

(一) 知识概要

数词用来表示人或物的数目多少和顺序。所以数词主要有两种:基数词,用于计数,如:one, two…

序数词,用于表示位置先后或次序,如:first second…



1 one

first 1st

2 two

second 2nd

3 three

third 3rd

4 four

fourth 4th

5 five

fifth 5th 6 six

sixth 6th 7 seven seventh 7th 8 eight eighth 8th

9 nine

ninth 9th 10 ten

tenth 10th 11 eleven eleventh 11th 12 twelve twelfth 12th 13 thirteen thirteenth 13th 14 fourteen fourteenth 14th 15 fifteen fifteenth 15th

16 sixteen sixteenth 16th 17 seventeen seventeenth 17th 18 eighteen eighteenth 18yh 19 nineteen nineteenth 19th 20 twenty twentieth 20th 21 twenty-one twenty-first 21st 30 thirty thirtieth 30th 40 forty fortieth 40th 50 fifty

fiftieth 50th 60 sixty sixtieth 60th 70 seventy seventieth 70th

80 eighty

eightieth 80th

90 ninety

ninetieth 90th

100 a(one)hundred

hundredth 100th

104 one hundred and four hundred and fourth 104th

1000 a(one) thounsand thounsandth 1000th

10000 ten thounsand ten thounsandth 10000th

1000000 o ne million

millionth 1000000th


1 基数词构成结构


101-999的三位数字,由hundred 加and 再加二位数或未位数字,如:101- one hundred and one,

223- two hundred and twenty-three.



1001- one thousand and one 5386- five thousand, three hundred and eighty-six

要注意的是hundred, thousand, million与billion的用法。①前面有别的基数词时,即若干个百、千、百万、十亿时,其本身都不要加s,如:three hundred students。②若表示成百,成千或数百,数千时,前面不能有基数词,但其本身要用复数形式,然后+of+名词复数。如:thousands of。(成千上万)

2 序数词的构成法

序数词除first, second, third 以外,其余一般在词尾加th构成,除一般略有差异的个别数词外,很容易掌握。其二位数或多位数只将后面的个位数字改为序数词,其前面各位数字均不改变,都用基数词。

如:21 twenty-one twenty-first

306three hundred and six

three hundred and sixth

3 其他数字表示法


26.457读成twenty-six point

four five seven

26.001 读成twenty-six point o o one.

分数分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分数要在序数词上加s,但1/2用one half, 1 /4 用a quarter.

1/3读作one third而2/3读作two thirds。

百分数(%),读作per cent (percent),但不论是多少均用作单数形式不能加s。 如:60%读成sixty per cent.


①“几点钟”用基数词加o'clock。o'clock可省略。如:现在是5点钟—It's five(o'clock).

②“几点过几分,≤30分钟”用介词past。如:7:05—five past seven;7:15—fifteen(a quar- ter)past seven;7:30—half past seven。

③“差几分几点”用介词“to”。如:7:40—twenty to eight;7:45—fifteen(a quarter)to eight。


7:05—seven o five;7:15—seven fifteen。

编号的表示:①Lesson One =the first lesson第一课;

②Bus No.3=the

No.3 bus 3路公共汽车;



302房间—Room 302(读作:room three o two);



如:Page 457 第457页;




three eight five five(double five)

six three three(double three)。

年月日的表示:①年份用基数词,先读前一位或两位,再读后两位。如:1999—nineteen ninety-nine;1900—nineteen hundred;2000—two thousand;1905—nineteen o five;

②年用基数词,日用序数词。如:1998年6月8日写作:June 8,1998;读作:June the eighth,

nineteen ninety-eight或the eighth of June,nineteen ninety-eight。


2月1号为:the first of February 或February (the) first,

但其书写上可有四种写法①February 1 ②February 1st ③1st February ④1/2。

倍数的讲法有所不同。两倍用twice,而三倍以上用序数词加times,如:He has three times as many books as I have.


1.a + 序数词(再一……,又一……)和the + 序数词(第……)

I’ll see the movie a second time.(再看一次)

This is the second time I have seen th

e film. (第二次)

2. 具有夸张含义的成语中的数词并不表示具体的数。如:

The glass broke into a hundred piece s.(摔得粉碎)

Once bitten, twice shy.(一次被咬,下次胆小)

A thousand thanks to you.(万分感谢)

(二) 正误辨析

1. I drove about half mile.

[正]I drove about half a mile.

[析]半小时为half an hour, 半天为half a day, 半镑为half a pound, 尽量避免用half a year, half a month, 要用six months, two weeks 或fifteen days 要注意的是Half of the work is done Half of the books are sold. 当Half 作名词时,其谓语动词要看of后面的名词而定。如名词是不可数名词则用单数谓语动词,如是复数名词时,则要用复数谓语动词。要注意的是一个半的表达法,如:One and a half apples is left on the table.其名词要用复数,但谓语动词则要用单数。

2. 60 students are playing on the ground.

[正]Sixty students are playing on the ground.

[析]在句首的数字要用文字而不要用阿拉伯数字,如数字过大则应放于句中,用阿拉伯数字。如:There are 166 students playing on the ground.

3. He became famous around fifty years old.

[正]He became famous in his


[析]in his fifties 50多岁时,而in the fiflies 在50年代。

4. There are about two thousands workers in our factory.

5. In the morning there are hundred of old people walking in the park.
