Characteristics and management options for rice–maize systems in thePhilippines

Characteristics and management options for rice–maize systems in thePhilippines
Characteristics and management options for rice–maize systems in thePhilippines

Field Crops Research 144(2013)52–61

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Field Crops


j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /f c


Characteristics and management options for rice–maize systems in the Philippines

S.M.Haefele ?,N.P.M.Banayo,S.T.Amarante,J.D.L.C.Siopongco,R.L.Mabesa

International Rice Research Institute,DAPO Box 7777,Metro Manila,Philippines

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:

Received 2November 2012

Received in revised form 16January 2013Accepted 17January 2013


Cropping system Drought Maize

Nutrient balance Rice


a b s t r a c t

In the Philippines,maize (corn)is the second major cereal crop after rice.Around 0.12million ha of maize are grown in rice–maize (R–M)systems,mostly situated in the lowlands,and the area of this system is growing fast.The objectives of this study were to describe the targeted cropping system,to test several management options that could help to optimize it and reduce the production risk,and to develop a simple nutrient balance as a sustainability indicator.For this,we conducted participatory on-farm trials in Pangasinan province,where about 33,600ha of yellow maize are grown,mostly in R–M,bined grain yields of the system reached 14t ha ?1in the ?rst year and 21t ha ?1in the second year,depending on the treatment.Yield differences were mostly due to climate-induced stresses in the ?rst year and very favorable conditions in the second year.Varietal choice in rice was an option to reduce production losses by selecting the variety according to average ?eld-speci?c characteristics (drought-prone,favorable,?ood-prone).Balanced fertilizer applications reduced stress-dependent rice yield losses considerably,and helped to maximize grain yield in the favorable season.The rice fertilizer treatment without any application caused lower yields in the subsequent maize crop but the effect was not signi?cant.No effects of ?eld topography on soil characteristics or on grain yields of rice or maize were detected.The nutrient balance indicated the considerable danger of soil nutrient mining in this cropping system,which could aggravate possible trends of declining soil organic matter concentrations in R–M systems that have been shown in previous studies.We concluded that a combination of adjusted management components can reduce production risk and optimize system productivity.To maintain system productivity,it seems most promising to combine different management elements,including balanced NPK fertilizer rates with limited PK mining,recycling of waste products from residue use on the farm as much as possible,and only limited removal of residues from the ?elds.

?2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


Rice,maize,and wheat are the most important crops for food security in most of Asia.Depending on bio-physical conditions,they are either grown as monocultures or in rotations in speci?c crop-ping systems.In rice-based systems,rice–wheat and rice–maize (R–M)are the dominating mixed cropping systems;rice–wheat is common in South and East Asia whereas smaller areas of R–M sys-tems can be found all over Asia (Timsina et al.,2011).The total maize area in Asia was estimated by the same authors at about 43.8million ha,but only a fraction of this maize is grown in R–M sys-tems (about 3.34million ha).However,these systems are rapidly spreading in some areas because of rising demand,tightening world export–import markets,high market prices for cereals,and in some places because of increasing water shortages and/or costs (Gerpacio

?Corresponding author.

E-mail address:s.haefele@, (S.M.Haefele).

et al.,2004;Buresh and Haefele,2010;Timsina et al.,2011).Espe-cially in the case of maize demand is changing quickly,globally because to its use for biofuel production and locally because of the rapidly increasing livestock/poultry production.

In the Philippines,maize is the second major cereal crop after rice.About 4.2million ha of rice and 2.6million ha of maize are grown,and the overlapping area of R–M systems is estimated at around 0.12million ha.In these systems,rice is either grown as the wet-season crop followed by maize in the dry season (common in lowlands where abundant water in the wet season favors rice cultivation)or maize is grown in the wet season followed by rice in the dry season (drier lowlands and uplands)(Gerpacio et al.,2004).A third crop might be grown if the conditions are suitable.Timsina et al.(2011)distinguished four main R–M agro-ecosystems,and R–M in the Philippines would mostly ?t into the ?rst agro-ecosystem identi?ed (tropical,warm,humid,and sub-humid,no winter).Long-term trends in the Philippines indicate a mostly decreasing total maize area in the last 40years but an increasing total maize production.These ?gures mask

0378-4290/$–see front matter ?2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.,/10.1016/j.fcr.2013.01.011

S.M.Haefele et al./Field Crops Research144(2013)52–6153

two different underlying trends:a strongly decreasing area of low-yielding white maize mostly produced for home consumption (human consumption and animal feed)and an increasing area of high-yielding yellow maize mostly sold as animal feed for poultry and livestock production.The national average yield for maize in the Philippines is around1.8t ha?1according to Gerpacio et al.(2004),but this is based on an average of low-yielding white maize(≈1.2t ha?1)and higher-yielding yellow maize(≈2.8t ha?1). Average yield ranges in the Philippines and for modern maize hybrid varieties are between1.6and6.0t ha?1,and the highest yields of5.5–9.0t ha?1were reported from the rainfed lowland environments of Mindoro Occidental.These low average yields and huge yield ranges,as well as the analysis of the climatic-genetic yield potential(Timsina et al.,2011),indicate considerable scope for improving maize production by narrowing the yield gap.

R–M systems offer several advantages for farmers in the Philippines.Even with water-saving technologies for rice cultiva-tion,the water requirements for rice remain higher than for other cereal crops,especially in the dry season when very little rain falls and evaporation losses can be very high.Thus,expensive and/or limited supplies of irrigation water together with opportunities for income from non-rice crops serve as drivers for diversi?cation from a rice monoculture with soil submergence to a rotation of rice with other crops such as maize grown on well-drained aerobic soils.Also, R–M systems can be very productive as the analysis of Timsina et al. (2011)for a site in Laguna,Philippines,showed.Their theoretical analysis showed even higher productivity for maize–rice systems (M–R,maize in the wet season and rice in the dry season)but such a system would probably risk crop loss due to?ooding in the wet season and have very high water requirements in the dry season.

Research efforts to understand and optimize R–M systems in Asia,including a focus on the Philippines,comprise an overview of maize and related cropping systems in the Philippines(Gerpacio et al.,2004),the analysis of optimized systems based on crop modeling conducted by Timsina et al.(2010,2011),and the devel-opment of site-speci?c nutrient recommendations for rice and maize(Witt et al.,2008).The effect of R–M systems on soil organic matter in comparison with rice–rice systems was analyzed by Pampolino et al.(2008).However,?eld data on the performance and management of existing R–M systems in the Philippines are still hard to?nd and are mostly gray literature(e.g.,Pasuquin et al., 2010).

Therefore,we conducted our study in an existing R–M system in Pangasinan,Central Luzon,Philippines.The experiments were conducted on-farm to ensure that the results were relevant for farmers in the region,and to learn from their experience.Our objec-tives were to describe the targeted cropping system,to test several management options that could help to optimize the system and to reduce the production risk,and to develop a simple nutrient balance as a sustainability indicator.

2.Materials and methods

2.1.Site description

Based on available statistics of areas with a signi?cant occur-rence of rainfed rice and R–M systems(PhilRice,2008),we selected the municipalities Sto Tomas,San Nicolas,and Alcala in Pangasinan province,Central Luzon,for our study.The whole region is located in the warm humid tropics with a long rainy season from June to December,a cool dry season from January to March,and a hot dry season from April to May.Mean annual rainfall in the region is about1500mm and the average annual temperature is around 27?C.At each location/town,two collaborating farmers were chosen based on their interest in participating in the experiments and the cultivation of suitable?elds.For the?eld experimentation, we chose together with each farmer two neighboring?elds, representing a lower(wetter)and upper(drier)toposequence position.However,at two sites,the trials succeeded in only one toposequence in2009.An overview of basic site and cropping information is presented in Table1.

Top-soil(0–0.2m)samples were collected from all selected ?elds(a composite sample from?ve sub-samples taken randomly in each?eld)before crop establishment in2009.Samples were analyzed for soil texture(Gee and Or,2002),pH(1:1soil–H2O mix-ture),total soil organic carbon(Nelson and Sommers,1996),total soil N(Bremner,1996),available P(Olsen et al.,1954),exchange-able K(NH4O-Ac extraction;Helmke and Sparks,1996),and cation exchange capacity(Sumner and Miller,1996).

2.2.Experimental layout

In the wet season,two experiments targeting rice were estab-lished on-farm in all?elds:a nutrient management trial and a germplasm evaluation trial.In each?eld(site×toposequence posi-tion),only one replication of treatments was tested,and the same treatments in the same position and season were planned as replications.In the following dry season,maize was grown in all experimental?elds and both experiments followed the cropping system practiced by the farmers in the region.Details for all three trials are given below.

2.2.1.Nutrient management experiment

Five different fertilizer treatments were tested.The treatments were as follows:T1=0-0-0,T2=90-0-0,T3=90-20-0,T4=90-20-20,and T5=90-30-20(all rates in kg N-P2O5-K2O per hectare). Treatment T1represents the control and served to determine yield without fertilizer,T2and T3represent common farmer practices to apply only N or only N and P.Treatment T4represented a best-bet fertilizer rate for the site,the wet season,and a target yield of 4.8t ha?1(determined using the nutrient manager for rice in the Philippines;,/nm/ph).The higher P rate in T5was meant to test the hypothesis that higher P rates help to reduce drought damage because P is becoming limited?rst under drought (Marschner,1986;Sardans and Pe?nuelas,2004).

Nitrogen was applied basally and topdressed at early tillering and panicle initiation(i.e.,in three splits of20-35-35kg N ha?1). Only urea and ordinary superphosphate(OSP)were used for treat-ments T2and T3.Urea and a common complete fertilizer source (14-14-14)were used for treatments T4and T5,but additional OSP was used for T5.A blanket application of zinc(20kg ZnO ha?1)was used for the entire experimental area at all sites to exclude Zn lim-itation.Maize stubbles from the previous season were plowed in during?eld preparation.

For the nutrient experiment,variety‘Penaranda’(PSBRC82), commonly used by the participating farmers,was planted using transplanting(TPR)as the method of crop establishment.For each treatment,subplots of5m×10m were used,in both the upper and lower toposequence positions.Apart from the establishment and the nutrient management treatments that were controlled by researchers,farmers managed the crop according to their own practice.

In the wet season,farmers relied on the rains and no farmer irri-gated the rice crop.To characterize the seasonal?eld hydrology, observations of?eld hydrology were made at least once a week (1:ponded water,2:wet soil surface,3:dry soil surface)and used to calculate the mean seasonal?eld hydrology,a value between1 and3for each?eld.Climate data were collected from the nearest weather station(Agno River Integrated Irrigation Project[ARIIP]). At maturity,grain yields were determined from a5-m2area in the center of each subplot.Grain moisture content was determined


S.M.Haefele et al./Field Crops Research 144(2013)52–61

T a b l e 1B a s i c s i t e i n f o r m a t i o n f o r a l l e x p e r i m e n t s i n t h e p r o v i n c e o f P a n g a s i n a n ,P h i l i p p i n e s ,a n d t h e t r i a l p e r i o d f r o m 2009t o 2011.

L o c a t i o n

G e o r e f e r e n c e

T o p o -

V a r i e t y u s e d

P l a n t i n g t o h a r v e s t

(B a r r i o a n d t o w n )

S e q u e n c e p o s i t i o n


R i c e

M a i z e

R i c e 2009

M a i z e 2009/10

R i c e 2010

M a i z e 2010/11

S t o D o m i n g o (S t o T o m a s )

15?52 4.73 N 120?34 42.92 E L o w P S B R C 18

30T 80

12J u n e –25S e p t e m b e r S a n J o s e (S t o T o m a s )

15?51 35.29 N 120?34 32.06 E H i g h a n d l o w

P S B R C 18

30T 80

J u l y 3–16O c t o b e r

S a n A g u s t i n (S t o T o m a s )

15?52 43.89 N 120?35 25.61 E H i g h a n d L o w

P S B R C 18

30T 80

J u l y 16–29O c t o b e r

13J u n e –14O c t o b e r

27N o v e m b e r –24M a r c h

L u n g a o (S a n N i c o l a s )

16?4 56.22 N 120?45 1.88 E H i g h a n d L o w

P S B R C 82

30T 80

J u l y 23–23O c t o b e r

21N o v e m b e r –23M a r c h

13J u n e –1O c t o b e r

12N o v e m b e r –13M a r c h

C a m a n g g a a n (S a n N i c o l a s )

16?4 52.34 N 120?44 54.05 E H i g h a n d L o w P S B R C 8230T 80J u l y 23–23O c t o b e r

22N o v e m b e r –24M a r c h

18J u n e –6O c t o b e r

A n u l i d (A l c a l a )

15?48 59.46 N 120?29 13.35 E

L o w P S B R C 82

30T 80

J u l y 25–25O c t o b e r


U s e d i n b o t h s e a s o n s o f t h e n u t r i e n t m a n a g e m e n t e x p e r i m e n t a n d f a r m e r s ’p r e f e r r e d v a r i e t y .

Table 2

Rice varieties used in the two wet seasons of comparative variety evaluation in Pangasinan,Philippines,and their target environment.

Wet season 2009

Wet season 2010

Target environment



Rainfed lowland,transplanted (TPR)

V2PSBRC 18V2PSBRC 18Irrigated lowland,TPR V3PSBRC 82V3PSBRC 82

Irrigated lowland,TPR


Rainfed lowland,direct-seeded,submergence-tolerant


Irrigated lowland,TPR,high yield potential

V4NSIC 192

New,rainfed lowland,TPR,drought-tolerant

V5NSIC 222

New,irrigated lowland,TPR,high yield potential

immediately after threshing (Riceter grain moisture meter,Kett Electric Laboratory,Tokyo,Japan)and grain yields were reported at the standard moisture content of 14%.Additional site-speci?c observations (e.g.,diseases,lodging,etc.)were collected by the farmer-cooperators.,parative variety evaluation

A selection of farmers’preferred and promising new rice varieties was grown at all the sites and in both toposequence positions (Table 2).At all sites and for all varieties,the same fer-tilizer treatment (90-20-20N-P 2O 5-K 2O per hectare;treatment T4)and application scheme (as described for the nutrient man-agement experiment)were used.The establishment method was transplanting,only establishment and fertilizer management were researcher-controlled,and all other management practices were according to farmer’s own practice.Subplot size for each vari-ety was 5m ×10m in both toposequence positions.Based on the ?rst-year results,two varieties were changed in the second season (Table 2).The varieties PSBRC 14,PSBRC 18,and PSBRC 82were widespread varieties preferred by many farmers,PSBRC 68and PSBRC 158were varieties with speci?c qualities (submergence tol-erance and high yield potential),and NSIC 192and NSIC 222were promising (drought-tolerant and high yield potential,respectively)and very recently released varieties in the Philippines.The dates of crop development stages recorded in the ?eld were establishment,panicle initiation (PI;visual veri?cation of panicle primordia devel-opment),50%?owering,and physiological maturity.Average plant height (central tiller from ground level to the tip of ?ag leaf)and tiller number were determined for four hills in each replication at mid-tillering,PI,and maturity.Grain and straw yield at har-vest were measured from a central area of 5m 2in each subplot.Grain moisture content was determined immediately after thresh-ing (Riceter grain moisture meter,Kett Electric Laboratory,Tokyo,Japan)and grain yields (paddy,with husks)were reported at the standard moisture content of 14%.

As described above,farmers relied on the rains in the wet season and no farmer irrigated the rice.The seasonal ?eld hydrology was observed as described for the previous experiment above.Addi-tional site-speci?c observations (e.g.,diseases,lodging,etc.)were collected by the farmer-cooperators.


3.The effect of experimental treatments in the rice season on maize yields after rice

To evaluate the effect of rice management treatments on the dry-season crop,in both the varietal screening and the nutrient management set up in the described trials,we planted maize in all plots at Camanggaan and Lungao sites in the 2009/2010dry season (San Augustin and Lungao in the 2010/2011dry season),using a no-tillage establishment method and leaving the rice stubbles in

S.M.Haefele et al./Field Crops Research144(2013)52–6155 Table3

Selected soil characteristics from all experimental sites in Pangasinan,Philippines.

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

Sto Domingo San Jose San Agustin Lungao Camanggaan Anulid

pH(1:1) 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.67.0

Org C(%) 1.04 1.10 1.290.83 1.010.870.86 1.36 1.240.74 Total N(%) Olsen P(mg kg?1)11353791115148109

Avail K(cmol kg?1)0.200.340.310.150.170.430. Avail Zn(ppm)0.500.310.260.660.730. Exch K(cmol kg?1)0.240.400.370.200.200.530.210.240.330.41 Exch Na(cmol kg?1)0.390.520.660.310.330.180.350.230.330.29 Exch Ca(cmol kg?1)17212313162024232313

Exch Mg(cmol kg?1) 3.4 4.4

CEC(cmol kg?1)22.725.928.715.318.225.727.92828.515.2 Clay(%)19222611151719262610


Silt(%)60605940495861636252 Texture SiL SiL SiL L L SiL SiL SiL SiL SiL

the?eld.Directly before planting maize,the herbicide“Round-up”was applied.Maize seed of the hybrid variety30T80(Bt-Round-up ready maize,Pioneer HiBred Philippines)was manually planted by dibbling with one seed per hill at about5.0cm depth,and the seed was covered with carbonized rice husk.Planting density was 0.60m between rows and0.20m between hills.In almost all plots, we used a best-bet fertilizer rate(200-40-40kg N-P2O5-K2O ha?1), which had a much higher N rate than the national fertilizer rec-ommendation for hybrid maize(110-42-42kg N-P2O5-K2O ha?1; AFMIS,2011)but used almost the same P and K rate.The high N rate was chosen to achieve a high target yield of10–11t ha?1,and to optimize the use ef?ciency of the more expensive P and K fer-tilizers(Janssen et al.,1990),accepting possible P and K mining for the short duration of the experiment.Only in two plots was an even higher rate of250-80-80kg N-P2O5-K2O tested in2009(at Lungao High T4and V4treatments for rice).The?rst fertilizer split(50%of the N,all P2O5and K2O)was applied at10days after emergence (DAE)by manual point-placement into a hole about5cm deep in between the maize hills.The second split(50%of N)was applied at30DAE,and the fertilizer was locally placed on top of the soil in between maize hills.The crop was irrigated after each fertilizer application,and thereafter with a frequency of two times a month depending on water availability to about2weeks before harvest (Table1).


To evaluate the system sustainability,we estimated a simple nutrient balance for the“standard”R–M system.We assumed that this system was represented by the rice and maize crop grow-ing in the subplot of treatment T4in the nutrient management experiment.Based on the respective grain and straw yield data observed for rice and maize in these plots and in both seasons (2009and2010),total aboveground NPK uptake was calculated using standard NPK concentration in rice(rice grains:1.10%N, 0.20%P,0.29%K;rice straw:0.65%N,0.10%P,1.40%K;Fairhurst et al.,2007)and maize(maize grains:1.300%N,0.263%P,0.363%K; maize stover:0.811%N,0.052%P,2.182%K;Setiyono et al.,2010).As nutrient inputs,only inputs from applied fertilizer were considered, that is,90-20-20kg N-P2O5-K2O ha?1for rice plus200-40-40kg N-P2O5-K2O ha?1for maize.

3.Data analysis

Data gathered in the experiment were statistically analyzed using procedures described by Gomez and Gomez(1984).Grain yield data were analyzed using IRRISTAT and SAS software.For the analysis of variance,?elds in the same position and season were treated as replications,and treatment effects were analyzed only for individual seasons.Analysis of variance was conducted using the Mixed Procedure in SAS9.1for Windows(SAS Institute,Cary, NC).Tukey’s test was used for mean comparison and differences were considered signi?cant at p≤0.05.


4.1.Soil characteristics

Soil characteristics from the experimental sites are given in Table3.Across sites,the soil reaction was near neutral or slightly acid,the soil organic carbon content was above1%at almost all sites, and the C/N ratio was usually around10.According to Fairhurst et al. (2007),availability tests indicated probable P limitations at some sites(Olsen P values between5and10mg P kg?1),probable K lim-itations at almost all sites(exchangeable K values between0.15 and0.45cmol kg?1),and possible Zn de?ciency at several sites(at <0.6ppm Zn).Cation exchange capacity was high at all sites and the exchange complex was dominated by Ca and Mg cations.Low clay content but equal amounts of silt and sand were observed at San Agustin and Anulid(soil texture“Loam”),whereas higher clay and sand contents occurred at the other sites(soil texture“silty Loam”). At all sites,the height difference between upper and lower?elds was small(less than1m)and had no signi?cant effect on texture and related soil characteristics although there was a slight trend for ?ner texture in lower?elds at most sites.

4.2.Rice response to fertilizer treatments

In2009,the rice crop was transplanted between12June and 25July.The trial at“Alcala Low”failed due to long submergence of the newly planted crop.The trial at“Sto Domingo High”failed due to a typhoon that severely damaged the crop at a later stage. In2010,only six sites could be established,transplanting took place between13June and18June,and no weather-related com-plete crop loss occurred.In both wet seasons,farmers did not use irrigation in their own or the experimental?elds.

Grain yields in the nutrient management trial ranged between 1.0and5.0t ha?1in the2009wet season,and between2.3and 5.6t ha?1in the2010wet season(Table4).The main reason for this difference was that in our target region the2009wet season had several longer dry spells,whereas rains were well distributed in the2010wet season.In both seasons,nitrogen was clearly the most limiting nutrient element,but,especially at low-yielding sites, further yield increases were observed for additional P and K appli-cations(comparison of T2versus T3and T3versus T4at the sites

56S.M.Haefele et al./Field Crops Research144(2013)52–61 Table4

Rice grain yield(t ha?1)as affected by different fertilizer treatments under rain-

fed conditions at various sites in Pangasinan,Philippines(for the variety used,see


Site code a Fertilizer treatment(N-P2O5-K2O kg ha?1)b Mean



2009wet season

SD-L 2.42 4.94 4.31 4.76 4.09 4.11a

SA-H 3.47 4.18 3.97 4.44 4.23 4.06ab

SA-L 3.08 3.71 3.93 3.32 3.33 3.47bc

SJ-H 1.76 3.44 3.54 4.40 4.96 3.62bc

SJ-L 2.36 3.45 3.58 4.07 4.21 3.53bc

LU-H 1.95 2.31 3.35 4.28 4.11 3.20cd

LU-L 1.01 2.51 2.80 3.28 3.20 2.56e

CA-H 1.09 1.91 2.16 2.65 3.38 2.24e

CA-L 1.30 1.91 2.16 2.19 2.53 2.02e

AL-H 2.06 2.27 3.13 2.87 2.71 2.61de

Mean b 2.05c 3.06b 3.29ab 3.63a 3.67a LSD c

2010wet season

SA-H 4.41 4.91 4.96 4.97 5.26 4.90a

SA-L 4.04 4.92 5.33 5.64 5.39 5.06a

LU-H 2.95 5.09 5.27 5.58 5.45 4.87a

LU-L 3.91 4.90 5.31 5.17 5.52 4.96a CA-H 2.69 3.66 4.02 4.33 4.17 3.77b CA-L 2.25 4.12 3.78 5.08 4.74 3.99b Mean b 3.37c 4.60b 4.78ab 5.13a 5.09a LSD d

a SD-L:Sto Domingo Low;SA-H&L:San Agustin High and Low;SJ-H&L:San Jose High and Low;LU-H&L:Lungao High and Low;CA-H&L:Camanggaan High and Low;AL-H:Alcala High.

b A blanket application of20kg ZnO ha?1was applied in all treatments.

c LSD5%2009wet season=426kg ha?1among fertilizer treatments per site;LSD 5%=602kg ha?1among sites per fertilizer treatment.

d LSD5%2010wet season=427kg ha?1among fertilizer treatments per site;LSD 5%=468kg ha?1among sites per fertilizer treatment.

in Lungao,Camanggaan,and Alcala;comparison of T4versus T5at Camanggaan).But across sites and in both seasons,only the com-bined P and K application(T4)increased yields signi?cantly above the application of only N(T2).Also,the higher P rate(T5)did not signi?cantly increase grain yield above treatment T4.The average yield response to fertilizer use was similar in both years.Across sites,the average grain yield increased by1.0t ha?1from T1to T2 and by1.6t ha?1from T1to T4in the2009wet season.In the2010 wet season,the average grain yield increased by1.2t ha?1from T1 to T2and by1.7t ha?1from T1to T4.

There was a clear trend of decreasing yields with increas-ing average?eld water stress(Fig.1).The?gure also shows that yield losses due to drought were highest for T1and T2 (0-0-0and90-0-0kg N-P2O5-K2O ha?1),medium for T3(90-20-0kg N-P2O5-K2O ha?1),and lowest for T4and T5(90-20-20and 90-30-20kg N-P2O5-K2O ha?1).Average T1yields of lower and upper?elds were not signi?cantly different.However,across treat-ments,the yield data showed a trend of lower yields on lower?elds in the dryer2009wet season,whereas grain yields on upper and lower?elds were very similar in the wetter2010wet season.

4.3.Varietal performance in rice

Table5shows the grain yield performance of the different rice varieties tested in both seasons.As in the nutrient management tri-als,substantially higher average yields were achieved in the2010 wet season.In the2009wet season and across sites,only vari-ety PSBRC68had a statistically lower average yield,whereas the yield of the other four varieties was not signi?cantly different.The two best performing varieties in2009were PSBRC14and PSBRC 82,both characterized by high yields under good conditions and the highest yields under water stress(especially at Camanggaan;

Mea n sea sonal field water stress


1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

2.0 2.2 2.4

























Fig.1.Grain yield of rice across all sites and fertilizer treatments but dependent on the mean seasonal?eld water stress.Field water stress levels were scored according to1=permanently?ooded,2=permanently wet soil surface,and3=permanently dry soil surface.The envelope lines were?tted manually.

CA).Variety PSBRC68had the lowest average yield,partly due to a taller plant type and the resulting occurrence of lodging damage at some sites.Across varieties,the data on varietal performance also showed a trend of higher yields on upper?elds,as already observed in the nutrient management trial,but again this difference was not statistically signi?cant.

In the second trial season,we removed PSBRC68and PSBRC 158because of their limited performance and replaced them with the new and highly promising varieties NSIC192and NSIC222. The by far best performing variety in the2010wet season was the newly released NSIC222,which outyielded all other varieties at5 of6sites,and achieved maximum yield of up to7.1t ha?1.The new drought-tolerant and short-duration variety NSIC192achieved the second-highest average yield across sites and yielded consistently above5t ha?1at all sites.The signi?cantly lowest average yield was observed for rainfed-lowland variety PSBRC14.

4.4.Maize performance in the dry season

Rainfall in the dry season was very low in both experimental sea-sons(but higher in the2009/10dry season)and maize was always irrigated.The irrigation frequency varied between farmers and sites but usually between6and10furrow irrigations were applied.In both experimental seasons,maize was grown with the same man-agement in all plots,the only differences were the treatments of the previous rice crop.Grain yield results from both seasons are shown in Table6.

Across sites,maize yields were considerably higher in the 2010/2011dry season,and especially at San Agustin very high grain yields of12.4–13.9t ha?1were achieved.Maize grain yields across treatments in the previous rice crop did not show any effect of the toposequence position,but in the2010/2011dry season the site had a clear effect on maize yields and much higher yields were observed at San Agustin.

Maize yields in both experimental seasons did not seem to be affected by the fertilizer treatment in the previous rice crop,with the exception of slightly lower maize yields in the T1treatment (this was the unfertilized treatment in the previous rice crop)but the difference was non-signi?cant.Similarly,varietal treatments

S.M.Haefele et al./Field Crops Research144(2013)52–6157 Table5

Rice grain yield(t ha?1)of different rice varieties fertilized with a standard NPK+Zn rate under rainfed conditions at various sites in Pangasinan.

Site code a Variety Mean PSBRC14PSBRC18PSBRC82PSBRC68b PSBRC158

2009wet season

SD-L 4.64 4.93 4.15 2.90 4.18 4.16a

SA-H 3.67 4.27 4.78 2.74 3.98 3.89ab SA-L 3.80 3.91 3.38 2.95 3.27 3.46abc SJ-H 4.38 4.03 3.15 2.78 3.03 3.47abc SJ-L 3.14 3.93 3.06 2.84 3.11 3.22abc LU-H 3.92 2.90 4.03 3.02 3.60 3.49abc LU-L 2.80 2.34 2.42 3.05 2.76 2.73cd CA-H 2.29 1.43 2.71 1.85 2.07 2.07d

CA-L 2.24 1.07 2.36 1.25 2.08 1.80d

AL-H 3.09 3.29 2.88 3.10 3.15 3.10bc Mean 3.40a 3.21a 3.32a 2.65b 3.13a LSD c

Site code a Variety Mean PSBRC14PSBRC18PSBRC82NSIC192NSIC222

2010wet season

SA-H 5.42 5.85 6.69 5.307.09 6.07a SA-L 5.47 5.33 5.41 5.417.05 5.73ab LU-H 3.87 5.57 5.08 5.18 5.58 5.06bc LU-L 3.26 4.84 5.47 5.42 5.94 4.99bc CA-H 4.10 4.29 4.90 5.45 4.45 4.64c CA-L 3.54 4.92 4.24 5.74 6.22 4.93c Mean 4.28c 5.13b 5.30b 5.42ab 6.05a LSD d

a SD-L:Sto Domingo Low;SA-H&L:San Agustin High and Low;SJ-H&L:San Jose High and Low;LU-H&L:Lungao High and Low;CA-H&L:Camanggaan High and Low; AL-H:Alcala High.

b Affected by?ood(and drought)across all sites because this was a tall,easily lodging variety.

c LSD5%2009wet season=438kg ha?1among variety treatments per site;LSD5%=620kg ha?1among sites per variety treatment.

d LSD5%2010wet season=715kg ha?1among variety treatments per site;LSD5%=783kg ha?1among sites per variety treatment.


Grain yield(t ha?1)of maize grown after rice in the fertilizer and variety trial.

Treatment of the previous rice crop Camanggaan Camanggaan Lungao Lungao Mean b

High Low High Low

Maize yield in t ha?1

2009/10dry season

T10-0- 6.97.9ab



T490-20- 6.48.3ab




V3PSBRC827.8 5.9


V5PSBRC158 Mean7.9a8.2a7.8a8.0a

San Agustin San Agustin Lungao Lungao Mean b

High Low High Low

Maize yield in t ha?1

2010/11dry season










V5NSIC22213.113.211.810.912.3a Mean13.0a13.4a11.0b11.1b

a A higher fertilizer rate(250-35-66kg N-P-K)was applied at Lungao High T4and V4in2009,in all other plots,the standard experimental rate was used(200-17-33kg N-P-K ha?1).

b For each trial,means in a column followed by the same letter are not signi?cantly different at5%level of signi?cance by LSD.

58S.M.Haefele et al./Field Crops Research144(2013)52–61


Estimated above-ground N,P,and K uptake for the yearly rice–maize sequence at two sites,in two toposequence positions,and in two years at Pangasinan,Philippines. 2009WS–2010DS High toposequence Low toposequence

Plant material Elements(kg ha?1)Elements(kg ha?1)



Rice Grain4791236710 Straw56912043792 Maize Grain1292636831723 Stover805216523140


Grain only17635481192433


Rice Grain29582446 Straw3457428461 Maize Grain11122311112231 Stover694185694185


Grain only13227391342637 2010WS–2011DS High toposequence Low toposequence

Plant material Elements(kg ha?1)Elements(kg ha?1)


San Agustin

Rice Grain551014621116 Straw65101397311158 Maize Grain16433461803650 Stover7351981127301


Grain only21943602424766


Rice Grain611116571015 Straw73111566710145 Maize Grain14129391422940 Stover715191855228


Grain only20240551993955 Fertilizer applied:rice90-9-17N-P-K kg ha?1,maize200-17-33N-P-K kg ha?1,and annual total290-26-50N-P-K kg ha?1.

in the rice season did not signi?cantly affect maize yields in the following dry season;only the low-yielding varietal treatment V4 in2009seemed to cause higher yields in the following maize crop. In the2009/2010dry season,the higher fertilizer rates in two sub-plots at Lungao High increased maize yields considerably,but this effect could not be statistically tested.

4.5.Estimated nutrient balances of the cropping system

Aboveground NPK uptake of straw and grain for rice and maize is given in Table7.Total uptake for each crop obviously mirrors the grain yields,and is thus generally higher in the second year of the cropping systems than in the?rst.And,resulting from the higher maize yields and NPK concentrations in grain and straw,the total aboveground uptake of all elements is considerably higher for maize at all sites and in both,paring the total NPK uptake of the system with the total NPK applied(290-26-50N-P-K kg ha?1)shows that,at both sites and even in the low-yielding year,2009/2010,the P and K applied was less than what was taken up by the two crops,and that,in the high-yielding year,2010/2011, NPK inputs were far below aboveground uptake of the cropping system.But,even if only the grains were removed,the PK balance would be equalized only at low-yielding site/season combinations such as Camanggaan2009/2010,and would still be highly negative for all sites in the high-yielding season(2010/2011).


One hypothesis determining the layout of the trials was that even small height differences between?elds could affect crop management and performance because of their effect on available nutrient and water resources.High variability of soil characteris-tics in rice environments with undulating topography and some relation to?eld position in the topography as well as crop perfor-mance has been reported in several studies(e.g.,Oberthuer and Kam,2000;Boling et al.,2008;Haefele and Konboon,2009).But,in the case of the soil characteristics in the target area in Pangasinan, no general trend in any of the observed soil characteristics could be detected,probably because the height differences between“high”and“low”?elds were too small,and perhaps also because the soils at the sites were relatively“young”soils with some recent volcanic ash input from the nearby Pinatubo eruption in1991.In agreement with these results,no signi?cant yield difference between topo-graphic positions could be detected,and the trend of lower yields on lower?elds across sites in the dryer2009wet season could not be explained and was probably an artifact in the data.Widespread

S.M.Haefele et al./Field Crops Research144(2013)52–6159

limitation of high-yielding rice crops by limited soil N,P,and K sup-plies,as indicated by the soil tests,has been reported frequently for the region(Dobermann and Oberthuer,1997;Wade et al.,1999). However,the soil test result of possible Zn de?ciencies has rarely been con?rmed by fertilizer experiments in the area.

The existing R–M system as practiced by many farmers in the region is the combination of mostly rainfed wet-season rice with irrigated dry-season maize.According to of?cial statistics,Pangasi-nan province has about146,400ha of irrigated rice,92,200ha of rainfed lowland rice(PhilRice,2008),and about33,600ha of yellow maize(AFMIS,2011).The analysis of potential cropping systems by Timsina et al.(2011)at a site with conditions similar to those in our target region indicated two options:rice in the wet sea-son followed by maize in the dry season(R–M)or the other way around(M–R),and the latter even had a slightly higher total yield potential(21.7t ha?1versus20.5t ha?1).But,the R–M system has several important advantages:the high water requirements of rice are dif?cult to ful?ll in the dry season when water is scarce;heavy wet-season rains regularly cause complete soil saturation in low-lands,which can be impossible to drain and may severely damage a maize crop;typhoons usually occur during the wet season and do less damage to rice than to maize;and maize suffers from a whole range of diseases in the wet season whereas rice has few disease problems even in humid conditions.Thus,the R–M sys-tem clearly seems the better choice.And,combined maximum yields achieved in the second season of our trials at San Agustin (7.1t ha?1of rice for variety NSIC222[Table5]and an average of 13.4t ha?1of maize[Table6])were close to the average potential yields simulated by Timsina et al.(2011)for the site Pila in Laguna. But,it must be noted that the2010/2011wet and dry season were very favorable due to suf?cient and well-distributed rains in the wet season and high solar radiation in the dry season(a La Ni?na phase).

The climatic characteristics of our two experimental seasons indicated some of the variability farmers have to deal with.Drought stress affected rice yields in the2009wet season(Table5and Fig.1)but none of the collaborating farmers irrigated during the wet season(for various reasons,including the damaged irrigation infrastructure).These typical rainfed conditions favored the old “rainfed”variety PSBRC14and it had the highest average yields although no signi?cant differences were detected.Then,shortly before harvest,the devastating typhoon Ondoy hit the region(26 September2009),causing some lodging in our trials,and espe-cially damaging the tall variety PSBRC68(Table5).The following dry season was relatively cloudy and low yielding,followed by a favorable wet season.The“rainfed”variety PSBRC14yielded low-est,surpassed by the“irrigated”varieties PSBRC18and PSBRC82. However,the new drought-tolerant rainfed lowland variety NSIC 192(breeding line IR74371-54-1-1,released in2011)kept up with the irrigated varieties and had particularly stable yields across sites, which was an important selection criterion for this variety(Kumar et al.,2012).The signi?cantly highest yields were achieved by NSIC 222,a very recently released high-yielding variety.The following dry season was also favorable due to the“La Nina”conditions with a mostly clear sky and almost no rainfall at all.These results show that even in this relatively favorable system weather-induced stress is common,which can be partially addressed by an adjusted vari-etal choice,and that conventional inbred varieties can still help to signi?cantly reduce production risk and improve system produc-tivity.

The fertilizer response in rice con?rmed the dominant N limi-tation,followed by a less strong P and K limitation,as described by other authors(e.g.,Dobermann and Oberthuer,1997;Wade et al., 1999).But,the fertilizer trial data also show the potential of nutri-ent management to mitigate drought-stress-induced yield losses (Fig.1).That nutrient×water interactions could be an important component for improving crop management for rice-based rainfed systems has been repeatedly hypothesized(Wade et al.,1998; La?tte,1998;Haefele and Bouman,2009).This hypothesis was based on?eld observations where improved nutrition alleviated the effects of drought stress(e.g.,Biswas et al.,1982;Tanguilig and De Datta,1988;Otoo et al.,1989;Jabbar et al.,2008).Accordingly, the results presented in Fig.1and Table4clearly show that improved plant nutrition reduces yield losses due to drought stress.However,the experiments could not statistically con?rm a special role of P supply in drought stress mitigation;the higher P rate in treatment T5seems to provide an advantage over T4only at the highest stress level(Fig.1).But,given the very low solubility of P in the soil solution and the importance of diffusion for P uptake, which are both directly affected by soil moisture,a positive effect of increased P availability on crop performance under drought is very likely,and has been described in other studies(e.g.,Khuntasuvon et al.,1998;Chin et al.,2010;Rodriguez et al.,1996).

The maize crop performance in our trials was strongly affected by the climatic conditions of the two experimental seasons;yields were low in the cloudy dry-season2009/2010,and very high in the sunny dry season2010/11.The trials also indicated the consid-erable scope for improvement of the current maize management practice by farmers and of existing recommendations,as was also shown by Pasuquin et al.(2010).The best-bet fertilizer rate we used for maize at our site had a considerably higher N rate(200-17-33kg N-P-K ha?1,estimated for a target yield of10–11t ha?1) than the existing general recommendation for hybrid maize in the Philippines(110-18-35kg N-P-K ha?1)or the average rate of farmers in the Philippines(129-12-20kg N-P-K ha?1)as reported by Pasuquin et al.(2010).The same authors developed a tool for site-speci?c nutrient and crop management for maize,which recommended an average rate of156-32-64kg N-P-K ha?1in the Philippines,indicating intermediate N rates and much higher and expensive P and K rates.The rates used in our experiments probably maximized internal P and K ef?ciency by allowing maximal dilution in the plan tissue(Janssen et al.,1990)but increased P and K mining at the same time.The?nal nutrient management tool as developed by Pasuquin et al.(2010)needs to?nd a compromise between agro-nomic,economic and sustainability targets,but should then allow optimizing maize production and adjusting fertilizer recommenda-tions to local conditions and target yields.Our results also suggest that the tool needs to take the performance and management of the previous crops into consideration,because grain yields achieved as well as straw and stover management have a signi?cant effect on adequate P and K rates(see discussion below).And although the fertilizer management in the rice crop seemed to have a limited effect in the following maize crop(Table6),this might not be true the other way round.

Another important crop management factor that needs to be addressed is maize establishment.Currently,farmers practice standard soil tillage with2–3passes and drill seeding,whereas we successfully used zero-till technology for maize establishment. This could reduce establishment costs substantially but adequate machinery for zero-till establishment is rarely available in the Philippines.Given the widespread availability of two-wheel trac-tors,zero-till drill-seeding equipment for such tractors might be the best option.

System sustainability is another important aspect to consider. Intensive R–M systems in lowlands are a relatively recent devel-opment in the Philippines and not much long-term experience is available.In a long-term trial at the International Rice Research Institute,a rapidly decreasing soil organic matter(SOM)content has been observed,whereas the parallel rice–rice cropping system had no such trend(Pampolino et al.,2008).This mineralization of SOM could of course contribute considerable amounts of nutrients to the crop,but probably not for very long.And,the estimation

60S.M.Haefele et al./Field Crops Research144(2013)52–61

of total NPK uptake in the analyzed R–M system made clear that, even if only the rice and maize grains were removed,the PK balance would be equalized only in“low”-yielding years(which is never-theless remarkable given the relatively low P and K rates we used in both seasons).Higher fertilizer rates as proposed by Pasuquin et al.(2010)could cover the nutrient removals with the grain,but it was argued before that partial mining might be the best strategy, especially for the abundant element K(Buresh et al.,2010;Pasuquin et al.,2010).But,even such approaches quickly become very expen-sive if substantial amounts of straw and stover are removed from the?eld too,as the total NPK uptake of the cropping system in Table7illustrates.Farmers participating in our experiments did not remove much rice straw and most of it remained in the?eld. However,at least part of the maize stover was used or sold as fodder and,in the latter case,these resources were lost from the system. Thus,to maintain system productivity,it seems most promising to combine different management elements,including balanced NPK fertilizer rates allowing some mining,recycling of waste products from residue use on the farm as much as possible,and only par-tial removal of residues from the?elds.Even then,we assume that the SOM concentration will be declining from the level of a rice–rice system but it can be expected to stabilize at a lower level(Jenkinson, 1988).


The R–M system we analyzed was highly productive in the two experimental years,and con?rmed earlier theoretical analy-ses of potential grain yields above20t ha?1(rice and maize)in a favorable year.However,sub-optimal climate conditions affected grain production in the other year considerably,highlighting the need for resilient crop management options.Varietal choice con-stitutes such an option and can help to reduce production losses,for example,by selecting the variety according to average?eld-speci?c characteristics(drought-prone,favorable,?ood-prone).Balanced fertilizer applications also reduced stress-dependent yield losses, and helped to maximize grain yield in a favorable year.Across all sites,we could not con?rm any signi?cant effect of the topose-quence on soil characteristics or grain yields,probably because the height differences in this environment were too small and because the soils were relatively young.And although the fertilizer manage-ment in the previous rice crop did not signi?cantly affect maize crop performance,fertilizer management in the maize crop might have a stronger effect on the rice crop,and nutrient recommendations should take such effects into consideration.Establishing the tech-nology of minimum tillage and drill seeding is promising and could help to reduce production costs;however,suitable machinery is not yet available to farmers in the Philippines.A simple nutrient balance indicated the considerable danger of soil nutrient mining in the cropping system,which could aggravate possible trends of declining soil organic matter concentrations in R–M systems.We concluded that a combination of speci?c management components can reduce production risk and optimize system productivity.And, it seems most promising to combine different management ele-ments to maintain system productivity,including balanced NPK fertilizer rates with limited P and K mining,recycling of waste prod-ucts from residue use on the farm as much as possible,and only partial removal of residues from the?elds.The study shows,that the tropical R–M system has large potential and some important elements for better management are already available.However, some more adaptive on-farm research will be needed to further optimize system management.


This study was partly funded through the Bureau of Agricultural Research by the Department of Agriculture of the Republic of the Philippines as part of the project“Improved Nutrient Management Options for Unfavorable Rainfed Lowlands in the Philippines(IRRI Project reference number:DPPC2008-69)”.


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3DLO 3D long offset seismic survey三维长偏移距野外资料采集 3DHR-HR 3D High resolution –high ???seismic survey 三维高分辨-高密野外资料采集。AAC = adjusted AC; ABI inclination at the drill bit AC acoustic 声波时差 ACN =adjusted CN; ADN Azimuthal neotron density AIT* Array Induction Imager Tool A&S admistration&service AHC Ascendant Hierarchical Clustering ARC Induction Resistivity GR annulus pressure ingrated tool ARI Azimuth resistivity imager方位电阻率成像测井仪 APD Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) above Permanent Datum APWD apparatus whle drilling ASI Array seismic imager阵列地震成像仪 A VG: Average A VO Amplitude Versus Offset(Amplitude variation with offset calibration)振幅-炮检距 关系 AZI: Azimuth (deg) BBC Buy Back Contract BGG: Background Gas (%) BGP 物探局 BHFP bottomhole flowing pressure BHS :Borehole Status BHT :Bottom Hole Temperature BHTA 声波幅度 BHTT 声波返回时间 BLWH Blue White BML below mud line BOP Blow out preventer BOP stack 防喷器组 BS Bit Size BSW basic?? saturation water(综合含水) CAL borehole diameter 井径 CAST 声波扫描成像测井仪 CBI Central Bank of Iran CBIL 井周声波成像 CBL Cement Bond Log CC correlation coefficient CCAL common core analysis常规岩心分析 CCL Casing Collar Locator CCM Contractors Committee Meeting CDF cumulative density function CDF Calibrated Downhole Force


EVT(Engineering Verification Test)工程验证测试阶段 DVT(Design Verification Test)设计验证测试阶段 DMT(Design Maturity Test)成熟度验证 MVT(Mass-Production Verification Test)量产验证测试 PVT(Production/Process Verification Test)生产/制程验证测试阶段MP(Mass Production)量产 工程师类: PE: Product Engineer 产品工程师 Process Engineer 制程工程师 ME: Mechanical Engineer 机构工程师 IE:Industrial Engineer 工业工程师 QE: Quality Engineer 品质工程师 SQESupplier Quality Engineer供货商质量工程师 QC quality control 品质管理人员 FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员 IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员 OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员

IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理 POC passage quality control 段检人员 QA quality assurance 质量保证人员 OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员 QE quality engineering 品质工程人员 TE Test Engineer 测试工程师 AE Automatic Engineer 自动化工程师 研发类: R&D Research & Design 设计开发部 ID (Industry Design)工业设计 MD (Mechanical Design)结构设计 HW(Hardware) 硬件设计 SW(Software)软件设计 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理 PLM product lifecycle management 产品生命周期管理电子设计:


目录 一、工作原理 (3) 二、机器的运动方案分析及选择 (3) (一)设计基本要求 (3) (二)主传动运动方案分析及选择 (4) (三)方案比较及组合 (6) 三、机构系统的尺寸设计 (7) (一)曲柄滑块运动尺寸设计 (7) (二)凸轮的设计 (7) (三)机构运动、位移、速度、加速度分析 (8) 四、数据验证分析 (15) 五、机器运动简图 (17) 六、运动循环图 (18) 七、传动系统方案设计 (18) 八、总结与感想 (19) 九、参考文献 (20)

一、工作原理 平台印刷机的工作原理是复印原理,即将铅板上凸出的痕迹借助于油墨压印到纸张上。平台印刷机一般由输纸、着墨(即将油墨均匀涂抹在嵌于版台上的铅板上)、压印、收纸等四部分组成。如图6-9所示,平台印刷机的压印动作是在卷有纸张的卷筒与嵌有铅板的版台之间进行的。整部机器中各机构的运动均由同一电动机驱动。运动由电动机经过减速装置i后分成两路,一路经传动机构Ⅰ带动版台作往复直移运动,另一路经传动机构Ⅱ带动滚筒作回转运动。当版台与滚筒接触时,在纸张上压印出字迹或图形。版台工作行程中有三个区段。在第一区段中,送纸、着墨机构相继完成输纸、着墨作业;在第二区段中,滚筒和版台完成压印动作;在第三区段中,收纸机构进行收纸作业。 二、机器的运动方案分析及选择 (一)设计基本要求 (1)要求构思合适的机构方案实现平台印刷机的主运动:版台作往复直移运动,滚筒作连续间歇转动 (2)为了保证印刷质量,要求在压印过程中,滚筒与版台之间无相对滑动,即在压印区段,滚筒表面点的线速度与版台移动速度相等。 (3)为保证整个幅面上的印痕浓淡一致,要求版台在压印区内的速度变化限制在一定的范围内(应尽可能小);


生产制造企业英文及缩写大全 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(1)--供应链/物料控制.............. 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(2)--生产/货仓.................... 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(3)--工程/工序(制程)............ 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(4)--质量/体系.................... 业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(5)--营业/采购...................... 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(6)--BOM 通用缩写............... 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(7)--Shipping 装运.............. 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(8)--协议/合同/海关 .............. 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(9)--称号/部门/公司 .............. 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(10)--认证/产品测试/标准......... 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(11)--Genenic 普通书写.......... 企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(12)--Currencies 货币代码.......

企业生产经营相关英文及缩写之(1)--供应链/物料控制 Supply Chain 供应链? / Material Control 物料控制 APS Advanced Planning Scheduling 先进规划与排期 ATO Assembly To Order 装配式生产 COM Customer Order Management 客户订单管理 CRP Capacity Requirement Planning 产量需求计划 EMS Equipment Management System / Electronic Management Syste m 设备管理系统/ 电子管理系统 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划 I/T Inventory Turn 存货周转率 JIT Just In Time 刚好及时- 实施零库存管理 MBP Master Build Plan 大日程计划-主要的生产排期 MES Management Execution System 管理执行系统 MFL Material Follow-up List 物料跟进清单 MMS Material Management System 物料管理系统 MPS Master Production Scheduling 大日程计划-主要的生产排期MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划 MS Master Scheduling 大日程计划-主要的生产排期 MTO Make To Order 订单式生产 MTS Make To Stock 计划式生产 OHI On Hand Inventory 在手库存量 PSS Production Scheduling System 生产排期系统 SML Shortage Material List 缺料物料单 VMI Vendor Managed Inventory 供应商管理的库存货 UML Urgent Material List 急需物料单


水性印刷机机械结构及工作原理——课程小结 一、水性印刷机的种类 1、水性印刷机的组成:主要由送纸单元、印刷单元、开槽单元、模切单元、堆叠单元组成。 2、水性印刷机的种类:低档型、中档型、高档型。 二、水性印刷机各部位名称及功能 ◆中档上印带开槽模切机构造原理图 1、工作原理: 此类型机是采用后踢式送纸(或前缘吸附滚轮摩擦方式),利用每个机组单元的带纸压轮传送瓦楞纸板;在纸板传送过程中,纸板的面纸与印刷滚筒上的印版相接触,通过压印辊和印版的压力印刷出图文后,进入压线开槽和模切单元作业,最终成纸箱未接合形状。 2、送纸单元各部位名称及功能: 送纸单元主要由:前、后、左、右挡板,推板,吸风装置,除尘毛刷和上、下送纸胶辊构成。 3、印刷单元各部位名称及功能: 印刷单元主要由:胶辊、网纹辊、印刷辊、底压辊、带纸压轮和输墨装置构成。 4、开槽单元各部位名称及功能: 开槽单元主要由:预压线轮、压线轮和开槽刀轮构成。 5、模切单元各部位名称及功能: 模切单元主要由:模版辊、砧垫辊、修磨装置和带纸压轮构成。 6、堆叠单元各部位名称及功能: 堆叠单元主要由:接纸臂、输送台和收纸台构成。 ◆高档下印带开槽模切机构造原理图 1、工作原理: 此类机型是采用前缘吸附滚轮摩擦方式送纸,利用每个印刷单元的真空吸附系统,将所要生产的瓦楞纸板背面平整的吸附在传送小轮上,在纸板传送过程中,纸板的面纸与印刷滚筒上的印版相接触,通过压印辊和印版的压力印刷出图文后进入干燥单元,干燥单元配有的干燥装置将对纸板表面的水墨进行干燥,最后进入压线开槽和模切单元作业成纸箱未接合形状。 2、送纸单元各部位名称及功能: 送纸单元主要由:前、后、左、右挡板,前缘送纸机构,吸风装置,除尘毛刷和上、下送纸胶辊构成。 3、印刷单元各部位名称及功能: 印刷单元主要由:腔式刮刀(或胶辊)、网纹辊、印刷辊、压印辊、真空吸附机构、传送小轮和输墨装置构成。 4、干燥单元各部位名称及功能: 干燥单元主要由:真空吸附机构、传送小轮和干燥装置(热风装置、红外线装置等)构成。 5、开槽单元各部位名称及功能: 开槽单元主要由:预压线轮、压线轮和开槽刀轮构成。 6、模切单元各部位名称及功能: 模切单元主要由:模版辊、砧垫辊、修磨装置和带纸压轮构成。 7、堆叠单元各部位名称及功能: 堆叠单元主要由:震动接纸臂、输送台和收纸台构成。 三、揭开网纹辊的神秘面纱 1、网纹辊的作用:定量均匀的向印版传递油墨。 2、网纹辊分为“金属网纹辊”和“陶瓷网纹辊”两大类。 3、金属网纹辊的特点:


石油化工英语常用缩写(第一版) 序号缩写英文中文 1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置 2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油 3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单 4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师 5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油 6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫 7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会 8 BD Business Director 商务主任 9 BD Business Development 市场部 10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包 11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水 12 BL Battery limits 界区 13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据 14 BM Bill of Material 材料表 15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础 16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量 17 BP Boiling point 沸点 18 BS Bright stock 光亮油 19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会 20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯 21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位 22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯 23 C Construction 施工 24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计 25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图 26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭 27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生 28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置 29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油 30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数 31 CL Center line 中心线 32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理 33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要 34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量 35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包 36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法 37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整 38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢 39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水 40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计 41 GB GUO BIAO 国标 42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期 43 GG Gauge glass 玻璃液面计 44 GHSV Gaseous hourly space velocity 气体体积空速 45 GPH Gas phase hydrogenation 气相加氢 46 GSN Global Supply Network 全球供应网络 47 GTG Gas Turbine Generator 燃气涡轮发电机 48 GW Gross weight 毛重 49 HAZID Hazard Identification Review 危险识别审查 50 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究


制造业中常用的英文缩写 工业常用的英文缩写 品质人员名称类 QC quality control 品质管理人员 FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员 IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员 OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员 IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员 TQC total quality control 全面质量管理 POC passage quality control 段检人员 QA quality assurance 质量保证人员 OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员 QE quality engineering 品质工程人员 品质保证类 FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查 FAA first article assurance 首件确认 CP capability index 能力指数媵 CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数 SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商品质评估 FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析 FQC运作类 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准 S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小 ACC Accept 允收 REE Reject 拒收 CR Critical 极严重的 MAJ Major 主要的 MIN Minor 轻微的 Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度/服务 P/N Part Number 料号藊 L/N Lot Number 批号 AOD Accept On Deviation 特采 UAI Use As It 特采 FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告 PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一 制程统计品管专类 SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制 SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理 GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸 DIA Diameter 直径 N Number 样品数


印刷机送纸机构虚拟设计 2007-6-6 11:52:00网络转载供稿 数字化虚拟样机技术是缩短产品开发周期,降低开发成本,提高产品设计和制造的重要途径。目前国外设计部门都已经大规模地应用到机械的运动学和动力学仿真,利用仿真的概念,使设计流程由设计—实验—改进设计—再实验—再设计的设计理念转变为设计—仿真—实验,使设计中的关键问题在设计初期以参数化,数字化的形式加以解决。长期以来,印刷机的送纸机构的分析和设计处于图解、公式计算分析的基础上,以简化性为前提,不仅效率低下,结果难免具有近似性和粗糙性。采用计算机辅助技术虽然改变了手工计算的方法带来的不便,但仍然以近似简化假设为基础,并没有把分析和设计结合起来,尤其对于优化,不能设计系统的优化程序和模型,给工程设计带了一个难题,而采用虚拟样机技术可有效的解决以上问题。 1 理论计算 已知曲柄1偏心为a,转角θ1,等角速度w1,中心距L,分析导杆位置θ2;角速度w2;角加速度a 2。摆动导杆机构见图1: 图1 摆动导杆机构 acosθ1+asinθ1cotθ2=L,令L/a=k

cotθ2=kcscθ1-cotθ1,两边对t求导得: w2csc2θ2=(kcscθ1cotθ1-csc2θ1)w1 w2=(kcosθ1-1)w1/(k2+1-2kcosθ1)两边对t求导得: a2=(kcosθ1-1)a1/(k2+1-2kcosθ1)-(k2-1)kw12sinθ1/(k2+1-2kcosθ1)2 摇杆滑块机构见图2。 图2 摇杆滑块机构 h=r3cosβ3-r4sinβ4 s=r3sinβ3-r4cosβ3 由以上两式可得到s=r3sinβ3+(2r4-2(r3cosβ3-h))/2 两边对t求导, 得v=r3w3cosβ3+(r3cosβ3-h)r3w3sinβ33/(2r4-2(rcosβ3-h))/2,再求导可推导。 2 虚拟设计过程 印刷机常用推板机构示意图,见图3。


石油化工英语常用缩写(第一版)(,石油软件下载) 序号缩写英文中文 1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置 2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油 3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单 4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师 5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油 6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫 7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会 8 BD Business Director 商务主任 9 BD Business Development 市场部 10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包 11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水 12 BL Battery limits 界区 13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据 14 BM Bill of Material 材料表 15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础 16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量 17 BP Boiling point 沸点 18 BS Bright stock 光亮油 19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会 20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯 21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位 22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯 23 C Construction 施工 24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计 25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图 26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭 27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生 28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置 29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油 30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数 31 CL Center line 中心线 32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理 33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要 34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量 35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包 36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法 37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整 38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢 39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水 40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计 41 GB GUO BIAO 国标 42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期


一:常用術語 Hon Hai 鴻海 CMM Component module move 機動元件整合 CEM Contract Manu faction service 合約委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 國際互聯網應用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 個人電腦外設事業群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector& cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鴻富錦事業群 SABG system assembly business group 系統組裝事業群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鴻準 Stamping tool shop I 沖模一廠 Stamping tool shop II 沖模二廠 Prototype workshop 樣品中心 Steel factory 裁剪廠 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模廠 Hua Nan test and measurement center 華南檢測中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 鎂合金 Engineer standard 工標 Document center (database center)資料中心 Design Center 設計中心 Painting 烤漆(廠) Assembly組裝(廠) Stamping 沖壓(廠) Education and Training教育訓練 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技術交流研習會 Technology and Development Committee 技術發展委員會 BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩 QCC Quality Control Circle 品質圈 PDCA Plan Do Check Action 計劃執行檢查總結 DCC delivery control center 交貨管制中心 3C Computer 電腦類產品 Consumer electronics 消費性電子產品 Communication 通訊類產品 Core value(核心价值) Love 愛心


空间光通信技术简介 空间光通信又称为激光无线通信或无线光通信。根据用途又可分为卫星光通信和大气光通信两大类。自从60年代激光器问世开始,人们就开研究激光通信,这时的研究也主要集中在地面大气的传输中,但因各种困难未能进入实际应用。低损耗光纤波导和实用化半导体激光器的诞生为激光通信的实际应用打开了大门,目前光纤通信已经遍布世界各国的各个城市。由于对无线通信的需求的增长,再有卫星激光通信的快速发展,自从90年代开始,人们又开始重新对地面无线光通信感兴趣,进行了大量的研究,并且开发出可以实用的商业化产品。 一、开展空间光通信研究的意义及应用前景 1.作为卫星光通信链路地面模拟系统的技术组成部分 卫星光通信链路系统在上卫星前必须有地面模拟演示系统,以保障电子系统、光学系统、机械自动化控制系统等各子系统的良好工作。在链路捕捉完成以后,与以太网相连的无线光通信系统借助于光链路的桥梁,源源不断地输送以太网上的信息,这是考验光链路稳定性能的重要指标。 2.为低轨道卫星与地面站间的卫星光通信打下良好的技术基础 低轨道卫星与地面站的通信会受到天气的影响,选择干旱少雨地区建立地面站在相当程度上缓解了这一矛盾,再通过地面站之间的光纤网可以把卫星上信息送到所需地点,这从技术上牵涉到空间光通信网与光纤网连接问题,这方面问题已经基本得到解决。 3.空间光通信具有巨大的潜在市场和商业价值 ●可以克服一些通常容易碰到的自然因素障碍 当河流、湖泊、港湾、马路、立交桥和其它自然因素阻碍铺设光纤时,无线光通信系统可跨越宽阔的河谷,繁华的街道,将两岸或者岛屿与陆地连接起来。 ●提供大容量多媒体宽带网接入 用无线光通信系统作为接入解决方案,不需耗资、耗时地铺设光纤就能满足对办公大楼或商业集中区大容量接入的需要。 ●可为大企业、大机关提供部大容量宽带网 无线光通信系统能在企业、机关围为建筑物与建筑物之间的大容量连接提供一种开放空间传送的解决方案。 ●为公安、军队等重要部门提供高速宽带通信。 ●支持灾难抢救的应急系统 无线光通信系统可为灾难抢救提供一种大容量的临时通信解决方案 ●为一时性大规模的重要活动提供临时的大规模通信系统 例如,奥运会和其他体育运动会、音乐会、大型会议以及贸易展览会等专门活动往往需要大容量宽带媒体覆盖。无线光通信系统能提供一种迅速、经济而有效的解决方案,不受原有通信系统的带宽限制,也不用再去办理光纤铺设许可证。 二、空间光通信的优势 1.组网机动灵活 无线光通信设备将来可广泛适用于数据网(Ethernet,Token Ring,Fast Ethernet,FDDI,ATM,STM-x等)、网、微蜂窝及微微蜂窝(E1/T1—E3/T3,OC-3等)、多媒体(图像)通信等领域。可以把这些网上信息加载在光波上,在空气中直接传输出去,这种简便的通信方式对于频率拥挤的环境是非常理想的,例如:城市、大型公司、大学、政府机构、办公楼群等。


3DLO 3DHR-HR 3D long offset seismic survey 三维长偏移距野外资料采集 3D High resolution–high ???seismic survey三维高分辨-高密野外资料采集。 AAC = adjusted AC; ABI inclination at the drill bit AC ACN ADN AIT* A&S AHC ARC ARI acoustic 声波时差 =adjusted CN; Azimuthal neotron density Array Induction Imager Tool admistration&service Ascendant Hierarchical Clustering Induction Resistivity GR annulus pressure ingrated tool Azimuth resistivity imager方位电阻率成像测井仪 APD Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) above Permanent Datum APWD ASI AVG: AVO apparatus whle drilling Array seismic imager 阵列地震成像仪 Average Amplitude Versus Offset(Amplitude variation with offset calibration) 振幅 -炮检距关系 AZI: BBC BGG: Azimuth (deg) Buy Back Contract Background Gas (%) BGP 物探局 BHFP bottomhole flowing pressure BHS :Borehole Status BHT :Bottom Hole Temperature BHTA BHTT 声波幅度 声波返回时间 BLWH Blue White BML below mud line BOP Blow out preventer BOP stack 防喷器组 BS Bit Size BSW basic?? saturation water(综合含水) CAL borehole diameter 井径 CAST 声波扫描成像测井仪 CBI Central Bank of Iran CBIL 井周声波成像 CBL CC CCAL CCL CCM CDF CDF Cement Bond Log correlation coefficient common core analysis 常规岩心分析 Casing Collar Locator Contractors Committee Meeting cumulative density function Calibrated Downhole Force


光纤通信论文 光纤通信论文 光纤通信系统工程设计 摘要 根据课堂所学内容的原理,这次我们设计的任务是34MB/S光纤通信系统工程,具体设计是从实训楼D339到数学A楼弱电间之间开通一套34MB光纤系统。 要求设计当中要选择合适的路线,并计算总长度以及光纤的长度、光纤的使用芯数,而且要选择合适的光纤、光缆和光端机。并写出具体的实施及方案、工程造价、光通路保护、光端机安装后的系统调测,并说明如何对工程施工质量进行控制。 目录 前言 (1) 第1章概论 (2) 1.1 光纤通信发展的历史 (2) 1.2光纤通信发展的现状 (2) 1.3光纤通信的发展趁势 (3) 第2章光通信系统 (5) 2.1 光纤的介绍 (5) 2.1.1光纤概念 (5) 2.1.2光纤传输原理分析 (5) 2.1.3光纤的传输特性 (5)

2.1.4光纤的型号介绍 (7) 2.2光缆的介绍 (8) 2.2.1光缆历史 (8) 2.2.2光缆的种类 (8) 2.2.3光缆网是信息高速路的基石 (9) 2.3光端机的介绍 (9) 2.3.1模拟光端机 (10) 2.3.2数字光端机 (10) 2.4光纤通信的介绍 (11) 2.5光纤通信技术与产业发展中几个值得思考的问题 (11) 2.5.1积极创新开发具有自主知识产权的新技术 (12) 2.5.2开发具有先进技术水平、与使用环境、施工技术相配套的新产品 (12) 第3章材料选择 (13) 3.1距离测量 (13) 3.2光纤、光缆选择 (13) 3.3光端机选择 (14) 第4章具体的实施及方案 (17) 4.1光缆线路的施工程序 (17) 4.2光缆的直埋敷设 (18) 4.3 用光纤将发送与接收连接 (18) 第5章光通路保护 (19) 第6章光端机安装后的系统调测 (21) 6.1光发送机参数测试 (21)


膅EVT(Engineering Verification Test)工程验证测试阶段 膁DVT(Design Verification Test)设计验证测试阶段 艿DMT(Design Maturity Test)成熟度验证 腿MVT(Mass-Production Verification Test)量产验证测试 薃PVT(Production/Process Verification Test)生产/制程验证测试阶段膄MP(Mass Production)量产 莈工程师类: 芆PE: Product Engineer 产品工程师

莅Process Engineer 制程工程师 羃ME: Mechanical Engineer 机构工程师 莈IE:Industrial Engineer 工业工程师 蚇QE: Quality Engineer 品质工程师 肇SQESupplier Quality Engineer供货商质量工程师 蚂QC quality control 品质管理人员 蒈FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员 肈IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员蒅OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员

蒁IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员薈TQC total quality control 全面质量管理 葿POC passage quality control 段检人员 芇QA quality assurance 质量保证人员 蒄OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员蚈QE quality engineering 品质工程人员 薆TE Test Engineer 测试工程师 蚄AE Automatic Engineer 自动化工程师


AMGP 墨西哥石油地质家协会Amoco International Oil Co. 阿莫科国际石油公司ancestral petroleum 原石油 AOCS 美国石油化学家学会 AOGA 阿拉斯加石油与天然气协会 APEA 澳大利亚石油勘探协会 API Bull 美国石油学会通报 API Chain 美国石油学会标准链条 API connection 美国石油学会标准接头 API degree 美国石油学会规定之原油重度 API drill pipe thread 美国石油学会标准钻杆螺纹 API hydrometer 美国石油学会液体比重计 API PSD 美国石油学会石油安全数据 API Pub 美国石油学会出版物 API Rp 美国石油学会推荐作法 API separator 美国石油学会标准分离器 API Spec 美国石油学会规范 API standard grid presentation 美国石油学会标准测井曲线网格图 API Std 美国石油学会标准 API test procedure 美国石油学会试验程序 API tolerance 美国石油学会公差

API tubing thread 美国石油学会油管螺纹API 美国石油学会 APIC 美国石油工业委员会 APIGU 美国石油学会伽马测井标准单位APINU 美国石油学会中子测井标准单位 APOA 北极石油经营者协会 APPI 亚洲石油价格指数 APRT 预收石油收入税 Arab Petroleum Congress 阿拉伯石油会议Arabian Oil Co. Ltd. 阿拉伯石油有限公司araeo picnometer 石油比重计 arctic oil 北极地区用油;靠近北极区开采的石油aromatic petroleum solvent 芳族石油溶剂ARTEP 石油开采技术研究协会 artificial asphalt 人造石油沥青 ASCOPE 东南亚国家联盟石油理事会 ASPG 阿尔伯达石油地质家学会 asphalt base petroleum 沥青基石油ASSOPO 海运和海上石油作业安全自动化Banoco 巴林国家石油公司


光纤通信技术介绍 光纤通信是利用光波作载波,以光纤作为传输媒质将信息从一处传至另一处的通信方式。1966年英籍华人高锟博士发表了一篇划时代性的论文,他提出利用带有包层材料的石英玻璃光学纤维,能作为通信媒质。从此,开创了光纤通信领域的研究工作。1977年美国在芝加哥相距7000米的两电话局之间,首次用多模光纤成功地进行了光纤通信试验。85微米波段的多模光纤为第一代光纤通信系统。1981年又实现了两电话局间使用1.3微米多模光纤的通信系统,为第二代光纤通信系统。1984年实现了1.3微米单模光纤的通信系统,即第三代光纤通信系统。80年代中后期又实现了1.55微米单模光纤通信系统,即第四代光纤通信系统。用光波分复用提高速率,用光波放大增长传输距离的系统,为第五代光纤通信系统。新系统中,相干光纤通信系统,已达现场实验水平,将得到应用。光孤子通信系统可以获得极高的速率,20世纪末或21世纪初可能达到实用化。在该系统中加上光纤放大器有可能实现极高速率和极长距离的光纤通信。 就光纤通信技术本身来说,应该包括以下几个主要部分:光纤光缆技术、光交换技术传输技术、光有源器件、光无源器件以及光网络技术等。 光纤技术的进步可以从两个方面来说明: 一是通信系统所用的光纤; 二是特种光纤。早期光纤的传输窗口只有3个,即850nm(第一窗口)、1310nm(第二窗口)以及1550nm(第三窗口)。近几年相继开发出第四窗口(L波段)、第五窗口(全波光纤)以及S波段窗口。其中特别重要的是无水峰的全波窗口。这些窗口开发成功的巨大意义就在于从1280nm到1625nm 的广阔的光频范围内,都能实现低损耗、低色散传输,使传输容量几百倍、几千倍甚至上万倍的增长。这一技术成果将带来巨大的经济效益。另一方面是特种光纤的开发及其产业化,这是一个相当活跃的领域。 1. 有源光纤 这类光纤主要是指掺有稀土离子的光纤。如掺铒(Er3+)、掺钕(Nb3+)、掺镨(Pr3+)、掺镱(Yb3+)、掺铥(Tm3+)等,以此构成激光活性物质。这是制造光纤光放大器的核心物质。不同掺杂的光纤放大器应用于不同的工作波段,如掺饵光纤放大器(EDFA)应用于1550nm附近(C、L波段);掺镨光纤放大器(PDFA)主要应用于1310nm波段;掺铥光纤放大器(TDFA)主要应用于S波段等。这些掺杂光纤放大器与喇曼(Raman)光纤放大器一起给光纤通信技术带来了革命性的变化。它的显著作用是:直接放大光信号,延长传输距离;在光纤通信网和有线电视网(CATV网)中作分配损耗补偿;此外,在波分复用(WDM)系统中及光孤子通信系统中是不可缺少的关键元器件。正因为有了光纤放大器,才能实现无中继器的百万公里的光孤子传输。也正是有了光纤放大器,不仅能使WDM传输的距离大幅度延长,而且也使得传输的性能最佳化。 2. 色散补偿光纤(Dispersion Compensation Fiber,DCF) 常规G.652光纤在1550nm波长附近的色散为17ps/nm×km。当速率超过2.5Gb/s时,随着传输距离的增加,会导致误码。若在CATV系统中使用,会使信号失真。其主要原因是正色散值的积累引起色散加剧,从而使传输特性变坏。为了克服这一问题,必须采用色散值为负的光纤,即将反色散光纤串接入系统中以抵消正色散值,从而控制整个系统的色散大小。这里的反色散光纤就是所谓的色散补偿光纤。在1550nm处,反色散光纤的色散值通常在-50~200ps/nm×km。为了得到如此高的负色散值,必须将其芯径做得很小,相对折射率差做得很大,而这种作法往往又会导致光纤的衰耗增加(0.5~1dB/km)。色散补偿光纤是利用基模波导色散来获得高的负色散值,通常将其色散与衰减之比称作质量因数,质量因数当然越大越好。为了能在整个波段均匀补偿常规单模光纤的色散,最近又开发出一种既补偿色散又能补偿色散斜率的"双补偿"光纤(DDCF)。该光纤的特点是色散斜率之比(RDE)与常规光纤相同,
