unit1 art

unit1 art

Unit1 Art练习题


1.It was __________________(典型的)of him to go to school on foot.

2.But it was _________________(明显的) that ideas were changing in the 13th


3.You can’t legally take _________________(拥有)of the building until three

weeks after the contract is signed.

4.The dog remained _______________(忠实的) to its master.

5.He made an _________________(企图)to escape from being punished.

6.He thought what the child painted was _________________(荒谬的).

7.No one believed her ________________(预言) that the typhoon would arrive on

December 26.

8.We may often talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is ________________(抽


9.Modern education should ______________(采用) advanced teaching techniques.

10.Teamwork is required in order to achieve these ____________(目标).


1.________________________(很明显)he was not telling the truth.

2.On the one hand this job isn’t well paid, but ______________________(另一方

面)I don’t have to work too long hours.

3.Our parents __________________(对…….有信心) us.

4.__________________(巧合地),I met the person whom I had been looking for.

5.Those buildings are now ______________________(被…….拥有) our university.

综合英语课文重点讲解(Unit 4)

Unit 4 An unusual job 课文重点讲解: 1) It’s all in a day’s work when you’re a stuntwoman. all in a/the day’s work: (colloquial) not unusual; as expected 家常便饭,不足为奇 e.g. (1) Coping with the paparazzi at any time is all in a day’s work for the celebrity.对于明星来说,随时应对狗仔队已经成为家常便饭。 (2) When the machine broke down, Mary said it was all in a day’s work. 2)it’s a profession that badly lacks female participation lack 的用法:可以做动词(及物和不及物),也可以做名词 e.g. a lack (n.)of money; the lack (n.)of time You will not lack (vi)in support from me.你将得到我的帮助。 The plant died because it lacked (vt.) moisture. 这株植物因为缺乏水分而死。 3) A stuntperson is a man or woman who does all the hair-raisingly dangerous bits of acting work in films or on TV. "hair-raisingly": n. + adv.的复合词形式 ,意思是: 令人毛骨悚然的 e.g. heart-breakingly bad news bone-bitingly cold wind ear-deafeningly loud noise bits: small pieces 少许,少量 4) This can be anything from a relatively simple fall into a swimming pool, to tripping off the top of a skyscraper building. 本句中最主要的结构是:from …to…需要用平行结构,from 后面用的是名词a fall, 那么to 后面也要用名词,动名词或者名词词组, 这里tripped off是动名词词组. trip off: jump from 从…跳离 5) It sounds like a crazy profession that only the crazy would attempt, but it’s actually a job that many people think about -few people actually go through with it. the crazy: 定冠词+形容词表示一类人. e.g. the weak the ordinary the young the rich think about: consider doing 考虑 e.g. I would like to think about your suggestion before I give a definite reply. go through with: to complete or pursue (sth. which has been agreed or planned) to the end (often with difficulties)完成, 把...进行到底


Unit 1 Art Teaching plan I. 单元教学目标: 1. Talk about art and galleries 2. Talk about likes and preferences 3. Learn words in families 4. Use the subjunctive mood 5.Write a short passage about art II. 目标语言 1.功能句式Talk about likes and preference: I’d prefer…/ I’d rather…/ I’d like…/ which would you prefer…./ I really prefer…/ would you rather…/ would you like…or… 2. 词汇abstract, sculpture, gallery, consequently, belief, consequent, convince, shadow, ridiculous, controversial, nowadays, attempt, predict, aggressive , scholar… 3. 语法: the subjunctive mood If I were you…./ I wish I could… 4. 重点句子1.)There are so many different styles of western art it would be impossible to describe all of them in a short text. 2.)People became focused more on human and less on religion. 3.)If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. 4.)At the time they were created, the impressionists’painting were controversial but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we now call “modern art”. 5.)It is amazing that so many great works of art from late-19th century to 21st century could be contained in the same museum. III. 教材分析本单元以ART 为主题,主要介绍了西方绘画历史,描写了曼哈顿最好的艺术长廊。帮助学生了解更多的有关美术的背景知识,分析中西艺术史上各大流派的特点,指出其代表性的画家和作品,并对中西方的绘画艺术进行比较。 1.Warming up 部分要求学生运用相关目标语言对自己喜欢的艺术形式和流派展开讨论,并说明喜欢的原因。 2.Pre-reading 让学生有关画展或书中的艺术作品以及西方不同时期的著名画家。3.Reading 介绍了西方绘画历史,不同的艺术流派,艺术特点及其代表性画家和作品。4.Using language 是由reading, listening, discussing and writing 四部分组成,要求学生在了解艺术长廊相关知识的基础上,为当地举办的一场画展提出合理化的建议。 IV.课型设计与课时安排 1st period learn the new words and expressions 2nd period reading 3rd period language points 4th period using language 5th period listening and talking 6th period grammar 7th period speaking and writing 8th period revision and consolidation 分课时教案

2021届高考英语复习基础知识(人教版)26 Book 6 Unit 1 Art单元知识点

Book 6 Unit 1 Art单元知识点精练 Part I 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 1. There are hundreds of visitors waiting in front of the art g_______ to have a look at Van Gogh’s paintings. 2. The old man collects modern ______(雕塑). 3. We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is _______(抽象的). Part II I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 1. She went to London with the a_______ of finding a job. 2. I have great _______ (信任) in you —I know you’ll do well. 3. The man’s _______ (技术) has improved a lot over the past season. 4. We’ll try our best to help the children get out of the _______ (阴影) caused by the earthquake. II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. All the teams have _______ (adopt) different approaches to the problem. 2. She _______ (attempt) to go on with her work in the house. But she could not. 3. The surgeon _______ (predict) that the patient would be walking again in a week. 4. After her father died, she came into _______ (possess) of one million dollars. III. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. ________ (巧合地), I met the person we’d been discussing the next day. 2. We learned _______ (大量) from them.


如何学习综合英语(二) 综合英语二在自学考试英语专业中是一门具有相当难度的课程,不少考生都是在考了两到三次后才勉强通过,能以较高分数通过的同学为数不多。出现这种情况大致有两个原因:一是综合英语二课本的难度比综合英语一有较大幅度的增加。无论从课文长度、句子难度、生词量以及练习题的数量来说都是综合英语一无法比及的。二是综合英语二试卷的更倾向于考察考生的英语知识运用能力而非记忆能力,因此不少不讲方法,死记硬背综合英语二课本的同学面对试题往往会有一种不知所措的感 觉。 其实,综合英语二并不是高不可攀的崇山峻岭,对于有综合英语一基础的同学,如果能够在日常学习中掌握正确的方法,清楚课本以及考查的重点,在4-5个月内攻下这门课还是很有把握的。 那么怎样能够在尽量短的时间内

同过综合英语二的考试呢?我下面就这个问题从日常学习和试前准备两个方面 来谈谈这个问题: 一、日常学习: 1、在初读一篇课文的时候,不要花过大的精力背诵课后单词表。学过一段时间英语的同学都知道,孤立地记忆单词结果只能是“狗熊掰棒子”,记一个忘一个。况且,综合英语二每课的生词量很大,动辄六、七十,很难在有限的时间内记熟,所以同学们在看课后单词表的时候应该边听磁带,边大声朗读,大约3遍,课后单词只要在头脑中有个 大概印象即可。 2、默读课文两到三遍,速度可以稍微快些,以了解课文的内容为主,遇到陌生的短语和生词尽量不要翻看课后的单词短语表,要学会从上下文的联系猜测他们的含义。猜测的能力对于学习外语的同学来说致关重要,因为在将来使用英语的过程中,我们难免会遇到看不懂或听不懂的情况,在没有老师可以

请教,没有资料可以参考的情况下,只能根据当时的情景运用猜测的方法解决问题。另外,经过动脑筋猜测这一过程,再去记忆课文后单词短语,往往印象更 深,花的时间更少。 3、根据对课文的理解,对课文进行分段,总结段义,画出课文的结构图。段义尽量用课文中的句子表达,对于对话较多无法直接引用原句的文章,可以试着用简单的英语来总结。这样做一方面是因为综合英语二考试的最后一道大题是要求考生根据课文内容以短文的形式回答问题。许多考生在综合英语二考试中落马的一个重要原因就是这道题失分过多。如果大家能够坚持给每篇课文画一画结构图,在复习的时候对照着结构图来回忆课文的内容,相信短文题会 拿到不错的分数。 4、结合注释,精读课文。了解了文章的大意之后,就可以从对文章进行细致地研读了,一方面要吃透句形结构、词语的搭配、固定短语在句子中的用法,


《Unit 1 Art》 一、单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇) 1. The word “honesty” is an a____________ noun. 2. Which do you like better, his paintings or s______________? 3. There are many art g_____________ in New York. 4. They are put on an e______________ of French paintings next week. 5. An a________________ country is always ready to start a war 6. His a_______ is to be a successful writer. 7. You’ll soon be c____________ that she is right , though you think not now. 8. The prisoners a___________ to escape, but failed. 9. The keys are in the p________________ of the boss. 10. She was the f__________ of everyone’s attention at the party. 11. In the picture the tree is the s______________ of live while the snake stands for evil. 12. He has lost his b____________ in the God. 13. The expert p________ that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future. 14. He made a r__________ drawing of a horse. (他画了一匹栩栩如生的马) 15. I’m afraid I have never been much of a ________________(学者). 16. You look r_______________ (可笑的)in those tight jeans. 17. The professor made a ______________ speech. ( 可能引起争议的) 18. Was Johnson _________ (同时代的)with Shakespeare ? 19. Would you please let me know your p_______________ address( 固定地址 ) ? 二、短语翻译 1.抽象地,理论上从……中提取…… 2.也,同,和;同……一样 3. 瞄准意欲,企图做某事 带有……的目的

选修6各单元词汇专项练习Unit 1 Art

选修6各单元词汇专项练习Unit 1 Art 一. 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇) 1. The word “honesty” is an a____________ noun. 2. Which do you like better, his paintings or s______________? 3. There are many art g_____________ in New York. 4. They are put on an e______________ of French paintings next week. 5. An a________________ country is always ready to start a war 6. His a_______ is to be a successful writer. 7. You’ll soon be c____________ that she is right , though you think not now. 8. The prisoners a___________ to escape, but failed. 9. The keys are in the p________________ of the boss. 10. She was the f__________ of everyone’s attention at the party. 11. In the picture the tree is the s__________ of life while the snake stands for evil. 12. He has lost his b____________ in the God. 13. The expert p____that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future. 14. He made a r__________ drawing of a horse. (他画了一匹栩栩如生的马) 15. I’m afraid I have never been much of a ________________(学者). 16. You look r_______________ (可笑的)in those tight jeans. 17. The professor made a ______________ speech. ( 可能引起争议的) 18. Was Johnson _________ (同时代的)with Shakespeare ? 19. Would you please let me know your p_______________ address( 固定地址) ? 二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- focus on feel like look through in the flesh break away from scores of lead to a great deal in possession of consequently convince of full of on the other hand bunch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.When she wore the dress, Jane ___________ a princess. 2.They are _____________ urgent problems at present. 3.The thief managed to _____________________the policeman. 4.Your explanation has _______ me _____ a clear understanding. 5.I was _________________ a magazine in the bedroom when she called me. 6.You can’t be __________________????__ the house until all the papers have been signed. 7.I got up late and ___________ I was late for my plane for Beijing. 8.I have __________ CDs at home. Would you like to come and enjoy some. 9.The film star looks thinner ________________ than in the photograph. 10.We should value it , because it has cost us ____________. 11. He hurried home, ________ fear. 12.We couldn’t _____________ him _____ his mistake. 13.On one hand I valued his friendship, but ________________________ I disliked his self-pride and selfishness. 三. 句子翻译。 1.“福斯特先生从未去过中国, 所以对中国了解得很少。” Mr. Foster has never been to China.______________, he knows very little about it. 2.他劝我应该学法律。 He ________________me that I should study law.

译林版英语四年级下册 Unit1 知识点梳理

Unit1 Our school subjects 单词 school 学校 subject 课程 Welcome back to …欢迎回到…… see 看见,看到 timetable 课程表,时间表 Chinese 语文(课) Maths 数学(课) Art 美术(课) PE 体育(课) Music 音乐(课) Science 科学(课) fun 乐趣,快乐 goto 去……. playground 操场 lesson 课 Monday 星期一 afternoon 下午 重点内容 词汇分类 课程: Chinese语文(课) Maths数学(课) Art美术(课) PE体育(课) Music音乐(课) Science/科学(课) 地点: school 学校 playground 操场 时间: Monday 星期一 afternoon下午 其他: see 看见,看到 fun 乐趣,快乐 subject 课程 lesson 课

timetable 课程表;时间表 句型 表达欢迎回到某地的句型: Welcome back to school. Welcome back home. 询问对方喜欢什么课程的句型及其答语: What subjects do you like? I/We like Chinese. I/We like Maths. 短语 go to 去… welcome back to…欢迎回到… our new timetable 我们的新课程表 惯用表达式 ① nice to see you.见到你很高兴。 ② What about you?你(们)呢? 知识点精析 1.表达欢迎回到某地的句型——Welcome back (to)… 【课文应用】Welcome back to school, class. 欢迎回到学校,同学们。 【句型结构】 Welcome back (to)+地点( school, home,here...) 【重点解析】 welcome在这里是感叹词,表示“欢迎” to后接表示地点的名词,如果“地点”是副词,to要省略。 【生活实例】看看 Lingling是怎样迎接从国外参加比赛回来的同学们的: Langling: Welcome back to China!欢迎回到中国! 2.如何表达见到某人很高兴 【课文应用】 Nice to see you, Miss Li. 见到你很高兴,李老师。 Nice to see you too. 见到你们也很高兴。 “Nice to see you”意为“见到你(们)很高兴”,它的答语可以为“ Nice to see you too. 例如:一 Nice to see you here,Miss Zhao. 在这里见到你很高兴,赵老师。 一Nice to see you too. 见到你也很高兴。 3.如何询问对方喜欢什么课程 【课文应用】 What subjects do you like, Wang Bing? 你喜欢什么课程,王兵? I like Chinese and Maths. 我喜欢语文和数学。 【句型结构】问句: What subjects do you like? 答语: I/ We like+课程名称( Chinese, English, Maths,Music…) 【重点解析】问句用于询问对方喜欢什么课程。what subjects意为“什么课程”。例:-What subjects do you like,Mary?你喜欢什么课程,玛丽? -I like English. 我喜欢英语。


适用学科 高中英语 适用区域 人教新课标版
课时时长(分钟) 2 课时
1 单词学习及辨析
知识点 2 虚拟语气
3 开放作文练习
1. 掌握本单元重点词汇的基本含义与用法; 2. 锻炼提升写作能力。
1. 重点的词汇与句型; 2. 书面表达的书写思路。
教学难点 如何准确地运用重要词汇和句型进行表达
教学建议:导入有很多种方法,一般控制在十分钟左右为宜,可以采用各种形式,比如: 1、直接导入法。 2、复习以往知识:可以从已学、已知的入手,与今天的教学进行对比。 3、课前小测:可以针对学生学校里近期讲授的内容进行出题(以简单题和中档题为主,以 10 分钟左右为宜)进行测验,也可以针对基础知识进行复习提问,检查学生学校所学内容 的掌握程度,进而展开教学。 4、以近年来发生的重大事件为题导入。既考查了学生从社会生活中获取信息的能力,又激 发了学生的学习兴趣,让学生马上进入学习状态等。

知识点 1 重点单词
1) faith n.信任;信心;信念 have faith in 对……有信心;信仰…… lose faith in 对……失去信心 be faithful to 忠实于某人 She has placed a great deal of faith in him. 她对他极其信任。 People have lost faith in the British Parliament. 人们已经对英国议会失去了信任。 夯实基础 (1)The older Tibetans have said they_______________________________ (对……有信心) the young generation. (2)Mary _______________________________(对……忠诚)her husband. 【答案】:1have faith in 2 is faithful to 2) consequently adv.因此;所以 (in consequence=as a consequence=as a result 因此;所以 in consequence of=as a consequence of=as a result of 由于 As a consequence,I decide to exchange it for something that I really need at present. 因此,我决定用它来换取目前真正需要的东西。 As a consequence,the number of polar bears is becoming smaller and smaller. 结果北极熊的数量变得越来越少。 夯实基础


A New English Course (Level 7) Unit One Text I English and American Concepts of Space I. About the Author --- Edward Twitchell Hall (1914 ---), U.S. anthropologist, author, and teacher, received his Ph.D. degree in anthropology from Columbia University. He has taught at various institutions, such as Harvard Business School, the Illinois Institute of Technology, and Northwestern University. His works include: The Silent Language (1959), a study of nonverbal communication, and The Hidden Dimension (1966), a study of “social and personal space and man’s perception of it.” The present text, a selection from The Hidden Dimension, gives a contrast between English and American concepts of personal space. About the author: Down the drain Edward T.Hall’s The Hidden Dimension, perhaps the scariest book (even scarier than 1984) I ever read. Scary, because it isn’t fiction, but a rather elaborate essay on anthropology and proxemic behavior. If Hall’s right, things as disregard for other cultures, mindless urban development and demographic growth have generated a behavioral sink in which stress, crime, intolerance and physical and psychic disease grow everyday, and to make things worse, our governments take measures that only accelerate the process. We are all going down the drain. Put Ed Hall’s Insights to Work in Your World Ed Hall is one of the preeminent cultural anthropologists of all times. His works, studies, and insights into the rich modern anthropology reflect a life long passion he developed as a teenager in the 1930’s Southwest U.S. assigned to work on white-managed WPA crews alongside Navajo workers whose cultural bearings and world views were vastly different than his own people’s views. Hidden Dimensions examines the cultural contexts of space, how people define their personal and community spaces as part of their cultural norms. How far apart or close do people of a similar culture feel comfortable standing or sitting next to one another and in what circumstances? When do you feel someone is “in your space”? This personal comfort zone differs culture to culture. Yours may be different than mine. Hall develops these “proxemics”(proximity) in this book by observing and visiting with peoples from around the globe, and shares the wisdom gained with you so that you might expand your own world views and spatial orientations when mixing with foreign cultures to your own. Well worth the sheckles to add this great work to your life’s library. Collect all of Hall’s works.


PEP小学英语四年级(下册)Unit1 My school知识点归纳 班级___________ 姓名___________ 一、单词: 1.(on the)first floor (在)第一楼 second floor第二楼 third floor 第三楼playground 操场 garden花园 teacher’s office教师办公室 library 图书馆 art room美术教室 computer room计算机房 music room 音乐教室 gym 体育馆 next to 紧邻;在、、、近旁homework 作业class 班;班级forty 四十way方向 二.句子: 1.--Where is the teachers’ office? 教师办公室在哪里? --It’s on the first∕ second floor. 它在一楼∕二楼。 2.--How many students are there in your class? 你班里有多少个学生? --Forty-five. 45个。 ☆3. --Is this ∕that a teacher’s office? 这∕那是教师办公室吗? --Yes, it is. ∕No, it isn’t. 是的,它是。∕不,它不是。 --Do you have a library? 你们(学校)有图书馆吗? --Yes, we do. ∕No,we don’t. 是的,我们有∕不,我们没有。 三.发音归类er在词尾[?] water tiger sister computer dinner 单元练习 一、找出下列不同类单词,填序号。 ()1. A.one B.two C.first ()2. A.on B.next to C.is ()3. A.garden B.football C.playground ()4. A.art room B.school C.teachers’ office ()5. A.music room B.garden https://www.360docs.net/doc/c07148658.html,puter room ()6. A.homework B.teacher C.student 二、单项选择题。 ()1. Do you have art room ? A. a B. an C. the ()2. –Is this the teachers’ office ? –No, .A. it isn’t B. it not C. it is ()3. Where’s the gym? A. Thank you. B. Excuse me. C. Good idea. ()4. Please be quiet in the . A. library B. gym C. room ()5. Here my homework. A. are B. / C. is ()6. How many are there in your class?


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section A 1. can+动词原形,它不随主语和数而变化能/会做某事 (1)含有can的肯定句:主语+can+谓语动词的原形+其他 (2)变一般疑问句时,把can提前:Can+主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+can。否定回答:No,主语+can't. Can you...?用来询问对方能否做某事,你能/会……吗? (3)含有can的否定句:主语+can't+动词的原形+其他 (4)含有can的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其他? 2.guitar为一种乐器,注意play与表示乐器的名词连用时,名词前要加定冠词the。 3.join 参加(某个组织成为其成员),一般常和介词in连用。 join+某个组织,俱乐部,party,参军,党派等加入 join sb. 参加到某人中,和某人共同做事 join sb.in sth 加入到某人的活动中 join in (doing)sth 加入做......,参加某个活动 join in=take part in +活动,比赛 4.说某种语言:speak+语言 (1)say指用语言表达思想,着重说话的内容或强调说话这一动作,不表示说话的性质。 (2)speak强调说话的动作、声音,而不强调内容。在正式场合表示发言、演讲,说某种语言用speak。 (3)talk表示两个人或多个人在一起讲话、谈论(多指随意谈论)。 (4)tell告诉,讲述,吩咐,讲故事或讲笑话多用tell 5.play+球、棋、牌;play+the+乐器 play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球play the +西洋乐器弹/拉……乐器 下棋play chess,而不用play the chess play the violin 拉小提琴play the piano 弹钢琴play the drums 敲鼓 6. painted 派生词:painter n .画家painting n .画 paint指用颜料等绘画;draw指用钢笔、铅笔等画 7. be good (1)be good at (doing) sth 擅长… 精通… =do well in doing sth. (2)be good with sb/sth 善于应付/相处…的,对…有办法,与……相处得好;与……合得来=get on well with (3)be good for sb/sth 对…有益处 (4)be good to 对… 好 8.tell stories 讲故事 (1)tell sb sth=tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事(2)tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 9.show (1)v 表演,演出,出示……给某人看,有时与介词搭配使用 show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth. 给某人看某物 (2)n 展览,展出on show 在展出 school show 学校公演 fashion show 时装表演a flower show花展game show智力竞赛节目 chat show(电视台)现场采访节目 Section B 1.help sb. (to ) do sth帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth.在……方面帮助某人 2. need (1) 实义动词 need to do sth 需要做某事


Unit 1 Fresh Start (1)distinct a. clearly seen, heard, felt, understood, etc.; noticeable e.g. Now that the boss was no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude. The children have distinct memories of their grandfather in his last days. Comparison: distinct & distinctive distinctive: It means having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize. e.g. There is a distinct smell of beer in this room. distinct: Something that is distinct can clearly be seen, heard, smelled, etc. e.g. Beer has a very distinctive smell; it’s quite distinct from the smell of wine. (2)clutch vt. hold or grasp vi. try to grasp or seize e.g. The frightened woman clutched her bags to her breast. He clutched at the rope we had thrown to him but could not reach it. Synonyms: seize, grasp e.g. She seized my arm as she fell. grasp the essence / main points (3)glimpse n. 1. a quick look at sb. or sth. e.g. I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor. 2. a short experience of sth. that helps you begin to understand it e.g. Her worried face gave me a glimpse of her true feelings. 她的忧伤表情使我感受到她内心的真实感情。 (4)reserve n. a quality in sb.’s character that make them not like expressing their emotions or talking about their problems e.g. Being a man of reserve, Mr. Y ork was never popular with his colleagues. Judy has tried every means to break through the reserve of her stepson. Derivation:
