

Part I

Place : Emily's house

Characters : Emily; Emily's sister; Emily's mom

E: You took my money, didn't you?

E's S: No, ~ didn't. You're always thinking about money. I didn't take it. You lost it. E: No, I didn't.

E's S: Mommy!

E's M: Emily, don't hit your sister.

E: She stole my money.

E's M: I think you should stay in your room for the day and think about how you treat others.

E: I hate everybody. They're always cheating me out of my money.

E: I'm bored. What's this book?

E: What's going on? I'm scared. Mommy!

Narrator: Suddenly, there is a big flash and Emily is gone. All that is left is "The Wizard of OZ" lying on the bed, the pages fluttering as the wind dies down.

Part II

Place : OZ

Characters : Emily [女子名] 埃米莉,Scarecrow(稻草人), Dorothy [女子名] 多萝西, Lion(狮子), and Tin man(铁皮人)

Narrator: Emily wakes up to find herself in a beautiful village. The sunshine covers the farm and the sunflowers swing(摇摆)in golden waves(在微风中). People there are always smiling and everyone can see that They're radiant(['reidi?nt]adj.喜悦的)with happiness. What lovely(令人愉快), peaceful village it is.

D: Hi, who are you?

E: Emily. Where am I?

D: You're in OZ, Emily. Uh, did you get lost?

E: No, uh ….... yeah. I don't exactly know what happened.

D: So, where're you going?

E: I want to go home.

D: Where?

E: Taipei. Do you know how to get there?

D: Well... it sounds very far.

S: Why are you here? Why aren't you staying at home?

E: I'd rather be home if I could.

D: Would you like to come with us and find the Wizard ['wiz?d]男巫? I'm sure he can help you.

S: Oh, you have a wish too? What do you want? A beautiful house? A lovely doll? Or...

E: Would you please stop asking those stupid questions? (要表情)

D: Don't be so horrible, Emily. Scarecrow['ske?,kr??]doesn't have a brain, and that's why he joined us.

E: (shows contempt轻视轻蔑) 表情

D: So, let's go find our partners. Go!

Part III

P/ace : OZ

Characters : Emily ,Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion, and Tin man

T: Dorothy, we don't have enough money to buy our lunch.

L: Boo([bu:]n. 嘘声;用以吓人的声音vt. & vi. 发出嘘声)! (Scares Emily)

E: Ah! (Emily is scared. Then Lion is frightened by Emily's scream.

E: What a brave lion. Ha, ha!

L: I know... I'm not a proper lion because I don't have courage.

S: Oh, poor lion.

T: Dorothy, who is she?

D: She's Emily, our friend from... another place.

E: So, what do you need? A more fashionable appearance? (Knock) Wow, cool. What's this? This sounds funny.

T: Because my body is empty. I don't have a heart.

S: Emily, leave him alone.

D: Un.......Lion, don't we have enough money to buy any bread?

L: No, we sure don't.

D: Do you have any money, Emily? We need to buy some food.

E: No, I don’t have any money. Now, leave me alone. I hate all you. I just want to go home.

S: Emily, don't shout at Dorothy. We're just trying to be friendly and help everybody.

T: Yes, Emily. Why are you so different from us? You're nothing like us

S: I noticed that, too. It's... those clothes that you wear. That's why you're different.

T: No, actually, it's not the clothes I'm talking about. It's the way you behave. You're a very selfish girl and very unkind. People in this world are always kind to each other.

L: Even though you're very unfriendly, Emily, we still want you to come with us and find the Wizard.

F: No, I don't want to go with you any more.

L: Well, the only way you can get back home is to follow us.

E: I'd better go with them.

Part IV


Characters: Emily,Scarecrow, Dorothy,Lion, Tin man, Witch

Narrator: After walking for several more hours, they find themselves in the middle of an old forest. It's very dark and scary ['ske?ri:], and everyone is close together.

W: Ah, Emily. I hear that you would like to get back to Taipei.

E: Yeah, how do you know?

W: I keep an eye on 留心things that happen in OZ. I know that they don't like you, Emily. I like you, and I'll help you get back to Taipei.

E: Wow, but, how?

W: Well, I know that Dorothy likes to eat apples. So, I want you to give her this special apple, OK? It's her favorite kind.

E: OK, as long as you help me get back home.

W: Yes, of course. Just make sure you give it to her. Make more sure that she eats it.

E: OK.

E: Dorothy, Dorothy...

D: Has she gone?

E: Mm, I want to say sorry, Dorothy. I got you this apple.

D: For me? Thank you. My favorite.

D: Delicious... I feel sleepy. I want to lie down. (要动作)

W: Well done, Emily. Now I've got Dorothy at last.

E: Can I go back to Taipei now?

W: Don't be so stupid, Emily. Do you really think I was going to help you? You should never trust anyone.

Part V E说话口气狠点吧

Place: OZ

Characters: Emily,Scarecrow, Dorothy,Lion, and Tin man

S T L: Dorothy, Dorothy. Where are you?

T: We have to find Dorothy.

S: Hey [he?]没关系;我不在乎(See Emily)

L: Emily, did you see Dorothy?

S T L: We can't find her.

E: You all treated me so bad. So, I want to teach you all a lesson. I took her to the witch[wit?]n. 女巫, 巫婆.It's just an eye for an eye.

L: Oh, my gush.

S: How could you do that?

T: She is such a nice girl.

E: That's how you treated me. 要表情及动作

S: Emily, you have a brain, but you don't know how to think or how to tell right from wrong.

T: You have a heart. But you don't know how to be considerate. It must be empty.

L: You can help us to find Dorothy, and turn over a new leaf. If some day your friend betrays you, how will you feel?

S: Dorothy is such a nice girl. But …how could you... 最好有点哭吧

E: When I was younger, even my best friend betrayed me. So, why should I believe anyone?

T: We're sorry to hear that, but we don't mean you any harm. We want to help you get home. Why don't you try and trust people?

E: I don't want to listen to you. Go away.

L: We have to try and rescue Dorothy. You can stay here if you like.

E: Hey...

Part VI

Place: OZ

Characters: Emily ,Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion,Tin man, Witch

W: You have no choice but to die.

D: No...

W: (Emily stabs刺伤Witch) You... you... you... Emily...(Everybody cheers.) 有动作

D: Emily, you did a very good job.(When nobody notices the witch, she secretly crawls to Emily and intends to stab her.)

L: Hey...(Lion runs to Emily and takes the attach for her.)

E: Ah! ! Oh, Lion, why did you do this for me? I never treated you well

L: That's OK. We're friends for... e... ver.


Place : OZ

Characters : Emily, Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion, Tin man, Wizard, Guard man

Narrator:So they went to see the Wizard.

D: Excuse me. We want to see the Wizard.

G: I'm sorry. You can't.

Everybody: Please.

D: We're in trouble. We want the Wizard to help us.

G: OK, this way please. Follow me.

D: Hello, Wizard. We're Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin man, and Emily.

W: The Wizard is sick. I'm his sister. I know who you all are. I've been watching you all along the path of Yellow Brick Road. And now you've found me. I'd like to reward you all. To you, Mr. Scarecrow, I'll give you brain.

S: A brain?

E: One and one is...

S: Two.

E: Two plus two is...

S: Four. I got a brain. I become smarter.最好狂欢下

W: To you, Mr. Tin man. I'll give you a heart.

T: A heart. A really heart. Scarecrow, listen, a real heart. 表情

W: Dorothy, I'll send you back to Kansas. ['k?nz?z]n. 美国堪萨斯州

D: Thank you.

W: And finally, Emily, you must learn to trust people more in the future and be kind to people. There are some nice people in the world.

E: Yes, Wizard. I realized that there are kind people in the world because the lion has shown me that. I'm sorry that he died. He was such a nice lion. I only realized this after he died for me. I wish I could bring him back.

W: Well, Emily,I believe that everyone is good deep down. So, I'll make your wish come true. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll grant the lion a new life and give him courage also.

L: (Roars[r?:]vi. 咆哮, 怒吼;大笑, 狂笑;大哭vt. 大声喊出) I'm back. I’m back. 表情动作W: Emily, I hope you've learned your lesson.

E: Yes, Wizard. I promise I won't be a bad girl any more. I know that I really Can trust people. W: OK, come here. Close your eyes. Back to Taipei you go. Good-bye, Emily.

E: Good-bye everyone, Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion, Tin man. I'm sorry. It was nice meeting you all... Narrator: Form then on, Emily is no longer a naughty child. She realizes the most precious treasure is the trust between friends and cherish all the friendship around her, and then becomes a lovely, pleasing, charming girl all her life.

The End


白雪公主与七个人小矮人 ----音乐起,旁白: A long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother didn’t like her very much.She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night. 很久很久以前,有个皇后。她有一个美丽的女儿,名叫白雪公主。孩子出生后不久,女王死了。女王又娶了一位女王。可继母没有非常喜欢她。白雪公主整天整夜地做家务。 ----白雪出场 ( 扫地,做清洁.) 白雪:My name is Snow White , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother? 我的名字是《白雪公主》,我是一个美丽的公主,我很想念我的母亲,我的妈妈在哪里?我的妈妈在哪里? ----音乐起,皇后出场 皇后:I’m the new queen. I’m very beautiful. you see. If anyone is more beautiful than me, I’ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, It will tell me. Now, mirror, mirror, come here! 我是新来的女王。我很beautiful.。如果有人比我漂亮,我就杀了她。我有一种神奇的镜子。如果我想要知道的东西的话,那么它就告诉我。现在,镜子,镜子,到这里来! 魔镜:Yes, I’m coming. What do you want to know? 是的,我来了。你想知道些什么? 皇后:Mirror, mirror, on the wall.Who is the most beautiful? 镜子,镜子,在这世界上。谁是最漂亮的? 魔镜:You are beautiful, I think.But there is a young lady. She is as white as snow, as red as rose.She is much more beautiful than you. 我想,你是美丽的,。但有一个年轻的女士。她像雪一样白,像朵玫瑰花。她比你更漂亮。 皇后:She is much more beautiful than me?Who is she? Tell me quickly. 她比我漂亮得多吗?她是谁?快点告诉我 魔镜:Yes. She is Snow White. 是的。她是《白雪公主》 皇后:Snow White? No, I’m the most beautiful in the world. Oh, hunter,come here, come here!白雪公主?不,我是最美丽的,在世界上。哦,猎人,过来,过来! 猎人:Yes. I’m here now.是的。我现在在这里。 皇后:Hunter! Take Snow White far away to pick some flowers.Find a place and kill her.猎人!把


新方言版武林外传 第一幕:湘玉及众人迫小贝读书 第二幕:小贝怒斥众人后离开 第三幕:小贝梦游现代,最后回到现实 演员:展堂 秀才 大嘴 小贝 芙蓉 湘玉 第一幕湘玉及众人迫小贝读书 (展堂、秀才及芙蓉教小贝学习吹箫、下棋、书法,争抢中小贝不愿再学,湘玉及大嘴上) 湘玉:哎呀!她是个娃又不是个瓜淡,揪来揪去的做什么呀? 大嘴:你在给骺坏了 (展堂三人继续争抢) 小贝:啊!我不学啦!我什么都不学了,你们出去出去! 展堂三人:好!就等着句话了! 湘玉:都不许走! (展堂三人回,继续争抢) 湘玉:哎呀!不学也行,给我留下个理由。 小贝:我学不会。 湘玉:学不会可以慢慢学,不要着急。 小贝:那我也不想学。 湘玉:不想学也得学!我的娃呀起来!起来!(大嘴附“娃呀!”)在漫长的人生起跑线上,你已经落后了。大嘴:你都落后了。 湘玉:再不抓紧你这辈子就要完了。 大嘴:你这辈子就完了。 展堂三人:什么人啊? 大嘴:那你也不能让他一下子学这么些啊,你说这谁学得会呀? 湘玉:就你那个脑子学不会是正常滴! 芙蓉:我也学不会呀! 秀才:就这么个学法儿,勉强学会了也是没用的! 大嘴:是,这就跟狗熊掰棒子一样,掰一个,扔一个,掰一个,扔一个,到最后啥都没落下。 展堂:听听基层的呼声吧!独断专行是没有好处的! 令四人附:没有好处的! 湘玉:那好,待我征求一下当事人的意见。小贝,你跟嫂子说实话,一样一样学你愿意吗? 小贝:那得看学什么了? 佟湘玉:那你想学什么呢? 小贝:串糖葫芦 佟湘玉:除此之外呢? 小贝:做糖葫芦? 佟湘玉:还有点儿别滴吗? 小贝:种红果,熬糖浆。 湘玉:我想赏你俩耳光。 展堂:也挺好的,手艺活儿(三人护小贝) 湘玉:我说的是高雅艺术!


我相信天无绝人之路。 天下真是无奇不有. “看来世界真是奇妙,无论谁都缺这少那,不可能是十全十美啊!”胆小狮无限感叹地说. 不过,命运常常和人们开一些意想不到的玩笑。 —铁樵夫越是小心,越是会碰到麻烦的。 多萝茜说着, 急忙翻身下来, 戴上那顶魔帽,然后左脚着地, 像金鸡独立似的站着,口中念起了咒语 除了大团大团猩红的罂粟花外,还有许多黄、白、蓝、紫色的华山,艳丽的色彩几乎使多萝西目眩。 接着大门慢慢地打开了,他们鱼贯而入,发现来到一拱顶房间,房间四壁镶嵌着无数翡翠,闪闪发光。 街道两旁坐落着一排排美丽的房子,都是用绿色的大理石建造的,到处闪烁的翡翠。 他看见了一位美丽的夫人,她身穿一件绿色薄纱衫,飘逸的长发上戴一顶宝石王冠。 房间中央有一个小巧的喷泉,把一股股绿色大理石雕花水盆里。 她的碗柜里有一顶金帽子,四周镶着钻石和宝玉只见许多翅膀如潮水般奔涌,又听见许多吵闹声、大笑声。 I believe in the way of heaven. The world is really Nothing is too strange.. "It seems that the world is really wonderful, no matter who are short of it, may not be perfect in every respect!" The cowardly lion said in an infinite exclamation. However, the fate of people and people often open some unexpected joke. Iron Woodman is more careful, more will be in trouble. Dorothy said, hurriedly turning down, put on the top of the magic hat and then left with, like standing on one leg standing, mouth spells In addition to the masses of scarlet poppies and many yellow, white, blue, purple mountain, gorgeous color almost Dorothy dazzled. Then the door slowly opened, they filed into the room found to the vault room, room walls inlaid with countless jade, sparkling. On both sides of the street is lined with rows of beautiful houses, built of green marble, and emerald green. He saw a beautiful lady, she was wearing a green chiffon shirt, wearing a crown jewel elegant long hair. There is a small fountain in the middle of the room, the strands of green marble carved in the basin. Her cupboard has a gold hat around trimmed with diamonds and rubies saw many wings like tide


人物:白雪公主、老王后、新王后、猎人、七个小矮人、王子、小动物(5个)。 道具:小动物头饰、皇冠、枪、矮人帽、七张板凳、七个杯子、魔镜、洋娃娃、一张桌子、苹果(一半红一半绿)、头巾、篮子。 演员表:老师根据本班孩子性格特点自定。 剧情: (幕启) 老王后:(怀抱洋娃娃,哄小孩,戴围巾don’t cry音乐) 旁白:It’s a cold winter day. A baby, her name is Snow White, was born. She is very beautiful. 仆人:(上场,围住老王后,手摸娃娃脸)旁白:The queen loves her. Everybody loves her. (播放音乐Lazy Mary,人们、老王后下场)(点击下载背景音乐Lazy Mary)(音乐起,动物和公主跳上场,老王后上场睡床上) 旁白:The animals love her, too.(音乐渐弱) 仆人:(一个人上场)Snow White! Snow White! Your mother is ill.(焦急) 白雪公主:Mum! Mum! (边跑边下,动物跟下)(公主上台围在床前,小动物上) 白雪公主:Oh! Mum. No! No! What’s wrong with you? 老王后:(摸公主的脸)My dear. I love you for…ever…(手垂下,脸歪,死去)(音乐悲伤,抬老王后下,公主坐地上哭) (音乐欢快斗牛,新王后上,围公主走一圈,瞟一眼)旁白:A new queen comes. She is beautiful but bad.(公主无奈,小动物气愤)魔镜:(音乐邪恶37,上场)旁白:This is a magic mirror. 新王后:Mirror, mirror. Who is fairest of all? 魔镜:Not you. Snow White. 新王后:No! No! No! (回头对猎人说)Kill Snow White! 猎人:(上场,半跪低头)Snow White?(抬头)But … 新王后:Kill her! 猎人:(低头,无奈下场)(马蹄声。公主拎裙跑,马挡公主前面,) 白雪公主:(双膝跪下)Help me, please! Please! (乞求) 猎人:(思考一会儿)All right. Go, Snow White.(把举起的枪放下,马让道) 白雪公主:(边跑边说)Thank you! Thank you! (猎人下,公主继续跑) 白雪公主:(四下张望,来到门前)May I come in?(敲门,无人答)Anybody here?(推门进,数)One, two, three,… Oh, seven chairs a nd seven cups. Who live here? (打个哈欠)I’m too tired.(抽出凳子,坐凳上)Oh, I’m too thirsty.(喝两杯,边打哈欠边睡) (欢快音乐Bingo,小矮人上场) 小矮人:(推门,进来,跑到桌前)


Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," and joined the journey to find the Wizard with Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin man, and Lion. Due to Emily's personality, she did not keep good company with them.Several days later, Emily met a witch and followed the witch's direction to put Dorothy in a dangerous situation. Within a battle, Lion died for her. Then Emily finally knew that there is love among people. Since then, Emily became a new person--a lovely, charming girl all her life. Part I Place : OZ Characters : Emily [女子名] 埃米莉,Scarecrow(稻草人), Dorothy [女子名] 多萝西, Lion(狮子), and Tin man(铁皮人) Narrator: Emily wakes up to find herself in a beautiful village. The sunshine covers the farm and the sunflowers swing(摇摆)in golden waves(在微风中). People there are always smiling and everyone can see that They're radiant(['reidi?nt]adj.喜悦的)with happiness. What lovely(令人愉快), peaceful village it is. D: Hi, who are you? E: Emily. Where am I? D: You're in OZ, Emily. Uh, did you get lost? E: No, uh ….... yeah. I don't exactly know what happened. D: So, where're you going? E: I want to go home. D: Where? E: Taipei. Do you know how to get there? D: Well... it sounds very far. S: Why are you here? Why aren't you staying at home? E: I'd rather be home if I could. D: Would you like to come with us and find the Wizard ['wiz?d]男巫? I'm sure he can help you. S: Oh, you have a wish too? What do you want? A beautiful house? A lovely doll? Or... E: Would you please stop asking those stupid questions? (要表情) D: Don't be so horrible, Emily. Scarecrow['ske?,kr??]doesn't have a brain, and that's why he joined us. E: (shows contempt轻视轻蔑) 表情 D: So, let's go find our partners. Go! Part II

白雪公主 剧本 中英文对照

Snow white (旁:寒冬,怀孕的王后在皇宫的花园里散步) (In a cold winter, the pregnant queen was walking in the garden of the palace.) 母后:好大的雪啊!如果我能拥有一个皮肤像雪般洁白,脸颊如鲜血红润,而头发跟黑檀木一样乌黑的孩子,那该多好啊!! (What heavy snow! if only I could have a girl, whose skin is as white as snow, cheeks as rosy as blood, hair is as black as ebony! ) (旁:不久王后果然如愿地生下一个公主,而公主的皮肤真如雪般洁白,王后想起那天花园散步的情景,便为她取名为“白雪公主”。她们常常在皇宫里散步,但是幸福的时光太短暂,白雪公主出生不久皇后就死掉了。第二年,国王又娶了一位新王后。她漂亮、顽固又好强,最糟糕的是她心地狠毒。她有一面从不说谎的魔镜,每天,她都要对着魔镜问) (The queen gave birth to a princess as she expected. the skin of the girl is as white as snow. thinking of the day when she was in the garden, the queen named her princess “snow white”. They often walked in the palace, however, unluckily, the queen died. The next year, the king married another woman. The new queen was beautiful, but stubborn and strong. The worst thing is she is very evil-minded. She had a magic which never told lies. Every day, she asked it the same question) 王后:魔镜啊魔镜,你说,谁是世界上最美丽的女人? (mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman of all?) 魔镜:当然是王后您啊!您是世界上最最美丽的人! (you are the most beautiful woman in the world, my majesty .) (旁:每当听到魔镜赞美自己,王后的心情肯定很好。可是白雪公主一天天的长大了,而且越长越美丽,有一天,王后又像往常一样,问魔镜) (when she heard the sweet words from the magic mirror, the queen was very happy. however, as snow white grew up day by day, she was more and more beautiful. One day, the queen asked the magic mirror as usual. ) 王后:魔镜啊魔镜,你说,谁是世界上最美丽的女人? (mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman of all?) 魔镜:王后当然美丽,可是白雪公主更美丽呢! (you are beautiful, my majesty. But snow white is more beautiful.) 王后:什么?不可能!不可能!我决不允许别人比我漂亮! ( what? It is impossible! Impossible! I won’t allow others to be more beautiful than me)


公司年会爆笑小品剧本《武林外传之欢 天喜地贺新春》 --更多年会策划请百度欧凯传媒 地点:同福客栈外大厅 人物:佟湘玉白展堂秀才郭芙蓉李大嘴小六惠兰 佟湘玉:(在门口送客,上场。)客官,吃好再来啊!哎,社会主义市场竞争日剧激烈,买卖不好做呀。在想当年我佟湘玉一手创办起来的同福客栈,这七侠镇上也是响当当的一块招牌。那真是:鞭炮齐鸣,锣鼓喧天,红旗招展,人山人海。可自打对面开了个太后大酒楼现如今是雀落庭院,一片苍凉。长此以往,这还了得。不行,我得改良。这人都到哪去啦?展堂!秀才!小郭!大嘴!快出来啊。人尼?~~~~发工钱了。 (秀才小郭大嘴上,“来了,来了。”) 佟湘玉:我的个神哪!救救这帮无知的人吧。好了,别闹了!说了多少遍了,“人人是饭菜质量,处处是客栈形象”一点都不知道注意。李大嘴,展堂呢? 大嘴:没见着他呀,还以为跟你在一块呢。 佟湘玉:这个死东西,打他电话(众人在后面演彩铃“我赚钱啦赚钱啦,我都不知道怎么去花!”)(佟自语:还彩铃呢。)(“对不起,您拨打的电话正在通话中~~~”)挂了。

在门口尼!他这个死东西真是够默契地,就知道给我省钱。(向门口冲凶狠状)整天在外面鬼混,看我怎么收拾你。(见展堂,撒娇状)讨厌嘛,去哪里了,让人家等的好辛苦嘛! (众人哆嗦,) 白展堂:上趟茅房都不让消情。 秀才:这寒流是西伯利亚的。 佟芙蓉:小郭,掌嘴。(郭:排山倒海!) 秀才:万恶的旧社会啊!,还是孔子说的对,唯小人(佟,郭看秀)~~~和小人不能范也。 佟湘玉:闲话少说,今天我要宣布一个大事情,今天早打烊。开会,上门板! 大嘴:掌柜的!饶了我吧,今天我就偷吃了一个鸡腿,下次再也不敢了!别上板子了。 佟湘玉:干什么呀这是,我是说上门板,又不是上搓板。你地事情一会儿再谈。 白展堂:(对大嘴)你最大的毛病就是不打自招,你应该练就到我这样,“打也不招”,小同志,还有很大的成长空间啊! 佟湘玉:展堂!(哈气,到佟跟前)趁莫小贝还没有放学,今天提前下班,开会!同志们最近也看出来也,自从对面的太后大酒楼开张以后,我们的生意是越来越不好,都被对面那个自称是慈禧的老婆姨抢去了。因此我们不能让对面的太后大酒楼比下去,我们要想法子,通过改变经营理念,调整战略计划,转变陈旧思路。让同福客栈重整旗


The Wizard of OZ Scene 1: Meeting with the Munchkins (第一场:偶遇芒奇金人) 1’15’’Dorothy (enters from the left side of the stage, sings) [opening music…] [the sound of storming.] Dorothy: Oh, what’s happening? The house is flying! Oh, my god! Help! Help! [the sound of cheers] All: Yeah! The wicked witch is dead! The wicked witch is dead! Witch (North): Welcome to the land of the Munchkins. Fairy A: What’s your name? Dorothy: My name is Dorothy. Fairy A: You are such a heroin. Dorothy: What? (very surprised) Fairy B: Thanks to you, all of the people are free. Dorothy (confused): Pardon? Fairy C: You killed the witch of the East, you know, we can’t stand her anymore. Dorothy: Really? Fancy that? Fairy D: Look. Here are the silver shoes of the dead witch. Here you are. Dorothy (shaking her hands): No, thank you. Fairy D: It’s a pair of powerful shoes, put them on. Dorothy: Thanks. I don’t need them. I just want to go home.


《白雪公主》英语童话剧剧本SNOW WHITE CONTENTS 矮人 A---小动物 音乐起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a youn g king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got ma rried again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king’s palace: ----白雪出场 S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother? 音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场 Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful, Where is Mirror? Mirr or, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful? M: S.w is much more beautiful than you! Q: Hunter, go kill S.w. 猎人出场 H: Yes, my queen 音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃 S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please A: what’s the matter with you?


《武林外传之造梦机》 人物: 1佟湘玉老板XXX(演员,下同) 2白展堂代理人XXX 3郭芙蓉代理人XXX 4吕秀才代理人XXX 5李大嘴代理人XXX 6客串A:客户-XXX;客串B:客户-XXX;客串C:美女-XXX;客串D:小流氓女 -XXX;客串E:被抢者男-XXX 引子(旁白): 在现如今蓬勃发展的社会,餐饮业越来越不好做,于是,同福客栈的佟掌柜毅然决定转型。经过多方讨论与研究,最终决定,转型进入现下最有发展潜力的知识产权行业,于是,同福客栈加盟到XXX公司(自己公司/所),改做专利代理。。。 一天,办公室里安安静静,大家都在专心工作,正在这时。。。 剧情: (佟、郭、吕在办公室伏案工作) 白:(一手抱着一个快递大包裹,一手举着电话,上场,)喂,李总,诶,对,收到您的快递了,好,我们马上研究,及时跟您联系,好嘞。 (刚挂断电话,手机铃声又响,接起)喂,我是,哦,张工,张工,您好,您是说之前修改的那方案吧?哦,您又加新的技术方案了。。。好的,我马上查看,尽快给您回复,您还有其它要加的内容吗?没有了?确定没有了?好的,再见! (抬头对众人)一个方案改了七八遍了,还改,我那个心肝脾肺肾呐。。。(拆快递,并嘟囔,自由发挥:先看下这个东东) 吕:诶?老白,你手里拿的嘛玩意呀?(众人围上) 白:啊?哦,客户刚寄来的,说想申请专利 众人:(拿快递单念)造梦机 白:对,话说可以实现梦想。 吕:(拿过造梦机)这挺有意思啊,看看它能不能帮我实现梦想啊 郭:秀才,你什么梦想啊?

吕:(一边说,一边向前走去,陷入冥想状态)子曾经曰过,北方有佳人,绝世而独立。一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国。我的梦想嘛,有个美女(郭开始自美),坐我旁边,看我写案子,这美女嘛,要求也不高,(忽然想起状)对,就跟这份专利写的差不多就行(拿起一份申请文件,老白抢过,吃惊状,摇头晃脑念) 白:一种人形模特,包括头部、躯干和四肢,其特征在于,所述躯干的三围分别为 36D,26,38,(吕一边比划一边说:这曲线),所述头部覆盖有长度至躯干腰身的长发,模特高度在165?175cm之间(吕一边比划一边说:标准)。 (此时,郭越来越生气,佟拼命拦住郭)(造梦机开启声响起) (此时,音乐起,美女扭腰上场,扇子遮面,到秀才面前,拿下扇子,扬起手绢调戏秀才,兰花指) 美女:吕官人 (美女扭头继续走,中程回头) 美女:官人,记得约我哦 (秀才一个激灵后倒,老白扶住,美女下场) 佟:(放开郭,无奈状)去吧,去发泄你心中的不满吧 郭:好你个秀才啊,原来你说的美女不是我。 吕:子曾经曰过,君子动口不动。。。 郭:就动,看我排山倒海。。。 吕:啊。。。 佟:好了,不要闹了嘛,小郭,你的梦想是啥 郭:我嘛,作为一代女侠,自然是行侠仗义,除暴安良啦(造梦机开启声响起)被抢男(定位:娘炮):(小流氓及被抢男上场,围场跑一圈)救命啊 小流氓:站住,别跑 被抢男:(被抢男摔倒,小流氓做凶狠状)你干嘛追我 小流氓:打。。。打。。。打劫 被抢男:呜呜,不要嘛。。。 小流氓女:给我严肃点,本大侠劫财不劫色,嗯。。。生的蛮俊嘛,算了,今儿劫色不劫财。脱? 郭:住手 小流氓:你是谁,敢扫本大侠雅兴 郭:(不屑状,随性左右踱步)在本女侠面前,你还敢自称大侠,(突然爆发)排山大海。。。 被抢者男:(小流氓女被打,落荒下台,被抢者男做扭捏状,双拳置于下巴下走至郭面前,头欲倒向郭)哇,你好棒哦,你可要保护人家

白雪公主 英文话剧

白雪公主<剧本>SNOW WHITE CONTENTSSW--- 白雪公主Q---皇后M---魔镜H---猎人P---白马王子D---小矮人A---小动物 音乐起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace: ----白雪出场S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother? 音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror?Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful ?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you! Q: Hunter, go kill S.w. 猎人出场H: Yes, my queen 音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃 S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please A: what’s the matter with you? S.w: The hunter…hunter… A: bite you bite you … 小动物追赶猎人下场 S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house ,I will eat a little and lie down. 音乐起,7个小矮人出场, D: 1/Look, somebody ate my food ----2/somebody drank my water ----3/someone is sleeping now ----4/What a beautiful girl !----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了--- -对话5/How do you do? S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w …Nice to meet you! D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too ----6/ welcome to our house! ----7/Would you like to live here? S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much! D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W皇后、魔镜出场 Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall,who’s the most beautiful? M: S.w is much more beautiful than you! Q: What? S.w is not dead?Hahaha, I got a good idea! 音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话 Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple ,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma! Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite? S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma! 白雪公主咬一口后倒地


《白雪公主》童话剧剧本 演员表 剧本正文 故事背景音乐①响起 旁白:从前,在一个遥远的国度里有个美丽的皇后。那年冬天,皇后坐在王宫里为她即将出生的女儿做新衣,她抬头向窗外望去,看着外面飘飞的雪花,一不留神被针刺到手指,红红的鲜血流了出来,滴落在飘进窗子的雪花上。她若有所思地凝视着白雪上的鲜红血滴,说道:“但愿我女儿的皮肤像这洁白的雪和鲜红的血一样那么艳丽,那么骄嫩,头发像这窗子的乌木一般又黑又亮!”后来,小公主诞生了,她的皮肤真的就像雪一样的白嫩,又透着血一样的红润,头发像乌木一样的黑亮。人们非常喜欢她,亲切地唤作白雪公主。 白雪公主很小的时候,她的皇后母亲就去世了。国王又娶了个漂亮的新王后。新王后骄傲自负,嫉妒心极强,只要听说有人比她漂亮,她就忍受不了,会想尽一切办法把她除掉。 故事背景音乐①结束 第一场王宫照镜 (场景:王宫演员:王后、魔镜) 王后迈着缓慢的步伐出场,走向魔镜。她对着魔镜搔首弄姿、左顾右盼。(动作表情) 王后:魔镜,魔镜,谁是世界上最美丽的人? 魔镜:王后,您是世界上最美丽的人! 王后:哈…哈…哈(得意地笑起来,笑声要求夸张。) 旁白:几年以后,白雪公主长大了。她长得比明媚的春光还要艳丽夺目,比王后还要美丽动人。这一天,王后像往常一样地去问那面魔镜…… 王后:魔镜,魔镜,谁是世界上最美丽的人? 魔镜:王后的美貌是有名的……但是,我另外见到一位少女,破衣也遮挡不住她闲雅的美貌。她才是世界上最美丽的人。 王后举起双手,表现愤怒的样子在咆哮着。(动作表情) 王后:不可能的!没有人可以比我漂亮。你快说,她是谁? 魔镜:她,唇红如玫瑰,发黑如乌,皮肤白嫩如雪。 王后:白雪公主?不,我要杀了她……我一定要杀了她! 来人啊……快来人!(边说边退场)


SNOW WHITE CONTENTS 编剧:初一12班赵雨溪SW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人 P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物 ——音乐起,旁白(音乐4) Long long ago,in a beautiful kingdom,there lived a young king and a young queen.The people loved them so much.The queen died shortly after giving birth to a baby girl.Her name was Snow White.She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again,the people didn’t love the new queen,because she was cruel.One day,in the king’s place: ----白雪出场 S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother? ——音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场(音乐1) Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful? M: S.w is much more beautiful than you! Q: Hunter, go kill S.w. ——猎人出场 H: Yes, my queen. ——音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃(音乐2) S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please. A: what’s the matter with you? S.w: The hunter…hunter… A: bite you bite you … ——小动物追赶猎人下场 S.w: I am tired and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down. ——音乐起,7个小矮人出场(音乐3) D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food---- 2\somebody drank my water---- 3\someone is sleeping now---- 4\What a beautiful girl!---- ——小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话(音乐4) 5\How do you do? S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w … Nice to meet you! D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too---- 6\ Welcome to our house!---- 7\Would you like to live here? S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much! D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W ——音乐起,旁白(音乐4)


白雪公主和七个小矮人 音乐起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, 很久以前,在一个美丽的王国there lived a young king and queen, 有一位年轻的国王和王后 the people loved them so much; 人们都喜爱他们 the queen died while giving birth to a girl, 女王去世时,生下一个女孩her name was Snow White, 她的名字是白雪公主 She was a beautiful princess. 她是一个美丽的公主 Year passed, 一年过去了 the king got married again, 国王再次结婚 The people didn’t love the new queen, 人们不喜欢新的女王 because she was cruel. 因为她非常的残酷 One day, In the king’s palace: 一天,国王的宫殿: ----白雪出场 白雪公主: My name is Snow White 我叫白雪公主 I am a beautiful princess 我是一个美丽的公主 I miss my mother so much 我非常想念我的妈妈 Where is my mother? Where is my mother? 我的妈妈在哪我的妈妈去哪了 ----音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场 皇后:I am a queen 我是女王 I’m very beautiful 我很漂亮 Where is Mirror? 魔镜你在哪? Mirror, Mirror on the wall,魔镜魔镜,墙上的魔镜 who’s the most beautiful? 谁是这个世界上最美的女人 魔镜: S.w is much more beautiful than you! 白雪公主是这个世界上最美的女人 女王:Hunter, go kill S.w. “猎人,去把白雪公主杀掉!” ----猎人出场 猎人:Yes, my queen 是,我的女王。 ----音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃 白雪公主:Help me ,help me, please, please 请救救我请救救我 小动物:what’s the matter with you? 你怎么了 白雪公主:The hunter…hunter… 猎人...猎人... 小动物:bite you bite you … 咬你咬你... ----小动物追赶猎人下场 白雪公主:I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house 我又累又饿,哦,这有一个小屋子 I will eat a little and lie down. 我要吃点东西然后休息休息
