Visible-light photocatalytic activity of TiO2 ZnS

Visible-light photocatalytic activity of TiO2 ZnS
Visible-light photocatalytic activity of TiO2 ZnS

Visible-light photocatalytic activity of TiO 2/ZnS nanocomposites prepared by homogeneous hydrolysis


′clav S ˇtengl *,Snejana Bakardjieva,Nataliya Murafa,Vendula Hous ˇkova ′,Kamil Lang Institute of Inorganic Chemistry AS CR v.v.i.,25068R ˇez ˇ,Czech Republic Received 11May 2007;received in revised form 5June 2007;accepted 14June 2007

Available online 18July 2007


Photocatalytic active TiO 2/ZnS composites were prepared by homogeneous hydrolysis of mixture of titanium oxo-sulphate and zinc sulphate in aqueous solutions with thioacetamide.The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray di?raction (XRD),scanning electron microscopy (SEM),high resolution transmission microscopy (HRTEM)and electron di?raction (ED).The nitrogen adsorp-tion–desorption was used for surface area (BET)and porosity determination.Di?use re?ectance UV/VIS spectra for evaluation of photophysical properties were recorded in the di?use re?ectance mode (R100)and transformed to an absorption spectra through the Kubelka–Munk function.The method of UV/VIS di?use re?ectance spectroscopy was employed to estimate band-gap energies of the prepared TiO 2/ZnS nanocomposites.The photoactivity of the prepared TiO 2/ZnS nanocomposites was assessed by the photocatalytic decomposition of Orange II dye in an aqueous slurry under irradiation of 255nm,365nm and 400nm wavelength.Under the same conditions,the photocatalytic activity of the commercially available photocatalyst (Degussa P25),the pure anatase TiO 2and sphalerite ZnS were also examined.The composite sample having the highest catalytic activity was obtained by hydrolysis of mixture solutions 0.63M TiOSO 4and 0.08M ZnSO 4?7H 2O.ó2007Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.

Keywords:Anatase;Sphalerite;Visible-light photocatalytic activity;Homogeneous hydrolysis;Thioacetamide


TiO 2and ZnS have been widely used in the ?eld of envi-ronmental catalysis [1–3].However,they are photoactive in the near-UV areas,therefore only 3–4%of solar light is uti-lized.It is expected that the photocatalytic activity of the solitary TiO 2will be improved greatly via preparation of the nanoscale coupled semiconductors.

ZnS nanoparticles less of 3nm average diameter were synthesized by a solvothermal reaction with zinc acetate [Zn(CH 3COO)2?2H 2O]and thiourea at 120°C.Their photophysical properties were investigated.The UV–vis spectrum showed an absorption shoulder at 276nm,corre-sponding to the band-gap energy of 4.49eV,and a weak

shoulder at 320nm (band-gap energy 3.88eV)[4].ZnS

quantum dots with mercaptoacetic acid as a stabilizer were synthesized by Wageh et al.[5]The solution of Zn(CH 3COO)2?2H 2O and mercaptoacetic acid in dimeth-ylformamide was adjusted to pH 8by adding 2M NaOH solution,followed by the dropwise addition of an aqueous solution of sodium sul?de (Na 2S ?9H 2O)under vigorous stirring in an N 2atmosphere.The quantum dots had a diameter of less than 4nm and a band gap of about 4.2eV.In a sol–gel process,metal acetates reacted with thi-oacetamide to form the corresponding metal sulphides homogeneously dispersed in a colloid.The as-prepared dry gels were decomposed by heat treatment at 120°C to form MS/TiO 2(M =Pb,Zn,Cd)nanocomposites [6].Pho-toactive ZnS/TiO 2nanocomposites were prepared via microemulsion-mediated solvothermal method.Titanium tetraisopropoxide was added to an inverse emulsion con-taining water dispersed in a cyclohexane,using Triton

1387-1811/$-see front matter ó2007Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2007.06.052


Corresponding author.Tel.:420266173534;fax:420220940157.

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Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110(2008)


X-100as surfactant and1-pentanol as the co-surfactant. This microemulsion was stirred vigorously for30min, and Zn(NO3)2and(NH4)2S were added during stirring [7].Preparation TiO2–ZnS composite particles by?uidized chemical vapour deposition technology was described in paper[8].Nanoporous TiO2network sensitized by ZnS nanospheres was prepared from titanium isopropoxide [Ti(i-OC3H7)]and1-butanol as requisite precursor.The Zn++ions are internally adsorbed to provide heteroge-neous coupled TiO2–ZnS nanosystem[9].The mixed semi-conductor(CdS–ZnS)–TiO2(1:1:1)mixture system over di?erent supports like MgO,CaO,c-Al2O3,SiO2and mod-i?ed MgO and CaO,have been prepared,characterized and tested for photocatalytic hydrogen production[10].

As it has been shown earlier[11,12]the homogeneous precipitation with urea leads to anatase nanoparticles assembled into a rather big(1–2l m)porous clusters embodied good photocatalytic properties.Substitution of urea we used the modi?ed homogeneous precipitation with thioacetamide to prepare TiO2/ZnS nanocomposites.In the same way as the urea method,the homogeneous precip-itation of metal sulphides by thermal decomposition of thi-oacedamide(TAA)can be used[13].Thioacetamide at temperature higher than60°C in acidic solution released sulfan:

CH3CSNH2tH2O!CH3CONH2tH2Se1TH2StH2O!HSàtH3Ote2TMe2ttHSà!MeSe3TThe reaction of products are nanosized spherical parti-cles[14]with a well-developed microstructure,but di?erent from homogeneous urea precipitation.These products have high speci?c surface area and are properly washed and?ltered.In the reaction conditions,the spherical agglomerates of titania are formed by thermal hydrolysis of titanyl sulphate[15]and agglutinated with spherical agglomerates of ZnS,precipitated with thioacetamide. As-prepared TiO2/ZnS nanocomposites by homogeneous hydrolysis with thioacetamide exhibited new optical prop-erties concerning about the absorption,which were di?er-ent from those of the bulk anatase[16]or sphalerite[17]. The UV and visible-light photocatalytic activity of the TiO2/ZnS was tested in the degradation of a0.02M Orange II dye aqueous solutions.Under the same condi-tions,the photocatalytic activity of the commercially avail-able photocatalyst(Degussa P25),the pure anatase TiO2 and sphalerite ZnS were also examined.


2.1.Synthesis of TiO2/ZnS nanocomposites

All used chemicals,titanium oxo-sulphate,zinc sulphate and thioacetamide(TAA)were of analytical grade and were supplied by Fluka.TiOSO4and ZnSO4?7H2O(see Table1)were dissolved in4l of distilled water and100g thioacetamide was added.The reaction mixture was adjusted to the pH2with sulphuric acid.The reaction mix-ture was heated at100°C under stirring for4h.Thus syn-thesized samples were washed by distilled water,?ltered o?and dried at105°C in oven.By this method it was pre-pared ten samples of TiO2/ZnS nanocomposites,denoted as TZS_1–TZS_10.

2.2.Characterization methods

Surface area of the samples outgassed for15min at 120°C was determined from nitrogen adsorption-desorp-tion isotherms at liquid nitrogen temperature using a Quantachrom,ngmuir B.E.T. method was used for surface area calculation[18],while pore size distribution(pore diameter and volume)was determined by the B.J.H.method[19].

Transmission electron microscopy(TEM and HRTEM) micrographs were obtained by using two instruments, namely Philips EM201at80kV and JEOL JEM3010at 300kV(LaB6cathode).Copper grid coated with a holey carbon support?lm was used to prepare samples for the


Experimental conditions,crystallite size,surface areas and porosity of prepared samples

Samples TiOSO4



EDX of








Anatase by


Sphalerite by







Total pore


[cc gà1]

TZS_00100––16.30100241.80.190.061 TZS_149678.92–15.4 4.495.689.90.180.020 TZS_299170.25–15.911.288.8119.80.170.022 TZS_3188243.027.112.718.681.4273.80.160.036 TZS_4366433.52 3.818.435.164.1204.30.170.063 TZS_5505021.19 6.715.278.221.8197.10.170.029 TZS_67525 1.55 5.6–1000356.20.170.048 TZS_78515 1.44 6.4–1000340.20.150.036 TZS_890100.50 6.3–1000285.80.170.031 TZS_99550.26 6.3–1000227.90.170.023 TZS_109730.12 6.3–1000279.40.170.029 TZS_111000– 6.5–1000444.50.150.082

V.Sˇtengl et al./Microporous and Mesoporous Materials110(2008)370–378371

TEM observation.A powdered sample was dispersed in ethanol and the suspension was treated in an ultrasonic bath for10min.

Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)studies were per-formed using a Philips XL30CP microscope equipped with EDX(energy dispersive X-ray),Robinson,SE(secondary electron)and BSE(back-scattered electron)detectors. The sample was placed on an adhesive C slice and coated with Au-Pd alloy10nm thick layer.

X-ray di?raction(XRD)patterns were obtained by Sie-mens D5005instrument using Cu K a radiation(40kV, 30mA)and di?racted beam monochromator.Qualitative analysis was performed with the Eva Application and the Xpert HighScore using the JCPDS PDF-2database[20]. The crystallite size of the samples was calculated from the Scherrer equation[21]using the X-ray di?raction peak at2H=25.4°(anatase)and at2H=28.6°(sphalerite).

Di?use re?ectance UV/VIS spectra for evaluation of photophysical properties were recorded in the di?use re?ec-tance mode(R)and transformed to absorption spectra through the Kubelka-Munk function[22].A Perkin Elmer Lambda35spectrometer equipped with a Labsphere RSA-PE-20integration sphere with BaSO4as a standard was used.

Photocatalytic activity of samples was assessed from the kinetics of the photocatalytic degradation of0.02M Orange2dye(OII)in aqueous slurries.Kinetics of the pho-tocatalytic degradation of aqueous Orange II dye solution, was measured by using a self-constructed photoreactor [23].The photoreactor consists of a stainless steel cover and quartz tube with?orescent lamp(254nm,365nm and400nm)with power8W.Orange II dye solution circu-lated by means of membrane pump through?ow cuvette. The concentration of Orange II dye was determined by measuring absorbance at480nm with VIS spectrofotome-ter ColorQuestXE.

3.Results and discussion

3.1.X-ray di?raction(XRD)

The powder XRD patterns of the TiO2/ZnS composite prepared by homogeneous hydrolysis of sulphates with thioacetamide are shown in Fig.1.From the XRD patterns and the corresponding characteristic2H values of the dif-fraction peaks,it can be con?rmed that TiO2in as prepared samples is identi?ed as anatase-phase(ICDD PDF21-1272),while the ZnS is sphalerite-phase(ICDD PDF5-0566).No other polymorph of titania are observed.The broadening of di?raction peaks indicates small size of nanocrystals TiO2/ZnS composite.The average size t of crystallites was calculated from the peak half-width B, using the Sherrer equation[21],


k k

B cos H


where k is a shape factor of the particle(it is1if the

spherical shape is assumed),k and H are the wavelength

and the incident angle of the X-rays,respectively.The peak

width was measured at half of the maximum intensity.The

crystallite size was calculated from di?raction plane(101)

of anatase(aprox.6nm)and di?raction plane(111)of

sphalerite(aprox.15nm).The relative amount of anatase

and sphalerite was calculated from XRD patterns by

PowderCell for Windows version 2.1.programme.(see

Table1.)The relative amount of sphalerite phase in the

TiO2/ZnS nanocomposites decreased from95.6to21.8%.

3.2.Surface area and porosity

BET Langmuir surface area of TiO2/ZnS composites

depend on the amount of TiO2,the largest surface area

(356.2m2gà1)has sample denoted as TZS_6(see Table

1).TiO2/ZnS nanocomposites displayed a type I isotherm

with desorption hysteresis loop A[24].Type a hysteresis

is due principally to cylindrical pores open at both ends

and the microporosity of pore size distribution is under

pore diameter6nm.Results from desorption BJH pore

volume distribution and pore area distribution con?rmed

microporous structure of prepared samples.Pore radius

is0.17nm and total pore volume is in interval0.02–

0.06cc gà1for TiO2/ZnS nanocompsites.

3.3.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)

The SEM micrographs of the prepared TiO2/ZnS nano-

composites are presented in Fig.2b–k,Zn content is pre-

sented in Table1,as obtained from EDX analysis.The

product of homogeneous precipitation of thioacetamide

and zinc sulphate consists of approximately spherical

round particle agglomerates of diameter about1–2l m

(Fig.2a)are formed from laminar nanoparticles of size

16nm joined to the chains[14].The products of homoge-

neous hydrolysis of thioacetamide and titanium oxo-sul-

phate are1l m spherical agglomerates formed with6nm

nanoparticles(Fig.2l).The TiO2/ZnS composites are

formed as mixture of single TiO2or ZnS agglomerates

and overgrown TiO2and ZnS agglomerates(see Fig.2b–k).

3.4.Transmission electron microscopy(TEM and HRTEM)

Results obtained by high resolution transmission elec-

tron microscopy(HRTEM)and electron di?raction(ED)

are shown in Figs.3–5.The HRTEM micrographs in

Fig.3a–d correspond to the surface morphology of the

sample denoted TZS_6.The sample TZS_6is consist of

alternate nanosized titania and sphalerite crystalline

islands.The interlayer spacing d=0.35nm,corresponding

to the(101)plane of anatase(Fig.3c),while the interlayer

spaces0.19nm and0.31nm,respectively,corresponding to

the(220)and(111)planes of sphalerite(Fig.3d).

Di?raction methods are the most important

sources of structure information to identify individual

372V.Sˇtengl et al./Microporous and Mesoporous Materials110(2008)370–378

Fig.1.XRD pattern of (a)sample ZnS denoted as TZS_0,(b–k)sample TiO 2/ZnS denoted as TZS_1–TZS_10,(l)sample TiO 2denoted as TZS_11.


ˇtengl et al./Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110(2008)370–378373

Fig.2.SEM images of (a)sample ZnS denoted as TZS_0,(b–k)sample TiO 2/ZnS denoted as TZS_1–TZS_10,(l)sample TiO 2denoted as TZS_11.



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microscopic-sized crystallites, identify the crystallo-graphic phase the crystallite corresponds to.Structure determination is generally based on selected area electron di?raction (SAED)patterns in the transmission electron microscope (TEM).A computer program called Process Di?raction [25]helps indexing a set of single crystal selected area electron di?raction (SAED)patterns by deter-mining which of the presumed structures can ?t all the measured patterns simultaneously.Distances and angles are measured in the digitalized patterns with a graphical tool by clicking on the two shortest non-collinear vectors

(spots),using user-supplied calibration data.Next ?gures depicts the selected electron di?raction patterns (SAED)analyzed by Process Di?raction program and Fig.4resulted that the structure of the sample is anatase (ICDD PDF 21-1272)and Fig.5showing that the structure is sphalerite (ICDD PDF 05-0566).3.5.UV/VIS spectra and band-gap energy

Fig.6presents UV/VIS absorption spectra of the pre-pared samples.The prepared TiO 2/ZnS


Fig.4.Electron di?raction pattern of sample denoted as TZS_6(anatase).The ED pattern was treated using software process


Fig.3.HRTEM micrographs of TiO 2/ZnS nanocomposite sample denoted as TZS_6,magni?cation 300,000(a)Images (b),(c)and (d)are enlarged parts

of the image (a).


ˇtengl et al./Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110(2008)370–378375

exhibit new optical properties concerning about the absorption,which are di?erent from those of the TiO 2or ZnS.The anatase has a wide absorption band in the range from 200to 385nm and the ZnS has a UV absorption band in the range from 200to 338nm [26].Fig.6shows that the di?use re?ectance spectra of the prepared TiO 2/ZnS nano-composites and pure ZnS,respectively,denoted as TZS_0is red-shifted in the sequence of TZS_11!TZS_0,where the amount of anatase decreased.These may be generated by sulphur compounds such as polysulphides as already observed for zinc sulphide [27]and it is due to the agglom-eration of nanoparticles.It is note worthy that sample denoted TZS_0is slightly yellow coloured.

Compared with the TiO 2and ZnS,the red-shift of the UV absorption band happened for the TiO 2/ZnS nano-composites.The red-shift be joined by growth particles [28],the blue-shift is caused by the strong quantum con?ne-ment e?ect,suggesting that the sizes of particles are in the nanoscale [29].

The method of UV/VIS di?use re?ectance spectroscopy was employed to estimate band-gap energies of the pre-pared TiO 2/ZnS nanocomposites.Firstly,to establish the type of band-to-band transition in these synthesized parti-cles,the absorption data were ?tted to equations for direct

band-gap transitions.The minimum wavelength required

to promote an electron depends upon the band-gap energy E bg of the photocatalyst and is given by:E bg ?1240=k ?eV ;


where k is the wavelength in nanometers [2,30].

Fig.7shows the (a E bg )2versus E bg for a indirect band-gap transition,where a is the absorption coe?cient and E bg is the photon energy.The value of E bg extrapolated to a =0gives an absorption energy,which corresponds to a band-gap energy (see Table 2).The value of 3.20eV for sample denoted as TZS_11is reported in the literature for pure TiO 2anatase nanoparticles [2],the value of band-gap energy decreases with increasing content of ZnS.The density of the yellow colour of prepared samples depends on the content of ZnS.The sulphur from ZnS is able to doping of the surfaces titania particles [31,32]and decreases the value of band-gap energy.3.6.Photocatalytic activity

The photocatalytic activity of the prepared samples was determined by the degradation of 0.02M Orange II dye aqueous solutions under UV radiation (at 254nm and 365nm)and VIS radiation (over 400nm).In regions


Fig.5.Electron di?raction pattern of sample denoted as TZS_6(sphalerite).The ED pattern was treated using software process


Fig. 6.Absorbance UV/VIS spectra as prepared TiO 2/ZnS


Fig.7.Band-gap energy as prepared TiO 2/ZnS nanocomposites.



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the Lamber-Beer law is valid,the concentration of the Orange II dye is proportional to absorbance.

A? c l;e6Twhere A is absorbance,c is concentration of absorbing component,l is length of absorbing layer and e is molar absorbing coe?cient.The time dependences of Orange II dye decomposition can be described by using Eq.(7)for the?rst kinetics reaction[33]:


d t

?kea0à?OII T;e7Twhere[OII]is concentration of Orange II dye,a0is ini-tial concentration of Orange II dye and k is rate constant. It is visible from Fig.8,that the?rst order kinetics curves (plotted as lines)?tted to all experimental points.For com-parison,the photocatalytic activity of a commercially available photocatalyst(Degussa P25),anatase TiO2or ZnS nanoparticles was also tested.The calculated degrada-tion rate constants are listed in Table2and example of kinetic degradation the sample denoted TZS_6and P25 of Orange II dye at254nm,365nm and400nm wave-length is presented in Fig.8.

From Table2is followed,that pure anatase(sample denoted TZS_11)and Degussa P25,respectively,exhibits very low visible-light photocatalytic activity for aqueous Orange II dye degradation because the band-gap energy of Degussa P25is of3.1eV(k bg=400nm)[34]that possi-bly re?ects its phase composition(80%anatase and20% rutile),corresponding to absorption in the near UV region. The band-gap energy of bulk ZnS is3.7eV(k bg=335nm), for anatase it is3.2eV(k bg=388nm)and rutile=3.0eV (k bg=413nm)[2].As for the nanoscale ZnS(sample denoted TZS_0),it exhibits some activity for degradation of the Orange II dye although its band-gap energy is rela-tively high.The sample denoted TZS_6shows the highest photoactivity,this results probably corresponds with the high surfaces area(356m2gà1).UV light provides the pho-tons required for the electron transfer from valence band to conduction band of the photocatalyst.The energy of a photon is related to its wavelength and the overall energy input to a photocatalytic process is dependent upon the light intensity.Therefore,the e?ect of both intensity and wavelength are important.Matthews and McEvoy[35] showed that shorter wavelength(254nm)radiation is con-siderably more e?ective in promoting degradation than


The band-gap E bg and rate constant k at255nm,365nm and400nm wavelength

Sample Bandgap[eV]Rate constant at255nm[minà1]Rate constant at365nm[minà1]Rate constant at400nm[minà1] TZS_0 2.40.05780.00910.0033

TZS_1 2.50.04010.00890.0036

TZS_2 2.50.03840.01990.0245

TZS_3 2.60.03660.02220.0070

TZS_4 2.70.03760.00680.0022

TZS_5 2.80.04770.02680.0248

TZS_6 2.90.10820.03320.0381

TZS_7 2.90.05140.01170.0069

TZS_8 2.90.04780.01420.0100

TZS_9 2.90.07630.02480.0087

TZS_10 2.90.16890.02530.0027

TZS_11 3.20.08170.03400.0009

P25Degussa 3.10.06470.0471


Fig.8.Photocatalytic activity at wavelengths254nm,365nm and400nm(a)sample denoted TZS_6,(b)P25Degussa.

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radiation centred at350nm and the optimum rate occurred with a lower catalyst loading than required at350nm.Hof-stadler et al.[36]also showed that shorter wave lengths resulted in higher photocatalytic degradation process rates of4-chlorophenol with small amounts of intermediates being formed.This is due to the fact that shorter wave-length is associated with greater photon energy.All pre-pared TiO2/ZnS nanocomposites embodied high photocatalytic activity at400nm of wavelength,enhance-ment photocatalytic activity in visible light area demon-strate decrement photocatalytic activity in UV area. These results are conformable with the red-shift in absor-bance spectra and with decrement of band-gap energy (see Figs.6and7).


This paper presents a simple method for preparation of the e?cient photocatalytic materials,TiO2/ZnS nanocom-posites by method of homogeneous hydrolysis in aqueous solutions with thioacetamide.The prepared composites exhibit better UV characteristic compared with the bulk TiO2and ZnS.The nanocomposites show e?cient visible-light photocatalytic activity to degrade the aqueous solution of Orange II dye,which is higher than that of a commercially available TiO2(Degussa P25),pure anatase TiO2,or cubic ZnS nanoparticles.The composite sample having the highest catalytic activity was obtained by hydro-lysis of mixture solutions0.63M TiOSO4and0.08M ZnSO4?7H2O.


This work was supported by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic(Project No.AV OZ40320502). References

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Journal of Mate-2014-Enhanced photocatalytic 1

Supplementary information Enhanced Photocatalytic Mechanism for the Hybrid g-C 3N 4/MoS 2 Nanocomposite Jiajun Wang,1 Zhaoyong Guan,1 Jing Huang,1, 2 Qunxiang Li,1, * and Jinlong Yang 1, 3 1Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China 2School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei, Anhui 230022, China 3Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China Email: liqun@, When g-C 3N 4/MoS 2 nanocomposite is illuminated with light, the photogenerated electrons in g-C 3N 4 layer can easily move to the CB of MoS 2 sheet due to the observed CBO, as shown in Fig. 4. At the same time, the polarized field between C 3N 4 and MoS 2 sheets in the nanocomposite prevents the photogenerated electrons migrating from C 3N 4 to MoS 2 sheet. Clearly, there is a competitive role in electron-hole separation between the band alignment and electric polarized field. To evaluate which one gives the dominative role in migration of the photogenerated electrons, we estimate their electric field strengths. The field strength (E) coming from the band alignment is estimated to be about 2.8×109 V/m (E=U/d 0, U is the CBO, d 0 is the separation between g-C 3N 4 and MoS 2 sheets in the nanocomposite, U=0.83 V, d 0=2.97×10-10 m), which is about three times larger than the dipole-induced polarized field strength of 9.8×108 V/m (here, E=P/εr ε0Sd 0, P is the dipole and P=qd, εr is the relative dielectric constant, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, S is the surface area of the nanocomposite, q=0.06 e , d=2.0×10-10 m, εr =1.0, ε0=8.85×10-12 F/m, S=7.5×10-19 m 2, d 0=2.97×10-10 m). This result indicates that the migration of photogenerated electrons in g-C 3N 4/MoS 2 nanocomposite is dominated by the strong driving force provided by the type II band alignment. Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI)for Journal of Materials Chemistry A.This journal is ?The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014

Graphene-based photocatalytic composites

Graphene-based photocatalytic composites Xiaoqiang An and Jimmy C.Yu * Received 29th June 2011,Accepted 1st September 2011DOI:10.1039/c1ra00382h The use of graphene to enhance the efficiency of photocatalysts has attracted much attention.This is because of the unique optical and electrical properties of the two-dimensional (2-D)material.This review is focused on the recent significant advances in the fabrication and applications of graphene-based hybrid photocatalysts.The synthetic strategies for the composite semiconductor photocatalysts are described.The applications of the new materials in the degradation of pollutants,photocatalytic hydrogen evolution and antibacterial systems are presented.The challenges and opportunities for the future development of graphene-based photocatalysts are also discussed. 1.Introduction Photocatalytic nanomaterials are attracting more and more attention because of their potential for solving environmental and energy problems,which are the biggest challenges of the 21st century.1Many research papers and review articles are dedicated to this topic.2,3Recently,the design and potential applications of nanostructured semiconductor materials for environment,energy and water disinfection have been reviewed by our group.4,5However,several fundamental issues must be addressed before the photocatalysts are economically viable for large scale industrial applications.For example,the fast recombination of electron–hole pairs and the mismatch between the band gap energy and solar radiation spectrum limit the applicability of TiO 2,which is considered as one of the best photocatalysts.6As shown in Fig.1,upon absorption of photons with energy larger than the band gap of a photocatalyst,electrons are excited from the valence band to the conduction band,creating electron–hole pairs.These charge carriers either recombine or migrate to the surface to initiate a series of photocatalytic reactions.The photocatalysis process usually involves several highly reactive species,such as ?OH,?O 22,and H 2O 2. In order to improve the photocatalytic activities of photo-catalysts,three key points should be addressed.They are:(1)the extension of excitation wavelength,(2)a decrease of charge carrier recombination,and (3)the promotion of active sites around the surface.7,8Attempts have been made and several strategies have been developed including:(1)doping with either anions or cations,9,10(2)surface coupling with metals or semiconductors,11,12and (3)improving the structure of photo-catalysts in order to increase their surface area,porosity or reactive facets.13–15Fig.2shows the common types of 0-D,1-D,2-D and 3-D photocatalysts with enhanced photocatalytic performance.Despite these developments,the commercial installation of photocatalytic systems for water splitting and chemical waste treatment is yet to be realized.16 Carbonaceous nanomaterials have unique structures and properties that can add attractive features to photocatalysts.17,18The coupling of carbon nanotubes (CNTs)to titanium dioxide has been reviewed by Sigmund and co-workers.19Generally,the photocatalytic enhancement is ascribed to the suppressed recombination of photogenerated electron–hole pairs,extended excitation wavelength and increased surface-adsorbed reactant,although the underlying mechanisms are still unclear.The recent progress in the development of TiO 2/nanocarbon photocatalysts has been reported by Westwood et al.,covering activated carbon,[60]-fullerenes,carbon nanotubes,graphene and other novel carbonaceous nanomaterials.20 As the most recently discovered carbonaceous material,graphene has attracted immense attention.21,22With a unique sp 2hybrid carbon network,it shows great applications such as nanoelectronics,sensors,catalysts and energy conversion.23–28The application of graphene-based assemblies to boost the efficiency of solar energy conversion has been reviewed.29–32 Department of Chemistry and Institute of Environment,Energy and Sustainability,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin,New Territories,Hong Kong,China.E-mail:jimyu@,.hk;Fax:(+852)2603-5057;Tel: (+852)3943-6268 Fig.1Photoexcitation of a semiconductor and the subsequent genera-tion of radicals or intermediate species,which are involved in the photocatalytic reaction. RSC Advances Dynamic Article Links Cite this:RSC Advances ,2011,1,1426–,/advances REVIEW D o w n l o a d e d o n 04/04/2013 14:57:24. P u b l i s h e d o n 28 O c t o b e r 2011 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 1R A 00382H View Article Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue

Photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline in aqueous solution by nanosized TiO2

Photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline in aqueous solution by nanosized TiO 2 Xiang-Dong Zhu,Yu-Jun Wang,Rui-Juan Sun,Dong-Mei Zhou ? Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China h i g h l i g h t s NH t 4ions were the end-product of photocatalytic degradation of TC by TiO 2. The photocatalysis eliminated 95%of TC after 60min irradiation. Photocatalytic pathway of TC was proposed based on the identi?ed intermediates. The toxicities of reaction solution and free radical were discerned. a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 30October 2012 Received in revised form 21February 2013Accepted 27February 2013 Available online 27March 2013Keywords:Tetracycline TiO 2 Photocatalysis Mechanism a b s t r a c t Tetracyclines are widely-used antibiotics in the world.Due to their poor absorption by human beings,or poultry and livestocks,most of them are excreted into the environment,causing growing concern about their potential impact,while photodegradation has been found to dominate their sequestration and bio-availability.Coupling with high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectroscopy (HPLC–MS),gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC–MS)and electron spin resonance (ESR),the mechanism of pho-tocatalytic degradation of TC in aqueous solution by nanosized TiO 2(P25)under UV irradiation was investigated.The photocatalysis eliminated 95%of TC and 60%of total organic carbon (TOC)after 60min irradiation,and NH t4ion was found to be one of the end-products.Bioluminescence assay showed that the toxicity of TC solution reached the maximum after 20min irradiation and then gradually decreased.The degradation of TC included electron transfer,hydroxylation,open-ring reactions and cleavage of the central carbon.A possible photocatalytic degradation pathway of TC was proposed on the basis of the identi?ed intermediates.Overall,the TiO 2photocatalysis was found to be a promising process for removing TC and its intermediates. ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. 1.Introduction Tetracyclines (TCs)are one of the most widely-used antibiotics in aquaculture and veterinary medicines (Palominos et al.,2009).Due to their poor absorption,most of them are excreted through feces and urine as un-metabolized parent compound.The most dangerous effect of antibiotics in the environment is the develop-ment of multi-resistant bacterial strains that can no longer be trea-ted with the presently known drugs (Addamo et al.,2005).Hence,the occurrence,fate and behavior of antibiotics in the environment have been the subject of growing concern and scienti?c interest (Verma et al.,2007;Gómez-Pacheco et al.,2011;Yuan et al.,2011).Signi?cant amount of TCs have been detected in super?cial,potable water and sludge due to their ineffective removal by the conventional water treatment methods.It seems that traditional biological methods could not effectively eliminate antibiotics (Bau-titz and Nogueira,2007;Palominos et al.,2009;Wang et al.,2011a ).Therefore,to develop effective techniques for rapid degra-dation of TCs is of environmental interest. TiO 2photocatalysis is a promising method in water treatment for removal and mineralization of organic pollutants (So et al.,2002;Zhang et al.,2005;Pelaez et al.,2011;Yahiat et al.,2011;Wang et al.,2011a ).Photocatalytic degradation of organic pollu-tants could lead to produce end-products,but they are usually un-clear.In addition to that,the intermediates possibly induce negative effects to the environmental ecosystem function (Jiao et al.,2008),which suggested that the variations of toxicity of the solution after photocatalytic reaction should be examined.The intermediates of TC photolysis and ozonation have been iden-ti?ed (Dalmázio et al.,2007;Jiao et al.,2008;Wang et al.,2011b ),however,to our best knowledge,intermediates and possible path-way of TC photocatalytic degradation were seldom addressed.In this study,the photocatalytic degradation of TC in aqueous solution was investigated using nanosized TiO 2(P25)as the photo-catalyst under UV irradiation,and the effects of solution pH and 0045-6535/$-see front matter ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.,/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.02.066 Corresponding author.Tel.:+862586881180;fax:+862586881000. E-mail address:dmzhou@, (D.-M.Zhou).
