




2. ①注意「~はどうでしょうか」「~のではないでしょうか」「~と思います?考えます」等表示说话人思考、见解的句子,一般为答案。





1 ホテルのいろいろな利用の仕方

2 ホテルでの仕事の仕方

3 よく泊まるホテルの部屋

4 ホテルでの買い物




3. 反复叙述的内容和举了多个例子的一般是答案。




























八年级英语下册第一次月考试题 亲爱的同学,在你答题前,请认真阅读下面的注意事项: 1.本试卷由第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分组成。全卷共10页,七大题,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。 2.答题前,请将你的姓名、准考证号填写在“答题卡”相应位置,并在“答题卡卡”背面左上角填写姓名和座位号 3.答第I卷(选择题)时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答在“试卷”上无效. 4.答第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)时,答案用0.5毫米黑色笔迹签字笔书写在“答题卡”上。答在“试卷”上无效。 5.认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项预祝你取得优异成绩! 第I卷(选择题共85分) 第一部分听力部分 一、听力测试(共三节) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。 1. A. She’s smart. B. She’s Green. C. She’s waiting for you. 2. A. By bus. B. Very early. C. Near the market. 3. A. A small one. B. A football. C. Too heavy. 4. A. Cheap. B. To cut pears. C. The new one. 5. A. Around five. B. With Tom. C. Not very far. 第二节(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分) 听下面7段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段対话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来作答有关小题和阅读下一小題。每段对话仅读一遍。 6. What can we know about Mary? A. She is better now. B. She feels bad. C. She wants to be better. 7. What’s Bill’s phone number? A. 85658977. B. 85658976. C. 84658977. 8. What does the man want to do? A. To stay in the room. B. To have some coffee. C. To go for a walk. 9. Where are these people? A. In the classroom. B. In the shop. C. At the cinema. 10. How was the football game? A. Interesting. B. Exciting. C. Boring. 11. What do we learn from the talk? A. The woman wants to finish her paper. B.The woman wants to swim. C. The woman wants to the cinema.


Ⅰ从下列各组ABCD四个选项中,选出划线部分读音不同的选项。 (5×1=5分) ()1. A. with B. thank C. three D. both ()2. A. day B. today C. Monday D. windy ()3. A. cake B. nice C. e D. clean ()4. A. watch B. school C. much D. China ()5. A. bread B. sea C. leave D. meat Ⅱ单项选择题。(1×15=15分) 1. Apples and milk on sale in this supermarket. A. There are B. There is C. There isn't 2. Where I buy phone cards? A. does B. can C. am 3. A: John clean the meeting room? B:No, I’m sorry. He . A. Can; can B. Can't; can C. Can; can't 4. Nice to meet you. Here my name card. A. am B. is C. are 5. A: Where they e from? B: They from London, England. A. are; are B. does; are C. do; are 6. Three of study in vocational school. A. them B. they C. their 7. A: Who ? B: Mary and Carmen. A. is she B. is he C. are they 8. A: How is the weather? B: It is but . A. suny; cold B. sunny; cold C. sunny; coldy 9. I can . A. swim B. swimming C. swims 10. Pears are . A. on a sale B. on sale C. on the sale 11. What's weather in China? A. the; like B. a; like C. /; like 12. invite to the party. A. I; their B. Am; them C.I; them 13. There some water in the bottle. A. are B. is C. be 14. That's hat. A. she B. her C. hers 15. we have salad a good price.


2012—2013年第一学期英语月考试题 听力部分(20分) 第一节听上句,从下面的A ,B ,C三个选项中选出适当答语,并把其标号填在题前括号内。(5分) ( )1. A. I have a headache . B. I have a bag. C. I don’t have a headache ( )2. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. I’m glad to hear that. C. I’m happy to hear that. ( ) 3. A. You should go to bed late. B. You should wash hands before meals C. You should eat more junk food. ( ) 4.A. Eat bad food. B. Drink sour milk. C. Keep the air clean and fresh. ( ) 5.I’m not thirsty. B. It’s not yours. C. OK. Just a minute. 第二节听对话,回答问题,并把其标号填在题前括号内。(5分) ( ) 6. How often does Judy play cards? A. Once a week B. Every evening C. Never ( ) 7. What’s wrong with Peter? A. He has got a headache. B. He’s got a toothache. C. He’s quite well. ( ) 8. Why can’t Alan go hiking? A. He must finish his report. B. He must do his homework C. He must clean his room. ( ) 9.What language can’t Mr. Wang speak? A. Italian B. Chinese. C. French. ( ) 10. What can we know from the conversation? A. Tina likes baseball very much. B. Tina does sports and eats vegetables every day.. C. Maybe Tina is pretty healthy. 第三节根据所听内容选择正确答案。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答11—13三个小题。 ()11.Why didn’t John go to school? A. Because he was ill. B. Because he was late. C. Because he was busy. ( ) 12. Is John better now? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C.We don’t know. ( ) 13. Did John see the doctor? A. Yes, he did. B. No, and he won’t either. C. No, but he’s going to. 听第二段对话,回答14---15两个小题。 ()14.When will Laura go to the office? A. On Tuesday B. On Thursday C. On Friday ( ) 15.Why did Laura ask for leaving? A. Because he was ill. B. Because her father was ill.


第一部分名校考研真题 一、名词解释 1.国家结构形式(2012年首都师范大学研;2005年、2009年山东师范大学研;2010年河北大学研;2014年华东师范大学研) 答:国家结构形式是指主要是指国家的各个组成部分如何整合成为一个整体,具体地表现为国家整体与部分(包括地域的、行政的、民族的,等等)之间的权力关系。国家结构是国家形式的一个重要内容,它决定了调整和处理国家整体与部分之间的关系和权力划分的基本原则,反映了一个国家的纵向权力结构和权力分配关系。国家结构形式—般有单一制和复合制两种。 2.国体(2004年北京师范大学研;2011年四川大学研) 答:国体亦称国家性质,即国家的阶级本质,指由社会各阶级、阶层在国家中的地位所反映出来的国家的根本属性,是社会各阶级在国家中的地位的体现,即哪个阶级处于统治地位,哪个阶级处于被统治地位。 由于统治阶级在国家中的地位直接决定着国家的阶级属性,因而国体体现着国家的阶级本质和阶级利益内容,它包括两个方面:①各阶级、各阶层在国家中所处的统治与被统治地位;②各阶级、阶层在统治集团内部所处的领导与被领导地位。 不同类型国家的宪法对国体的表现方式很不一致,资本主义国家宪法通常以“主权在民”“全民国家”等超阶级的字样规定国体,否认国家的阶级本质;而社会主义国家则公开表明国家的阶级本质,宣布自己是无产阶级专政或人民民主专政的国家。同一类型的国体,可以采取不同的政体。

3.政体(2005年北京师范大学研;2010年山东师范大学研;2010年武汉理工大学研) 答:政体是指关于中央政权机关的设置、权力配置和相互关系以及决定国家机关设置和权力配置基本原则,并能体现一个国家的横向权力结构和权力分配关系的一种政权组织形式。从权力配置和国家机关设置的角度看,政体主要地体现为国家最高统治权力的行使方式和最高国家权力机关的组成形式。前者是指国家最高统治权力由一个机关集中行使,还是由数个机关分工行使;后者是指最高国家权力机关是由一个人组成,还是由一个集体组成,也就是由一个人还是由一个集体形式的机构行使国家最高统治权。就人类社会的实践看,政体分为两大类:君主制和共和制。君主制根据君主权限不同分为专制君主制与立宪君主制;共和制分为议会制、总统制和半议会半总统制。 政体的特征有:①影响政体选择因素的多样性。政体的选择由国家性质决定,但也受到政治力量对比的制约,还要考虑一国的历史条件、文化传统和民族构成、民族习惯以及国际环境等因素;②政体的多样性。相同性质的国家可以选择不同的政体;③政体选择的自主性。不同性质的国家可以采用类似的政体,政体选择只能由那个国家的统治阶级和人民自己来决定,只能由他们根据本国的国情独立自主的进行选择;④政体相对于国体的灵活性和变异性。同一个国家在不同的历史时期,虽然国体并没有改变,而其政体形式可能发生变更。 4.政府(2007年山东师范大学研) 答:广义的政府是指国家的立法机关,行政机关和司法机关等公共机关的总合,代表着社会公共权力。政府可以被看成是一种制定和实施公共决策,实现有序统治的机构,它泛指各类国家公共权力机关,包括一切依法享有制订法律、执行和贯彻法律,以及解释和应用法


八年级英语月考检测卷 一、完形填空。(1分×15=15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 This story happened in a small mountain village. One day a huge rock(岩石) fell down from 12 years old said, “I think I can help move the rock.”“You?” they shouted. “What are you talking you can’t see it, can you? ” he said. 1. A. on B in C. at D. from 2. A. spoke B. said C. told D. talked 3. A. strongest B. oldest C. youngest D. tallest 4. A. play B. work C. matter D. jump 5. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 6. A. played with B. looked through C. agreed with D. laughed at 7. A. The next B. The last C. Tomorrow D. Yesterday 8. A. wrong B. hard C. true D. easy 9. A. even B. ever C. already D. still

10. A. would B. will C. could D. can 11. A. relaxed B. excited C. unhappy D. surprised 12. A. But B. So C. Or D. Because 13. A. herself B. himself C. itself D. themselves 14. A. lazy B. clever C. foolish D. brave 15. A. What B. When C. Where D. Why 二、阅读理解(2分×15=30分) A What do you do when you feel unhappy? Do you listen to music? Do you talk to a friend? Maybe next time you feel sad, you should try going outside if it is sunny. Doctors know that how much sunlight we get can change how we feel. Scientists learned this by interviewing people who live in different parts of the world. In the far north, in Alaska or Finland, for example, the days are very short in the winter. People living in these places say that they often feel unhappy in the winter. In the south, where there are more daylight hours, fewer people say they are unhappy in the winter. The reason is the amount (数量) of sunlight these people get each day. Sunlight changes the chemicals (化学物) in our bodies, and these chemicals can change the way we feel. A couple of hours of strong sunlight or light from a special lamp can help your body make the chemicals that make us feel happy. Another way to feel happier is to get some exercise. Just like sunlight, regular exercise helps our bodies make certain chemicals, which make us feel happier. In addition, exercise helps people sleep better and lack of sleep often makes people feel unhappy. Exercise also helps you get rid of stress. When you are angry or upset about something, exercise is a good way to get those bad feelings out of you. 16. Why do people in the far north feel unhappy more often than people in the south? A. Because they can’t go outside. B. Because they get less sunlight. C. Because the weather is too cold. D. Because the summer is too short. 17. How can sunlight change the way you feel? A. On a sunny day, you can play outside. B. Sunlight makes you less tired.


人教版八年级上册英语第一次月考试卷 姓名成绩 笔试部分(100) I.【基础检测】(10) *根据句意和首字母或汉语提示写单词! 1). My grandfather has n_______ much to do in the evening, so he always goes to bed early. 2).John got ________(无聊的)and he left the cinema early. 3).Lily had a w___________ time at the party yesterday. 4).The small village is famous for its _____________(瀑布). 5).They often surf the __________(互联网) on weekends. 6).—What kind of dance are you learning? -- __________(摇摆) dance. 7). I went to many cities last year, s______ as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. 8). Most students like to talk with friends o________. 9).Do you know the r_______ of your math exam? 10).Lina visited lots of ____________(博物馆)in British last summer. II.单项选择(15) ( )21.–Where ____ you go _____ your trip last month? -- I went to the beach . A.did, on B. did, in C. do, at D. do, for ( )22. Do you want to go _____ in winter? A. to somewhere warm B. somewhere warm C. to anywhere warm D. anywhere warm ( )23. I called you yesterday, but _____ answered me. A. no B. no one C. anyone D. someone ( )24. She is here ____ me. A. because B. because of C. although D. though ( )25. It’s windy and cold outside, so we decided _____ outside. A. to go B. not go C. not to go D. don’t go



初中八年级下册英语月考检测卷(一) 时间:100分钟满分:110分 一.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ()1. There will be ______ pollution in the future. A. less B. fewer C. many ()2. In ten years, John I_______ an astronaut. A. is B. Will be C. was ()3. —Will most people live on the moon in the future ? — ______. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they will. C. I agree. ()4. ______, she was not badly hurt in the accident. A. Luck B. Lucky C. Luckily ()5. Maybe you should ______. A. call in her B. call up her C. call her up ()6. Mike is angry ______ his sister. A. with B. at C. on ()7.______ I was talking on the telephone, David came in. A. Because B. While C. If ()8. The boy was walking down the street ______ the UFO landed. A. when B. while C. after ()9. What ______at nine o'clock last Sunday morning? A. was you doing B. were you doing C. are you doing ()10. She said she _____ to the cinema every Saturday. A. is going B. went C. goes ()11. I told him Uncle Wang ______ the TV set for us. A. will mend B. would mend C. can mend ()12. Your eating habit is _____mine. A. as the same B. same as C. the same as ()13. —Could you please give me some advice? —______. A. That's all right B. Yes, please C. Of course ()14. We met a tiger in the mountain. It was really _____ . A. crazy B. sad C. scary ()15. Harry______ come to school at 8:00 am, but he was half an hour late. A. supposed to B. was supposed to C. supposes to 二.完形填空(10分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出空白处的选项。 I have a problem. Yesterday afternoon I argued __1__ my best friend, Jim. And he was very angry. I thought about it for a long time last __2__. Now I know I was __3__ at that time.But I don't know __4__ I should do. My mother thinks I __5__ go to see Jim and tell him I was wrong. My father thinks I should __6__ Jim and say __7__ to him. And my brother __8__ I should call"Teen Talk", the radio advice program. My sister tells __9__ I should call up my teacher for __10__ . Can you tell me what I should do? ( )1. A. with B. of C. at ( )2. A. morning B. night C. afernoon. ( )3. A. right B. wrong C. kind ( )4. A. how B. why C. what ( )5. A. will B. should C. must ( )6. A. call B. to call C. calling ( )7. A. hello B. morning C. sorry ( )8. A. say B. says C. saying ( )9. A. I B. my C. me ( )10. A. advice B. money C. homework 三.阅读理解(共15小题,每题2分,共30分)(A) One of my brothers lives and works in a beautiful town, Richmond, Virginia, It is a beautiful, quiet and relaxing place. I love it very much! Last week, my mom and I went on a road trip to visit my brother. We had a great time! Richmond is about two hours' drive from Washington DC. We left home at around nine o'clock in the morning. I was surprised and happy that our journey didn't cost anything. I was also very happy that we experienced good weather during our trip! We arrived before lunchtime. We ate lunch at"Kuba Kuba", a very popular restaurant. It's famous for Cuban(古巴的)food. For lunch, my brother had a Cuban turkey sandwich. I enjoyed Cuban-style pork served with black beans and plantains(大蕉).Also, I love the people in Richmond. They are all very kind and thoughtful(体贴的). If you are looking for a quiet and relaxing place for your next trip, Rcihmond could be your good choice! 根据所给材料内容,选择正确答案 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


高一第二学期(4月份)月考 英语试题 第一部分英语知识运用(共三节共40分) 第一节语音知识从下列各组ABCD四个选项中,找出其划线部分与前面单词划线部分读音相同的选项(共5分) 1. weather A. weak B. break C. season D. feather 2. think A. earth B. then C. their D. without 3.maps A. beds B. seats C. doctors D. desks 4 ahead A really B bread C repeat D great 5. question A. dictation B. station C suggestion D. action 第二节词汇与语法知识从ABCD四个选项中,找出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共25分) 6. The family together is important during the Spring festival. A. getting B. to get C. got D. geting 7 What’s the weather like today? It’s_________. A. sun B. suny c. sunny D. wind 8 .Someone is ringing the doorbell , go and see______. A. who is he B. .who he is C. who is it D. who it is 9.________ of the students are girls, and the rest ______ boys. A. Two third, is B. The two third, are C. Two thirds, are D. Two thirds, is 10. Look! Someone _______ the classroom. A.has swept B.is sweeping C.are sweeping D. have swept 11. She is that all her teachers always ask all of us to learn from her. A. such good a student B. so good student C. so a good student D. such a good student 12. The more you practice , the ______ you draw. A. good B. better C. well D. best 13. The doctor asked the old man to give ________ smoking. A .to B. up C. off D. in 14. I hope ______ successful in your study. A. you to be B. it will be C. it to be D. you will be 15. _____ can I keep the dictionary? ---A week. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far 16.Watching TV too much is bad ____ your eyes. A .for B. of C. at D. by 17. The picture reminds the old man his hometown. A. to B. at C. with D. of 18. I’m looking forward to _____ from you . A hearing B. to hear C. to be heard D. to have heard 19.is very interesting in the river in summer A. This, swim B. That, to swim C. It, swim D. It, to swim 20. The girl ____ to bed until very late last night. A. went B. didn't go C. go D. don't go 21 I don’t think Tom comes from America, ______? A. does he B. doesn’t he C. do you D. don’t you 22. He was born ______ December 24, 1990. A. in B. on C. at D. by 23.He broke his neck in an accident. Since then he in a wheelchair. A. has been B. was C. is D. will be 24. The girl has same question yours. A. / ; with B. a; to C. the ; as D. / ; to 25. The boy listened to his father and did his father told him to do. A. how B. what C. why D. when 26. When I saw him, he his new car. A. was cleaning B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. is cleaned 27. There are number of books here. The number of the books 2000. A. / ; are B. a; is C. the; are D. a; are 28. I was studying, my mother came in. A. Before B. While C. After D. Where 29. He wants to know Mary will come or not. A. if B. when C. how D. whether.


2011—2012学年上学期八年级英语月考(一)试题 一、单项选择(20分) 1.________do you surf the Internet? Once a week. A.How long B.How old C.How often D.How many times 2.I like drinking coffee _________ sugar in it. A. of B.with C.to D、at 3.His mother wants him ________ good food. A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.eats 4.He tries ______ English. And he practices _____ English every day. A.to learn, to speak B.learning, speaking C.to learn, speaking D.learning, to speak 5.Can you help me ________ up the waste things? A.cleaning B.with clean C.of cleaning D.to clean 6.-----I think that man is Dr Li. ------You_____right.I saw him yesterday. A.maybe B.may be C.may are D.may is 7.----Mary,you look so tired. -----Yes,I did my homework______12o’clock last night. A. when B. until C. to D、for 8.You should drink ________. A.hot tea of honey B.hot honey tea C.hot teas with honey D.hot tea with honey 9.I think this book is interesting. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kind to D、kind from 10.— How are you? — I’m not ________. A.feel well B.feel goodC.feeling well D.feeling good 11.— When ________ he ________ to our school? — About half an hour ago.


当代中国的政府与政治 考试试题及答案 《当代中国的政府与政治》专用通关题库第01关 1\我国作为一个发展中国家,多年来在致力于自身发展的同时,始终坚持不附带任何政治条件,向经济困难的其他发展中国家提供力所能及的帮助。这说明我国_____。 A:是促进世界经济发展的决定性力量 B:致力于促进世界经济一体化 C:尊重主权国家的独立权和平等权 D:致力于发展同周边国家的睦邻友好关系 参考答案:C 本题解释: [解析]题目中强调了“不附带任何政治条件”,体现了我国尊重主权国家的独立权;“向经济困难的其他发展中国家提供力所能及的帮助”,体现了我国尊重主权国家的平等发展权。A项说法不正确,我国是促进世界经济发展的重要力量,但不是“决定性力量”。B项的内容在题干中未体现。D项说法片面,“其他发展中国家”不等同于“周边国家”。故本题正确答案为C。 2\根据全国人大批准的中央预算,2012年我国将新型农村合作

医疗和城镇居民基本医疗保险的财政补助标准增加到每人每年240元,并适当提高报销水平,补助1050亿元,增长37%。完善国家基本药物制度,深化基层医疗卫生机构综合改革。健全城乡基本公共卫生服务经费保障机制,继续实施基本公共卫生服务项目和艾滋病、结核病等重大传染病防治,安排资金358亿元。加快推进以县级医院为重点的公立医院改革试点。支持做好城乡医疗救助工作,安排资金114.83亿元。上述财政安排所体现的政府职能是_____。 A:平均分配国民财富 B:提供医疗卫生服务 C:完善医疗卫生体制 D:健全社会保障体系 参考答案:D 本题解释: [解析]题目中涉及的“新型农村合作医疗”“城镇居民基本医疗保险”“国家基本药物制度”“基层医疗卫生机构综合改革”等,看似繁杂,本质都属于政府在履行公共服务职能中的健全社会保障体系职能。故本题选D。 3\某县委2011年底试行权力公开透明运行工作以来,逐渐地从“组织公开什么,群众就看什么”转变为“群众关注什么,组织


下学期第一次月考八年级英语试题 第I卷(选择题共80分) 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共25 分) 1. What’s ____matter with you? I have____ toothache. A . a, the B. a, / C. /, a D. the, a 2.---____my surprise, Jin Ming joined into our school football team. ---Congratulations. He did well in __football when he was very young. A. At, play B. To, playing C. To, plays DAt, play 3. Our English teacher makes it easy for me ______English. A.learn. B. learned C..learning D. to.learn 4. How are you? I’m not ____ A. feel well B feel good C. feeling well D. feeling good 5. He looks sad. Let’s cheer him_____. A. up B. in C. out D. at 6.Because of the weather, he had to put off______ his house. A. to build B. build C. building D. builds 7.The company wants to_____a school for the poor children. A.put off B. set up C. call in D. look after 8.---I don’t have enough money to buy this book. ---________. A. Neither do I B. Neither I do C. So do I D. So I do 9. Peter lent some money _____ me yesterday. A. of B. with C. from D. to 10.Tom works hard _____ earn(挣) more money. A. in order that B. in order to C. so that D. as if https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd3085268.html,st year was a hard time to my friend Jim, but he didn’t hope. A. pick up B. use up C. put up D. give up 12.I _________home until I finish my homework. A.won’ t go B.will go C.go D.went
