


Unit 1

1.3.2 实验案例1-2 文章理解(T1)

(1) Reading Skills

1) He understood the distinction between fascism and communism, subjects on which I was

utterly ignorant. He was interested in politics and foreign policy, subjects that bored me. He listened to classical music, to which I was completely deaf. (Para. 2)

2) Just when she had begun to lose faith that something would come along, providence had

assumed the shape of Charlie Sussman and smiled upon us. (Para. 19)

3) It was a very small envelope. Very small. Hopkins had obviously decided I was not worth

wasting much stationery on. (Para. 30)

4) She had to do something ordinary, I suppose, or risk fainting with delight. (Para. 37)

(2) Questions and Answers

1) She hoped that something would come along to enable Baker to go to college and turn him into

a man of letters. (Para. 1)

2) Baker admired Sussman greatly for the wide range of his knowledge, which far exceeded

himself. (Para. 2)

3) Sussman was shocked and glared at Baker in amazement. He regarded this decision as an

offense to education and asked Baker to apply for scholarship and go to college together with him. (Para. 13)

4) Apart from praying, she worked with Baker every night on a home refresher course in

mathematics, held the math books and conducted quizzes on geometry and algebra, laboriously checked his solutions against those in the back of the books and struggled with him to discover his mistakes. (Para. 21)

5) As he counted the boys in the room and realized the fierce competition, he decided it was

foolish to leave the slightest possibility untouched. (Para. 23)

(3) True or False

1) F. As the final year of high school neared its end, my mother was also becoming worried. She’d

hoped for years that something would come along to enable me to go to college. (Para. 1) 2) F. I did not listen to classical music because I was not interested in it and couldn’t appreciate its

beauty. (Para. 2)

3) F. Before applying for college, I only knew Johns Hopkins as a hospital and produced doctors.

(Para. 7)

4) T. My mother had been doing more than praying. She had helped me with mathematics, my

weakest subject. (Para. 21)

5) F. My mother believed in prayer, in the Lord’s intercession, but not in the Lord’s willingness to

do it all. (Para. 21)

6) F. My mother wrote down the directions and put them in my pocket. (Para. 22)

7) T. I had no faith in prayer, but thought going to church would please my mother. (Para. 23)

8) F. “Now I lay me down to sleep” wa s part of the prayer that I had learned from my mother. I

used this prayer to bring myself good luck before the examination. (Para. 23)

9) F. She always wanted me to go to college. She was overwhelmed with happiness when she read

the letter. (Para. 34)

10) F. At the time, she had to do something ordinary, like making iced tea. Otherwise, she would

risk fainting with delight. (Para. 37)


(1) Blank Filling

1) prodigious 2) batch 3) ignorant 4) struggle 5) available

6)odds 7) improvised 8) crept 9) unfolded 10) entitle

(2) Word Bank

1) entitled 2) dismayed 3) reeking 4) distinctions 5) assumes

6) admission 7) ripped 8) convey 9) pleaded 10) instinct

1.3.4 实验案例1-4 句型掌握(T1)

(1) Sentence Translation









(2) Sentence Imitation

1) She knew the distinction between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, subjects on which I was utterly ignorant.

2) It seemed that this country, of whose existence he just learned, was willing to accept a limited number of immigrants who had special skills.

3) Jane herself also intended to participate in this summer camp in hope of meeting more like-minded people.

4) He hadn’t been to the airport before, so he gave himself two extra hours against the possibility of having a traffic jam and missing his flight.

5) Thirty days crept slowly past and the winter vacation neared its end.

1.3.6 实验案例1-6 文章理解(T2)

(1) Multiple Choices

1) D 2) B 3) C 4) B 5) B

(2) Matching

1)4 2) 16 3) 6 4)20 5)1

6)14 7)24 8) 11 9)18 10)22

1.3.7 实验案例1-7 词汇学习(T2)

(1) Blank Filling

1) transition 2) predict 3) commitment 4) factors into

5) assault 6) prescriptions 7) bond with 8) processed food

9)options 10) mass transportation

(2) Translation

1) make the transition to college easier 2) popular belief

3) take charge of one’s own life4) money management

5) thequality of life 6) pay off debt

7)fill prescriptions 8) live in off-college apartments

9) be mindful of one’s surroundings10) homemade comfort food

1.3.8 实验案例1-8 句型掌握(T2)

(1) Sentence Translation

1) 他建议学生使用日程表,记下如每两周洗一次衣服之类的日常事件和其他要事。

2) 在学会做预算和支付各种费用之外,大学生也应该了解学生贷款债务对毕业后的生活质


3) 他说,大学生普遍花费大量时间阅读、标重点和反复阅读课本,这就是在浪费时间。



5) 许多大一新生住在校内的宿舍。但是对于住在校外的新生来说,了解找公寓的方方面面


(2) Sentence Imitation

1) Fastening the seat belt is common advice for passengers when a plane is met with turbulence.

2) No one speaks up for disadvantaged groups the way that Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela did.

3) Students should make sure that they have mastered the basics of computer programming before they choose the intermediate course.

4) It turns out that a number of countries, America included, don’t really know how to cope with this financial crisis.

5) The government is also working to bridge the gap between rural and urban areas, so a more balanced economic development could be achieved.

1.3.10 实验案例1-10 写作技巧专栏

(1) Capitalization

1) That is the Nile River, which runs through Africa.

2) He said, “This is the house where I lived two years ago.”

3) If you want to read the news, Facebook is saying, come to Facebook, not to NBC News or The Atlantic or The New York Times

4) “The Summing Up” is a short story written by English writer William Somerset Maugham, whose most famous work is Of Human Bondage.

5) The father’s name is Robert Smith Senior, and the son’s name is Robert Smith Junior.

6) Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the queen of England.

7) The National Institute of Standards and Technology said Thursday that they are trying to ensure the accuracy of DNA tests.

8) The first movie of the series is Harry Potter and the P hilosopher’s Stone.

9) During the Civil War, the North battled with the South.

(10) From the Big Mac to our Premium Grilled Chicken Club to our classic Cheeseburger,

McDonald’s sandwiches make the meal.

(2) Numbers

(1) What would you do with five million dollars?

(2) Nineteen ninety-nine was a year in which computer programmers became a little nervous about the future.

(3) The woman was in her ninth month of pregnancy and was feeling uncomfortably large.

(4) This year, our salaries have only been increased by 0.5%.

(5) The play is for ages five to one hundred and five.

(6) My phone number is 555-8593.

(7) The television screen took up two-thirds of the wall.

(8) The charity’s headquarters can be reached by taking the No. 2 bus to Main Street.

(9) The plane leaves around six o’clock in the evening.

(10) The club celebrated the birthdays of six 90-year-olds who were born in the city.

(3) Abbreviations

(1) The Jacksons recently moved to Nevada from North Dakota.

(2) Did you say you wanted to buy 40 pounds?

(3) The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 24.

(4) In college, Lance majored in physical education.

(5) Read pages 23-37 of chapter 9 in the health manual to find out more information.

Unit 2

2.3.2实验案例2-2 文章理解(T1)

(1) Reading Skills: Selection of Details in Narration

1)…she had a feeling of being, as it were, undressed. (Para.2)

She felt as though the very horses and dogs were staring and laughing at the plainness of her dress. (Para.2)

…she felt ashamed, and no trace of her usual boldness and sauciness remained… (Para.14)…in her own mind she no long thought of herself as Vanda, but as NastasyaKanavkin she used to be in the old days… (Para.14)

2)But as she touched the bell, this plan seemed to vanish from her mind of itself. (Para.9)

Vanda began suddenly feeling frightened and nervous, which was not at all her way. (Para.9) …she felt suddenly timid and humiliated. She was ashamed and frightened.(Para.9) 3)…and on whose head she had once emptied a glass of beer at the supper at the German club.


smash all the lamps in the house (Para.8)

…she would run laughing up the stairs, dash into the dentist’s room and demand twenty-five roubles. (Para.9)

4)tall, dark Jew, fat cheeks, bulging eyes, (Para. 18)

…all of him was so well fed, so loathsome and repellent… (Para. 18)

tipsy at drinking parties, patient with their pranks, (Para. 18)

…a cross, sleepy expression, looked solemn and frigid like a police captain,(Para. 18)

Smug figure, (Para. 20)

tobacco-stained fingers, (Para. 33)

in a jesting tone. (Para. 39)

(2) Questions and Answers

1)The first thing she did was to visit a pawn-broker’s a nd pawn her turquoise ring, her one piece

of jewelry. (Para. 2)

2)After long hesitation, Vanda made up her mind to fall back on her last resource: to go straight

to the lodging of a dentist, named Finkel. (Para. 5,7)

3)She felt frightened and nervous. (She was ashamed and frightened.) (Para. 9)

4)Because she was humbly dressed and looked like a laundress or sewing girl. (Para. 14)

5)No. Instead, she gave the dentist the rouble that had been given to her for her ring. (Para. 40)

(3) True or False

1) F. The first thing Vanda did after she left the hospital was to visit a pawn-broker’ and pawn her turquoise ring. (Para. 2)

2) T. The question what she should eat and where she should sleep did not trouble her in the least. (Para. 2)

3) F. She would be refused admittance to the “Renaissance” in that shabby dress and with no hat. (Para. 4)

4) T. After long hesitation, when she was sick of walking and sitting and thinking, Vanda made up her mind to fall back on her last resource: to go straight to the lodgings of some gentleman friend and ask for money. (Para. 5)

5) F. She thought of Misha, a married man, the old chap with the red hair, and then the dentist Finkel. (Para. 6,7)

6) F. Before Vanda reached the dentist’s door, at first she thought out her plan of action: she would run laughing up the stairs, dash into the dentist’s room and demand twenty-five roubles. (Para.


7) F. She lied about the toothache. (Para. 22-29)

8) T. (Para. 17)

9) F. The dentist still asked for the fee from Vanda. (Para. 39)

10) T (Para. 41-43)


(1) Blank Filling

1) vanish 2) dash 3) hesitation 4) luxurious 5) ushered

6) frigid 7) countenance 8) snorted 9) overwhelmed 10) wretched

(2) Word Bank

1) converted2) overwhelmed 3) solemn 4) clutched5) humiliated

6) lodgings 7) bulging 8) resource 9) murmured 10) approaching

(3) Synonyms in Context

1)shabby 2) humiliated 3) frightened 4) timid 5) magnificent

6)immense7) luxurious 8) frigid 9) cross 10) murmured

2.3.4 实验案例2-4 句型掌握(T1)

(1) Sentence Translation










(2)Sentence Imitation

1)The results of her child’s report card were all that this mom thought about: the child’s heavy

study pressure and limited leisure time did not trouble her in the least.

2)If only they were here now, we would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

3)After long hesitation, when he racked his brains and felt very confused with the final term

paper, George made up his mind to fall back on his last resource: to go straight to the lodgings of the professor and ask for his advice.

4)I remember a student, called Smith, one of the most intelligent boys I know, who is planning

to apply for the scholarship of Harvard University.

5) When he heard the news that his son won the champion he felt more overwhelmed with joy

than before, but now it was not the result he was glad about.

2.3.6 实验案例2-6 文章理解(T2)

(1) Questions and Answers

1)Because the very slowness with which a letter makes its way to its destination prompts people

to put more of theirfeelings into the words. (Para. 1)

2)Yes. The existence of these networking sites provides a social and psychological benefit,

helping those who shy away from presenting themselves directly to the world to gain a public place and identity. These sites also enable people to keep in touch with a wide circle of friends and colleagues, thereby increasing the range of their affections, and filling the world with goodwill and happy feelings. (Para. 2)

3)Real friendship shows itself in actionand affection. The screen, after all, is primarily a locus of

information. Only words, and not hands or the things they carry, can reach from it to comfort the sufferer. (Para. 4)

4)In the once normalconditions of human contact, people became friends by being in each

other’s presence, understanding all the many subtle signals, verbal and bodily, whereby another testifies to his character, emotions, and intentions, and building affection and trust in tandem. (Para. 5)

5)Perhaps we can survive in a worldof virtual relations, but we might be deprived of all that

makes us grow as moral beings – of risk, embarrassment, suffering, and love, and shrink to mere points of view in a world where these things do not really occur. (Para. 11)

(2) Matching

1) 3 2) 7 3) 5 4) 1 5) 8

6)9 7)2 8)10 9) 6 10) 4

2.3.7 实验案例2-7 词汇学习(T2)

(1) Blank Filling

1) fundamental 2) inevitably3) affections 4) novel

5) being in each other’s presence6) mediated7) Transferring 、

8) temptation9) ultimate 10) domain

(2) Word Bank

1) accelerating2) composed 3) prompt 4) substitute 5) identity

6) primarily 7) encounter 8) definitive 9) consume 10) deprive

(3) Collocation

1) about2) for 3) from 4) with 5) off

6) on 7) for 8) over 9) to 10) of

2.3.8 实验案例2-8 句型掌握(T2)

(1) Sentence Translation










(2)Sentence Imitation

1)This book provides simple terms and rich cartoon pictures, helping many children who shy

away from talking about sex with their parents to gain/ acquire scientific knowledge about sex.

2) A real partner will come to the rescue during your tough times/ at hard times/ in the difficult


3)Professor Li’s English class so grips/ed the students’ attention with informative lectures

(contents), creative way of teaching, and various class activities that everyone stays/ed glued to the class.

4)Without asking questions (questioning) we can never acquire either the capacity to create

(innovate) or critical thinking skills.

5)Perhaps we can survive by depending (relying) on our parents, but we might be deprived of

all that makes us grow as independent beings (individuals).

2.3.10实验案例2-10 写作技巧专栏

(1)Identify Kinds of Sentences:

1)S 2) CX 3) S 4) S 5) CD

6)CD 7) CX 8) CD 9) CX 10) S

11) CX 12) CD-CX 13) CD 14) S 15) CD-CX

(2)Rewrite the Sentences

1)He thought the painting was of little value, so he let me have it for only ten pounds.

He thought the painting was of little value; he let me have it for only ten pounds.

He thought the painting was of little value and he let me have it for only ten pounds.

2)After the firemen fought for three hours, they finally managed to put out the fire.

3)When they were on holiday, their house was broken into and some valuable paintings were


4)Nobody in this world is quite perfect; we all have some faults.

Nobody in this world is quite perfect, for we all have some faults.

5) The girl, whose mother was a famous pianist, began to learn to play the piano when she was a child.

Because her mother was a famous pianist, the girl began to learn to play the piano very early.

Being a daughter of a famous female pianist, the girl began to learn to play the piano when she was very young.

Her mother being a famous female pianist, the girl began to learn to play the piano very early.

6) A stormy applause broke forth because the young dancer appeared on the stage.

A stormy applause broke forth when the young dancer appeared on the stage.

The young dancer received a stormy applause during her appearance on the stage.

The young dancer appeared on the stage, receiving a stormy applause.

A stormy applause broking forth, the dancer appeared on the stage.

7) He looked in vain for the familiar landmarks when he returned to his hometown which he had

been away for twelve years.

He returned to his hometown which he had been away for twelve years, looking in vain for the familiar landmarks.

He looked in vain for the familiar landmarks in his hometown which he had been away for twelve years.

Having been away from his hometown for twelve years, he looked in vain for the familiar landmarks.

He returned to his hometown which he had been away for twelve years only to find the unfamiliar landmarks.

8) We have made some progress but we still have a long way to go.

We still have a long way to go although we have made some progress.

Some progress having been made, we still have a long way to go.

Having made some progress, we still have a long way to go.

9) Before migrating into Europe, the gypsies were a nomadic people from India but once they

were thought to be Egyptians.

Originally being a nomadic people from India, the gypsies migrated into Europe, but once they were thought to be Egyptians.

The gypsies, whose ancestors were nomadic people from India and later migrated into Europe, were once thought to be Egyptians.

10) As Professor Li had great concern for us, she often came to help us.

Professor Li had great concern for us, so she often came to help us.

Professor Li often came to help us because she had great concern for us.

Professor Li, who had great concern for us, often came to help us.

Professor Li, having great concern for us, often came to help us.

Having great concern for us, Professor Li often came to help us.

Professor Li had great concern for us and therefore often came to help us.

Unit 3

3.3.2 实验案例3-2 文章理解(T1)

(1) Reading Skills


1)verb, verb, adjective, adjective, adjective.

2)adverb, noun, adjective, verb.

3)verb, verb, adjective, adverb.

4)verb, adjective, verb, adjective.

5)adjective, adverb, noun, noun.

(2) Matching

1)2 2) 15 3) 11 4)13 5)20

6)13 7)20 8) 3 9) 15 10) 18

(3) True or False

1) T. The Time Traveler was expounding a recondite matter to us. (Para.2)

2) F. I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted.(Para.2)

3) F.There are really four dimensions, three of which we call the planes of Space. (Para.11)

4) T. That Space is spoken of as having three dimensions, which one may call Length, Breadth,

and Thickness, and is always definable, by reference to three planes, each at right angles to the others. (Para. 15)

5) T. Well, I do not mind telling you I have been at work upon this geometry of Four Dimensions

for some time. (Para. 17)

6) F. For instance, here is a portrait of a man at eight years old, another at fifteen, another at

seventeen, another at twenty-three, and so on. All these are evidently sections, as it were, Three-Dimensional representations of his Four-Dimensioned being, which is a fixed and unalterable thing. (Para. 17)

7) T. Scientific people know very well that Time is only a kind of space. (Para. 18)

8) F. Time Traveler does not believe that people can move freely in Space. (Para.20)

9)F. We are always getting away from the present moment. (Para. 25)

10) F. Of course we have no means of staying back for any length of Time, any more than a

savage or an animal has of staying six feet above the ground. But a civilized man is better off than the savage in this respect. (Para. 27)


(1) Blank Filling

1) admired 2) reasonable 3) mathematical 4) existence 5)cube

6) directions 7)extensively8) philosophical 9) brightening 10) diagram

(2) Word Bank

1) flashed 2) overlook 3) cradle 4)luxurious 5) incline

6) proceed 7) abstraction 8) particularly 9) perspective 10) reference

3.3.4 实验案例3-4 句型掌握(T1)

(1) Sentence Translation


1) 壁炉里炉火熊熊,银制百合花灯里射出柔和的光亮,照在我们玻璃杯里跳动的气泡上。

2) 我们坐在他家的椅子上,与其说这些椅子是供人们坐的,不如说它们是在拥抱我们,抚


3) 菲尔比陷入了沉思。“很清楚”,时间旅客继续道,“任何一个实在的物体都必须向四个方


4) 实际上这就是第四维的内涵,虽然有些人谈论第四维时并不知道他们指的就是这个意思。


5) 你们都知道,我们可以在只有两维的平面上表现一个三维的立体图。同样,他们认为能


(2) Sentence Imitation


1) The principal’s voice was firm and soft, and her usually solemn face became kind and friendly.

2)The engineer put it to us in this way – marking all the problems with a ball-point pen – as we sat

and gratefully accepted his help over this construction project.

3) “I”,murmured a very young woman,jumping to her feet and adjusting her dress, “I don ’t


4) “Now, it is beyond my wildest dreams!” continued the girl, with a slight accession of


5) “I know your secret.” murmured the film star;andknitting his brows, he lapsed into an


3.3.6 实验案例3-6 文章理解(T2)

(1) Matching

1) 2 2) 4 3) 3 4) 3 5) 1

6) 4 7)2 8) 3 9)4 10) 3

(2) True or False


1) F.Before them, people believed Aristotle, who said that the natural state of a body was to be at rest and that it moved only if driven by a force or impulse. (Para.1)

2) T. The Aristotelian tradition also held that one could work out all the laws that govern the universe by pure thought: it was not necessary to check by observation. (Para.2)

3) F . It is said that Galileo demonstrated that Aristotle’s belief was false by dropping weights from the leaning tower of Pisa.(Para.2)

4) T. Gal ileo’s measurements indicated that each body increased its speed at the same rate, no matter what its weight.(Para.2)

5) T. On the moon, where there is no air to slow things down, the astronaut David R. Scott performed the feather and led weight experiment and found that indeed they did hit the ground at the same time.(Para.2)

6) T. Galileo’s measurements were used by Newton as the basis of his laws of motion.(Para.3)

7) F .It also meant that whenever a body is not acted on by any force, it will keep on moving in a straight line at the same speed. This idea is known as Newton’s first law.(Para.3)

8) T. The more powerful the engine is, the greater the acceleration will be; but the heavier the car is, the smaller the acceleration for the same engine will be.(Para.3)

9) T. Newton’s law of gravity also tells us that the farther apart the bodies, the smaller the force. (Para.4)

10) T. For instance, playing Ping-Pong on the train, one would find that the ball obeyed Newton’s laws just like a ball on a table by the track.(Para.4)

3.3.7 实验案例3-7 词汇学习(T2)

(1) Blank Filling

1) motion 2) tradition 3)resistance 4) constantly 5) previously

6) straight 7) mass 8) original 9) increased 10) aside

(2) Word Bank

1) standards 2) indicate 3) accelerate 4) impulse 5) accurately

6)pure 7) previously 8)original 9) unique 10) predicting

3.3.8 实验案例3-8 句型掌握(T2)

(1) Sentence Translation


2) 这个故事几乎不足为信,但是伽利略的确做过相同的实验:让不同重量的铅球沿着光滑的斜面滚下。这种情况类似于重物的垂直下落,只是因为速度慢而更易观察而已。


4) 根据牛顿引力定律,一个类似恒星在距离小一半时的引力只有一个恒星引力的四分之一。这个定律极其精确地预言了地球、月球和其他行星的轨迹。

5) 亚里士多德与伽利略和牛顿观点的巨大差别在于,亚里士多德相信一个静止状态,任何没有受到外力和冲击的物体都保持这种状态。

(2) Sentence Imitation

1) Our present ideas about this tradition date back over 200 years.

2) It is said that Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning was electricity by conducting a kite

experiment during a thunderstorm.

3) The notion quality with equality was used by our president as the basis of his laws of

management and operation.

4) This idea was first stated explicitly in Carl Marx and Frederick Engels’s Manifesto of The

Communist Party, published in 1848, and is known as Communism.

5) The big difference between exposition and narration is that exposition is a writing which explains and describes something.

3.3.10 实验案例3-10 写作技巧专栏

(1) Exercise

1) Periodic +P eriodic + Loose+ Balanced

2) Periodic +B alanced+ Loose+ Periodic

3) Loose + Periodic+ Balanced+ Loose

(2) Translation

1) To see you during the vacation was really a pleasure.

2) Although he wanted the job more than anything in the world, he knew he had little chance of

getting it.

3) We came to our journey’s end at last, with no small difficulty, after much fatigue, through deep

roads and bad weather.

4) Canada is certainly a less violent place than the United States, since in the U.S. a violent crime

is committed every thirty-one seconds, compared with one every four minutes in Canada.

5) The role of a man is to provide and the role of a woman is to care for the household and family.

This is a traditional perspective we were taught in the past.

Unit 4

4.3.2 实验案例4-2 文章理解(T1)

(1) Reading Skills

1) inner drive to take action or to achieve something.

2) need to be motivated

3) come from exactly the same family

4) aiming at being a partner in a law firm; aiming at being a good mother

5) to show something, to reveal something

(2) Matching

1) 9 2) 2 3) 6 4) 1 5) 10

6) 8 7) 11 8) 7 9) 3 10) 4

(3) True or False

1)T 2)T 3)F 4)F 5)T 6)F 7)F 8)T 9)F 10)T


(1) Blank Filling

1) aggressively 2) drift 3) transformed 4) facility 5) quenched

6) democratically 7) manifestly 8) oversees 9) consumed 10) prestige

(2) Word Bank

1) live off 2) Transform 3) prestige 4) get ahead 5)Outgrown

6) thrive 7) oversee 8)evolutionary 9) facility 10) impulse

4.3.4 实验案例4-4 句型掌握(T1)

(1) Sentence Translation



2) 有人每周工作长达80小时,也有人5点就准时打卡下班。

3) 人类学家和心理学家等专家已开始进一步研究这些问题,试图从家庭、文化、性别、基


4) 他们发现一家经营状况尚可的健身俱乐部,从所有者手上买下,并把它改造为豪华的健


5) 为什么有些人生来就抱有雄心壮志,而有些人,如希普兄弟,需要外部事物来激起他们


(2) Sentence Imitation

1) Of all the developed countries in the world, America –the bellwether of global economic development since the Second World War, ought to have the greatest capacity to resist financial risks.

2) Artists and Historians dug further into the evolution of Peking Opera, tracing its history through video and audio materials, folk tales and foreign literature.

3) People with high ambition but no real ability are the ones who wind up achieving nothing and would instead blame it on bad luck.

4) In the same year, they graduated from college, and with it went those carefree days of their life that provided them with a golden opportunity to absorb knowledge, explore freely and unleash their full potential.

5) Given that the family could hardly make ends meet, the habit of watching every penny is(has been)hard-wired into every family member.

4.3.6 实验案例4-6 文章理解(T2)

(1)True or False

1) T 2)T 3)F 4)F5)F

6)T 7)F 8)F 9)T 10)T

(2) Matching

1) 1 2) 11 3)8 4) 16 5) 17

6) 19 7) 3 8) 20 9) 7 10) 10

4.3.7 实验案例4-7 词汇学习(T2)

(1) Blank Filling

1) detrimental 2)integrate 3) legitimate 4) depleted 5) savoring

6)appealed 7)faltered 8)diminish 9) immeasurably 10) intimate

(2) Translation

1) detrimental to health2)tackle challenges

3) 9 to 5 grind 4) legitimate job

5) a leave of absence 6) wilderness survival tests

7) appeal to 8) invigorate one’s soul

9) finance the adventure 10)expand one’s horizons

4.3.8 实验案例4-8 句型掌握(T2)

(1) Sentence Translation

1) 追求一个远远超出现实范围的梦想就像是海市蜃楼,既自私又冒险。

2) 忽视你内心的渴望所消耗的精力要比促使你朝梦想前进所需要的信念的力量还要大。

3) 回首这次旅行,二人认为这次探险有着重要作用.“荒野生存的压力之下,我们的夫妻关




5) 与四季同步有助于我慢慢接受善终医生的世界里习以为常的生死现象。

(2) Sentence Imitation

1) The energy it takes to mend a coat is greater than the time it takes to make a new one.

2) Whether your dream involves climbing the highest mountain in the world or owning a multinational company, you owe it to yourself to reach for it.

3) Vague about what direction to take, Tom gradually began to focus on local snacks.

4) The soldiers had close calls withstarvation, freezing cold and bullets, but the liberation of the nation made it worth the physical and emotional challenge.

5) Staying with his colleagues is critical to his emotional health, and it re-enlivened him professionally.

4.3.10 实验案例4-10 写作技巧专栏

(1) Unity

1)Finding the kitchen window open, he put a ladder against it and climbed in.

2)My best friend at university was our English teacher, Wang Ping, who taught us for two years.

3)As the competition for college enrollment is extremely keen this year, the candidates spend days and nights preparing for the entrance examinations, neglecting their health. In view of this, the newspapers carry articles urging teachers and parents to take up this problem seriously.

4)He was born in a small town in South China in the early 50s. In his childhood he liked to sing songs. Later he entered a conservatory. In the 70s he became a famous musician.

5)Du Fu was one of the greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty./Du Fu was one of the greatest poets in China.

(2) Coherence

1) It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance, for sports or music, and others are not.

2) Some countries have single-sex education models, while in others both single sex and mixed schools co-exist.

3) The cost of travelling, even though it is at present increasing due to an economic slow-down globally, is still relatively affordable to many people.

4) Even if There is no strict school policy, teachers should not let their students have access to mobile phones during exams.

5) The government will increase its support for public education, provided that such funds can be put to good use.

6) It is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipment with confidence as they will need these skills throughout their studies and working lives.

7) Citizens found some laws contradictory. Accordingly, they requested that the government take measures to clarify these laws.

8) The crime rate is increasingly high; therefore, the government needs to enforce more stringent

laws to curb this situation.

9) Some people think all doctors and teachers should work for a period of time in the rural area while some others believe doctors and teachers should have the freedom to choose where they work.

10) Today most work is done by teams of people and all of them have different strengths and weaknesses.

Unit 6

6.3.2 实验案例6-2 文章理解(T1)

(1) Reading Skills

Summary 1

1)dysfunctional childhood 2) alcohol

3)legendarymoments 4) simple and strict

5) identified 6)a drink

7) the Bridger Mountains 8) painfully dull

Summary 2

1) James Michener’s 2) Chesapeake

3) heroine 4)worked our way through

5)daily 6)Jerusha

7)Chesapeake Bay

Summary 3

1) comedy shtick 2) offended

3) hackles raised 4)alarm and skepticism

5)chinook 6) the sheer pleasure

7) distinctive baritone laughter 8) chinook-blown folly

(2) True or False

1) F. Our friends were doing a production of Fiddler on the Roof at Montana State University.

(Para. 2)

2) T. See a show, hit a few bars, sleep on a sofa: This is as close to prudence as it gets when you’re

a 20-something musician. (Para. 2)

3) T. “Excuse me?”I was offended, hackles raised. “Anyone who doesn’t think comedy is an art

form certainly hasn’t read much Shakespeare, have they?” (Para. 6)

4) F. I informed them that I was a “professional shticktress” and went on to deliver a sharp,

pedantic lecture on the French neoclassics and the importance of Fiddler on the Roof as both artistic and oral history. (Para. 7)

5) F. Having embraced the life of an artsy party girl, I was the black sheep of my conservative

Midwestern family, thoroughly enjoying my freedom and a steady diet of wild oats. (Para.


6) F. He made a hard right turn to an almost monkish existence in a tiny mountain cabin. He’d

built a simple and strict life that was solitary but real, baking bread at a local restaurant, splitting wood for his heating stove, staying out of trouble. (Para. 22)

7) F. We talked about the things people tend to avoid when they’re trying to make a good

impression. (Para. 26)

8) F. I felt warm inside because I was certain of my feelings for him. (Para. 28)

9) T.I can’t approve of the idea of love at first sight, but maybe there are moments when God or

fate or some cosmic sense of humor rolls its eyes at two stammering human hearts and says, “Oh, for crying out loud.” (Para. 34)

10) F. We weren’t exempted from any of the hard work a long marriage demands, but for better or

worse, in sickness and in health, that moment of unguarded, chinook-blown folly has somehow lasted 30 years (Para. 35).


(1) Blank Filling

1) crackled 2)prudence 3) blast 4) startled 5) refuge

6)posture 7) emerged 8)fading 9)stammering 10)exempted

(2) Word Bank

1) pedantic 2) cling 3) abuse 4) identified 5) offend

6) dysfunctional 7)visibility 8) disastrous 9)embrace 10) exempted

6.3.4 实验案例6-4 句型掌握(T1)

(1) Sentence Translation




(2) Sentence Imitation

1) The loudspeaker crackled announcement about the upcoming sports meeting, and students who had signed upstarted to listen attentively.

2)The mechanic in our community is in the habit of helping empty-nesters, children who need to be picked up after school, pregnant women and the disabled.

3) His interests range from politics and geography to music and tennis.

4)Battling with his disease persistently, Stephen Hawking was considered as a prodigy in the physics world, who isstill thoroughly pursuing scientific truth.

5) Flakes of snow drifted, and we emerged from the canteen to discover the ground covered with a white snow blanket.

6.3.6 实验案例6-6 文章理解(T2)

(1) Multiple Choices

1) D 2) C 3) C 4) B 5) A

(2) Matching

1)9 2) 25 3) 14 4)18 5)3

6) 20 7)11 8)7 9) 23 10)17

6.3.7 实验案例6-7 词汇学习(T2)

(1) Blank Filling

1) hunter 2)agents 3) affairs 4)cling 5) anguish

6)endorse 7)autonomy 8) undo 9) internal 10) conviction

(2) Translation

1) an air of absolute confidence 2) a book-lined living room

3) apart of the growth process 4) undo the effects of

5) part and parcelof the journey 6) cross…off the list

7) wax and wane 8) a giant leap into the dark

9) dead-end love affairs 10) a tall order

6.3.8 实验案例6-8 句型掌握(T2)

(1) Sentence Translation

1) 近来,她一直致力于帮助人们理解恋爱如何改变生活,尽管有些变化不尽如意。

2) 问题往往潜藏在儿童时期。他们害怕别人发现自己有所渴求,或者害怕家长的不认可。

3) 在我看来,爱情如果要开花结果,两人不但要有共同的兴趣,还要有可以分享的各自的


4) “哦,在争吵的事情上你得有所选择”,Person坦言,她自己就会因为卧室墙壁的选色和


5) 你看,在任何和谐的爱情关系里,都必然有怒火和争执爆发的时候。

(2) Sentence Imitation

1) She is a red-haired woman with clear eyes and an air of elegance.

2) The mission of this institution, these days, is to help people understand how technology can turn people’s lives around though not necessarily in the ways they expect.

3) We should not regard our mistakes as failure but as a good opportunity to reflect on our own conduct.

4) He confessed that he himself was capable of fighting to the death with his colleagues over some details of a project.

5) For most people, quitting their jobs and starting a businessis like a giant leap into the dark.

6.3.10 实验案例6-10 写作技巧专栏

(1) Sentence Fragments

1) Rachel notices the toilet paper stuck to her shoe.

Rachel (is quite satisfied) until she noticesthe toilet paper stuck to her shoe.

2) (You should find the person) whom you can trust with the secret.

3) (Please) sit in the sofa until you feel relaxed.

4) (The envelope is) hidden in the bureau drawer underneath a pile of mismatched socks.

5) (Diane bought an insect net) to catch butterflies for her biology project.

6) There is a lake on top of the mountain.

7) (Jimmy) yawned loudly enough to make everyone in class turn around.

8) (I have) the desire to eat all the candy in the store.

9) Many of my friends didn’t have the opportunity to go to college.

10) (His stories) include the dog with three legs and the cat with one eye.

(2) Run-on Sentences

1) Felicity has won support from her parents; she could pursue any subject of her interest.

2) It takes at least three months to obtain a driving license in China, while the process is much shorter in South Korea.

3) Her parents knew that she suffered greatly from pressure, but they refused to send her to a psychologist.

4) After she argued with the mechanic, her car started running badly.

5) By the end of semester, Mr. Smith still couldn’t say my name correctly; he found it difficult to pronounce Chinese names.

6) Without any findings from this three-month project, the researcher decided to focus on another topic.

7) I developed an interest in math in high school because of Mr. Bierce, a passionate math teacher.

8) She spares no effort to strike a balance between work and family, because she believes that women can have it all.

9) Technology is a shaping force in a country’s development; I won’t be surprised if a large proportion of tax money is poured into that area.

10) Though people in the States celebrate Thanksgiving Day every year, for American Indians, it marked the beginning of their miserable life.

第七单元动物智慧Unit 7 Animal Intelligence

7.3.2实验项目7-2 文章理解(T1)

5. 实验习题

(1) Reading Skills

1) people who adopted Christian, the lion

2) the place where Ace, John and Christian lived

3) the antique pine furniture shop where Ace and John worked

4) theLondon photographer who took many superb photographs of Christian

5) people who starred in the film Born Free and offered help to Ace, John and Christian

6) the person who rehabilitated Christian back into a natural life in Kenya

7) the site in north-east Kenya

8) a large adult male lionwho had been used in the filming of Born Free

9) the director whose credits included the well-known television series The Avengers

10) George’s assistant, the Field Director for the George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust now

(2) Matching

1) 4 2) 10 3) 16 4) 3 5) 1

6) 5 7) 6 8) 8 9)14 10) 2

(3) Multiple Choice

1) C 2) B 3) D 4) B 5) D


4. 实验习题

(1) Blank Filling

1) prestigious 2) stereotypes 3) exceptionally 4) frighten 5) scarcity 6) contacting 7) alternative 8) Negotiations 9) assembling 10) hostile

(2) Word Bank

1) manuals 2) intrigued 3) endangering 4) options 5) conservation

6) hostility 7) enchanted 8) intact 9) mischievous 10) documentaries

7.3.4 实验项目7-4 句型掌握(T1)

4. 实验习题

(1) Sentence Translation




4)其他的问题则是周围恶劣的环境和栖息在那里的野生狮子。虽然他们能够接受放生的母狮,但是却会无情地将闯入他们领地的“男孩”和“克里斯蒂安”驱逐,因为他们是雄性。5)一年以后的1971年,埃斯和约翰重返肯尼亚看望克里斯蒂安。他们与已经长大的克里斯蒂安重逢的一幕在四十年后风靡一时。有一亿多人通过视频网站YouTube、奥普拉·温弗瑞的脱口秀、美国广播公司的访谈节目The View以及艾伦的访谈目睹了那难忘的场景。

(2) Sentence Imitation

1) Siberian Husky fitted very well to Harbin at that time when owning an exotic pet dog was not heard of.

2) In 2013 and 2014, Parisian photographer Christine took many superb photographs of Chinese undergraduates in their classrooms, in the gym and on campus.

3) Five-year-old Roger grew very quickly and within months he outgrew many clothes.

4) Like other colleagues, Linda found their new boss charismatic and beautiful.

5) The fund from donations could help to finance Gree n’s return to the prairie, and the establishment of natural conservation of wildlife and the wolves for rehabilitation at wildlife sanctuary in China.

7.3.6 实验项目7-6 文章理解(T2)

5. 实验习题

(1) Matching

1) 7 2) 2 3) 2 4) 6 5) 3

6) 4 7) 6 8) 2 9) 7 10) 1

(2)True or False

1) T. John W. Pilley said that Chaser had about the intelligence of a toddler. (Para. 1)

2) F. According to the text, Chaser who knows 1 000 words is 9-year-old. (Para. 1)

3) F. Duke University animal-intelligence researcher Brian Hare calls Chaser “the most

scientifically important dog in over a century”. (Para. 2)

4) T. When learning languages, children unconsciously grasp a series of concepts as they advance from wordless babbling to complete sentences. (Para. 2)

5) T. Our language games revolved around finding, chasing, fetching and herding her toys –behaviors that released her instinctive drives as a border collie. (Para. 2)

6) T. Instinct-based play gave the toys value in Chaser’s mind, and that in turn gave valu e to the words – proper nouns and common nouns, verbs and even prepositions, adverbs and adjectives. (Para. 2)

7) F. Chaser learned that nouns and verbs have independent meanings and can be combined in many different ways (combinatorial understanding). (Para. 3)

8) T. Chaser learned to reason by exclusion, meaning that she can identify a new object she’s never seen from among a group of familiar objects simply on the basis of hearing its name for the first time (drawing an inference). (Para. 3)

9)T.Matching to sample – I hold up an object, like a shoe or a ball or a stuffed teddy bear, and ask Chaser to find another one – is also an abstract conceptual challenge; it requires understanding, “I’m supposed to find something that has the same characteristics.” (Para. 5)

10) T. Chaser learns things that were once thought to be possible only for humans, demonstrating

that our minds and dogs’ minds are much more alike than we think and differ much more in degree than in kind. (Para. 7)

7.3.7 实验项目7-7 词汇学习(T2)

4. 实验习题:

(1) Blank Filling

1) capable of 2) Thanks to 3) characteristic 4) instinctive 5) unique

6) succession 7) identified 8) exclusion 9) enhance 10) misconception (2) Word Bank

1) evolutionary 2) toddler 3) implicit 4) herded 5) potentially

6) concepts 7) prior 8) open-ended 9) cognition 10)hierarchy

7.3.8 实验项目7-8 句型掌握(T2)

4. 实验习题

(1) Sentence Translation






(2)Sentence Imitation

1) Joshua Foer is a science journalist who won USA Memory Championship, but anybody is potentially capable of becoming a memory champion, including memorizing the order of a shuffled pack of playing cards in a minute.


一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共25.0分) 1. A pretty, well―dressed young lady stopped a taxi in a big square, and a said to the driver, "Do you see that young man at the other side of the square?" "Yes," said the taxi driver. The young man was standing outside a restaurant and looking impatiently (不耐烦地) at his watch every few seconds. "Take me over there," said the young lady. There were a lot of cars and buses in the square, so the taxi driver asked, "Are you afraid to cross the street?" "Oh, no!" said the young lady. "But I promised that I would meet the young man for lunch at one o' clock, and it is now a quarter to two. If I arrive in a taxi, it will at least seem as if I had tried not to be late." 1.How did the young woman get to the square? A.She arrived in a taxi. B.She drove there in a car. C.She got there by bus. D.The story doesn't tell us. 2.Why did the lady stop the taxi? A.Because she didn't want to be late for her appointment (约会). B.Because she wanted to get out of the taxi. C.Because she wanted to go to the restaurant in it. D.Because she was afraid of walking across the street. 3.The young man at the other side of the square_______. A.had probably been waiting for a long time B.had some problem with his watch C.was probably a waiter of the restaurant D.was someone the young lady didn't want to see 4.The young lady was_______. A.clever at making excuse B.not late at all C.45 minutes earlier D.15 minutes late 5.Had she tried not to be late? A.Yes, she had tried her best. B.No, she was just pretending that she had tried. C.Yes, she had tried but she was still late. D.No, she thought being late was better than being early.


Unit 1 Part Ⅱ Reading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)respectable 2)agony 3)put down 4)sequence 5)hold back 6)distribute 7)off and on 8)vivid 9)associate 10)finally 11)turn in 12)tackle 2. 1)has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2)was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3)a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time. 4)gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5)buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1)reputation; rigid; to inspire 2)and tedious; What’s more; out of date ideas 3)compose; career; avoid showing; hardly hold back Ⅱviolating Ⅲ;in upon Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze back; tedious; scanned; recall; vivid; off and on; turn out/in; career ; surprise; pulled; blowing; dressed; scene; extraordinary; image; turn; excitement ⅡTranslation As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2)His girlfriend advised him to get out of /get rid of his bad habits of smoking before it took hold. 3)Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4)It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5)It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2.Susan lost her legs because of/in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Part ⅡReading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)absolutely 2)available 3)every now and then 4)are urging/urged 5)destination 6)mostly 7)hangs out 8)right away 9)reunion 10)or something 11)estimate 12)going ahead 2. 1)in the examination was still on his mind. 2)was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game. 3)was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner. 4)has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time. 5)of equipping the new hospital was estimated at﹩2 million. 3. 1)were postponed; the awful; is estimated 2)reference; not available; am kind of 3)not much of a teacher; skips; go ahead Ⅱ;on Ⅲor less of/sort of 4. kind of/sort of 5. more or less 6. or something Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze up; awful; practically; neighborhood; correspondence; available; destination; reunion; Mostly; postponing; absolutely ; savings; embarrassment; phone; interrupted; touch; envelope; signed; message; needed ⅡHalf an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home. 2)Mary looks as if she is very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》 (通用本课后练习答案) 第二册 UNIT ONE The Pleasure of Learning Key to the Exercises I. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B II. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T. 5. F. 6. T III. 1.对于太多的人来说,学习似乎是自己的意愿屈服于外界的指引,是一种奴役. 2.然而,只要幸运,有决心,指导得法,人的精神不仅经得起贫穷而且经得起富裕的考验. 3.对一个人来说,形成完整和协调的人格与保持自身的卫生,健康以及经济上的自立是同样必要的,那些从来没有认识到这一点的人已经吃尽苦头. IV. 1. First of all , the writer points out that there is a mistake about learning. Some young people dislike learning simply because they are educated in the wrong way. Learning is a natural pleasure that should be enjoyed. Then he develops this idea by examples to illustrate the different aspects: learning from books, by travel and trough practice. Learning can expand one’s knowledge over a period of time. 2. The chief danger of learning is laziness, sloth, routine, stupidity. It sneaks into people’s mind like wind through the shutters, causing people to slowly give up learning. We should realize that learning is a life-long endeavor, and only by continuous learning can one gain a meaningful and rewarding life. Key to the reading—skill Exercises 1. Students have improved SAT scores. 2. Teenagers planned patrols 3. TV programs are less thorough than newspapers. 4. Welcome to Our City is about the South and its people 5. Some films show little children fascinated at the world. 6. One can communicate with the writer as one reads a book. with Santa Claus Key to the Exercises I . 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B II. . 1. 朱莉让我们如此为难,我的确感到生气.难道圣诞老人不存在的事实不是从同学那里得知的吗 2.我给她讲述了事情的经过,尽量使它听起来滑稽有趣,希望她不要注意到我和杰里在处理我开始认为的"圣诞老人问题"上是如此拙劣. 3.我可以看出,他正努力在想一种办法,用来解释我们的行为,使其听起来不太像事实那样具有欺骗性,那样错误和愚蠢. 4.事情就这样结束了.对圣诞老人不存在的事实悲伤了片刻只后,生活又恢复了正常. III. 1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat.


1. People have been talking about health for a long time because people know the importance of it. People's understanding of health also becomes deeper with the progress in scientific research. Recently the term "health" has come to have a wider meaning than it used to. It no longer means just the absence of illness. Today, health means the well-being of your body, your mind and your relationship with other people. This new concept of health is closely related to another term----quality of life. Quality of life is the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life. Why has the emphasis of health shifted from the absence of disease to a broader focus on the quality of a person's life?One reason for this has to do with the length and conditions of life that people can now expect. Medical advances have made it possible for people today to live longer, healthier lives. Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900. You could have expected on average to live until about the age of 47. In contrast, if you were born in the year 1999, you could expect to live to the age of 75. 2. 1. ______leads to people's deeper understanding of health. 2. https://www.360docs.net/doc/be2902586.html,mon knowledge 2.Progress in scientific research 3.Better conditions of living 4.Quality of life 3. According to the passage, to people of today, health means______. 4. 1.absence of illness 2. a long life 3.good conditions of living 4.overall satisfaction with life


3.Many products for sale seem to scream at us, "Buy me! Buy me!" Advertising is a big busin ess in our world with many products competing for our attention. Think of the last time you boug ht clothes. You probably noticed the variety of colors, patterns, fabrics and brands you could choo se from. Which kind of soft drink would you like to have today or what kind of computer do you want? Advertisers are skilled in the art of making their products look the best to appeal to our se nses. But products aren't always what they seem. Sometimes advertising is deceptive and as cons umers ,we must be careful about what we choose to buy. It is important to learn to compare prod ucts and identify our purpose in purchasing the things we need. But the good thing about advertising is that it helps people to make decisions and refine thei r choices. In the United States, the Ad Council creates timely public service messages to the nation. Th eir purpose is to raise awareness of public problems that citizens can respond to. Inspiring ads ca use individuals to take action and even save lives. Pollution in America, for example has been red uced over the years because of the creative Public Service advertisements that the council provid es" Please, please don't be a litter bug, 'cause every 'litter bit' hurts." Many families have taught t heir children to place litter in the trash can in response to this catchy phrase, which has affected g enerations as each succeeding generation has taught their children not to litter. 4.Nature imposes difficult conditions upon the earth from time to time . The tornado and fo rest fire destroy natural resources ,homes and other structures ,and very often harm or kill peopl e . Technological tragedies happen with little or no warning as we see trains crash and airplanes f all from the sky shortly after take-off. As tragic as calamities are , they seem to bring out the best in human nature . people trained in em ergency care arrive at the scene and begin assisting the inj ured .Others come with equipment to remove debris. Men , women ,and young people willingly c ome to the scene of an accident , hoping to be of help in some way . These selfless acts of kindne ss make our world a better place . compassion eases the wounds of calamities. American Airlines flight number 587 crashed less than three minutes after taking off from JF K Airport in New York in November,2001. Witnesses s aw an engine fire develop on the plane’s nu mber one engine located under the left wing of the aircraft .seconds later ,the airliner crashed int o eight homes ,completely destroying four of them .All 260 people aboard the airplane were kille d along with six people at the crash site ,leaving many people to mourn the loss of their loved on es .the residents (people who live in the area of the crash ) rallied together to comfort those griev ing, while others removed bodies from the wreckage and did the necessary clean-up. 工程实施困难的条件下在地上的时候。龙卷风和森林火灾破坏自然资源,房屋和其他建筑物,和经常伤害或杀死人。技术的悲剧发生在很少或没有预警,因为我们看到火车事故,飞机起飞后不久就从天空坠落。一样悲惨的灾难,他们似乎显示出人性中最好的。在急诊受训的人到达现场并开始帮助受伤的人则跟设备清除残骸。男人,女人,和年轻人自愿来到事故现场,希望能有帮助。这些无私的善举让我们的世界变得更美好。同情减轻灾害的伤口。 美国航空公司587号航班坠毁不到三分钟后从纽约肯尼迪机场起飞,11月2001。目击者看到一个引擎火灾发展在飞机上的1号引擎位于下飞机的左翼,接着后,客机坠毁八家,完全摧毁了四个260名乘客的飞机遇难连同6人在事故现场,造成许多人悼念失去的亲人,居民(住在崩溃的面积)聚集在一起,安慰那些悲伤,而另一些人则从残骸,并把尸体移走必要的清理。 5.Success can be reached in different ways by people in different careers. Bill Gates began at age to program computers,His vision for personal computing has been central to the success of M icrosoft Corporation, the company he founded with his childhood friend in 1975 . The former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch, is a business legend. A famous quote by Mr. Welch is,” Chang before you have to. ”He believes in leading by example and encourages his empl oyees to do their best every day. Michael Jordan s aid,”I accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.” He is one of the best athl etes to ever play team sports. His great smile, athletic achievements, and pleasant personality ha ve made him one of the most famous athletes in the world. Michael Jordan spent a lot of time pla ying basketball as a child but in senior middle school he was taken off the team . Instead of giving up , he worked through adversity and became the greatest basketball player yet .


Unit 1 part one Angel at Work Ⅰ Reading for information 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A Ⅲ Summary 1.to transcribe his Sunday speeches /too much to handle 2.out of the blue/ share the inspiration 3.deliver the tape personally/the mystery of the arrangement 4.personal contact/spastic 5.asked for reward/full and dedicated Unit 2 part one My Miraculous Life Ⅰ Reading for information 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6 C Unit 3 part one A Thief Ⅰ Reading for information 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C.A 5.B 6 C Ⅲ Summary 1.the ticket counter/a leather coat 2.a cocktail bar/catches sight of a blonde girl/a Travellers Aid counter 3. a magazine/becomes aware of/jostling/blushes

4. lifted/back pocket 5. a front window/hand her over 6. wrong/bolts 7. has stolen Unit 4 part one Escape Artists Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.publishing/overseen 2.procrastinator/affected https://www.360docs.net/doc/be2902586.html,ziness/desire/consistently/delay 4.funishes/reinforcing/subscribe 5.mismatch/sophisticated 6.solution/deploying/management Unit 5 part one For Big Bruno, a Man We Can Look Up to Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.hard work/pay off 2.Big Bruno/strong in stature/a gentle spirit 3.most patient/slow to get angry/a heart of gold


新版新视野大学英语读写教程第四册unit1答案 Unit One 1. idle 2. justify 3. discount 4. distinct 5. minute 6.accused 7. object 8. contaminate 9. sustain 10. Worship Exercises on Web course only:11. Drown 12. Fined 13. Chased 14. cruelty IV. 1. accusing... of 2. end up 3. came upon 4. at her worst 5. pay for 6. run a risk of 7. participate in 8. other than 9. object to/objected 10. at best V 1. K 2. G 3. C 4. E 5. N 6.O 7.I 8. L 9. A 10. D Collocation VI. 1. delay 2. pain 3. hardship 4. suffering 5. fever 6. defeat 7. poverty 8. treatment 9. noise 10. agony Word building VII. 1. justify 2. glorify 3. exemplifies 4. classified 5. purified 6. intensify 7. identify 8. terrified VIII. 1. bravery 2. jewelry 3. delivery 4. machinery 5. robbery 6. nursery 7. scenery 8. discovery Sentence Structure IX. 1. other than for funerals and weddings 2. other than to live an independent life 3. other than that they appealed to his eye . . ` 4. but other than that, he'll eat just about everything . 5. other than that it's somewhere in the town center X. 1. shouldn't have been to the cinema last night 2. would have; told him the answer 3. they needn't have gone at all 4. must have had too much work to do 5. might have been injured seriously Translation XI. - 1. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed. 2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day. 3.Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best. 4.We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it. 5.Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull. 6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security.


Key to Exercises Opener Mary is thinking of getting a tattoo tomorrow afternoon. She asks Mel to join her, but Mel cannot because she has to work tomorrow. And then Mary invites Mel to go to a party tomorrow night. Mel hesitates at first, but finally decides to go with Mary. They will meet at eight o’clock. Abbreviation Meaning 1. TGIF Thank God it’s Friday 2. AMA Ask me anything 3. OMG Oh my God! 4. YOLO You only live once 5. FOMO Fear of missing out 6. FYI For your information 7. LOL Laugh out loud 8. TBH To be honest 9. PPL People 10. ETA Estimated time of arrival Transcript: A: Hey, Mary. B: Hey, Mel. A: TGIF.

B: TGIF. A: Mel, I need some advice on something. B: AMA A: Yeah, thanks. I’m thinking of getting a tattoo. B: OMG! Really Are you serious A: Well, YOLO. B: That’s true. A: Well. B: When are you going to do it A: I’m thinking tomorrow afternoon. Do you want to come B: Oh, I’d love to come, but I’ve got to work tomorrow. Oh, major FOMO. A: What a shame! B: Yeah, A: Well, FYI, there’s a party tomorrow night. And if you are not busy, you can come to that instead. B: I’m not busy, but TBH I really need to take it easy this weekend. A: What That’s so not like you. B: LOL, that’s true. A: Party is in Hackney Wick. It’s gonna be good, good music, good PPL. B: Oh, major FOMO again. Oh, what the hell Yes, why not I’ll go.



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front
