

2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学二试题解析 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分,下列每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求的,请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸... 指定位置上. (1) )若函数0(),0x f x b x >=?≤? 在0x =处连续,则( ) (A)12 ab = (B)12 ab =- (C)0ab = (D)2ab = 【答案】A 【解析】00112lim lim ,()2x x x f x ax a ++→→==Q 在0x =处连续11.22b ab a ∴=?=选A. (2)设二阶可导函数()f x 满足(1)(1)1,(0)1f f f =-==-且'' ()0f x >,则( ) ()()1 1 110 1 1 1 10()()0 ()0()()()()()A f x dx B f x dx C f x dx f x dx D f x dx f x dx ----><>


2017年考研英语一真题原文及答案解析完整版 2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一) Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding “yes!” 1 helping you feel close and 2 to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a 3 of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you 4 getting sick this winter. In a recent study 5 over 400 health adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs 6 the participants’ susceptibility to developing the common cold after being 7 to the virus .People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come 8 with a cold ,and the researchers 9 that the stress-reducing effects of hugging 10 about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. 11 among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe 12 . “Hugging protects people who are under stress from the 13 risk for colds that’s usually 14 with stress,” notes Sheld on Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging “is a


2020年研究生入学统一考试试题(英语一) Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Even if families are less likely to sit down to eat together than was once the case, millions of Britons will none the less have partaken this weekend of one of the nation's great traditions: the Sunday roast. __1__ a cold winter's day, few culinary pleasures can __2__it. Yet as we report now, the food police are determined that this __3__ should be rendered yet another guilty pleasure __4__ to damage our health. The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has __5__ a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked __6__ high temperatures.This means that people should __7__ crisping their roast potatoes, spurn thin-crust pizzas and only __8__ toast their bread. But where is the evidence to support such alarmist advice? __9__ studies have shown that acrylamide can cause neurological damage in mice, there is no __10__ evidence that it causes cancer in humans. Scientists say the compound is "__11__ to be carcinogenic" but have no hard scientific proof. __12__ the precautionary principle, it could be argued that it is __13__ to follow the FSA advice. __14__, it was rumored that smoking caused cancer for years before the evidence was found to prove a __15__. Doubtless a piece of boiled beef can always be __16__ up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables,without the Yorkshire pudding and no wine. But would life be worth living? __17__, the FSA says it is not telling people to cut out roast foods __18__, but to reduce their lifetime intake. However, their __19__ risks coming across as exhortation and nannying. Constant health scares just __20__ with no one listening. 1. A In B Towards C On D Till 2. A match B express C satisfy D influence 3. A patience B enjoyment C surprise D concern 4. A intensified B privileged C compelled D guaranteed 5. A issued B received C ignored D canceled 6. A under B at C for D by 7. A forget B regret C finish D avoid 8. A partially B regularly C easily D initially 9. A Unless B Since C If D While 10. A secondary B external C inconclusive D negative 11. A insufficient B bound C likely D slow 12. A On the basis of B At the cost of C In addition to D In contrast to 13. A interesting B advisable C urgent D fortunate 14. A As usual B In particular C By definition D After all 15. A resemblance B combination C connection D pattern 16. A made B served C saved D used 17. A To be fair B For instance C To be brief D in general 18. A reluctantly B entirely C gradually D carefully 19. A promise B experience C campaign D competition 20. A follow up B pick up C open up D end up 解析:


2016考研数学二真题及答案 一、选择题 1—8小题.每小题4分,共32分. 1.当+→0x 时,若)(ln x 21+α ,α 1 1)cos (x -均是比x 高阶的无穷小,则α的可能取值 范围是( ) (A )),(+∞2 (B )),(21 (C )),(121 (D )),(2 10 【详解】α ααx x 221~)(ln +,是α阶无穷小,αα α2 1 1 2 1 1x x ~ )cos (-是 α 2 阶无穷小,由题意可知??? ??>>121α α 所以α的可能取值范围是),(21,应该选(B ). 2.下列曲线有渐近线的是 (A )x x y sin += (B )x x y sin +=2 (C )x x y 1sin += (D )x x y 12 sin += 【详解】对于x x y 1sin +=,可知1=∞→x y x lim 且01 ==-∞→∞→x x y x x sin lim )(lim ,所以有斜渐 近线x y = 应该选(C ) 3.设函数)(x f 具有二阶导数,x f x f x g )())(()(110+-=,则在],[10上( ) (A )当0≥)('x f 时,)()(x g x f ≥ (B )当0≥)('x f 时,)()(x g x f ≤ (C )当0≥'')(x f 时,)()(x g x f ≥ (D )当0≥'')(x f 时,)()(x g x f ≤ 【分析】此题考查的曲线的凹凸性的定义及判断方法. 【详解1】如果对曲线在区间],[b a 上凹凸的定义比较熟悉的话,可以直接做出判断. 显然x f x f x g )())(()(110+-=就是联接))(,()),(,(1100f f 两点的直线方程.故当0≥'')(x f 时,曲线是凹的,也就是)()(x g x f ≤,应该选(D )


2017年考研数学二试题及详解 一、选择题 (1 )设1231),1a x a a =,则( ). A. 123,,a a a B. 231,,a a a C. 213,,a a a D. 321,,a a a 【答案】B 【解析】 2 11513 6 2 2311 01()22ln(11 13 x a x x x x a x x x a x +→=-=-=+== 当时, 所以,从低到高的顺序为a 2,a 3,a 1,选B. (2)已知函数2(1),1 ()ln ,1x x f x x x -

因此选择D. (3)反常函数①1 21x e dx x -∞?,②1 201x e dx x +∞?的敛散性为( ). A. ①收敛,②收敛 B. ①收敛,②发散 C. ①发散,②收敛 D. ①发散,②发散 【答案】B 【解析】①11 11 02011[lim lim ](01)1x x x x x x e dx e d e e x x --∞-∞→∞→=-=--=--=??收敛。 ② 1 1 1 110 20 00 11 [lim lim ]x x x x x x x e dx e d e e e x x + ∞ +∞+∞→∞ →=-=-=--=+∞? ?发散。 所以,选B. (4)设函数()f x 在(,)-∞+∞内连续,其导函数的图形如图所示,则( ). A. 函数()f x 有2个极值点,曲线()y f x =有2个拐点 B. 函数()f x 有2个极值点,曲线()y f x =有3个拐点 C. 函数()f x 有3个极值点,曲线()y f x =有1个拐点 D. 函数()f x 有3个极值点,曲线()y f x =有2个拐点 【答案】B 【解析】根据图像可知导数为零的点有3个,但是最右边的点左右两侧导数均为正值,因此不是极值点,故有2个极值点,而拐点是一阶导数的极值点或者是不可导点,在这个图像上,一阶导数的极值点有2个,不可导点有1个,因此有3个拐点 .


2017年考研英语一真题-高清版含答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away?The answer may be a resounding “yes!”1helping you feel close and2to people you care about,it turns out that hugs can bring a3of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not,a warm embrace might even help you4getting sick this winter. In a recent study5over400healthy adults,researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs6the participants’susceptibility to developing the common cold after being7to the virus.People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come8with a cold,and the researchers9that the stress-reducing effects of hugging10about 32percent of that beneficial effect.11among those who got a cold,the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe 12. “Hugging protects people who are under stress from the13risk for colds that’s usually14with stress,”notes Sheldon Cohen,a professor of psychology at Carnegie.Hugging“is a marker of intimacy and helps15the feeling that others are there to help16difficulty.” Some experts17the stress-reducing,health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin,often called“the bonding hormone”18it promotes attachment in relationships,including that between mothers and their newborn babies.Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream.But some of it19in the brain,where it20mood,behavior and physiology.


2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 数学(一)试题 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分.下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的.请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸... 指定位置上. (1 )若函数0(),0x f x b x >=?≤? 在x 连续,则 (A) 12 ab =. (B) 12 ab =- . (C) 0ab =. (D) 2ab =. 【答案】A 【详解】由0 1 lim 2x b a + →==,得12ab =. (2)设函数()f x 可导,且()'()0f x f x >则 (A) ()()11f f >- . (B) ()()11f f <-. (C) ()()11f f >-. (D) ()()11f f <-. 【答案】C 【详解】2() ()()[]02 f x f x f x ''=>,从而2()f x 单调递增,22(1)(1)f f >-. (3)函数2 2 (,,)f x y z x y z =+在点(1,2,0)处沿着向量(1,2,2)n =的方向导数为 (A) 12. (B) 6. (C) 4. (D)2 . 【答案】D 【详解】方向余弦12cos ,cos cos 33 = ==αβγ,偏导数22,,2x y z f xy f x f z '''===,代入cos cos cos x y z f f f '''++αβγ即可. (4)甲乙两人赛跑,计时开始时,甲在乙前方10(单位:m)处.图中,实线表示甲的速度曲线1()v v t =(单位:m/s),虚线表示乙的速度曲线2()v v t =(单位:m/s),三块阴影部分面积的数值一次为10,20,3,计时开始后乙追上甲的时刻记为(单位:s),则


2017考研真题答案:2017考研英语一真题试卷及答案(完整版)2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题+【答案】 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the the participants' susceptibility to developing the common cold

who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging "is a benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called "the relationships, including that between mother and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain , and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But physiology. 1.[A] Unlike [B] Besides [C] Despite [D] Throughout 【答案】[B] Besides 2.[A] connected [B] restricted [C] equal [D] inferior 【答案】[A] connected


析2017年考研英语考试已经结束!出国留学考研网在考后第一时间为大家提供2017年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析,更多考研资讯请关注我们网站的更新! 2017年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析 英语1文章明显偏学术,今年考察英语语言发展情况,文章选的英国文化教育协会,是雅思出题组织者。它的主席叫大卫格兰多的一本书,叫《英语下一步》,他讲到整本书意思是英语将走向何处。 很有意思的是主席曾经这本书里说到了中文将以后成为世界语言。 英语1考题作为序言部分作为考题。 今年英语1总体难度和去年相比,刚刚过去2016年考研题稳中有一点点上升,没有任何难句出现,只是长句。我认为稳中上升。 第一句话有一个单词难一点,(英文),英语全球性主导地位。翻译里没有考过。(英文)主导地位考过,但是是阅读里经常出现,翻译都是可以的。这句话基本意思说到了,说英语的人进一步扩大,这是一个(英文)状语从句。后面跟着有迹象表明,是主句,表明的迹象是什么呢?从句,英语全球性主导地位在可预见地位将减弱。 fade(英文)略微有难度。我对考研阅读没有那么熟,但是2000年出现过。 如果按照新东方老师关注的精读方法来学习有很好的效果。 第二句话讲到了大卫这个人分析,会终结一些人的(英文),他们或许会认为英语全球性地位是如此稳定。他们有一次词,是(英语)如此稳定,英国年轻一代不需要额外学习其他的语言能力。但是会终结年轻一代的能力。 但是组织的时候要注意一下,有些人认为英语语言地位如此稳定,英国年轻人没有必要学习什么,但是大卫的观点会终结这些人的想法。语序颠倒一下会更好。48题,正在引入英语,引入小学课程,有一个单词,(英语),这个单


2017年考研数学三真题 一、选择题 1—8小题.每小题4分,共32分. 1 .若函数0(),0x f x b x >=?≤? 在0x =处连续,则 (A )12ab = (B )1 2 ab =-(C )0ab =(D )2ab = 【详解】0001112lim ()lim lim 2x x x x f x ax ax a +++→→→-=== ,0lim ()(0)x f x b f -→==,要使函数在0x =处连续,必须满足11 22 b ab a =?=.所以应该选(A ) 2.二元函数(3)z xy x y =--的极值点是( ) (A )(0,0) (B )03(,) (C )30(,) (D )11(,) 【详解】 2(3)32z y x y xy y xy y x ?=---=--?,232z x x xy y ?=--?, 2222222,2,32z z z z y x x x y x y y x ????=-=-==-?????? 解方程组2 2320320z y xy y x z x x xy y ??=--=??????=--=???,得四个驻点.对每个驻点验证2 AC B -,发现只有在点11(,)处满足 230AC B -=>,且20A C ==-<,所以11(,)为函数的极大值点,所以应该选(D ) 3.设函数()f x 是可导函数,且满足()()0f x f x '>,则 (A )(1)(1)f f >- (B )11()()f f <- (C )11()()f f >- (D )11()()f f <- 【详解】设2 ()(())g x f x =,则()2()()0g x f x f x ''=>,也就是()2 ()f x 是单调增加函数.也就得到 () ()2 2 (1)(1)(1)(1)f f f f >-?>-,所以应该选(C ) 4. 若级数 21 1sin ln(1)n k n n ∞ =??--??? ?∑收敛,则k =( ) (A )1 (B )2 (C )1- (D )2-


2017年考研英语一(答案及解析) Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) from each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding "yes!" ___1__ helping you feel close and __2___to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a ___3__ of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you __4___ getting sick this winter. In a recent study ___5__ over 400 healthy adults,researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs ___6__ the participants' susceptibility to developing the common cold after being ___7__ to the virus. People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come ___8__ with a cold, and the researchers __9___ that the stress-reducing effects of hugging ___10__ about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. ___11__ among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe __12___. "Hugging protects people who are under stress from the ___13__ risk for colds that's usually __14___ with stress," Notes sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging "is a marker of intimacy and helps __15___ the feeling that others are there to help ___16__difficulty." Some experts ___17__ the stress-reducing,health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called"the bonding hormone" __18___ it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mothers and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But some of it___19__ in the brain, where it __20___ mood, behavior and physiology. 1. [A]Besides[B]Unlike[C]Throughout[D]Despite 2. [A]equal[B]restricted[C]connected[D]inferior


2017考研数学二真题及答案解析 一、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题4分,满分32分) (1)若函数?? ? ??≤>-=0,,0,cos 1)(x b x ax x x f 在0=x 处连续,则( ) )(A 21= ab 。 )(B 2 1-=ab 。 )(C 0=ab 。 D (2=ab 。 【答案】)(A 【解】a ax x f x 21 cos 1lim )00(0=-=++→,b f f =-=)00()0(, 因为)(x f 在0=x 处连续,所以)00()0()00(-==+f f f ,从而2 1 = ab ,应选)(A 。 (2)设二阶可导函数)(x f 满足1)1()1(=-=f f ,1)0(-=f ,且0)(>''x f ,则( ) ) (A ? ->1 10)(x f 。 ) (B ? -<1 1 0)(x f 。 )(C ??->10 1 )()(dx x f x f 。 )(D ??-<1 1 )()(dx x f x f 。 【答案】)(B 【解】取12)(2 -=x x f ,显然 ? -<1 1 0)(x f ,应选)(B 。 (3)设数列}{n x 收敛,则 ( ) )(A 当0sin lim =∞ →n n x 时,0lim =∞ →n n x 。 )(B 当0)||(lim =+∞ →n n n x x 时,0lim =∞ →n n x 。 )(C 当0)(lim 2 =+∞ →n n n x x 时,0lim =∞→n n x 。)(D 当0)sin (lim =+∞→n n n x x 时,0lim =∞ →n n x 。 【答案】)(D 【解】令A x n n =∞ →lim ,由0sin )sin (lim =+=+∞ →A A x x n n n 得0=A 。 (4)微分方程)2cos 1(842x e y y y x +=+'-''的特解可设为=* y ( ) )(A )2sin 2cos (22x C x B e Ae x x ++。 )(B )2sin 2cos (22x C x B xe Axe x x ++。 )(C )2sin 2cos (22x C x B xe Ae x x ++。)(D )2sin 2cos (22x C x B xe Axe x x ++。


Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding “yes!” 1 helping you feel close and 2 to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a 3 of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you 4 getting sick this winter. In a recent study 5 over 400 health adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs 6 the participants’ susceptibility to developing the common cold after being 7 to the virus .People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come 8 with a cold ,and the researchers 9 that the stress-reducing effects of hugging 10 about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. 11 among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe 12 . “Hugging protects people who are under stress from the 13 risk for colds that’s usually 14 with stress,” notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging “is a marker of intimacy and helps 15 the feelin g that others are there to help 16 difficulty.” Some experts 17 the stress-reducing , health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called “the bonding hormone” 18 it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mother and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain , and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But some of it 19 in the brain, where it 20 mood, behavior and physiology. 1.[A] Unlike [B] Besides [C] Despite [D] Throughout 2.[A] connected [B] restricted [C] equal [D] inferior 3.[A] choice [B] view [C] lesson [D] host 4.[A] recall [B] forget [C] avoid [D] keep 5.[A] collecting [B] involving [C] guiding [D] affecting 6.[A] of [B] in [C] at [D] on 7.[A] devoted [B] exposed [C] lost [D] attracted 8.[A] across [B] along [C] down [D] out 9.[A] calculated [B] denied [C] doubted [D] imagined 10.[A] served [B] required [C] restored [D] explained 11.[A] Even [B] Still [C] Rather [D] Thus 12.[A] defeats [B] symptoms [C] tests [D] errors 13.[A] minimized [B] highlighted [C] controlled [D] increased


2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试真题试卷 《数学三》试题 一、选择题:1—8小题.每小题4分,共32分. 1 .若函数0(),0x f x b x >=?≤?在0x =处连续,则 (A )12ab = (B )1 2 ab =- (C )0ab = (D )2ab = 2.二元函数(3)z xy x y =--的极值点是( ) (A )(0,0) (B )03(,) (C )30(,) (D )11(,) 3.设函数()f x 是可导函数,且满足()()0f x f x '>,则 (A )(1)(1)f f >- (B )11()()f f <- (C )11()()f f >- (D )11()()f f <- 4. 若级数21 1sin ln(1)n k n n ∞ =??--??? ?∑收敛,则k =( ) (A )1 (B )2 (C )1- (D )2- 5.设α为n 单位列向量,E 为n 阶单位矩阵,则 (A )T E αα-不可逆 (B )T E αα+不可逆 (C )2T E αα+不可逆 (D )2T E αα-不可逆 6.已知矩阵200021001A ?? ?= ? ???,210020001B ?? ?= ? ???,100020002C ?? ? = ? ??? ,则 (A ),A C 相似,,B C 相似 (B ),A C 相似,,B C 不相似 (C ),A C 不相似,,B C 相似 (D ),A C 不相似,,B C 不相似 7.设,A B ,C 是三个随机事件,且,A C 相互独立,,B C 相互独立,则A B 与C 相互

(A ),A B 相互独立 (B ),A B 互不相容 (C ),AB C 相互独立 (D ),AB C 互不相容 8.设12,, ,(2)n X X X n ≥为来自正态总体(,1)N μ的简单随机样本,若1 1n i i X X n ==∑,则 下列结论中不正确的是( ) (A )21()n i i X μ=-∑服从2χ分布 (B )()2 12n X X -服从2χ分布 (C )21 ()n i i X X =-∑服从2χ分布 (D )2()n X μ-服从2χ分布 二、填空题(本题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分. 把答案填在题中横线上) 9 .3(sin x dx π π -+=? . 10.差分方程122t t t y y +-=的通解为 . 11.设生产某产品的平均成本()1Q C Q e -=+,其中产量为Q ,则边际成本为 . 12.设函数(,)f x y 具有一阶连续的偏导数,且已知(,)(1)y y df x y ye dx x y e dy =++, (0,0)0f =,则(,)f x y = 13.设矩阵101112011A ?? ? = ? ??? ,123,,ααα为线性无关的三维列向量,则向量组123 ,,A A A ααα的秩为 . 14.设随机变量X 的概率分布为{}1 22 P X =-=,{}1P X a ==,{}3P X b ==,若0EX =,则DX = .
