


附件1: 最高投标限价相关取费费率 一、企业管理费和利润 企业管理费和利润以分部分项工程、单项措施和专业暂估价的人工费为基数,乘以相应费率(见表1)。其中,专业暂估价中的人工费按专业暂估价的20%计算。 表1 各专业工程企业管理费和利润费率表 注:市政管网工程(给水、燃气管道工程)费率为37%。 二、措施项目中的总价措施费 (一)安全防护、文明施工费

房屋建筑与装饰、设备安装、市政、城市轨道交通、民防工程,按照原上海市城乡建设和交通委员会《关于印发〈上海市建设工程安全防护、文明施工措施费用管理暂行规定〉的通知》(沪建交[2006]445号)相关规定施行。市政管网工程参照排水管道工程;房屋修缮工程参照民用建筑(居住建筑多层);园林绿化工程参照民防工程(15000m2以上);仿古建筑工程参照民用建筑(居住建筑多层)。 (二)其他措施项目费 其他措施项目费以分部分项工程费为基数,乘以相应费率(见表2)。主要包括:夜间施工,非夜间施工照明,二次搬运,冬雨季施工,地上、地下设施、建筑物的临时保护设施(施工场地内)和已完工程及设备保护等内容。 表2 各专业工程其他措施项目费费率表

注:市政管网工程(给水、燃气管道工程)费率为3.5%。 三、规费 (一)社会保险费 社会保险费以分部分项工程、单项措施和专业暂估价的人工费为基数,乘以相应费率(见表3)。其中,专业暂估价中的人工费按专业暂估价的20%计算;社会保险费费率中管理人员部分为5.55%,其余为生产工人部分。 表3 社会保险费费率表

注:市政管网工程(给水、燃气管道工程)费率为31.03%。 (二)住房公积金 住房公积金以分部分项工程、单项措施和专业暂估价的人工费为基数,乘以相应费率(见表4)。其中,专业暂估价中的人工费按专业暂估价的20%计算。 表4 住房公积金费率表


《计算机系统基础》Homework HW1:数据的表示 实验目的:熟悉数值数据在计算机内部的表示方式,掌握相关的处理语句。 实验报告要求: 1.说明你做实验的过程(重要步骤用屏幕截图表示)。 2.提交源程序。 3.分析或回答问题。 完成下列实验,提交实验报告: 1.下述两个结构所占存储空间多大?结构中各分量所在位置相对于结构起始位置的偏移 量是什么?要求编写程序以验证你的答案。若使用#pragma pack(2)语句,则结果又如何? struct test1 { char x2[3]; short x3[2]; int x1; long long x4; }; struct test2 { char x2[3]; short x3[2]; int x1; long long x4; }__attribute__((aligned(8))); 2.“-2 < 2”和“-2 < 2u”的结果一样吗?为什么? 3.运行下图中的程序代码,并对程序输出结果进行分析。

4.运行下列代码,并对输出结果进行分析。 #include void main() { union NUM { int a; char b[4]; } num; num.a = 0x12345678; printf("0x%X\n", num.b[2]); } 5.请说明下列赋值语句执行后,各个变量对应的机器数和真值各是多少?编写一段程序代 码并进行编译,观察默认情况下,编译器是否报warning。如果有warning信息的话,分析为何会出现这种warning信息。 int a = 2147483648; int b = -2147483648; int c = 2147483649; unsigned short d = 65539; short e = -32790; 6.完成书上第二章习题中第40题,提交代码,并在程序中以十六进制形式打印变量u的 机器数。 7.编译运行以下程序,并至少重复运行3次。 void main() { double x=23.001, y=24.001, z=1.0; for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { if ((y-x)==z) printf("equal\n"); else printf("not equal\n"); x += z; y += z; printf("%d, %f , %f\n”, i, x, y); } } 要求: (1)给出每次运行的结果截图。 (2)每次运行过程中,是否每一次循环中的判等结果都一致?为什么? (3)每次运行过程中,每一次循环输出的i、x和y的结果分别是什么?为什么?


市政工程取费费率 一、市政工程施工技术措施费 市政工程施工技术措施费按市政工程计价规范和市政工程消耗量定额规定执行。二、 四、


二、工程类别划分说明 (一)土石方工程 附属于一个单位工程内挖或填方量不超过5000m2的土石方工程,按土石方工程类别执行;单独编制工程量清单计价的或一个单位工程内挖方或填方分别超过5000m2的土石方T程执行专业土石方工程。 (二)道路工程 道路工程按道路交通功能分类:

1.高速干道:城市道路设有中央分隔带,具有四条以上车道,全部或部分采用立体交叉与控制出入,供车辆高速行驶的道路。 2.主干道:在城市道路网中起骨架作用的道路。 3.次干道:在城市道路网中的区域性干路,与主干路相连接,构成完整的城市干路系统。 4.支路:在城市道路网中的干路以外联系次干路或供区域内部使用的道路。 5.街道:在城市范围全部或大部分地段两侧建有各式建筑物,设有人行道和各种市政公用设施的道路。 6.居民(厂)区道路:以住宅(厂房)建筑为主体的区域内道路。 (三)桥涵工程 1.单独桥涵工程按桥涵分类,附属于道路工程的桥涵,按道路工程分类。 2.单独立交桥工程按立交桥层数进行分类;与高架路相连的立交桥,执行立交桥类别。 (四)隧道工程 隧道工程按隧道类型及隧道截面宽度进行分类。 隧道截面宽度指隧道内截面的净宽度。 (五)河道防洪及护岸工程 河道防洪及护岸工程按单独排洪工程、单独护岸、护坡及土堤工程分类。 1.单独防洪工程包括明渠、暗渠及截洪沟。 2.单独护岸护坡包括抛石、石笼、砌护底、护脚、台阶以及附属于本类别的土方附属工程等。 (六)给排水工程 给排水工程按管径大小分类。 1.顶管工程包括挤压顶进。 2.在一个给水或排水工程中有两种及其以上不同管径时,按最大管径取定类别。 3.给、排水管道包括附属于本类别的挖土和管道附属构筑物及设备安装。 (七)燃气、供热工程 燃气工程按管径大小分类。 供热工程按供热管径大小分类。 1.一个燃气或供热管道工程中,有两种及其以上不同管外径管道时,按最大管外径取定类别。 2.燃气、供热管道包括管道挖土和管道附属构筑物。 (八)其他有关说明 1.某专业工程有多种情况的,符合其中一种情况,即为该类工程。 2.除另有说明者外,多个专业工程一同发包时,按专业工程类别最高者作为该工程的类别。 3.在同一单位工程中,有两种以上不同外径的管道时,其工程类别应按工作量最大的管道外径取定。 4.道路或桥涵工程附属的人行道、挡土墙、护坡、围墙等工程按道路或桥涵工程分类。 5.单独附属工程按相应主体工程的三类取费标准计取。 6.与其他专业工程一同发包的路灯或交通设施工程要单独划分工程类别。 7.交通设施工程包括交通标志、标线、信号灯、交通监控工程等,一律按二类取费标准计取。

经济学相关 Homework 2

Homework 2 Due Date: Oct-12/13-2017 I. Multiple Choice Questions 1. An increase in price will lead to a lower quantity demanded because: A) suppliers will supply only the smaller amount. B) some individuals will no longer purchase the good. C) individuals purchase less of the good. D) a and b. E) b and c. 2. If E were the old equilibrium in the market for wheat in the figure below, and E' the new one, which of the following could have caused the change? A) Consumer income rose, causing a supply shift. B) Bad weather caused a supply shift. C) Consumer income rose, causing a demand shift. D) Supply and demand both shifted.

E) None of the above are plausible descriptions. 3. A change in which of the following will not alter the demand curve for rental housing? A) The price of houses. B) Rental prices. C) Incomes of consumers. D) Energy prices. E) Growth in the community. 4. The demand curve for a normal good will shift to the right if: A) income increases. B) population increases. C) the price of a substitute good increases. D) all the above. E) none of the above. 5. The demand curve for a normal good will shift to the left if: A) income increases. B) population increases C) the price of a substitute good decreases. D) all the above. E) none of the above. 6. A drought would probably: A) cause wheat suppliers to move up their supply curves to a higher price. B) induce greater demand for wheat, yielding a higher price. C) cause people to reduce their demand for wheat. D) induce an upward and leftward shift in wheat's supply curve. E) lower the prices of substitutes for wheat.


《公共管理学》homework(1) 一、名词解释 1.公共管理: 公共管理是指公公组织为解决公共问题,追求公共利益,运用公共权力,通过制定公共政策、有效地实行与监督等,提供公共物品和公共服务,维护公共秩序,对公共事务进行管理的社会活动。 2.公共选择理论公共选择理论是一门介于经济学和政治学之间的新兴交叉学科,它是运用经济学的分析方法来研究政治决策机制如何运作的理论。 3. 公共管理协调指协商、调整公共组织系统与其外部环境之间和系统内部的各种关系,使之权责清晰,分工合作,相互配合,有效地实现公共管理目标和提高整体效能的行为。 4. 公共管理监督是指依法对政府和公共事业组织等公共组织及其工作人员的监察和督导活动。 二、单项选择 1.1926年在美国出版两本权威的行政学教科书《行政学研究导论》《公共行政学原理》的两位学者分别是( B ) 25 A.泰勒和法约尔 B.怀特和威洛比 C.威尔逊和古德诺 D.马克斯?韦伯和赫伯特?西蒙 2.公共选择理论理论对政府的本质和行为的基本假设是( B)

A.社会人 B.经济人 C.自动人 D.复杂人 3.大萧条以后,为资本主义的稳定和发展起到了积极的作用的经济理论是( A ) A.凯恩斯的政府干预理论 B.新自由主义取消政府干预理论 C.亚当?斯密的“小政府”理论 D.古典经济学派的限制政府干预理论 4. 最早建立了比较规范的文官制度的国家是( A ) A.英国 B.法国 C.德国 D.美国 5. 18世纪英国著名经济学家________,在他著名的经济学著作《国富论》中对政府财政的管理范围和职能进行了限定。( C ) A.威廉?配第 B.马歇尔

unit 2 homework

unit 2 Relationship homework 1.第四周作业 Watch U2V1: What keeps people healthy and happy? 2.第五周作业 Each member of a group takes a task from Origin tracker, Practice describer, Reason explorer and Commentator. Prepare for your role task according to the following table. Project 2 Discussion Circle: Filial Love / Filial Piety Mandatory Preview 1) Read the passage about filial piety on p19-20 2) Search online for the relevant information about “filial love/piety” in Chinese and the western civilizations. For reference: A.Xiao Jing or Classic of Xiào 《孝经》 B.The Analects of Confucius 《论语》 C.Di Zi Gui (Standards for Being a Good Student and Child)《弟子规》 D.24 Stories of filial piety in ancient China (二十四孝故事) and the video clip on the “new filial piety” E.“Filial”-related scriptures in Bible Role Task Requirements Origin tracker Cultural tracking of the concept of filial love/filial piety in China and in the western world 文化寻根:中西方“孝”理念之溯源(建议:按照时间顺序进行“孝”理念发展的历史梳理。) Practice describer Description of the differences and common points between China and the west in the understanding and practice of filial love/piety and the ways of getting along with parents 中西对比:对“孝”的理解,践行以及与父母相处之道的异和同。(建议:切忌杂乱堆砌,提炼出清晰的比较点,如:亲密度,顺服度,依赖度等) Reason explorer Analysis of the reasons behind the differences of understanding and practice in filial love /pity 中西孝道观念差异背后的深层原因挖掘。(建议:地缘环境,政治结构,经济体制,文化传统,代际价值观等) Commentator Comments on the“24 stories of filial piety" in ancient China and the statement on what is due to our parents in the modern society 古训今评: 建议:1.传统24孝故事中哪些是愚孝应被批判摒弃(具体错在哪里),哪些值得今人借鉴并得以弘扬传承(具体好在哪里),切忌详述故事内容2.对现代社会个人如何对父母尽孝有何启发


Exercises Part one 1. What is acoustic phonetics? [人大2003研] 【答案】Acoustic phonetics is a technical area of linguistics. It is the study of sound waves made by the human vocal organs for communication. 2. Auditory phonetics studies how sounds are perceived by the speaker.[清华2001研] 【答案】F Part two: 一、术语解释 IPA [南开大学2004研] 【答案】IPA: the abbreviation of International Phonetic Alphabet, which is devised by the International Phonetic Association in 1888. IPA is a set of symbols which can be used to represent the phones and phonemes of natural languages. 二、简答题 What are the three parts of the vocal organs (3 points)? [清华2001研] 【答案】The pharynx, the mouth and the nose are the three parts of the vocal organs. 三、论述题

Homework 2光华管理学院概率统计作业

Problem Set2 1.Each time a shopper purchases a tube of toothpaste,he choose either brand A or brand that he will choose B.Suppose that for each purchase after the?rst,the probability is1 3 that the same brand that he chose on his preceding purchase and the probability is2 3 he will switch brands.If he is equally likely to choose either brand A or brand B on his?rst purchase,what is the probability that both his?rst and second purchases will be brand A and both his third and fourth purchases will be brand B? 2.In the World Series of baseball,two teams A and B play a sequence of games against each other,and the?rst team that wins a total of four games becomes the winner of the World series.If the probability that team A will win any particular game against team B is1/3,what is the probability that team A will win the World series? 3.Suppose that A1,A2,...,A k are a sequence of k independent events.Let B1,B2,...,B k be another sequence of k events such that for each value of j(j=1,2,...,k),either .Prove that B1,B2,...,B k are also independent events.Hint: B j=A j or B j=A C j . Use an induction argument based on the number of events B j for which B j=A C j 4.Suppose that when a machine is adjusted properly,50percent of the items produced by it are of high quality and the other50percent are of medium quality.Suppose, however,that the machine is improperly adjusted during10percent of the time and that,under these conditions25percent of the items produced by it are of high quality and75percent are of medium quality.

第6周homework 答案

第6周homework 1答案 Have you ever felt lumps under the skin on the sides of your neck when you were sick? Those might be lymph nodes. 1.They can get swollen and painful but their job is to fight infection. Lymph nodes are part of the body's defenses known as the lymphatic system. 2.This complex system throughout the body makes and transports a protective fluid called lymph. 3.Lymph is made of white blood cells, proteins and fats. In a patient with breast cancer, the cancer can spread to the large number of lymph nodes under the arm. 4. Doctors have traditionally removed many of these lymph nodes in the hope of removing all the cancer. But the latest research finds nothing to gain by removing so many lymph nodes. Doctors have two choices when breast cancer starts to spread. They can do what is called a sentinel node biopsy. They remove the main growth and one or 2 lymph nodes nearest to it. 5.Or they can take more aggressive action and remove a lot of lymph notes. 6. But that can lead to shoulder pain and permanent swelling o f the arm. 第6周homework 2答案 Now the Earth Policy Institute in Washington has issued a bleak warning of the risk of environmental and economic 1. chaos. Its founder Lester Brown says a push towards sustainability could help. In fact, he says, it's essential. In this week's Global Business, Peter Day hears why. Lester Brown started life as a farmer in New Jersey, the Garden State in the USA. He got some hefty degrees, worked at home and abroad for the US Department of Agriculture, and then in 1974, he founded the World Watch Institute. It became well-known for its 2. annual state of the world reports on the global environment. Years ago when I had one of our 3. periodic chats at the World Watch Institute in Washington D.C., I remember a room decked with satellite maps of the world's watershed areas. Water is still an 4.abiding theme for Lester Brown in his newer role as founder and head of the Earth Policy Institute. It's another Washington D.C. think tank designed to provide a road map for building a 5.sustainable economy. But even after so many years on the environmental beach, there's a new urgency in what Lester Brown is saying in the book World on the Edge. As an agriculturist by training, he 6.focuses on food and the new threat of food scarcity caused by natural disasters,such as the Russian drought last summer, and 7.consequential flooding elsewhere, and increasing demand for many developing countries as well as the rich world. Lester Brown thinks 8.the world has to mobilize to embrace sustainability in the way

新概念2册练习册 Lesson 61 Homework 教师版

●用方框中的介词填空。 1.We are now flying above the clouds. 2.The birds flew over the fields to the south. 3.The children are playing ball games under the big tree. 4.The Staves live on the first floor, just below us. 5.A lieutenant is beneath a captain in rank. ●连接下列句子,以By the tim e…开头。 Example:The Hubble’s eagle eye will send us thousands of pictures. You will read this. By the time you will read this, the Hubble’s eagle eye will have send us thousands of pictures. 1.I will leave for New York. You will read this note. By the time you read this note, I will have left for New York. 2.The children will grow up. You will see them again. By the time you see them again, the children will have grown up. 3.The robbers escaped. The police arrived. By the time the police arrived, The robbers have escaped. 4.All the other runners will go home. He will finish the race. By the time he finishes the race, all the other runners will have gone home. 5.The concert finished. She got to the theatre. By the time she got to the theatre, the concert had finished. ●用下列方框中适当的词填空。 Peter usually played outside for an hour after school, 1.but last week he rushed home 2.after/as soon as he had finished his test. 3.when he unlocked the door, he felt there was something strange. 4.So he stepped quietly 5.and looked inside. 6.the moment he caught sight of a stranger, he realized that it must be a robber. 7.So he retreated 8.and locked the door again. 9.Then he called the police. 10.Soon the police car arrived 11.and they took the robber away. ●用括号中的词翻译。 1. 等到你看到我的信时,我就已经写完作业了(将来完成时) By the time you see my letter, I will have finished my homework. 2. 他一进来,教室的气氛就变了(atmosphere) The moment he came in, the atmosphere in the classroom changed.

人教版Book2 Unit3 Homework 练习

Book2 Unit3 Homework 1 一、单词填空(根据中文意思或用所给单词的适当形式填空)。 1. The teacher seemed angry when nobody could ____________(解答) the problem. 2. The program on TV shows that a robot _______________(探测) the Mars. 3. If you are lost in a forest,it is wise of you to ______________(发出信号) for help at a higher place. 4. They are always very generous with their money,but in __________ (现实),they are just paupers. 5. _________________ (电子的) computers are now in common use all over the world. 6. The computer can ________________(calculation) much faster than human beings 7. ________________(person) speaking,my good learning style plays an important part in my success. 8. Human beings are very __________________(intelligence). 9.Some application forms(表格) should be___________________(simple) to improve the efficiency(效率) of the service of the government. 10. It is______________(universal) believed that_____________(happy) comes from what you do rather than what you buy. 二、七选五。 Tips for cooking on a Tight Schedule (紧张的日程) From my experience,there are three main reasons why people don’t cook more often: ability,money and time,___1__ Money is a topic I’ll save for another day. So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen. Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule: Think ahead.

人教版必修四Unit 4Homework 及答案-精选文档

Unit 4Homework 1 一、单词拼写: 1.The policeman can _________ (保护,保卫)himself against knife and attacks. 2.The government made a______________(陈述,说明)asking the public to protect the animals. 3.The ______________(功能) of the machine is to help farmers do the farming work. 4.Are these sentences true or ______________(错误的)? 5. You’ve ____________________(误解) what I said. 6.It is said that the two sides haven’t reached an ______________. ( agree) 7. To tell you the truth, I can’t understand her ____________ expression. (face) 8.___________ is part of a child’s nature. (curious) 9. New Year’s Day is____________ . (approach) 10. To tell the ________, I don’t agree with you. (truly) 二、短文改错 After finished school, I began to look for a job. Now several months has passed, I haven’t found the job I was interesting in. Last Sunday morning, I received a phone call from a man calling Mr. Wang. He said on the phone, “I hear you do well on your studies. I may offer you a job.”I entered into his office with a beating heart. How I wished I will go through the job-hunting talk and he would take on me as a lab assistant. But to my surprise, what he said made me to feel disappointed. That he needed was only a model. Unit4 Homework 2

homework2 翻译 笔译

E—C: From this motive目的, I began to think seriously of matrimony婚姻生活, and chose my wife as she did her wedding gown结婚礼服, not for a fine glossy surfaces but such qualities as would wear well. To do her justice, she was a good-natured notable著名的woman; and as for breeding教养, there were few country ladies who could show more. She could read any English book without much spelling, but for pickling腌制,酸洗, preserving保存, and cookery烹调, none could excel胜过her. She prided 以....自豪herself also upon being an excellent contriver 发明者in house- keeping; tho' I could never find that we grew richer with all her contrivances. However, we loved each other tenderly温柔的, and our fondness increased as we grew old. There was in fact nothing that could make us angry with the world or each other. We had an elegant幽雅的house, situated in a fine country, and a good neighbourhood. The year was spent in moral or rural amusements; in visiting our rich neighbours, and relieving such as were poor. We had no revolutions to fear, nor fatigues劳累to undergo; all our adventures were by the fire-side, and all our migrations from the blue bed to the brown. As we lived near the road, we often had the traveller or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry 鹅莓wine, for which we had great reputation; and I profess声称with the veracity 诚实of an historian, that I never knew one of them find fault with it. Our cousins too, even to the fortieth


《计算机系统基础》Homework HW2:排序程序的编辑、编译和调试 实验目的:熟悉开发环境、掌握开发和调试的基本过程以及工具。 实验要求:对实验步骤中给出的源程序进行编辑、编译、链接,调试。 实验报告: 1. 说明你做实验的过程(重要步骤用屏幕截图表示)。 2. 提交出源程序。 3. 提交可执行目标文件。 4. 分析或回答下列问题。 (1)分析同一个源程序在不同机器上生成的可执行目标代码是否相同。 提示:从多个方面(如ISA、OS 和编译器)来分析。 (2)你能在可执行目标文件中找出函数printf ()对应的机器代码段吗?能的话,请标示出来。(3)为什么源程序文件的内容和可执行目标文件的内容完全不同? 报告提交截止日期:5月24 日 实验步骤: 1、以下程序实现了排序和求和算法,程序源码如下图所示。请根据提供的图片输入源程序文件,并保存为相应的.c 和.h 文件。 bubblesort.h: bubblesort.c:

add.h: add.c: printresult.h: printresult.c:

main.c: 2、将源程序文件进行预处理、编译、汇编和链接,以生成可执行文件。 (1) 使用gcc 直接生成可执行文件 gcc -o main main.c bubblesort.c add.c printresult.c

(2) 首先生成可重定位目标文件(.o 文件),再链接成可执行文件。 首先,使用gcc –c ……命令将所有.c 文件编译成.o 文件(可以用-o 选项命名输出的可重定位目标文件),然后再用ld 命令进行链接,以生成可执行目标文件。 (用ld命令链接时要包含很多系统库,可以用gcc –v main.c来查看系统链接需要哪些库,把collect2 换成ld,生成的/tmp/ccBCU0rh.o 即为mian.c 编译出来的main.o 文件,删掉该句替换成以下命令:-o main main.o bubblesort.o add.o printresult.o -e main) ld -o main main.o bubblesort.o add.o printresult.o -e main --sysroot=/ --build-id --eh-frame-hdr -m elf_i386 --hash-style=gnu --as-needed -dynamic-linker /lib/ld-linux.so.2 -z relro /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../i386-linux-gnu/crt1.o /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../i386-linux-gnu/crti.o /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8/crtbegin.o -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8 -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../i386-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../../lib -L/lib/i386-linux-gnu -L/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8/../../.. -lgcc --as-needed -lgcc_s --no-as-needed -lc -lgcc --as-needed -lgcc_s --no-as-needed /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8/crtend.o /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../i386-linux-gnu/crtn.o 上述过程如下图所示: 3、使用OBJDUMP命令进行反汇编(请自行查阅OBJDUMP命令的使用方法) 例如,可使用“objdump –S”命令进行反汇编 objdump –S main.o:将main.o进行反汇编 4、使用GDB命令进行各种调试(GDB命令参见教材附录C,也可自行查阅网上相关文档) 调试之前首先用“gcc –g”命令生成调试信息,否则调试失败。 gcc -g -o main main.c bubblesort.c add.c printresult.c gdb main 要求用各种GDB命令对程序进行调试(例如用info registers 查看寄存器内容)。 5、选做(加分题) 实现readelf –h main.o的功能
