

Starter Unit 1 Good morning !





1.写出从A –H 的大小写形式.


1)dbac _______ 2)cbed ________ 3)dfge ________ 4)fced ________

5)FGEH _______ 6)GFED _______








( )1.书写时占三格的字母是_______.

A. i

B. g

C. f

D. b

( )2.书写时只占中间格的字母是_______.

A. d

B. f

C. h

D. a

( )3.书写时占下俩格的字母是_______.

A. i

B. g

C. f

D. b

( )4.英文缩BBC 的含义是_______.

A. 中国职业篮球赛

B. (美国)全国篮球协会

C. 英国广播公司

D. 世界职业足球赛( )5.英语字母表中第八个字母是_______.

A. e

B. h

C. f

D. i

( )6.下列字母占格相同的是_______.

A. a; g

B. f; g

C. d; h

D. e; b

( )7.下列各项都属于元音字母的是______.

A. a, b

B. a, d

C. e, f

D. a, e

( )8.下列哪一组字母可以代表“(铅笔芯)硬黑”______.










Good morning / afternoon / evening / night hello hi


( )1.当你第一次见到陌生人的时候,你应该如何向他/ 她问好?

A. Good morning

B. Good evening

C. How do you do ?

D. How are you ?

( )2.你每天早晨起来,见到父母,应该和父母说什么?

A. Nice to meet you

B. Good afternoon

C. Good morning

D. Good evening

( )3.上英语课的时候,老师对同学们说:“Good morning, boys and girls !”学生们也应该对老师说:“_________”

A. Hello, teacher

B. Good morning, teacher !

C. I’m OK, teacher

D. How are you, teacher ? ( )4.—Good evening ! --________.

A. Good evening

B. Good afternoon

C. Good morning

D. Good night

( )5.—Hi, Bob ! --_______.

A. Good


C. Hello

D. Fine

( )6.朋友或比较熟悉的人见面时,可以用“_____”或“______”来彼此问候对方。

A. Good morning;Hello

B. Hi;Good evening

C. Hello;Hi


1. Cindy,hi (连词成句)


2. 字母A-H 的规范书写特点你知道吗?


2)大写字母都应________, 占______两格,但不顶第一线。

3)小写字母__ __ __ 写在中间的一格里,上下抵线,但都不出格。

4)小写字母__ __ __ 的上端顶第一线,占______两格。

5)小写字母__ 的上端都在第一格______, 第二笔紧贴在______下。

6)小写字母__ __ 的下端抵第四线。






How are you ? I’m fine / well / OK. Thanks


( )1.—How are you ? --_________.

A. I’m fine

B. Thanks

C. How are you ?

D. Hello !

( )2.有人和你说How are you ? 你应该说_________.

A. How are you

B. And you

C. Fine, thank you. And you


( )3.选出下列字母中不同类的一项.

A. H

B. b

C. F

D. G

( )4.选出下列字母中不同类的一项.

A. d

B. h

C. b

D. g

( )5.选出下列单词中不同类的一项.

A. morning

B. evening

C. fine

D. afternoon

( )6.选出下列人名中不同类的一项.

A. Eric

B. Grace

C. Helen

D. Cindy

( )7.选出下列字母中不同类的一项.

A. E

B. H

C. F

D. G


1. 用适当的单词或句子补全对话。

A:Good _________, Alice!

B: _______ afternoon, Helen.

A: ______are ______?

B: I’m fine, ______.




Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English ?





1.写出从I – R 的大小写形式.


1)_____I i _____ 2)_____J j _____ 3)_____ K k _____ 4)____L l ____

5)____ M m ____ 6)_____N n ____ 7)____ O o ____ 8)____ P p _____








( )1.下列每组字母中不含元音字母的是______.

A. abcd

B. efgh

C. ijkl

D. mnpj

( )2.可以表示“千克”的是_______.

A. P


C. Kg

D. m

( )3.下列大写字母中,笔画数不同的是______.





( )4.表示“停车”的字母是______.

A. O

B. P

C. R

D. M

( )5.表示“(美国)全国篮球协会”的是______.





( )6.字母“_____”作为单词不能小写。

A. A

B. I

C. K

D. C

( )7.在数学上我们常用_____来表示面积,______来表示半径。

A. a;b

B. h;r

C. s;r

D. r;s






What’s this / that (in English)? It’s a /an --- orange map ruler jacket key quilt pen 二、基础训练

( )1.What’s this ____ English ?

A. at

B. in

C. of

D. on

( )2.—What’s that ? --________ C.

A. That’s

B. This is

C. It’s

D. This’s

( )3.This is ____ nice pen.

A. a

B. /

C. you

D. an

( )4.It ____ a clock.

A. are

B. is

C. am

D. be

( )5.下列缩写正确的是______.

A. I’am

B. what’s

C. its

D. this’s

( )6.—What’s this in English ? --_______.

A. It’s black

B. It’s a map

C. It’s 810-2796

D. It’s blue


( )1.—What’s this in English ? --It’s a ______.


B. orange

C. egg

D. apple

( )2.This is ____ eraser and that is ____ key.

A. a; an

B. an; a

C. an; an

D. a; a

( )3.This is ____ ―n‖ and that is _____ ―u‖.

A. a; a

B. a; an

C. an; a

D. an; an

( )4.This is a ruler. ____ ruler is blue.

A. The

B. A

C. An

D. /

5.字母I-R 的规范书写特点

1)小写字母__ __ __ __ 写在中间一格里,上下抵线,但都不出格。

2)小写字母__ __ 的上端顶第一线,占上两格。

3)小写字母i 的第一笔占______, 第二笔占______ 中间。

4)小写字母j 的第一笔占_________, 第二笔在_________ 中间。

5)小写字母__ __ __ 的下端抵第四线。






spell it, please. K-E-Y


( )1.—Spell ___, please. –R-U-L-E-R.

A. this

B. that

C. it

D. is

( )2.你用_____ 问别人某个单词怎么拼写。

A. Spell it, please

B. What is it ?

C. What do you spell

D. What’s this ?

( )3.从下列字母中选出不同类的一项是_____.

A. k

B. l

C. m

D. f

( )4.从下列字母中选出不同类的一项是_____.

A. m

B. n

C. o

D. i

( )5.选出下列划线部分的单词或字母发音不同的一项是_____.

A. Dale

B. Grace

C. Frank

D. name


( )1.--______ to spell it ? --J-A-C-K-E-T.

A. What

B. That

C. How

D. This

2.请给下列对话排序. 顺序为_________________.

A:It’s an orange.

B: Spell it, please.

C: I’m fine, too(也). What’s this in English?

D: O-R-A-N-G-E, orange.

E: Hello, Frank!

F: Hello, Dale! How are you?

G: I’m fine, thank you. How are you?




Starter Unit 3 What color is it ?





1.写出S-Z 的大小写形式.


1)____Ss ____ 2)____Tt ____ 3)____Uu _____ 4)____Vv _____

5)____Ww ____ 6)____Xx ____ 7)____Yy _____








( )1.下列哪一个是“卫生间”的英文缩写_____.





( )2.下列哪一组代表“联合国”______.





( )3. “中国中央电视台”的缩写词是_____.






1)R___ ___ U __ 2)W____ Y ____ 3)S ___ U __ W 4)r __t __

5)v __x __ __ 6)s __ u __ __ x ___



1)小写字母__ __ __ __ __ 占四线三格中的中格。







What color is it ? It’s red / yellow / green / blue / black / white—


( )1.—What color is it ? --_______.

A. It’s an orange

B. It’s orange

C. It’s a quilt

D. It’s OK

( )2.—What color is it ? --______.

A. It’s a key

B. It’s a yellow key

C. It’s yellow

D. It’s key

( )3.—What ____ is it ? --It’s green.

A. this

B. that

C. color

D. name

( )4.My pen is _____. It’s _____ pen.

A. a red; red

B. red; a red

C. red; red

D. a red; a red

( )5.从下列单词中选出不同类(单词首写字母大写时)的一项是_____.

A. Green

B. Blue

C. Black

D. White


1. and,it’s,white,black (连词成句)


2.This pen is black and white. (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ is this pen?

3.This is a key. (对划线部分提问)

________ is this?

4.Please spell it! (改为近义句)

_______ ________, _______!


_______日依山尽,_______ 河入海流。










( )1.从下列字母中选出不同类的一项是_____.

A. S

B. X

C. Z

D. W

( )2.从下列字母中选出不同类的一项是_____.

A. i

B. u

C. w

D. x

( )3.从下列字母中选出不同类的一项是_____.

A. x

B. y

C. f

D. l



1. 表示衣物尺寸的小号用字母______表示,中号用字母______表示,大号用字母______表示。

2. 不明飞行物用字母________ 表示。

3. 英文26个字母按读音分类填表。




Unit 1 My name’s Gina.


一、学习目标(section A 1a-1c)

Hello ! I’m Jenny. My name’s Gina. What’s your name ? Nice to meet you. Ms. Brown. too


1. 写出下列词的完整形式。

1)I’m_________ 2) what’s ________ 3) name’s _________

2. ---What’s y_______ name?

---My name is Gina.

3. ________(我的) name is Mike Green。

4.His n_______ is Alan.

5.---I’m Mary.

---N______ to meet you!

( )6.—Hello ! ___________ ? --- My name’s Alice.

A. How do you do

B. How are you

C. What’s your name

D. How old are you

( )7.I’m Gina. _________to meet you !

A. nice

B. Hi

C. Nice

D. Good

( )8.—Hello ! I’m Gina. –I’m Jenny. _________!

A. Good morning

B. Hello

C. Nice to meet you

D. Hi

( )9._______Bob, and what’s your name ?

A. My

B. I am

C. My am

D. I

( )10._______, what’s your name ?

A. Excuse me

B. Sorry

C. Thank you

D. How are you

( )11.—Wha t’s your name ? ---________Wang Fan.

A. My

B. My’m

C. I

D. I’m

12.I’m Mike.(改为同义句)

______ ______ Mike.

13.Jenny, my, is, name



( )1.—Hello ! Nice to meet you ! --- Hello ! ___________.

A. What’s your name ?

B. I’m OK.

C. I’m Jim

D. Nice to meet you, too !

( )2.—Hello ! _______Mary. ---Hi ! ________is Jim.

A. I am; Her

B. My name is; His

C. I’m; My name

D. I am; That





一、学习目标(section A 2a-3c)

What’s your / his / her name ? My / His / Her name is--- and, yes, she, he, no, not.


1.H____ name’s Jim.

2.Jim and I _____(be) good friends.

3.She is a girl. _______(she) name is Kate.

( )4.—What’s _______name ? ---________name is Jim.

A. your; Your

B. his; Her

C. your; My

D. you; Your

( )5.My name _______Tony, and ______name is Lucy.

A. is; her

B. is; his

C. am; her

D. am; his

( )6.—What’s her name ? ---_________.

A. It’s Gina

B. Your name’s Bob

C. Its Kate

D. His name’s Bob

( )7.---Are you Tom?


A. Yes, I’m not

B. Yes, I’m

C. Yes, I am

D. No, I am

( )8._____ is Mary. ______ father is a teacher.

A. She; Her

B. He; His

C. She; His

D. He; Her

9.He is Lin Tao.(改为同义句)

______ _______ is Lin Tao.

10.His name is Jim.(对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ name ?

11.His name is Bob.(用Jenny 替换Bob)

________ name is _______.

12.her, what, name, is

__________________ ?


( )1.—Mom and Dad, this is Tom ! ---___________.

A. How are you

B. Sit down, John

C. Nice to meet you

D. Good night

( )2.This is ______mother. And ______name is Mary.

A. her; his

B. my; her

C. your; his

D. his; his

( )3.—What’s her name ? --________.

A. Her is Mary

B. He’s Mary

C. Mary

D. This is Mary

( )4.What’s ______ name ?

A. yours

B. you

C. he

D. her

( )5.---Is Tom his name?

---No, _____ isn’t.

A. he

B. she

C. it

D. her

( )6.---Is he Jim?

---Yes, _______.

A. he is

B. it’s

C. he’s

D. I’m

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b618187104.html,e a_____ have a look.





一、学习目标(section B 1a-1f)

What’s one’s telephone / phone number ? It’s 5206666. zero one two three four five six seven eight nine


( )1.--______ your phone number ? --- It’s 667-8954.

A. Where’s

B. What’s

C. How’s

D. What

( )2.—What’s your phone number ? --- ________ 463-7585.

A. It

B. Its

C. It’s

D. Is it

( )3.My car number is 3721. that’s __________.

A. three two seven one

B. one two seven three

C. two one three seven

D. three seven two one

4.What’s your phone __________(号码).

5.Five minus (减) five is ________(零).

6.Her phone number is 555-8080.

_________ her phone number ?

7.His phone number is 978-7299.(改为同义句)

His _______ number is 978-7299.


( )1._______your student card’s number ?

A. What’s

B. What

C. How

D. How’s

( )2.What ______ your e-mail address(地址).

A. is

B. be

C. are

D. on

( )3._______plus seven is thirteen.

A. Five

B. Six

C. Eight

D. Nine

4.his, what, number, is, telephone

_________________________ ?





一、学习目标(section B 2a-self check)

last name, first name, friend, China, middle school


( )1.Tom is his ______ name.

A. last

B. family

C. full

D. first

( )2.His name is Yang Liwei. His last name is ________.

A. Yang

B. Liwei

C. Yang Liwei

D. We i

( )3.—Is Smith a first name ? -- _________.

A. Yes, it is

B. Yes, Smith

C. No, it isn’t

D. No, Smith isn’t

( )4.—What’s your ______ ? -- Jack Smith.

A. first name

B. last name

C. name

D. names

5.What’s your last name ? (改为同义句)

What’s your ________ name ?

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b618187104.html,, what, last, her, is

________________________ ?


( )1.My name is John Smith. You can call me ______.

A. Mr. John

B. Mr. Smith

C. John Sir

D. Mr.

( )2.Hello ! My name’s ______.

A. Li DeHua

B. Li De Hua

C. Li Dehua

D. Li De hua

( )3.The girl is Guo Liping. Her first name is _________, and her last name’s _______.

A. Guo; Liping

B. Liping; Guo

C. Li; Guoping

D. Guoping; Li

( )4.Her family _______all at home.

A. am

B. are

C. is

D. be

( )5.—Hi, Peter. This is Mary Allen Harrison, a doctor from England.

---Nice to meet you, _______.

A. Mrs. Mary

B. Ms. Allen

C. Mr. Harrison

D. Miss Harrison

( )6.Her ______ name is Kate.


B. first

C. second

D. family

( )7.—What’s your ________ ? -- It’s Yu.

A. family name

B. the middle name

C. last name

D. A and C






______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Unit 2 This is my sister.


一、学习目标(section A 1a-1c)

This is ---. That is ---. These are ----. Those are ---. that’s = that is sister mother father parent brother grandmother grandfather grandparent family who


1.The good girl is my s________, Linda.

2.Father and mother are p_______.

3.He is my father’s father; he is my g__________.

4.My father’s mother is my g_________.

5.I have a big f________.

( )6.My brother has a friend. _____ friend is in No. 2 Middle School.

A. My

B. Her

C. His

D. Your

( )7.Mum, _____ is Dave. Dave, _____ is my mother.

A. he; he

B. this; this

C. that; that

D. it; this

( )8.Those are her ______.

A. a friend

B. friend

C. a friends

D. friends

( )9.______ are my parents and they are teachers.

A. This

B. She

C. These

D. He

( )10.—Are those your pears ? ---Yes, ______.

A. it is

B. they are

C. I am

D. those are

( )11.These are my ______.

A. father

B. mother

C. parent

D. parents

( )12.Mom, _____ is my friend, Lily.

A. it

B. he

C. this

D. these

( )13._____ is her sister and ______ are her parents.

A. This; that

B. That; you

C. this; these

D. This; those

( )14.---Alan, this is my mother.


A. Thank you

B. Good morning

C. How are you

D. Nice to meet you

( )15.Your family _____ big(大).

A. are

B. am

C. aren’t

D. is

( )16._______the man in yellow jacket? Is he your brother?

A. How’s

B. Who’s

C. What’s

D. Where’s

17.This is my eraser.(改为复数句子)

______ _____ ______ ______.

18.He’s my brother, Paul.(对划线部分提问)

_____ ______ ______ ?

19.His father and mother are workers.(改为同义句子)

His ______ are workers.

20.They are my brothers. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ _______?

21.brothers, his, are, these



( )1.Are _____ Kate’s ______ ?

A. this; book

B. that; book

C. these; books

D. those; book

( )2.—Dad, this is Mr. White. ---_________ ?

A. How are you

B. How do you do

C. What’s your name

D. Are you fine

( )3.My mother’s father is my ______.

A. uncle

B. aunt

C. grandmother

D. grandfather

( )4.---What are those?


A. They are apple tree

B. They are apple trees .

C. These are apple trees

D. Those are apples trees

( )5.---Is this your sister?

---Yes, ______.

A. it is

B. it’s

C. she’s

D. her is

( )6.---Is that Jeff?

---No, it isn’t. ______ Anna.

A. it’s

B. He’s

C. That’s

D. She’s

( )7.Your family ______ my friends.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. be

8. Those are English books.(改为单数句子)

______ ______ ______ _______ ______.





一、学习目标(section A 2a-3c)

Who’s he? He’s my brother, Paul. I see. Have a good day.


( )1.—What are ______ ? --They are pencils.

A. it

B. this

C. that

D. these

( )2.—Is he your brother ? --No, _____.

A. she isn’t

B. he isn’t

C. she is

D. he is

( )3.---Are Lily and Lucy sisters ? ---No, ______.

A. those aren’t

B. these are

C. they aren’t

D. she isn’t

( )4.—Is this your sister ? --Yes, ______.

A. it is

B. it’s

C. she’s

D. she is

( )5.—Is that Bob ? --No, it isn’t. _____ Frank.

A. It’s

B. He’s

C. That’s

D. She’s

( )6.---Have a good day!



B. Thanks! You, too

C. No, thanks!

D. You have

7.Is that your sister ?(作否定回答)

No, ______ _______. It’s my friend.

8.Is this woman your aunt ?(作否定回答)

_____, _____ ______.

9.Is this Dave ?(作肯定回答)

Yes, _____ is.

10.Are these your sisters ?(作否定回答)

_____, _____ ______.

11.my, that, friend, is



( )1.---Is this your watch?

---No, it isn’t. I think _______.

A .it’s her watch B. its her watch C. it her watch D. they’re her watches

( )2.________father looks young.

A. Mike and Bill

B. Mike’s and Bill

C. Mike and Bill’s

D. Mike’s and Bill’s

( )3.______ my brother.

A. She is

B. This’s

C. This

D. That’s

4._______(it) is Mimi. _______(it) English name is Joy.





一、学习目标(section B 1a-1d)

son cousin daughter uncle aunt grandpa grandma mom dad


( )1.Mary is Lucy’s _______.

A. cousin

B. parents

C. brother

D. uncle

( )2.______ you his brother ?

A. Is

B. Are

C. Do

D. Can

( )3.My cousins ______ my uncle’s sons and daughters.

A. am

B. are

C. is

D. be

( )4.---Is that your aunt?

---Yes, ______.

A. it is

B. she is

C. it’s

D. that is

5.My uncle’s sons are my c_______.

6.I’m Ann. I’m my mother’s d_________.

7.That’s a p_______ of my family.

8.This is my father’s father.(改为同义句)

This is my ______.

9.They are my cousins.(改为否定句)

______ ______ ______ my cousins.

10.is, cousin, and, your, she

______________________ ?


( )1.Your father’s brother is your ______.

A. uncle

B. grandfather

C. cousin

D. sister

( )2.—Is your mother’s father your ______ ? --Yes, he is .

A. uncle

B. aunt

C. grandmother

D. grandfather

( )3.---Is he your _______?

---Yes, he is. He’s my mother’s brother.

A. aunt

B. father

C. uncle

D. brother

4.This is my cousin.(改为复数句子)

_____ ______ my cousins.

5.He is my aunt’s son.(改为同义句)

He ____ my ______.

6.This is my mother. This is my father(合并为一句).

______ ______ my _________.





一、学习目标(section B 2a-self check)

Here’s a photo of my family. the name of my dog. these two girls in the next picture in the first photo


( )1.Is this _____ photo of your family ?

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )2.This is ______ my family.

A. a photo of

B. photo of

C. a photo at

D. the photo

( )3.Is this _____ picture _____ your family ?

A. an; for

B. the; at

C. a; of

D. /; to

( )4.In this photo, his family _______ all very happy.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be

( )5.I have two______.

A. photo

B. photos

C. photoes

D. a photo

( )6.I have a photo _____ the Great Wall.

A. of

B. in

C. at

D. off

( )7.Is that a photo ______ Kate ?

A. of

B. in

C. to

D. for

( )8.Coco is the name ______ my dog.


八年级上册英语作业本答案人教版 好好做八年级英语作业本,在成绩面前永不满足,不断追求更进一步的理解,不断对自己提出更高的学习目标。下面给大家分享一些人教版八年级上册英语作业本的答案,大家快来跟一起欣赏吧。 八年级上册英语作业本答案人教版(一) Unit3SectionA即时训练2 Ⅰ、1、唱歌比赛 2、想要 3、跑得快 4、唱得清楚 5、工作努力的 Ⅱ、6 - 10 C B B C D Ⅲ、11、I enjoy reading. 12、His English is not as good as mine. 13、More than one boy knows how to play computer games. 14、She is a little smarter than before. 15、In some ways,the job is difficult. 八年级上册英语作业本答案人教版(二) Unit3SectionB即时训练3 Ⅰ、1、look different

2、make me laugh 3、do the same things 4、care about 5、get good grades Ⅱ、6 - 10 B C C A A Ⅲ、11、the tallest 12、runs slower than 13、How,bag is 14、Who,to meet 15、parents 八年级上册英语作业本答案人教版(三) Unit3SectionB即时训练4 Ⅰ、1、long straight hair 2、只要 3、触动你的心 4、和相似 5、be different from Ⅱ、6 - 10 C D D C B Ⅲ、11、They make us forget the past. 12、The man who is singing is my favorite star. 13、Though it was raining,we were still working. 14、I beat him in swimming yesterday.


《Unit 1 Festivals around the world Warming Up & Reading》Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.He ________ (award) the Nobel Prize and received a reward of several thousand dollars. 2.The girl sat there quite silent and still with her eyes ________ (fix) on the wall. 3.You like Jazz very much, but do you know ________ origin of Jazz? 4.I think Tom, as the head of a big department, should either study regularly ________ give up his job. 5.The oldest man in my village has a firm ________ (believe) in the value of cold baths. 6.With time going on, changes will take ________ as we have expected. 7.I am a bit worried because it seems ________ our boss has found out something about the accident in the workshop. 8.Although I admire you ________ your work on soil, I think you should apologize ________ the villagers ________ the water pollution. 9.She looks forward to ________ (walk) in the flower-lined garden every spring. 10.The old man living here is usually serious ,so some naughty boys decided to play a trick ________ him the other day. 11.________ fun it is to have a chance to experience life in space! 12.Every now and then I went to the library ________ (collect) information about the subject. 13.She hopes to gain some experience ________ working abroad for two years. 14.Many people were starved ________ death in the earthquake as a result of the delay of the supplies. 15.Please don't do anything harmful ________ our nature, or we humans will have no fun ________ each other. 答案:1.was awarded 2.fixed 3.the 4.or 5.belief 6.place 7.as if 8.for; to; for 9.walking 10.on 11.What 12.to collect 13.by 14.to 15.to; with Ⅱ.选择短语并用其适当的形式填空 be covered with; take place; in memory of; dress up; as though; play a trick on; look forward to; day and night; have fun with; either ... or 1.I do not hope that this thing ________ again. 2.The stone pavilion (公园中的亭) is ________ a famous poet. 3.Do I need to ________ for the concert? 4.Sometimes the boys would ________ their teacher. 5.We ________ your visit. 6.The boss made them work ________. 7.He loves to learn, travel, and ________ others. 8.She dolled herself up ________ she were a girl of eighteen. 9.The bandit (土匪;强盗) in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed, ________ alone ________ in a group. 10.The country which ________ cherry tree flowers looks as though it is covered with pink snow. 答案:1.takes place 2.in memory of 3.dress up 4.play a trick on 5.look forward to 6.day and night 7.have fun with 8.as though 9.either; or 10.is covered with Ⅲ.根据汉语提示完成句子 1.He is always ________________________ (对我们搞恶作剧) and we find him ______________________ (难以相处). 2.________________________ (随着时间的流逝), it is becoming larger and larger.(with复合结构) 3.He opened his mouth ________________________ (似乎要说什么). 4.________ he could not come ________(要么……要么……)he did not wan t to. 5.Most of the people ________________________(被邀请来参加晚会的)were his old schoolmates.


八下英语作业本答案外研版(2019) Module 2 Unit 1 1 I.watched,watched,enjoyed,enjoyed,wanted,wanted,invited, invited,looked,looked,entered,entered,wrote,wrote,took,taken, drove,driven,rode,ridden,saw,seen,swam,swum II.1.have 2.has 3.has 4.Have,haven’t 5.Has,hasn’t III.One possible version:the kites fly up the sky,passing by 2 I.1.afford 2.wonderful https://www.360docs.net/doc/b618187104.html,petition 4.prize 5.experience 6.Dream II.1.experience 2.invited 3.tried 4.prize 5.have entered III.1.Has Dad had dinner yet?Yes,he has already had dinner. 2.Has Mary finished her homework yet? Yes,she has just finished her homework. 3.Have Betty and Tony made an apple pie yet? Yes,they have already made an apple pie. 4.Have the students ever visited the US? No,they have never visited the US. 5.Has your uncle ever traveled around the world? No,he has never traveled around the world. 6.Have you ever played tennis? No,I have never played tennis. Unit 2 1 I.1.all over the world 2.count down 3.at this moment 4.for example 5.be different from 6.in many aspects\ways 7.a fifteen-year-old American boy II.1.Does,write 2.speaks,has,been 3.Have,read,will read 4.will be,grows 5.is dancing III.略

高一人教英语必修三课时作业:nit 3 The Million Pond BanNote3 含答案

Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note 课时作业(三) 一、单项选择 ( )1. ——Do you mind my taking this seat? A. Yes, sit down, please B. No, of course not C. Yes, take it, please D. No, you can’t take it ( )2. ——Would yogh like to have dinner with me? A. Not at all B. No, I’m busy now C. That’s all right D. I’d love to, but I’m busy now ( )3. 一Do you want more tea? . 一Yes, please _____ some more. A. Would like B. 1ike C. have D. will drink ( )4. ——I’d like to invite you to dinner tonight, but I’m short of money these days. 一That’s all right. _____. A. I’ll help you B. It’s my treat this time C. Help yourself D. You’re welcome ( )5. 一How are things going with you? A. Quite well, thank you. B. Good, and you? C. Good. Why not? D。No, just so-so. ( )6. ——The book isn’t easy for Jack to understand, is it? ——. His foreign language is far better than expected. A. No, it isn’t B. I’m afraid not C. I don’t think so D. Yes. it is ( )7. 一_____ 一With pleasure. A. Excuse me for interrupting you. B. Is there anything that I can do for you? C. Why not wear some flowers tonight? D. Would you hold my bike for a moment? ( )8. ——When will your group go for the spring journey, next week or the week after? ——_____ A. Yes, we will B. At the end of the year, I think C. That depends D. It’s my pleasure ( )9. ——I can’t open the top of this apple juice. 一—_____it. A. Mark has to do B. Do have Mark to do C. Have Mark do D. Mark do have ( )1 0. ——I’d rather have some wine, if you don’t mind. ——_____ A. No, you’d better not B. Not at all, anything you want C. Thank you all the same D. Yes, but not good ( )11. ——I’m entering for the garden, competition to be held in out city next week. ——_____! A. Congratulations B. Enjoy yourself


新课标八年级上册英语寒假作业答案人教版 一、单词辩音,选出画线部分读音不同的一个(5%) ()1. A. bike B. dive C. big () 2. A. books B. bags C. cakes () 3. A. tail B. day C. hat () 4. A. pine B. baby C. pain () 5. A. whales B. sharks C. sperm 二、写出下列单词的比较级(5%) 1. many 2. new __ 3. fast 4. easy 5. big. 6. weak 7. large 8. happy 9. good 10.little 三、选出下列每组单词中不同的一个(5%) ()1. A. feet B. finger C. teeth () 2. A. long B. age C. weight () 3. A. foot B. centimeter C. gram () 4. A. seal B. whale C. fish () 5. A. heavier B. long C. thinner 四、选择题(10%) ()1. _______ tail is longer. A. He B. She C. His () 2. I’m ____________ than you. A. heavier and taller B. heavy and taller C. heavier and tall () 3. My arms are longer than ________. A. you B. yours C. your () 4. -How _______ are your feet? -I wear size 17. A. old B. size C. big () 5. My legs are longer than ________. A. Mike B. Mike’s C. Mikes’() 6. I’m 3 ________ taller than you. A. cm B. m C. km () 7. Zhang Peng is five ________ tall. A. foots B. feets C. feet () 8. His legs are 85 cm ________. A. length B. long C. longer () 9. The baby has only 6 _______. A. tooths B. teeth C. tooth ()


课时作业(26) 综合知识检测 Ⅰ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.They reached an agreement that would be ________ (benefit) to both sides. 答案beneficial 2.I have a very busy life with no time ________ (sit) around feeling sorry for myself. 答案to sit 3.________ (badly wound), the whale soon died. 答案Being badly wounded/Having been badly wounded 4.Please look after my house during my ________ (absent). 答案absence 5.I saw James ________ (hold) up in the water by Old Tom. 答案being held 6.Anyone will be punished if he ________ (obey) the laws. 答案disobeys 7.I could see he was terrified of ________ (abandon) by us. 答案being abandoned 8.I am happy ________ (find) many things I can do. 答案to have found/to find 9.________ pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and


2020年八年级上册英语作业本答案参考 Unit7 ①Ⅰ. 1.make a fruit milk shake 2.put the strawberries into the blender 3.cut up two apples 4.pour the milk into the glass 5.peel three bananas 6.turn on the TV Ⅱ. 1.(F)peel the bananas 2.(E)cut up the bananas 4.(D)pour the milk into the blender 5.(B)turn on the blender 6.(C)drink the milk shake Ⅲ. E D A B F C ②Ⅰ. A.tomato watermelon teaspoon strawberry ingredient potato B.salad cabbage onion fish chicken C.beef tea milk mutton yogurt honey Ⅱ. 1.How many tomatoes do they need to make the salad? 2.How much yogurt should you pour into the milk shake? 3.How often did johnson write to his pen pal last year? 4.How long are the Browns staying in Tokyo? Ⅲ. make,idea,need,two,enough,watermelons,how much milk,else,four,honey,yogurt,teaspoons,cup of ③Ⅰ. joining,First,Next,Then,beef,After,Finally,minutes Ⅱ. how,flour,butter,How much,mix,tomato sauce,sausage,beef,How long,before Ⅲ. First,peel the fruit,cut the fruit into pieces,put,Finally ④Ⅰ. 1.butter 2.lettuce 3.relish 4.sandwich Ⅱ. 7—2—4—8—6—5—3—1 Ⅲ. two chicken breasts,some salt,two eggs,some peanut oil,some lemon juice,some sugar ⑤Ⅰ. 1.peel,cut,up 2.How do you make 3.teaspoons,yogurt 4.Mix up Ⅱ. 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A ------------------ Unit8 ①Ⅰ. 1.got 2.went 3.cleaned 4.stopped 5.watched 6.bought 7.studied 8.were 9.was 10.ate 11.made 12.thought 13.talked 14.had 15.read Ⅱ. 1.His sister went to the aquarium last Sunday 2.Did Tina take a taxi to the airport yesterday 3.They went to the beach with Mr Li last week 4.Where did she have the birthday party yesterday Ⅲ. 1.D 2.F


《Unit 2 Healthy eating Warming Up & Reading》 Ⅰ.语法填空 1.He sat in his company ________ (feel) very frustrated. 2.I'm ________ (curiosity) to know what has happened there. 3.I haven't the ________ (strong) to lift this stone. 4.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man live ________ (health). 5.You shouldn't eat too much ________ (sugar) food. 6.Being too proud of a small success is his biggest ________ (weak). 7.Tina is overweight. Her mother told her not to eat any ________ (fat) food. 8.Come inside Yong Hui's ________ (slim) restaurant. 9.Wang Peng felt more ________ (hope) as he drove back home. 10.Want to feel fit and ________ (energy)? 答案:1.feeling 2.curious 3.strength 4.healthily 5.sugary 6.weakness7.fatty 8.slimming 9.hopeful 10.energetic Ⅱ.用适当的介词或副词填空 1.________ the end of the street there is a history museum. 2.The doctor will be free ________ ten minutes. 3.The robber wanted to get away ________ money, only to be caught. 4.We prepared the room ________ the party. 5.The wine is made ________ grapes. 6.Every day people throw ________ lots of rubbish. 7.The beauty of the city is more ________ words can describe. 8.He is doing research ________ American literature. 9.I'm tired ________ having the same kind of food every day. 10.It will be an easy thing for you to win ________ your kingdom in this game. 答案:1.At 2.in 3.with 4.for 5.from 6.away 7.than 8.on 9.of 10.back Ⅲ.完成句子 1.I'm ______________________________ and hope to lose some weight before Christmas.(diet) 我打算下周节食,并且希望在圣诞之前能够减轻一些体重。 2.You ______________________________ the disadvantages.(balance) 你必须权衡好生活在农村的利与弊。 3.If you place orders now,we would ______________________________.(discount n.) 如果你现在订购,我们会给你九五折。 4.John strongly hopes to ______________________________.(win) 约翰强烈希望能重新赢得他父亲对他的爱和信任。 5.If you cheat in the exam ______________________________.(get) 如果你考试作弊,你将不会逃脱惩罚的。 6.There ______________________________ when you are very tired.(nothing) 当你非常疲劳的时候,没有什么比好好休息一下更好的了。 7.______________________________, so no one believes him.(lie n.) 他经常撒谎,所以没人相信他。 8.I can't ______________________________ in this way.(have) 我不允许他们这样浪费时间。 答案:1.going on a diet next week 2.have to balance the advantages of living in the country against 3.give you a 5% discount 4.win back his father's love and trust again 5.you'll never get away with it 6.is nothing better than a good rest 7.He often tells lies 8.have them wasting their time Ⅳ.完形填空

2019-2020年新人教版英语必修三Unit2 Grammar课时作业含答案

2019-2020年新人教版英语必修三Unit2 Grammar课时作业含答案Ⅰ.用适当的情态动词完成下列句子

Thank you for your letter. I don't think I 1.________ give you any advice. I don't think the manager 2.________ trust you. It sounds as if he has decided that you 3.________ be the thief. Do you have to continue working at this company? Maybe you 4.________ find another job where the people are friendly. I think you 5.________ enjoy that more. If you stay at the meat factory, you 6.________ not be able to be happy. Besides, if you stay, the thief 7.________ do something bad to you. I don't think that 8.________ be very pleasant. If he played a trick on you, the manager 9.________ say you were the thief and call in the police. That 10.________ have serious results. I think the best thing you 11.________ do now is to look for another job and hope that it 12.________ turn out better. Yours sincerely, Mike 答案:1.can 2.will 3.must 4.should/ought to/can/need 5.may/might/will 6.will 7.may/will/might 8.will 9.might/would 10.may/will/might 11.can/should/ought to/need 12.will/would Ⅴ.阅读理解 Today fast food restaurants are very popular. One famous name is Harry's Hamburgers. Harry's Hamburgers come from America and have been in business for thirty years. There are about 5,000 Harry's Hamburgers in different countries. The food is the same everywhere. In London, New York or Paris people eat the same hamburgers and drink the same drinks. Hamburger Harry is a special friend of children everywhere. He goes to schools and talks to pupils. He goes into different classrooms, sits down on the carpet or at the desk and asks the pupils to relax. Then he begins his talk. Harry teaches children about litter. “Don't throw your boxes on the floor in my restaurants,” he says. “And don't throw my bags away in the street. If you see boxes and bags in the street, pick them up and throw them into the bin (垃圾箱).” Hamburger Harry visits children in hospitals and tells them funny stories. His restaurants give wonderful birthday parties. Parents telephone the restaurant or go there. They choose a good day for the party, arrange the food and drink and send invitations to friends. Hamburger Harry sometimes comes to the party with a bag of presents and a big birthday cake. The boys and girls sit round the tables and eat all their favorite food. They all wear paper hats and party badges(徽章). Hamburger Harry dresses in green, red and yellow and he wears two big badges. He works hard at the party. He tells jokes, sings songs and gives everyone a present. The children get colored pencils, balloons and books to draw on. They always have a good time. Their parents enjoy the party too because they don't prepare the tables and they don't cook the food. They don't have to clean the restaurant after the party. All they do is pay the bill. 1.Harry's hamburgers are sold ________. A.without drinks B.at a high price C.in the same style D.with different tastes 2.If a child holds a birthday party at Harry's restaurant, Harry may ________. A.give a big cake to the child as a gift B.ask his workers to sing for the child C.play a joke on the child for fun D.decorate the restaurant with balloons


八年级上册英语作业本答案2020年 不管八年级英语作业本题目有多少,都要按时完成,而且都要有质量的完成。学习啦为大家整理了八年级上册英语作业本答案,欢迎大家阅读! Unit1SectionA即时训练1 一、学习导引 1、我昨天早上七点起床。 我妈妈上周末去购物了。 3、Ididn'tgotoNewYorkCityonvacation DidyougotoNewYorkCityonvacation Yes,IdidNo,Ididn't 二、即时训练1 Ⅰ、1、度假 2、待在家 3、去沙滩了 4、拜访我的叔叔了 5、买了一些特别的东西 6、做了一些有趣的事情 Ⅱ、7、did 8、go 9、went 10、stayed

11、did 12、do l3、did 14、stay 15、didn'twant Ⅲ、16、WheredidTinagoonvacation 17、Iwenttothebeachyesterday 18、DidKevinplaytennislastweekend 19、Iwasonvacationlastmonth 20、DidJuliestudyfortestslastFriday Unit1SectionA即时训练2 Ⅰ、1、Howwasyourvacation? 2、喂了一些母鸡 3、keepadiary 4、dosomethingfun 5、没人看上去很无聊。 Ⅱ、6-10CCACB Ⅲ、11、didn'tbuyanything 12、Whatdidyoudo 13、hedidn't 14、Howwas 15、Did.study Unit1SectionB即时训练3

人教版三年级英语下册 课时作业含答案Unit 1

人教版三年级英语下册课时作业含答案CONTENTS Unit 1Welcome back to school! Unit 2My family Unit 3 At the zoo Recycle 1 Unit 4 Where is my car? Unit 5Do you like pears? Unit 6How many? Recycle 2 Words in each unit Vocabulary Useful expressions

第一课时 一、给下列图片选出合适的单词。 A. girl B. China C. the UK D. boy ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. 二、给下列汉语选出合适的翻译。 ()1. 朋友 A. friend B. have ()2. 中国 A. the UK B. China ()3. 新的 A. new B. today ()4. 男孩 A. girl B. boy ()5. 欢迎 A. welcome B. thanks 三、给下列句子选出合适的答语。 ()1. Good morning, boys and girls. A. Good morning, Miss White! B. Welcome! ()2. I’m Lily. I’m from the UK. A. We have two new friends today. B. I’m Mike. I’m from the US. ()3. Hi, I’m Mike. I’m from Canada. What about you? A. I’m nine. B. I’m from China.

新人教版英语必修三Unit3 Grammar课时作业含答案

《Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Grammar & Writing》 Ⅰ.易混选词填空 1.A.what B.that (1)He telephoned Mary ________ he wanted to see her. (2)This is ________ I want to say and that is all ________ I want to do. (3)The coffee we had today was different from ________ we had yesterday. (4)Madame Curie discovered ________ she called radium. 2.A.if (If) B.whether (Whether) (1)I want to know ________ she has gone shopping. (2)We wondered ________ that man was a spy or not. (3)It depends on ________ we will be ready in time. (4)I don't know ________ he will come to the office. (5)________ he comes, I'll tell him at once. (6)Almost all people enjoy sports, ________ boys or girls, men or women. 3.A.who B.whoever (1)We haven't decided ________ will go to the sales department. (2)Teachers tend to like ________ works hard at school. 答案: 1.(1)B (2)A B (3)A (4)A 2.(1)A/B (2)B (3)B (4)A (5)A (6)B 3.(1)A (2)B Ⅱ.选用适当的连接词填空 where; that; why; whether; what; as if; whatever; who; because; when;how 1.I'm wondering ________ you are always late for class. 2.I am not sure ________ he will lend me a hand. 3.My parents are very kind to me and always let me do ________ I think I should do. 4.The trouble is ________ I am anxious to telephone Mr. Smith but I have lost his number. 5.The question discussed at the meeting was ________ it is worth trying. 6.We think it necessary ________ we take plenty of hot water every day. 7.Do you remember ________ he came here? 8.All this was over twenty years ago, but it is ________ it were only yesterday. 答案: 1.why 2.whether 3.what 4.that 5.whether 6.that 7.when/how/why 8.as if Ⅲ.句型转换 1.Soon we arrived at the place we called the Fairy Island. →Soon we arrived at ____________________________ the Fairy Island. 2.It is believed that this medicine will cure his disease. →People believe ____________________________. 3.Whether we shall attend the meeting hasn't been decided yet. →We haven't decided ____________________________. 4.The question whether it was worth trying had been discussed at the meeting. →The qu estion discussed at the meeting ____________________________. 5.It is necessary that we take plenty of hot water every day. →We think ________ necessary ____________________________. 答案: 1.what we called
