

anger, indignation, fury, wrath


1.anger :普通用词,通常指因受到侮辱、损害、指责或顶撞等而引起的愤怒。

例如:She is swift to anger. (她爱生气。)

He is quivering with anger. (他气得全身发抖。)

2.indignation :较正式用词,指出于正义或对不公正之事而发出的愤怒。

例如:The news aroused the great indignation. (这消息激起了极大的愤慨。)

3.fury :语气最强,指极端的气愤,甚至达到发疯的程度。

例如:He flew into a fury and said that the whole thing was disgusting.(他勃然大怒,说这一切令人作呕。)

4.wrath :文学用词,含义与anger相近,但语气强,含欲加惩罚或报复的意味。

例如:His silence marked his wrath.(他的沉默表明了他的愤怒。)


1.appoint :通常指不经过选择的官方委任。

例如:He was appointed secretary.(他被任命为秘书。)

2.designate :书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。

例如:The chairman has designated her as his successor. (主席已指定她作为他的接班人。)

3.assign :常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。

例如:The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate.(上尉派了两个士兵守大门。)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf447677.html, :普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。

例如:The President named him to be Secretary of State.(总统任命他为国务卿。)

5.nominate :通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。

例如:I nominate Bill as the club president.(我提名比尔为俱乐部主席候选人。)

apparent, obvious, evident, clear, plain, distinct, definite, manifest


1.apparent :强调显而易见或一想便知。这个词从动词appear派生而来,故有时含有表面如此而事实上未必的意味。

例句:The apparent truth was really a lie.(表面上看似实话,实际上是个谎言。)2.obvious :语气较强,指极为明显,有目共睹,无需说明和论证。

例句:You shouldn't tell such obvious lies.(你不该说如此明显的谎话。)

3.evident :指根据事实成为显然的。

例句:This fact is too evident to require proof.(这事实很明显,用不着证明。)4.clear :普通用词,侧重清楚明白。

例句:He gave us a very clear explanation.(他给我们做了非常清楚的解释。)

5.plain :普通用词,含义与clear很接近,可通用,但plain着重简单明了,不复杂。

例句:The plain truth is that he doesn't like you.(说白了,他不喜欢你。)

6.distinct :较正式用词,指轮廓的清楚或定义、含义的明确,不会弄错。

例句:There is a distinct improvement in your spoken English.(你的英语口语有明显的进步。)

7.definite :语气肯定,着重明白无误,无可怀疑。

例句:We demand a definite answer.(我们要求明确的答案。)

8.manifest :语义较强,书面用词,强调一目了然,暗示不要任何推论就一清二楚。

例句:It was their manifest failure to modernize the country's industries.


apparatus, instrument, device, equipment, tool, implement, appliance, facilities



1.apparatus :既可指某种具体的由许多不同零件构成的复杂的仪器、装置或器械,又可指它们的总称。

The astronauts have special breathing apparatus. (宇航员有特殊的呼吸装置。)2.instrument :通常指能使人们完成某一精确动作或测量的一种小型仪器,尤指电工仪表、测量装置,航海或航空用的控制装置。

Thanks for the accurate instrument, which helps the sailors to avoid the

submerged reef.(多亏了这个精密仪器才使得水手们避开了暗礁。)

3.device :多指为某一特殊用途或解决某一特定机械问题而设计或改装的精巧的仪


A computer is a device for processing information. (电脑是用来处理信息的。)4.equipment :多指成套的或重型的设备或装备。通常用作不可数名词。

We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment. (我们必须向探险队提供最好的装备。)

5. tool :一般指进行特种工作的手工工具,也可指人造使用动力的工具,还可作引申用。

I have a complete set of carpenter's tools. (我有全套的木工工具。)

The king was just the tool of the military government. (国王只是军政府的一个傀儡。)(引申)

6.implement :原指史前人类所用的工具,现在多指农用工具,也可指为实现某个任务所需的工具或器具。

The best implement for digging a garden is a spade.(在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。)

7.appliance :侧重指家用机器或设备,尤指家用电器。

Dish washer is one of the appliances. (洗碗机是家用电器的一种。)

8.facilities :常用复数形式,指可供使用的设备或设施。

Facilities to the human's needs and other delicate cares in the station reflect the thorough care from the Metro.(在车站的各种人性化设施和体贴入


anything but, nothing but, all but, none but


1.anything but :(=not at all, by no means, never)表示“决不,根本不”。

例如:She is anything but a beauty.(她一点也不漂亮。)

2.nothing but :(=only)表示“只不过,除了……以外什么也没有”。

例如:They did nothing but complain.(他们只知道抱怨。)

3.all but :(=almost, nearly)表示“几乎,差一点”。

例如:She all but fainted when she heard the news.(听到那消息,她差点晕过去。)

4.none but :(=no one except)表示“只有;除……外谁也不”。

例如:None but my mother fully understands my condition.(最了解我的情况的人不是别人正是我的母亲。)

answer, reply, respond, retort


1.answer :常用词,指用书面、口头或行动对他人的请求、询问、质问等作出回答或反应。

例如:In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.(在回答这些问题的过程中,我要么就点头,要么就发出奇怪的叫声。)

2.reply :较正式用词,较少用于口语。侧重经过考虑的较正式答复。

例如:The officer replied the guard's salute by a nod.(那位军官点一点头以回答卫兵的敬礼。)

3.respond :正式用词,指即刻的,以口头或行动对外来的号召、请求或刺激等作出回答或响应或回应。

例如:I struck him a crack and he responded with a kick.(我啪的打了他一下,他踢回了一脚。)

4.retort :指对不同意见、批评或控诉作出迅速、有力的回答,即“反驳”。

例如:He retorted the invective on her.(他用恶言讽刺还击她。)

anxiety, worry, care, concern


1.anxiety :指对预料中的不祥之事的焦虑。

例如:There's a lot of anxiety among the staff about possible job losses.(工作人员都很忧虑,担心可能失业。)

2.worry :侧重对未知事态演变的忧虑。

例如:She is always worrying about little things.她老是为小事烦恼。

3.care :强调因出于责任感或顾虑等而产生的不安。

例如:The captain cares the safety of both the crew and the passengers.(船长为船员和旅客们的安全操心。)

4.concern :作“关心”用时,是indifference(冷漠)的反义词,侧重对他人健康、安全等的关心,也可暗示对困难、危险或失败等的忧虑。

例如:Our losses are beginning to concern me.(我们的损失使我担心起来。)

anxious, eager, keen


1.anxious :强调因忧虑、关注或害怕而产生的急切心情。

例如:They are really anxious for peace.(他们确实渴望和平。)

2.eager :侧重于急于成功的迫切心情。

例如:He was eager after knowledge.(他渴求知识。)

3.keen :强调因兴趣强烈或欲望而急于做某事。

例如:The boy is keen to go to sea.(这孩子很想去航海。)

announce, declare, proclaim, pronounce, advertise, broadcast, publish


1.announce :多指首次宣布大家感兴趣或可满足大家好奇心的事情。

例如:They announced that a cold wave would come soon. 他们报告说不久寒流就要来。

2.declare :侧重正式就某事清楚明白地宣布。

例如:He declared that the meeting has been postponed.(他宣布会议已延期了。)3.proclaim :指官方宣布重大事件或施政方针,语体比announce正式。

例如:The government has proclaimed

a new law.(政府已公布了一项新法令。)

4.pronounce :词义与announce,declare接近,但较多用于指法律判决方面的宣布。

例如:Has judgment been pronounced yet? (判决宣布了吗?)

5.advertise :指通过文字和图像资料等的反复宣传而引起公众的注意,有时隐含令人不快或言过其实的意味。

例如:It is unwise of them to advertise their willingness to make concessions at the negotiations.(他们宣扬愿意在谈判中让步, 这是不明智的。)

6.broadcast :专指利用广播或电视传播消息或发表见解。

例如:The radio broadcast the news in detail.(无线电台详细地广播了那则消息。)7.publish :专指通过报刊或其它媒介向公众公布事情。

例如:The only daily newspaper in the city did not publish yesterday because of a strike.(昨天市内惟一的日报因罢工而没出版。)

almost, nearly, about, approximately, roughly


1.almost :指在程度上相差很小,差不多。

例如:In his blind haste he almost ran into the river.他匆匆忙忙地几乎跑到河里去了。


例如:The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water.那球重重地打在他身上,他几乎掉下水去。

2.about :常可分almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。

例如:She died about two years ago.她大约在两年前就死了。

3.approximately :多用于书面语,指精确度接近某个标准以致误差可忽略不计。

例如:this is just an approximate figure.这仅是个大概数字。

4.roughly :指按精略估计,常代替about。

例如:He roughly outlined the plot of the opera.他粗略地概述了歌剧的情节。aim, goal, purpose, end, target, object


1.aim :从本义“靶子”引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。

例如:You aim too low. (你志向太低。)

2.goal :指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。

例如:When he at last arrived in Rome he felt he had reached his goal.(当他终于抵达罗马时, 他感到自己已达到了目的。)

3.purpose :普通用词,既指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实际的目标。

例如:He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people.(他返回祖国, 意在为祖国人民服务。)

4.end :指心目中怀着的某种目的,强调结果而非过程。较正式用词。

例如:Do the ends justify the means?(只要目的正当就可以不择手段吗?)

5.target :指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。引申指被攻击、批评或潮笑的目标。

例如:What's the target readership of this paper? (这份报纸以哪些人为读者对象?)

6.object :强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。

例如:Our object is to get at the truth. (我们的目的是弄清事实真相。)

agreement, contract, treaty, convention, understanding, accord



1.agreement :普通用词,含义最确定,泛指个人、团体或国家之间取得一致而达成的任何协议、协定或合同、契约等,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。

例如:A signed agreement is not susceptible of change.(已签署的协议不可再改动。)

2.contract :侧重指双方或多方订立的具有法律效力的正式的书面合同或契约。

例如:Once you have reached formal agreement, you should enter into a

contract with the other party.(你一旦达成正式协议, 就应该和对方签订合同。)

3.treaty :指国家之间经外交谈判后依照国际法签订的正式条约。

例如:They signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration.(他们通过仲裁签订了解决所有边境争端的条约。)

4.convention :比treaty更专门化,但不及treaty正式。也可指国家之间就有关事情签订的条约。

例如:Japan has signed a convention of peace with a neighbouring country.(日本已与邻国签署一项和平协定。)

5.understanding :指不具约束力的非正式的协议。

例如:We have reached an understanding with them.(我们和他们达成了协议。)

6.accord :多指国际间的非正式协议。


【Vocabulary and Structure】专项练习100题 1. It is well known that Tomas Edison __________ the electric lamp. A. discovered B. Found C. developed D. invented 2. I couldn’t enter the lab because I had ____________ the key in my office. A. taken B. left C. missed D. got 3. I regret ____________ you that we are unable to offer you employment. A. informing C. to inform B. having informed D. to have informed 4. The chairman has informed us that he ____________a few minutes late after the meeting begins. A. has arrived C. could arrive B. should arrive D. may arrive 5. She had made __________many mistakes in the article that we couldn’t catch what she meant. A. such B. that C. so D. as 6. I sincerely ____________him to make great progress with his new job in a short tine. A. expect B. believe C. think D. instruct 7. Is ____________ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. such 8. She said she would live in London for ____________ four or five years. A. another B. others C. other D. the others 9. Mr. Smith used to smoke ____________but he has given it up now. A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. hardly 10. Thousands of people took part in when the old temple ____________. A. was rebuilding C. would be rebuilt B. was being rebuilt D. had been rebuilt 【1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A7.C8.A9.C10.B】 11. ____ with each other, two systems can work better. A) When combine C) When combined B) When combining D) When they combined 12. It's important that everyone ____ here on time. A) is B) will be C) must be D) be 13. The stormy weather gradually gave _____ to a period of sunshine. A) room B) way C) space D) place 14. I could not do anything except just _____ for him to come round. A) waiting B) to wait C) waited D) wait 15. I can't _____ the sight of that poor man. A) suffer B) endure C) bear D) put up 16. Wang Ming ____ ill. I saw him playing basketball a moment ago. A) needn't have been C) couldn't have been B) must have been D) can't be 17. ____ that her son had fallen from a tree and broken his leg, she hurried back home.


英语专四词汇表(A) abdomen n. 腹,腹部 abolish vt. 废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等) aboriginal adj. 土著的,原来的n. 土著居民 aborigine n. (澳洲的)土著;土人 abound vi. 多,大量存在,富于,充满 abridge v. 删节,削减,精简 abrupt adj. 突然的,陡峭的,生硬的 absolve v. 宣布免除(承诺、责任等);赦免,免受惩处,宣告无罪abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的,丰富,盛产,富于

abuse n. 滥用,虐待,辱骂,陋习,弊端v. 滥用,虐待,辱骂 accessory n. 附件,零件,附加物,从犯,同谋者adj. 附属的,补充的,同谋的,副的accommodate vt. 供应,供给,使适应,调节,和解,向……提供,容纳,调和vi. 适应accompaniment n. 陪伴物,伴奏 accomplished adj. 完成的,熟练的,多才多艺的 accord n. 一致,符合,调和,协定vt. 一致,给与vi. 符合◆of one’s own accord 自愿地,自动地accordingly adv. 因此,从而 accordion n. 手风琴adj. 可折叠的 ace n. (纸牌或骰子)幺点,一流人才,高手,佼佼者 acknowledge vt. 承认,答谢,报偿 acquaint vt. 使熟知,通知

acquaintance n. 相识,熟人 acrobat n. (走钢丝的)杂技演员,随机应变者,翻云覆雨者 acronym n. 首字母的缩写词 acupuncture n. 针刺疗法 acute adj. 敏锐的,激烈的,严重的[医]急性的,剧烈 adapter n. 适配器,改编者 addict n. 入迷的人,有瘾的人 adhere vi. 粘附,胶着,坚持v. 坚持◆adhere to坚持;坚信;忠于adherence n. 粘着,忠诚,坚持 adjacent adj. 邻近的,接近的◆be adjacent to接近 admiral n. 海军上将,舰队司令,旗舰


1. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. He pratices (speak)English every day. 2. Our English teacher made us ____ __ (not talk)about our friends in Chinese. 3. I often see them (watch)TV. 4. My father always (teach)me how to study English last term . 5. I (call)you when I arrive there. 6. It’s seven o’clock. Everyone (read)English. 7. Don’t worry. I will tell you how (use)the computer.. 8. It is very important ________(not give)them a shower. 9. Do you mind my (close)the window? 10. I hope you (come).next Friday. 2. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.Tony usually _________(get)up at seven o'clock. 2.Betty _________(not often do)her homework on Friday. 3.Let's _________(go)to a Taijiquan class. 4.Daming can _________(talk)about jobs in English. 5.Kate _________(not have)got any brothers. 4. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.He works hard and becomes a _____(law). 2.I don't like eating _____ fish.(fry) 4.Tom often goes to school without ______ breakfast.(have) 5.Do you live on the _____ floor? (nine) 5. 用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。 1.He has much (interesting)in collecting stamps. 2.Believe in (you),Tony,and you are sure to succeed。 3.I found something important in (today)newspaper。 4.More trees and flowers should be (plant)to make our hometown beautiful,5.Don’t worry,Kitty.With our help,you will do much (well)next time.6.More and more people in the world are (begin)to learn Mandarin(普通话).7.It’s such a (wonder)song that we all like it.


一、选择题 1.--Mary failed the exam yesterday. --- Give her a phone call. We should ______. A.cheer up her B.cheer up C.cheer her up D.cheered up 2.Because of his mistakes when dealing with the electricity problems, last Friday he was by the company. A.got off B.took off C.kicked off 3.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 4.We can’t trust him. He always some excuses for doing something wrong. A.makes up B.sets up C.takes up D.puts up 5.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 6.George couldn’t wait to _________ his new car. A.put off B.set off C.take off D.show off 7.—You look so sad. What happened? 一The exam to be much harder than I thought. A.broke out B.carried out C.put out D.turned out 8.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 9.______ a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself. A.Try on B.Get on C.Turn on D.Put on 10.— Can I speak to Mrs Green? — Sorry, wrong number. Please to 114 and check the number. A.put out B.put off C.put through D.put away 11.--You hate that TV play, don’t you? --Not _______. I just think it’s a bit boring. A.likely B.exactly C.nearly D.carefully 12.The math problem is so difficult that only few students can _______. A.work on it B.work for it C.work it over D.work it out 13.You should go to see him since he is so seriously ill. ________, he is your brother. A.In all B.First of all C.Above all D.After all 14.—It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate Cam paign. —Sure. We should try to _______all the food that we’ve ordered. A.give up B.eat up C.turn up D.show up 15.---Jack, you seemed _______ at the party.

(英语)高中英语词汇训练测试(一)Unit 1—Unit 8

高中英语词汇训练测试(一) Unit 1—Unit 8 姓名分数 一、根据汉语写出单词的正确形式。(每小题一分) 1. Speaking with a strong (口音), be was laughed at sometimes. 2. Free (住宿)will be provided for all the contestants. 3. All the children must be (陪伴)by adults when riding the roller coaster. 4. His boss doesn't (欣赏)his talents, making him depressed. 5. Please ask him to leave his (地址)to us. 6.You should be (羞耻的)of yourself for telling such lies. 7. He was________(意外地) caught stealing when a postman was sending mail. 8. At school, we not only a (获得)knowledge but also improve ourselves in other aspects. 9. The students' union (倡议,提倡)that we beautify the campus by planting trees 10. (酒精的)drinks are forbidden in this restaurant. 11. He is so (好斗的)that his classmates tend to avoid him. 12. As an (有抱负的)young man, I aim high and spare no effort to achieve my goal. 13. After (分析)the situation, we agreed to take action immediately. 14. The book will teach you how to deal with (焦虑)in an effective way. 15. The (申请者)are required to hand in their resumes before May 15th. 16. His remarks aroused an (争论)among the people present. 17. After-class (活动)are treated as an essential part of school life. 18. I dream of being an (建筑师)in the future. 19. He went onto the stage and the audience began to (鼓掌)him for his courage. 20. (运动员)from all parts of the world will take part in the competitions. 21. My teachers are good at creating a relaxing (气氛)for us. 22. My neighbor is related to the (企图的)murder. 23. They entered the hall through the (自动的)door. 24. Don't judge others by (外貌). 25. The freshmen are listening to the pre8ident (专心地). 26. It is really a (廉价货)compared with goods of the same quality. 27. I will help to clear away all the (障碍)on the path ahead. 28. We were amazed at the (美)of nature. 29. I sleep for an (平均)of eight hours every day. 30. They can provide practical courses, especially for the (初学者). 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。(每小题一分) 1. Theories are too abstract to be understood by kids. 2. The family members of the performers will have free admission. 3. There is an abundant supply of fresh water in this area. 4. We must stop abusing animals. 5. We were all shocked by his account of the accident. 6. The country children have access to good education now.


初中英语专题训练题 专题一:词汇部分(名词、数词、冠词) A:名词专项 可修饰名词的常用词: 1)修饰可数名词与不可数名词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 2)饰可数名词的有:many, (a)few, a large (great) number of 3)只修饰不可数名词的有:much, (a)little, a great deal of 2、难点 1)名词所有格的归纳 1、a student's room, students' rooms, father's shoes。 2、Children's Day 3、a friend of my father's 4、a twenty minutes' walk,ten miles' journey,a boat's length,two pounds' weight, ten dollars' worth。 (说明:表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用 's)5、a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers。 (说明:无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构) 6、Li Lei and Wang Fei's bedroom, an hour and a half's talk (说明:表示两个名词共有一样东西时,在第二个名词后面加's) 7、Jim's and Peter's desks; Joe's and David's books


pacific a.和平的n.太平洋pack vt.捆扎;挤满n.包package n.包裹,包,捆packet n.小包(裹),小捆 pad n.垫;本子vt.填塞 page n.页 pail n.桶,提桶 pain n.痛,痛苦悲伤;辛劳painful a.使痛的;费力的paint vt.画;油漆vi.绘画painter n.漆工,画家,绘画者painting n.油画;绘画;着色pair n.一对vi.成对,配对palace n.宫,宫殿 pale a.苍白的;浅的 palm n.手掌,手心;掌状物pan n.平底锅,盘子 panda n.小猫熊;猫熊 pane n.窗格玻璃 panel n.专门小组;面,板pant n.气喘;心跳 paper n.纸;官方文件;文章

parade n.游行;检阅vi.游行paradise n.伊甸乐园;天堂paragraph n.(文章的)段,节parallel a.平行的;相同的parcel n.包裹,小包,邮包pardon n.原谅;赦免vt.原谅parent n.父亲,母亲,双亲 park n.公园;停车场 parliament n.议会,国会 part n.一部分;零件;本份partial a.部分的;不公平的partially ad.部分地 participate vi.参与,参加;分享particle n.粒子,微粒 particular a.特殊的;特定的particularly ad.特别,尤其,格外partly ad.部分地,不完全地partner n.伙伴;搭挡;配偶party n.党,党派;聚会 pass vt.经过;通过;度过passage n.通过;通路,通道passenger n.乘客,旅客,过路人


acplish vt. 完成,实现(计划、诺言等) frustrate vt. 使沮丧;挫败 disrupt vt. 使中断,扰乱 discourage vt. 使泄气;阻止 entail vt. 使承担,需要 bewilder vt. 使迷惑 assure vt. 使确信;确保 timid a. 羞怯的,胆小的 confidence n. 信任;信心 confidential a. 秘密的;表示信任的;担任XX工作的 resist vt.抵抗;抗(病等);忍住vi. 抵抗 resistant a.(to)抵抗的,耐…的 restrain vt.阻止;抑制 refrain vi.(from)抑制,戒除n.(诗歌的)叠句 setback n. 挫折,倒退 limitation n. 限制;(常pl.)局限 confine vt.限制;使不外出n.(pl.)界限 restrict vt. 限制 expand v. 扩X;膨胀 expansion n. 扩展;膨胀 stretch v. 伸展,延伸;使倾注全力n. 一段时间;伸展,延伸finance n. 财政;(常pl.)资金vt. 为…提供资金 bonus n. 奖金;额外给予的东西 enlarge v. 扩大;放大 budget n. 预算v.(for)做安排a. 低廉的 disclose vt. 透露 expose vt. 暴露;(to)使处于…作用之下;揭露 uncover vt. 揭露;揭开…的盖子 abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃 quit v. 停止,放弃;离开 resign vi. 辞职vt. 放弃;(to)使顺从 surrender v. 投降,放弃;(to)屈服(于) n. 投降,放弃release vt./n. 释放;解除;放开;发布 discharge v./n. 允许…离开;排出;卸(货);放电 dismiss vt. 不再考虑;解雇;解散;驳回 expel vt. 把…开除;驱逐;排出 qualify v.(使)胜任,(使)具有资格 qualification n. 资格,合格证书;限制 license n. 执照;许可vt. 给…发许可证 favo(u)rable a. 称赞的;有利的 disperse v. 分散;消散 dispel v. 驱散,消除 objection n. 反对;反对的理由 objective n. 目标a. 客观的


三年级(上册) Unit 1 _______钢笔_______铅笔_______铅笔盒_______尺子 _______橡皮_______蜡笔 _______书_______书包 _______卷笔刀_______学校 Unit 2 _______头_______脸_______鼻子_______嘴_______眼睛_______耳朵_______胳膊_______手指 _______腿 _______脚_______身体 Unit 3 _______红色的_______黄色的_______绿色的_______蓝色的 _______紫色的_______白色的_______黑色的_______橙色的 _______粉色的_______棕色的 Unit 4 _______猫_______狗 _______猴子 _______熊猫 _______兔子 _______鸭子_______猪_______鸟 _______熊 _______大象_______老鼠_______松鼠 Unit 5 _______蛋糕_______面包_______热狗_______汉堡包_______鸡肉_______茶_______榨薯条_______可乐_______果汁_______牛奶_______水_______咖啡 Unit 6 _______一_______二_______三_______四 _______五 _______六_______七_______八_______九_______

十_______玩具娃娃_______小船_______球_______风筝 _______气球_______小汽车_______飞机 三年级(下册) Unit 1 _______男孩 _______女孩_______教师_______学生 _______这个_______我的 _______朋友_______好的。愉快的 _______早上好_______下午好_______遇见。碰见 _______再见_______也。太 Unit 2 _______父亲。爸爸 _______爸爸(口语) _______母亲。妈妈_______妈妈(口语) _______男人_______女人_______(外)祖母_______(口语)(外)祖母 _______(外)祖父_______(口语)(外)祖父 _______姐妹_______兄弟 _______让我们_______太好了_______真地。确切地_______和。并且_______多么。怎么样 Unit 3 _______十一_______十二_______十三_______十四 _______十五_______十六_______十七_______十八 _______十九_______二十 _______多少_______能够。可以_______看。瞧 Unit 4 _______桃 _______梨 _______橙子_______西瓜 _______苹果_______香蕉_______草莓_______葡萄_______喜欢_______一些。某些_______多谢 Unit 5 _______公共汽车 _______自行车 _______出租车_______吉普车_______课桌


英语专四词汇表 英语专业四级词汇(新大纲) academic / AkE demik/ a.学院的;学术的 accommodate / E kRmEdeit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation / E,kRmE deiFE n/ n.招待设备;预定铺位accumulate / E kju:mjulei t/ vt.积累 vi.堆积 accuracy / AkjurEsi/ n.准确(性);准确度 accurate / Akjurit/ a.准确的,正确无误的 accuse / E kju:z/ v t.指责;归咎于 acid / Asid/ n.酸;酸的,酸性的 acquaintance / E kweintE ns/ n.认识;了解;熟人acquire / E kwaiE/ vt.取得;获得;学到=get acre / eikE/ n.英亩(=6.07亩) adequate / Adikwit/ a.足够的;可以胜任的=enough=abund ance advisable / Ed vaizEbl/ n.明智的;可取的 affection / E fekFEn/ n.慈爱,爱;爱慕=kindess alcohol / AlkEhRl/ n.酒精,乙醇 alloy / AlRi, E lRi/ n.合金;(金属的)成色alternative / R:l tE:nEtiv / n.替换物;取舍,抉择aluminium / Alju minjEm/ n.铝 ancestor / AnsistE/ n.祖宗,祖先 anchor / ANkE/ n.锚 vi.抛锚,停泊 anticipate / An tisipeit/ vt.预料,预期,期望=expect= hope=wish apparatus / ,ApE reitEs/ n.器械,仪器;器官=organ=ma chine appetite / Apitait/ n.食欲,胃口;欲望 appliance / E plaiEns/ n.用具,器具,器械=instrument applicable / AplikEbl/ a.能应用的;适当的=proper=app rociate approach / E prEutF/ vt.向…靠近 n.靠近 approval / E pru:vEl/ n.赞成,同意;批准 approve / E pru:v/ vt.赞成,称许;批准 arbitrary / a:bitrEri/ a.随心所欲的;专断的


专四核心词汇 测试一 1.alter v.改变,改动,变更 2. burst vi/n.突然发生/爆裂 3. dispose vi.除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4. blast n.爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v.消耗,耗尽 6.split v.劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spit v.吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v.溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v.滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v.滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n.细菌 12.breed n.种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n.预算v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n.候选人 15.campus n.校园 16.liberal a.慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v.转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v.传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v.移植 20.transport vt.运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf447677.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 测试二 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目频词汇 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分


白家庄小学迎曦分校二年级英语词汇专项练习 Class _________ Name_______ Score ________ 一、读一读,圈出相应的单词。2×6 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、读一读,连线。3×5 go dancing play ping-pong play basketball go swimming play football box fox tiger table panda peach lion leaf hand head Coke cow

三、补全单词。2×4 c_ t _ pple _ anana _ all 四、选出正确答案,将字母标号填在括号里2×4 . A B C D ()I play ping-pong after school. ( ) I go swimming on Wednesday. ( ) I go boating on Sunday. ( ) I play chess on Monday. 五、读一读,将有关联的词汇连线。2×5 how pictures see grandma draw days seven many on Saturday 六、选择恰当的词汇填空,将标号写在前面的括号里。3×5 ( ) 1. I ___ swimming on Sunday. A. play B. go ( ) 2. I___ football after school. A. play B. go ( ) 3.There are __________days in a week. A. twelve B. seven A. am B. have ( ) 4.How many __________ are there in a week?


anger, indignation, fury, wrath 这些名词均含“愤怒”之意。 1.anger :普通用词,通常指因受到侮辱、损害、指责或顶撞等而引起的愤怒。 例如:She is swift to anger. (她爱生气。) He is quivering with anger. (他气得全身发抖。) 2.indignation :较正式用词,指出于正义或对不公正之事而发出的愤怒。 例如:The news aroused the great indignation. (这消息激起了极大的愤慨。) 3.fury :语气最强,指极端的气愤,甚至达到发疯的程度。 例如:He flew into a fury and said that the whole thing was disgusting.(他勃然大怒,说这一切令人作呕。) 4.wrath :文学用词,含义与anger相近,但语气强,含欲加惩罚或报复的意味。 例如:His silence marked his wrath.(他的沉默表明了他的愤怒。) 这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。 1.appoint :通常指不经过选择的官方委任。 例如:He was appointed secretary.(他被任命为秘书。) 2.designate :书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。 例如:The chairman has designated her as his successor. (主席已指定她作为他的接班人。) 3.assign :常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。 例如:The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate.(上尉派了两个士兵守大门。)


八年级英语(上)词汇训练 一、根据句意和首字母提示写出单词。 1. Two times is t . 2. Do you have a good eati ng h . 3. A lot of v ________ h elp you to keep in good health. 4. Li Ming likes watch T . An imal World is his favorite p . 5.1 thi nk math is the most difficult s 6. We see with our e . 7. Are you t ________ ? No, I ' m hungry 8. Whe n you feel t _______ ,please have a good rest. 9. What ' s the m _____ ? I have cold. 10. Whe n you have a feve,ryou s ______ drink more water 11. You have a bad tooth, please go to the d . 12. Whe n did you come here? Three days a . 13. I ' m going to take a v in Beijing this summer 14. Don ' t f ______ t o close the windows when you leave. 15. Mr Wang d ________ to lear n En glish last year 16. The coat is too expe nsive. I must t ______ about it. 17. I like to live in the c _______ 」t ' s quiet and beautiful. 18. Your father and your mother are your p . 19. She ' s going to Tibet tomorrow. That s ______ interesting. 20. Let ' s go to the lake to go f . 21. Isabella Romero is a famous m _______ s tar 22. D ________ is the last month of the year


小学六年级英语总复习词汇专项练习 一.选择不同类的单词。 ()1. A. where B. what C. when D. weekend ()2. A. watched B. play C. took D. went ()3. A. sad B. worried C. hurt D. happy ()4. A. milk B. bread C. foot D. beef ()5. A. window B. door C. music D. desk ()6. A. give B. football C. ruler D. schoolbag ()7. A. train B. river C. sea D. lake () B. rainy C. heavy D. windy () B. fourth C. fifth D. first () B. shoes C. clothes D. jacket 二.给下列单词分类。将同类单词的序号填到对应的横线上。 1.red 2. pen 4. bus 5. hot 6. May 7. two 8. bike 10. cold 11. ship 12. warm 13. cool 17. five 18.

pencil 21. yellow 22. green 23. eraser 24. August 25. ruler 26. snowy 颜色: 学习用品: 天气: 月份: 数词: 交通工具: 三.按要求写单词。 (一)写出下列单词的现在分词。 do go swim run get watch study sing play come dance have take write make ride (二)写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。


英语专八词汇表(A) abdomen n.腹,腹部 abolish vt.废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等) aboriginal adj.土著的,原来的n.土著居民 aborigine n.(澳洲的)土著;土人 abound vi.多,大量存在,富于,充满 abridge v.删节,削减,精简 abrupt adj.突然的,陡峭的,生硬的 absolve v.宣布免除(承诺、责任等);赦免,免受惩处,宣告无罪 abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的,丰富,盛产,富于 abuse n.滥用,虐待,辱骂,陋习,弊端v.滥用,虐待,辱骂 accessory n.附件,零件,附加物,从犯,同谋者adj.附属的,补充的,同谋的,副的 accommodate vt.供应,供给,使适应,调节,和解,向……提供,容纳,调和vi.适应 accompaniment n.陪伴物,伴奏 accomplished adj.完成的,熟练的,多才多艺的 accord n.一致,符合,调和,协定vt.一致,给与vi.符合◆of one’s own accord 自愿地,自动地accordingly adv.因此,从而 accordion n.手风琴adj.可折叠的 ace n.(纸牌或骰子)幺点,一流人才,高手,佼佼者 acknowledge vt.承认,答谢,报偿 acquaint vt.使熟知,通知 acquaintance n.相识,熟人 acrobat n.(走钢丝的)杂技演员,随机应变者,翻云覆雨者 acronym n.首字母的缩写词 acupuncture n.针刺疗法 1 / 25
