
enormous time 大量的时间
contaminate 污染
graphite 石墨
give off 散发
gather it up 集中起来
liquidator 清理者
slip away 不告而别,溜走
attribute to 归结于
ward off 避免
Object of desire
cast up on the shore 冲上海岸
I'm impressed.令某佩服。
Pull over 停车
I was supposed to be . 我应该是的。
I have to waste someone,or I get wasted myself.不是他死就是我亡。
sapphire 宝蓝色
your reputation precedes you.你真是名不虚传。
Do not bad mouth me.:别讲我的坏话。
put one's foot in one's mouth: 失言,说错话了
down in the mouth: 沮丧、垂头丧气
Do not put words in one's mouth: 把话强加于某人
word of mouth: 口碑
mouthpiece: 喉舌、代言人、机关报
take the words right out of one's mouth: 说出了某人想说的话,观点不谋而合
leave a bad taste in one's mouth: 留下坏印象
born with a silver spoon in his mouth: 某人生在一个很富有的家庭,根本就不用到外面去找工作来谋生。这个。。。让我想到了句古话:含着金钥匙出生的人。
live from hand to mouth: 仅能糊口、糊口度日
a mouthy child: 说大话的,爱说话的,多嘴的
stop mouthing off: 不要再胡说了
Break your cherry 破了你的处
Tyrannosaur 霸王龙
run one's mouth: 说得太多,大嘴巴
fight one's guts out for the peanuts.为了少少的钱而搏命
take a shot 尝试 get a shot有机会
It stinks !真臭~~
Go for it. 尽管来!
Push sb into doing 逼某人做某事。
Then you lose.But at least you lose with no excuses.那么你就输了,但至少你输得没有借口。
wear oneself out.别逞强!
I am in the best shape of my life.我处于最佳状态。
There is no such thing that as an easy mission.世上没有什么任务是不费吹灰之力的。
Love over duty.不爱江山爱美人。
irreversible 不可逆转的
You won't gamble with your life.你不会用生命去作赌注。
ego talking.一厢情愿
One of the most overused words in sports,guys,is"incredible".I hate to say it.This is incredible.
The crowd goes berserk.人群沸腾了。
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows.It's very mean and nasty place,and I don't care how though
you are...it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You,me or nobody is gonna
hit as hard as life.But it ain't about how hard you hit.It's about how hard you can get hit...and keep
moving forward.How much you can take and keep moving forward.That's how winning is done!Now,if you know
what you are worth, go and get what you're worth.But you gotta be willing to take the hits,and not
pointing fingers...saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him or her or anybody!Cowards do that,
and that ain't you! You're better than that!

Nature is smartter than people think.自然比人们想的还要聪明。
get on like a house on fire.一见如故。
It's easy to know men's faces, but not their hearts.

Know your enemy and know yourself.

castles in the air

the gold rule

a fantastic garb

to distinguish right from wrong

like bamboo shoots after a spring shower

After a storm comes a calm.

A scholar does not step outside his gate, yet he knows the happenings under the sun.

Facts are most convincing.
1. Poor and content is rich and rich enough: 人能安贫即是福

2. to no avail: 没有什么效果,不成功,也可以说成of little avail或者without avail。

3. indentured servitude: 契约缠身的苦差事。Indentured指的是“受契约束缚,必须为人干活的”, servitude则指“奴役(状况),任人差遣(的状况)”。

4.my game, my turf, my rules: 用现在流行的话来说,就是“我的地盘我做主”。

5. drop by: 顺便拜访。

例如:My friend Mike stopped by and had dinner with us last night.(昨晚我的朋友迈克顺便来访并留下来吃了晚饭。)

6.unobliging: 不近人情的。Obliging则表示“乐于助人的,热情的”。

例如:The obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave.(这位有礼貌的侍者并不急着催促我们离开。)

7. be a sport: 口语,(尤指在困境中)开朗大度,讲交情。也可以说be a good sport。

8. antipodean: (常作幽默)澳大利亚和新西兰,澳新。 antipodean day则是指“过日界线的日期”。

9. unorthodox and controversial: 这里可以译为“旁门左道,很有争议”。

contemplate v. 注视, 打算, 沉思; 冥思苦想, 深思熟虑
Stuffy 闷热
immaculate 纯洁的 无邪的 immaculate conception 圣灵感孕
coktail part conversation tips 酒会谈资
miraculous 奇迹的 不可思议的
Live the lie until the lie becomes your life 演绎谎言 直到自己也信以为真
stipulated 约定,规定
dysfunction 功能障碍
paralyses 瘫痪麻痹
moot question 未解决的问题,无实际意义的无实际意义的问题 moot n.大会 辩论会 V.讨论 adj.未解决,假设的,
succeeds on
unicameral 一院的,单院的
has nothing analogous to 与什么没有可比性的
It is encouraging that

some of these steps (such as redistricting and open primaries) have already been taken, others are well under way and yet others are attracting increasing support among the policy elite.
be tied together to 联合起来干
in pursuit of his life dream为了追求生命的理想
reprehensible 应该责难的
euthanasia 安乐死
Don't get me wrong 不要误会我。
Maneuver 演习 调遣,策略

Tyrannosaur 霸王龙
Quetzalcoatlus 披羽蛇翼龙
Sauroposeidon 波塞东龙
Ankylosaurus 甲龙
Triceratops 三角龙 swingging head
Deinonychus 恐爪龙
predator 食肉者,掠夺者
carnivore 食肉动物

remove the dangerous elements in a preemptive strike 先发制人地消除潜在的危险因素
The Cretaceous 白垩纪
dinosaurs were success stories like no other creatures the planet has seen before or since
insatiable 贪得无厌的
horrendous 惊人的,不得了的
monotonous 单调的,无变化的
Think out of the box. 想法别具一格
Sashimi toro 生鱼片
Mediocrity 平庸之才

Bust up 粉碎性
Give it a shot 试一试
sedate a. 沉着的,镇静的,安静的vt. 给…服镇静剂
overkill,表示过份的想法或行为。write something off, 意思是“小看,不看好”。

He made death his ladder to the skies.他把死亡当做通往天国的阶梯
razzle-dazzle 令人眼花缭乱的花招,胡闹,;烂醉
religious pluralism 多元宗教主义
intrinsic 本质上的
sabbatical 公休假,休假,安息年
obnoxious 反感
you’re a sight for sore eyes.你可真受欢迎
snow under 超负荷
