

Edgar(January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic, considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered the inventor of the detective-fiction genre. He is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction.He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career.He was born as Edgar Poe in Boston, Massachusetts; he was orphaned young when his mother died shortly after his father abandoned the family. Poe was taken in by John and Frances Allan, of Richmond, Virginia, but they never formally adopted him. He attended the University of Virginia for one semester but left due to lack of money. After enlisting in the Army and later failing as an officer's cadet at West Point, Poe parted ways with the Allans. Poe's publishing career began humbly, with an anonymous collection of poems, Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827), credited only to "a Bostonian".Poe switched his focus to prose and spent the next several years working for literary journals and periodicals, becoming known for his own style of literary criticism. His work forced him to move between several cities, including Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City. In Baltimore in 1835, he married Virginia Clemm, his 13-year-old cousin. In January 1845, Poe published his poem "The Raven" to instant success. His wife died of tuberculosis two years later. He began planning to produce his own journal, The Penn (later renamed The Stylus), though he died before it could be produced. On October 7, 1849, at age 40, Poe died in Baltimore; the cause of his death is unknown and has been variously attributed to alcohol, brain congestion, cholera, drugs, heart disease, rabies, suicide, tuberculosis, and other agents.Poe and his works influenced literature in the United States and around the world, as well as in specialized fields, such as cosmology and cryptography. Poe and his

英语论文 爱伦坡小说中的现实主义 全手写

1. Introduction: Adgar Allan Poe is a productive American writer in 19th century. He played an important role in American literary, especially in the aspect of horror novels. He is considered to be the father of detective story. His stories were full of creative pace and attract readers impressively. With in the middle of 19th century all kinds of realistic schools rising, Poe attained unprecedented popularity. Although he was a famous writer in the literary of romantic period, his thought contained abundant modern meaning. Allan Tate said that for most modern people, Poe seemed like one of our unpopular cousin. Poe was isolated by us, but could not be removed from our mind. This almost was a kind of kin. We had to admitted this relationship: his things was destroyed, in the same way, which threatened us potentially. Another modernist poet Welber also issued the similar view. In the 1959 of his speech The House of Poe, he considered that Poe 's writings really contained abundant modern implied meaning. Poe created entirely new territory, meanwhile his waters was the best one. This thesis analyzed the implicit modern factor in his Gothic tale The Black Cat. So-called modernism is not only a kind of literary trend and literary movement, but is also the expressive form of literary style. Modernism start from the late of 19th century, decline from the middle of 20th century. It included so many literal phoneme, such as expressionism, futurism, surrealism, symbolism, and so on. a deliberate philosophical and practical estrangement or divergence from the past in the arts and literature occurring esp. in the course of the 20th century and taking form in any of various innovative movements and styles. modernism actually is a kind of spiritual realism, which described dreamland and mysterious abstract moment world. Comparing to romanticism, it got rid of too much catharsis, showed more calmness and more reason. For realism, it disclosed the nature of matter and the truth of spirit directly, broke away from phenomenal shackles. In other words, modernism pursued the nature, discovered the mystery of human being 's inner heart, found person 's conscious activity. These pursuits showed so many aspects, also displayed the format of the novels creative, which pursued inner


Who is Ellery Queen? 「仅有两名侦探,在我长年如猎人般缉凶的职业生涯中,令我由衷钦佩…他们已经超越了种族的特异性,以及时空的限制…这两个人,以不可思议的能力面对罕见的非真实世界、惊异及事实真相。一位在众着作中出类拔萃;另一位则和坚持正义公理的警探同属一类…没错,我指的正是这两位名垂不朽的大侦探—伦敦贝克街的夏洛克?福尔摩斯先生和纽约市87街的埃勒里?奎因先生。」 ——《荷兰鞋子的祕密》第一部引言 埃勒里.奎因:一对合写小说的表兄弟所用的笔名 正如他们的一部推理小说《暹罗连体人的祕 密》,埃勒里?奎因这个名字其实是由两个不同的 人组合而成。他们是一对同样出生于1905纽约布 鲁克林的表兄弟,一个叫做佛德列克.丹奈 (Frederic Dannay)曼佛雷德.李(Manfred B. Lee)。 这对表兄弟的共通点,即皆是狂热的推理迷。1928年,他们得知McClure’s杂志举办一个奖金高达7500元的推理小说奖,便决定以「埃勒里?奎因」为笔名写出了第一部长篇小说《罗马帽子的秘密》。就当两人以为获得首奖时,杂志社却忽然宣布破产,买下杂志社的新老板后来也把首奖颁给别人。索性出版公司仍然愿意付给他们1200元的酬劳,在1929年将这本书出版,卖了8000本,算是差强人意。 这对表兄弟笔下的侦探之名恰巧也是埃勒里?奎因,从1930年出版的《法兰西白粉的祕密》开始,奎因也成了活跃于纽约的名侦探。然而在1932年,一个名叫巴纳比?罗斯(Barnaby Ross)的作家出版了《X的悲剧》,罗斯和奎因开始了一场笔战,甚至互相批评对方小说的缺点。不过三年后谜底揭晓,这位罗斯也是这对表兄弟所用的笔名,这对爱搞鬼又有生意头脑的作家彻头彻尾的把推理小说读者玩弄了一番。 这两位表兄弟虽然合写小说,但合作的模式却也有趣。丹奈负责大纲中设计布局、谜团、角色与题材,而李则是将丹奈构思的骨干铺陈细节。这两人性格虽不同,但却能合作无间地揉合包括范达因等古典推理因子,创造出美国推理小说的黄金时期。 埃勒里.奎因:一个美国黄金推理时代的代表人物 从1929年第一本小说出版,一直到1971年最后一本《美好私密之地》,埃勒里恩昆一共写了三十九部长篇小说以及数百个短篇小说。从国名系列、悲剧系列、短篇小说集等,这对表兄弟笔下的故事,继承了爱伦坡、范达因等古典正统推理的路线,亦即以某个谜样的犯罪事件(通尝试诡谲的谋杀,甚至是一连串的谋杀)为始,复杂的线索及


New?Zealand geography & geology Spectacular glaciers, picturesque fiords, rugged mountains, vast plains, rolling hillsides, subtropical forest, volcanic plateau, miles of coastline with gorgeous sandy beaches - it’s all here. No wonder New?Zealand is becoming so popular as a location for movies. Lying in the south-west Pacific, New?Zealand consists of two main islands - the??and the?.??and many smaller islands lie offshore. The North Island of New?Zealand has a 'spine' of mountain ranges running through the middle, with gentle rolling farmland on both sides. The central North Island is dominated by the Volcanic Plateau, an active volcanic and thermal area. The massive Southern Alps form the backbone of the South Island. To the east of the Southern Alps is the rolling farmland of Otago and Southland, and the vast, flat Canterbury Plains. Discover summer in New?Zealand:All things sun, sea & sand Opposite to that of the northern hemisphere, New?Zealand’s balmy summer season runs from December to?February. With average high temperatures ranging from 70F?to 90F Being an island nation, you’re never far from the sea in New?Zealand. Make the most of long, hot summer days with beach picnics, kayaking, snorkelling, sailing or swimming – the list is endless!? During this time of year our native Pohutukawa tree blooms a vibrant red, justifying its name as New?Zealand’s ‘Christmas Tree’. Swim with dolphins, walk coastal trails and feast on delicious seafood –for kiwis, summer is all about indulgence and celebrations. It’s a great time of year to learn to surf. Places like?,??and??are surfing meccas. Rotorua’s?, dotted with enormous Redwood Trees, are dappled with shade – the perfect way to stay cool! Heli hiking on ancient??is a great activity for the hotter months, when there are clear skies and little rain.


The speech about Charlie Chaplin Now, I will introduce Charlie Chaplin to you. “Time is a great author, it will give each person to write a perfect ending.” This famous saying from Charlie Chaplin is the portrayal of his life.“He made a great contribution to the art of film which is inestimable at this century.”This is the highest evaluation given by Hollywood and the main idea of us.The next we will introduce him from the following two aspects.The first is his personal introduction.Then we will show some video works to you. Charlie Chaplin, KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor, film director and composer best known for his work during the silent film era.He became the most famous film star in the world before the end of World War I. Chaplin used mime, slapstick and other visual comedy routines, and continued well into the era of the talkies, though his films decreased in frequency from the end of the 1920s. His most famous role was that of The Tramp. The Tramp is a vagrant with the refined manners, cloths, and dignity of a gentleman. Chaplin, with his Tramp character, quickly became the most popular star and this popularity last over twenty years. He laid the foundation of modern comedy and “The Tramp”, Chaplin’s principal character also influenced other comedian to copy him later. is one of the representation films by Charlie Chaplin. This film shows Chaplin’s iconic little Tramp character struggling to survive in the modern, industri alized world. The film is a comment on the desperate employment and fiscal conditions many people faced during the great depression.The ideological content of this film is profound , and Chaplin’s acting reaches a high degree of excellence. The first talkie by Chaplin is . This film was act of defiance against Nazism and Hitler. It was a fearlessly performance for Chaplin Sr. who lived in a world shrouded in the darkness by political atmosphere. It discloses the ugliness of Nazism according to act a vivid role of jews. People can see how the Chaplin’s political view about by this film brightly. These films and his whole life bring us endless fun and deeply thinking.He corresponds to the honor-----pioneering film artist and global celebrity.The personal charm contributes to his achievement.Just as his quote ,"To believe in yourself, this is the secret of success."

The Raven(爱伦坡作品)英文读后感

Shavian once claimed that America had bred two magnificent authors, that is, Edgar·Allan·Poe and Mark Twain. After reading Edgar·Allan·Poe’s masterpiece---The Raven, it occurred to me that Allan·Poe lives up to his reputation which is the pioneer in Ameri can literature and representative of American Romantics. Edgar·Allan·Poe, born in a family of acting, has led a miserable life but came up with a great many works of art and have contributed a lot to American literature. Poe once said, “to me, the poem is not a purpose, but a passion.” And this poem—The Raven is a perfect embodiment of his literary theory. To achieve the beauty of rhythm, he adopted the “abcbbb” pattern, and the b rimes, which are based on the constant refrain, “Nevermore.” And every time I finish reading it, I couldn’t resist the excitement of appreciating such an article that blends with the beauty of music. This poem tells a story happened between a weary young man and a raven that kept repeating one single sentence, “Nevermore.” And wit h the raven’s repetition, the rhythm becomes stronger and more pronounced as the poem reaches its emotional climax. Through this story, we can see the grief in Poe after losing his beloved Lenore as well as his excellent skill in writing. Besides, in this poem, “…separate ember wrought its ghost upon the floor…” “the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain” and some other descriptions of the environment build a scene full of sadness


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 A Comparison between Tess and Hester’s Tragic Destiny 2 英文商务索赔信的人际意义功能分析 3 《太阳照常升起》中科恩屡遭排斥的根源分析 4 “Terror of the Soul”:On the Gothic Writing Features in Allan Poe’s The Black Cat 5 公共标识翻译的跨文化语用学研究 6 初中英语词汇教学的有效方法 7 《天黑前的夏天》中女主人公凯特的自我救赎之路 8 十九世纪英国唯美主义的生成语境与基本特征 9 文化背景下英文电影名称的中译 10 浅析狄更斯小说中匹克威克的性格特点 11 文档所公布各专业原创毕业论文。原创Q 95 80 35 640 12 语言艺术与目的性操纵的杂合——英文电影片名的翻译 13 对“老人与海”中人物的分析 14 合作原则在《红楼梦》习语英译中的应用 15 《嘉莉妹妹》和《名利场》中的女性的性格及命运对比分析 16 麦都思眼中的中国宗教形象 17 《老人与海》中圣地亚哥人物形象的特点探析 18 A Pragmatic Analysis of Oxymoron in Advertising 19 An Application of Schema Theory in Interpreting 20 简析班纳特太太的婚恋观 21 从异化和归化角度对《爱玛》两个中文译本的比较研究 22 (英语系经贸英语)成本领先战略与英国易捷航空 23 A Contrast of Two Chinese Versions of The Scarlet Letter 24 从违反合作原则看电影语言的会话含义——以《最后的武士》为例 25 弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫《达洛维夫人》的写作技巧剖析 26 An Analysis of Snobbery in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Mansfield Park 27 The Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Tess in Tess of The D'Urbervilles 28 A Discussion of the Cultural Similarities and Differences of Color Terms in English and Chinese 29 我国高中生英语学习动机研究 30 从功能翻译理论谈旅游手册中文化因素的翻译 31 从生态女性主义角度看《德伯家的苔丝》 32 The Elementary Stage Translation Teaching Design for Undergraduate English Majors 33 人力资源管理浅谈 34 外交辞令中模糊语言的语用分析 35 《哈利波特》中斯内普的人物分析 36 《当幸福来敲门》和《肖申克的救赎》两部电影主人公的对比分析 37 对比研究中西文化中的委婉语 38 《追风筝的人》中阿米尔的性格分析 39 汉语公示语的英译 40 《荆棘鸟》中的三位女性形象——追寻荆棘的女人


Hello everyone, we will introduce you New Zealand custom which contains Traditional Māori art festival etiquette. Maori Carvings:The early Maori without words,they cut mark recorded history in the wood,thereby forming a unique Maori woodcarving.traditional Māori art was highly spiritual and in a pre-literate society conveyed information about spiritual matters, ancestry, and other culturally important topics. Hongi:A hongi is a traditional Māori greeting in New Zealand. It is done by pressing one's nose and forehead (at the same time) to another person at an encounter.It is used at traditional meetings among Māori people and on major ceremonies and serves a similar purpose to a formal handshake in modern western culture, and indeed a hongi is often used in conjunction with one, can also be interpreted as the sharing of both party's souls. Waitangi Day /wa??t??i/the Treaty of Waitangi was signed commemorates a significant day in the history of New Zealand. It is a public holiday held each year on 6 February to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, Annual commemorations of the treaty signing began in 1947. The 1947 event was a Royal New Zealand Navy ceremony centring on a flagpole which the Navy had paid to erect in the grounds. The ceremony was brief and featured no Māori. From 1952, the Governor General attended, and from 1958 the Prime Minister also attended, although not every year. Burning stone baked rice:New Zealand Maori often use geothermal to steambeef, mutton, potato and other food.They produced "Burning stone baked rice", pumpkin, sweet potatoes, pork, beef, chicken, fish , and then sprinkle with salt, pepper and other edible. They expressed their hospitality with this kind of food. Hunting: New Zealand arefamous for their "green". Although the territory is mountainous and hills which occupy more than 75% of the total area, The four seasons is neither hot nor cold . Plant growth is lush, the forest coverage rate reached 29 percent, accounting for half of the natural farm or ranch land area. So it’s very suitable for hunting.and the folks all over the world go to New Zealand for hunting.


Charlie Chaplin Speaking of Chaplin, everyone will think of such a image,wearing a black hat and In small suit and big trousers ,The most characteristic is his those long leather shoes and sexy moustaches . Chaplin mainly acting in silent films. He has a lot of comedy classic.The representative figure of has also become a world of comedy. Anyone who saw his comedy, no one said that his performance is not funny. His performance on the stage give a person leave deep impression. We also have a lot of people imitate him later. Charlie Chaplin is famous all over the world, His most famous role was that of The Tramp, which he first played in the Keystone comedy Kid Auto Races at Venice in 1914. From the April 1914 one-reeler Twenty Minutes of Love onwards he was writing and directing most of his films, by 1916 he was also producing, and from 1918 composing the music. Let's miss the great comedian. 学号:201407519 姓名:杨文科


读爱伦·坡的短篇小说 上课时,听到老师讲起萧伯纳曾声称:“美国出了两个伟大的作家——埃德加·爱伦·坡和马克·吐温。” 因自己对爱伦·坡的陌生而深感惭愧,于是拜读了他的部分作品。 《黑猫》作为丝丝入扣、让人不寒而栗的“心理小说先驱”,读来毛骨悚然而又欲罢不能。明明《黑猫》中没有什么强烈的血腥恐怖场面甚至仅是以第一人称絮絮叨叨的讲述一个人杀了一只黑猫,后来另一只黑猫以奇特的方式复仇的故事。全文一字不及幽灵鬼怪,但在描述人內心邪恶的念头时,却令人不寒而栗。《黑猫》具有强烈的哥特式传奇色彩,以绚烂精致的文笔塑造出人内心的恶,以及人内心强烈的矛盾冲突,带给人窒息的紧张感。 爱伦·坡一生写了六七十篇短篇小说,虽然只写了四五篇推理小说,但是举世公认为推理小说的鼻祖。他的代表作《莫格街血案》、《玛丽·罗杰疑案》、《窃信案》和《金甲虫》都被奉为这类小说的先河,对后世起了很大影响。如今很多人认为夏洛克·福尔摩斯的创造者柯南·道尔才是推理小说之父。我也不例外是先拜读的《福尔摩斯侦探集》,并且崇拜着那位睿智的近乎万能的福尔摩斯。然而,当我读了爱伦·坡的《莫格街凶杀案》,却发现只需要粗略地对比一下柯南·道尔的首部作品《血字的研究》与爱伦·坡的《莫格街凶杀案》,就能发现福尔摩斯的形象简直就是爱德加笔下那位西·奥古斯特·杜宾的翻版,甚至连福尔摩斯的助手华生,也跟杜宾的朋友,也就是那个以第一人称描述故事的人称惊人地相似——他们都是以自己的平庸反衬出那位让他们相形见绌的主角是多么的明察秋毫,多么的了不起。更惊人的是,福尔摩斯连出场方式都似乎是照搬杜宾的。甚至这形成了一种侦探小说的模式,即侦探多是具有超人智力、观察入微、料事如神的理想人物,为了衬托他的了不起,又借一个对他无限钦佩、相形见绌的朋友来叙述他的事迹,此外还写了一个头脑愚钝、动机虽好而屡犯错误的警探作为对比,而作案地点一般安排在锁得严严密密的暗室,埋藏赃物罪证则用明显得出人意外的方法,破案过程则用逻辑严谨、设身处地的推理,然后有条不紊的迫使罪犯就范归案,在读者陷入种种谜团时再由主人公洋洋自得、滔滔不绝的解释其全过程。而这一模式在一百四十年来已为全世界各国侦探小说家竞相师法,不少这类作品都是步他後尘,脱不了这个窠臼。没有纠缠烂俗的爱情故事,也没有跌宕起伏的情节,只有抽丝剥茧般严密的纯粹的逻辑推理,这就是爱伦坡的推理小说。而在他的推理小说中,他描写心理和制造诡异气氛的能力也是无与伦比的。让我每每不寒而栗,却又执意的看到最后直至谜题的揭晓。


Washington Irving(father of American literature)1. He is the first belletrist(pure art writer) in American literature, writing for pleasure at a time when writing was practical and for useful purposes (Franklin). 2. He is the first American literary humorist. 3. He has written the first modern short stories. 4. He is the first to write history and biography as entertainment. 5. He introduced the nonfiction prose as a literary genre. 6. His use of the gothic looks forward to Poe. Writing style Gentility,urbanity,pleasantness Enveloping stories in an atmosphere Vivid and true character Humor smiling while reading Musical language His famous writing The Sketch Book《见闻札记》 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow《睡谷的传说》 The analysis of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow The story: It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a priggish schoolmaster from Connecticut, who compete with Abraham”Brom Bones” V an Brunt, a buff and tough man, for the hand of eighteen-old Katrina V an Tassel. Ichabod Crane: shrewd, credulous, self-assertive, coward, commercial. Theme: one of the great theme of American literature and American folklore is the clash between the city and the country, between civilization and the wilderness. Influence: The book touched the American imagination and foreshadowed the coming of Hawthorne, Melville, and Poe, in whose hands the short story attained a degree of perfection as a literary tradition. It also marked the beginning of American Romanticism. Edgar Allan Poe: (内容很多自己挑着看) Major Themes 1. Love -- usually of a mourning man for his deceased beloved. 2. Pride -- physical and intellectual. 3. Beauty -- of a young woman either dying or dead. 4. Death -- a source of horror. Paradoxes in Poe

Introduction of Chaplin卓别林生平介绍英文版

Introduction of Chaplin's life In 1889, Chaplin was born in a slum area of London, his parents were music hall actors. His father had died, his mother suffers from mental illness, childhood he was homeless, He lived in the orphanage, he was to be groom and hawker. At the age of 14, Chaplin joined the mobile group, throughout the UK. At the age of 19, he became a famous actor, and with the mission to Europe, the United States and other performances. In 1913 he went to the United States, began working in the movie business, and in 1914 in the film "Venice racing down "created a tragedy "Charlotte" little people, and the special attire tramp image around the world for 70 years, enduring. Throughout his life Chaplin starred in more than 80 films, some of his representative works, such as "peace", "dog career", "the kid", "gold rush", "city lights", "modern times", "big brother" and other works, These works sympathy for the poor and ridicule the rich . His works unique style, comedy is very popular, but also makes people happy after the bitter, have sympathy for the oppressed people. Chaplin has lived in the United States for nearly 40 years, after the Second World War, due to McCarthyism's in US. In 1952 he was filled with resentment, leaving the United States returned to England with his wife and son. After then, he settled in Switzerland. a long time. December 25, 1977 morning 4 when, Charlie Chaplin humor master world famous died, at the age of 88. One of his representative works "The Great Dictator" is Chaplin's most successful film, but also his first sound film. This is the anti war theme movie he directed, shot during the Second World War, describes a suffered cruel persecution of Jews, and a rule the world dictator. Chaplin


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