
中国书法历史悠久同时拥有各种各样的风格,比如,正规的楷书和行书,狂放不羁的草书,古典的隶书等等。接下来让我们一起欣赏中国书法吧!Chinese Calligraphy has a long history and has a wide variety of styles, for example, a formal regular script and running script, unrestrained cursive, classical official script and so on.Next, let us appreciate Chinese calligraphy!

Clerical script, also known as Han Li, is a common Chinese characters solemn font the writing effect slightly wide flat, horizontal painting long and straight draw short, rectangular-shaped, pay attention to "the silkworm Touyan tail," twists and turns ". The official script originated in the Qin Dynasty, the rationale made by Chengmiao shaped reached its peak in the Eastern Han Dynasty calligraphy "Han Li Tang Kai said.

狂草出现于唐代,以张旭、怀素为代表,笔势狂放不羁,成为完全脱离实用的艺术创作。特点是结构简省、笔画连绵,是为书写便捷而产生的一种书体。Cursive, is the kind of book writing convenient.Cursive appeared in the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Xu, Huai Su, unrestrained gesture become completely divorced from the practical and artistic creation.Cursive is characterized by simple structure, strokes rolling.

楷书 又称正楷、楷体、正书或真书,是汉字书法中常见的一种字体。其字形较为正方,不像隶书写成扁形。楷书仍是现代汉字手写体的参考标准,也发展出另一种手写体——钢笔字。Regular script, also known as block letters, italics, positive or a real book, is a common Chinese calligraphy font. The more glyphs square, unlike the official script written in the flat. Regular script remains the reference standard for modern Chinese character handwriting also developed another handwriting - pen writing.

行书是在楷书的基础上发展起源的,介于楷书、草书之间的一种字体,是为了弥补楷书的书写速度太慢和草书的难于辨认而产生的。“行”是“行走”的意思,因此它不像草书那样潦草,也不像楷书那样端正。实质上它是楷书的草化或草书的楷化。Running Script is the origin of the development on the basis of the regular script between regular script, cursive between a font is generated in order to make up for the regular script writing speed is too slow and difficult to read cursive. The "line" is the meaning of "walking", so it is not like cursive as scratchy, unlike regular script as correct. Essence, it is the grass of regular script or cursive regular script.
