

Full name/offcial name: The Uinte Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland Composed:4 1. Island of Great Britain---- ①Englan(sourthern, largest) capital-Lodon (largest, most populous) ②Scotland (north) capital-Edinburgh 3natural zones-the Highlands, Central Islands,south Uplands ③Wales(west) Cadiff 2.Island of Ireland--- Northern Ireland :Belfast UK-national flag: Union Jack embelm标志on Welsh flag: red dragon Flower: Rose national anthem: God Save the Queen highest peak: Ben Nevis(苏中西部)

longest river: the Severn River(wales东+Scotland西→Atlantic Ocean

largest lake: Lough Neagh内依湖(Northern Ireland)

lake poets: Southy, Wordworth,Coleridge once lived in Lake District (scafell pike,highest peak in england,part of cumbrain mountains,northern Pennines)

chapter2 The English is a mixture of nationalities of different origins.

Celts克尔特700 BC three main waves- ①Gaels盖尔人:Scottish&Irish race and culture

②Britons布立吞人:Welsh race&culture ③Belgae

Roman 55 BC – AD 410 British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion (introduction of Christianicy) The Roman capital was London

Basis of modern English race: the Anglo-Saxons mid-5th century, three Teutonic tribes: Jutes (from southern Denmark), Saxons, and Angles (both from northern Germany); Angles were to give their name to the English people. English race&language

Viking and Danish invasions北欧海盗和丹麦人的入侵:King Alfred (849-899) . He defeated the Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them in 879.

Normans-The Norman Conquest (1066) In October 1066, during the important battle of Hastings, William defeated Harold and killed him. One Christmas Day, William was crowned king of England, thus beginning the Norman Conquest of England. 。公元1066年10月,在哈斯丁斯附近的激烈交锋中,威廉打败了哈罗德军队,同时哈罗德也在此战争中战死。在圣诞节加冕,成为英国国王,从此开始了诺曼征服。

chapter3 Main Cities

Lodon=Great London 32: 12 Inner London+20 Outer London (包括伦敦33)

建筑:①the Tower of London—built by William I(William the conquer)-landmark,north bank of the River Thames ②Trafalgar Square-in the city of Westminster-named for Lord Nelson’s naval victory1805 in the battle of Trafalgar ③House of Parliament(house of Commons+ house of Lords)left bank of the River Thames ④Westminster Abbey 2functions: coronation加冕、tomb

⑤Hyde Park: northeastern coener: Speakers’ Corner⑥Buckingham palace: Queen Birmingham: second largest of UK Glasgow:largest of Scotland

Chapter4 History 了解*

William I the Conquer(1066-1087)

①Under William, the feudal system in England was completely established.封建制度完全确立

②King owned all the land personally.

③William gave his barons large estates in England in return for a promise of military service and a proportion of the land's produce. 威廉把英国的大片土地分给贵族,换取对方服役和物品。

④These estates were scattered far and wide over the country, so that those who held them could not easily combine to rebel the king.地产分散于各处相距遥远,拥有者就不易联合起来反叛国王。Domesday Book末日审判书(人口产业普查纪录)

King Henry II 1154-1189 The House of Plantagenet安如王朝Legal reforms-the courts+ the law.

King Henry II greatly strengthened the Court 加强了王家法院and extended its judicial work. He divided the whole country into six circuits and appointed justices to each. Cases were therefore heard before the intermittent justices who applied the law impartially. During his reign,a common law was gradually established in place of the previous laws of the local barons. He also introduced a new jury system 陪审体系to replace the old ordeal-based trial system旧的残酷的审判制度. Besides,he shifted the trial of clergymen charged with criminal offenses from the Bishop's court to the King's court. 刑事罪的神职人员由国王法庭审判而非主教法庭

Great Charter 《大宪章》Great Charter was signed by King John in 1215 under the press of the barons. 约翰国王1215年在封建贵族压力下签定(significance) Although The Great Charter has long been popularly regarded as the ①foundation of English liberties, 为英国的自由奠定了基础it was a ②statement of the feudal and legal relationships between the Crown and the barons, ③a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and a ④limitation of the powers of the king.

⑤there should be the same weights and measures throughout the country.统一度量衡

The spirit of the Great Charter was the limitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land. 的精神实质就是把国王的权利限制在英国封建法律允许的范围之内

The beginning of the English Parliament


1265 Simon de Montfort –Grand Council大议会- beginning of the earliest Parliament Grand Council→the House of Lords 上议院and the House of Commons下议院. Its main role was to offer advice,not to make decisions. There were no elections or parties. And the most important part of Parliament was the House of Lords. 作用:咨询非决定,无选举和政党。Edward I 1272-1307 conquered Wales(1277-1284)1295 Model Parliament

The Hundred Years' War with France (1337 - 1453)

Causes:①The territorial causes were related with the possession by the English kings of the large duchy of Aquitaine in France②The economic causes were connected with cloth manufacturing towns in Flanders, which were the importer of English wool, but they were loyal to the French king politically. Besides, England's desire to③stop France from giving aid to Scots and ④a growing sense of nationalism were the other causes.

In the first two stages, the English won some big victories. But in the third stage, they were driven out of Fance. 初期,英国取得辉煌胜利。但是最终被逐出法国

The Black Death黑死病1348-49

Transition to the Modern Age (1455-1485)向近代英国的过渡

The Wars of Rose(1455-1485)

House of Lancaster- read rose VS York-white rose

Henry Tudor, descendant of Duke of Lancaster won victory at Bosworth Fireld in 1485 and put the country under the rule of the Tudors.都铎王朝From these Wars, English feudalism received its death blow. 封建主义受打击The great medieval nobility was much weakened.贵族受削弱

ended-Henry Tudor defeated King RichardIII in 1485. Henry Tudor became King HenryVII Henry Tudor= King HenryVII pragmatic Tudors实在的-careful,ordinary,

Henry VIII and The English Reformation亨利八世和英国的宗教改革

Henry VIII Married Catherine -Six children—only MaryI (Bloody Mary)

Married Anne-Elizabeth I (restored her father's independent Church of England)

Henry’s reforms was to get rid of the English Church’s connection with the Pope, and to make an independent Church of England. 改革目的是摆脱教会与教皇的联系,成立独立的英格兰教会。reform stressed the power of the monarch and certainly strengthened Henry’s position

Elizabeth I Frugality(grandfather)+imperious manner and ability to charm and overwhelm(father) (restored her father's independent Church of England)

The Early Stuarts斯图亚特王朝

James Stuart,King of Scotland,son of Elizabeth’s cousinthe gunpowder plot 火药阴谋

James died 1625,CharlesI came into conflict with Parliament 11years-ran out of money,summoned 1640-county split between supporters of King 保皇党and supporters of Parliament议会君/骑士党

The Civil Wars= Puritan Revolution清教徒革命

Because of the absolute rule of Charles, the confrontation between Charles I and the parliament developed into the civil war. 查尔斯的―君权神授‖统治权,他与议会的对质发展成了内战began on August 22,1642 and ended in 1651. Charles I was condemned to death.

The English Civil War not only overthrew feudal system in England推翻封建制度but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe动摇了欧洲的封建基础. It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history. 现代世界史的开端

Cromwell was leader of the first civil war against charles I. 克伦威尔领导了第一次对抗查理1世内战胜利。After king Charles I’s exection in 1649, Oliver Cromwell and the ―Rump‖(残余国会)declared England a Commonwealth.There was no king, no House of Lords in England. The Commonwealth ended in 1660 when Charles II became king.当查里一世1649年被处决后,克伦威尔和他的残余国会宣布英格兰为共和国。没有国王和上议院。共和国于1660年查里2世登基结束

The Restoration王政复辟-1660

Cromwell died 1658- son, Richard- regime began to collapse

One of Cromwell's generals George Monck, occupied London and arranged for new parliamentary elections. The Parliament thus was elected in 1660 resolved the crisis by asking the late King's son

to return from his exile in France as king Charles II. It was called the Restoration.克伦威尔的一位将军乔治蒙克占领伦敦,安排新的议会选举。1660年选出的议会要求上一任国王的儿子长期流亡地法国回国作国王查尔斯二世,从而解决了危机。这就是所谓的王政复辟

The Glorious Revolution of 1688光荣革命

1685 Charles II died-- brother James II

William of Orange landed in England in 1688. The takeover was relatively smooth, with no bloodshed, nor any execution of the king. This was known as the Glorious Revolution. 奥兰治亲王威谦入侵英国夺取王位。1688年11月15日威廉在托尔比登陆并占领伦敦。这一占领相对平静,既未流血也未处死国王,所以就称为―光荣革命‖。

William&Mary accepted the Bill of Rights人权法案(1689)—the age of constitution monarchy, of a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament, began.

1707 the Act of Uion formally United the Kingdoms of England and Scotland--Queen Anne

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (1688-1990)兴衰

Whigs and Tories- originated with the Glorious Revolution (1688) 辉格党人和托利党人Whigs: opposed absolute monarchy & supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists

Tories : supported monarchy &reluctant to remove kings forerunners of the Conservative Party保守党前身

The Industrial Revolution (1780-1830)

Consequences of the industrial Revolution工业革命的结果

(1)Britain was by 1830 the ―workshop of the world‖;

(2)Towns grew rapidly and became the source of the nation’s wealth.

(3)Mechanization destroyed the livelihood of those who could not invest in it . The working men worked and lived in a appalling conditions.机械化摧毁了人们的生活。工人们在极其恶劣的条件下劳动与生活。

(4)The industrial revolution created the industrial working class, the proletariat, and it later led to trade unionism.工业革命产生了工人阶级,即无产阶级。后来形成了工会制度。

The Chartist Movement (1836-1848) 宪章运动

Chapter5 Social&Culture

Education beyond 5-16/17

Olsdest universities-Oxford & Cambridge

Famous public school in British:Eton College

Parents can choose children to state schools or independent schools

In British, people can go to the open university without any formal educational qualifications.

1、Pre-school {①state primary school—infant-junior-11plus-grammar school or vacational school

②independent schools } 2、secondary education11/13-16、18{state,independent} 3、further education(16-18)sixth forms(第六年级)——A dvanced Level Examination 4、higher education》18-universities、administration of universities 5、financial support & award system 6、degree course & degree 7、open university

高中毕业证书+GCSE+AS Level


5 national newspapers:The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun, Today, News of the World The Observer : weekend、oldest national paper The Times: oldest daily paper

Fleet street-代表英国的报纸媒体

Quality newspapers大报are directed at readers who want full information on a wide range of public matters. They are large-sheet in format. (5 quality dailies: Financial Times,The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian,The independent,The Times)4quality Sundays:the Sunday times, the observer, Sunday telegraph,, the independent on suday

Popular newspapers小报appeal to people who want news of a more entertaining character more concisely简要

Periodicals期刊weekly reviews每周评论-most important: ①The Economist-conservative ②New Statement ③Spectator Monthly magazines—Reader’s Digest–highest circulation

Radio BBC-British Broadcasting Corporation 1922

News Agency: Reuters-most famous; The Press Association ; Agency France Press

Olympic motto: faster, higher stronger

Sports—national game: cricket

The largest and most important is the British Museum最大和最重要的是英国博物馆

Chapter 6 Religion

3大宗教:Christianity 30AD Jesus Christ 《Holy Bible》Buddhism 6th century BC by Siddhattha Gotama Islam Muslim《koran》7th century by Mohammed in Mecca Established Church 法定教会,两大国教:the church of england the church of scotland

the church of england Henry VIII-- foundedAnglican Church国教/ Established churches

The Political System


constitutional monarchy is a system of government under which the power of a King or Queen are limited by the constitution.

Reigns but does not rule统而不治?How to understand?

Sources of constitution: ①statute成文法

The Magna Carta of 1215大宪章-King John The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679人身保护权法案The Bill of Rights of 1689

The Act of settlement of 1701继承法

The statute of Westminster of 1931

The Parliament Bills of 1911,1949

②Common Law *名词解释* is the body of rules based on community customs and previous court decisions.


Government and Administration

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy君主立宪, the head of state is a king or a queen. The System of parliamentary government is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determines common law and interprets statutes. 议会制度由成文法,习惯法和惯例组成。司法部门裁定习惯法或解释成文法。

Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制*名词解释*★

The British monarchy is known as constitutional monarchy. It means the monarchy’s power are limited by law and Parliament. The monarchy actually has no ral power. Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in 1688.英国的君主体制是以君主立宪闻名的。君主政体实际已无实权。它的权力受限于法律和议会。君主立宪制是从1688年的光荣革命后开始。

Parliament 议会★ crown+ House of Lords+ House of Commons

Function:①legislation: make abolish,change any law,detory, turn into law to pass laws②to provide, by voting for taxation, the means of carrying on the work of government投票批准税为政府工作提供资金③scrutinizing监督检查: to examine government Policy and administrations④debaing the major political issues of the day

The House of Lords 上院:Lords Spiritual + the Lords Temporal

议长:lord chancellor 官方席位woolsack

The Lords Spiritual are the Archbishops of Canterbury and Yord and 24 senior bishops of the Church of England.The Lords Temporal consist of 1) all hereditary peers and peeresses of England,Scotland,Great Britain and the United Kingdom(but not peers of Ireland);2)life peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties;3)all other life peers.The main function of the House of Lords is to bring the wide experience of its members into the process of law-making.上院由神职人员和世俗议员组成。神职包括坎特伯雷和约克大主教及24名高级主教。世俗议员包括1)所有英,苏,大不列颠及联合王国的世袭贵族,女贵族(但不包括爱尔兰);2)协助议院司法工作的终身贵族;3)其他终身贵族。上院的主要作用就是集中议员集体经验智慧制定法律。

The House of Commons 下院

The House of Commons is elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of 651 Members of Parliament (MPs). law-making resides.下院议员由成人普选产生,共有651名议员。最高立法权掌握在下院手中。

A General Election must be held every five years大选每5年一次,选举条件》182;选区全体选民的每年选民登记册上登记注册者;有资格参选者。候选人必须交纳500英镑保证金。
