



Student ID No.:1012011030


How to Be a Good Interpreter


Undoubtedly, the exchange of information now has played an essential role in people's daily life and international affairs. Based on this fact, the function of interpretation has become significant. Therefore, being a good interpreter is a very urgent issue for us English learners. But just as the Chinese saying goes “Rome is not build in a day”, an interpreter must meet most of qualifications before they could cut a figure on the stage. This paper mainly focuses on some important qualities a good interpreter should pay attention to and some about my own feelings of interpreting learning.

Key words: interpreting interpreter some qualities

1.A Brief Introduction of What I Have Learned In This Semester

During this semester, with the guidance of our interpreter-course teacher, we have learned some fundamental interpreting skills we require to be a competent interpreter. It can be mainly summarized as five points:

First, we’re supposed to be familiar with the general process of the interpretation, which will guide our actions from beginning to end. We should focus on four aspects: listening, memorizing, processing, and delivering. What we should do most is to get the message through listening.

Second, we practices a lot about the memory training, which aims is to achieve a better understanding of the source language and lead to adequate interpreting.

Third, regarding the specific interpreting tactics, how to take notes proficiently is no doubt the key to good interpretation. In the course of interpretation, teachers remind us that we should note down the main points instead of the original sentences, and some abbreviations of the words and special marks are used frequently.

Fourth, we also learned about the figures interpreting. Figures interpretation is considered as an interpreter’s big headache. Figures interpreting include Comparison Expressions, Measurement Units, Cardinal Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, etc.

Finally is about the coping tactics in interpreting which help to deal with some dilemma such as fail to hear, fail to understand, fail to memorize and fail to express.

2.Several Qualities of a Good Interpreter

Being a good Interpreter is not an easy job to do. Baring several important qualities is very necessary.

Firstly, the interpreter should possess high level of linguistic proficiency. a good Interpreter has to concern himself with what is happening at home and abroad all the time. he should constantly broaden his horizon and improve his comprehension and interpretation. The interpreter should have a good command of a large quantity of vocabulary of the language, involving the related as well as unrelated fields in interpretation.

Secondly, Wide-ranging knowledge is as important as the command of languages. An interpreter is supposed to be a “walking encyclopedia”. The interpreting process is largely dependent on interpreter’s encyclopedic knowledge which is stored in his cognitive environments for interpretation. The more knowledge the interpreter shares with communicators, the better he will do the job.

Thirdly, a good interpreter should be aware of the possible cultural diversities in the speech and know how to remove these cultural difficulties effectively. As a cultural mediator, he or she will need to be a specialist in negotiating understanding between cultures.

Finally, the interpreter should keep on learning. He has to make every effort to keep touch with the linguistic, cultural, and social development through the media and the internet. He should also learn much about different specialized topics such as economics, law and technology, and develop deeply into the one he interprets.

Except for the qualities mentioned above, there are some basic ones which

every interpreter should bare in mind. A good interpreter should interpret with a standard and clear pronunciation. The first demand of interpreting is to be accurate, so a graceful and fluent voice is a necessary diathesis for an interpreter. Of course, everyone has his own trait in intonation, even a native speaker’s pronunciations differ from other natives, let alone a second language learner. But being an interpreter, one should spare no efforts to hold a standard pronunciation including stress in words and sentences, tones to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. Besides, A good interpreter should always keep ready to be in accordance with demands of the time. The interpreting task usually comes suddenly, and interpreter has no more time to prepare before working. Even that it leaves few minutes before guests’ arriving. It means that interpreters should always keep ready in both the mind and professional skills. Of course good manners and a strong sense of responsibility are also necessary qualities of an interpreter.


Considering the extraordinary flexibility of interpretation, we have to make good preparations, including linguistic preparations and psychological preparations before we do the interpreting job. Interpretation is just like a communication, the only difference is you should exchange two kinds of languages flexibly. To achieve this goal, the interpreter must study hard to grasp those qualities.

Maybe it is easy to be an interpreter, but it may be difficult to be a good interpreter. we should initiatively practice our interpreting skills both in and out of school, and always keep in mind that interpreting is an endless work and we still have a long way to go.

大学英语专业口译课程论文 (原创)

口译课程论文 经济与管理学院1002班上学期我们学习了口译这门课程,使我对口译工作有了初步的了解和认识,自己也总结出了一些通过口译训练来提高记忆力的方法。 口译是翻译的一种形式,指译员以口头的形式将一种语言所表达的内容忠实地用另一种语言表达出来.它最大的特点是具有现场性和局限性。笔译讲究“信、达、雅”,口译则强调“准、顺、快”。准:即准确,指准确理解原语信息并完整无误的将其译成目的语。顺:即通顺,指译员用目的语表达原语信息时要通顺流畅,符合语言表达规范。快:即译员反应要快,讲话人的话音刚落,译员就要开始翻译。 口译的过程首先是听解,然后是记忆和转换,然后表达出来。我觉得理解是一个很重要的环节,它需要运用语言知识和语言外知识然后进行综合分析。我之前参加过湖北省翻译大赛的口译,是交替传译,觉得自己在这方面做得不太好,一个句子听到之后自己都没有理清楚就无从翻译了,这和平时的知识面和外语功底有很大关系。 目前也由于我国对外越来越开放,各国由于地域语言不通,在展开经济政治乃至生活中的交流时,口译就起到了很大的作用,译员通过自己的知识将一种民族的语言加以思维加工转换成另外一个民族的语言,促进不同民族之间的交流。 我们知道口译是一种高智力和高技能的活动,要在瞬间把握两种语言的转换,当场得到预期的反应,并非一件易事。它要求译员要有敏捷的思维,超强的反应能力和记忆能力以及抗干扰能力。特别是记忆能力,经过一个学期对口译这门课程的学习,老师的指导和训练以及自己的总结,根据记忆的特征我归纳出一些可以提高口译记忆力的方法。 口译记忆有三种类型:即瞬时记忆、短时记忆和长时记忆。记忆的效果与记忆材料的类型有一定的关系,考虑到记忆的不同类型和影响记忆的种种因素,我们可以采取以下几种方法进行相关的记忆训练。 一、加强基础知识学习,增加词汇量和自己的知识面。 我觉得这对于口译记忆力的提高有很大帮助,只有自己的知识面广了,才

语言与文化 论文(英文)

The Relation between Language and Culture Abstract: Different countries have different cultures, and also different language. Language and culture are interdependent and interactional. Language is one of the most important carriers of culture. On the other hand, culture have a great impact on language, that is culture conditioning. Knowing the language and cultural backgrounds can help our communication. Instead, it will cause many communicative barriers. In this paper, we summarize the relationship between language and culture. And example to explain it’s impact on cross-culture communication. 摘要:不同的国家有不同的语言和文化,语言和文化是相互依赖、相互影响的,语言是文化的重要载体,另一方面,文化对语言也有制约作用。了解语言文化知识有助于我们的交际。相反地,缺乏语言文化背景知识必然会导致交际障碍。本文列举了语言与文化的关系,并举例说明了这种关系对跨文化交际的影响。 key words: language, cultures, relationship, communication 关键词:语言,文化,关系,交际 1. Introduction As we all know that different countries have different cultures, and also different language. Language and culture are interdependent and interactional. Language is one of the most important carriers of culture. On the other hand, culture have a great impact on language, that is culture conditioning. Language plays a very important role in all human activity. It’s one of the indispensable part of the social life of human. You can not imagine the world would be without language. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of human language is so mystical that people do not acquaint it entirely so far. Culture is the product of social life and national spirit. In other words, culture is the genetic code of difference among the various nation, country and region. Every country has its own culture formation and individuality. This special culture is one of the most important source of affinity and cohesion of a country. For this reason, we must protect and develop the culture of the various nation, country and region, keep variety of our global culture. 2. Relationship between language and culture Relationship between language and culture can be summarized as the following: (1). Language is part of culture. Like other cultural phenomenon, language is also a social phenomenon, it occurred with the production of society, and develops with the development of society. The language is with nationality, different nationalities often have different languages; Language is also human creation. It is the most important spiritual wealth of human society .We can say that language has all the attributes of culture, so language is also a kind of culture, one of the many cultural phenomenons. The human language is not only an integral part of culture, and also the most important part. (2).Language is the main carrier of culture. Although language is part of culture, other cultural phenomenon generally can't exist being independent from language. Only through language, culture can be preserved, extended and spread.


122个有关教育学论文题目 1、关于小学口算教学的几点思考 2、小学教师教育的优势及其启示 3、小学数学生成性课堂资源的开发和利用 4、小学生家庭作业布置的误区及改进策略的研究 5、信息技术条件下小学生探究学习能力的培养 6、小学数学课堂情境创设的误区及对策 7、小学生数学建模能力培养策略 8、行业高职院校校企合作机制研究 9、利益相关者参与下的高等职业教育办学模式改革研究 10、高等学校教育资源共享问题研究 11、高等教育视野中的企业大学研究 12、泰国汉语教育政策及其实施研究 13、现代教育技术应用的伦理审视 14、民办高校办学水平提升策略研究 15、学前教育民俗文化课程研究 16、公平视域下美国义务教育改革研究 17、我国专业学位研究生教育发展问题研究 18、远程教育教师角色与素养研究 19、一流大学个性化人才培养模式研究 20、民办幼儿园政府规制研究 21、我国公办大学内部治理结构研究 22、职业教育校企合作体制机制研究 23、全球化语境下中国新闻媒体教育功能研究 24、21世纪中小学健康教育新思考 25、新时期小学班级管理的策略初探 26、新中国中等职业教育课程政策研究 27、我国新建应用型本科院校发展研究 28、当代媒介素养教育研究 29、教学设计的理性及其限度 30、大学教育与人的创新素养发展 31、大学英语文化体验教学研究 32、高职院校技能人才有效培养研究 33、高等职业教育实践教学体系构建研究 34、初中生体育锻炼行为的影响因素及作用机制研究 35、美国中小学媒介素养教育研究 36、德国教师教育研究 37、我国高等学校教学方法创新研究 38、西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展进程中的政府行为研究 39、美国公立高等院校内部问责制研究 40、高校来华留学生跨文化适应问题研究 41、信息时代小学美术教学的策略 42、浅谈小学科学课科学探究活动的现状和策略 43、幼儿教师教学实践智慧研究


浅谈商务英语的特点及英译汉翻译技巧 目录 中文摘要 (1) 英文摘要 (2) 提纲 (3) 正文 (4) 参考文献 (8)

浅谈商务英语的特点及英译汉翻译技巧 摘要:随着世界经济一体化的不断深化和扩展,国际商务活动日益频繁,商务英语的作用也变得日益显著,本文以商务英语作为实用英语语言工具的角度,对其显著的特点以及对应的英译汉翻译技巧进行简要分析,这有助于人们更好地学习商务英语,更好地进行商务沟通,取得国际经济贸易的成功。 关键词:商务英语;特点;英译汉;翻译技巧

On the Study of the Characteristic of Business English and Its E-C Translation Skills Abstract:As the world continues to deepen economic integration and expansion of international business having become increasingly frequent, the role of Business English is becoming increasingly significant, the paper business English as a practical tool for English language point of view.Its significant features, as well as the English translation of the corresponding Chinese translation skills to carry out a brief analysis, which helps business people to learn better English, better for business communication, international economic and trade success. Key words: business English; features; English-Chinese translation; translation skills


I ntroduction to Chinese and western cultural differences Language is the product of society, is the crystallization of human history and culture. It embodies a national passed from generation to generation of social consciousness, historical culture, customs and so on various aspects of human society all features. Different cultural background and cultural traditions, make Chinese and western ways of thinking, values, code of conduct and way of life, etc, there are also considerable cultural differences. Language is the carrier of culture, vocabulary is the concentration of the cultural information, is an important part of language, it reflects the culture of the development and change, but also directly reflect the cultural differences. In China more than two thousand years of feudal society in the process of history, Confucianism has dominated the deep-seated string dominance, in Chinese society has a very deep and long influence. Idea of a Chinese has always been to fall back as a classic, this is in the Confucian "golden mean" as the basic rules of behavior. The ideal of "in" is the Confucian pursuit, life to life Confucian benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, letter of ideological and moral concepts as each person's behavior guide, treat people, want to consider temperature, quite good, purge, thrifty, let, proud of modest, to be open-minded, to oppose overly


大学生教育论文有关教育的论文 谈大学生读书的有效方法 摘要:本文试述了大学生在学好本专业课的基础上,应以自学为主,通过“泛读”、“通读”和“精读”的读书方法,多读书,读好书。为此目的,还阐述了应注意的几个问题。 关键词:读书大学生读书方法 读书主要靠自己,对于大学生来说尤其如此。读书有一个从低级向高级发展的过程。每个人都要摸索适合自己的读书方法,要从读书中去发现自己的长处,进而发扬自己的长处。 著名科学家钱伟长主张大学生要以自学为主,课堂教学为辅,逐步培养学生具有无师自通,更新知识的能力。他说:“我们时代的特点是信息丰富。假使大学还是采取中学教育那样,先生讲学生听,不教不会,一教就会的学习方式,那么,学生毕业后仍然不能适应科学技术发展的要求”。科学在不断的发展,大学教育方法也要有所变化。现在有的大学生连笔记也记不下来,老师讲了不算,还得发同样内容的讲义,考试时还发考试大纲。这样考出来的成绩,怎么能够真实地反映学生的实际水平? 钱老认为,大学教育的过程,就是要把一个需要教师帮助才能获得知识的人,培养成在其毕业后不需要教师也能获得知识。有了这样的能力,将来干什么,他就能学什么,才有可能避免知识老化的问题。 明确了读书要以自学为主,接下来就要考虑大学生该怎样读书和

读什么书?怎样读书也就是要善于读书。大学生应在学好自己专业课的基础上,学理工科的学生,应该读点文科的书。同样,文科学生,也应该读点理工科的书。甚至要看看和本专业毫不相干的书。特别是要注意文理工相互交叉的边缘学科的书。 现在,世界科技革命的浪潮正在汹涌澎湃,所谓“信息时代”,“智能革命”,都以它们新的姿态和特点向我们挑战。各种科学知识的密集和增长,可以说把人类智力的开发和提高,提到了历史上前所未有的高度。这种形势也促使我们必须增强智能竞争的紧迫感。读书并不纯属于个人的事情,它和民族、国家的命运都是息息相关的。因此,我们必须下苦功多读书。 鲁迅主张读书要广博一些。他指出读书必“博采众家,取其所长,和蜜蜂一样”,“采过许多花,这才能酿出蜜来”。鲁迅自己,从少年时代起就养成了“泛览”的习惯。鲁迅非常重视读历史书和马列主义著作。他认为历史知识可以帮助人们“知今知古”,“知外知内”,“读史,就愈可以觉悟中国改革之不可缓”,增强斗争的勇气和信心。世界上的书籍浩如烟海,如果没有科学的选书和读书的方法,岂不也要事倍功半吗?实际上,所谓“博览群书”,其中的大部分,都是属于泛读和翻阅的。这些书只要让它给我们“留有印象”或记下笔记,卡片,便于以后查检,也就够了。 有人也把它叫做浏览图书,浏览是对书刊文献资料有个初步的认识和大致的分类,以便决定对自己有无用途。这种浏览可以扩大知识

英语论文 交替传译中短时记忆的训练方法

On Training Methods of Short-term Memory in Consecutive Interpreting ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with the training methods of short-term memory in consecutive interpreting. According to Effort Model from Daniel Gile, the short-term memory is an essential part in the process of interpreting. So, a good short-term memory is able to help interpreter improve the quality of interpreting. Except for the introduction in Chapter 1, in Chapter 2, there is above all an introduction about interpretation,and this can make us have a clear understanding about the short-term memory. The author holds that interpreting is a STM-centered activity own to its limitation to the time. In Chapter 3, the author describes Daniel Gile’s Effort Model in details even the four steps in it. In Chapter 4, how three types of memory systems work and what functions they have and illustration is focused on the concrete contacts between the short-term memory and interpreting, which is the main topic of the paper. In Chapter 5, based on all above, four training methods of short-term memory are elaborated such as visualizing, reasoning, chunking and outlining. Finally, some cases would be quoted to introduce the application of training methods. The author hopes that these training methods from this paper could be useful for interpreters. Key words: consecutive interpreting short-term memory training methods


辽宁大学外国语学院 全日制硕士专业学位研究生学位论文开题报告 题目: 中国会展经济国际合作论坛交替传译模拟实践报告——以发言人致辞(中译英)交传为例 姓名: 张伟平 年级: 2012级专业: 英语口译学号: 4031241975 指导教师: 万平

1、本论文选题基本内容、应用价值或现实意义 本篇实践报告采用模拟会议的形式进行,真实模拟了中国会展经济国际合作论坛会议,以发言人在论坛开幕会上的致辞为原文本,进行中译英的交替传译实践。会议内容涉及中外会展业,搭建广泛交流与合作的平台,探寻双方相同利益和共同发展的切入点,为国际会展企业进入中国和中国会展企业开拓国际市场寻求新的渠道,促进中国会展业法制化、专业化、市场化、国际化发展,实现中国会展业与国际会展业的战略性合作。该实践报告将如实记录模拟翻译过程,记录翻译文本,并对模拟论坛各个环节(会前准备、速记、即时翻译应变策略、翻译技巧与理论的应用)中出现的问题进行分析,并提出相应的提高办法。 该实践报告的应用价值巨大,体现在三方面:第一,如实模拟论坛会议,具有可操作性和广泛应用性。模拟过程中设发言人及翻译两人,操作实施方便。第二,中国会展业蓬勃发展,符合绝大部分译员将来从事的领域,可以广泛应用。第三,在模拟翻译过程中可以帮助译者找到不足,加强英语听说读写译各种能力,提高反应能力,为以后有可能从事口译工作打下一定基础。

2、本论文选题的研究特色和创新之处及预期可解决的实际问题 一般介绍口译的文章都把重点放在纯粹的翻译技巧上,却忽视了口译现场时限性超强的情况下译者面临各种压力,需要在发言人话音一落就把长达3到5分钟的内容用另一种语言准确表达出来,这么短的时间如何运用这些翻译技巧。成功的翻译需要有对原文的理解、全面准确的速记、新语言组织的敏感度等。 本论文选择属于商业题材,重点研究当前社会商务会议中交替传译应该注意的问题,通过真实口译实践材料训练加强自身对于公众演讲、速记、短时记忆、连续传译、重组语言及临场应对策略等各项口译基本技能的掌握。本论文的创新之处就在于通过案例分析提出记笔记的方法,并针对翻译过程中出现常见问题提出解决办法和补救办法,比如笔记没记全如何翻译,遇到不会的词和术语如何翻译等。 翻译过程中会出现一些可预想到的问题,比如情绪紧张、笔记不全、译出语组织不佳、生僻词未掌握等而影响翻译质量。本论文将通过实际翻译案例分析对这些问题提出解决办法。


Ancient Greek medicine This article is about the science and art of healing. For pharmaceutical drugs, see Medication. For other uses, see Medicine (disambiguation). Statue of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, holding the symbolic Rod of Asclepius with its coiled serpent Medicine is the applied science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.[1] It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness in human beings. Contemporary medicine applies health science, biomedical research, and medical technology to diagnose and treat injury and disease, typically through medication or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints & traction, prostheses, biologics, ionizing radiation and others. The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing History Prehistoric medicine incorporated plants (herbalism), animal parts and minerals. In many cases these materials were used ritually as magical substances by priests, shamans, or medicine men. Well-known spiritual systems include animism (the notion of inanimate objects having spirits), spiritualism (an appeal to gods or communion with ancestor spirits); shamanism (the vesting of an individual with mystic powers); and divination (magically obtaining the truth). The field of medical anthropology examines the ways in which culture and society are organized around or impacted by issues of health, health care and related issues. An ancient Greek patient gets medical treatment: this aryballos (circa 480–470 BCE, now in Paris's Louvre Museum) probably contained healing oil The Greek physician Hippocrates (ca. 460 BCE – ca. 370 BCE), considered the father of medicine.[4][5] Persian polymath, Avicenna, who, along with Imhotep and Hippocrates, has been called the "father of medicine" Early records on medicine have been discovered from ancient Egyptian medicine, Babylonian medicine, Ayurvedic medicine (in the Indian subcontinent), classical Chinese medicine (predecessor to the modern traditional Chinese Medicine), and ancient Greek medicine and Roman medicine. The Egyptian Imhotep (3rd millennium BC) is the first physician in history known by name. Earliest records of dedicated hospitals come from Mihintale in Sri Lanka where evidence of dedicated medicinal treatment facilities for patients are found.[6][7] The Indian surgeon Sushruta described numerous surgical operations, including the earliest forms of plastic surgery.[8][dubious – discuss][9] The Greek physician Hippocrates, the "father of medicine",[5][10] laid the foundation for a rational approach to medicine. Hippocrates introduced the Hippocratic Oath for physicians, which is still relevant and in use today, and was the first to categorize illnesses as acute, chronic, endemic and epidemic, and use terms such as, "exacerbation, relapse, resolution, crisis, paroxysm, peak, and convalescence".[11][12] The Greek physician Galen was also one of the greatest surgeons of the ancient world and performed many audacious operations, including brain and eye surgeries. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the onset of the Early Middle Ages, the Greek tradition of medicine


关于教学论文写作的几条原则 长兴县教育局教育研究中心王春伟 撰写论文是总结和推广先进经验,指导教育教学的重要手段;是深入进行教育科研的主要方法;也是提高教师自身素质和教学质量的重要途径。 一、撰写原则 1.思想性原则 思想性是指论文要明确反映作者的观点。教育科研论文是属于论说文畴。任何一篇论说文都是围绕论证、说明某一观点某一事实而展开。因此,要求观点要鲜明,正确。符合教育规律,能促进教育科学的发展。要能运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法去分析问题,解决问题。 2.科学性原则 科学性是指论文要遵循科学原理和科学的规律。论文要能够正确地反映客观的教育教学实际。要有足够的具体材料,充分的理论依据和准确的通过统计处理的实验数据。对研究中涉及到他人的研究成果要实事地给予评价。撰写论文必须立论确凿,论述要符合教育教学的基本原理,能揭示教育教学的客观规律。 3.创新性原则 创新性是指论文应反映新事实、新观点。创新性是教育教学研究的生命。一篇成功的论文必须反映作者自己的独特见解。必须在前人研究的基础上提出新见解、新理论、新方法,或开辟教育科研的新道路。作者必须在观点或方法上具有独到之处,不能人云亦云。 我们进行教育科研,本身就是一种创造,就是要探索出能适应并促进社会发展、能适应并促进人的发展的新的教育思想、教学途径、教学方法。因此,反映这种研究结果的论文,必定会具有创造性。 4.客观性原则 客观性是指论文要建立在客观事实基础上。任何教育科研论文都应从实际出发,尊重事实,坚持实事的原则;要排除一切主观因素的干扰,充分体现教育教学实践的真实性。例如撰写调查报告时,应将调查情况如实、全面地写出来。有的人只写符合自己观点的事实和数据,不符合自己观点的事实与数据就不列上去;有的在实验研究中,随意修改设计,对不利于假设的数据不进行收集等,这样的做法是不客观的,得出的结论也是不科学的,不可信的。 5.可读性原则 可读性是指论文要写得流畅,易读易懂。撰写教育科研论文的目的是要将教育研究的成果公诸于世,要使教育科研成果能在更大围发生作用,推动教育教学的改革,推动教育科学的发展。因此书写时,要尽可能用大家都能理解的语言表达,做到简单明了;文章应力求保持逻辑上的程序和意义上的连贯;文字要简洁、优美和生动。 二、教育科研论文的选题 教育科研论文的撰写是建立在教育研究基础之上的。因此教育科研论文的选题是由研究而定。研究什么就写什么。一般说,论题的来源有两个大的方面。一方面是来源于理论研究,一方面是来源于实践研究。 教育理论应用性研究的论题


口译文化研究论文 摘要:口译是不同民族和国家之间交流时必须和必然的手段,文化传达是口译实践中不可或缺的内容。文化传达的基本内容主要是指拥有不同文化背景的民族和国家之间的异文化交流。口译实践中要进行有效的文化传达,必须注意交际中的共性文化,特别是共性礼仪文化,同时,还要注意每个民族和国家在宗教、饮食、肢体、数字等方面的独特文化。 关键词:口译;文化传达;实践 Abstract:Interpretationisavitalandnecessaryeansofunicationao ngnations.culturalexchange,anindispensablepartofinterpretation,ainlyreferstounicationofdifferentculturesaongnation sandpeoplesithdifferentculturalbacgrounds.Effective exchangesofculturesnecessitatenotonlyuchattentionto thesharedcultures,especiallythesharedetiquettes,butalsoagoodandoftheuniqueculturaleleentsofanationi nsuchfieldsasreligion,food,gesturesandnubers. eyords:interpretation;culturalexchange;practice 不同国家和民族拥有自己的语言和文化,国与国、人与

人之间要达到沟通,就必须有翻译。翻译,作为人类交往的一个必须与必然的手段,作为不同文化传播的媒体,在日益国际化的今天起到了极为重要的作用。我们的翻译无论是在书面翻译还是在口译方面,长期以来大多定义为不同语言之间的转换,也就是传统翻译的“转换—替换”模式。这种简单保守的翻译模式,虽然能最大限度地忠实于语言本身的含义,但在翻译过程中容易忽略各国之间的文化差异,无形造成了新的隔阂和新的文化障碍。最近,对于“中国龙”和“北京奥运吉祥物”翻译问题的争论,就极好地反映了在翻译过程中忽视文化背景而给翻译带来的理解差异,也体现了在翻译过程中文化理解的重要性和各国所存在的文化差异[1]。语言是文化的载体,翻译特别是口译就是利用所学语言进行文化传播的桥梁。如果译者不能很好地理解交流双方的文化差异,交流的障碍就有可能因译者的原因而产生。本文将在概括阐述口译历史、异文化交流以及交际功能理论的基础上,探讨外语口译中文化传达的内容。 一、口译中文化传达的内容 口译伴随着人类语言的出现而诞生。不同地域、不同国家甚至不同民族的人在进行交流和沟通时,除了手势等肢体语言外,大多需要翻译作为交流和沟通的媒介。在社会和民族因素相对单一的时代,翻译只需要表达基本的含义,达到简单的沟通就可以了。但社会的发展却使各国呈现出文化发


本科生毕业设计(论文)封面 ( 2015 届) 论文(设计)题目 作者 学院、专业 班级 指导教师(职称) 论文字数 论文完成时间 大学教务处制

英语原创毕业论文参考选题(100个) 一、论文说明 本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业本科论文3000起,具体可以联系qq 805990749。下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经写好原创。 二、原创论文参考题目 1 中英餐桌礼仪差异来源 2 商务谈判中的语言艺术 3 浅谈欧.亨利短篇小说创作特点 4 功能对等理论下的环太平洋字幕翻译 5 英语专业学生个性差异与英语口语学习的关联研究 6 对歌词英译汉的研究 7 中国“龙”意象的变化与翻译策略的调整 8 焦虑因素对英语专业学生听力学习的影响 9 从心理学角度分析呼啸山庄主人公希斯克利夫的复仇行为 10 大学生自主学习能力的调查研究 11 基本颜色词一Black汉译研究 12 注意力经济中的快速消费品广告语言特征 13 从关联理论看商务信函的礼貌策略 14 初中英语口语教学的课堂活动设计 15 合作学习在高中英语写作教学中的运用 16 从化身博士中英文本对照中浅析文学翻译的归化与异化 17 浅析圣诞文化对中国大陆社会生活的影响 18 空间指示语与语言的主观性 19 论英语俚语的汉译—以奈达的功能对等理论为指导 20 从人际功能和言语行为理论解析儿子与情人的对话 21 英汉谚语互译中的直译与意译 22 论窄式阅读在中学英语阅读教学中的应用 23 分析了不起的盖茨比盖茨比“美国梦”的破灭

24 中美家居教育差异 25 论雾都孤儿的写作手法与创作意义 26 评荆棘鸟中的女性形象 27 阿特伍德肉体伤害的女性主义解读 28 小说小公主主人公萨拉的性格魅力 29 咏水仙的语言特色分析 30 高中生英语词汇学习策略个案调查 31 影响高中英语学习动机的重要因素分析 32 从电影阿甘正传分析委婉语的交际功能 33 自然环境下的英汉习语对比研究 34 浅析献给艾米丽的玫瑰 35 读飘中的随风而去 36 从少年派的奇幻漂流记论人性与兽性 37 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响及其对策 38 傲慢与偏见中伊丽莎白的爱情观与婚姻观 39 亚历山德拉与自然—啊,拓荒者!的生态主义解读 40 中文电视剧剧名英译原则和方法 41 中西方跨文化交际中的礼貌原则对比分析 42 故事教学法在小学英语中的应用 43 吸血鬼形象之美国化特点-夜访吸血鬼暮光之城为例 44 论法国中尉的女人中萨拉的女性主义的显现 45 文化碰撞交融-对比元杂剧赵氏孤儿与伏尔泰中国孤儿 46 语言焦虑对中学生英语听力的影响 47 幻灭的美国梦夜色温柔的象征意义解读 48 浅析国际商务谈判成功之道 49 公示语汉英翻译 50 “合作学习”策略在英语教学中的应用 51 功能对等理论概述及其在商标翻译中的应用 52 论双城记中的“自我牺牲”与“复活” 53 从文化角度看习语翻译


关于课堂教学论文 通过多年的教学实践与不断的交流和总结,我认为可以 从课前建立师生问和谐的关系、课前交流、创设良好的教学情境 等方面活跃课堂气氛,使学生真正成为乐学、愿学的学习主人, 促进学生有效学习。 一、建立师生之间和谐的关系 课堂是师生之间互动和交流的平台。在小学课堂教学中,和谐的师生关系不仅能营造轻松、愉悦的课堂氛围,还能有效地 提高课堂效率。教师在课堂中扮演的角色应该是学生值得信赖的 朋友,而不仅仅是解除疑惑、传道授业的角色。学生一旦对老师 信任,就会减少对本门课程以及教师的抵触心理,就会在愉悦的 氛围中加强与教师的沟通与交流。这种沟通和互动能够直接调动 学生的学习积极性和主动性,在课堂上形成宽松、民主、和谐的 教学气氛。教师还要在课下多关心学生,有问题要和学生多交流,尊重学生的不同意见,并积极地帮助学生分析和解决问题。师生 之问的这种和谐的关系,无论是对提高课堂教学效率,还是对促 进学生的可持续发展,都是非常有利的。 二、课前交流 学习新课,铺设良好的师生情感交流是基础。教师要消 除学生畏惧心理,同时拉近与学生的距离,让学生自然地投入到 新课的学习中去。新课开始,教师可以和学生谈谈与新课有关的 一个话题,或者和学生玩个小游戏,或者讲一个让人觉得有意思 又能开发心智的故事等,目的就是激活学生的思维,激发学生学 习的兴趣,同时又集中了学生的注意力,使学生内心产生强烈的

求知欲望,调动主动学习的内心情感。这样的课堂只要教师引导有法,组织有力,学生一定会学有所获,并且轻松自然。 三、创设良好的教学情境 教师可根据学生的特点以及教学目标和课程内容创设一个充满情趣的教学情境。教师可以将课文中的情境通过多媒体课件、挂图、创设背景的方法使之在课堂中再现,让学生有身临其境的感觉。在这样的情境里学习,不但避免了语文课堂的乏味和枯燥,而且让书本上的知识更形象、具体地呈现在课堂中,使学生真正参与到语文课堂的学习中,学起来也更轻松、有趣。 四、让教学语言精炼幽默,成为创造良好课堂气氛的催化剂 语音是人类交流的桥梁,教师富有幽默、鼓励、启发性的语音更能调动学生学习的兴趣,收到事半功倍的效果。这需要教师长期不断提高自己的语言技艺,学会针对不同的情形、不同的学生、不同的语言环境用准词语,特别是鼓励性的语言要能收到“润物细无声”的效果;学会在教学过程中善用幽默的语言调节课堂气氛;可以借助教材内涵的趣味性以及生活中的一些道理,将知识难点巧妙突破,化深奥为浅显,化平淡为有趣;同时教师还要掌握严谨的用语和逻辑性的用句,在准确的语言表述中让学生感受到学习知识必须要有严谨治学的态度,潜移默化中促进学生形成严谨的良好思维,从而取得良好的教学效果。 五、使用多媒体教学手段,提高教学效率 多媒体教学已成为现代化教学的必备手段。在日常的教学中,每一位教师都要自觉地采用多媒体技术来完成教学,主要是因为多媒体教学手段能改变过去单调死板的教学模式,能极大地增加课堂信息量,能再现学生生活场景、微观世界或者宏观世
