


seafood 海鲜roast duck烤鸭vomit呕吐bathroom n.厕所indigestion 消化不良oily油腻gender 性别

address 住址department 科,系,部门

lift 电梯corridor 走道


made several trips to the bathroom 上了好几趟厕所

write out a slip 开一张化验单bellyache 肚子痛

have a pain in the ear 耳痛unbutton vt 解开扣子

have a running nose 流鼻涕take a deep breath 深呼吸


shiver打寒战feel chilly发冷have a headache 头疼

have a bad cough咳嗽得厉害



middle finger中指third finger无名指little finger小指



Asking a patient about his illness:

Did you have pains here before ? 你这儿以前痛吗?Do you cough ? 有没有咳嗽?

Do you feel tired ? 你觉得疲劳吗?Do you have any appetite ? 吃东西有胃口吗?Does it hurt ? 痛不痛?

Have you taken anything for it ? 你吃过什么药了吗?How bad is it ? 厉害到什么程度?How long has it been this way ? 这样有多久了?How are you feeling now ? 你现在感觉怎么样?How is your sleep ? 你睡眠怎么

What did you eat yesterday ? 你昨天吃了什么东西?What’s matter with you ? 你有什么不舒服?What’s wrong wit h your ear ? 你的耳朵怎么了?Your case record, please . 请把病例卡给我。

Telling a doctor how you feel

About a week now. 现在大约有一星期了。

I cough a great deal at night. 我晚上咳得很厉害。

I don’t feel like eating anything.我什么也不想吃。

I feel a pain in my left leg. 我觉得左腿疼。

I feel dizzy and I’ve got no appetite. 我头晕,没胃口。

I feel feverish. 我觉得有点发烧。

I feel hot and cold. 我觉得忽冷忽热。

I have a headache. 我头痛。

I have a stuffed-up nose . 我鼻塞。

I’m aching all over.我浑身都痛。

I’m having some trouble sleeping.我有点失眠。

I’m suffering fr om insomnia. 我近来一直失眠。It keeps hanging on . 这老是不好。

It started two days ago. 两天前开始的。I’ve been sneezing all day.我一整天喷嚏不断。I’ve taken some aspirin, but it didn’t help much.我吃过一些阿司匹林但没用场

Just off and on . 就是时断时续。My eyesight is failing. 我的视力正在衰退。My left foot hurts. 我的左脚受伤了。My stomach is upset. 我的胃不舒服。Examing a patient

Cough . Now again. 咳嗽,再咳一下。Does it hurt when I press here ? 我按这儿时你觉得疼痛吗?How does it feel ? 这有什么感觉?

I’ll have your temperature taken .我让人给你量一下体温。Let me sound your lungs. 让我听听你的肺部。Now breathe in ,a deep breath. 现在呼吸,深呼吸

Open your mouth and say “Ah”.张开嘴,说:啊。Open your mouth please, and show me your tongue. 张开嘴,伸出舌头来

Show me where it houts. 给我看哪儿疼痛?

Strip to your waist, please. 请把上衣脱掉。


I don’t think it’s anything serious.我看这并不严重。

I should say you’ve caught cold.我看你感冒了。

I’ll have to give you a shot ,I’m afraid .恐怕我得给你注射一针。It’s an acute case.这是急性病。

It’s inflammation of the skin.皮肤发炎。

You probably have contracted the flu. 你大概得了流行感冒。

Giving prescription and advice

Are you allergic to any medication ? 你对什么药有过敏吗?Avoid greasy foods. 不要吃油腻食品。Be sure to keep warm and rest . 注意保暖和休息。Drink plenty of water. 要多喝水。

Get plenty of exercise. 要多锻炼身体。Go home and rest for at least three or four days . 回家休息至少三四天。If your fever lingers, come to me again.


Keep away from draught. 不要吹着风。

One tablet each time, three times a day after meal.


These tablets are to keep the fever down. 这些药片都是退热的。

This eye drops may improve your eyesight. 这种眼药水可以增强你的视力。

This is for oral administration. 这是口服药


医疗卫生专用英语词汇 graft, transplant 移植 ligature 结扎 stitches 缝线 cicatrization 瘢痕形成 operating theatre 手术室(美作:operating theater)instruments 手术器械 bistoury, scalpel 手术刀 bandage 绷带 dressing, bandages 敷料 gauze 纱布 compress 敷布 sticking plaster 橡皮膏,胶布 catgut 肠线 plaster 石膏 sling 悬带 plastic surgery 整形手术 acupuncture 针术 to be sick, to be ill 患病 sickly 多病 ailment, complaint 疾病 pain 疼,痛 indisposition, slight illness 不适 unwell, indisposed 不适的 affection, disease 疾病 ulcer 溃疡 wound 创伤,伤口 lesion 损害 injury 损伤 rash, eruption 疹

spot 点,斑 pimple 丘疹,小疮 blackhead 黑头粉刺 blister 水疱 furuncle 疖 scab, boil 痂 scar 癜痕 wart 疣,肉赘 callus, callosity 胼胝 corn 鸡眼 chilblain 冻疮 bruise 挫伤 ecchymosis 瘀癍 bump 肿 swelling 肿胀 contusion 挫伤 sprain, twist 扭伤 fracture 骨折 symptom 症状 diagnosis 诊断 case 病例 incubation 潜伏 epidemic 流行病 contagion 传染 fever 发热 attack, access, fit 发作coughing fit 咳嗽发作 to take to one‘s bed 卧床 to sneeze 打喷嚏 faint, fainting fit 晕厥 vertigo, dizziness 眩晕 to feel sick 恶心 to lose consciousness 失去知觉



USP(THE UNITED STATES PHARMACOPEIA ):美国药典 NF (NATIONAL FORMULARY ):(美国)国家处方集 OFFICIAL = PHARMACOPEIAL= COMPENDIAL :药典的;法定的;官方的 AGENCY :审理部门(指FDA ) IDENTITY :真伪;鉴别;特性 STRENGTH :规格;规格含量(每一剂量单位所含有效成分的量) LABELED AMOUNT :标示量 REGULATORY SPECIFICATION :质量管理规格标准(NDA 提供) REGULATORY METHODOLOGY :质量管理方法 REGULATORY METHODS VALIDATION :管理用分析方法的验证 COS/CEP 欧洲药典符合性认证 ICH (International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use)人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会议 ICH 文件分为质量、安全性、有效性和综合学科 4 类。 质量技术要求文件以Q 开头,再以a,b,c,d 代表小项: Q1:药品的稳定性 Q2: 方法学 Q3: 杂质 Q4: 药典 Q5: 生物技术产品质量 Q6: 标准规格 Q7:GMP


6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Janbon综合症 Janbon's syndrome PPB浓度 parts per billion concentration pphm浓度 parts per hundred million concentration PPH浓度 parts per hundred concentration ppm浓度 parts per million concentration 安全范围 safety range 安全试验法 innocuity test method 安全系统 safety coefficient 安慰剂 placebo 螯合剂 chelating agent 靶细胞 target cell 白蛋白微球制剂 albumin microballoons 百分浓度 percentage concentration 半合成抗生素 semisynthetic antibiotics 半抗原 haptene 半数致死剂量 half lethal dose ; median lethal dose; LD50 半衰期 half-life period; half life time 包衣片 coated tablet 薄膜衣 film-coating 饱和溶液 saturated solution 贝克勒尔 Becquerel 被动免疫 passive immunity 被动转运 passive transport

崩解度 disintegration 崩解剂 disintegrants 必需氨基酸 essential aminoacid 必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid 变态反应 allergy; allergic reaction 表面活性 surface activity 表面张力 surface tension 丙种射线 gamma rays 补体 complement 补体系统 complement system 不良反应 adverse reaction 不完全抗原 incomplete antigen 搽剂 liniments 长期毒性实验 long term toxicity test 长效制剂 prolonged action preparation 肠肝循环 enterohepatic circulation 肠溶控释片 enteric controlled release tablets 肠溶衣 enteric coating 处方 prescription;recipe 穿透促进剂 penetration enhancers 磁性控释制剂 magnetic controlled release dosage form 磁性药物制剂 magnetic medicinal preparations 大分子 macromolecule 单克隆抗体 monoclonal antibody


英语语法专业术语 语法grammar 句法syntax 词法morphology 结构structure 层次rank 句子sentence 从句clause 词组phrase 词类part of speech 单词word 实词notional word 虚词structural word 名词noun 专有名词proper noun 普通名词common noun 可数名词countable noun 不可数名词uncountable no 抽象名词abstract noun 具体名词concrete noun 物质名词material noun 集体名词collective noun 个体名词individual noun 介词preposition 连词conjunction 动词verb 主动词main verb 及物动词transitive verb 不及物动词intransitive verb 系动词link verb 助动词auxiliary verb 情态动词modal verb 规则动词regular verb 不规则动词irregular verb 短语动词phrasal verb 限定动词finite verb 非限定动词infinite verb 使役动词causative verb 感官动词verb of senses

动态动词event verb 静态动词state verb 感叹词exclamation 形容词adjective 副词adverb 方式副词adverb of manner 程度副词adverb of degree 时间副词adverb of time 地点副词adverb of place 修饰性副词adjunct 连接性副词conjunct 疑问副词interrogative adverb 关系副词relative adverb 代词pronoun 人称代词personal pronoun 物主代词possessive pronoun 反身代词reflexive pronoun 相互代词reciprocal pronoun 指示代词demonstrative pronoun 疑问代词interrogative pronoun 关系代词relative pronoun 不定代词indefinite 物主代词possessive pronoun 名词性物主代词nominal possessive 形容词性物主代词adjectival possessive pronoun 冠词article 定冠词definite article 不定冠词indefinite article 数词numeral 基数词cardinal numeral 序数词ordinal numeral 分数词fractional numeral 形式form 单数形式singular form 复数形式plural form 限定动词finite verb form 非限定动词non-finite verb form


医学英语词汇forensic medicine 法医学 doctor, physician 医生,医师,内科医师family doctor 家庭医生 pediatrician, pediatrist 儿科医师gynecologist 妇科医师 tocologist, obstetrician 产科医师 neurologist 神经专家 psychiatrist 精神病学专家ophthalmologist, oculist 眼科专家 dentist, odontologist 牙医师 surgeon 外科医师 anesthetist, anaesthetist 麻醉师 nurse 护士 hospital医院 clinic 诊所 sanatorium 疗养院 health 健康 healthy (个人)健康 wholesome 合乎卫生的,有益于健康的hygiene 卫生 to get vaccinated 接种 sick person, patient 病员,患者 to be sick, to be ill患病

sickly 多病 ailment, complaint 疾病 pain 疼,痛 indisposition, slight illness 不适unwell, indisposed 不适的affection, disease 疾病 ulcer 溃疡 wound 创伤,伤口 lesion 损害 injury 损伤 rash, eruption疹 spot 点,斑 pimple 丘疹,小疮blackhead 黑头粉刺 blister 水疱 scab, boil痂 scar 癜痕 wart 疣,肉赘 callus, callosity 胼胝 corn 鸡眼 chilblain冻疮 bruise 挫伤 ecchymosis 瘀癍 bump 肿


医疗专业英文对照技术词汇表 中文词英文词 二维 2D 二维傅立叶变换 Two-dimensional Fourier transform 三维 3D 三维傅立叶变换 Three-dimensional Fourier transform 表现扩散系数 Performance of the diffusion coefficient 动脉自旋标记法 Arterial spin labeling law 空间阵列和敏感编码技术Spatial arrays and sensitive coding techniques 血氧水平依赖 Blood oxygen level dependent 脑血流量 脑血容量 Cerebral blood volume 对比增强磁共振血管成像Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography 化学移位选择性 Chemical shift selective 对比噪声比 CNR 二亚乙基三安五乙酸轧An five diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid rolling 扩散张量成像 Diffusion tensor imaging 扩张加权成像 Expansion weighted imaging 平面回波成像 Echo-planar imaging 回波间距 Echo spacing 回波间隔时间 Echo interval 回波链长度 Echo train length 翻转角 Flip angle

稳态傅立叶采集 Steady Fourier acquisition 流动补赏 Flow up reward 快速傅立叶变换 Fast Fourier Transform 自由感应衰减 Free induction decay 稳态采集快速成像 Steady fast imaging acquisition 稳态进动快速成像 Fast imaging steady-state precession 液体衰减反转恢复 Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery 快速小角度激发梯度回波Quick small angle shot gradient echo 功能磁共振成像 Functional magnetic resonance imaging 视野 view 快速自旋回波 Fast spin-echo 傅立叶变换 Fourier transform 稳态梯度回波采集 Steady gradient echo acquisition 梯度回波 Gradient echo 半傅立叶采集单次激励快速自旋回波Half-Fourier acquisition single excitation fast spin-echo 反转恢复 Inversion recovery 在体选择图像波谱分析 Select an image in vivo spectroscopy 多层重叠薄层采集 Multilayer thin overlapping collection 磁共振血管成像 Magnetic resonance angiography 磁共振成像 Magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振胰胆管成像 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography 磁共振波谱 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 磁共振尿路成像 MR urography


药剂学 词汇 1-NEP??N-乙基吡咯酮? 1-NMP??N-甲基吡咯酮? 2G-β-CYD??二葡糖基-?-环糊精? 2-HP-β-CYD??2-羟丙基-?-环糊精? 5-NCP??5-羧基吡咯酮? 5-NMP??5-甲基吡咯酮 A Absolute bioavailability 绝对生物利用度Absorption 吸收 Acacia 阿拉伯胶 Accelerated stability加速稳定性实验Accumulation factor蓄积因子 Additive附加剂 Adjuvant 辅料 Administration 给药,用法 Aerosil微粉硅胶 Aerosol气雾剂 Agar 琼胶 Aggregation 聚集 Albumin 白蛋白 Alginate(alginate acid)海藻酸盐(海藻酸)Amorphous form 无定型 Amphiphilic 两亲性的 Angle of repose休止角 Angle of friction 摩擦角 Ampoule 安瓿 Anion exchange resin阴离子交换树脂Antiseptics防腐剂;消毒剂 Antioxidant 抗氧化剂 Apparent first-order absorption(elimination)表观一级吸收(消除) Apparent volume of distribution 表观分布容积 Rate constant速度,速率 Aromatic waters 芳香水剂 Aseptic manipulation 无菌操作 Autoclave 高压灭菌器 Autoxidation 自动氧化 Azone 氮酮 B Bentonite 硅皂土Binder 粘合剂 Bioadhesive tablets 生物粘附片Biocompatibility 生物相容性Bioequivalence 生物等效性 Biologic half-life生物半衰期Biotransformation 生物转化 Buccal tablets 口含片 Buccal administration 颊给药 Bulk density 堆密度 C Capacity—limited and nonlinear process 能力有限和非线性过程 Capillary action 毛细管作用 Capping 顶裂 Carboxypolymethylene 聚羧乙烯 Capsul 胶囊 Carnauba wax 巴西棕榈蜡 Carbopol 卡波普 Carrier-mediated transfer system载体转运系统 Cation exchange resin 阳离子交换树脂Cellulose acetate phthalate(CAP) 邻苯二甲酸醋酸纤维素 Cetyl alcohol 鲸蜡醇 Chelating agent 螯合剂 Chewable tablets 咀嚼片 Chipping 裂片 Chitin壳聚糖 Chitosan脱乙酰壳聚糖Chronopharmacokinetics时辰药物动力学 Clarity(test) 澄明度(检查) Cloud point 浊点 Co-solvency 潜溶 Coagulation 聚沉 Coating 包衣 Cocoa butter可可豆脂 Cohesiveness 粘着性 Colloid mill 胶体磨 Comminution 粉碎 Comples coacervation method 复凝聚法


BE-subjunctive be-型虚拟式 object complement 宾语补语 noun phrase of amount or quantity 表示数量概念的名词词组 infinitive 不定式full sentence完全句headword中心词 dynamic verb 动态动词cleft sentence 分裂句main clause主句 nominative absolute construction 独立主格结构direct object 直接宾语 present perfective progressive 现在完成进行体subject complement主语补语 predicate verb 谓语动词determiner限定词ordinal numeral序数词 verbless clause 无动词分句finite verb phrase限定动词词组 possessive pronoun 物主代词gender性main verb 主动词 antecedent先行项subjunctive mood 虚拟式irregular verb 不规则动词root 词根demonstrative pronoun指示代词 semi-auxiliary 半助动词compound complex

sentence 并列复杂句 passive voice 被动态coordinate construction 并列结构 comparative clause 比较分句 indefinite pronoun 不定代词 intransitive verb不及物动词vocabulary词汇bound morpheme粘附词素 uncountable noun不可数名词morpheme词素central determiner中位限定词 indicative mood 陈述式affix 词缀proper noun专有名词 abstract noun 抽象名词phrasal verb 词组动词 notional concord 意义一致原则auxiliary助动词active voice主动态 open class 开放词类linking verb 连系动词historical present 历史性现在时conjunction 连词 unit noun 单位名词reflexive pronoun 反身代词 second person 第二人称unemphatic use非强调性用法 definite article 定冠词basic clause type分句基本


医疗器械常用词汇中英文对照 中英文对照 Urine Analyzer 尿液分析仪 blood sugar(glucose )analyzer血糖分析仪 test strip 测试条 reagent 试剂 Semi-automatic Biochemical Analyzer半自动生化分析仪Automatic Blood Cell Analyzer全自动血细胞分析仪Urine sediments analyzer尿沉渣 Bio-safety Cabinet 生物安全柜 Incubator培养箱 High Frequency Electrotome 高频电刀 shadowless lamp无影灯 High speed refrigerated centrifuge高速冷冻离心机 hot air sterilizer热空气消毒箱 microbiological incubator微生物培养箱 Halogen light 卤素灯 disposable sterile injector 一次性无菌注射针injection set注射器 disposable venous infusion needle一次性静脉输液针disposable infusion set 一次性使用输液器 blood transfusion set输血器 infusion bag液袋 urine drainage bag集尿袋 blood bag血袋 medical catheter医用导管 stainless steel needle不锈钢医用针管 blood taking needle采血针 needle destroyer针头销毁器 automatic packer自动纸塑包装机 scalp vein set头皮针 uniprocessor version单机版 network version网络版 macromolecule-solvent 高分子溶解的macromolecule cold accumulation 高分子蓄冷 cold treatment冷疗法 ice pack冰袋 eyeshade 眼罩 Medical injection pump医用灌注泵 lithotrite 碎石机 extracorporeal shock wave lithotrite体外冲击碎石机Ballistic intracroporeal lithotrite 气压冲击体内碎石机


医院中英文常用语对照表 医院中英文常用语对照表。此列举出一些常用到的中英文对照医院常用语,助你看病时了解医院内告示牌或医生所讲的内容。This Chinese/English bilingual page lists out the common medical and health related terms and hopefully it helps you find the better understanding & have better communication with doctors. 急诊室Emergency Room 医院Hospital 内科病房Medical Ward 外科病房Surgical Ward 儿科病房Pediatric Ward 接生房Labor and Delivery 手术室Operation Room (OR) 心脏重症室Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 重症室Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 内科重症室Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) 初生婴儿重症室Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) 儿科重症室Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) 外科重症室Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)

末期护理Hospice 末期病患者照料 居家健康服务Home Health Service 药疗、物理治疗等 化验所Laboratory 进行化验研究 门诊手术中心Outpatient Surgical Center 一般非严重性手术药房Pharmacy 药物、医疗用品 Health Care Provider 医疗服务 Physician 医生 Acupuncture 针灸 Allergy and Immunology 过敏性专科 Anesthesiology 麻醉科 Cardiology 心脏科 Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 心胸外科 Chiropractic 脊椎神经科 Colorectal Surgery 结肠直肠外科 Dentistry 牙科 Dermatology 皮肤科 Endocrinology 内分泌科


药剂学专业英语词汇 A absolute biaoavailability 绝对生物利用度 absorption 吸收 acacia 阿拉伯胶 accelerated stability 加速稳定性试验 accumulation factor 蓄积因子 active targeting 主动靶向 active transport 主动转运 additives 附加剂 adhesives 粘合剂 adjuvant 辅料 administration 给药;服法;用法 aerosil 微粉硅胶 aerosol 气雾剂 agar 琼脂 aggregation 凝聚(作用) albumin 白蛋白 alginate(alginic acid) 海藻酸盐(海藻酸) amorphous form 无定型 amphiphilic 两亲性的 ampoule 安瓿 angle of friction 摩擦角 angle of repose 休止角 anion exchange resin 阴离子交换树脂 antiadherents 抗粘合剂 antioxidant 抗氧剂 antiseptics 防腐剂;消毒剂 apparent first-order absorption(elimination) rate constant 表观一级吸收(消除)常数 apparent volume of distribution 表观分布容积 aromatic waters 芳香水剂 aseptic manipulation 无菌操作 autoclave 高压灭菌器 autoxidation 自动氧化 Azone 1-十二烷基氮杂环庚烷-2-酮(氮酮)


BE-subjunctive be-型虚拟式object complement 宾语补语 noun phrase of amount or quantity 表示数量概念的名词词组 infinitive 不定式full sentence完全句headword中心词dynamic verb 动态动词cleft sentence 分裂句main clause主句nominative absolute construction 独立主格结构direct object 直接宾语present perfective progressive现在完成进行体subject complement主语补语predicate verb 谓语动词determiner限定词ordinal numeral序数词verbless clause 无动词分句finite verb phrase限定动词词组 possessive pronoun 物主代词gender性main verb 主动词 antecedent先行项subjunctive mood 虚拟式 irregular verb 不规则动词root 词根demonstrative pronoun指示代词semi-auxiliary 半助动词compound complex sentence 并列复杂句passive voice 被动态coordinate construction 并列结构comparative clause 比较分句indefinite pronoun 不定代词 intransitive verb不及物动词vocabulary词汇bound morpheme粘附词素uncountable noun不可数名词morpheme词素central determiner中位限定词indicative mood 陈述式affix 词缀proper noun专有名词 abstract noun 抽象名词phrasal verb 词组动词 notional concord 意义一致原则auxiliary助动词active voice主动态 open class 开放词类linking verb 连系动词 historical present 历史性现在时conjunction 连词 unit noun 单位名词reflexive pronoun 反身代词 second person 第二人称unemphatic use非强调性用法 definite article 定冠词basic clause type分句基本类型 fractional numeral分数词closed class封闭词类 generic reference 类指derivative noun 派生名词 old English古英语complex sentence复杂句 relative clause 关系分句adverb phrase 副词词组 function word 功能词compound word复合词 countable noun 可数名词genitive noun 名词属格 article 冠词notional subject实义主语interjection 感叹词regular plural 规则复数transitive verb 及物动词 past perfective progressive 过去完成进行体mood 语气 implied conditional 含蓄条件句suffix后缀feminine gender阴性collective noun集体名词post-determiner后位限定词 indirect object 间接宾语principle of proximity就近原则 primary auxiliary 基本助动词sentence 句子 concord一致voice 语态common gender通性 question 疑问句base form原形SVOC主—动—宾—补结构imperative mood 祈使式predeterminer前位限定词 inflectional affix 屈折词缀number数voice态 personal pronoun 人称代词double genitive 双重属格 tense 时mood式ditransitive verb双宾语及物动词


常见疾病英语词汇 发烧fever 头痛headache 感冒cold 咳嗽cough 哮喘asthma 肺炎pneumonia 肝炎hepatitis 脑膜炎brain fever/meningitis 膀胱炎cystitis 胃炎gastritis 急性胃炎acute gastritis 气管炎trachitis 支气管炎bronchitis 皮炎dermatitis 阑尾炎appendicitis 胃肠炎gastroenteritis 乳腺炎mastitis 肿瘤tumor 癌症cancer 肺癌lung cancer 肝癌liver cancer 胃癌cancer of stomach 粉刺acne 痣,雀斑freckle/ephelis 流感influenza,flu 禽流感bird flu 炎症 inflammation 痢疾,腹泻,拉肚子diarrhea 非典SARS(Severe AcuteRespiratary Syndrome) 疯牛病mad cow disease 黑死病black death 白血病leukemia 爱滋病AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 狂犬病rabies 中风stroke 冠心病coronary heart disease 糖尿病diabetes 肺结核pulmonary tuberculosis 肝硬化hepatocirrhosis 慢性病chronic 肺气肿emphysema 胃病stomach trouble 心脏病heart disease 骨折fracture 脱臼dislocation 耳鸣tinnitus 沙眼trachoma 色盲colour blindness 白内障cataract 近视nearsightedness/myopia 散光astigmatism 牙龈炎gingivitis 龋齿cavity 营养不良malnutrition 中毒poisoning 中暑heat stroke 破伤风tetanus 盗汗night sweat 贫血 anemia, anaemia 关节炎arthritis 水痘chicken pox 白喉diphtheria 湿疹eczema 痛风 gout 头痛headache 黄疸icterus, jaundice 消化不良indigestion 精神病insanity 白血病 leukemia 营养不良malnutrition 麻疹measles 偏头痛migraine, splitting headache 心肌梗塞miocardial infarction 流行性腮腺炎 mumps 神经衰弱 neurasthenia 麻痹 paralysis 腹膜炎peritonitis 咽炎pharyngitis 痨病, 肺结核 phtisis 肺炎pneumonia 狂犬病rabies 风湿病rheumatism 佝偻病 rickets, rachitis 猩红热scarlet fever 败血病septicemia, septicaemia 天花smallpox 破伤风tetanus 血栓thrombosis 结核病tuberculosis 荨麻疹urticaria, hives 百日咳whooping cough 黄热病yellow fever 带状疮疹zona, shingles


医疗包装机械设备中英文对照表 泡罩包装机blister packaging machin 泡罩板装盒机blister boxing machine 药用塑料管膜制造机madicinal plastic tube/film making machine 药用塑料容器制造机medicinal plastic packaging container making machine 螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll discharge screen centrifuge 密闭离心机hermetic centrifuge 密闭式转鼓真空过滤机enclosed rotary-drum vacuum filter 灭菌设备sterilizing equipment 明胶液设备liquid gelatin equipment 明胶液桶gelatin tank 模制瓶制造机mould bottle making machine 盘管式多效蒸馏水机multi-effect coil water distiller 旁滤式离心机side-filtered piston-discharge sedimentary centrifuge 抛射剂压装机freon press-filling machine making 泡罩板装盒机blister boxing machine 药用塑料管膜制造机madicinal plastic tube/film machine 药用塑料容器制造机medicinal plastic packaging container making machine 螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll discharge screen centrifuge 密闭离心机hermetic centrifuge 药用相关包装机械medicinal interrelated packaging machinery 药用印字机medicinal printing machine 药用装盒包装机medicinal boxing and packaging machine 叶滤机leaf filter 液体灌装自动包装线automatic liquid filling and packaging line 医用低速离心机pharmaceutical low-speed centrifuge 移动缸式制粒机moving cylinder type mixing granulator


专业英语词汇词素(词根) 1. haplo,mono,uni :单,一,独haploid 单倍体monoxide一氧化碳monoatomic 单原子的 2. bi,di,dipl,twi,du ::二,双,两,偶biocolor 双色,dichromatic 双色的,diplobacillus 双杆菌dikaryon 双核体 twin :孪生dual 双重的 3. tri :三,丙triangle三角triacylglycerol三酰甘油tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环 4. quadri,quadru,quart,tetr,tetra:四quadrilateral四边的quadrivalent四价的quadruped四足动物tetrode四极管tetracycline四环素 5. pent,penta,quique五pentose戊糖pentagon五角形pentane戊烷quintuple 五倍的pentose戊糖pentomer五邻粒 6. hex,hexa,sex 六hexose已糖hexapod六足动物hexapoda昆虫纲hexamer六聚体 7. hepta,sept 七heptane 庚烷heptose 庚糖heptoglobin七珠蛋白 8. oct八octpus 章鱼octagon八角形octane 辛烷octase 辛糖 9. enne,nona九nonapeptide 九肽enneahedron 九面体 10. deca,deka 十:decapod 十足目动物decahedron 十面体decagram 十克 11. hecto, 百hectometer百米hectoliter百升hectowatt 百瓦 12. kilo,千kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿kilobase 千碱基kiloelectron volt 千电子伏特 13. deci,十分之一,分decimeter 分米decigram 十分之一克 14. centi,百分之一 15. milli,千分之一,毫millimole 毫摩(尔)milliliter 毫升 16. micro,百万分之一,微,微小,微量microgram微克microogranism微生物microecology微生态学micropipet微量移液器 17. nano十亿分之一,毫微,纳nanosecond十亿分之一秒nanometer纳米 18. demi,hemi,semi半demibariel 半桶hemicerebrum 大脑半球semiopaque半透明semi-allel半等位基因semi-conductor半导体 19. holo 全,整体,完全holoenzyme 全酶holoprotein全蛋白holocrine全(质分)泌 20. mega巨大,兆,百万megaspore大孢子,megabasse兆碱基megakaryocyte 巨核细胞megavolt兆伏megalopolitan特大城市 21. macro 大,巨大,多macrophage巨噬细胞macrogamete大配子macroelement 常量元素macromolecular大分子 22. poly,multi,mult 多,复合polyacrylate聚丙烯酸酯polymerase 聚合酶multichain 多链的multinucleate 多核的multicistronic mRNA多顺反子mRNA multicopy多拷贝1 chrom颜色 chromophore生色团chromosome染色体chromatography色谱法 2 melan,melano,nigr 黑 melanoma黑素瘤melanin黑色素melanophore黑色素细胞 3 xantho,flavo,fla,flavi,lute黄 xanthophyl叶黄素xanthous黄色的,黄色人种xathine黄嘌呤flavin黄素flavone黄酮letein黄体素,叶黄素flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD)黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸 4 erythro, rub, rubrm, ruf,红 erythrocyte红细胞erythromycin红霉素erythropoitin(EPO)促红细胞生成素 5 chloro,chlor绿,氯
