


Name: ___________________ Score: ___________________


在英语合成词中,有一种不是很普遍的,也较少人注意的,那就是叠声合成词(repetition compounds)。叠声合成词多数是名词,也可转化为形容词、动词或副词,有三种形式:



●He pooh-poohed my idea. (再见)

●It is a hush-hush report not to be made public. (轻视)

●The boy said bye-bye to his parents. (秘密的)


clank-clank (雨水声)

drip-drip (打扮得很俗气的)

tap-tap (马马虎虎)

so so (各半的)

goody-goody (剪声)

fifty-fifty (伪善的)

pretty-pretty (打字机的声音)

thump-thump (砰然声)

snip-snip (链子声)


●Electric networks(电线网) criss-cross the whole island.()

●The government dilly-dallied over lengthening the retirement age(延长退休年限).()

●The blinds(百叶窗) flip-flopped in the wind.()

●The drunkard(醉汉) zig-zagged along the road.()

●Most women like knick-knacks.()

●Is it possible to get rid of(解决) the riff-raff of a society(社会)?()

●The graduating(即将毕业的) students had a pleasant sing-song in the garden.()

●Do you like wishy-washy soup?()



●Barbarians(平民) in ancient times had to kow-tow to government officials.()

●Some people are not used to the hub-bub of the city. ()

●I pity(同情) those who lead a humdrum life year in year out(年复一年).()

●Willy-nilly, young people at the age of 18 must go for military training (军训).()

●Don't play hanky-panky with your friends.()

● When rain suddenly came, the pedestrians(路人) ran helter-skelter.()

● Tom and his friends used to hob-nob in the bar.()

● The defeated(打败仗的) soldiers retreated(撤退) pell-mell.()





Once there was a boy. He loved sweets very much. He always asked his father for sweets.

The boy’s father thought hard about how to stop the child from asking for so many sweets. A great man lived nearby. The boy’s father decided to take the boy to him. He might be able to make th e child give up sweets.

So they went to the great man. The father asked the great man to help him. But the great man liked sweets himself. He told the father to bring his son back after a month.

During the month, the great man tried to give up eating sweets. At last he did it. When the boy and his father returned after a month, the great man had a talk with the boy. From then on, the boy did not ask for sweets any more.

The boy’s father felt surprised, “Why didn’t you ask my son to give up sweets when we came to you a month ago?” The man answered, “How could I ask a boy to give up sweets when I loved sweets myself? In the last month I gave up eating sweets.”

A person’s example is always stronger than words. We should not ask others to do what we can’t do ourselves.

1. The boy’s father took his son to the great man because _____.

A. the man lived close to the house

B. the man might give him some help

C. the man was also fond of sweets

D. the man had already given up sweets

2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The great man had a hobby of eating sweets.

B. The great man gave up eating sweets in a month.

C. The father and son came back to the man a month later.

D. The boy failed to stop eating sweets at last.

3. Which is the best title(标题)for the passage?

A. Eating sweets is bad for children

B. A good way to give up eating sweets

C. Giving up sweets is not difficult

D. Examples speak louder than words


Going to a friend’s house is very exciting. You may spend time wi th a friend and get to see where he lives. So remember to be polite.

When to arrive

The first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you over, you need to arrive on time. If your friend tells you to come “around 3:00”, that means you can turn up a little bit after 3:00. But usually it is a good idea to arrive at the right time.

What to bring

Often it is also nice to bring something to your friend’s house. This could be a box of chocolates for you two to share, or maybe a movie that you can watch together. You can also bring some flowers. A little gift is a nice way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his house.

How to greet(问候)

When you visit your friend’s house, you may also meet his parents. You should tell them who you are and

they may tell you their names. As a child, I went to visit my friend Paul. I called his parents by their first names John and Mary. But now I know it is more polite to call them Mr. or Mrs. Smith. This will show them more respect (尊重)and then they may tell you to call them by their first names. Another way to show respect is to call them Madam or Sir.

It is a cool thing to visit a friend’s house. Be polite to your friend and your friend’s parents, and you will be invited again!

4. If you are told to get to your friend’s house around 5:00 p.m., it is polite to arrive at _____ p.m.

A. 5:02

B. 4:50

C. 4:30

D. 5:30

5. When the writer was a child, he called his friend’s father _____.

A. Smith

B. John

C. Mary

D. Paul

6. The passage mainly(主要)tells us _____.

A. when to arrive at your friend’s house

B. how to greet people

C. what to bring to your friend

D. how to be a good visitor

7. The passage may be from _____.

A. a notice on a wall

B. a letter to a friend

C. an article(文章)in a magazine

D. a news story in a paper


Letter One

Dear Editor(编辑),

After I finish my homework, I often go online and chat with my friends. Sometimes I play Internet games. But my parents hate to see me playing games on the computer. Maybe they have heard too much news about how QQ and Internet games harm(伤害)children. Once I went to a net bar(网吧)to play games after school. But after that I told my parents that I was playing basketball at school. I said so because I didn’t want to make them unhappy. I feel bad about it. However, I need to rest for a while by playing computer games after studying for a long time. I really want my parents to understand that. Do foreign parents do the same to their children? Please help me.

Li Ping,


Letter Two

Dear Li Ping,

I think it’s not strange for parents to keep their children away from anything bad. Foreign parents will do the same as your parents! They may not let their children watch TV for too long a time, or like your parents, they don’t want their children to play computer games.

Talk to your parents and be honest (诚实)to them, I think. Tell them what you are doing and why you are doing so to make them understand you. It’s never good to do things behind your parents’ backs. They aren’t fools as you think sometimes! Our parents seem to know what is the best for us. Remember: to be honest is the best way.

Good luck,


8. From the passage we can learn that Li Ping often _____.

A. talks to his friends on the Internet

B. plays basketball after school

C. plays computer games at home

D. chats online before doing his homework

9. The boy goes online _____.

A. to get news about QQ

B. just to have a rest

C. to show that he hates study

D. just to find some friends

10. The underlined(划线的)sentence in Letter Two means “ _____ ”.

A. You must do everything in front of your parents

B. You must always listen to your parents carefully

C. You should tell your parents what you do before or after doing it

D. You should not do anything to make your parents worry about you

11. The editor thinks _____.

A. children should play computer games secretly

B. playing computer games can be very helpful to children’s studies

C. children should be honest and try to make their parents understand them

D. foreign parents don’t care for their children as much as Chinese parents


Get ready, China. The world is coming! Every day lots of foreigners come here as business people or tourists. And even more people will come in 2008 for the Beijing Olympics. When they come to China, we should do something to help them enjoy themselves and like China and the Chinese people. But there are some things they may not like:

1. Traffic problems Cars park on sidewalks (人行道). Bus drivers drive so fast that they make people who are trying to cross the street afraid.

2. Queue jumping At the post office, or even at McDonald’s, people push to the front of a line instead of waiting.

3. Bumping Too many people are crowded onto buses and trains. This makes people feel terrible, and it is not safe, either. On a bus in North America, people try to make themselves smaller and they’ll say “Excuse me” or “Sorry” if they knock into someone. In China, people make themselves bigger with no “Sorry” or “Excuse me”.

4. Littering I notice this everywhere. Some people throw rubbish onto the ground even when there is a rubbish bin(箱)right next to them.

Most Chinese people are just as unhappy with these kinds of things as I am. And, certainly, the government(政府)has known the problems and is trying to do something about them.

China is on her way!

12. Someone throws an empty Cola bottle onto the ground. This is called _____.

A. bumping

B. littering

C. queue jumping

D. a traffic problem

13. The writer thinks we Chinese people should do the following except _____.

A. park our cars at right places

B. wait our turn in public(公共)places

C. throw rubbish into rubbish bins

D. hurry onto buses before others

14. We can conclude(得出结论)from the passage that _____.

A. things will get better and better in China

B. fewer and fewer foreigners will visit our country

C. there will be more and more traffic problems in Beijing

D. fewer and fewer Chinese people will eat hamburgers

15. When the writer says “Get ready, China”, he means that _____.

A. China is going to be a fast-growing country

B. it is time for the Chinese to change their bad behaviors(行为)

C. most Chinese people are as unhappy with these problems as him

D. the Chinese will do a good job in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games


列那狐的故事阅读测试题 一、填空题。 1.神棒被折成两段抛到大海里,出现了一只怪兽,这只皮毛光亮而美丽的怪兽就是( .列那狐)。 2.列那的叔叔是(雄狼叶森格仑)。 3.列那有(三)个孩子。 4.列那是一只(狡猾)的狐狸。 5.列那的家住在(马贝渡城堡)。 6.叶森格仑的妻子叫(艾尔桑)。 7.不可一世的万兽之王是(狮王诺布尔)。 8.列那和叶森格仑在捕鳗鱼的时候,(叶森格仑)的尾巴被冰冻住了。 9.奉国王之命将列那带回朝廷的是(猪獾格兰贝尔)。 10.列那的妻子叫(艾莫莉娜) 二、选择题。(请将正确答案的序号填在括号里) 1.《列那狐的故事》这本书的作者是哪个国家的?………………………(A ) A法国B美国C英国 2.麻雀德鲁依诺找谁帮忙报的仇?…………………………………………(C ) A花猫蒂贝尔B狗熊布朗C猎狗莫胡 3.叶森格仑是修道士吗?……………………………………………………(A ) A不是B是 4.被列那花言巧语骗走奶酪的是谁? …………………………………(B ) A山雀梅桑热B乌鸦铁斯兰C母鸡品特 5.列那与花猫蒂贝尔争香肠的结果是谁赢了? ………………………( B ) A列那B蒂贝尔 6.列那被告上法庭后,是谁在国王面前替列那辩护的? ……………(C ) A兔子库阿尔姆B花猫蒂贝尔C猪獾格兰贝尔 7.麻雀德鲁依诺为什么向列那狐报仇?……………………………………( A ) A因为列那吃掉了德鲁依诺的孩子。 B因为列那吃掉了德鲁依诺的食物。 C因为列那偷了德鲁依诺的宝贝。 8.列那与雄狼普利莫到农夫家偷吃美食,列那逃脱了,而普利莫却被抓,为什么?………………………………………………………………………………( B ) A普利莫还在吃东西。 B洞口太小,普利莫肚子太大了,钻不出去。 C普利莫受伤了。 9.谁喜欢吃蜂蜜?……………………………………………………………(A ) A狗熊布朗B母鸡品特 C 兔子库阿尔姆 10.列那用什么方法骗过了包括骑士在内的所有人?………………………( A ) A列那和九张狐狸皮混在了一起 B逃跑。 C列那躲到了洞穴里 三、判断题。(下列各题是否正确,对的打“√”,错的打“×”) 1.把神棒折成两段的是亚当。…………………………………………………(错) 2. 公鸡诺瓦莱骗列那唱歌,才得以逃命的。…………………………………(对) 3. 花猫蒂贝尔的尾巴是被装牛奶的箱子盖压断的。………………………(对) 4.叶森格仑愿意受戒,是因为想吃鳗鱼。……………………………………(对) 5.当着国王的面,列那和叶森格仑互相亲吻,但心里依然讨厌对方。(对) 6. 列那被贝尔纳神甫改造成了修道院的僧侣。……………………(错) 7. 列那与叶森格仑的决斗,胜利者是列那。…………………………(错) 8. 猪獾格兰贝尔是列那的表兄,是他忠实的朋友。…………………………(对) 9. 雄狼普利莫学着列那的做法装死躺在路中央,后来被鱼贩们扔进箩筐,结果成功美餐了一顿。………………………………………………………………(错) 10.列那最后被绞死了。…………………………………………………(错)


篇一:秋阅读测试题答案 似乎刚过完春节,什么都还来不及干呢,已是长夏天气,让人懒洋洋的像只猫。一家人夏衣尚未打点好,猛然却见玉簪花那雪白的圆鼓鼓的棒槌,从拥挤着的宽大的绿叶中探出头来。我先是一惊,随即怅然。这花一开,没几天便是立秋。以后便是处暑便是白露便是秋分便是寒露,过了霜降,便立冬了。真真的怎么得了! 这花的生命力极强,随便种种,总会活的。不挑地方,不拣土壤,而且特别喜欢背阴处,把阳光让给别人,很是谦让,据说花瓣可以入药。还有人来讨那叶子,要捣烂了治脚气。我说它是生活上向下比,工作上向上比,算得一种玉簪花精神罢。我喜欢花,却没有侍弄花的闲情。因有自知之明,不敢邀名花居留,只有时要点草花种种。有一种太阳花又名死不了,开时五彩缤纷,杂在草间很好看。种了几次,都不成功。连死不了都种死了。我们常这样自嘲。玉簪花却不同,从不要人照料,只管自己蓬勃生长。往后院月洞门小径的两旁,随便移栽了几个嫩芽。次年便有绿叶白花,点缀着夏末秋初的景致。我的房门外有一小块地,原有两行花,现已形成一片,绿油油的,完全遮住了地面。在晨光熹微或暮色朦胧中,一柄柄白花擎起,隐约如绿波上的白帆,不知驶向何方。有些植物的繁茂枝叶中,会藏着一些小活物,吓人一跳。玉簪花下却总是干净的。可能因气味的缘故,不容虫豸近身。花开有十几朵,满院便飘着芳香。不是丁香的幽香,不是桂花的甜香,也不是荷花的那种清香。它的香比较强,似乎有点醒脑的作用。采几朵放在养石子的水盆中,房间里便也飘散着香气,让人减少几分懒洋洋,让人心里警惕着:秋来了。秋是收获的季节,我却是两手空空。一年、两年过去了,总是在不安和焦虑中。怪谁呢,很难回答。久居异乡的兄长,业命喜好诗词。前天寄来南宋词人朱敦儒的《西江月》:日日深杯酒满,朝朝小圃花开,自歌自舞自开怀,无拘无束无碍。青史几番春梦,红尘多少奇才,不消计较与安排,领取而今现在。我把领取而今现在一句反复吟哦,觉得这是一种悠然自得的境界。其实不必深杯酒满,不必小圃花开,只在心中领取,便得逍遥。领取自己那一份,也有品味把玩、获得的意思。 篇三:秋阅读测试题答案 篇四:秋阅读测试题答案 阅读理解《我爱秋天》精选习题及答案_学科竞赛_小学教育_教育专区暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载| 阅读理解《我爱秋天》精选习题及答案_学科竞赛_小学教育_教育专区。语文阅读理解《我爱秋天》精选习题及答案炎热的夏季总算过去了,几缕凉风吹过,便顿生了几丝惬意。“秋天来了!”我的心中全然是对秋的喜爱。我要高呼:“我爱秋天!”秋天,极富绚丽色彩的季节;秋天,极富累累果实的季节。每当秋天悄然而至,我都要去田野里、山坡上,欣赏秋赐予大地的新装。瞧这边的田野,脱去了绿裙子,换上了金黄的头篷,又是一种别样的美。天是那么(流水是那么(),那么()那么,();)。还有路边的排排杨树,这会儿也洋洋洒洒地飘落下片片叶子,宛如只只飞旋的黄蝴蝶,翻转着、抖动着,伴着优美的舞姿停落在地面之上,流水之间??加之“一”字排开,或是“人”字排开的南飞大雁,呵,这是怎样美丽的一幅画卷哪!天色渐渐晚了,再看着那边的山坡,一棵棵的红枫树,红的多好看啊!像少女羞红的脸庞,像醉汉涨红的面颊,跟天边的红霞连在一起,简直是一团团的火焰在燃烧。烧得我心中暖意融融,烧得我甚至忘记了将要到来的寒冬。每当秋天悄然而至,总是要伴着飒飒的秋风,挟着柔长的秋雨。秋雨淅沥,连绵不断,像串串珍珠,在天地之间织起了一层层迷蒙的雨帘。每每这时,我总是抛开雨伞,就在这样的雨中行走。任雨水吻着我,拥着我,任雨水沾湿我的头发,任雨水尽情地散发它的种种温情,让我深深地体会到了秋雨的凉爽??每每这时,一切的烦恼与忧愁,一切的猜忌与狐疑,都在雨水的轻抚下逃走了,留下的,是一个纯粹的我,一个美丽的我。每当秋天悄然而至,我都会怀着一颗充


高三语文·《论语》第01—05篇练习1 1、阅读下面《论语》选段,回答问题。 子曰:“君子食无求饱,居无求安,敏于事而慎于言,就有道而正焉,可谓好学也已。” (《论语·学而》) (1)对上面这个选段内容理解不正确的一项是() A、孔子认为对物质生活不能太讲究,有饭吃、有地方住就行了;而在精神上要不断地追求道德完善。 B、在为人处事方面,孔子认为做人要脚踏实地,做事要勤快机敏,说话要谨慎,莫轻率,要经过思考。 C、孔子认为在人际交往方面,要接近仁道,不断地匡正自己,使自己成为正人君子,获得生活的满足和精神快乐。 D、孔子说的这段话看起来简单,实际上却概括了对君子各方面的要求,这些都学到就能达到儒家精神所要求的境界了。 (2)结合上面选段,联系实际,谈谈你对“饭疏食饮水,曲肱(弯着胳膊)而枕之,乐亦在其中矣”(《论语·述而》)这句话所表现的孔于思想的理解。 答: 2、阅读下面《论语》选段,回答问题。 子曰:“我未见好仁者,恶不仁者。好仁者,无以尚之;恶不仁者,其为仁矣,不使不仁者加乎其身。有能一日用其力于仁矣乎?我未见力不足者。盖有之矣,我未之见也。”(《论语·里仁篇第四》) 孔子在这则材料中谈到与的关系,是为了阐述什么观点? 答: 3、阅读下面《论语》《孟子》选段,完成后面题目。(6分) 子游问孝。子曰:“今之孝者,是谓能养。至于犬马,皆能有养;不敬,何以别乎?” (《论语·为政》) 孟子曰:“曾子养曾皙,必有酒肉;将彻①,必请所与②;问有余,必曰‘有’。曾皙死,曾元养曾子,必有酒肉;将彻,不请所与;问有余,曰‘亡矣’——将以复进也。此所谓养口体者也。若曾子,则可谓养志也。事亲若曾子者,可也。” (《孟子·离娄》) 【注】①彻:通“撤”,撤除。②与:通“予”,给予。 (1)下列对上面两个选段的理解,不正确的一项是( ) A、孔子认为“养”父母如果缺乏恭敬之心,那与“养”犬马就没有什么区别了。


一、选择题 1.--You hate that TV play, don’t you? --Not _______. I just think it’s a bit boring. A.likely B.exactly C.nearly D.carefully 2.—What do you think of your English teacher? —She is a good and caring one. Though her teaching style that of most other teachers, she always has more creative teaching methods than others do. A.is similar to B.is similar as C.the same as 3.—The fire was finally____ in Jilin on June 3. Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives. —I hope the accident like this won’t happ en again. A.put down B.put away C.put out D.put up 4.He drove at such a high speed at the turning that the car almost went ______the road. A.on B.along C.from D.off 5.--All right. I’ll take it. But I tell you, it is the last time I will ______ this kind of work. ---Come on, buddy! Don’t be so serious. A.take out B.take up C.take on D.take off 6.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 7.—What are you doing? —I’m looking ________ the Internet for some information for my article. A.for B.at C.up D.through 8.________, the Internet was only used by the government. But now it’s widely used in every field. A.As usual B.At first C.After all D.So far 9.—Have you heard that there’s a big fire near your home last night? — Sure. Luckily, the firemen came quickly and ______ the fire. A.came out B.broke out C.put out D.cut out 10.—You look so sad. What happened? 一The exam to be much harder than I thought. A.broke out B.carried out C.put out D.turned out 11.David Burt’s dream in China is to go into the west and ______ an early childhood school there. A.clean up B.look up C.give up D.set up 12.The math problem is so difficult that only few students can _______. A.work on it B.work for it C.work it over D.work it out 13.--- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it? ---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them. A.looks for


课外阅读测试题目 一、《红楼梦》竞赛试题 1.《红楼梦》原名【《石头记》】,该书以【贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗】三人的爱情婚姻悲剧为核心,以【贾、史、王、薛】四大家族的兴衰史为轴线,浓缩了整个封建社会的时代内容。 2、《红楼梦》中“未见其人,先闻其声”的是指【王熙凤】,该人最善弄权术,例如毒设【相思局】,弄权【铁槛寺】,逼死【尤二姐】,破坏【贾宝玉和林黛玉的婚姻】,最后落了个“机关算尽头太聪明,反误了卿卿性命”的悲剧下场。 3.《红楼梦》中颇具逆性格的三人是【尤三姐、晴雯、林黛玉】 4.不止一次地出现在大观园中的一个平凡劳苦的农家老妇,常被大家取笑戏弄的人是【刘姥姥】。 5.举击贾府中醉生梦死,声色犬马的两名若男子:【贾琏、贾赦】。 6.请写出“金陵十二钗”其中三位:【林黛玉、薛宝钗、史湘云】。 7.《红楼梦》中卑躬屈滕的丫环是【袭人】,最有反抗性格的丫环是【晴雯】 ,性格最刚烈的丫环是【鸳鸯】。 8.《红楼梦》有个人物说:“女儿是水作的骨肉,男人是泥做的骨肉。我见了女儿。我便清爽;见了男子,便觉浊臭逼人。”这句话是【贾宝玉】说的? 9.《红楼梦》中“两湾似蹙龙眉,一双似泣非泣含露目。态生两魇之愁,妖袭一身之病,泪光点点,娇喘微微闲静时如姣花昭水,行动处似弱扶风,心较比千多一窍,病如西子胜三分。”这写的是【林黛玉】,她有的性格特点。 10.“开谈不说《红楼梦》,读尽诗书也枉然。”一曲红楼多少梦?情天情海幻情身。作品塑造了三个悲剧人物:【林黛玉】,为爱情熬尽最后一滴眼泪,含泪而死;,【贾宝玉】终于离弃“温柔富贵之乡”而遁入空门;【薛宝钗】,虽成了荣府的“二奶奶”却没有赢得真正的爱情,陪伴她的是终身凄凉孤苦。 11.《红楼梦》中,有一个女子,她模样标致,语言爽利,心机极深细,但“机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命,”这个人是【王熙凤】,还有一个女子,她寄人篱下,渴望真挚的爱情,但在森严冷漠的封建大家庭中,只能凄婉地唱出“一年三百六十日,风刀霜剑严相逼,”这个就是【林黛玉】。


《论语》知识点 一、文学常识 1、《论语》是记录孔子和他的弟子言行的一部书。是儒家经典著 作之一。《论语》是早期语录体散文,语言基本上是口语,明白易懂。文字简括,一般只叙说自己的观点,而不加以充分的论证。《论语》与 《大学》《中庸》《孟子》合称“四书” ,是儒家学派的经书。 2、关于孔子: 孔子,名丘,字仲尼,春秋时期鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜东南)人。我国古代伟大的思想家、教育家,儒学学派的创始人。后人尊为“至圣”“圣人”。其思想核心是“仁”,反对残暴统治,同情人民疾苦。孔子首开私人办学、讲学之风,主张“有教无类”“因材施教”,是我国历史上致力于教育事业的第一人。 二、字词积累: 1、通假字: (1)不亦说(yu è)乎。(“说” 同“悦”,愉快。) (2)诲女(r ǔ)知之乎。(“女”同“汝”,你。) (3)是知(zh ì)也。(“知”同“智”,聪明。) 2、词类活用: (1)学而时习之。时:时间名词用作状语,按一定的时间。 (2)温故而知新。故:形容词用作名词,学过的知识。 新:形容词用作名词,新的体会,新的发现。 (3)见贤思齐焉。贤:形容词用作名词,贤人,有道德、有才能的人。 3、古今异义:

1)可以为师矣 可以: 古义, 可以凭借。 今义, 表示允许 4、一词多义: (1)而: ①学而时习之 /其不善者 而改之/ 温故而知新。 而: 表承接。 ②人不知 而不愠/ 学而不思则罔,思 而不学则殆。 而:表转折, 却。 (2)知: ①人不 知而不愠。 知:了解。 ②温故 而知新。 知:领悟。 ③知之为知之, 不知为不知。 知:明 白。 ④是知(zh ì) 也。 知:同“智”,聪明。 5、涉及的成语: 1)不亦乐乎( 2)温故知新( 3)知之为知之,不知为不知 (4)见贤思齐( 5)三人行,必有我师 6)择善而从 人 : (7)任重道远( 8)死而后已 ( 9)岁寒松柏:( 10)己所不欲,勿施于 (11) 学而不厌: (12) 诲人不倦: (13) 不耻下问: 三、区分内容: 1 学习方法: 或能够。 (2)是知也。 断的动词。 (3)死而后 已。 (4)三人行。 是:古义, 这, 这个,这样。今义 , 表示肯定判 已:古义, 停止。 三:古义 , 表示多 今义, 已经。 今义, 三,表示


(B卷) Vocabulary(15 points) Direction:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part .For each sentence there are four choices marked A) B) C) D) .Choose the one best completes the sentence. 1. The opening speeches sounded more like ________ of war than offering of peace. A) announce B) demand C) declaration D) demonstration 2. Their marriage was already ________ even before his wife went abroad. A) fade away B) fall apart C) get away D) go down 3. I’m pleased to hear of your job offer-----all that hard work at school has obviously ____. A) paid off B)taken its off C) made a difference D) shown up 4. A rich old lady _______ dead at home for two weeks---and nobody knew anything about it. A. lived B. stayed C. lay D. kept 5. Smart cars ________which can monitor one’s driving and the driving conditions nearby. A) have built B) have been built C) are building D) are going to build 6. Now that we’ve got a loan from the bank, our project is financially _____.


《列那狐的故事》阅读测试题 一、填空题。 1.神棒被折成两段抛到大海里,出现了一只怪兽,这只皮毛光亮而美丽的怪兽就是()。 2.列那的叔叔是()。 3.列那有( )个孩子。 4.列那是一只()的狐狸。 5.列那的家住在()。 6.叶森格仑的妻子叫()。 7.不可一世的万兽之王是()。 8.列那和叶森格仑在捕鳗鱼的时候,()的尾巴被冰冻住了。 9.奉国王之命将列那带回朝廷的是()。 10.列那的妻子叫() 二、选择题。(请将正确答案的序号填在括号里) 1.《列那狐的故事》这本书的作者是哪个国家的?………………………() A法国 B美国 C英国 2.麻雀德鲁依诺找谁帮忙报的仇?…………………………………………() A花猫蒂贝尔B狗熊布朗C猎狗莫胡 3.叶森格仑是修道士吗?……………………………………………………() A不是 B是 4.被列那花言巧语骗走奶酪的是谁? …………………………………() A山雀梅桑热 B乌鸦铁斯兰 C母鸡品特

5.列那与花猫蒂贝尔争香肠的结果是谁赢了? ………………………( ) A列那B蒂贝尔 6.列那被告上法庭后,是谁在国王面前替列那辩护的? ……………()A兔子库阿尔姆B花猫蒂贝尔C猪獾格兰贝尔 7.麻雀德鲁依诺为什么向列那狐报仇?……………………………………() A因为列那吃掉了德鲁依诺的孩子。 B因为列那吃掉了德鲁依诺的食物。 C因为列那偷了德鲁依诺的宝贝。 8.列那与雄狼普利莫到农夫家偷吃美食,列那逃脱了,而普利莫却被抓,为什么?………………………………………………………………………………( ) A普利莫还在吃东西。 B洞口太小,普利莫肚子太大了,钻不出去。 C普利莫受伤了。 9.谁喜欢吃蜂蜜?……………………………………………………………()A狗熊布朗 B母鸡品特 C 兔子库阿尔姆 10.列那用什么方法骗过了包括骑士在内的所有人?………………………() A列那和九张狐狸皮混在了一起 B逃跑。 C列那躲到了洞穴里 三、判断题。(下列各题是否正确,对的打“√”,错的打“×”) 1.把神棒折成两段的是亚当。…………………………………………………() 2. 公鸡诺瓦莱骗列那唱歌,才得以逃命的。…………………………………() 3. 花猫蒂贝尔的尾巴是被装牛奶的箱子盖压断的。………………………() 4.叶森格仑愿意受戒,是因为想吃鳗鱼。……………………………………() 5.当着国王的面,列那和叶森格仑互相亲吻,但心里依然讨厌对方。() 6. 列那被贝尔纳神甫改造成了修道院的僧侣。……………………()


语文培优试题 一、语言运用 1.)阅读下面材料,回答问题。 八达岭长城几乎每一块砖上都刻有诸如“到此一游”的文字,故宫里的铜 缸上被刻“到此一游”,美国自由女神像脚下也有中文“到此一游”…… 5月24日有网友在微博上称自己在埃及卢克索神庙的浮雕上看到有人用中 文刻上“×××到此一游”,该事件迅速引来网友关注与热议。25日,被证实涂 鸦文物的当事学生的家长向公众道歉,向埃及方面道歉。 (1)某些国人喜欢在中外文化古迹上涂鸦,对此种行为,你有怎样的看法? (2)如果你在这位学生身旁,发现他将要在神庙的浮雕上涂鸦,你如何劝阻他? 二、阅读理解 (一) 熊走在进城的大路上。他穿着他最好的外套和背心,戴着他最好的圆顶丝帽, 穿着闪闪发光的靴子。 “真是仪表堂堂!”熊对自己说,“我的服装,我的身材是很有风度的,将会 给市民留下深刻的印象。” “原谅我,”乌鸦坐在树枝上说,“我的意见和你很不一致。按你的身材与风 度,你不应该穿这样的衣服。我刚刚从城里飞回来,让我如实地告诉你城里那 些上流人物的衣着吧!” “快告诉我!”熊叫着,“我多渴望能穿上最时髦的服装呀!” “今年,”乌鸦说,“上流人物已经不戴帽子了,他们把油煎平底锅顶在头上; 他们已经不再穿外套和背心了,而是用床单包裹身体;他们已不再穿靴子了, 而是用两只纸袋套在自己的脚上。” “噢,天哪!”熊叫道,“那么,我的衣服全都过时了!”熊急急忙忙跑回家, 脱下了外套、背心、帽子和靴子。他把油煎锅倒扣在头上,用床单裹住身子, 在脚上套了两个大纸袋。然后,他又急急忙忙地进城去了。 熊来到主要的大街上,人们用手向他指指点点,一边哈哈大笑。“这头熊多 可笑呀!”他们说。 这使熊感到很困窘。他转身跑回家去。在路上,他又遇到了乌鸦。 “乌鸦,你对我说的那些,全是谎话!”熊叫道。 “我是说了许多谎话,”乌鸦从树上飞起来说,“但你为什么要相信呢?”乌 鸦笑着,高高地飞上了天空。熊听着她哈哈的笑声,愣住了。 当欲望很迫切的时候,就会盲目地相信一切。 1、给文章起个合适的标题:


大丰区幸福路小学 五年级寒假假期课外阅读检测题 班级__________ 姓名__________ 得分__________ 一、填空题。(每空3分,计30分) 1.孔子名__________, 字____________ ,_____________时期的鲁国人,是我国古 代伟大的______________家,______________ 家,是________家学派创始人。 2.《论语》记录了_________ 及其门徒的____________________,与______________、______________、_____________合称“四书”。 3. _________________________,________________________,是知也。 4.任重而道远,________________________,不亦重乎 _________________________,不亦远乎 二、理解填空。(每空3分,计30分) 1.《论语》中,认为能保持君子风格的一句是: ______________________________,________________________________。 2. 《论语》中,谈“学”与“思”辨证关系的句子是: _______________________________,_______________________________。 3. 唐太宗有一句名言,“以人为鉴,可以知得失”。由此可以联想到《论 语》中孔子的话: _______________________________,________________________________。 4.在全国中学生夏令营大连会场开营仪式上,主持人说:“孔子说过,‘____________________________,_______________________!’对远道而来的朋友,我


1.No two leaves from the same tree are ____________. A. identical B. original C. analytical D. critical 2.______________ with steam engines, turbines have much higher efficiency. A. Compared B. While comparing C. Compare D. Comparing 3.His art criticism has ___________ brilliance but no substance. A. external B. expectant C. experimental D. exclusive 4.Color-blind people often find it difficult _____________ between blue and green. A. to contrast B. to distinguish C. to separate D. to compare 5.We welcome rain, but a (an) ___________ large amount of rainfall will cause floods. A. extensively B. specially C. extremely D. constantly 6.The old couple decided to __________ a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own. A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt 7.It doesn’t alter the fact that he was the man __________ for the death of little girl. A. accounting B. guilty C. responsible D. obliged 8.If you are late again you’ll be ________ from your job. A. referred B. deserted C. omitted D. dismissed 9.I think she hurt my feelings ___________ rather than by accident as she claimed. A. virtually B. deliberately C. literally D. appropriately 10.He insisted on __________ in the cheaper hotel. A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. being stayed 11.I am very _________ of all the support you gave me. A. eloquent B. appreciative C. jealousy D. spoiled 12.Would you please help me ________ the vegetables and salad? It’s half past six and our guests will arrive soon. A. dish out B. dish up C. eat up D. seek out 13.The children _________ at the end of the song. A. congratulated B. persisted C. snapped D. applauded 14.You don’t have to have this telephone in your new car; it’s a(n) _________ extra. A.alternative B. radical C. optional D. abnormal 15.The murderer was __________ and sent to jail. A. charged B. convicted C. accused D. committed 16.The world famous singer soon __________ the hearts of the audience. A. conquered B. defeated C. mastered D. ruled 17.Why do you persist in __________ interrupting me when I have repeatedly asked you to stop? A. take on B. subject to C. persist in D. submit to 18.A package holiday is a holiday where a travel __________ books you travel and accommodation for you. A. agency B. organization C. foundation D. company 19.Our lives have changed _________ a considerable degree. A. at B. within C. to D. by 20.The idea that the earth is flat was ____________ centuries ago. A. contradicted B. refuted C. denied D. rejected


《格林童话》阅读测试题 1.《六个仆人》中,王子骑马走过一个牧场,只见很远的地方,堆着一个像草垛一样的东西,那原来是() 答案:一个人的肚子。 2.《六个仆人》中,有一个仆人他的双眼被布蒙着,为什么呢? 答案:什么东西被眼睛一照,就会被炸得稀烂。 3.《六个仆人》中,女王老太婆派出的一支军队,让他们去杀王子和六个仆人,再把女儿夺回来,这支军队怎样死的? 答案:被海水淹死的。 4.《黑白新娘》中,一个苦人走到一个女人和她的两个女儿面前,那个苦人是谁打扮成的? 答案:上帝 5.《黑白新娘》中,谁把白姑娘介绍给国王做新娘? 答案:白姑娘的亲哥哥。 6.《黑白新娘》中,哥哥为什么错把黑姑娘当做自己的妹妹呢? 答案:因为他的眼睛被黑姑娘的妈妈老太婆施的魔法,已经黯淡无光,他能看见的,只是那件闪闪发光的绣金衣裳。 7.《小羊和小鱼》中,谁把这对小兄妹变成小羊和小鱼? 答案:他们的继母。 8.《小羊和小鱼》中,谁把这对小兄妹变回人的模样? 答案:女占卜。 9.《返老还童》中铁匠的老婆和女儿受了惊吓,生下的孩子没有一点人的模样,而像什么? 答案:两只猴子。 10.《上帝的动物和魔鬼的动物》中,上帝忘记了创造一种动物是什么? 答案:山羊。 11.《上帝的动物和魔鬼的动物》中,山羊经常做什么坏事? 答案:把名贵的葡萄藤搞坏,有时还踩伤细嫩的植物。 12.《上帝的动物和魔鬼的动物》中,上帝怎样对付这些做坏事的山羊? 答案:放出了他的狼群,把在那儿做坏事的山羊统统吃光了。 13.《三个懒人》中,国王把王位传给谁? 答案:第三个儿子。 14.《三个懒人》中,国王选王位继承人的条件是什么? 答案:谁最懒,就把王位传给他。 15.《寿命》中,上帝最终给驴子的寿命是多少年? 答案:十二年。 16.《寿命》中,上帝最终给狗的寿命是多少年? 答案:十八年。




高考《〈论语〉选读》复习资料 一、《为政以德》:为政以德思想,均贫富含义; 【概述】为政以德的思想包含了:以德、礼导民;富而后教;取得百姓信任;节用爱人,使民以时;反对横征暴敛;“足民”藏富于民;正己等 均贫富:孔子所谓的“均无贫”指的是不同等级地位的人各自得到应该得到的部分,是站在统治阶级的立场上阐释的,不同于“平均主义”。 1.孔子一方面主张先“富之”后“教之”,一方面又宁可去“食”留“信”,二者有没有矛盾?怎样理解“自古皆有死,民无信不立”这句话? 这句话两者没有矛盾,反映出孔子治国思想的两层意思。他主张为政以“德”,就要保证百姓基本生活,满足物质需求,这是基础,所以提倡“富之”;但他又主张治国以“礼”,就要重视“教化”,使百姓能遵守“礼”,就要提倡百姓有一种精神力量,所以他又很重视人的基本准则,如“信”、“仁”等,甚至把它看作比生命还重要。因为人是万物之灵,如果光满足物质要求,与动物无异。 2.孔子说“均无贫”,这个“均”和历史上农民起义的口号“等贵贱,均贫富”的“均”意思是否相同?朱熹的《论语集注》把它解释为“各得其分”(不同等级地位的人各自得到应该得到的部分),你认为有没有道理?这和《说文解字》“均”、“平”的解释矛盾吗? “均无贫”与“均贫富”含义不同。“均贫富”是站在穷人即“贫”的立场上提出的重新分配社会财富的纲领,而“均无贫”则是孔子站在统治者即“富”的立场上提出的调和阶级矛盾的主张。“均贫富”实际含义在劫富济贫,强烈主张维护等级制度的孔子不可能具有这种思想。只有这种解释才能使“均无贫”这个均字的解释是符合孔子原意的。只有这种解释,才能使“均无贫”和“君君、臣臣、父父、子子”的思想相一致。 孔子之意与农民起义口号之意不相同。孔子之意就是朱熹理解之意,因为孔子是极力提倡以“等级制”为核心的“礼”。和《说文解字》解释也不矛盾。因为《说文解字》是字面的基本意义,一个字还有它的引申义、比喻义、象征义等。“平”、“均”相当于今天所说的“公平”,它也有“相对公平”与“绝对公平”,事实上只有“相对公平”,孔子所说的也类似“相对公平”,就是要统治者不要过分搜刮百姓,保证他们的基本物质需求。 3.你认为“政”和“德”、“刑”和“礼”的主要区别在哪里? “政”,这里是指治理国家之事。“德”与“刑”,是指治理国家的手段、方法、途径,即“德治”与“法治”。“礼”,是指人与人相处的一种规范,它是“德治”的基础。孔子所言,“礼”的核心是“等级制”,要求人们在自己所定位的等级中安分守纪。“礼”从纵(上下级、长幼辈等)、横(夫妇、兄弟、朋友等)两方面规范、约束人们行为。 二、《克己复礼》:礼与仁的关系,孝悌之情; 【概述】在这一章里阐释了克己复礼的思想,同时表明了礼与仁的关系,孝悌与仁的关系等。克己复礼:约束自己而回归于礼。此处的礼指的是周礼。“克己复礼”是孔子在“礼乐崩坏”时代倡导的理论主张和行为准则。 礼与仁的关系:孔子的礼是建立在仁的基础上的礼,不仅讲制度、讲规范,还讲带着仁爱之心去执行这些规范;孔子的仁是礼指导下的仁,是以君君、臣臣、父父、子子的等级制度为前提和目的的仁爱,不是无差别的兼爱、博爱。 孝悌与仁的关系:“孝悌也者,其为仁之本与!”孔子认为孝悌是仁的根本,一个人只有做到了孝悌,才能真正的做到“仁”,试想一个连自己的父母兄弟都不爱的人,又怎么能做到对他人有仁爱之心? 孝:孔子认为孝最重要的是孝心,而不仅仅是孝行。也就是所谓的“色难”。 【课文解读】


(最新)英语四级词汇练习及答案(100题) 1.Even though he has lived in China for many years, Mark still can not _______ himself to the Chinese customs. A.adopt B.adjust C.adapt D.accept 2.He tried to _______ with the manager for has salary. A.evaluate B.object C.bargain D.pause 3.To some _______, Mary still does not understand this unit. But she herself does not believe so. A.extend B.part C.extent D.content 4.Great Britain and France will hold a _______ regarding some European economic problems. A.conference B.reference C.conversion D.cooperation 5.Since he often travels on business, he can _______ himself to sleeping in any place he can find. A.make B.accustom C.force D.let 6.He has _______ much time and energy for his invention. A.contained B.proceeded C.consumed D.paid 7.A good teacher always tries to _______ students to ask question. A.encourage B.obey C.recall D.spread 8.If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an _______ with his secretary first. A.admission B.agreement C.appointment D.alphabet 9.They say the new film is a(n) _______ picture so they won’t go to see it. A.internal B.odd C.interesting D.dull 10.The judge _______ the murderer to twenty years in prison. A.required B.ordered C.indicated D.sentenced 答案: 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D 11.This university has _______ a great deal since our last visit. A.appeared B.altered C.approached D.admired


狐狸列那的故事阅读测试题 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 一、填空题。 1.阿兰.杜弗雷斯纳王爷的王爷府是一座(城堡)。 2.王爷心爱的狩猎专用骑乘叫(菲朗)。 3.列那的舅舅是(年夜狼依桑格兰)。 4.列那有(三)个孩子。 5.列那是一只(狡猾)的狐狸。 6.列那的家住在(马贝杜依)。 7.依桑格兰的妻子叫(埃尔桑)。 8.不成一世的万兽之王是(狮王诺布尔)。 9.列那和依桑格兰在捕鳗鱼的时候,(依桑格兰)的尾巴被冰冻住了。 10.奉国王之命将列那带回朝廷的是(胡獾格兰贝尔)。 11.列那的妻子叫(埃默琳) 12.列那曾将很多植物玩弄于手掌,如(年夜狼依桑格兰)、(公鸡

尚特克莱尔)(乌鸦田斯兰)、(狗熊勃伦)、(公猫蒂贝尔)等都上过他确当,其中(依桑格兰)屡次上当又屡次上当。这简直是一只(狡猾)、(凶狠)的狐狸。 二、选择题。(请将正确谜底的序号填在括号里) 1.《列那狐的故事》这本书的作者是哪个国家的?( A ) A法国 B美国 C英国 2.在王爷府,列那用(B )办法骗过了包含王爷在内的所有人。 A躺在地上装死B混在九张狐皮中C躲在洞窟里 3.鹭鸶潘萨尔在水边打鱼,列那一共做了(C )个草圈,一次又一次,终于骗过了鹭鸶,最终鹭鸶成了他的美餐。 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 4.狐狸列那的夫人叫( C )。 A.埃尔桑 B.田斯兰 C.埃默琳 D.梅桑芝 5.列那的家在(A )。 A.马贝杜依 B.诺瓦尔贡布 C.布列塔尼 6.列那像猫似的进入贡斯当的农场,花言巧语骗得雄鸡尚特克莱尔高声歌唱,结果(B)。 A.尚特克莱尔成了列那的美餐 B.尚特克莱尔想出计策,脱离了
