



1.status quo(辩题背景分析);

2. Definition, narrowing down the topic(具体化)“for the purposes of ..., we will interpret the motion to include only...” ;

3. 为辩题设立并阐述一个讨论模型——若是政策性的,需要包括以下三项:stakeholder(s), feasibility, 其他有关细节。


二. 套句:Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, dear judicators and Mr./Miss speaker. This house believes that ....As the prime minister, I want to give a definition, my definition is that.... Before I come to my arguments, I will give you several status quo. The first status quo is that/about...

The second status quo is ...

Now, let’s move to my arguments.

My first argument is...

My second argument is about ...

My third argument is..

还剩时间的话:ladies and gentlemen, what I have told you is that...

The second for... the third for...

Base on these three(视情况而定)arguments, we are so proud to propose today's motion. Thank you.



二、套句:Ladies and gentlemen, we believe that it is not a good idea to...解释一下,that is our stands.

Before I show my arguments. I have several rebuttals against the opposition side. The first is that.. Now let's come to my arguments. Basically,we have three arguments to make. Firstly, ...Secondly, ...Thirdly, ...

还剩时间的话:ladies and gentlemen, what I have told you is that...

The second is... the third is...

Base on these three(视情况而定)arguments, we are so proud to oppose today's motion. Thank you.



二、套句:Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, today this proposition side believes that...

In order to prove that, I have several arguments.

The first argument is that...(概括性的说);The second argument.... ;The third is that... But before that,I have 2/3 rebuttals to the opposition side....

Next, I'm going to move into my constructive speech.

Firstly, …Secondly, …Thirdly, …

So, after all,....Secondly,... Thirdly,....

That's why we are proud to propose today's motion (that..用自己的话阐述motion) That's all ,thank you.


注意事项同上。套句:Thank you, Mr. Speaker,ladies and gentlemen. Before I 'm going to my arguments, there are two/three things that I want to talk about.可以先用概括性的语言说明自己要讲的是什么。

后面细说:Firstly, the opposition side held the view that……

Secondly, I don’t agree with the proposition side on the opinion that…..

Thirdly, they are talking about …

Now let's come to my arguments.Basically ,I have two/three things to talk about. Firstly,...Secondly, ...Thirdly,...So that's why we are so proud to oppose.



套句:T hank you, Mr.speaker,ladies and gentlemen, happy to see you here.

First I want to tell you that....the upper house is mainly talking about one thing. That is whether it is .....

Before I talk about my extension. I have several rebuttals against the opposition side. Firstly, the opposition side held the view that……

Secondly, I don’t agree with the opposition side on the opinion that…..

Thirdly, the opposition side said that…

Fourthly, what the opposition side told us is just one thing.

My last rebuttal goes to POI from the closing opposition....

And my extension will be about..总述

Now move to my extension. ....

Base on all of being said, we are proud to propose this motion. Thank you.



套句:Thank you, Mr.speaker,members of the house, what the closing opposition will bring you are mainly three points.Firstly,....

Before I move to my extensions. I have several rebuttals to the government side.... Now, let’s move to my extensions.

My first extension is ...

My second extension is about ...

Base on all of being said, we are proud to oppose.



套句:Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, dear judicators and Mr./Miss speaker. 说些自己想说的话。

Firstly, I have the rebuttal to the second extension from the closing opposition....

Now, ladies and gentlemen, two main clashes of today's debate....说明对方的观点。然后强力支持自己的观点、

And finally, I have a dream that...



套句:Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, dear judicators and Mr./Miss speaker. 说些自己想说的话。

Firstly, I have several rebuttals to the government side. Firstly,I want to point out what the government side fails to do....

Now, ladies and gentlemen, two main clashes of today's debate....说明对方的观点。然后强力支持自己的观点、

As the closing apposition, we are proud to appose.


be inconsistent with 与……不符,相矛盾 far away from the topic we are talking about 偏题。 Unless they have medical or religions exemptions(免除).除非他们有医学或宗教信仰上的禁忌。 Increase the chances of surviv ing an accident增加车祸中的存活率 Have a risk of accidents. The right to property is a basic human right. The policy therefore violates the principles of human rights. I’d like to point out that 我想指出的是…… Let me rephrase what I said. 让我重申刚才所说的。 Let’s have your opinion. 让我们听听你的意见! I'm afraid i don't share your opinion. You don't have a leg to stand on.你的观点站不住脚。 The advantages outweigh its disadvantages.利大于弊。Basically we’re in agreement. 我们基本上有共识。




三、接受质询:Your point please.

四、拒绝质询:NO,thank you. Not at this time.

五、质询:例如:Please prove me why the golden age for sports is the golden age for education. 六、回答:1.I don't see why you can prove that point. Sorry. Let's move on.

不懂得回答:My partner has explained that. I don't want to waste my precious time to talk about it.





四部反驳法:They say... But I think... Because... Therefore...


BP赛制辩论赛的评判标准有哪些? 2013年06月06日 BP辩论赛评判标准 英语辩论比赛规则要求裁判首先就全场比赛队伍的排名进行排序,然后再对每 一名选手按照个人评分的标准打个人表现分。我们首先介绍如何决定各个队伍排名,再介 绍如何为选手个人打分。 四队的排名 决定四队排名的根本因素在于四队的论点的说服力(persuasiveness)如何,而为了检验其论点的说服力,裁判需要做到: 1)不代入任何预设地,中立地裁判比赛——即不能因为个人主观支持一方观点而忽略另一 方观点 2)运用基本的常识检验辩论逻辑与内容——比如辩手用反常识的论点(如,太阳从西边升 起)裁判可以认定其错误,或者辩手逻辑不成立(如,因为全球粮食紧缺所以政府应当允 许同性恋婚姻)裁判也可以因此不接受具体论点 在裁判中立并给予各队公平的话语权之基础上,裁判需要“全面地评判”辩论设计的 各项细节(HolisticJudging)。比赛中每个辩论队的表现体现在诸多其对比赛的“贡献”(contribution)之上,比如其立论(argument)的质量,驳论(Rebuttal)的质量,正反方二队的拓展论点(extension)的质量,正反方四辩总结陈词(WhipSpeech)的质量,质询(POI)及其回答的质量,每队论点的逻辑体系是否完整,各个论点之间的 逻辑关系如何,等等不一而足。裁判需要在考虑各项因素以后,综合判断哪一个队对辩论 的贡献(即对辩论的推动)最大,按照各队的贡献评价各队的排名。 此外,辩手的台风(Manner)也是辩论的重要因素,但是台风本身并不能成为辩论 质量高的理由。比之于比赛的具体内容(Matter),台风的重要意义在于——内容体现观点本身,而台风体现辩手用什么样的方式表达具体内容——二者都是辩手是否有“说服力” 有机构成。但是对于“说服力”的大小,裁判应当将内容与台风同意考虑。没有内容的辩 论即使语言流畅,也不一定更有说服力;反之一个用轻松欢快的舞台感表达沉重严肃内容 的辩手,很可能由于其内容与表现方式的冲突丧失很大部分的说服力。因此台风是一个需 要具体情况具体分析的因素。 选手的个人得分: 在裁判评判出四队各自的排名以后,裁判需为每位选手打分,评判他们在辩论赛中的 表现。 请注意,按照英式议会制辩论规则——每轮比赛中,各队两位辩手个人得分之和从高 到低的顺序,应与队伍排名一致——即第一名的队伍个人总分应该最高,第二名第二高, 第三名第三高,第四名最低。不能有排名低的队伍总分高的情况出现。 个人得分按内容(Matter)与台风(Manner)各占50%比例打分。总分75分是选手一般来说的平均得分,具体标准见下表。


英语辩论赛常用语集锦大全 英语辩论赛越来越受师生们的喜欢,辩手们想要赢得比赛学会掌握一些常用语是很必要的。下面是小编搜集整理的英语辩论赛常用语荟萃集锦,欢迎阅读。更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目。 英语辩论赛常用语荟萃集锦 inmyopinion…我的意见是…… personallyIthink……我个人认为…… Ibelievethat……我相信…… Ithinkthat……我觉得…… thepointisthat……关键是……,要点是..... ifyouaskme……如果你问我…… I’dliketosaythis:……我会这样说…… I’dliketopointoutthat我想指出的是…… speakingformyself站在自己的立场上说…… inmyexperience…根据我的经验…… challenginganopinion质疑某种观点 thatcan’tbetrue那不可能是真的。 butwhatabout…?但关于……方面呢? clarifyingapoint阐述观点 whatIsaidwas…我刚才说的是…… whatImeantosaywas…我的意思是说…… letmerepeatwhatIsaid.让我重复我刚才所说的。

letmerephrasewhatIsaid.让我重申刚才所说的。 agreeingwithanopinion同意观点 ofcourse当然。 right.是的。 exactly.对。 that’strue.是那样。 sodoI.(neitherdoI.)我也这样认为。(不这样认为。) Iagreecompletely.我完全赞同。 Iagreewithyouentirely.我完全同意你所说的。 you’reabsolutelyright.显然你是对的。 that’sagoodpoint.这个看法不错。 Icouldn’tagreewithyoumore.我绝对赞成你。 Ifeelthesameway.我也持同样的想法。 disagreeingwithanopinion反对意见。 however,…然而…… Idon’tthinkso.我不那样认为d.Idon’tthink…我认为……不是那样的。 ontheotherhand…另一方面…… onthecontrary.相反的。 that’snot(entirely)true.那不(完全)正确。 Ican’tpossiblyagreewithyou.我不可能同意你。 Ihatetodisagreewithyou,but…我不喜欢反对你,但…… allright,butdon’tyouthink…?好吧,但难道你不觉得……


?General rules1. IntroductionThe “FLTRP CUP” National English Debating Competition(hereafter referred to as “the Competition”) inaugurated in 1997 is the onlynational English debating event in ... ? General rules 1. Introduction The “FLTRP CUP” Nationa l English Debating Competition(hereafter referred to as “the Competition”) inaugurated in 1997 is the onlynational English debating event in China. The FLTRP CUP National EnglishDebating Competition is jointly hosted by the Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press Cambridge University Press and the International Debate EducationAssociation (IDEA) coordinated by the China English Language EducationAssociation (CELEA) English Speaking Union (ESU) English Language Learningmagazine (ELL) and sponsored by CASIO (Shanghai). 2. Competition Format The Competition shall be conducted in the BritishParliamentary Debating Style (also known as the World Universities DebatingChampionships Style) as defined in Part 2. 3. Required qualificationsfor the competition A debater must be a registeredfull-time undergraduate of Chinese nationality in a Chinese territoryeducational institution. Those who have wonoverseas awards of the past CCTV CUP English Speaking Contest or past FLTRP CUPNational English Debating Competition are excluded from participating in theFLTRP Cup. The British Parliamentary format 1. The Teams Four teams of two debaters participate in each British Parliamentarydebate round. The teams supporting themotion are referred to as the "Proposition." The teams arguingagainst the motion are known as the "Opposition" teams. Two teams represent the Proposition: theOpening Proposition and the Closing Proposition. Two teams represent the Opposition: theOpening Opposition and the Closing Opposition. Each of these teams competes against all other teams in the round andwill be ranked 1st through 4th at the conclusion of thedebate.


. stating an opinion 陈述观点 a. in my opinion… 我的意见是…… b. personally I think…… 我个人认为…… c. I believe that…… 我相信…… d. I think that…… 我觉得…… e. the point is that…… 关键是……, 要点是..... f. if you ask me…… 如果你问我…… g. I’d like to say this:…… 我会这样说…… h. I’d like t o point out that 我想指出的是…… i. speaking for myself 站在自己的立场上说…… j. as far as I’m concerned,… 就我而言,…… k. in my experience… 根据我的经验…… 2. challenging an opinion 质疑某种观点 a. that can’t be true 那不可能是真的。 b. but what about…?但关于……方面呢? 3. clarifying a point 阐述观点 a. what I said was… 我刚才说的是…… b. what I mean to say was… 我的意思是说…… c. let me repeat what I sai d. 让我重复我刚才所说的。 d. let me rephrase what I said. 让我重申刚才所说的。 4. agreeing with an opinion 同意观点 a. of course 当然。 b. right. 是的。 c. exactly. 对。 d. that’s tru e. 是那样。 e. so do I. (neither do I.)我也这样认为。(不这样认为。) f. I agree completely. 我完全赞同。 g. I agree with you entirely. 我完全同意你所说的。 h. you’re absolutely right. 显然你是对的。 i. that’s a good point. 这个看法不错。 j. I couldn’t agree with you more. 我绝对赞成你。

英国议会制辩论讲座(BP制) - 第七讲反驳

I. Definition o f r efutation Notes A. Refutation i nvolves o ne d ebater directly r esponding t o a n argument o f a n o pposing d ebater. B. Refutation i nvolves a d ebater objecting t o a n a rgument r aised by s omeone o n t he o ther s ide. II. Purpose o f r efutation A. To d eny a c ompeting a rgument B. Weaken o r e ven d estroy a n argument C. To f orce t he o riginal d ebater t o generate a b etter a rgument. III. Methods o f r efutation A. Internal m ethod—considering t he standards o f g ood a rguments 1. Acceptability o f e vidence 2. Relevance o f l ink 3. Sufficiency o f l ink B. External m ethod 1. Creating c ounter a rguments 2. Objecting t o o pposing a rguments with a rguments o f y our o wn * C reated S eptember 2012 反驳的定义反驳涉及到一个辩手直接就对方辩手的论点做出反应反驳涉及到一个辩手反对对方辩手所主张的论点反驳的目的否认争议中的论点 弱化甚至摧毁一个论点迫使原来(提出旧论点)的辩手提出更好的论点反驳方法内部手段:从论证逻辑角度加以批驳证据的可接受性逻辑链的关联性 逻辑链的充分性 RAS三角:良好论点所 应符合的特征 可接受性 关联性充分性 外部手段 建立相抗论点 以我方既有论点反驳对方论点


我方坚持认为” 应该是脱口而出We firmly insist that,“开头的观点the beginning viewpoint”,“最后的陈词the final statement” Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... Ways to open a debate ?To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state… ?We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. … ?In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose…. ? A number of key issues arise which deserve closer examination. ?We will elaborate one of the most striki ng features of this problem, namely… ?In the first place we would like to make clear that….The main argument focuses on…. 1. Giving Reasons and offering explanations: ?To start with…, The reason why..., That's why..., For this reason..., That's the reason why..., ?Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., When you consider that..., 2. Asking for an opinion from the other party ?I would be glad to hear your opinio n of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。 ?Are you of the same opinion as me? 你与我的看法一致吗? ?I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 ?well…what do you think (about ?Do you agree? (don't you agree?)你同意吗?(你是不是同意?) ?What's your view on the matter? how do you see it?你怎么看它? ?let‘s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见! ?do you think that…?你认为…吗 3. Stating an opinion陈述观点 ?I think..., In my opinion..., I believe… I'd like to point out that我想指出的是… ?Speaking for myself站在自己的立场上说…In my experience…根据我的经验… ?I'd like to say this:…我会这样说… I'd rather..., I'd prefer..., ?The way I see it..., As far as I'm concerned...,就我而言,… ?If it were up to me..., I suspect that..., ?I'm pretty sure that..., It is fairly certain that..., ?I'm convinced that..., I honestly feel that…, ?I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt...


China Debate Education Network 中国辩论教育网络 Curriculum Outline Learning Guide in Mandarin 课程大纲中文学习指南 (Third Edition 第3版) By Zeng Qingxi 曾庆熹 编著 2013.5

目录 版权声明 (4) 第二版修订说明 (5) 第三版修订说明 (6) 入门篇 规则概述 (7) 进阶篇 重难点与技战术 (10) 第一讲英国议会制辩论导论 (10) 1辩论精神与理念 (10) 2辩手的角色职责 (11) 2.1必须与可以——角色职责中的强制与建议 (11) 第二讲论点建构 (11) 3论点的构成要素 (11) 3.2有的逻辑链看起来完全是不言自明的,一定要讲出来吗? (12) 3.3多独立证据型论点是不是就是把几个简单论点凑在一起啊? (13) 3.4后果型论点和原则型论点谁更好呢? (13) 第三讲正方上院:角色与策略 (13) 4首相角色:立论 (13) 4.1什么是讨论模型?它和辩题是什么关系? (13) 4.2课件中“巴勒斯坦人”的例子太高端了,没有这方面的知识怎么办? (14) 4.3设立“讨论模型”是不是就是给出具体的政策措施? (15) 4.4设立“讨论模型”进行辩题窄化时,是不是做得越窄越好? (16) 5副首相职责 (17) 5.1相较而言副首相的职责看起来很简单,应该让相对较弱的队员去做吗? .. 17第四讲反方上院的立论 (18) 6反方上院的职责 (18) 6.1反方上院什么情况下可以挑战定义?怎么挑战定义? (18) 7建构反方立论 (18) 7.1反方立论的两大基本组合是什么? (18) 第五讲阁员陈词中的扩展论辩 (20)


BP赛制介绍 1. 辩论队 每轮英国议会制辩论比赛中有4支辩论队同场,每队2人。支持辩题的队伍称为”正方”,驳斥辩题的队伍称为”反方”。正、反两方分别由两支队伍构成,并分别发表开篇陈述和总结陈词。每一支队伍都需要与另3队进行竞争,最后决出1至4名。 2. 选手发言顺序 每位选手都应按以下顺序进行发言: 发言者发言者的称呼发言时间 正方开篇陈述第一辩手“首相”或”正方领袖” 7分钟 反方开篇陈述第一辩手“反方领袖” 7分钟 正方开篇陈述第二辩手“副首相”或”正方第二领袖” 7分钟 反方开篇陈述第二辩手“反方第二领袖” 7分钟 正方总结陈词第三辩手(即正方二队一辩)“正方成员” 7分钟 反方总结陈词第三辩手(即反方二队一辩)“反方成员” 7分钟 正方总结陈词第四辩手(即正方二队二辩)“正方党鞭” 7分钟 反方总结陈词第四辩手(即反方二队二辩)“反方党鞭” 7分钟 3. 发言计时 每位辩手的发言的时间均为7分钟。辩手提出”质询”的时间应在第2到第6分钟之间。”质询”是指在对方发言时,针对发言者正在申述的论点提出的本方观点。 发言计时从辩手开始说话为始;所有必要内容(包括说明、介绍等)都在计时范围内。计时人员将在以下时间点向选手示意: 时间标示: 第一分钟末响铃一次(允许开始提出”质询”) 第六分钟末响铃一次(提出”质询”的时间结束) 第七分钟末7:00 连续响铃两次(发言时间结束) 超时15秒之后7:15 连续响铃(发言缓冲时间结束) 在连续两次响铃结束后辩手有15秒”缓冲”时间,在这段时间内允许选手总结已出具论点。”缓冲”时间内不允许出具新论据,在”缓冲”时间内提出的新论据可以被裁判判为无效。在”缓冲”时间后仍继续发言的辩手将被裁判团扣分。 4. 辩手角色分配 每个选手都有一个定位,每一个发言都有其特殊目的。下面列出的辩手角色描述具有借鉴作用,并非必须完全遵循。根据不同的辩论形式,辩手有时需要在完成本角色需要说明的部分之外,还要表述其它方面的观点,在正方支持辩题、反方驳斥辩题的基础上,发言结构仍需满足其它论证的需要。 除了辩论双方的第四辩手,其它所有辩手都需要提出自己的论点。除了”首相”,所有辩


不管怎么样,我们依然坚持我们的观点。 Anyway, we still adhere to our point of view. 对方辩友。 my fellow debaters 请问你怎么证明我们的观点是不正确的呢? Excuse me, how do you prove our view is not correct? 我们坚持这个观点,当然有我们的依据。 We insist on this view, of course, we have the basis. 我认为这个话题告诉我们。 I think this topic tell us 具体的说明请听我们队友的阐述 Specific instructions please listen to our team-mate explained -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A 征求他人观点或意见的用语 I would be glad to hear your opinio n of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。 Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗? I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 B 引入自己的新观点或看法的用语 Another point is that … 另一点是…… Another way of looking at it is … 看这个问题的另一个看法是…… I forgot to say / tell you that… 我忘记要讲….. C 就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。 Do you agree? I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。 D 就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 As you said… 像你所说的那样…… But didn’t you say that…?但是,难道你没说过……吗?、 If I understood you correctly, you said that… 要是我理解正确的话,你说过……. E 如何礼貌地反对对方某一观点 I’m not sure really.我不确定 Do you think so?你这样认为吗 Well, it depends. 哦那可不一定 I’m not so certain. 我不太确定 Well, I’m not so sure about that. 我不太清楚 I’m inclined to disagree with that. 我倾向于不赞成这一观点


英语辩论常用语 Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... Ways to open a debate ?To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state… ?We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. … ?In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose…. ? A number of key issues arise which merit (deserve) closer examination. ?We will elaborate one of the most striking features of this problem, namely… ?In the first place we would like to make clear that…. The main argument focuses on…. 1.Giving Reasons and offering explanations: ?To start with…, ?The reason why..., ?That's why..., ?For this reason..., ?That's the reason why..., ?Many people think...., ?Considering..., ?Allowing for the fact that..., ?When you consider that..., ? 2.Asking for an opinion from the other party ?I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。 ?Are you of the same opinion as me? 你与我的看法一致吗? ?I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问 题怎么看。 ?well…what do you think (about ?Do you agree? (don't you agree?)你同意吗?(你是不是同意?) ?What's your view on the matter?就这件事你的看法呢? how do you see it?你 怎么看它? ?let‘s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见! ?do you t hink that…?你认为…吗 3.Stating an opinion陈述观点 ?I think..., In my opinion..., I believe… ?I'd like to point out that我想指出的是… ?Speaking for myself站在自己的立场上说… ?In my experience…根据我的经验… ?I'd like to say this:…我会这样说… ?I suppose..., ? I'd rather..., I'd prefer...,


BP 赛制辩论赛的评判标准有哪些? 2013 年 06 月 06 日 BP 辩论赛评判标准 英语辩论比赛规则要求裁判首先就全场比赛队伍的排名进行排序,然后再对每一 名选手按照个人评分的标准打个人表现分。我们首先介绍如何决定各个队伍排名,再介绍 如何为选手个人打分。 四队的排名 决定四队排名的根本因素在于四队的论点的说服力(persuasiveness)如何,而为 了检验其论点的说服力,裁判需要做到: 1)不代入任何预设地,中立地裁判比赛——即不能因为个人主观支持一方观点而忽略另一 方观点 2)运用基本的常识检验辩论逻辑与内容——比如辩手用反常识的论点(如,太阳从西边升 起)裁判可以认定其错误,或者辩手逻辑不成立(如,因为全球粮食紧缺所以政府应当允 许同性恋婚姻)裁判也可以因此不接受具体论点 在裁判中立并给予各队公平的话语权之基础上,裁判需要“全面地评判”辩论设计的 各项细节(HolisticJudging)。比赛中每个辩论队的表现体现在诸多其对比赛的“贡献” (contribution)之上,比如其立论(argument)的质量,驳论(Rebuttal)的质 量, 正反方二队的拓展论点 (extension) 的质量, 正反方四辩总结陈词 (WhipSpeech) 的质量,质询(POI)及其回答的质量,每队论点的逻辑体系是否完整,各个论点之间的 逻辑关系如何,等等不一而足。裁判需要在考虑各项因素以后,综合判断哪一个队对辩论 的贡献(即对辩论的推动)最大,按照各队的贡献评价各队的排名。 此外,辩手的台风(Manner)也是辩论的重要因素,但是台风本身并不能成为辩论 质量高的理由。比之于比赛的具体内容(Matter),台风的重要意义在于——内容体现观 点本身,而台风体现辩手用什么样的方式表达具体内容——二者都是辩手是否有“说服力” 有机构成。但是对于“说服力”的大小,裁判应当将内容与台风同意考虑。没有内容的辩 论即使语言流畅,也不一定更有说服力;反之一个用轻松欢快的舞台感表达沉重严肃内容 的辩手,很可能由于其内容与表现方式的冲突丧失很大部分的说服力。因此台风是一个需 要具体情况具体分析的因素。
选手的个人得分: 在裁判评判出四队各自的排名以后,裁判需为每位选手打分,评判他们在辩论赛中的 表现。 请注意,按照英式议会制辩论规则——每轮比赛中,各队两位辩手个人得分之和从高 到低的顺序,应与队伍排名一致——即第一名的队伍个人总分应该最高,第二名第二高, 第三名第三高,第四名最低。不能有排名低的队伍总分高的情况出现。 个人得分按内容(Matter)与台风(Manner)各占 50%比例打分。总分 75 分 是选手一般来说的平均得分,具体标准见下表。


实用的辩论赛技巧及常用语 导读:本文是关于实用的辩论赛技巧及常用语,希望能帮助到您! 实用的辩论赛技巧及常用语 【论赛应该注意的9大事项】 1、辩手必须熟悉辩论的规则, 2、自我展示方面力求创新,展现队伍的整体性 3、环节的发掘。比如说对于剩余时间的安排。 4、辩位安排:一辩求稳、语言有震撼力。对整场辩论赛观点的把握能力强。二、三辩要求现场应变能力、语言的及时组织能力以及对观点的把握能力强;四辩是为整场辩论赛画上一个圆满句号的人。要求有思想、有高度、有热情,能够在情感上带动评委、观众。一是听,听对方的破绽,在总结陈词中要大说特说,二是补,对我方的失误做必要的补充,三是临场要察颜观色,四是要有精彩的结尾语来打动评委 5、脱稿,只有脱稿时的语言才有感染力,顺势而上、随感而发。(附:辩论赛准备的纸条一般用法:记录现场的东西;〈2〉纪录较长的引用案例;〈3〉纪录引用数据)备充分 6、注意场上的整体配合:(辩论赛的输赢不是仅看个人表现的好坏。它也是对辩手默契的考验。) 7、辩论技巧 1)、注意肢体语言的运用:辩论赛的辩题本来就没有一个绝对的谁对谁错。看的是谁的语言更有说服力。恰当而又丰富的肢体语言更能增加你的说服力。

2)、自由辩论阶段经典常用语的使用:自由辩论阶段是整场辩论赛的高潮。每个辩手的语言简短精练而又具有很强的针对性。但给观众和评委的思考时间也相对减少了,例如:对方辩友显然已经跑题了。对方辩友为什么故意逃避我方问题呢?是不是已经同意我方观点了呢?等经典常用语要时常用上。 3)、避免队内在场上的提示,因为这是一个否定性的提示,一提示就表示你否定他 4)、注意抓重点抓内容:辩论赛毕竟不是表演,它看的还是你的语言是否有说服力而不是看你的声势有多大。 5)、避免硬伤(1、形式硬伤,包括超时、自由辩论时连续发言等;2、观点硬伤,千万避免绝对化。3.注意礼貌问题:辩论不是吵架,一定要注意情绪的控制,注意自己的风度问题。不要进行人身攻击。4、注意规则问题(尤其新手)。) 8、内容要破题立论。确立突出自己的优势空间。拥有自己的套路,紧围辩题。 9、攻辩应对的技巧 1)、求新。新要新在观点上不能是逻辑上的新,因为求新既要给观众眼前一亮的感觉又要让观众容易接受,逻辑上的新不容易让人在短时间上接受 2)、对于对手抛出的问题,可以相互的推,没必要用一个绝对的答案回答 3)、任何观点对双方都是有用的,看你如何运用 4)、抓对方的漏洞要抓准!不能主观的去猜测对方 5)、举例子有学问。要举哪些例子,怎样举才有攻击性


BP赛制 BP制是British Parliamentary(英国议会制)的简称,是仿照英国议会开会议事模式而设计的一系列辩论赛规则的总称,是全世界范围内使用最广泛的辩论规则,世界大学生辩论赛WUDC(The World Universities Debating Championships)及中国辩论公开赛China Open 均使用此规则。BP制中每个辩手都有7分钟来表达自己的见解。 发言顺序如下: 正方开篇陈述第一辩手“首相”或”正方领袖 反方开篇陈述第一辩手“反方领袖” 正方开篇陈述第二辩手“副首相”或”正方第二领袖” 反方开篇陈述第二辩手“反方第二领袖” 正方总结陈词第三辩手(即正方二队一辩)“正方成员” 反方总结陈词第三辩手(即反方二队一辩)“反方成员” 正方总结陈词第四辩手(即正方二队二辩)“正方党鞭” 反方总结陈词第四辩手(即反方二队二辩)“反方党鞭” 正方上院第一位发言者1st Proposition Team, 1st speaker 首相"Prime Minister" or "First Government Member" 反方上院第一位发言者1st Opposition Team, 1st speaker 反对党领袖"Leader of the Opposition" or "First Opposition Member" 正方上院第二位发言者1st Proposition Team, 2nd speaker 副首相"Deputy Prime Minister" or "Second Government Member" 反方上院第二位发言者1st Opposition Team, 2nd speaker 反对党副领袖"Deputy Leader of the Opposition" or "Second Opposition Member" 正方下院第一位发言者2nd Proposition Team, 1st speaker 政府阁员"Member for the Government" or "Third Government Member" 反方下院第一位发言者2nd Opposition Team, 1st speaker 反对党阁员"Member for the Opposition" or "Third Opposition Member" BP辩论最有趣之处在于8个人分为四组。执政党与反对党要对现行政策进行演讲式辩论,辩论过程中其对立面两个小组可以进行提问,经演讲者同意方可提问,辩论者可以选择不接受此次提问,但在自己表述的7分钟中需至少回答一个问题。而另外两组则需要在支持己方的前提下提出新的论点,并加以阐明。两方党边需要对辩论进行总结,并突出己方观点。总的来说,此种赛制还是一种很有趣味的赛制。 this house would THW


第一部辩论赛常用句子 1、辩论赛常用万能语句 辩论赛上有很多常用的一些,可以用在双方争论的时候使用。 1. 请对方辩友不要给我们今天的辩题加上一个定语,今天的辩题是……而不是…… 2. 对方辩友请不要将概念混淆。 3. 按照对方辩友的逻辑。 4. 世界如此奇妙,您却如此烦躁,不好……不好…… 5. 面对这样的真知灼见,对方辩友至今未能幡然醒悟,正好比雨过天晴却仍静坐茅庐听雨,不愿接受真理的光芒。 6. 对方辩友不要回避问题,您所说的……与我们所讨论的题目离了不止万里 7. 对方辩友以偏概全,用……例子来论证……实在是一叶障目,盲人摸象,没有意识到还有…… 8. 我对对方边摇头所提出的观点表示无法接受……这样荒谬的逻辑我们能接受吗 9. 为什么对方辩友一直不敢正面回答我们的问题,闪闪烁烁是在犹豫么还是你们的乱点根本无法面对如此之多的现实 10. 总是拿着A情况下的B结果来跟我们C情况下的B结果来衔接,对方辩友不是牛头不对马嘴吗 11. 我们从刚才就一再强调,今天我们讨论的A情况下会如何,而对方辩友总是举B情况下的例子,是不是“纸糊的月亮当太阳,偷天换日呢” 12. 再华丽的语言也掩饰不了错误的言论,再动情的解释也遮蔽不了真理的光辉 13. 对方辩友不要再逃避问题了,回到眼前的问题中 14. 对方辩友搞错了……恰恰是反映了…… 15. 既然对方辩友不喜欢谈……那我们谈谈…… 16. 对方辩友一直回避这样的问题,请对方辩友正面回答

17. 对方讲的是……这一点我们并非反对,可问题是…… 18. 对方辩友既然说……就是……那么我就请问……你们怎么解释呢 19. 暂且不说……本身……再退一步…… 20. 请对方辩友不要跳出讨论的论题之外 21. 世界上不是缺少实践,只是缺少发现实践的眼睛 22. 对方辩友一直是“坐飞机扔炸弹——空对空”讲来讲去,我方问了那么多遍,他们也没有给我们举出一个例子来。 23. 对方辩友回答我方问题,向来不是“小巷里面抬竹竿——直来直去”,而是拐弯抹角 24. 对方辩友总是人太懒,大学的全面要靠理论来抗,相爱总是太简单,实践可是太难,不懂理论的家庭可千万不要勉强哦 25. 理论教我一首歌,可是只有实践告诉我,为什么共产党才能拯救中国 2、辩论赛常用万能语句 26. 麻子上台——群众观点 27. 猪八戒戴花——自觉其美 ? 28. 拽着胡子过马路——谦虚 29. 老鼠跳到上——乱弹 30. 正如对方辩友所说的,你们的论点只有在……情况下才能成立,而我们要看好今天我们讨论的是在……情况下的论点,对方辩友是不是有点含糊其辞强词夺理呢 31. 按对方的逻辑是不是海马也是马,蜗牛也是牛呢 32. 请问对方辩友,一个苹果什么味道去想还是去尝啊 33. 非常感谢对方辩友的“抛砖引玉”现在我们陈述我方观点 34. 谢谢对方辩友对我方观点的支持,有你们的支持,相信我方陈述的观点会更容易让人了解 35. 对方辩友为什么故意逃避我方问题呢是不是已经同意我方观点呢36. 对方辩友带着眼睛看问题,当然乌鸦一般黑


2011 Motions(104个motion) May 2011 Debate Motions for Dundee World Schools Debating Championships 2011, Aug Round 1 THW offer dictators immunity in return for leaving power. Round 2 THBT Universal Primary Education is misallocation of resources for the developing world. Round 3 THW legalize the sale of human organs. Round 4 THBT women can only achieve equality under a secular system of government. Motions from 1st China National High School English Debating Championships, July 1.THW require students in all high schools (secular, religious, public, private, etc.) learn the beliefs of people of all major faiths, including those of no faith at all (atheists/agnostics). 2.THW allow citizens to sell their organs. 3.THW make insults (offensive remarks) on people with disabilities a punishable crime. 4.THBT university students should pay the full costs of their education. 5.THW ban advertisements that use gender stereotypes. 6.THB Western Governments should assassinate dictatorial leaders who use violence against their own people to stay in power. 7.THBT all countries should give up the use of nuclear power. 8.THBT animals should not be used as objects of sport and entertainment. 9.THBT environmental protection should come second to economic growth in developing countries. 10. THBT prisoners should have the right to vote in general elections held to form a national parliament. 11. THBT the Arab World should stop selling oil to France until it removes its ban on the wearing of the Islamic Female Head Dress (Burqa) in public. 12. THW require users of online social networks to disclose their real identity. SDC Adademy in Slovenia, July 2011 1.Voting should be obligatory. 2.Youth should have their own political party. 3.We should lower the voting age to 16. 4.Youth should have a special seat in national parliaments. 5.Youth should have a special seat in national parliaments. 6.Representative democracy has failed us. 7.In elections the poor should have two votes. 8.E-elections would increase the participation of youth. 9.Civil disobedience is justified in democracies. 10. The democratic potential of the Internet is overvalued. 11. There would be no Arabic spring without the Internet. 12. A conscious consumer does for democracy more than a voter. 13. Invalidate any election result with a turnout below 70%. 14. Children should be excluded from any religion until adulthood. 15. Offer immediate EU candidates status to North African states on the precondition of democratic transition. 16. Give extra votes to younger people. 17. We support parents who secretly ins tall spyware on their children’s electronic devices. Install condom vending machines in all high schools.
