember those walls i built 还记得我一手搭建起的围墙吗? Well baby they're tumbling down 好了,孩子,现在它们开始坍塌了 And they didn't even put up a fight 它们甚至无力抵抗 They didn't even make a sound 它们甚至还来不及做声 I found a way to let you in 我找到了让你进来的路 But i never really had a doubt 但是,我真的从没怀疑过你 Standing in the light of your halo 站在你光环的照耀下 I got my angel now 我找到了方向 It's like i've been awakened 我感觉好像已经觉醒了 Every rule i had you breakin' 你打破了我所有的规则 It's the risk that i'm takin' 我正在顶着这个风险 I ain't never gonna shut you out 我永远不会将你置之不理!Everywhere i'm looking now 无论我的视线停留在哪 I'm surrounded by your embrace 都被你的光辉环抱着 Baby i can see your halo 孩子,我能看到你的光环 You know you're my saving grace 你知道你就是我的恩赐 You're everything i need and more 你超过我所需要的一切 It's written all over your face 这些都写在了你的脸上 Baby i can feel your halo 孩子,我能感觉到你的光环 Pray it won't fade away 祈祷它永不凋零吧 I can feel your halo (halo) halo 我能感觉你的光芒 I can see your halo (halo) halo 我能理解你的光芒 I can feel your halo (halo) halo 我能感觉你的光芒 I can see your halo (halo) halo 我能理解你的光芒 Hit me like a ray of sun 像一束阳光一样投向我吧 Burning through my darkest night 燃尽我最漆黑的夜晚 You're the only one that i want 你就是我唯一需要的人 Think i'm addicted to your light 我想我已被你的光芒折服 I swore i'd never fall again我曾发誓我不会再一次屈服 But this don't even feel like falling 但是,这一次感觉像是彻底崩塌了Gravity can't forget 重力并没忘记 To pull me to the ground again 将我再次拉回地面 Feels like i've been awakened 我感觉好像已经觉醒了 Every rule i had you breakin' 你打破了我所有的规则 The risk that i'm takin' 我正在顶着这个风险 I'm never gonna shut you out 我不会将你置之不理的 Everywhere i'm looking now 无论我的视线停留在哪 I'm surrounded by your embrace 都被你的光辉环抱着 Baby i can see your halo 孩子,我能看到你的光环 You know you're my saving grace 你知道你就是我的恩赐 You're everything i need and more 你超过我所需要的一切 It's written all over your face 这些都写在了你的脸上
