

Remarks of President Barack Obama in State of the Union Address

Washington, DC

January 25, 2011




Mr. Speaker, Mr. V ice President, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:


Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress, as well as your new Speaker, John Boehner. And as we mark this occasion, we are also mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of our colleague – and our friend – Gabby Giffords.


It’s no secret that those of us here tonight have had our differences over the last two years. The debates have been c ontentious; we have fought fiercely for our beliefs. And that’s a good thing. That’s what a robust democracy demands. That’s what helps set us apart as a nation.


But there’s a reason the tragedy in Tucson gave us pause. Amid all the noise and passions and rancor of our public debate, Tucson reminded us that no matter who we are or where we come from, each of us is a part of something greater – something more consequential than party or political preference.


We are part of the American family. We believe that in a country where every race and faith and point of view can be found, we are still bound together as one people; that we share common hopes and a common creed; that the dreams of a little girl in Tucson are not so different than those of our own children, and that they all deserve the chance to be fulfilled.


That, too, is what sets us apart as a nation.


Now, by itself, this simple recognition won’t usher in a new era of cooperation. What comes of this moment is up to us. What comes of this moment will be determined not by whether we can sit together

tonight, but whether we can work together tomorrow.


I believe we can. I believe we must. That’s what the people who sent us here expect of us. With their votes, they’ve determined that governing will now be a shared responsibility between parties. New laws will only pass with support from Democrats and Republicans. We will move forward together, or not at all – for the challenges we face are bigger than party, and bigger than politics.


At stake right now is not who wins the next election – after all, we just had an election. At stake is whether new jobs and industries take root in this country, or somewhere else. It’s whether the hard work and industry of our people is rewarded. It’s whether we sustain the leadership that has made America not just a place on a map, but a light to the world.


We are poised for progress. Two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known, the stock market has come roaring back. Corporate profits are up. The economy is growing again.


But we have never measured progress by these yardsticks alone. We measure progress by the success of our people. By the jobs they can find and the quality of life those jobs offer. By the prospects of a small business owner who dreams of turning a good idea into a thriving enterprise. By the opportunities for a better life that we pass on to our children.


That’s the project the American people want us to work on. Together.


We did that in December. Thanks to the tax cuts we passed, Americans’ paychecks are a little bigger today. Every business can write off the full cost of the new investments they make this year. These steps, taken by Democrats and Republicans, will grow the economy and add to the more than one million private sector jobs created last year.


But we have more work to do. The steps we’ve taken over the last two years may have broken the back of this recession –but to win t he future, we’ll need to take on challenges that have been decades in the making.


Many people watching tonight can probably remember a time when finding a good job meant showing up at a nearby factory or a business downtown. Y ou didn’t always need a degree, and your competition was pretty much limited to your neighbors. If you worked hard, chances are you’d have a job for life, with a decent paycheck, good benefits, and the occasi onal promotion. Maybe you’d even have the pride of seeing your kids work at the same company.


That world has changed. And for many, the change has been painful. I’ve seen it in the shuttered windows of once booming factories, and the vacant storefronts of once busy Main Streets. I’ve heard it in the frustrations of Americans who’ve seen their paychecks dwindle or their jobs disappear – proud men and women who feel like the rules have been changed in the middle of the game.


They’re right. The rules have changed. In a single generation, revolutions in technology have trans formed the way we live, work and do business. Steel mills that once needed 1,000 workers can now do the same work with 100. Today, just about any company can set up shop, hire workers, and sell their products wherever there’s an internet connection.


Meanwhile, nations like China and India realized that with some changes of their own, they could compete in this new world. And so they started educating their children earlier and longer, with greater emphasis on math and science. They’re investing in research and new technologies. Just recently, China became home to the world’s largest private solar research facility, and the world’s fa stest computer.


So yes, the world has changed. The competition for jobs is real. But this shouldn’t discourage us. It should challenge us. Remember –for all the hits we’ve taken these last few years, for all the naysayers predicting our decline, America still has the largest, most prosperous economy in the world. No workers are more productive than ours. No country has more successful companies, or grants more patents to inventors and entrepreneurs. We are home to the world’s best colleges and universities, where more students come to study than any other place on Earth.


What’s more, we are the first nation to be founded for the sake o f an idea –the idea that each of us deserves the chance to shape our own destiny. That is why centuries of pioneers and immigrants have risked everything to come here. It’s why our students don’t just memorize equations, but answer questions like “What d o you think of that idea? What would you change about the world? What do you want to be when you grow up?”


The future is ours to win. But to get there, we can’t just stand still. As Robert Kennedy told us, “The fut ure is not a gift. It is an achievement.” Sustaining the American Dream has never been about standing pat. It has required each generation to sacrifice, and struggle, and meet the demands of a new age.


Now it’s our turn. We know what it takes to compete for the jobs and industries of our time. We need to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world. We have to make America the best place on Ear th to do business. We need to take responsibility for our deficit, and reform our government. That’s how our people will prosper. That’s how we’ll win the future. And tonight, I’d like to talk about how we get there.


The first step in winning the future is encouraging American innovation.


None of us can predict with certainty what the next big industry will be, or where the new jobs will come from. Thirty years ago, we couldn’t know that something called the Internet would lead to an economic revolution. What we can do –what America does better than anyone –is spark the creativity and imagination of our people. We are the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices; the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers; of Google and Facebook. In America, innovation doesn’t just change our lives. It’s how we make a living.


Our free enterprise system is what drives in novation. But because it’s not always profitable for companies to invest in basic research, throughout history our government has provided cutting-edge scientists and inventors with the support that they need. That’s what planted the seeds for the Internet. That’s what helped make possible things like computer chips and GPS.


Just think of all the good jobs – from manufacturing to retail – that have come from those breakthroughs.


Half a century ago, when the Soviets beat us into space with the launch of a satellite called Sputnik? we had no idea how we’d beat them to the moon. The science wasn’t there yet. NASA didn’t even exist. But after investing in better research and education, we didn’t just surpass the Soviets; we unleashed a wave of innovation that created new industries and millions of new jobs.


This is our generation’s Sputnik moment. Two years ago, I said that we needed to reach a level of resear ch and development we haven’t seen since the height of the Space Race. In a few weeks, I will be sending a budget to Congress that helps us meet that goal. We’ll invest in biomedical research, information technology, and especially clean energy technology –an investment that will strengthen our security, protect our planet, and create countless new jobs for our people.


Already, we are seeing the promise of renewable energy. Robert and Gary Allen are brothers w ho run a small Michigan roofing company. After September 11th, they volunteered their best roofers to help repair the Pentagon. But half of their factory went unused, and the recession hit them hard.


Today, with the help of a government loan, that empty space is being used to manufacture solar shingles that are being sold all across the country. In Robert’s words, “We reinvented ourselves.”


That’s what Americans have done for over two hundred years: reinvented ourselves. And to spur on more success stories like the Allen Brothers, we’ve begun to reinvent our energy policy. We’re not just h anding out money. We’re issuing a challenge. We’re telling America’s scientists and engineers that if they assemble teams of the best minds in their fields, and focus on the hardest problems in clean energy, we’ll fund the Apollo Projects of our time.


At the California Institute of Technology, they’re developing a way to turn sunlight and water into fuel for our cars. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, they’re using supercomputers to get a lot more power out of our nuclear facilities. With more research and incentives, we can break our dependence on oil with biofuels, and become the first country to have 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.



We need to get behind this innovation. And to help pay for it, I’m askin g Congress to eliminate the billions in taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but they’re doing just fine on their own. So instead of subsidizing yesterday’s energy, let’s invest in tomorrow’s.


Now, clean energy breakthroughs will only translate into clean energy jobs if businesses know there will be a market for what they’re selling. So tonight, I c hallenge you to join me in setting a new goal: by 2035, 80% of America’s electricity will come from clean energy sources. Some folks want wind and solar. Others want nuclear, clean coal, and natural gas. To meet this goal, we will need them all –and I urge Democrats and Republicans to work together to make it happen.


Maintaining our leadership in research and technology is crucial to America’s success. But if we want to win the future – if we want innovation to produce jobs in America and not overseas – then we also have to win the race to educate our kids.


Think about it. Over the next ten years, nearly half of all new jobs will require education that goes beyond a high school degree. And yet, as many as a quarter of our students aren’t even finishing hig h school. The quality of our math and science education lags behind many other nations. America has fallen to 9th in the proportion of young people with a college degree. And so the question is whether all of us – as citizens, and as parents – are willing to do what’s necessary to give every child a chance to succeed.


That responsibility begins not in our classrooms, but in our homes and communities. It’s family that first instills the love of learning in a child. Only parents can make sure the TV is turned off and homework gets done. We need to teach our kids that it’s not just the winner of the Supe r Bowl who deserves to be celebrated, but the winner of the science fair; that success is not a function of fame or PR, but of hard work and discipline.


Our schools share this responsibility. When a child walks into a classroom, it should be a place of high expectations and high performance. But too many schools don’t meet this test. That’s why instea d of just pouring money into a system that’s not working, we launched a competition called Race to the Top. To all fifty states, we said, “If you show us the most innovative plans to improve teacher quality and student

achievement, we’ll show you the money.”


Race to the Top is the most meaningful reform of our public schools in a generation. For less than one percent of what we spend on education each year, it has led over 40 states to raise their standards for teaching and learning. These standards were developed, not by Washington, but by Republican and Democratic governors throughout the country. And Race to the Top should be the approach we follow this year as we replace No Child Left Behind with a law that is more flexible and focused on what’s best for our kids.


Y ou see, we know what’s possible for our children when reform isn’t just a top-down mandate, but the work of local teachers and principals; school boards and communities.


Take a school like Bruce Randolph in Denver. Three years ago, it was rated one of the worst schools in Colorado; located on turf between two rival gangs. But last May, 97% of the seniors received their diploma. Most will be the first in their family to go to college. And after the first year of the school’s transformation, the principal who made it possible wiped away tears when a student said “Thank you, Mrs. Waters, for showing…that we are smart and we can make it.”


Let’s also remember that after parents, the biggest impact on a child’s success comes from the man or woman at the front of the classroom. In South Korea, teachers are known as “nation builders.” Here in America, it’s time we treated the people who educate our children with the same level of res pect. We want to reward good teachers and stop making excuses for bad ones. And over the next ten years, with so many Baby Boomers retiring from our classrooms, we want to prepare 100,000 new teachers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.


In fact, to every young person listening tonight who’s contemplating their career c hoice: If you want to make a difference in the life of our nation; if you want to make a difference in the life of a child – become a teacher. Y our country needs you.


Of course, t he education race doesn’t end with a high school diploma. To compete, higher education must be within reach of every American. That’s why we’ve ended the unwarranted taxpayer subsidies that went to banks, and used the savings to make college affordable for millions of students. And this year, I ask Congress to go further, and make permanent our tuition tax credit –worth $10,000 for four years of college.


Because people need to be able to train for new jobs and careers in today’s fast-changing economy, we are also revitalizing America’s community colleges. Last month, I saw the promise of these schools at Forsyth Tech in North Carolina. Many of the students there used to work in the surrounding factories that have since left town. One mother of two, a woman named Kathy Proctor, had worked in the furniture industry since she was 18 years old. And she told me she’s earning her degree in biotechnology now, at 55 years old, not just because the furniture jobs are gone, but because she wants to inspire her children to pursue their dreams too. As Kathy said, “I hope it tells them to never give up.”


If we take these steps – if we raise expectations for every child, and give them the best possible chance at an education, from the day they’re born until the last job they take – we will reach the goal I set two years ago: by the end of the decade, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.


One last point about education. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of students excelling in our schools who are not American citizens. Some are the children of undocumented workers, who had nothing to do with the actions of their parents. They grew up as Americans and pledge allegiance to our flag, and yet live every day with the threat of deportation. Others come here from abroad to study in our colleges and universities. But as soon as they obtain advanced degrees, we send them back home to compete against us. It makes no sense.


Now, I strongly believe that we should take on, once and for all, the issue of illegal immigration. I am prepared to work with Republicans and Democrats to protect our borders, enforce our laws and address the millions of undocumented workers who are now living in the shadows. I know that debate will be difficult and take time. But tonight, let’s agree to make that effort. And let’s stop expelling talented, responsible young people who can staff our research labs, start new businesses, and further enrich this nation.



President Obama's State of the Union address as prepared for delivery on Jan. 20, 2015: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: We are fifteen years into this new century. Fifteen years that dawned with terror touching our shores; that unfolded with a new generation fighting two long and costly wars; that saw a vicious recession spread across our nation and the world. It has been, and still is, a hard time for many. But tonight, we turn the page. Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999. Our unemployment rate is now lower than it was before the financial crisis. More of our kids are graduating than ever before; more of our people are insured than ever before; we are as free from the grip of foreign oil as we've been in almost 30 years. Tonight, for the first time since 9/11, our combat mission in Afghanistan is over. Six


2010奥巴马国情咨文全文(中英文版) 2月24日晚,奥巴马总统在美国国会参众两院发表国情咨文。以下是国情咨文的全文,由美国国务院国际信息局(IIP)根据白宫新闻秘书办公室提供的记录稿翻译。 总统:议长女士,副总统先生,各位国会议员,美国第一夫人——(掌声)——她就在附近。 今晚,我来到这里,不仅向这个宏伟大厅中在座的各位杰出人士发表讲话,而且向推选我们来到这里的男女民众进行坦率和直接的交谈。 我知道,对于现在正在收看转播的很多美国人来说,我国的经济现状令人担忧,压倒了所有其他的问题。这一点千真万确。如果你本人尚未受到这场衰退的影响,但在你认识的人中间,或许有人───朋友、邻居,或是家庭成员已受到波及。你无须再了解一系列数字,就知道我们的经济陷入了危机,因为你每天都身临其境,使你日有所虑,夜不能寐。你原以为能保持这份工作直到退休,现在却不幸失去了工作;你原希望通过创业编织梦想,现在自己的事业却危在旦夕;你的子女收到了大学录取通知,但不得已只能束之高阁。这场衰退的影响已确凿无疑,无处不在。 尽管我国经济可能已被削弱,我们的信心可能已发生动摇;尽管我们正经历困难重重、前途不明的时期,但今晚,我希望每一个美国人知道:我们决心重建,我们必将复苏,美利坚合众国一定会获得新生,比以往更强盛。(掌声) 这场危机的重压不可能左右这个国家的命运。解决我们的种种问题的答案并非遥不可及。问题的答案就在我们的实验室和大学中;就在我们的田野上和工厂里;就蕴藏在我国创业者的想象力和地球上最勤劳的人民的豪情壮志之中。这些品质使美国成为人类历史上进步与繁荣的最伟大的力量,我们依然充分拥有这些品质。现在必须做的是,全国上下齐心协力,勇敢地迎接我们面临的各种挑战,再度为我们的未来承担责任。(掌声) 开诚布公地说,我们现在必须承认,长期以来,无论是作为一个国家的政府,或是作为一个国家的人民,我们未能做到时时刻刻履行这些职责。我这么说并不是为了怪罪于谁,也不是为了追究过去,而是因为只有了解我们怎么会走到这个地步,我们才能摆脱这一困境。 事实是,我国经济陷入衰退并非一朝一夕之力。我们面临的所有问题也并非一概始于房市崩溃或股市滑坡。几十年来,我们一直都清楚我们的生存有赖于找到新的能源。然而,今天,我们进口的石油却超过以往任何时候。年复一年,高昂的医疗费用日益侵蚀我们的储蓄,然而医疗改革却一再延误。我们的下一代需要在全球经济中参与竞争,但我们很多的学校却未能培养他们的这种能力。尽管这些难题一直都未得到解决,但我们无论作为个人还是通过我们的政府,依然比以往任何时候都支出更多,负债更重。 换句话说,我们已经走过的那个时期往往更看重短期收益,而不是长期繁荣;我们的眼光仅局限于下一笔付款、下一个季度或下一届选举。财政盈余非但没有成为投资于未来的一个时机,反而变成了把财富转移给富人的借口。(掌声)规章条例形同虚设,只为迅速牟利,不惜以市场的健康为代价。有些人明知自己不具备经济能力,却可借助竭力推销不良贷款的银行和贷款机构买房。而与此同时,重大的辩论和艰难的决策却被一拖再拖。


美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马(Barack Obama)2010年国情咨文: The White House has released the full text of President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address, as prepared for delivery: Madame Speaker, Vice President Biden, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans: Our Constitution declares that from time to time, the President shall give to Congress information about the state of our union. For two hundred and twenty years, our leaders have fulfilled this duty. They have done so during periods of prosperity and tranquility. And they have done so in the midst of war and depression; at moments of great strife and great struggle. It's tempting to look back on these moments and assume that our progress was inevitable - that America was always destined to succeed. But when the Union was turned back at Bull Run and the Allies first landed at Omaha Beach, victory was very much in doubt. When the market crashed on Black Tuesday and civil rights marchers were beaten on Bloody Sunday, the future was anything but certain. These were times that tested the courage of our convictions, and the strength of our union. And despite all our divisions and disagreements; our hesitations and our fears; America prevailed because we chose to move forward as one nation, and one people. Again, we are tested. And again, we must answer history's call. One year ago, I took office amid two wars, an economy rocked by severe recession, a financial system on the verge of collapse, and a government deeply in debt. Experts from across the political spectrum warned that if we did not act, we might face a second depression. So we acted - immediately and aggressively. And one year later, the worst of the storm has passed. But the devastation remains. One in ten Americans still cannot find work. Many businesses have shuttered. Home values have declined. Small towns and rural communities have been hit especially hard. For those who had already known poverty, life has become that much harder. This recession has also compounded the burdens that America's families have been dealing with for decades - the burden of working harder and longer for less; of being unable to save enough to retire or help kids with college. So I know the anxieties that are out there right now. They're not new. These struggles are the reason I ran for President. These struggles are what I've witnessed for years in places like Elkhart, Indiana and Galesburg, Illinois. I hear about them in the letters that I read each night. The toughest to read are those written by children - asking why they have to move from their home, or when their mom or dad will be able to go back to work.

奥巴马2016国情咨文演讲 双语全文

奥巴马2016国情咨文演讲双语全文 奥巴马2016国情咨文演讲| 双语全文President Obama's final state of the Union address 当地时间12号晚间,美国总统奥巴马在华盛顿发表了任上最后一次国情咨文,这也是他第八次进行国情咨文演讲。Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: 议长先生、副总统先生、各位国会议员和美国同胞们:Tonight marks the eighth year I've come here to report on the State of the Union. And for this final one, I'm going to try to make it shorter. I know some of you are antsy to get back to Iowa. 今晚是我在这里做国情咨文的第八个年头,也是最后一次。我将尽量简而言之。我知道你们中有些人急着回爱荷华州(译者注:两党党内预选进行地)。I also understand that because it's an election season, expectations for what we'll achieve this year are low. Still, Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the constructive approach you and the other leaders took at the end of last year to pass a budget and make tax cuts permanent for working families. So I hope we can work together this year on bipartisan priorities like criminal justice reform, and helping people who are battling prescription drug abuse. We just might surprise the cynics again.


奥巴马2014年11月27日演讲译文 On behalf of the Obama family -- Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo, and Sunny -- I want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. Like many of you, we'll spend the day with family and friends, catching up, eating some good food and watching a little football. Before we lift a fork, we lend a hand by going out in the community to serve some of our neighbors in need. And we give thanks for each other, and for all of God's blessings. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because, more than any other, it is uniquely American. Each of us brings our own traditions and cultures and recipes to the table -- but we all share this day, united by the gratitude for the bounty of this nation. And we welcome the contributions of all people -- no matter their origin or color or beliefs -- who call America home, and who enrich the life of our nation. It is a creed as old as our founding: "E pluribus unum" -- that out of many, we are one. 我代表奥巴马全家--米切尔、玛利亚、萨莎、波和桑尼祝各位感恩节快乐。和你们中很多人一样,我们将和家人和朋友们共度这一天,赶回家团聚,享受盛宴和随便看看橄榄球赛。在我们拿起叉子前,我们是否走出家门,来到社区向需要帮助的邻居们伸出援手。我们互道感谢,感谢上帝赐给我们的一切。 感恩节是我最钟爱的节日,超过其它任何节日,它是美国独特的节日。我们每个人都把我们自己的传统、文化和拿手菜带到桌上--但是我们都共享这一天,对这个国家给我们的慷慨的感激把我们统一到一起。我们欢迎所有做出贡献的人们--不管他们来自哪里、什么肤色、什么信仰--称美国为家的人们,丰富我们的民族生计的人们。有一个信条和我们国家的缔造一样悠久:“合众为一”--即我们有很多人,但是我们万众一心。 We are reminded that this creed, and America itself, was never an inevitability, but the result of ordinary people in every generation doing their part to uphold our founding ideals -- by taking the blessings of freedom, and multiplying them for those who would follow. As President Kennedy once wrote, even as we give thanks for all that we've inherited from those who came before us -- "the decency of purpose, steadfastness of resolve and strength of will, for the courage and the humility, which they posessed," we must also remember that "the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them." Today, we are grateful to all Americans who do their part to live by those ideals, including our brave men and women in uniform overseas and their families, who sacrifice so much to keep America safe. To our service members who are away from home, we say an extra prayer for you and your loved ones, and we renew our commitment to take care of you as well as you've taken care of us. 我们不能忘记这个信条和美国本身从来就不是必然,而是每一代普普通通的美国


奥巴马国情咨文演讲稿(2015年) 奥巴马2015国情咨文演讲 Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: 议长先生,副总统先生,国会议员们,美国同胞们: We are 15 years into this new century. Fifteen years that dawned with terror touching our shores; that unfolded with a new generation fighting two long and costly wars; that saw a vicious recession spread across our nation and the world. It has been, and still is, a hard time for many。 我们跨入新世纪已经15年了。新世纪一开始,我们就遭受了恐怖袭击,新一代人就投入 了两场旷日持久而又代价昂贵的战争,后来又发生了席卷全国乃至全球的恶性衰退。对很多人来说,那时候是,现在也仍然是一段艰难的时期。 But tonight, we turn the page. Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999. Our unemployment rate is now lower than it was before the financial crisis. More of our kids are graduating than ever before. More of our people are insured than ever before. And we are as free from the grip of foreign oil as we've been in almost 30 years。 但是今天晚上,我们将翻开新的一页。今晚,在美国取得了突破性进展的一年后,我们的经济在增长,新的就业机会在以1999年以来最快的速度增加。我们现在的失业率甚至低于金 融危机之前。从学校毕业的孩子人数比以往任何时候都多,得到医疗保障的民众也超过以往,我们还打破了过去近30年一直依赖外国石油的状态。 Tonight, for the first time since 9/11, our combat mission in Afghanistan is over. Six years ago, nearly 180,000 American troops served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, fewer than 15,000 remain. And we salute the courage and sacrifice of every man and woman in this 9/11 Generation who has served to keep us safe. We are humbled and grateful for your service。 今晚,我们自9·11恐怖袭击以来首次结束了在阿富汗的战斗任务。6年前,将近18万 美国军人在阿富汗或是伊拉克服役,今天,留守那里的只有不到15000人。我们向9·11之后一代服役的男女军人所付出的牺牲和所展示的勇气表示敬意,因为他们的守护,我们得以安全。我们对你们的服务充满敬意和感激。


奥巴马2011年国情咨文演讲 今晚我想首先向美国第112届国会的男女议员、你们的新议长约翰·博纳表示祝贺。在我们庆祝这一时刻时,我们仍然很清楚一位国会议员的座位是空着的,让我们为我们的同事、我们的朋友加布里埃尔·吉福兹的健康祈祷。 呼吁两党合作 我们这些今晚出席这一活动的人在过去两年曾存在分歧,这不是秘密。辩论是非常激烈的,我们为我们各自的观点进行了激烈的斗争。这是一件好事,这是强有力的民主所要求的。这种争论帮助美国成为区别于其它国家的民主国家。 但图森市的悲剧给了我们一个停止争论的理由。我们进行的公共辩论引发了噪音、情绪、怨恨。图森的悲剧提醒我们,不管我们是谁、来自何方,我们中的每一个人都是一个更伟大事务的一部分,它比政党或者政治倾向更具必然性。 我们是美国大家庭的组成部分。我们相信,在这个各种种族、信仰、观点并存的国家,我们仍是一个团结在一起的民族。我们拥有共同的希望和信条,图森小女孩的梦想与我们自己孩子的梦想没有什么大的差别,这些梦想都应获得实现的机会。 这也是使我们作为一个国家产生分歧的原因。 现在,简单地认识到这一点本身将不会开启一个合作的新时代。这一时刻所能产生的成果取决于我们。这一时刻所产生的成果将不会由我们是否今晚坐在一起而决定,它将被我们明天是否合作所决定。 我认为我们能够实现合作。我认为我们必须这样。这是那些把我们送到这里的人们所期望的。他们通过他们的选票决定,执政将是两党共同的责任。新的法案只有在获得民主党和共和党议员的支持下才能通过。在面对比党派或者政治更大的挑战面前,我们将一起前行,或者原地不动。 现在的利害不是谁将赢得下次选举,毕竟,我们刚刚举行完一次选举。现在的利害是新的就业机会和新的行业是否会在美国生根或者在其它地方。这事关我们人民的辛劳工作和行业是否能得到回报。这事关我们是否能继续保持领导能力,这种领导能力使美国不只局限于地图上的某一个地方,美国因为这种领导能力而成为世界的灯光。 我们作好了前进的准备。在我们大多数人经历最为糟糕的经济衰退两年后,股市已再次大幅上升。公司赢利在增加。经济在再次增长。 但我们从不只以这些标准来衡量进展。我们以我们人民的成功来评估进展,通过他们


奥巴马国情咨文演讲中英文对照稿 何凯文2016-01-15 08:16:02 阅读数:10万+ Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: 议长先生、副总统先生、各位国会议员和美国同胞们: Tonight marks the eighth year I've come here to report on the State of the Union. And for this final one, I'm going to try to make it shorter. I know some of you are antsy to get back to Iowa. 今晚是我在这里做国情咨文的第八个年头,也是最后一次。我将尽量简而言之。我知道你们中有些人急着回爱荷华州(译者注:两党党内预选进行地)。 I also understand that because it's an election season, expectations for what we'll achieve this year are low. Still, Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the constructive approach you and the other leaders took at the end of last year to pass a budget and make tax cuts permanent for working families. So I hope we can work together this year on bipartisan priorities like criminal justice reform, and helping people who are battling prescription drug abuse. We just might surprise the cynics again. 我也理解此时正当大选之季,因此公众对我们今年成就的期望并不高。但是,议长先生,您以及其他领导人去年年末通过了建设性的预算决议,使得工薪家庭减税计划能够长久实施下去,我对此深表感激。因此我衷心希望今年两党能够在一些重要事务上同心协作,比如,推行刑事司法改革,帮助那些与处方药滥用行为抗争的人们。我们很可能会让质疑者们再次大吃一惊。


美国总统奥巴马年度国情咨文(六) Innovation also demands basic research. Today, the discoveries taking place in our federally financed labs and universities could lead to new treatments that kill cancer cells but leave healthy ones untouched. New lightweight vests for co ps and soldiers that can stop any bullet. Don’t gut these investments in our budget. Don’t let other countries win the race for the future. Support the same kind of research and innovation that led to the computer chip and the Internet; to new American jobs and new American industries. 创新还要求从事基础研究。今天,在我们联邦政府资助的实验室和大学获得的各种发现有可能带来新的治疗方法,杀死癌细胞而不损坏健康细胞。新型的警察和士兵使用的轻便防弹背心可以挡住任何子弹。请不要在预算中除掉这些投资。请不要让其他国家在未来的竞赛中占上风。请支持研究与创新,正是它们带来了电脑芯片和因特网、带来了美国的新就业岗位和新兴行业。 And nowhere is the promise of innovation greater than in American-made energy. Over the last three years, we’ve opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration, and tonight, I’m directing my administration to open more than 75 percent of our potential offshore oil and gas resources. (Applause.) Right now -- right now -- American oil


As prepared for delivery President Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: Tonight marks the eighth year I've come here to report on the State of the Union. And for this final one, I'm going to try to make it shorter. I know some of you are antsy to get back to Iowa. I also understand that because it's an election season, expectations for what we'll achieve this year are low. Still, Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the constructive approach you and the other leaders took at the end of last year to pass a budget and make tax cuts permanent for working families. So I hope we can work together this year on bipartisan priorities like criminal justice reform, and helping people who are battling prescription drug abuse. We just might surprise the cynics again. But tonight, I want to go easy on the traditional list of proposals for the year ahead. Don't worry, I've got plenty, from helping students learn to write computer code to personalizing medical treatments for patients. And I'll keep pushing for progress on the work that still needs doing. Fixing a broken immigration system. Protecting our kids from gun violence. Equal pay for equal work, paid leave, raising the minimum wage. All these things still matter to hardworking families; they are still the right thing to do; and I will not let up until they get done. But for my final address to this chamber, I don't want to talk just about the next year. I want to focus on the next five years, ten years, and beyond. I want to focus on our future. We live in a time of extraordinary change?—?c hange that's reshaping the way we live, the way we work, our planet and our place in the world. It's change that promises amazing medical breakthroughs, but also economic disruptions that strain working families. It promises education for girls in the most remote villages, but also connects terrorists plotting an ocean away. It's change that can broaden opportunity, or widen inequality. And whether we like it or not, the pace of this change will only accelerate. America has been through big changes before?—?w ars and depression, the influx of immigrants, workers fighting for a fair deal, and movements to expand civil rights. Each time, there have been those who told us to fear the future; who claimed we could slam the brakes on change, promising to restore past glory if we just got some group or idea that was threatening America under control. And each time, we overcame those fears. We did not, in the words of Lincoln, adhere to the "dogmas of the quiet past." Instead we thought anew,


奥巴马2016国情咨文演讲中英文对照稿Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: 议长先生、副总统先生、各位国会议员和美国同胞们: Tonight marks the eighth year I've come here to report on the State of the Union. And for this final one, I'm going to try to make it shorter. I know some of you are antsy to get back to Iowa. 今晚是我在这里做国情咨文的第八个年头,也是最后一次。我将尽量简而言之。我知道你们中有些人急着回爱荷华州(译者注:两党党内预选进行地)。 I also understand that because it's an election season, expectations for what we'll achieve this year are low. Still, Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the constructive approach you and the other leaders took at the end of last year to pass a budget and make tax cuts permanent for working families. So I hope we can work together this year on bipartisan priorities like criminal justice reform, and helping people who are battling prescription drug abuse. We just might surprise the cynics again. 我也理解此时正当大选之季,因此公众对我们今年成就的期望并不高。但是,议长先生,您以及其他领导人去年年末通过了建设性的预算决议,使得工薪家庭减税计划能够长久实施下去,我对此深表感激。因此我衷心希望今年两党能够在一些重要事务上同心协作,比如,推行刑事司法改革,帮助那些与处方药滥用行为抗争的人们。我们很可能会让质疑者们再次大吃一惊。 But tonight, I want to go easy on the traditional list of proposals for the year ahead. Don't worry, I've got plenty, from helping students learn to write computer code to personalizing medical treatments for patients. And I'll keep pushing for progress on the work that still needs doing. Fixing a broken immigration system.Protecting our kids from gun violence.Equal pay for equal work, paid leave, raising the minimum wage. All these things still matter to hardworking families; they are still the right thing to do; and I will not let up until they get done. 但在今晚,我打算少谈些像往年那样的发展计划。别担心,我还是有很多计划要谈,比如,帮助学生学习编写计算机代码,以及对病人进行个性化治疗。我将继续推动这些未竟事业的进步。完善有漏洞的移民体系。保护我们的孩子们免遭枪


作业要求:①标明出色的表达句式和词汇 ②思考这些表达可以替换哪些词汇? ③思考这些表达可以对应的中文有哪些? 2016年奥巴马国情咨文(节选) We live in a time of extraordinary change?—?c hange that's reshaping the way we live, the way we work, our planet and our place in the world. It's change that promises amazing medical breakthroughs, but also economic disruptions that strain working families. It promises education for girls in the most remote villages, but also connects terrorists plotting an ocean away. It's change that can broaden opportunity, or widen inequality. And whether we like it or not, the pace of this change will only accelerate. America has been through big changes before?—?w ars and depression, the influx of immigrants, workers fighting for a fair deal, and movements to expand civil rights. Each time, there have been those who told us to fear the future; who claimed we could slam the brakes on change, promising to restore past glory if we just got some group or idea that was threatening America under control. And each time, we overcame those fears. We did not, in the words of Lincoln, adhere to the "dogmas of the quiet past." Instead we thought anew, and acted anew.
