英语搞笑话剧 面试

导演:hi, do u know me? What?You don’t know who I am? ok ok , I will give u some clues. Look, who is he?(冯小刚)o, yes, now ,u know who am I . what! U still don’t know。O my god, it’s so obvious who am I . (生气的样子) 秘书在一旁扇风一边说

秘书: clam down, clam down, my dear director, you are the most famous , handsome, talented director. You are a genius in my heart. 导演:(开心的点头)yes of course. ok, let me introduce myself, I am feng da gang , today I will direct a new film and I will select someone who get the chance in my film. Ok, don’t speak more, now let’s begin .

秘书:(站直)Number one, let’s welcome

范小冰:(风情万种,妖娆妩媚的走到舞台中间,定格姿势,给观众飞吻)hello, I am fan xiao bing, what? You say I am look like fan bingbing. (hehehehe笑)thank you . I know I am very beautiful, charming and sexy(走向导演) oh, honey, dear director. I love you so much.(导演高兴) when I was young, I want to be a actress.

导演:do you have some talent ?

范小冰:just open your eyes as big as you can, there will be a fantastic dance show for u.(打个响指) come some music(第八套广播体操音乐响起,之后音乐迅速变成芭蕾音乐) (跳完,面向观众鞠躬)thank you .(面向导演),honey,is it a wonderful performance?


范小冰:(在甲眼前晃手)oh, darling, are u ok?

导演:my god, have u use some stimulant drugs this morning, u make my nerves nervous. get out

范小冰: oh no sweet, you break my heart(掩面离去)

秘书:next one.

翁翁:oh , dear audiences, I miss you guys so much. (和观众使劲挥手疯狂状态,随即想到什么) oh, I am a fair lady,I am very grace. (小莲花步走向导演)nice to meet u, director.

导演(与之握手)nice to meet u too, so introduce yourself.

翁翁:I’m celine wengweng, I am very international. You know ,I don’t have too many achievements, I just won five Grammy awards, 7 American Music Awards, 12 World Music Awards and a Oscar award…(hehehehe) in the future,I will get.

导演: ok, stop. Time is limited, just begin

翁翁:ok , I will use a song to conquer u(一首歌) just enjoy it. (唱歌时间)

导演:stop, stop(翁翁不理,导演和秘书一起捂着耳朵)

翁翁:is it wonderful?

导演不语,秘书next one

嬷嬷:(对着翁翁的背影沉思)to be or not to be , that is a question. To sing or not to sing , that is a question too (走到导演面前牵起他

的手做亲吻状) I am glad to see u , my dear lord.

导演(娇羞状)oh it’s really a big surprise, so, what’s your name? 嬷嬷:my name? do you know xu zhimo, 导演点头,I am his father’s brother’s cousin’s granddaughter xu momo .

导演:I don’t care who u are, show me your talent.

嬷嬷:I have had found my best love, but I didn’t treasure her. When I lost her, I regret. It’s the most pain in the world. If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to her I love u (嘤嘤的哭)

导演:oh, I can’t stand, show u the door

嬷嬷:(转身离开,继续台词)if there is a time limit, I hope it’s 100years

导演:I am very professional director, how to find this unprofessional actor. Next one

秘书: my dear director , there is no next one.

导演:what ,no one comes here except they three, o, god

秘书:What do u think about me?(摆出最风情万种的姿势)


导演:ai, give u a chance

秘书:(模特表演时间)the most handsome director, I know you have a good taste. So ,do u want to say something?

导演:let the three come here

范小冰:honey , u like my dance ,right?

导演:en ,u know my film is very elegant, through your performs I found some potential, so , I will give u the chance

众人:really? You really have a good taste

导演:I just worried if I don’t want you, who will want u. do u have confidence

众人:yes we do (齐跳小苹果)
