

Analog IP Simulation Case-lists and Co-sim Case lists


1Lists of Analog IP Simulation Cases (3)

2List of Analog IP co-sim cases (5)

1Lists of Analog IP Simulation Cases

Based on the requirements of project specifications, the project manager and/or the top-level analog front-end designer must give the simulation case-lists and the simulation result analysis report for all analog IPs, the simulation case-lists must cover all the kinds of conditions in reality with all Process-Voltage-Temperature corner combinations.

(1).The followings list all the process-voltage-temperature combination of corners that all analog IP must be simulated.

(2).The floowings list the general simulations that all analog IP must be simulated:

Followings list all the simulation case-lists of a bandgap design in a chip. Designers should follow this example for other analog IPs. All simulations are based on all PVT corners unless explicitly described:

2List of Analog IP co-sim cases

Based on the requirements of the project specifications and the interconnection among analog IPs or between analog & digital IPs, the project manager and/or the top-level analog front-end designer must give various co-simulation case-lists for all possible analog/digital IP combinations with co-simulation result reports.

Following is an example that lists all the combination-simulation cases of a bandgap and a ChargePump5V in a chip. Designers should follow this example for other combination simulation cases.
