








比如:Anything which encourages language learning benefits society culturally and economically. 任何

鼓励外语(课程)学习的事情有利于社会的文化和经济发展。这句话中的which 修饰不定代词anything。

再如:children spend much time watching TV,which gives rises to many health problems like obesity

and poor eyesight.小孩花大量时间看电视,这样会引起很多健康问题,比如肥胖症以及视力下降。这里

的which就在修饰其面整句话(children spend much time watching TV.)



1:如果定语从句修饰名词,而且定语从句的谓语动词是be动词,也就是N 关系代词BE 形式,这个时候



A vast majority of people who are invited to the party are well-known scientists.

我们就可以把who are省略,改为:A vast majority of people invited to the party are well-known scientists.



Employees who are from rural areas will confronted with many problems in major cities.(定语从句做定语)

Employees from rural areas will confronted with many problems in major cities.(介词短语做定语)

The number of students who cannot attend university is decreasing.

The number of students who are unable to have access to tertiary education is decreasing.

The number of students unable to have access to tertiary education is decreasing.(形容词短语做后置定语)


Television which has been as one of the most fascinating inventions in the 20th century is now penetrating into every family.

Television, one of the most fascinating inventions in the 20th century, is now penetrating into every family.(同位语)


2:如果出现“名词关系代词实意动词”,这个时候我们可以替换为:n doing sth 形式。


Education, which helps children develop their thinking and accumulate their knowledge , is a deciding factor of one's success.

Education,helping children develop their thinking and accumulate their knowledge , is a deciding factor of one's success.

We told them they were the victims who deserved sympathy the most.

We told them they were the victims deserving sympathy the most


A-非谓语结构做状语: SVO, (thus)doing sth

B-概括性同位语: SVO,a/an 概括性名词that SVO


children spend much time watching TV,which gives rises to many health problems like obesity and poor eyesight.

children spend much time watching TV, giving rises to many health problems like obesity and poor eyesight.

children spend much time watching TV,a bad habit that gives rises to many health problems like obesity and poor eyesight.


最新雅思写作常用万能句型整理大全 1.The most effective means to solve this problem is that ______________. In that case, ______________. 2. Everything has its own two sides, no exception with AAA. For one thing, ______________. for another, ______________. 3. My experience tells me that to ______________ needs a thorough and persevering process, and in this process you had better abide by the principles mentioned above. 4. On the whole, it is high time that we recognized the significance of ______________. 5. As a result, we should take some effective methods to ______________. 6. Judging by the figures, we can draw a conclusion that ______________. 7. In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______________. Only in this way can ______________ in the future. 8. In my opinion, we should place much emphasis on the importance of ______________. 9. But ______________ and ______________ have their own advantages. For example, ______________, while ______________. Comparing those two, however, I prefer to ______________.

大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思口语the politest person

大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思口语:the politest person Describe the politest person you know这个话题N年前就在雅思考试中出现过了,很多烤鸭看到它之后的第一个反应是,有礼貌的表现都有啥?或者没有礼貌的表现都有啥?再在前面加上not,就符合题目要求了。这个思路完全没错哦,不过不能单纯的罗列一群行为,这样凑到两分钟得挺难。所以在大致列举出行为之后,要针对某一个具体展开加入细节。 我们先列一下好的行为和坏的行为: 有礼貌的行为: keep your voice down in public offer your seat to someone on the bus put away his cell phone when talking or eating with friends compliment the host's cooking while you are invited to dinner 没礼貌的行为: It's impolite to go to a friend's home for dinner without bringing a gift. Eating food on a subway or bus is bad manners. Talking with your mouth full is considered rude. It's rude to cut in line. blow your nose when eating with others swear or use bad language have an argument in public show affection in public(当街秀恩爱,不知道从什么时候起这个变成了伤害狗的行为……) 如果还是达不到两分钟,别忘了,随便描写一下人物长相,可能会多说个二十秒…… The politest person I met is a high school boy living upstairs. He always wears a friendlysmile on his face, saying hello to everyone he bumps into. He's not very tall, about averageheight, but he always works out at the gym, so he's well built, you know, with six-pack abs. Iknow that because he once taught me how to swim. Well, that's another story. Anyway, his family is loaded, but he's not spoiled at all! I remember one time, when I justmoved into the apartment, his friends threw him a surprise birthday party, and you know howwild teenagers can be these days, so at the end of the party, the whole building was in a mess,balloons and cakes were everywhere, and the worst part is, it was noisy and disturbing thewhole time. Some of the neighbors were so furious because it was Saturday, and they neededto rest. I was like, oh, great, another spoiled rich boy. However, to my surprise, after his friendswere gone, he and his housemaid cleaned all that up instead of waiting around for the


1麦考瑞雅思 已具有近10年英语和雅思培训经验,全国唯一开设在复旦大学城的专业雅思培训机构,唯一雅思承诺保分班,唯一突破中国学生写作口语瘸腿的创新性教学,写作口语成绩普遍高出社会平均分70%左右,唯一每天13小时《雅思高分技巧课+训练课》复合式教学体系,大学氛围,省级重点高中的管理模式,坚持高强度、大容量、出高分,得到了复旦大学高校教师和复旦内部大学生及上海大学生的普遍认可,享有极高的声誉,尤其是在写作口语双7分方面极为擅长。适合零基础、高中生、大学生在短期内的快速突破雅思6—8分。 麦考瑞雅思06年即开始G类移民类雅思培训,对G类雅思5分—8分都有丰富的教学和应试经验,每年都有G类学员在麦考瑞雅思的帮助下,取得了雅思4个6分,4个7分,总分和7分等,成功技术移民或投资移民到澳洲、美国、加拿大、新西兰等国家。 麦考瑞雅思低调而务实,从不做广告,除了江浙沪皖,仍有北京、河北、湖南、四川、内蒙等全国各地学员慕名而来。2010年度,麦考瑞雅思在沪江网被万名(ielts)《2010年度学员最满意的雅思培训机构》,并被央视CCTV、新华网等权威媒体报道班级成功故事,成为上海8万考生雅思7分实战人气排名第一和教学质量最好的专业雅思培训。 2新东方雅思 新东方教育科技集团(New Oriental Education & Technology Group )成立于1993年11月16日。经过十多年的发展,新东方教育科技集团已发展成为一家以外语培训和基础教育为核心,拥有短期语言培训系统、基础教育系统、教育研发系统、出国咨询系统、文化产业系统、科技产业系统等多个发展平台,集教育培训、教育研发、图书杂志音响出版、出国留学服务、国际游学服务,新东方在线教育、教育软件研发等于一体的大型综合性教育科技集团。2006年9月7号,新东方教育科技集团在美国纽约证券交易所成功上市,成为中国第一家在美国上市的教育机构。 3环球雅思


句型1: 前进类(用来论证好的方面) 1 profit from People the world over can profit from the advancement in motorized flight. ★2 A is an indispensable part of B. Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting pro- found influence on the way we live, work, play and learn. ★★3 something plays a pivotal role in… It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success. ★★4 enable somebody to do something Cultural assimilation enables newly-arrived immigrants to get ahead in the new society successfully. 5 get accustomed to something New immigrants must get accustomed to the local culture to succeed. 6 Someone can utilize something In this day and age, many individuals can utilize the Internet via computers or mobile phones. ★7 something is in the best interests of someone (最符合某人的利益) Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity. 8 contribute to… Various factors contributed to his downfall Students should not only learn academic knowledge but also do volunteer work in com- munities, thereby making contribution to their cities. 9 something consolidates its status as the … English has been consolidating its status as the dominant language in the world. 倒退类(用来论证负面的方面) 1 …is attended by … (伴随着) The staggering advancement of technology is attended by severe pollution of the ecosys- tem. 2 The more…the more… The more vehicles on the roads; the more traffic congestion to occur. ★3 A can be attributed to B The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent\strict enough. ★4 be afflicted with In present-day society, a host of countries are afflicted with chronic poverty. 5 deprive someone of something Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life. 6 something impels somebody to do … Peer pressure often impels youngsters to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accesso- ries(饰品). ★7 A has rendered B + 形容词或者名词, We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technolo- gy. The fast-paced way of life has rendered many people alienated from one another. 8 A recent study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that…(如果是教育问题用UNESCO,如果犯罪问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Justice ,交通问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Transportation,建筑问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Con-struction,环境问题可以用HSUS and Greenpeace ) A recent study conducted by HSUS and Greenpeace suggested that there were over one million mammals(哺乳动物)in lab cages(笼子)today. 一个数据就说明了人类现在虐待动物的情况有多么严重。当然,请注意这里的数据编得不能太夸张,否则考官就会怀疑数据的真实性了。 9 be addicted to something In present-day society, many individuals are addicted to / preoccupied with various forms of gambling. 10 something is the root cause of…


大连朗阁雅思培训—烤鸭心得:在职考生如何轻松搞定雅思4个7 首先简单介绍一下自己。我是墨大小本一枚,来墨尔本已有五年。去年8月份毕业,10月份进入一家local公司实习。出国至今共烤鸭三回,三回都是A类。第一回是在去年6月,第二回是去年11月,第三 回是在今年1月(因为去年12月Melb的所有考试名额都像被抢不要钱的菜一样一抢而光)。 第一次是为了赶着申请TR,于是匆忙地在final期间就去考了。虽然我只在考前熟悉了一晚上题型, 但凭着对出国前那次烤鸭的痛苦记忆,这次只有写作6.5躺枪。这次考试让我确定了自己的基础,也让我 明白雅思写作对我要拿straight 7的重要性,写作也就自然而然成为了我第二次屠鸭的重点准备对象。为 了准备第二次烤鸭,我从国内带回来了四本作文书(其中发现只有一本有用),后来10月份又请一个雅思 老师帮我改了7、8篇作文,然后自信满满地报了名。不料考前失眠只睡了一个半小时,考试当天迷迷糊 糊爬到离我家开车50分钟的NMIT(因听信谣言说这里出分高)。口语考官是个香港人,有口音,part 1一 上来问我“plants”,我听成“plans”,手舞足蹈的答了两道题才反应过来,当场士气大减。结果口语果然悲 剧6.5,但是这次写作进步了1分到7.5。第三次离第二次又隔了近两个月,期间虽然忙于工作、PY课、 翻译课和回国探亲,我一直未对雅思准备有所懈怠,终于在第三次拿下四个7,提前解决了PR这件大事。 流水账写完,接下来我着重谈谈我对雅思体会和备战技巧。雅思就是一门考试。考试一般就有公式, 我总结的“雅思公式”就是:成绩=技巧+实力+发挥。这三项我是prioritize过的。发挥要看RP,只能攒了。实力嘛,众所周知,雅思评分系统分为了9个等级,6分的标准是competent,7分是good,8分是very good。大家可以回忆一下过去,如果你身边以英文为母语的朋友们时不时夸奖你yourEnglish is good,那么你离7分也就不远,只要准备考试的方法的方向上道了基本就没大问题了。 听力&阅读:不要求你是“千里眼”、“顺风耳” 这两项是华人的骄傲,毋庸置疑。因为我第一次这两项就上了7,所以之后除了借来朋友几本剑桥雅 思回家认真分析了下题型没有做过其他的练习。这两项的分数三次考试都在7.5到8.5之间徘徊,不算高 也不太稳定。但为了本文目的的完整性,在我咨询了身边的4个8大神和这两项常年稳居8.5或以上的达 人后,总结出来了两个字:做题。“没有别的”,达人说,“只有做题,我把剑4到剑8的题反复做了三遍,每一遍都有对雅思阅读和听力有新的理解。”“一定要保证你很细致的理解雅思阅读听力出题方式的特点, 并且保持每周定量、限时的训练,这样才在考试时不会因为紧张而导致发挥过度时常。”4个8补充到。 说到理解雅思出题方式的特点,市面上有一本书名为《雅思8分密钥:杨凡-雅思阅读20天突破》是我唯 一看过的阅读书,也是我十分推荐给大家的。我第二、三次每一次考前都会把前100页的“雅思阅读各题 型答题技巧”快速浏览两遍,不仅让我快速巩固了对各种阅读题型的记忆,同时让我知道在答不同题型时 如何在文章中快速锁定阅读范围。但是无独有偶,这种“短平快”的复习方法下打开考卷的一霎那在知道自 己的RP有多少。比如我第三次考试的阅读有两个题型就没有被包括在本书范围内,所以大家还是防患于 未然吧,有时间还是要多做题。听力的话,大家可以看看有没有同类型的参考书。 口语:学会忽悠 口语一直是我最有把握的一项。从来澳洲的那天起我就乐此不疲的和世界各地、五湖四海的认识或不 认识的人侃大山(各种马来音、印度音、朝鲜音和俄罗斯音也在一定程度上帮助我的了听力)。所以,Fluency, Lexical resource, Pronunciation这三项听力的Assessment Criterion我都基本都能满足7分的要 求(自我测评很重要)。剩下来的就是来补齐Coherence和Grammatical range and vocabulary了。Coherence,很好理解,就是讲话要有条不紊,句句在理。雅思口语高分的感觉就是考生要soundwell-educated, 所以在口语考试的时候你经常需要用到“子曾经说过”这种既俗又雅的引入语。与日常口语不同


雅思口语考试临场发挥的一点建议 人们常说台上1分钟,台下十年功。但很多雅思考生虽然平时雅思考试备考复习非常充分,篇篇因为心理素质不够好,导致临场发挥有失水准,结果成绩很不理想。下面就和大家分享雅思口语考试临场发挥的一点建议,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语考试临场发挥的一点建议 影响雅思口语(Fluency)流利度的原因多半在于中国雅思考 试心理素质差,表现非常不自信。中国学生在回答为什么害羞不敢与老外交谈时最通常的回答就是:“我怕出错。”常见的症状就是一句话出口前,先想好中文,再在心里把它译成英语,然后再出口,这样即便是说出来的话滴水不漏,语流的连贯性上也大打折扣。口试是雅思口语考试,关键是交际能力。我们不能要求口语和书面语一样毫无差错。相反,如果口语说得像书面语一样四平八稳、准确无误,反而让人觉得不得体。 雅思口语和书面语是两种不同的风格。考生既然进了考场,都是有备而来的。这时的最佳心理状态就是认识到学习语言不可能不出错。要相信人在情急之下的潜能超水平发挥。考官提出问题后,最好能在5秒钟内就开始回答。 先放松后谈考试

因为雅思口语考试现场太过于紧张,导致没听清考官的指示。请注意,一定要听清楚考官的问题,否则,你怎么讲雅思口语尬聊进行到底? 在第一种情况下,考生通常是比较少和外国人接触,有“恐外症”。有个学生就是这样,一进考场就懵了,后来他回忆,其实大部分题目在之前接触过的机经中都有,只是当时太紧张,根本没有听懂。考官还很耐心地给他解释了题目,他都没有把握住机会。可见紧张是如何的误事。如果你也有这种情况,唯一的办法就是多找外国人聊天,克服对高鼻子蓝眼睛的恐惧。 如果是第二种情况,你完全可以要求考官复述一遍题目(Beg you pardon; Will you repeat that, please?, etc。),或者解释一下(What do you mean by that? etc。),因为有的题目确实是考生从没考虑过的,提这样的要求是合理的,不会被扣分,因为这也同样是交际的一个方面,没听懂硬扛着或瞎猜,只能被扣分。问清楚问题再答总好过没弄清乱答。 对自己的雅思口语水平要有信心 其实,很多中国考生英语口语水平并不差,就是对自己期望太高。 说话犹豫、经常停顿、不断重复同一个词,是考生容易出现的问题,也是最容易让考官扣分的地方,因为流利程度是最重要



大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思配对类题型:段落标题配对题解题技巧 段落标题配对题是雅思阅读考试中比较特别的题型,因为大部分的题型都是考查考生对细节的理解,而段落标题配对题考查的是考生对段落主旨的把握能力。而由于雅思的文章篇幅长,题目较多,而时间又非常紧张,因此这种题型对于考生来说无疑是一道难过的坎。在本文中,雅思阅读专家将针对这种题型,从出题特点、阅读技巧角度来分析它的解题方法。 一、出题特点 1. 永远位于文章之前 段落标题配对题是唯一的一个位于文章之前的题型,这意味着考官建议考生事先完成这种题型。因为对文章主旨的把握有助于考生更好地寻找文章中的细节。 2. 选项以短语形式出现,数量大于段落数,且为乱序 在List of headings中,选项都是以一个短语的形式出现的,考生需要从中选出最能够概括一个段落大意或者主要内容的短语。出于干扰的需要,选项中一定会有若干干扰选项,需要考生去鉴别。另外选项全部是打乱顺序的,即与文章的顺序不一致。 3. 个别题目中会有示例;选项不可能重复使用 个别文章中,题目中会有一个Example,会提示某一段的答案。由于选项不可能出现一个选项使用两次的情况,因此这个给出的答案即可以排除。 二、解题步骤 1. 浏览文章 专家建议考生,如果文章有标题、副标题、图片、小标题,则必须在做题之前仔细进行阅读,因为这些内容往往暗示了文章的主题,这对于考生把握全文大意、排除干扰选项会有一定的帮助。 2. 划掉示例中的选项 由于选项不可能被重复使用,因此Example中的选项不可能再次出现,故没有必要浪费时间去阅读这部分内容。所以直接在这个选项上划叉即可。另外,对于某些记忆力不好的考生来说,也可以把这个选项所对应的段落做上记号,以免误读从而浪费时间。 3. 阅读所有选项,标出关键词 由于选项是乱序,因此如果先读文章再去找选项,就有可能出现每读一个段落,就要通读一遍所有的选项这样的问题,最后发现把所有的选项读了数遍。因此,专家建议考生在阅读文章之前就先把所有选项仔细阅读一遍,并且划出关键词以便记忆。 4. 甄别干扰选项 由于出题需要,考官会放出一些干扰选项,这里列举出两种常见的干扰选项:


与大家分享7个雅思写作高分倒装句句型,雅思写作高分需要大家能够用到一些比较复杂的句型,倒装句就是一个。倒装句句型在考生的雅思写作中并不常见,所以大家如果能把倒装句恰当的应用到雅思写作中就会产生一种意想不到的效果。 1. But unpopular as red has been in the past, at the moment it is a favorite hair dye. 结构:全句有2个谓语动词:has been和is.其中,as引导的让步状语从句是一个部分倒装句,按照正常语序应该是Although red has been unpopular in the past.句子可被拆分为, 1). Red has been unpopular in the past. 2). But at the moment it is a favorite hair dye. 翻译:尽管过去红色不怎么流行,现在却是一种备受欢迎的染发颜色。 2. Only when he has lost his way does he realize that he wasn't careful enough to make sure that he really did understand. 结构:全句有4个谓语动词:has,does realize,wasn't和did understand..其中主句的是does realize.本句话是以only开头的强调句,其所强调的是when引导的条件状语从句。第一个that引导的是realize的宾语从句。第一个that引导的是make sure的宾语从句。 翻译:只有当他迷了路,他才明白到当时自己不够谨慎,没有确定自己是否真的懂了。 3. Only by becoming wealthier can countries correct these conditions. 结构:全句只有1个谓语动词:can correct.本句话是以only开头的强调句,其所强调的是方式状语by becoming wealthier.按照正常语序应该是:Countries can correct these conditions only by becoming wealthier.由only引导的倒装句句型是可以在雅思写作中发挥很大作用的,因为only表达的意思的唯一性和句式的复杂性都可以吸引考官。 翻译:一个国家只有通过变得富强才能纠正这些问题。 4. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. 结构:全句有3个谓语动词:were,should have和should hesitate.其中主句的是:should hesitate.本句是一个条件式虚拟倒装句。前半部分是一个if引导的条件状语从句,按照正常语序为:If it were left to me to decide…。whether引导的是decide的宾语从句。 翻译:如果由我来决定是有政府无报纸还是有报纸无政府,我会毫不犹豫选择后者。 5. Out of our emotional experience with objects and events comes a social feeling of a greement that certain things and actions are “good” and others are “bad”.


大连雅思培训之3~4月的雅思阅读小范围预测 今天小编跟大家分享的是2017年3~4月的雅思阅读小范围预测。雅思真经5的文章已经公布,其它文章我会为大家整理出机经词汇和高分词汇。请注意, 阅读预测文章 真经5文章 测谎仪 打哈欠 电视瘾 动物自疗 旅行游记 邦德海滩 澳洲考拉 新型交通 莫尔斯电码 蚂蚁和真菌 管理学之父 神奇的竹子 猛犸象灭绝 大脑体操训练 艺术家的指纹 威廉.吉尔伯特与磁场学 雅思阅读机经文章 香蕉 Going Bananas 霸王龙学者 T-Rex 迷失的城市 The Lost City 疟疾 Malaria 石油经济的衰退 Sunset for Oil Business 足底按摩 Design the Mat and Foot Health 儿童文学 Literatures for Children 马达加斯加寻香 Hunting Perfume in Madagascar 植物芬芳 Plant Scents 新西兰全球变暖 The Global Warming in New Zealand

交流方式与冲突 Communicating Styles and Conflicts 农业和旅游 Agriculture and Tourism 土豆的影响 The impact of potatoes 麋鹿灭绝 Extinct: the Giant Deer 马拉维饥荒 Tackling Hunger in Malawi 寒冷气候的财富 Wealth in a Cold Climate 声波探测海洋 SOSUS: Listening to the Ocean 南极洲和气候 Antarctica and Climate 多种任务讨论 Multitasking Debate 偶然产生的科学 The Accidental Science 劝导营销 The Persuaders 有机农业和化学肥料 Organic Farming and Chemical Fertilizers 错误信念实验 Implication of False Belief Experiments 员工的驱动力 Motivating drives 运动的心理现象 How watching sport affects the brain 雅思阅读机经次重点 双语教学 仿生机器人 洪水对生态的影响 天才儿童/儿童锻炼 动物思维与行为 老人智力维持 英国鱼鹰保护 桥梁检测 成功的芬芳 工作压力 被遗忘的森林 加拿大移民


大连朗阁雅思培训—雅思大作文范文之使用机器人的利弊 Intelligent machines such as robots are increasingly being used. They can do many things that used to be done by human. Discuss the benefits and dangers. For centuries, people have fantasized that someday machines could have intelligence like mankind and work as faithful servants. Today this dream has come true in many fields thanks to rapid development in artificial intelligence research. Wonderful as this seems, machines have problems. To begin with, people lose jobs when machines take their places, especially in the mass production industry such as automobile business. In factories of the famous car company Ford, almost every step of car making is done by giant robots that work faster with higher reliability and precision than human labor. Because of the adoption of robots, thousands of workers are put out of their old jobs and forced to make changes in their work. Even such changes create job opportunities because robots need people to take care of and operate, the number of new jobs is much smaller than that of lost, thus causing huge pressure on the labor market and government. People become less smart because of the wide use of machines in their life. Nowadays people need to use their brain less than they did in the past. Everything is programmed and the only thing we need to do is to push a button or throw on a switch. This has given us great convenience but made us lazier and less smart. Everyone has the awkward moment troubling with the spelling of a simple word when writing with a pen. But with a computer, it will automatically proofread the spelling and grammar of your writing. So people become less concerned with learning things right. This is not a progress but a regress of our intelligence and culture. But machines have many benefits that nobody can deny such as great work efficiency and low cost of mass production. The workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes. We have more purchasing power to enjoy a wider variety of goods and services because of the reduction of production costs with factories using machines. Other benefits include that machines could do dangerous jobs for people in high risk businesses like mining and construction. To conclude, machines have many merits that make our life easier and more convenient, but they have caused many problems such as undercutting our job opportunities and overdependence on machines.


雅思教育类大作文话题总结 朗阁海外考试研究中心 扬州朗阁雅思培训 雅思写作的话题重复度非常高,主要是在于写作话题总共也只有10大类,而对于任何一个类型的考题都是从其中的母题演变过来的,所以写作上面的思路基本上大同小异,没什么特别大的区别。在这十大类的雅思写作考题之中,最常见的考题属于教育类话题,下文中就带领大家纵览教育类话题中的六大母题以及其演变过来的子题。只要将本文中的话题练到,教育类话题一定攻无不克战无不胜,在真正的考场上正常发挥,拿到高分自然非常简单。下面整理了关于教育的雅思写作话题的分类和相关延伸的话题,非常详细,也非常有实际的借鉴意义。下面大家一起来看看详细内容吧。 一、教育应该包括哪些内容? 母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions? 翻译:教育对于个人的发展以及社会的完善非常重要。教育应该包括什么内容去实现这两个目的。 提示:可以从教育所提供的科目来写,首先是专业学科(语言、数学等)——这可以培养学生的专业技能以及形成整套的专业理论知识;其次是道德法律教育——这可以教导学生辨明是非以及不做违反法律的行为,成为合格的公民;再次艺术以及体育等科目——可以提供学生放松、锻炼身体的机会;再次是选修科目——可以允许学生发展自己的兴趣爱好;最后是学校有很多的课后活动例如社团和比赛之类——可以培养竞争合作精神、交流表达能力甚至领导团队的能力。 所以围绕这个话题,可以将上文中出现的点分开,到底属于培养个人的还是健全社会的。对于个人而言,学习可以培养学生的专业技能,有利于将来就业、可以允许学生发展自己的兴趣爱好。从社会角度看,学校可以培养一个合格的社会人才——有团队合作精神、遵纪守法、有工作能力为社会创造经济价值等。 这个话题是教育类话题中最常见的话题,如果准备好可以以不变应万变,其他的话题可以套用里面的思路。


雅思真题范文精选高分黄金句型及例句 笔者(胡义祥--南京新航道人气写作主讲)注:以下12种黄金句型为雅思写作大作文核心句型。熟练掌握以下句型的使用,并灵活运用雅思写作大作文精准定位法,大作文得分7分左右(考生写作时要求不偏题,词汇使用恰当)。 一:被动句 1:As a result, the quality of the whole population had been influenced, and a country could never be expected to develop fast with a low education rate.(28) 2:Nowadays, a large percentage of young people being admitted into universities can be witnessed and a country`s population is instilled with a fresh flow of well educated people, which can lead to the prosperity of a country.(37) 3:Firstly, by setting up a special day, an organization can better promote a specific activity, thus more people would know what it is trying to tell them and their perception of caring and social responsibility would be further woken.(39) 二:形式代词IT 1:However, some of them begin to notice that international travel also makes it possible for criminals to conduct some illegal actions like evading arrest. (24) 2:Especially with the easy access to computer technology, it has been increasingly noticed that a growing number of people prefer to work or study from home. (26) 3:It can be seen everywhere that people in the modern world are under huge pressure and have to spend most of their time on their work or study, which, consequently, hardly does any good to the family relationship.(插入语)(38) 三:限定性定语从句 1:Dating back to 30 years ago when scientific technology was not accessible to everyone, children were more interested in traditional games such as playing poker or playing chess.(28) 2:On the contrary, a company or a school is a place where lots of people are bunched together and asked to do the same thing at the same time.(29) 3:Due to the large number of students` graducating from universities, more people seek for good jobs and the job market becomes the arena where fierce competition can be seen all the time. (32)
